Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 30, 1825, Image 4
VOTHUBD 8W S\VAIM’S PANACEA. I ^HIS medium ■■ offerr d u i remedy fur . Scrufule, King’e Evil, Ulcerated Sort- Throat, long its ding Rheumatic Affec tion* Cutaneoua Diaeaaea, White Swelling and Diseases of the Bines, and all cas< generally of an ulceroua eharacter, and Chronio diaeseei, ariaing in debilitated conaii Sheriff s Sales. On the first Tuesday in August next. tiT**’*' **• “ od »t tiie Uuuit Home h the J** c “»®fV v,n "* h » bet *e«» the houra Of 10 and 4 uclock- tutmnai but mote especially for Syphilis, o The unetpired Icaae of in, and to all that ffjctioni ariaing Ihtreiron, Ulcers of the p" 0 ® °f * r ? u „ ®“ •» the I Larynx, Nodes, Sc , and that draadrul die (ear of the City Hotel, Darby Ward, contain. I eaae occasioned by a long aid eineasive use ing sixteen feet on Bay lane, and extending I of Mercury, he he.—It haa aiao been found back twenty aix feet to the Kitchen, with buiL I useful in Diaeaaea of the Liver, dmga and improvements, levied on to satisfy I In ail disorders arising ftom an Impure or an execution in favor of Tbompaon la Bonny (contaminated state of the Bind, it will be against Bieazar Early. fnund a powerful and an effectual remedy Aleo, all that lot of land in the city of 8|. (The discovery of this medicine has been the tannab, known by the no. 6, Liberty Ward, | effect of long and attentive study, and it ia fronting on Broughton atreei, levied on as now made public from the most decided con. the property of Jno. Crane, to aatiaiy an cxe-1 viction, founded on ample experience, of its Hon in favor of John Retan. | power in eradicating those diseases .after every AIM 6 negroes, Juily, Delia and child, Jo-1 ether medicine hat failed. V * Da* Hager and Dianna, levied on to satisfy an It cannot, however, be supposed, that tbit execution in favor of Geo. W. Coe, againtt I Panacsa will invariably cure—the most es- John M Nith, Alexander Hunter, and Alfred teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty, . ..... . . . . . , . I *'•' often fail in the very diaeaaea for which ,™° * ® e g ro girlnamea Chnttiana levied | they are considered apecificii but if the use of on to eatisfy an execution in favor of Sami, it be peraevered in, it will radically remove i|. Bond, Adm t. of Thomas Lucent, dec’d. I moat every caute|of the disorders specified. J®»'» b Tippen, Executor ufDavra|Thoiisar,da are lingering under those com- <*• Communioetlen, post paid, end ordekVom any pan of the world, will reoeive iron list- aitenunni (CT Printed direetiont accompany tfc Me dicine. „ . . WM.8WAI No IS, South Ninth Street, opposi the D iversity nf Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, February, 1825. Baldwin, dec’d, J.'.q A. D’LYO-’D. a. c c. Si plaints, in tome ftirm, sinking to the grave, without a remedy, whom tbit medicine would certainly restore to perfect health and vigour. Ita safety and innocence have been fully tea 1 - Administrator?* Saif* I ’ tbatjt may be administered to the ten- AUIUIUISU dlUl 3 odle. dereat infant. The most dielinguishcd pltysi- \l¥ LL be aotd at Craekersville Plantation, I c j* n ? in ,he United States recommend it, and w* on the Satills River, Camden County, on I *hat a more importaut discovery io me. the Aret Tuesday in August next, between the I dlc * 1 ,cienC8 hss not been made i and to use hour* of 10 and 3 o’clock, a part of (be per | ,be “"gunge of on.- of the most eminent I’i o» sonal property of Randolph M’Gillie, deceu-1 ' e " nrs of tlie *ge, i« a ttiumph in tU healing cd, conautingof 36 hid of cattle, 3 horse*, 1 | nrt. To the present and rising genera ums, plf *hd harnea* 1 Jersey waggon,aome house-1 “* e bene '' t mut 1 prove incalculable, nm only Bold and kitcheu furniture, 1 gold watcu.some I , ‘ v,n B many mauy valuable lives, b ,< -m hooka, plantation tools, Ac, Ac- I Wing strength and soundness • dibiHlued Alao, on the next Tuetdav following at hit I *" ! com ‘P , ‘<l eonatitutiona,—rieteiy present- late reiidonce near St. Marya, the remaining I \ngihtir effepring from hereditary dneaiet part of the personal property ef the said Ran I rl, ese faeu, toge r with the numerous eui dolph M'Gillis, deeeaaed, consisting of house I ''“‘1*1 ro1 ™ irrce.ihleproof if the h ;-h value hold and kitchen furniture i and a amall Li I * hrary. To be sold for the benefit of the heir* I end creditors of aaid estate. The subscribers hive just received ‘ “ ‘ ‘ Vt supply of the obove ’ resh 'ALUABLE jfcDl- •ppiy CINE, and have made such arrMgesonta with thu inventor,Mr. Wm. Sw&im, J will enable them to oiler to the public a; pirn and unadulterated article. Druggists aid others who purchasn to sell again, can liny- it at the original priceeatablislied by tip proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists Shad's Buildings. A Treatise ou Sw&iin's Panacea, wit cases illustrating ita success, will be loane to those interested, by spplying as.above. June 28 St- Marya, June 18 h, 1825 June 23 *8 I >*i this remedy. No m:-, however, ia -d aed I o take it, without first fully convincing hm- | ’*« ®f the truth of what is here slated, and HANNAH M’GILLIS, Administratrix, I th * J«ctitu:le of the Pi • p.-ietnr’a intentions. G M’DOVA.D, Administrator. I The cure* performed in thia city alone, es I tabiiah ita superior Virtue on a basis too amid I to be affected by the malignity of the envious. I*, ia worthy of remark, tin,t the greater part I if the patients who have been permanently | iu ed. had, pteviouito the i>r»uvi»u„-»s un- Mas « »is&sjsj ss rzzzz, I n ro many of he c ties that an exh.b lion was I made of than *•> the UnivatUy of Pcumy v m tiona, cash: 1 1 ff Ssrgsr . h jo-e a cotod June 29th, 182J. EL1Z <BETH CARTER, .Idm'e J'tif 2 83f o Sheriff’s Sale. edautliencof 'hide no. who pronounced ihem vtondero m the healing art. U < aa been ir.trt- _ucej into the f n ladelphil Aims House a, d Pinna, Ivama and New-York Hoapttul, an. such were its surprising effects—its ,uccts utter utl other medicines had fried, tha; tb, burgeon of the Pennsyiv«nia,Hupital, Dr.Win r ice, was induced to abandon his highly r .sp .ctable i ffic , from the laudable de .igu St. Harys, 5th Hay, June 2 1825. 59 |N the first Saturday after the fir>t Tuea. „ dayra Auguit next, will be sod at the ■ : . . ,.c, K , Market.House in the town of St Harys, be-1 henefilting h s f : |l.i # creatures, bv cart , tween the houra of teo and four o’clock of I '" K , tl>e i ’ ani “ ;e * *° England i where it has al that day, n negro man named John Smith, J“' J y »npetas<ied the use of the genuim levied on la the property of June* William-1 l ' rtach H'lb ot Lifacteur io a number of in. »t.n, toaati fy an execution on the fortcinaur,-1 fcU J l ® e *>diseases for which that ia intende I, of a mortgage,in favor of Edward F. Tattnall, “ nd lt *, Vl^lue, * re Publicly acknowledge by kdoiimat 1 ator of John Hamilton, deceased, I aome of the moat eminent stir,-eons tlmrc. H. H. HFiDBARD, <S C. C. | !'■ *H complicated cases nf Scofuhi and So *' «'<•“- ’•’* pfulit, and wh-re the Syphilitic Vuu* of ,ife P-* r * !l . t . ®*u«M a devclopement of Scrotuia m the child, this ia tiie only remedy upon which aaiii,[ p. hn.-.e „f recovery ean ha rauaiud.', rounded; there has been no instance of its failure, where prope ly used It impan. vi gour to the wh ile ayatem .vhd:.- ih cure ia going on—an operation to long looked for in vamby the medical -world-, at ,m .,„, ne i me the ,,atieiit is enabled to take nourishing fond, i which under the common 'nudes of practice, is usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma- ny untaticea where the horrible ravages of ul ceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human neaus but amputation could have saved life : in cases eat, erne even si here described, have pa tients been snatched from the gi are and re- stored to good healta and the dev;,u. nr dis- rate completely eradicated The dtecovery of a remedy like thi- now offe-ed for tale, hat iV* t ” t *d eratym f l 0,n iimtiiiMKtnoiiql, The Proprietor dots not uppoee Ida bare a-iertion will convince: he will therefore give bheiitf’s >aie. O r the first -ta’urday after the first Tuetda > August n xt,will be told at the Hirke House in the town of St, Hary’a between the uaual houra of ten and four 'clock a tract o. land situate and lying in the county of Cam- den. on Btownlow’s Creek containing eigh teen hundred am fifty acres more or leas, le eied on as the property of Harman Courtei dec tu sitiafy an execution in favor of Jamec viicent. St Marya, June 25, 1825. M. H HK8BARD, a e c. June ”0 82 POLUmPHiS, TIIE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain F.tut India Cure for the Rheu matism, King's Evil, Sfc. Extract of a fetter from the Rev. James E loh, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- ledwe Londm. Dnn "in i A GltEEAHI Y to y ur request, I have with dirn ultv pr'icured and -iow sent you by the ship .taS 'n, Copt Robinson, a few pound of *lie Pnlad -Inh'a, or what generally goes hy the name . f f di. Extract, a Medicine un. iveraally esteemed urn-ng the people nflndiae *• a certain cure tor the Rheumiti im. Was I to inform you of the number of people wh are daily relieved and cured by this valusble H d cine, it wou d require more paper than Ian «Me to purchase and more time than 1 am ab'e to bestow. Indeed, the < fleet oft' i- Redici'ic is It imm d ate, that in Rheumatim vuu would suppose it aeled ra a cha m ngiv- log relief and rem ,vi„, r h t painful disease- 11 the King 9 * Evil it h'i 1 * fvvn used with j?rea' succesi. mid whe •Mercury ims b en given or used to eic h’f Mo! -he has proved a perfeet cure. T'k g r eal ciifK :ulty ( however, u procuring the Extract, wii) for many yetr? to come, prevent ita general circulation, it be- !,, t? obtained from a Shrub growing on tlv mountains of Thibet, in the B rman Empire of India, and held fo sscred by tli? nt*iv?B th»t to p«rt with it it like parting wi'U t?ieii existence.” LeMer tv Or Bedweil, dated J-in. 7, 1833 Dear Doctor—I have been v olent'v affect*, vitli t B > ur.atic compUin f : »r myrv yei s ever mv fingers were so contracted t)i»t . con'd neiihe* dress or urdr^st myself, or the least wsisttnee to rn f» nil>—I have used mdy one ox of thelrd a Extract, g'»d I am perfectly restored. You: N truly, B, RaLS'ON, Philadelphia Treasury T>epar\ment, 7 Mahch, 14, 1825 5 tX^HEREA8 on the 3d of March, 18;J ■ ; J *u W . p , M,8 . d th « Congress of the Un ted States, of which the 3d, 4ib, and 5tb sections are in the words following, via : V ® e . c * ?• be it further enacted, Tint s *r j n 1 ^ 1011,0 * r,,0Ul ^ twelve millons of dollars, of the six p^r cent, stock of the VALUABLE MEDICINE. YOTTWA Vegetable Catholicon. jpHK aubacriht r rca.i otfully solicits the at tl, tendon of every friend of suffering hu nisnity, to to the above new end invaluable healthy exerciae of their functions, hu exci ted the astnnishment, and completely silen- ’"““•‘Atobe. With my thank, •bhged humble servant, {Vc 1 * ni Ii* City of Phi’adelphia, „°*' OI ‘ t ’ e SAfig Gejrge Kme, uf the Duti-iM ,. wark, personally appeared, and k SlH A •worn, doth declare and aay thank 1 * stntt'ment lain ail reapects correi-i J'j'S and that the signature to it i. i. big writing of this deponent. ^>4 Philadelphia, May*28, ?82-L S ’ AIJeni| ll TO SOUTHERN PLANTlm ,The Vegetable Oatholicon i. W "7 U '-1 tne juuitnisnmeni, ana completely silen' I ."r,. '» b »oucon n w v r thereafter, eed the objections nftbe mos, 'Oenduluui — I lh ®« diaeuea which ar.M,'?! ntioned de- Facto art the hotI urgumento. In order to pui i"??*? th ' colu ur.;d population of lay of aub the virtues of toe Umliohcon to aa severe a 1 * dl * s *s® which ia died ” u| k' tiie United States, and »t the several loan offi eea, on the Aral day of April neat, to continue open until the firit day of Ocmber there, lor such parts of the above mentioned srplniin n ®^* lo , cb •• shall, on the day of . u ,c vinue. oi me i.aiuoiicon to aa severe a | B ~r~— 7 ——* I. '..ncu yaw. of thc Tre..ury, | scm.iny u pouible, it wa. oflered by advet- p^rTtf it B *.uD«ior'‘n " f t aement, together with the attendance uf a uper '°. r cDiuacy to» nv pl ysician, gratuitously to any -eraun who I dy of * * MB|1 *" u “ture tn the Uuitcd Sutu?‘ would apply for it, and whose cause might ■ "* seem t coine within the range of ill iiealing powerT-numbera of severe caaca of long mt’S. ing, and aome of them seemingly deippr-ue ones, ore ented themselves all,of which have been cured, or 10 much relieved Si to warrant 1 ,. . ,,,, 1 lie assertion that a little perseverance will do ' a> unj 1Z so. In ract, such ia the confidence of the phyii “I t- ? c " ,le ,n otier.^ can,,Oder whose care these patient, wore | ^‘^1 how t Mr 1 **?*! ■ . 1 .uv a ivaaui j| and on those of the several loan offices, re spectively , which subscription shall he effect ed byatransfirtothe United States, in the manner prov.ded by law for such transfers, o' I the credit or credits standing on the aaid books, and by a surrender of the certificates I of the stock so aubacribed t Provided, That I all subacription by such transfer of nock al.ail be consider.-d aa part of the said twelve mii-1 lions of d lllars autborixed to be borrowed by [ the first secti n < f -his xct. . _ . NOTICE, -StfauSMtaas*.. house, or kecpr nB him fr,, m 10 lit With one ioliuryexcepilon^h,, 1 #ma liminoa £* .1... 1 * ^ Ol SOI* ■ t: *■ yyo v.-p I iic (ictiiiuit 111c iu aeciarc 11 as ms Uvci- We t0 ho, ,er or Jfd opinion, thst* he Catholicon is not only t* holders thereof, his, her, or their, assigns, a iiurfeotly aafe and innocent, but x most now . 1 r *k Cllpr . eM . ed , tber ® m » e qual to the erlul and invaluable remedy in certain dis th * pr,ncip * 1 ,tuck tbiHkubacribcd, cues and slates of the sjitem. such aa the fol bearing «n interest n.t exejeding lourui.dl owing — Zrteriv fmm'ihe T . P « *T' Um J- p “ J,blt D «="iLty resulting from intemperance and ^ • h ,! r , y ' fi f* d ,* 3 ' Ue«*m. dissipation 1 Old and inveterat- Ulcers. Pains ber,one thouiind eight iiuudred and twenty 1 • fixe / trsniferable in the same ii us m fa S ,b . e *'*"»'«( Of the Stock [ pimple*, Ac.';' All cnmplainti of the” Llver'i nk^ieofthen'^*1 l? '• d *= I, >Pt;pn at the Tetter.- Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases teny'fime^ J r fhf Ai^^diy°^ | ' * letCUri *' “ d em^p^gt’" (WhiCh ‘ he proprirt "-'' after the, at day uf December, om | uf vegetable be applicable to their complaint ed to describe their case and .Up' oTiS jeeted to him—tin fully competent to de^:d * ShouM tl.e P remedy ease, they wdl be frankly'told i, d "- CAUTITN- To prevent d.suppuintni'-nt it ii ...u, itate that it takes in ordinary L„ 5 bottles to effect . cure Jta elS arc labouring under any spoils infirmt, muit nuke up their mind to persevere to™ j eitctli At least—if they rin rim that. TAII «*F GRO/iGU.J Chatham County > In the Court of 0-dinary July Term WS, . give In the matter ..f the E»t,.;,- d E zsneth r? ferenc r. 8 ,0 *uchas have been cured, and Bourke, Lunatie—Archibald Smith, Gutr-“' d rhiscsre among whom are manv dian u'fthly respec sale eitixes that atmll sstiafy tiie O 'i he petition of A.chibald Smite guar |? 0,t i nc , ulau,ot ' , i superior efficacy in the dian of Elisabeth Bourke, stating that | "“"'de 1 , tor whrnh it ia here recommen h d. the pillowing named negroes, vi*. Sukey and I BTer Jf ”! leml >' ! . r ol soeie.y should aid in iliffuj- her chili Aoderaun.Djphne and her children, mf rm tion of tlus discovery—human Andrew and Rose, from a long residence in I ,<y alan > makes it a duty town and great indulgence have arq ired such I CftTti&CateE. o-bi s of dleness and vicious practice* that | «I have , ... . , they cannot be made at all profitable to the I uortunitv U ,*° ye * r ? h,d * n °P aaid Lunatic and praying leave of this court I { ef , te hi 6 -* Ca3C * ? f v * ry lnve to sell the aaid negruea, and that the proceeds Ld the S^ ”5 ?'*"«“"> «•“> of the sale be invested ir Bank Stock, or any healed bv^.hi „I?u ‘'eatmeot,. were —i—r.—i. -u_. .. r | neateo by the use of Mr. Swsim’i Panacea other fundi that may beat promote tne inte teat of the said Elisabeth Bourke, It it hereby ordered, that all persons interested in the welfare of the aaid Elizabeth do fi. their objections if any they have, in the r, era’s of fi ve of this Court on or before the fi, jt Mon. day in Auguit next, otherwise, the aaid ne- E roea will be sold for the benefit of the said uaatic, and the proceeds of aueh sale be in vested in Bank stuck, or other funds that mav best promote the interest of the said Kliza- and I do" believe, from what I have teen, that it will prove an important remedy in aero lulous, venereal and mercurial diaeaaea. "N, CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and practic, of Physic, in the University of Penn aylvsnia Wc k. " Philutlclphia, February 16,1823.” “lhave employed the Panacea of Mr.Swaim in numerous inataneea, within the last thre years, and have always found it extremely And it ia further ordered, that thia rule hr I ,i?i C ™i^!’.- e i aP r CI,lly " 10 ,* ec ' 0nd *7 xyphilir ■ - - ' of Savannah, a! .• , h * Te . n ? ^txtio published in a public Gaxette t least enca a week for thirty (lavs. Extract from the irunou— 7th July tabs. SAMUEL M BOND C.t' O. July 9 69 *4w in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. "W. GIBSON, M D. rroftssor of Surgery in the Um : ty ot Pent. Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the Alms House Infirmity, Ac- . “ February 17, 1823.” N't’ I. "J b *t e te P e »'edly used Swaim’s, Panacea 18 UllLC. I both m the Hospital and in nrivat* nn.i. N INE MONTHS after the date of thia ® ad b *v® fund it to be a iiluX mSi'fn notice, application will be made to the chr ® mc > — ’ * ■ „ , hj uw a .. syphilitic tnd scrofulous complaints Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber-1 * nd “ ® b,tm *te cutaneous sffections. ty County, for Dermiaaion tn .nil . _rl “VALENTINE MOTT, M- D. Profess ir of Surgery in the University of K.“: k kc 8ur *" Dof ' he ty County, for perrnisaion to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deeeaaed, for the benefit hf the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. “JV-w For* 1st mo 5th, 1824 ” dec 18 21 4 > Dollars Reward. Caution to PuicYinaets. The great demand and j- ...... 1 K r ®f l -demand and wonderful success' or this medicine, iuve.ndueed a number ol ■p ANAVVAYtrom Dr. Haig’s Plantation, •«»'"» S^TparOla and*" thir*“^‘^‘1™'1 A.% Brew ton Hill, uear Savannah, three I t * ,e,n °n the ignoraut for the Panacem i nogrocs, viz. Limeric, a short stout follow; ®‘ b W »r® mixing the genuine medicine with Francisco about 6 fuet 7 or 0 inches high. I ? oba “ , ’.,* ,c- ’making tbreebottlesoutofone Jack, who has a shot wound in the armT— If , mtxlling a>me of its virtues Th se im- They am all of a yellow complexion, and "A. "**" d “ nd h«”in many in. intelligent fellowa. The above reward I! of p.tienu will be paid on their dolivory at the nlanta n*^* ,e * ,b * fenuine medicine woul.i tion. or being secured in tLgoit oftLi J d*!* pK : e g d,, ? nlly I therefore County, or 15 dollars fo, eitheronhem ouHo. hem fhl.T- * he E? blic ’ *° * c ' ROBERT HABERSHAM CotSSWftt til' h.i .„ Ch k' n,C, ! *"d consequent!,, 1 h e **j® lb »r truxtures represented to be mine I kiid sold as auch, are fraudulent and base in I iioaitiona, calculated to deceive the ignor.m ' ®"warv.-The genuine medicine ha, June 28 «0}i„ E VV anted. MPTY PORTER BOTTLES—Ao ply to GEO R YERSON. March 4 unwary, I ig'ntura ef ' label npiaunlinnH^Z"^ the Hydro, and name on the seal. Ge irgia— r, aindcn County. Tl!' ^ WHOM IT -MAI WV 1BI,EA3 Aieiwi'ter Atkinson, Ad in W atrator on the Estate of John At!- n. . .lecessed, applies to the C„urr o' o dm arv of (Sid County, for letters dism as iry on - t i eatate: TUs are, tiler fore, to c te a-d dmmnsh all at d vnguiar. tiie heirs i nil cre l •tors of and d-.cea-ed, to fi e 'heir obj u - - n, (If any they have) in my. ftbe, on o. o fo.. the hr.t v.onday in January next, or letter. ■tM.I ho printed to the applicant r^v ! Witnc ? ', he ' ,,,n William Gibson. June 30 ^ . o. e. e Georgia— amden » ouiity TO AIL WHO it rr HAY C OJV^ EUJY W H ??k EA L® Luu, *. D f -’ r ' Admin,«t V V of the Eatate ol Uadle Pelletier, dt r ’ applies to the Court of Ordinary of uid cou, / ; or !e “* r » diamiisory on aaid eaiate:- ' hose are, therefore, to cite and admomah ,p md singular, the heirs and creditors of s- d leceaaed to file their nt jec ions (if any tb. in my office, on or before ihe first Mon ‘ y ' ,n e’p n pli r c y .n " ,eUe " Wi “ be 77=1 Wi,ne ? tb « «®n. William Gibao, IL. y | one of the Juitieca 0 f j^id n QU this 25th Time, 18'5 JO IN DAILY, c.c.0. e. c . P2 thouiand eight hundred and twent/Bnine. Provided, That no reimbursement shall be mnae exrept for the wiiole amount of such '•ew certificate; nor until after at least six mouths public notice of such intended reim bursement And it shall be the duty of the toe C rt^hlt e J^ UryC T C * 4, be trani I c, ' :e ’ ^ProvinK the^ppihte^nd VeVto^in'rihc I K ^ bt the city of Phiiidtl Hamsbv. p ,f)k* U ,k‘° r,be ! 8 .k 16g,;Ver ' Kc " er “ lt,,ne of ,he >* i* confidently ph “’* h . e Uace-Sin, ol'X «"* lj, .?'i beJbey ®» d,h ®«mount recommended to iadiea in a delicate situs- ", r ,h e Jwolhng of the propri. tor, Kj. ot the ceruficatesnf four and one half per tion. w i -k.,..., ...— . rant ate^h- 4i — _ r I ” flight deterini preserves in a <a pleasant to the taste, and requires m particu* i iar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuoua li quors always excepted,) or confinement. A* auntie, safe and agreeable cathartic medi reeled pl * C * * he Uity ’ * ,li! furtt “ dcd «» 6 If. B. To prevent the possibility of :,1! i. :ent, stock issued to thum respectively "Sec. 5. -lud Ih it further enacted. That he same x»?rids have hereioloie beei. rind now are pledged by law for the puyrnen of ine interest, sod for the redemption and eimbursement of the stock which may be re- JeenW or reimbursed by virtue of the pro- W. PO r 1 Eft, 66 Cliesnut-sireet. Philadelphia. -Way 31, 1824. At the request of Mr. W. W. Potter, Ibavt I IB.iI £.1 tiilliti./l in A...IAM*! A..U — I* I hesnut street, only,and allied by liu u Ihoriaedagents. W. W Po, 66 CheontU Street, PluiadiyU I have appointed GEORGE RYESOS, Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent, o ur. wanting the above valuable n-cdicitt, visions of this art, pledged'in li'ke I tb ® moat decideil "advantage. It I rate, a* Turdcred diremfromn m-. : ma mer fur the pa- moot of the irtei e.t actru- ' et >.»ov«r faded efiectmg a cure in pe, d. zcu, or three dollar, a s i lately exhibited, in several instance*, a medi eated sirup, called Poiter's Vegetable Callio ig on tiie stock crested by reason of such *ubscrip ion, and for the redemption or remi- mraemeut of the prineipilof the same. Ai d it aliail be the duty of the commissioners of tiie sinking fund — w ,v w-w j year, such sum anil slims aa may be annually requir ed to discharge the iote est seeming on the stock which -nay be created by virtue of tili. act The said commissioners are, also, here hy authorised !o apply, from rime to lim , such aura and sums om uf the aaid fund, as Letter from Tobiai Jenninga, Sti-wa d of St 8l "k“ig fund t" cause to be applied and paid, I Thnma*’ tr.sptal London. Feb I 18 ,3 out of the said fun’, yearly and e»e»y year, | •Dear Sir- l think it my dry tl. inform you, that after trying every thing that o.uld be pointed out by the moat respectable phi si mans and surgeons for the relief of my ton, without any success, who you know, has Io many years been laboring under aeverr U ieu matiim, f was induced to try the Poladelphis, with, g.immcrirghope, that it might give nm some relief from the exoessive pai.-i he endure I, which rendered him a useless mem ber of aociety, and a burthen to hi n B elf. T. my utter astonishment tne relief was Instao taneous, *nd by persevering in the use of -!i Extract, his joints have returned to their p* per ntacea, and he is in pereet health Up 'Varda "f sixty respectable nertons have cl ted to my son, as all who knew him though it iitiiKi '.l that lie coulH r»eove>- FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, ruggist, where additional certificates of the efficacy of the above medicine may be seen. 1 May 20 every case in whicli lhave thought proper to employ it. H. U’MLftt TRIE, M- D Phi adelphia, July 28th, 1824. Mr. IV- W. Potter, Dear Sir—Yuu expressed a wish that 1 would give a concise statement of my suff ;r j ings, from • the hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of my ’ About five years age, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from I tnpruder.t exposure on deck, I was seixcii ... ogle bonle. W. VV. POTTER, Philadelphia Any person on application to the sulucnht will be lui'iiLhcd witli certificates of the iE, cacy of the above medicine, sufficient , 0 no, vince the mind of the must sceptical, ulthoud too numerous und lungihy for newspaper» lemon. GEO. KYERnON, Druggist, Corner of Bav and Wbittaker’sircek dee 13 tM EQUITY. Behoeen W Daviee, Adminutrntor, Complain, ant and John Camuchan, Jhlmiiutlrat'>r 3 th oonit no with the will annexed of Georjt ilichardton and other*, Dejenduntt. In equity\ Chatham Superior Court- Chancerv, 20th A.iguet, 1824. 1 1 appearing that John Murray C*rnoch%u, one of the defendants in the im& bd\ of :omplalnt oamedj resides without the state of b . , ’ '“v •*>*- lu'iu, mm I -..•gawuvua ba^iusutfi tnev nicy think proper, towards redeeming | with a violent fever. Having no medical at »y purchase, or by rrm.bursemeut, in con- I tendants on board, I was compelled to bear tor mi ty with the provision, of thia act, tb* | it, us I might for two weeks, when on roy er- Principal of the s «id stock : and such part oi I »'ivsl at Charleston. 8. C. it was treated hl 1 ^Tk Hn i n ' ial 8U ? °^ tea " ofd:>llars, vest I typhus. The skill of my Physician subdutd fv H y J* w ,n lh * *“* ,d commiaaioiiers, as m^y I the fever, but Phanix-like, the teruiinstioi. ne ncctssjry and required for the above pur- of this ^ave ris? to a disease equally distres-- poses, shall be tnd continue appropriated to mg, and which, till now, I had thought incu- *e p«' ment of interest and redemption of I ^-ble. Various abscesses made thei- unwel-, . t e public debt, until the whole of the stock I -omeappearance, particularly on the ioints I Geor K ,a * * n part of the United Kingtloir.1 wn ch may be created under the provisions of I which were swe led to an enormous size ~ I .® Peat Britiain and Ireland, cal.’ed Scotlspds t us act, shall have beeo redeemed or reim- These gradually subsided into hard tumors I 11 ,|orde 1 red that the said John Murray Cir. U w e ,, 4k r I one of which on my left knee affected the I n ?c b »°» 1a pP«” answer to the corn. now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that I bone—an incision was now made and a larre I P , * ,n ? nl • b,ll » Wltb,n n 'ne months t'm UmteH M S ,he r T, auty "L the evacuation of pua, mixed with piece.ofbone on h. '®.* CVer * Ui " took p‘* ce - In addition to this; I suffered the m . j " r n ? t ‘ ? nd c,,,ll,,,ue mn,t exoruriating painsin my joints that mao op .n until the firs' da of October, tt.ereaf ever experienced. Every thing that was er, tor receiving aub.erintions in conformity | administered either gave me no reliefer " Th. 1 «ihJB 0 *' , .- l ’ n,Uf ' he . S " id law - ved 10 ‘ho disease, the aeveri tiie date of this order, otherwise that the s#id bill, »« to him, betaken pro contest,: .- and it is further oidered, that a copy of this ordtr be ptiblishid unce a week, in one »f he public Guzettes of this state, until the ex. luralion of the time witliin which the saidile- Slimid subscriptions of said stuck be mode to an amount exceeding twelve nulliana of i ray i cnjia uear or- It was in thia awftil and t .lara, a distribution of the aaid sum of twelve desponding condition,, hat 1 waa persuader! to k °"k t 1 *™ w, *‘ be n ’ iJe among the .ommenceaeou-seufvour Vegetable'■ .'h I o,,,« ,,,c.i roe icainar means or relief, I k be mode I out used, though in vain, every popular rem. | iiilliona of edy 1 could hear ofi It was in this awftil and subieribera, in proportion to the suma subscri bed by them respectively. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Seciet.ry nf :*\. t'n-asur* 1 * ' o T ■ Georgia Camden County. Jun« 30 Georgia—Chatham County in the tj ,urt oi Ordinary, Wh- Term. 1 O N the pe'ilion of Henry Rhampion, admin latratnrof John Street, -tec- ssed, praying *n order Mei-o he made absolute on his ton* plying witn the law, lot „e *,le of a Lot r «ZiT!i' r /i’ ur ’ f 4) ,ec ™ d Tythim- Reynolda Ward—Also, p-.n ,f a Lot, numbe an Tower Tything, Dcnki r W d being th. ,n , |f , - * te ^ lbe ,' Md U< ‘ C ,or ">e benefit uf tne heir* and creditorsIt is ordered that nottee be published nine month., in one „ the Public Gaxetta of the City 0 f Savannah requiring. I persons interested, to show cau"e’ ,f any they have, wh, the ptayer of the petil (loner ihould not be granted ^ May ,4 8 - BOND. cm. o Notice, I P!, e * c B' bialedc The tumors, for the removal N INE months * e .lof* .TV I- .• ’>1 which I have tried io vain more remedies 'U' be made to the infoV *W}' rHi ' QT l t,,M * car * are rapidly decreasing ; my be made to the ... I appetite, which was gone, has returned-I an in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that il' be made to the Inferior jourt of liwtnim bounty, Bitting for ordinary purpo' " nd etehty acres Rice Land, it the O-eechee •t ver. four miles below the F itv, «di ining he plantation <f Joseph U.h r.,h»m .••• d Ste' then Eliott Also, two hundred mid tiftv xrea, more or less,. f Pine Land, appertain. |,,g thereto.. Also a Trent of Land called 1 «’’f-M-’lng fifty acre*, on Medway Hiv r, .qjuinmg the lan ia of J J m, xwr ll MAKY SAV, GE, Adrn’rx. vt con, and the hanpy result ia, '•f ern the me I T0 AL|L r0 WHOM IT MAY COAOEitN, of the two battle*, my whole sy**em has under I lM^BEBEAS Surah Brown, Junior, widow, gone a complete revo 'ution my pain* huve fo *ti~ I * * applies to ihe Court of Ordinary of «-ard ke < ine s'* the (liouiurge from my anett ueguti I bounty, fi»r Letters of Administration on tiie to tiinunish, and soon oeased altogether, the I ‘ ;&t ate of John Brown, late of'suid county, de* ulcei from whence it proceeded being corn I c e a!ie d» ar neat of kin: 1*he9e are, thervfr.w, pietely hialed. The tumors, forthe remove I' 1 c,te Hnt * admonish, ail and ainguUr, t'e •lindred and creditors oi R'.id rlt*ceadcd, to file iheir obj .‘ctiom, if any they have, in my of* fiee, on or before the firat Hotdty in June xt, therwioe Letters will begrumed the *p* 1 amt. Witoeaa the Honorable Britian R Burk- ley, one of tl»;= Justice* of snitl Cnirt, this sixteenth day of April, eigh cco hundred ai d tw enty .five. [L S. JOHN lRILEY, C.C 0 C. C< April 21 04 .a VX ’li rurpo- in MCI, neariy well, and feel confident that a > « r- ^-%xr r‘“ bk ^ FnmtHlantBhoo. eo.,s,atmg of.wo hundred I Yourublig„d (LJ ' It Your obliged friond, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Georgia—Camden Comiy. In c '5 NOTICE ]yiNE months after date, application wd! ht b\ ?• u ’*~J Jn . n ’ u,e Jll0 8es of the Court V lr nl i y ry Chuihsm county, for leave to «et all the real estate of the late William Craig d' ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred- ttors of said estate. JOHN M’NISH. Executor otice. 4 LL peraons having demands against the ■ ■ estate of Ronstant Freeman, Esq. late of -he city of Washington, deceased, are re quired to hand them in, legally atteited, ' ithin the time prescribed by law : and those debted to said ectate, are required to moke mmediate payment, to IAMBS HUNTER, Adm’r. Ian 14 42 nt Georgia—Chatham County. 11 die liuuri of Ordinary—Mav I'ei m 18 - v |-|N the petition of Robert Hoy, li of John Wackerly, dee. pravir gsn order Aui to be made abaolute, on his ctmplyim. wm the law, to.ell two Tracts ofl.snd Lauren. County, being the real e.tveofth. said deceased, for the benefit of the heir. ,“d creditors 1 It ia ordered, that a mtir. k, nubliabed, nine months, in one ofuhe G b aette. of the city of Savannah, renirhig®, penon. intereated,to alioweauae, ^»nvV J M^8« *• M. BOND,oc^q. Georgia—Camden Coumy. , Al -L 'V HO tl 11 \| .Y RON..ERN. kX^HEREAS J B chlot. Jun. administra'or FT 0j he eatatr-a nf David Tucker and David H redie, applies to the Court nf Ordinary "f«d 'ouuty, for Letters dismiss,ry on the t'X'ea of said deceased persona: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the heirs and creditors of said deceased persons, to file B h ' ,r n ° l -°L'T ,hey h »« io my of fice, on or heture the first Monday In January next, or letters will be granted to the appfi- rffl Wiliam Gibaon, t 1 !: “".c ut'hoJuatice. of a«id Court L- omJ this 25'h June, 1825. JOHN BAILEY, o- c, o. e. c, June 39 88 Philadelphia, July 6, 1824. Mv confidence in the vegewble catholicon , :s undiminiahcd, and aa fresh in tances of it* | powers ar.- daily occurring, in my own prao-1 lice. I have no hesitation in recommending il in the peculiar disease, to which it is applies- gwrupnirae . i cm ‘ e ble, as I am acquaint-1 HEHF ' A S Joliii, has applied - ’ -- u* ,, 1 * ' to said Court, fur l.e'-e-s Dismiimiy 1 *' I fin tnp BBlctfla nf Camiinl ...J (7..., 0 Y THE COURT OF ORDINARY F08 SAID COUNTY. Wit ess the Honorable James Scott, om of the Justices of said Court, this six teenth day of April, e ghteen hundred and twenty-five. [L. 8.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. t E. Anr 111 % ei * Wlt ' 1 ' **' M kiUH 1H1E ’ **' u ' I on the estates of Samuel Cozens and Eva: B. Phihuicibhia. Mav 28.18 A SS^JSSSlL. ®*T ,n •* nBC H ,,OT *®c of imprudent expos I Jwd and creditors oi the said deceased per# ure lour vexrs ago, I had the miafortune to be-1 -'Urs, to fi'e their objections, if any they have, come afflicted with a disease, the painful re I m my office, on or before the first Mondavi) 8ultaut which induced me to apply in sue-1 January next, or Letters will be granted tin ceayon to several respectable physician* ot I applicant. 'bis eity, from whom, however, I received I either jio relief, or from whole remedies I re-1 ceivcd another complaint quite aa distressing [ aa the Ibrmer. My whole system became a'- fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count of the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body; the weakneaa and emscia w'aik? ru i rti. w r,.u e 5 foriunitaiy he“ f Georgia—Camden County. your vegetable catholicon—four bottlea ofl BY THE COURT OF OTtOINAIil .-'0 which, has completely restored me, I have I 3AID COUNTY, oow no pain i my appetite is good t and my TWHERE AS Lewis Bachlott, applies to liu strength restored With many thanks for I '** Court of Ordinary of said County; f« the relief your medicine has given me, I am I Letter* Dismissory on the estate of Fr.ncn your obliged friend, he. I Rnsolupe: Theio are, therefore, to cite and WILLIAM WILSON, I »dmoniah, all and singular, the kindred and Sworn and aubacribed to before me, May 28.1 credit ora of laid deceased, tu fi'e their objec- 1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman. ! ,i ® n, • if * n J ,b ’ , F b * ve .™y “ffice, on or be- I fore the ft at Monday in January next, other- Phiiadelphia, May 28,18 0 4. I * '•« Letters Diamtssory will be grimed the Sir—I am now, thinks to your medicine, a I !*?!!■ I j'- r ne,rlj ' y**™ 1 b »»e been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat-1 ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to I my exiitence. Hiving had no regular medi- cal advice from the commencement, my comnlaint at last gut to aueh a height that I could not awallow without great pain and difficulty. Tumors formed in different part* I of my body, and I began to think my situation I almost drsperaie. The five bottle* of the Catholicon wh!eh I have taken have eo™ pletely cured me, gnd I am now aa well aa 11 I applicant- Witueu the Honorable Samuel Clarkq one of the Juaticea of uid Court, tbit sixteenth day of April, eighteen bun* dred and twenty-five. [L. 8 ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C.O CC Ap-'i 21 24 HAY. I Kft BUNDLES PRIME HAY, Ixndibf | ajvf Irom Brig Pheasant, for sale Urn April 19 G. C. GRISWOLD,