Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 02, 1825, Image 3

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tho government of Georgia should under take the project of surveying the lands ce- deii to the United States by thu Creek Mu- nun of ludiune at the trouty of Indian Springs belbre the expiration of the turn npueitied by the tJth article of the treaty fur the removal of the Indians, it will be wholly upon iu own responsibility, and that tho government of the Uuiled States will not, I in any manner be responsible for any cense-1 qitnnces which may result from that met-. sum, 1 have the honor to be, your ob't servt. C. VANDEVENTER. Chief Otvrk. His Excellency Geo. M. Tnotii’, Governor of Georgia, Exxcutiv* Dfi'*Rtmknt, Geo. J MillcdgtciUc, loth June, 1815. J Sih—I received this morning the note Which in the absence ol tho Secretary of War. tho President of the United Stales di rected you to address to me and in which I am informed that “ the project of survey- jne the lunds ceded to the United Stales by the Creek Nation of Indians at the treaty efthe Indian Springs before tho expiration of the time specified by the 8th article of the treaty for the removal of the Indians will bo wholly upon its (the government of Geor gia) responsibility, and that the government of the (Jnited Stales will notin any matt er be responsible for any consequences which may result from thnt. measure.” A very friendly admonition truly. So that whilst you referred your resistance of the survey to tho evils airet, produced by llie tnero effort on the part of this (loveruiiient to obtain permission to make the survey, and when the fact of that cause producing tluise effects is disproven, and it is made known to von that nobody here, either w hites or Imlinns ever conceived such a tiling as possible, before yon bad assumed 'i upon tho representation of tlm Ag 'iit, as undoubtedly true, and that your own A- gonl to suit his own purposes. Imd fn'irieat- ed itto deceive and mislead you. Never theless. you continue to issue order utter order forbidding the survey, ns if you bail predetermined trom the beginning, that un der no circumstances should we proceed to tho survey without your express permis sion first had mid obtained. Nay more— You repeat this order to Gen. Gaines, who Ischnrgpulto promulgate it to the hostile Indians, so thnt whether there be any thing obiioxiemuti the survey or not, they nny seise it us s pretence under tho authority and with the support of the United States, to sculp and tomahawk our people as soon as we shall attain it that survey ; and that in fact you adopt for the Iudiansgriutiitoits- ly mi imaginary wrong done to them—per suade them even against their will that it is s real one, and then leave them to indulge in unbridled fury, the most teidjrcstuoiis passions, unci this I presume is the meaning in part of the responsibilities which wo are to incur if we disregard the tnanduto of the government of the United Stales. You will therefore In tho absence of the Secretary of War, make known to thu President, that the Legislature having in cmicuireiice with the expressed opinion of the Executive, come to the almost uiiuiiiinous conclusion th . • hv the i reuty, the jurisdiction together with the soil, passed to Georgia, and in con sequence thereof, authorized the Governor to cause the line to he run and the survey to lie made, it becomes ine in candor to state to the President, that the survey will be made, ami in due time, and of which Major G -iiGaiiies has already liadsolfi -tout notice. Whilst in the execution of the decrees of ear own constituted authorities, the gov .ornntent of the United Stales will find not li - dug hut frankness and magnanimity on our pari, we nny reasonably claim the observ ance in like degree of these noble qualities on theirs. When therefore certain respon sibilities are spoken of in the cniinmiuicn- lion of the President, we cun rightfully en quire what responsibilities? Georgia in tho maintenance of lies undoubted rights, fears po responsibilities—Vet it is well for Goer giu to know them go far as they are mena ced by the United Stales. If it is intended that the Government of tile United States will interpose its power to prevent the sur vey. tiie government of Georgia cannot, •liuvotooourly or too distinct notice; for how highly dishonorable would it bo for the stronger party to avail itself of that power to surprise the weaker. If the Govern ment only mean, that, omitting its constitu tional duty, it will not pacify the Indians and make safe the frontier, whilst the of ficers of Georgia are. ill peaceful fulfilment of their instructions connected with the survey, it is import tint to tho government of Georgia to know it, that depending on it self for safety, it shall not depend to vain ; but if the government of the United States mean what is not eveu yet. to be believed, that assuming like their Agent upon anoth er, not dissimilar occasion, an attitude of neutrality, feigned mid insincere; it will like that Agent, harrow up the Indians to the commission of hostile nnd Ido uly deeds, then indeed the government of Georgia elt nli! also know it, that it may guard and fence itself Hgainst the perfidy und treach ery of false friends. In either event, how ever, the President of the United States way rest content that, tile government of Georgia cares for no responsibilities in the exorcise of its rights tied the execution of its trust, but those which belong to con science end to God, which, thanks to him, is equally our God us the God of the Uni ted Stoles. Very respectfully, your ob’t serv’t, G. M. TROUP. To C- Vandeventer, Chief Clerk, War Lepurtmcut- MARRIED, On Thursday evening Inst, hy the Rev. Mr. Hill, Mi. Job'PH M’Cor, to Miss Mabv drat XT, all oftliis city. plfiD, On Wednesday, 13th ult. of the tsthmn, Mrs. Catharine Wood, in tho 87th year of her age, a native of South Cnridimt, but for a number of years past a respectable inhabitant of this city. KiMHB smmklL PORT OP SAVANNAS. Fran- anston, ARRIVED, Ship Monn: Wollaston, (of Boston) cis. G days from New-York, to Jolt Hills A co. Ship Vulture, Holmes, New-York,6 duys in ballast, to S. Wright. Sclir. Centurion, Brighton, S days from Cape Henry, with aorti ami crackers, to John Cittnuiing. Sclir. Eliza-Ann, Whipple, 20 days from Plymouth. N. C- with cam, to order. Sloop John Chevalier, Sisson, St. Marys, 1 day, in ballast. Two passengers. SAILED, Ship Fame, Cltnddock, l.iverpnnli Schr. Leo,Sintmons, Baltimore. Pilot-boat schr. Savannah, White, St. Marys. Passengers, Col. E. F. Tattnall, and A. Hunter. Esq. Sloop Earl, Wicks, New-York. The brig Florida. Bassett, for litis port, sailed from Charleston on ihe'J&th tilt. hint of Vessel> in the Pori of Savannah, August I. 1825.—G ships, 5 brigs, 5 sclioo- sors. and G sloops.—Total 22. For New-York, (ESTABLISHED LUTE,) The regular pneket ship AUGUSTA, George White, Master, - Will suil on Thursday next, and cun handsomely a few more passengers, on application to Capt. White, on board at Jones' Upper Wharf, or to August i HALL & HOYT. Charleston, The sloop JOHN CHEVALIER, N. B- Sisson, Muster, - Is intended as a regular packet and will sail this morning at ten o'clork, precisely. For freight or pnssnge, having Sisson on board, at Bolton's Wlmrf. or to JOHN W. LONG. August 2 93r TLIIaIa & HOYT, H AVE just received and offer for sale on accommodating terms, 00 Boxes prime corn fed Balti. Bacon 600 Bags Virginia Corn 2 bushels each 40 Barrels Baltimore Whiskey 100 Barrels fresh ground Howard-Streot Flour, for family use tO Bags Prime Green Coffee 10 Pipes Holland Gin 6 Pipes Seignutte's Brandy 2000 Bushels Prime Maryland Corn in quantities to suit purchasers August 2 OOVWC AFLOAT. BUSHELS Virginia White . , , . „ xvl/U Corn, fur nale in lots to suit Biiperior nccoinmndntinns. apply to Captain purchasers, at a reduced price. Apply to St. Andrew. A QUARTERLY meet- ing of the >Snvannuh St. Andrew’s Society, will bo bold nt the City-Hotel on SATURDAY EVENING the Grit instil nt.ot 8 o’clock. JOHN BALFOUR, Secretary. August 2 95 August 2 . F PALMES, Exchange Dock. 9,up Copper Stills. O NE STILL of 128 Gallons Two do. of 72 Gallons each Just received by the brig Frances, from Philadelphia, and for sale by August 2 P. M’DERMOTT. For New-York, The brig ALMIRA, Harrington, Matter. jWill sail on Wednenday next. For freight on deck, or pan-age. apply to the master on board, at Rice’s Wharf. 4, For Philadelphia, 4. The brig RANGES, Capt, Croft, Will meet quick despstch. For freight or passage, apply to the mastor on board, at Jones’ Lower Wharf, or to ELIAS REED, Who hat landing from taid brig and for tale, 75 Barrels Fresh Ground Flour 150 Barrels first proof Whiskey 20 Rurrels Manongahela do July 30 94u mill© SiXx^v HV J. li. HERBERT St CO. On ho first TUESDAY in AUGUST, Will be sold. Wore the Court-House, in thtsetty, between the usual hours, 22 head IlSSoV. ^ b ? urde1, oflho Guardian of Susan Cunningham, a minor. LHi 0* LETI'ERS R EMAINING in tho Post-Office Savan nah, 31 si July, 1825* J j* Persons wishing letters from this list, will please ask for Advertised Letters. A. 5 Samuel Lawrence John Aims < Win M Leigh Cnpt Goa A Ash * M. Mrs Flora Anderson \ WmL Maynard TENTH WHEATOiS, &c. &c. W T. WILLIAMS, H AS ) ist received a number of NEW WORKS, among which are TENTH VOLUME WHEATON’S RE- . PORTS, Supreme Court United States, February Term, 11125—<7. fourth volume comyn’s di gest, with American Cases, by l)ny $6. (Cf A few more subscribers can be suppli ed with this Valuable Work, the price of which will be raised to non-subscribers. DANE’S ABRIDGEMENT & DIGEST OF AMERICAN LAW, complete in 8 volumes. $-15. CHITTY’S PLEADINGS, a New Edition bv Edward Ingraham, 3 volumes.—$21. ARCHBOI.D’S LAW OF PLEADING AND EVIDENCE, in Criminal Cases— P 50. RSAME’S ELEMENTS OF PLEAS IN EQUITY, with precedents with refer ences to American Decisions—$4. WHEATON’S EDITION of SELWYN’S ABRIDGEMENT OF NISI l’RIUS LAW. 2 volumes.—{ft13. R AWLE’S VIEW OF THE CONSTITU TION OF THE UNITED STATES — *350. COUNTESS DE GENI.ISS’ MEMOIRS, written hv herself. H volumes.—*2. RAYMOND’S POLITICAL ECONOMY, n New Edition, in 2 volumes, live.—*5 50. ICF This Valuable Work has now become a Text Book in several of our Colleges. GAIETIES AND GRAVITIES, by the authors of Rejected Addresses, 2 volumes. * i 50. THE NORTHERN TRAVELLER, con tabling the routes to Niagara, Quebec, nnd the Springs, with several Maps and Plains *2. A NORTHERN TOUR, being a guide to Surntogo, I.alto George, Canada, Boston, Sir. with n Map.—*l 50. THE WASHINGTON TOUR in 1025— bgj eoltts. PHILADELPHIA in 1024, a brief account of every tiling remarkable, together with nit historical unit statistical account of the city, with a Map nnd other Plates JOHN BULL IN AMERICA, OR THE NEW MURCIIAUSEN. August 2 95p Ferdinand Muite | Ke t Melrose f Mrs Elizu Miller i Miss Mary A E Mil- J ler > Joseph S Miller \ Mr** Andrew Mnrell * Edward M'Orokor { Joseph M'llenry i Billy M'L«*od j Thomas M’Cray Rnv Mr. M’Vain W R M’lntoeh Mrs Sarah Alford B. \V VV Black Mrs Mary Baker Bonj Brantley Richard Bland May River, S C Win J Berrie, Jr Sherwood Beck com Win R Benson Mrs Ann Beal Mrs Dolly Bryan Edward Bourguin James C Blunt Capt. Win Brown D O Bornes Miss Cnth Burchill Mary Baker C. Samuel Clark Miss Ann .1 Craig J nuns A Clark Thus Clark Alex Clengh Miss Aim l-rimm 2 June C Cine Mary E Cope Capt. John Cox Miss Eliza Cooper Ephraim Cooper Mrs Ann A Coe VVm H Coe Miss Eliz Cunning ham Cudjo. a colored man i John Cuthbirde J Silas Reed D. \ Abraham Rikcr Wrnt B Davis ' William Ridierson Messrs. Day ton and 5 Mrs Arnne Rolls Brown | James Russell Mrs Sarah Davis \ S. \ Miss Catharine M'- $ AHistcr N * {Thoordon Nelson 5 Miss Ann No win n | Mrs Mary Norris 5 Clius Noonan o. ! Pntcr C OatPR J John H Oldorsthaw S James O’Hara 1 P ' ; John D Papot t George Pomroy | MrsJntnesPendnrgas j Daniel Pltilipe 2 , William Puytliess S William I’upe ; Peter Pottrria ] Q- j Louis Quitron ( It. New-York Literature Lottery. T HE First Class of this Lottery, for 11125, drew on the 20th iust. The fol lowing mimhrrs wore drawn, which decide the fate of every ticket: 25. 42,54.31,36,13, 24,10,1. Those wilt) have drawn prizes, may re ceive the cash or rc-invcst in orders for tick ets in the popular Rhode Island Stale Lot tery, Capital TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, to draw oil Saturday next.— Tickets only Five Dollars. Shares iu pro portion. Apply to W. ROBERTSON. August 2 Gqorgiatt Office. N olice. T IIE subscriber being about to leave Ra- va it tut It, for the North, and wishing hereafter to confine his business to his re tail store at the Market Square, will dis pose of the present stock of GROCERIES nt his Wlmlesule Store on tho Bay. The terms will be liberal. Apply to P. M’DERMOTT, Who will also continue to attend to the- COMMISSION BUSINESS. August 2 VO TIIE EMTOHS OK TUB OEonOIAN. The following State, County, and City Tickets, are offered fur the consideration of j the free suffrages of your fellow-citizens, hy ONE OF THEM. State—For Governor—John Clark. Counts.—F or Senator—Moses Slioftnll. RtPitrsENTATivi:,.-Edward Harden, G. Robertson, Jun. Alexander Telfair. City—For At.DEnmr.N. Charles Harria, Moses Sheftall. John P. Williamson,- J. B. Ga.tdry, Joacph Cumming, W. P. Marshall, The’s. U. P. Charlton, George Millcn, W. R. Waring, charle8 Gildoni M T. Bolles, Frederick Denslcr- George Adam Cope. Claret Corks. A FEW Groce ot Superior Claret Corks, Also 3 very elegant Liquor Cases, just received and for sale by LAY St HENDRICKSON, August 2 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, Sheriff's Sale. On the first Tucudiuj in September next, \\ylLL be ftolJ in froot of the court-huusc SiWr in Bryan County, between the usu«l hours of sBe, A tract of Land in said coun'y, known bv the name of •Palermo,* containing eight l»un- d ed acres, more «»r less, bounded N. 10 by Sweat's lantis, S W hy a Salt marsh, other boundaries nol known—levied upon as the property of R* T K sating, to satisfy an exe nil ion in avor of the administratucs of Benj Stiles, decessed- TH09. HAHN, t. b c. Augm»t 3 95 John Du vice Mrs Ann Dilummy Mrs Dews Dr Dfilurochranlion M Denmark, Bulloch County \ M Mr Dclcliamps Francis Dickerson Mrs Donvillo Amos Dwiuel Peter Dowel Francis Dupont Mrs Jane Dudley M. John C Eve.ritt Lewis l'llehy F. Mrs Mnrv Farr A. ix. J. CHAMPION, AVE just received per ship Augusta, from New-Yurk, H * 5 Half Barrels Beef 20 Hacks Fine Table Halt 50 Half Barrels Canal Flour 10 Boxes Cheese 20 Firkins Lard 10 Bov os Muscatel Raisins 2 Boxes Bolona Sausage 10 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers. July 30 94u Landing, K A KEGS PRIME LARD 10 Half barrels and 2 half pipes Cette Madeira Wine 3 Barrels Smoked Beef 12 Kegs Cavendish Tobacco 12 Kegs “ Wight's” Tobacco, 32 to the pound 60 Barrels New No. 3, Mackarel 30 Buies Prime Hay For ?ale by COIIEN & MILLER. July 30 94p Flower Pots, 2 CRATES FLOWER. POTS, assorted sizes, just received and fur stile hy LAY St HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. July 30 94 For St Augustine Key West, The sloop MARY JANE, Cant. Manet tin, ^Will sail lor the above ports in ai few duys. For freight or passage, hav ing superior accommodations, apply to the Captaiu on board, or to JOHN HERNANDEZ. Exchange Dock. Julv 30 91 T- * LAN T EltS. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING made a considerable purrhnse of lust season’s imported PLAINS, which they offer for sale at the lust year's priees, for cash or drafts on their factors, payable any time before tho 1st of April next; which must be, at least, 20 to 25 per cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation cun bo sold at. ■ W. & H. ROSE. Savannah, 7th June, 11125. The Dariun Gazette will insert tho shove until the first of October, and scud the hill to this office. June 7 G3 ADMINISTRATOR'S UAH’. BY J. B. HERBERT \ CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in September, Will be Bold before,the Court-House in ,h '^ l ‘y’between , h( , hol „ s a 3RACTOI LAND.containingfuurhun- area acres, more or less, bounded northard- y by the Augusta Road, soulhurdly by land lately Dr. Cocke’s, Bastardly by lands of Jos. Stiles, and E. Jenck' and weslurdly by lands lately belonging to Wcarat, wuh the_ improvements, consisting of a gooff Dwelling House nnd Stable* attached, and three Negro Hou ses, being the real estate of Benj. Putman, dec. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and bv order of the administratrix, for the benefit of the IteirB of said esUte.—Terms at limeofsacJ July 16 8 . the improve ini 1 Hi FRESH DRUGS, PERFUMERY,tc. *9 Hav and Mackarel, onn BUNDLES PRIME HAY fiVfx." 40 Burrnls No. 3, New Marknrel For sale by GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. July 30 fl4p N otice. JJURING my ebsence Mr. A.tno.x Cow- Julv 19 JOSEPH l THOMPSON. 89a i Mrs Naomi Stanton j James Say ward ' Miss Martha Spald- ing 2 j Richd F Stnndaland 5 Miss Sally SJmnkle 1 O’.vmii Sanderlin J MordccaiSlioftall, Jr \ Mrs Lncrctia Spen- 5 cor j Capt Joseph Sey- < more 2 } Mrs John Simons 5 Mrs Mary Smith 5 John Smith i Mrs Ann Strnbta J Jacob R Spooner * MrsAlethea Scruggs Rufus M Farrington ; .Tames Sail Rob Flournoy \ William II Scruggs B II Forman O Fetch G. Henry M Goubil SroiI Garnett Win Gotuly Rev Dr Garbot 2 Harris Groinano .Min Grieve Mrs Lturetiu Gordon Mrs June Gale H. , Mrs Isaac Hardee * Jeremiah Vnllaton New River, S C * David Voice Alex Harley $ Decatur Valentine Mrs Mario Halier- j Edwin Van Antwrop wham,a colored wo- < W. J William Warnick > J. B. Wyatt 5 Miss Sarah Wall t Edmund Warner | John Waters J James Wells 5 Pcrmela Wingate The Library, W ILL hereafter be opened for the de livery of Books from four until six o'clock, 1*. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. L. MASON, F.ihmrian. r anal Fleur, Lard, and Hams. L ANDING from ship Augusta and brig Pheasant, 50 Kegs Lard 25 Barrels Canal F!. ir A few bbls. Virginia Mams, in bags For sale hy C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. July 30 B. ft. ft. liom\on 1*otter, Dolton ftnggiiig, Ke. A FEW casks, cnntoiniiig eight and a half dozen each of London Porter, im ported in the ship Georgia, on 28th June last, are yet. on hand und for Bale ; also, Cotton Bagging, errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, and a variety of Season b’e Ory Goods, Apply to ANDREW LOW St CO. July 16 88 B Y the ship Emperor, the eubecribert have received thirty-five packngea o Genuine Drugs,Medicines, Peru fumery, Fancy Articles, ft c. carefully selected by one nf the partner* nuw at tho north, which added to their for- nter aleck on hand, comprises an assortment very extensive, and particularly suited for this market, nnd well worthy the attention of dealers. Merchants, Phveicians, Plan ters and Families, would do well to forward their orders, as they will be sold at our usual low rates. LAY St HENDRICKSON, Julv 18 1 ' )ru fib risls > Sited’s Building*. Tfte Vub'.cvVhtY IIAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR, AND OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Duwt Pans tud Spit-Boxes Hair and Wist Brooms Club nnd Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth uml Hair Brushes, Also, A few dozen PoekotlightR N. B. VYEEp. July 23 91a T. 5 Mrs Trasper | Mrs E Tillinghast < Mary Timmons \ Henry Tillman 5 Joseph Tillman \ Francis Tousnng \ CIiqs W Turner l V. * j Mrs Margaret Valla- 5 ton 2 J B Vtillce man Richard Hewlett Dr Charles M llill Joshua Heckman Patk Houston Mrs Eliz Holmes Alex Howell Francis F Hodgens, J James Whitman PuHsburg, SC ;ZM Winkler Mrs Susan Jackson Rose Jaliueau Miss R Jacobs Moss Jenny & Doug lass \ Mrs Martha Wylly } VVm VV Williams J John R Whitter 5 John Withingion 5 James Wright \ John Y White > Sorg't Wilson i John Williams < Mrs Betsey Woods « Paul Wolf 5 George Wolf ^ Mrs Jane Young Mrs Susannah July Edward Jones K. Mrs Ann Kelly Wrn Knnncday L. Mrs Mary Lawrence £ 1 Capt John B Ltimny : Absolom Yountans JauiesA D Lawrence / Mrs Eliza Young FveiicU IzeUers. Madame Cltarle Odinct Mr. P. Nayealtx Madamoiselle Claudine Motts. Jean Lesonc Madamoiselle Marg’r Do Lulnvoy Jttittiille Neuvena. GEORGE SCHLEY, P. M. Afigust 2 ' 95 Honey Water. A SUPPLY of this elegant water, just received end for by LAY St HENDRICKSON. Aug 2 95 Fresh London Porter. J UST landing, 10 Casks Fresh Loudon Porter, and for sale bv July 30 J. B. HERBERT St CO. Office ]]ank of the U. States, Savaxnah, Jui.y 28th, 1825. T HE thirteenth d'vidend declared by the Bnnk of the United States, is re ceived. Such stockholders as hove direct ed it placed nt their disposal in this office, on application will receive the amount. If they cannot attend in person, they will he furnished with blank (towers of attorney, so as to enable their agents to receive the same. J. HUNTER, Cashier. July 30 93p TICKKT8 RKCK1VK1). T HE tickets ordered in the following Splendid Lottery, aru received—-to be druwn in Providence on Saturday next: STATE LOTTERY, 8F.CONP CLASS. Fifty Numbers Combination. S. Sf Jlf. Allen Sf Co. Agents for the Managers, SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Ysize o£ 20,000 ft oils. 1 5-ftftO do. b 1 OOO do. 1 bbl do. 4 &Oft do. 8 100 do. 44 ' &O do 88 do. rater of tickkts. A package of seventeen tickets, embrac ing all the combination numbers, from otto to fifty, which is warranted lo draw j(24, less the usual deduction, with seventeen chan ces for tho liighest prizes, : : : 85 00 A package of seventeen halves. : : '42 5tf seventeen quarters,-. 21 25 seventeen eighths,: : 10 62 Single ticket, 5 00 half, 2 50 quarter, 1 25 Apply to W. ROBERTSON, July 30 Georgian Office. A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice in tiie several Courts of Law end Equity in this .State, oilers to the public his pro fessional services in the Courts of Bibb, | Henry, I Janes, | Crawford, Monroe, Jasper, | Twiggs. Pitre. WASHINGTON PoE. Macon, Bibb County, (Gu.) July 7 84 N f 'tice. A LL persons indebted lo tho subscriber, either by bonk account or notes, will call on Mr. GEORGE D. SWEET, who is authorised lo settle the same. JAMES WELLS. July 19 89l Dn. Paul H. VVilki NS, O FFERS his services in the Practicb of MxniciaE, Suncc.RV und Obste- thicks, to the inhabitants of Savannah nnd its vicinity. He may be found at Mrs. Want 's, or at his office four doors to tho south of it, in Bruughton-Street. Julv 21 88 Planters’ Bank. O N nnd after FRIDAY NEXT, 29th inst. this Rnttk will be shut at ONE O’CLOCK, P. M. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. July 28 P3p fTIHE subscribers have removed to John- sU, “’ s Square, next door weal of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a i« noisome assortment of fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stock. . W.& H. ROSE, April 5 jo aT Tlie Dnrten Gazette, and Recorder. Iwilledgeville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this otfieo. James Anderson Co. ■tfAVE removed t 0 the middle tenement H|jp. Young's j • ngs, where l hey offer li.r sale a large ane general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DltY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liver- pool and New-York. June 24 79 JAMES ANDERSON A CO. H AVE on hand u few balesofWUITE. BLUE, and Ml XT' FLAWS LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS, Imported last year, which they will sell at a considerable reduction from the prices nf lust season. Their usual supply of PRAIA’S, BLANKETS BAGGING, will be received by the first Fall vessel from Liverpool, and they will be able to supply their friends with fresh Imported Goons, at as low rates as any former importation can be sold for June 24 79 Upholstery Store. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has opened an exten sive establishment in the above line, next door south of his Cabinet Furniture Ware- Hottsc, in Whittaker-Strect, and will at all seasons offer for sale n general assortment of FASHIONABLE U PHOLSTER Y, con sisting of Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows Mattresses made from pure curled hair Da. prepared moss Do. for ship’s births Do. childrens cribs Do. '‘Cots Easy Chairs, Beadsteads, Cotts, Door Mats, and a large and extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description. All of which, will be sold very low for cash or approved Credit. I. W. MORRELL. N. B. Old Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, Ea sy Chairs, and Hair Matresses, corded and rostuffed in the best manner. July 21 Ship’s Mattresses. T he subscriber has on hand nnd for shle, a large supply of HAIR and MOSS MATTRESSES, suitable for fami lies and ships births, manufactured in tiie best possible manner, and would at all times make them to order and pattern, at tho lowest price. I. W. MORRELL, July I* " Whittakcr-Street. Madeira Wines. riXHE undersigned has on hand, and nf. J- ters for sale upon liberal terms for cash or upproved acceptances, payable in 1 his city, a quantity of Madoiru Witte of the justly celebrated brand of John Howard March Sr Co. iu pipes, half-pipes, quatier- casks and eighths, of various im|i(rrtalinns ; some very old, and all very superior. He has always a subscription List open, tort lie importation of Wine front Madeira to this place, and will thankfully recoive or ders for any quantity : ho will, in tl>.> of Ibis month, forward a list which will he supplied in the course of the next ensuing Autumn. PETIT I)E VILLERS. Sovannah, Vth July. 1825. Factor. Julv 9 85 G\v TYftYLfcTft UftftlAVEft, I N the Rhode Island Grand State Lotte ry, Second Class, which draws next month. 50 Numbers, 6 Ballots Drawn. SCHEME: t Prize of 420,000 1 5,000 5 1,000 1 Prize of 4 44 of $50, &c. Sic >52 '500 100 Tickets $>. Also, in Maryland State Lottery, Fifth Class, which draws 27th ins', in Baltimore. Tickets six dollars.—Capitals : 1 Prize of $ to,000 to Prizes of $1000 1 10.000 30 100 1 5,000 50 50 fit0. St Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. July 23 Fresh Teas und Cassia. 165 ( Jl'sr tic EtvF.n sen sms kmbukOi. CATTY BOXES GunpowdcrTe* 120 do do Imperial ■ do Itto thr do Hyson do loChests llyson do . 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 200 Mats Casein For sale hy J. B. HERBERT & CO. July 14