Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 04, 1825, Image 3

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:fT :*»' .V* ‘.Sc I TO HIE EDITORS Of THE GIWROU*. Please to announce the following ticket for Aldermen. it will succeed by a lurge lino of the kind attention of Capt. Banks, while with him. Prom Opt. Dunks we further learn that the U- S. t'n ato Constellation, Capt.Wool- any, (Coin. Warrington’s flag-ship) was at Mulanzas whou he sailed, officers and crow majority ot in excellent health. | THE PEOPLE OP SAVANNAH „ „ „ Tha .r Wm. C. Daniell, Bsmucl B. Parkmon’ Pkom Mont* Viuko and Rio.—The or- „ _ Warj George Millen, rival of the ship Sultan at Boston, and the Charles Harris, OeorgcShiek. Homer at Bever y. one Irom Monte Video, ^ w Jio|( Wm (;. Wayne, the other tro.n Rio, places us in possess on ' Clllmnin _ j. B . Gaudry. of intelligence ft-om what may mij am J, Morrison: Frederick Densler, the seal ol VV at, down to the ibth ot May. - Mjnj J. c . Habersham. Gen. Prutas, one ot the Revolutionary lion- orals, had snceeeded in raising a torco of oovAiucrnozAZ.. twolve hundred cavalry, and had drivon all_ the catllo away front the neighborhood of —; a tile city nfSlonte Video. It is stated that I New-York, July 23.—Owing to the ex hn took from Mr. Brown of New-York, | cessivo heat, business has been foy the last 4.1,000, anil 13,000 from Mr. Horn ofBal- ' week in a coi siderable degree suspended— umoreland that he had subsequently obtain- 1 our reviewol'the market will shew less al- ed a loan uf$30,000, which would in all pro- terations in the price of merchandize than bability enable him to capture Monte Video, | wo have ever before noticed. A very consi- unless speedily relieved by the troopB of the j durable portion of our merchants arc absent Emperor. Gen. Prutas nppproached with- [from the city, and these wnorqinain appear in three miles of the City ; but as the Go- : to partake so much of the general languor vernor could place no reliance on his troops, | caused by the weather, that tho operations and therefore dare not give him battle, he despatched a vessel to the Emperor for suf ficient force. The Governor hail ordered all the American and English to give up their arms, which ihey hnd complied with. It was the intention of Gen Prutas to have ta For Liverpool, B, The ship P A L L A Capt. Pike, Is daily expectod, and will meet with immediate despatch for the above port. Por freight of cotton and pnssage, apply to A. LOW Si CO. August 4 06 TENTH WHEATON, A.C. die. WT. WILLIAMS, For New-York, 4 The coppered packet brig PHEASANT, To nail on Sunday next- Por freight or passage, apply to I he master on board, at Mongin’s Lower VVhf. August 4 96 in all descriptions ot produce have been ex tremely limited. Bogging We continue our quotations as usual. Cotton, yd. 26 c. Colton.—Operations in this article, since nnr Inst notice of it, have been in a great in a gi ken the place the fire! night he make his np- i measure suspended. The arrival of tin penraneo ; but the governor hud ilieeovered those wlm were to co-operate with him, and open the gates for him that evening, and h ul taken eighteen of them. When Gen. Prutas found he wus disappointed, he pro ceeded and took Maldonado. A s hooner hud arrived at Maldonado, and lauded supplies. She was nfterwurds taken and brought to Monte Video. People were last leaving the city for Bu enos Ayres. Mr. Horn, above mentioned, wus imprisoned for expressing his opinion ul the state oft hn piece too freely The A- mericans Imd insde grout hut ineffectual el- forts to obtain his liberation. Tho horses and cattle were starving to death daily.’ The town was full of the for mer, tlm best of which could bo obtained for 5 or jSd. Tho information hy the Homer, at Bever ly. which vessel left Rio on 2d of June, re presents the whole of the province of tho Banda Ormmiul as engaged in the revolt; •nil that llin government of Buenos Avres, as a precautionary step, had placed a forco in the province of Entrc Rio. It was the impression at Rm that the government of Buenos Avres could not avoid taking a more decided interest in the revolt than what was manifested in Imr present deportment; hot bo ibis us it may, it is pretty certain that she is putting herself in a position to flank those who may in a short time heceme loir enemies—a movement evidently tho dictate of.-outid policy. The ship Portia, Sillimun. of Charleston. Topaz, at Boston, sod tho Columhiu at this port, with Liverpool accounts to Juno 16th, shewing that market to lie in a very unset tled and ih dining way, have, by a very na tural sympathy, produced nenrly the same etsto uf things hero. We kniiw of no sales to justify us muttering our previous quoin tj„ns—wo therefore contiune them. Up lands, lb. a 24 c. ; Louisiana, 23 a 26 ; Tennessee. 19J a 22 : Alabama, 20 a 24. Rice.—Importation, 152 tierces.—W hear of no change to notice in this article— a few inferior parcels, some by auction, have been sold at £2 25, 4 months : some prime, in half tierces, at JS‘3 62J. and several small lots at the various rales within the range of our quotations. Rice, old and ordinary, por 100 lbs. 2 25 a 2 501 do. new mid. to prime, do. :ia 3 07). Freight —To Liverpool. Cotton, per lb. 5-Hil n;)d; To the Continent, Colton, I 5-0 a 7-6 cts. Exchange continues about the same as our last quotation. Bills on London, 60d. 4$ pr.; do. France. 5 30 a 5 32j ; do Charles ton. 2. DRAWING OF THE New-York Literature tottery, Class No. t, for 1625. T HE following were the drawn numbers, 25, 42, 54, 31, 36, 13, 24, 10, I. Those who hove drawn prizes may receive the cash or leave their orders fur tickets in Grand Slate Lottery of Rhode Island,which draws' in Providence oil Saturday next, or Union Canal Lottery which draws in Phil adelphia 7th Sept.—Highest prize $26,000. Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFIGE. August 4 H ASjjBt received a number of NEW WORKS, among which are Pure Calcined Magnesia. FRESH SUPPLY of the above article has just been rec ived from the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company. It is said to be equal to tho colebrnted Hen ry Magnesia. Families who have made ttse of this medicine, give it a decided pref erence over inns others usually sold. It is neatly put up in bellies with printed direc tinns for use, and sold at 37J cents per bot tle, at the store of LAY If HENDRICKSON, August 4 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. CilOZOE FRENCH AND ENGLISH Chnrhaton. August I.—Cotton.—The Oo‘- ton Market lor the past week lias been very inactive ; the advices from Liverpool by tho Columbia caused a decline of one to two cents per pound in Upland, and a greater reduction in Sea-Island. Of tho latter des cription the stock on hand is estimated to bo about two thousand hales a considerable pan of which is going on ship board. A with 172 passengers, mostly ot the Royalj wan t of confidence in foreign markets hns Spanish Army, which surrendered at the battle of Ayacucho, and part of her ontwurd Cargo, arrived at Rio Janeiro,from Lima. kept purchasers from coming forward. Tho few sales that have been made during tho week were at out quotations. Rice.— Little business has been done in this article and it is heavy at our quotations —A small lot of very prime was sold as high as $3, 25, and the few sales of other descrip tions ranged from $l.87j to £3. Freight*—Have declined, several vessels having arrived during the week. Smn of thorn were taken up at Id per lb. for Cotton to Liverpool. Exchange on England—3 a 4 por cent Another version of the naval battle be tween the Egyptians and the Greeks is giv en, and a more probable one than that Which has already been published. The account is, that lbraham Pacha, despairing of being able to hold out any longer at Mo- don, hud embarked on hourdofun Egyptian Squudrvm ly ing there, with an intent ion of reluming to his native country. Cannris. ; ■ _. tins Grecian Admiral commanding part of: premium, on r ranee—Si. 25c. the blockading squadron, taking advantage ——; of a favorable wind, sailed in the night into ' Himhnrg. June 3. Colton- The present tlm midst of tho Egyptian fleet, and grap- stock does not amount to 2000 bis. which can pled one of their frigates with a 'ire-ship—1 «"* be generally considered of good assort- two or three other lire ships were equally nu ni. J lio market is quite inanimate hard- sueci'SHl’ul. Iv any transactions are taking place. Some The lire having spread, the conflagration frw b^’ 1 " »? Alabama and Tennessee have illuminated Cabrera, tho Greek Islnini Sa- h^en taken al 13 to 15 sch. A parcel ot piunza. and the precipices of Mo;uit Eginle- Uuba went, oft at 15 sell, us. Tho sight now became truly terrible: 7i»rc —Is unaltered in price—New Car oil all sides wore soon vessels grappling,; °lmu, 1.^ to IG$ mk—Java 12 to 124. running foul, (lying and siukmg, mingled ( 1 -- with tlii* shrieks of soldiers ami sailor* in ! Antwerp. June U) —C fee—The demand the burning vessels. Several ships however has been very animated this week, and ra- succeeded in gaining the open sea, and it is , tlmr belter prices Iwive been allowed than in from six damaged transports just arrived in . the proceeding ; the sales since last Friday our port, that we received the first news of, have been estimated at about 900‘» bags, of the grand disaster experienced by the Ma- which we notice 20(H) bugs, Bat avia, at 7 7-16 hoiuetnns, whose loss is estimated to amount. *<> 7 9-i6st. (60s. fid. to Ols. fid. int. ;) 3^6 to neurly seventy vessels, wrecked, burnt bags Brazil, at 7 1-16 to 7 1-0 (57s fid to 58s ; ami sunk. Tho coast was covered with i 400 hogs St. Domingo, at 7 I-4 (59s. Id ; fires, and it was thought that that Ibrnh&m and 900 bags La Gnayra and Havana, mid Pacha had perished in this terrible calas- filing at 7 3-4 st. (63s 4d) Among the arri troplie. vals is the Fanny, of this Port, with 400 Ibrahim, previous to this engagement, of bags of Coffee from Batavia, fered to capitulate, on condition of giving Hire.—No business having been transac up the fortresses of Coron and Modon ; but! ted, the last, prices remain nominally the the Greeks were not willing to suffer him same ; of Carolina, the supples received to oseapu on such easy terms. The traitor fdnee the beginning of this month are about Odysseus, abandoned by his soldiers, it was 3500 tierces, expected would share the fate of Colocotro- —■——gg ma and the other factious chieftans. Tho defeat of Redchid Pacha at Anatolies, and the burning of the Egyptian fleet on the night of tho 12th of May, are confirmed be yond all reach of doubt. So complete has been the victory that the Turkish caiuuaign aga ust the liberties of Greece ia deemed now at an end, and :hat the Greeks will now act on tho oft'en- eiv< purt, and penetrate into the territories of the Grand Seignior. 1 —v F9B7 OF SAVANNAH | ARRIVED, I Pilot-boat sclir. Savannah, White, St Marys, 20 hours. Passenger, J. Morrison Sailed in on. with tile U- S. survaying sclir. Florida, fur Charleston. Colombian Captures—The squadron of private armed vessels under the Colombi an flag, continue actively engaged in cut ting up the commerce of old Spain ; in addi tion to the captures already mentioned, we have to day the names ofihe Salt Jose, alias Felix, ond El i’mto, both from Havana captured in tho Straits of Gibraltar. Baltimore Gazette, A new mode or obtaining a ot-ass or Brands.— A New-Vork paper states that in one of tho day, of our late intense beats, a man with a fiery red lace was seen ai a pump drinking apparently to excess, and then falling down in convulsions. He was taken to a neighboring grocery store, and restored to life by the potent internal a:pli- Mttons ofihe contents of* brandy bottle He gradually recovered and walked aivay, and gave a second edition of all his pranks in two hours afterwards; he drank cold wa - er a second time—a second time fell into eonvuljunne, and was a second time restored bottle ^ ‘ b0tSl al, * ,lication • of t,ie brandy The ship Pioneer, from Liverpool for Al exundria, was spoke on the 20th ultimo, 75 miles from Sandy Hook. The ship Savannah, from Ncw-York for this port, was seen on the 2Utli ult. by the sloop Morning Slur, arr. at New-Yorlt 23d ult. from Charleston. Tlieschr. Col. Ramsay,Moore, from Bal tiinore. with goods for merchants in this ci ty, arr. at Charleston on Sunday. A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice tho several Courts of Law and Equi qnlty Gibraltar, May 30._The permission to import foreign wheat into Spain through the ports of Algeziras, Seville, Almeria and Main— ga, upon payment of half a dollar per tBiicga, lins been extended to the 30th of next month inclusive, and to Ihq ports of ear colon a and Tarragon*. in this State, offers to tho public Iiis pro tessional services ill the Courts of Bibb, I Henry, I Junes, I Crawford, Monroe. Jasper, Twiggs, Pike. WASHINGTON POE, Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) July 7 64 T" UST recieved pur ship Augusta, a Brush ami elegant'assortment of PERFU MERY, &c. carefully selected by the pro prietor. Among which, are the following articles:— Maccasscr, Russia, Bears, and Antique Oils, lor beautifying and promoting the growtli of hair Pomatums in large and small pots, all sorts of odors Rose, Orange Flower, Lavender and Co logne Water, in boxes, very highly per fumed Essences of Bergamot, Lemon, Laven der, Musk and Cinnamon Milk of Roses, or beauty's preservative Quirk's Essence of Tyre, for changing light red or grey hair, to a permanent and bea tiful brown or black Low's very superior scented, shaving and wash Soaps, all sorts of perfume, Na ples Pot, Cake and Quintessence sha ving Soaps, Windsor perfumed fancy Soap, by the box Iluir Powder of various odors, Powde Puffs of assorted sizes Elegant Pocket, Dress, and fine teeth Combs, ami ivory Le-ter-Folders Ladies and Gentlemen's Pocket-Books, with and without clasps, of all sizes, IndospensahicH assorted patterns Gih Card Cases, assorted patterns, and Visiting Cards to suit them Silver Pencil Cases, host quulity, do do Tooth Picks do do; do Tweezers, Penknives, Sugar Boxes, Dominoes Fancy cut glass; Mernu id and English Pungent Smelling Bottles, Dice, Playing Cards,Ladies* Toilet Dress Cases, Gentlemen's Shaving do Button^ superior Dentifrice, Marshall's do. But ler's do Prepared Charcoal from the willow bark, Thompson's Aromatic Tooth Paste, for whitening and preserving the teeth Eye-Stonos Snuff Boxes, a fine assort ment. of Reeve's Colors, Tapers of all kinds, Phosphorus Boxes Fancy shaving Boxes of all sizes, very superior, do Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, with fluted and plain handles of the best quality, and various other kinds of brushes, made ot the best materials John Barber's and Thomas Scargill's su perior Razors, in double and single ca- TENTH VOLUME WHEATON'S RE PORTS, Supreme Court United States, February Term, 1H25.—$7. FOURTH VOLUME COMYN»S DI GEST, with American Cases, by Day.$6. ID" A few more subscribers can be suppli ed with this Valuable Work, the price of which will be raised to non-subscribers. DANE'S ABRIDGEMENT & DIGEST OF AMERICAN LAW, complete in 8 volumes.,—$45. ‘ CHITTY'S PLEADINGS, a Now Edition by Edward Ingraham, 3 volumes.—$21. ARCHBOLD'S LAW OF PLEADING AND EVIDENCE, in Criminal Cases.— p 50. REAME'S ELEMENTS OF PLEAS IN EQUITY, with precedents with refer ences to American Decisions.—$4. WHEATON'S EDITION of SELWYN’S ABRIDGEMENT OF NISI PRIUS LAW. 2 volumes.—$13. RA WLE'S VIEW OF THE CONSTITU TION OF THE UNITED STATES.— $3 50. OUNTESS DE GEN IASS' MEMOIRS, written bv herself 8 volumes.—$2. R A V MOND'S POLITICAL ECONOMY, a New Edition, in 2 volumes, 8vo.—$5 50. ID’ This Valuable Work has now become a Text Book in several of our Colleges. GAIETIES AND GRAVITIES, by the authors of Rejected Addresses, 2 volumes. $•50. THF. NORTHERN TRAVELLER, con tainmi; the routes to Niagara, (Jiiehec, anil the Springs, with several Mnps and Plntes—#2. NORTHERN TOUR, being a guide to Saratogo, Lake George, Canada, lioBton, Sir. with a. Map.—$150. THE WASHINGTON TOUR in 1825— fi 2 J cents. PHILADELPHIA in 1024, a brief account of every thing remarkable, together with an historical and statistical account of the city, with a Map and other Plates — JOHN BULL IN AMERICA, OR THE NEW MURCHAUSEN. August 2 95p For New-Yorlt, {ESTABLISHED LIME,) The regular packet ship AUGUSTA, George White, Master, Will sail on Thursday next, and can handsomely a few more passengers, on application to Capt. White, on board at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to August 2 HALL St HOYT. r’,1' w WHO® 4 For New-York, Tho brig A L M I R , L M I ft A, Harrington, Master, Will sail on Wednesday next. For freight on deck, or passage, apply to the master on board, at Rice’s Wharf. For Philadelphia, The brig FRANCES, Capt Croft, Will meet quick despatch. For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Jones’ Lower Wharf, or to ELIAS REED, Who has landing from, said brig and for sale, 75 Barrels Fresh Ground Flout 150 Barrels first proof Whiskey 20 Bnrrcls Monongahela do July 30 94u For Pt Augustine $ Key West, The sloop MARY JANE, Capt. Marceliin, Will nail for tho above ports in a few days. For freight or passage, hav ing superior accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, or to JOHN HERNANDEZ. Exchange Dock. July 30 94 \\A\Ai x UU\T, H AVE just received and offer for sale on accommodating terms 30 Boxes prime corn ted Balti. Bacon 500 Bags Virginia Corn 2 bushels each 40 Barrels Baltimore Whiskey 100 Barrels fresh ground Iloward-Street Flour, for family use 20 Bags Prime Green Coffee 10 Pipes Holland Gin 5 Pipes Seiirnette’s Brandy 2000 Bushels Prime Maryland Corn in quantities to suit purchasers August 2 UOSUV A VIA) AT. 4000 BUSHELS Virginia White Corn, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at a reduced price. Apply to G. F PALMES, Exchange Dock. August 2 95p A.*,J. CHAMPION. H AVE just received per ship Augusta, from New-York, St. Andrew. A QUARTERLY m -ot. ing of the Savannah St. Andrew’s-Society, will bo held at the City-Hotel on SATURDAY EVENING the6th 8 o’clock JOHN BALFOUR, Secretary. August 2 95 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERTS, CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in September, Will be Bold beforo the Court-House in l * ,e MBU *' hours of sale, a TRACT OF LAND, containing four hun dred acres, more or less, bounded norths rd- ly by the Augusta Road. 6outhardly by land lately Dr. Cocke’s, eastardly by lands of Jos. Stiles, and E. Jencks, and westardly by lands lately belonging to Wearat, with the improvements, consisting of a good Dwelling House and Stable* attached, and three Negro Hou ses, being the reol estate- of Bonj. Putman, dec. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administratrix, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate.—Terma at time of sae.l July 16 88 4,1 I .he improve Mi '•/ FREEH DREGS. saffiiDaoasTiEa, PERFUMERY,&c. * r’dls B Y tit* ship Emperor, the subscriber* have received thirly-tivo packages o Genuine D >-ui'S. Medicines Per fumery, Fancy Jit tides c. I carefully selected by one of the partner* now at the north, which added to thotr for mer stock on hand, comprises an assortment very extensive, and particularly suited lor this market, and well worthy the attention of dealers. Merchants, 1’hysicianB, Plan ters and Families, would do well to forward their orders, as they will be sold at our usual low rates. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Building*. July 16 * ftfc&OV AL. T HE subscribers have removed to John ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low Se Co. where they or# opening a handsome assortment of TO PLANTERS. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING made a considerable purchase of last season’s imported PLAINS, which they offer for sale at the last year’s prices, for cash or drafts on their factors, payable any time before the 1st of April next; which muBt be, at least, 26 to 25 per cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation can be sold at. W. & H. ROSE. Savannah, 7th Juno, 1826. Tho Darien Guzette will insert the above until the first of October, and send the bill to this office. June 7 63 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stock. W. & H. ROSE. April 5 to BT Tile Darien Gazette, and Recorder* Millcdgeville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. B. B. ft. lionAon Tortfcr, Cotton Bogging, &c A FEW casks, containing eight and a half dozen each of London Porter, im 5 Halt Barrels Beef 20 Sacks Fine Table Salt 50 Half Barrels Canal Flour 10 Boxes Cheese 20 l-’irkins I.urd 10 Bo ,es Muscatel Raiams 2 Boxes Bnlnoa Sausage 10 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers. July 30 94tt Landing, KEGS PRIME LARD 10 Hallbarrels and 2 half pipes Cette Madeira Wine 3 Barrel* Smoked Beef 12 Kegs Cavendish Tobacco 12 Kegs “ Wight’s" Tobacco, 32 to the pound 50 Barrels New No. 3, Mackarcl 30 Bales Prime Hav For sale by COHEft & MILLER. July 30 94p ported, in the ship Georgia, on 2flth June last ure yet on hand and for sale; also, Cotton Bagging, errtea of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, and a variety of Seasonable Ory Goods, Apply t» ANDREW LOW & CO. July 16 80 Clarets ( orks. FEW Groce ot Superior Claret Corks, Window Blinds. 8ps, made to order, warranted to please the purchaser or to be returned An elegant assortment of Glass Lamps, attached to stunds in complete style Tonqnin and Vanilla Beans, Gold Leaf, and Dutch Metal, -fee $c. ALSO, Fifty packages of GENUINE DRUGS MEDICINES FANCY ARTICLE®, frC. all of which has been selected by himself, expressly for this market. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Merchants, Planters, nnd all that wish to purchase in this line, shall be supplied on as accommodating terms as any house mny offer in this eity— For sale at wholesale and retail, hy ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. August 4 96e Hav and Mackarcl, .BUNDLES PRIME HAY 200 40 Barrels No. 3, New Muckarel For sale by July 30 GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. 9 Ip Notice. JJURING my absence Mr. Asron Cow aro will act as my attorney. JOSEPH L THOMPSON. July 19 89a J UST received, an assortment of the above articles of all sizes. I. W. MORRELL. July 7 64 Fresh London Porter, J UST landing. 10 Casks Fresh Loudon Porter, and for sale bv July 30 J. B. HERBERT & CO, TICKKTS RKOK1VKD, T HE tickets ordered in the following Splendid Lottery, are received—to bo drawn in Providence on Saturday next: STATE LOTTERY, SECOND CLASS. Also 3 very elegant Liquor Cases, just received and for 6aie by LAY & HENDRICKSON, August 2 Druggists. Shad’s Buildings o F Du. Paul H Wilkins, FFERS his services in the Practice of Mf.iiioiise, Soroerv and Obste, tricks, to the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity. He may he found at Mrs, Wall’s, or at his office fuur doors to the south of it, in Broughton-Strcet Julv 21 86 Upholstery Store rjlHE subscriber respectfully informs the Fifty Numbers Combination. S. S, M. AllenS, Co. Agents for the Managers. SPLEjYDID scheme. 1 Priz-ft oi 20,OVH) DoWa. Ottice Bank of the U Mates, Savannah, Julv 28th, 1825, HE thirteenth d’vidend declared the Bank of the Uuilcd States, is ceived. Such stockholders as have direct cd it placed at their disposal in this office, on application will receive the amount. If they cannot attend in person, they will be furnished with blank powers of attorney, so as to enable their agents to receive the Bame. J. HUNTER, Cashier. July 30 83p The Library, W ILL hereafter be opened for the de livery of Books from four until six l b l 4 8 44> 8ft & 000 do. 1 000 do. bbl do. &Oi) do. 100 do. &0 da. 25 da. public, that Im has opened an exten sivc establishment ill the above line, nex, door south of his Cabinet Furniture Ware House, in Whittakur-Street. and will at all seasons offer for sale a general assortment of FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY,con, sisting of Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows Mattresses made from pure curled hair Do. prepared moss Do. for ship’s births Do. childrens cribs Do. Cots Easy Chairs, Bendsteads, Cotts, Door Mats, and a large and extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description All of which, will be sold very lew for cash or approved Credit. f. W. MORRELL. N. B. Old Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, Ea sy Chairs, and Hair Matresses, corded and restuffed in the best manner. July 21 HOT&io James Anderson Co. H AVE removed to the middle tenement Young’s Buildings, where they offer for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liveik pool and New-York. 79 June 24 JAMES ANDERSON * CO. H AVE on hand a few bales of WHITE. BLUE, and Ml XT PLAINS Madeira Wines. FBtCE or TICKETS. o’clock, P. M and Fridays. A package of seventeen tickets, embrac ing all the combination numbers, from one on Moudnys. Wednesdays to fifty, which is warranted to draw $24, less V BS. d .t I A I 1 1 .1.. . I. nA.anntnAI, a > 11 O IV . L. MASON r upper tills O NE STILL ofl 26 Gallons Two do. of 72 Gallons each Just received by the brig Frances, from Philadelphia, and for sale by August * P. M’DERMOTT. ! the usual deduction, with seventeen | ces for the highest prizes, : : ’ A packago of seventeen halves : seventeen quarters, seventeen eighths,: Single ticket, : r : : : : half,: quarter, Apply to July 30 han- 85 00 42 60 21 25 10 62 5 00 i : : : : : 2 50 1 25 W. ROBERTSON, Georgian Office. Ship’s Mattresses. rpHE subscriber has on hand and for sale, a large supply of HAIR and MOSS MATTRESSES, suitable lor fami lies and ship s births, manufactured in the best possible manner, and would at all times make them to order and pattern, at tho lowest prico. I. W. MORRELL, July 12 Whittaker-Street. ■ Notice. T HE subscriber being about to leave Sa vannah, for the North, and wishing hereafter to confine his business to his re tail store at the Market Square, will dis pose ofihe present stock uf GROCERIES at his Wholesale Store on the Bay. The terms will be liberal. Apply to P. M’DERMOTT, Who will also continue to attend to the COMMfSSIOM BUSIMESS, August 2 1 Prize of $20,000 1 5,000 5 1,000 SCHEME .■ 1 Prize of 4 8 $55* 500 100 10 Prize* of$1000 30 100 50 50 Sir.. Sir. Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. July 23 1 Prize of $40,000 1 10,000 1 5,000 Fresh Teas and Cassia. 165 1 Honey Water, Aug* LAY A HENDRICKSON. Us i’li ti I LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS, Imported last year, which they will sell at a considerable reduction from the prices of last season". Their usual supply of PLAINS, BLANKETS S, BAGGING, will be received hy the first Fall vessel from Liverpool, and they will he able to supply their friends with Fresh Imported Goons, at ns low rates as any former importation can be sold for June 24 79 T HE undersigned has on hand, and of- r 1 ~ ■ fers for sale upon liberal terms for cash or approved acceptances, payable in this city, a quantity of Madeira IVinc of the justly celebrated brand of John Howard VlarchSfCo. in pipes, half-pipes, quarter- casks and eighths, of various importations j some very old. and all very superior. He has always a subscription List onen, for the importation of Wine from Madeira to this place, and will thankfully receive or ders for any quantity : he will, in the course of this month, turward a list which will be. supplied in the course of the next ensuing Autumn. PETIT DE VILLERS. Stmannah, 7th July, 1825. Factor. Julv 9 R5 6w TYCTfUBTft UYiULIVED, I N the Rhode Island Grand State Lotte ry, Second Class, which draws next month. 50 Numbers, 6 Ballots Drawn. 44 of $50, Sic. Sir. Tickets $5. Also, in Maryland State Lottery, Fifth Class, which draws 27th ins', in Baltimore. Tickets six dollars.—Capitals : RICEIVEO PER SHIP EMPEROR, CATTY BOXES GunpowderTe* 129 do do Imperial do 100 do do Hyson d® 10 Chests Hyson do 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 200 Mats Cassia For sale by i. B. H ERBERT Si CO, July 14 A SUPPLY of this elegant water, jutf. received ond for by