Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 06, 1825, Image 4

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    ygaOCI BMi
Sheriff’s Sale.
On IA* first Tuuday in September nett,
CfWiLL be told in front of the court-house
\N in Brjrtn County, between the uiutl
feoura of mle, .
A tract of Lend In enid county, known bv
(ho nemo of 'P.lermo,’ eont.inw* mght hun-
4e4 enrol, more or leu, bou idad N_ M by
Sweat’* Unde, 8 W by e Salt marsh, other
bounileriet not known—levied upon et tnt
property of H' T satisfy an exe
cu'ioit in fetor of the xdmlnlalrator* of B«nj
•tilee, deeeued- THO g, BARN. >• c
Aufttrt 8 9i
Communications, pott paM. end order* from
any pari of the world, wiU receive immediate
T‘S3£twss*«ya , 'sS *,
Administratrix Sale.
Homer the eighth dey o August next
will be eold et the house of Mr*. F, "mitn,
in Bryen County, between the hour* of ten
nntl four o’clock, St* he.d of Stock Cattle
end one old Cert, b, ing the remaining pern-
d>| estate of Ueithew Carter, dec. Cmdi
tions, cash.
June 29th. 1825
July 8 83t
St’* t K OF GS-lRGiA. >
rhaiham (Jaunty 5
In the Court if Ordinary July Term 1R~J.
In the mutter of the Estate of Euiahelh
Bourke, Lunstio—Archibeld Smith, Guat-
0 4 the petition of A-ehib*!d Smith guar
dien of Elisabeth Bourke, stating thn
the lollowing n*med negroes. via. Sakoy and
her child, Aoderaoti.Daphite »nd htr children,
Andrew and Bom, from t long residence in
t wo and great indu' have aeq tired such
h hi a of dlenea* and riciou* practices, that
they cannot be made at *11 profitable to thi
said Lunatic and praying leave of thia court
to roll the said negroes, and that the ptoceedt:
of the sale be Invested i.' Bank Stock, or any
other liiodt that n.ty beat promote tue inte
rest of the said Ehaabitb Bourke, It is
hereby ordered, that all peraona intereited in
the welfare of the aaid *1 anbeth di file their
Throah tong aUnding RhrnrnMto Affec-
tions. Cutaneous Distaaes, White Swelling
and Disease* of the Bone*, end all caaer
generally nf an uleerou* diameter, end
r'hronic diasaaea, ariaing in debilitated eonaii
lutiona, but more especially fnr Syphilis, o
uff-etitina arising th refro-n, Ulcer* of the
Luryns, Nodes, *0 . and that draadhtl dia
ease occasioned by e long and eaceasire uae
of Hereury, he ho.—It has a’as been found
uaeful In D.aeasca of the Liver,
Ina l disorder*arising from en impure or
contaminated atate of the Shad, it will be
found a powerful and an effectual remedy.—
Tlie diacovery nf thia medicine haa been _ the
effect of long and attentive atudv, and it ta
now made public from the moet decided con
viction, founded o.i ample eaperience, of it*
power in eradicating those diseues,q/ler every
\ other medicine hat failed.
It cannot, however, be auppoaed, tliat thi*
1’iwarsA wiU invariably cure—the moat e«-
leemed medicine*, employed by the Faculty,
1 will often fail imthe very diaeaie* for which
they are considered specific* i but if the uaeal
it be persevered in, it will radically remove el-
amst every cauae|of the disorder* specified.
Thousand* are lingering under thoae com
plaints, in some form, sinking to the g-sve,
i iihout a remedy, whom tail medicine would
certainly restore to perfect health and vigour.
Its safety and innocence have been fully ter-
d, to that it may be administered to the ten
dered infact I’he moet diatinguishid physi.
oiani in the United Siatea recommend it, and
dmit, that a more impor'aut discovery in me
dical acience haa not been made i and to uae
the language of on- of the moat eminent Pro-
,'euors nf the age, it it a t’iimfi'i in the heating
art. To the prtaent and rising generations,
the benefit mua* prove incalculable, not only
by saving many many valuable live*, but im
parting strength end soundness to dMitaed
tail corrupted constitution*, -thereby p-eserv-
ing their offspring from hereditary ,Urates. -
These facta, logo- i cr With the numerous cure*
made, form irrcsiMcproyf of the high value
>1 thra remfidv. No one. however, i* id.acd
to take it, without first fully convincing h ; m-
seif of the truth of wba* is here atated, and
the rectitude of <he Pi.-prietor** intention*.
The cures performed in thia city atone, ei
tablisb its superior virtue on a basis too sond
to be alfeeted by the malignity of the envious.
I ts worthy of remark, th-t the greater part
1 ’" Sme ’ WH. 8WAIM,
No 13, South Ninth Street, oppoaite tbs
University «»f Pennsylvania*
Philadelphia, February* I82J,
The subscribers have just recoived iftajl
ilv of the ebovo VALUABLE ME 1)1-.
JE, and have made aucli arrangements
with the inventor,Mr. Wm. Swalm, as will
ou&ble them to offer to the public a pure
and unadulterated article. OruggistB and
others whopurchaso to sell again, con have
it at the original price established by the
Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with
cases illustrating its success, will be loaned
to those interested, by applying as above.
June 28
Treasury Department,
March, 14, 1825
W HEPE48 on the 3d or Mtrch, IP'. J,
law was pasted by the Cmigrem of the
objections if any they have, in thecierh’sof , f „
fl je of thi* Court on or before the first Mon. 1 Q f patients who hive been permanently
day in August next, otherwiae, the said ne-1 cu ed, ha ', previous to the proprietor’* nn-
groea will be told for the benefit of the_ aaid 1 dertaxing them, received the shiest abidance
Luxatic, and the proceeds of such sale he in | im j several were abandoned by the:r Phyra-
Lunatic, and the proceeds of such tale be in
teatedm Bank stock, or other funds that may
heat promote the inteieat of the aaid Bltxa-
^Atid it is further ordered, that this rule be
eians,a« being beyond the reach of muffs
sail Such ie the f cl, and to extraordinary
w-remmy of heCtses that an exhibition mat
made of them in the Univcrttty of Pensssy'vM
A certain Hart India Cure far the Rhe u-
malitm, King's Erit, SfC.
Extract of alerter from the Bev. James E
hah, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F' Bedwe
Dm* Sin :
I GRBU ABLY to yur request, I have with
published in a public Gasttte of 8avannab, at I ^ yyp, ofettor of Surgery. bfore a crowd
# i. — iL’.al,. JatiX I .J l: u .. ./ i'Mi.hHia tom hit Ai'AIIAIIflFPfi then
feast once a week for thirty diva.
Extract from the minute* Tlh Ju>y. 18'.
Julv 9 *8 Her
Georgia—Camden County.
TO ALL to whom it may concer n
W HEREAS Belton A. CoppappUetto the r-now creatures, ny carry
eoart of Oahnary of aaid Oounfo for ^ p(n> f c> Eni , ltnd . where i, ha. .1
Letter* of AdnunUtwton. with retiy super ted ed (he use of the genuine
ed audience qf Stvdeme, vfio p> onouncetlt.ihetn
wonder«in the healing art. It «.*» been intro-
luce t into the Fluudelphii Aim* Hou* 0 *rd
Pennsylvtni* and New-York Hosoital, and
such were it* surprising effects—in success
sfier all other medioines had fti'led, that t\t
burgeon of the Pcnnsylvu»)ir|Hopital,]Dr.Win
P.iccg was induced to abandon hia highly
respectable ofHc , from the laudable design
of benefiting h.s fellow creatures, by carry
Wtoao! MmmiBMj. wuu » «i w... -• » ret ^ y g tl peraeded the use of the gent
sexedaontheeitate of J"*P I * “ f ” f French Bob of Lafacteurioa number of ....
aaid county, deeeaaed t These are Uiere e Jtineej , , n d i, euei f or which that is intended,
tis cite and admonish *•'. “?'* * fi h ,„d it* virtue* are publicly acknowledge by
heir* and creditor* of *aid deceased o ie r t thft niolt xaminenl sureeon* the^e.
JStalM*diB!l (if a°v tl
ber next, ntnerfrile ixu
kbe applies' t<
they have) in my of-
Jo qpntem*
aome rf the moat eminent surgeons the>-e
•. In all complicated caaes of Scefuht and Sy
parent cause* i“3e‘veld , peibent oV'ScroMi* lii
Witness the Hnn. WilliaiB Gibson, one of ,h '"" '•‘be only remedy upon which
the Justices of aaid Court, this 33d Ju
ly, IMS.
JO IN BAILY, e. c. o. c. c
Julv 10 193
Georgia—Camden County.
ETVHRRF.AS W .ipplt Aldrie applies to the
\XJ Court of Ordinary nf the said county
fnr Letters of admin’straf inn, w : th the will an
nexed, on the estate of E.'lnbetb Williamson,
late of st'd county, deceas'-t: Tbra-
a sing;e hope of recovery can be rensonab : y
founded i there has been no instance of its
failure, where proper ly used It imparts vi
gottr to the whole system while ihe cure is
going on—nn operation to long looked for in
fain by the medical mot Id; at me .,ame i me
the patient is enabled to take nourishing food,
which under the common mudes of practice,
ia usually «ithheld from the sufierer. In ms-
iiy instances where the horrible ravages ,t u -
cera,ion had laid bare ligament an a b ine, rnd
where, to all appearance, no human means bu.
amputation euuid have saved life t in rare*
ettiema even ss here dtscr.bed, have pa
tients been snatched from the gi are an t re-
difii uh v procured and now send you bv
the ship Jnsm, Cspt Robinson, a few pounds
of the Polidrlphis, or what generallv goes
by the name of Iidia Extract, a Medici-,e tin.
iverially esteemed imong the people nf Indtau
•s a rertaln cure for the Rheumitism. Was
1 to inform you of the number of people wh
sre daily relieved and cured by thia vslu tble
M-d'cine, it wou'd require more paper than
I am aide to purchase ard more time than 1
am able to bestow. Indeed, the t ffect of thia
Medicine is ■ > immi d ite, thst in Rheumalitm
vou would suppose it acted as a chs-m ingo
ing relief and removing th d painful disease-
II the King’t Evil it Ins been used with grett
success, and where Mercury has been given
or used to eic< S3, th'i Medicine has proved a
perfect cure. The great difli rulty, however,
ol procuring the Extract, will for many years
to come, prevent its penerol circulation, it be
ing obtained from a Shrub growing on the
mountains of Thibet, in the B rrman Empire
of India, and held so sacred by the natives,
that to part with it ia like parting with then
existence.” . _
Letter to Dr- B.-dwell, dated Jin. 7, t8„3.
Dear Doctor—l have been violently effector
with s R' ;J u nstic complain' f »r many years ;
even m' lingers v ere so contracted that I
,-nn .d neither d"e«s or undress myself, org ve
the least assistance to mv fa tnily—I h*ve used
only one box of thelnd'% Extract, and I am
perfectly restored, Join's truly,
Let'er from Tobins Jennings, St -ward nt St
Thomi"’ Hoaptal London, F>.b 1 , Id.-.3
Dear .Vir-I think it my d ity tn inform vou,
that after trying every thing that c-ndd be
pointed out by the moat respectable physi
cian* and surgeons for the relief of my son,
without any success, who you know, hsa 'o
many .years been laboring under aevere U.ieo
matism, I wa» induced to try the Poladclphis
with a g immering hope, that it might g ve
endured, whieh rendered Id nYtN^fesu 'Weor-
ber of society, and a burthen to hi nielf. To
Umted States,of which the 3d Alb. and Slh
sections are in the words filluwmg, v'a i
” Sue. 3. And bo it funhsr enacted, That s
subscription to the amount of twelve millons
of dollars, of the six p >r cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundrrd and thirteen, be, and
the same is heieby proposed i for which pur-
lose book- shall be opened at the Treasury of
die United States, and at th. several loan offi
ces, on the first day of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as shall, on die day of sub
scription, stand on the books of the Treasury,
and on those of the several loan offices, re
speolively; which aubacription shall be effect
ed by a transfer to the United States, in the
manner provided by law for such transfers, ol
the credit or cird'ts standing on the said
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed: Provided, That
all subscription by such transfer i.f stock shall
be cmaidet ed as part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by
the Ural aecti n of his act.
" Sec. 4. And he it further enactedThat for
the whole or any part of any sum which ah'il
be thus subscribed, credit* shall be entered to
the respective subscribers, who shall be enli
tied to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to the hol ler or
holderi thereof, his, her, or their assigns, >
sum tn be expressed therein, equal to thi
amount of the principal stock thiiaaubscribcd,
bearing sn interest not exceeding ftmrxnd
one hxlf per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thuty-fi si 'lay of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five »transferable in the same tt anner as I*
provid'd by law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure olthe Uniud States, as follows: one
ba'f at any time aPet the thirty-first day of
December, one thou sard eight hundred ami
twenty-eight: and the rsmainder at any lime
slier the thirty-first day off December, one
Ihouaand eight hundred tad twenty-nine:
Provided, That no reimhurSiment ahall be
made except for the whole ataount of such
new certificate / nor until after *t least six
months public notice of such intended reim
bursement And it shall be the duty of the
Secretary cf the Treasury tn cause tope trans
ferred to the respective subscriber* the acver
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the certificates nf four and one half pet
:ent. stock nailed to them respectively.
"See. S. And be it further enacted, That
lie tame find* which have bereiutire been,
and now are pledged by law fov the!
of die interest, and for the redemption end
.eimbunementof the stock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, ahall remrin pledged in lik-
manner for the pavment of the interest accru
ing on the stock created by reaasn of au-1
subacip ion, snd f-irtbe rid;-notion orte-m-
horsemen! ofthe principdof the lime. A'd
it shall be the duty of the eommitaionera of t he
linking fund ti cause to be applied and paid
nut of the saifffund, yearly and r- e-y year,
austi sum and alma at may be annually requir
ed lo diachargdthe inle eat ace-u-tig on ihe
aiock which naj be created bv virtue of thn.
act The laid esmmiasionersare, alao, hero-
by authorised to apply, from t-me v» tim .
auch aum and aunts out of-tv« and rune aa
thev may think proper, towards redeemm*
Vegetable Catholicon.
IHE tubar.rih' r reaTuetfuUv solicit* the at
could wut to be. With toy tuinks, k a
ibliged humble icrvant,«c
therefore to cite and admonish ill and sing J
Jar, the kindred andcreditnn of said deeeaa.:d stored to good health, and th; dev, m ng ills-
to file their obj ctions (if any they have) in | case completely ersdiett-ed 'The iliieaceiy nf
rtty tffioe on or before the fi st Monday in
September next, otherwise Letters will be
granted the application
Witnest the Hon. William Gibson, on- of
the Jos'.iceanf said Court, this 33d Ju
ly, 18!J.
JOHN BAII.EY, c. c. o. c c.
jp- tn *9-1
.N otice.
N INE MONTHS tfterthe d»te hereof, up*
plication will be m»de to the Honortble
the Court of Ordinary for the County of Chat,
ham, for leave to aeli the whole or a part, or
parta of a tract of land, lying and beiitfj in
thecointy of Eifinghan, containing by re
cent eurvey, nine hundred and eight- fi e
a remedy like th e now offe ed fo " s ite, hut
been a detideruti.mft om Umcimtn ntonnl,
The Proprietor d ies no. uppuie I is bare
Assertion will convince : oe wi.l therefore give
references to auch as have been cured, and
those ur.d r hia care among whom are many
highly reapiX' aele cliiz is, that ah»il satisfy the
moat n cr .dulousof ita superior efficacy in the
liRordsis for which it is here recommen ’ed.
Every member ofsoc eiy should aid in riitfii
ing inf- rmdion of thia diacovery—human-
ity alone makes it a da y
“I have within the last two years hsd an op
portunity of seeing several cases of very mve
terate ulcers, whioh having previously resist
ed the regular modes of treatment, were
healed by the use of Mr- Swrim’s Panacea
and 1 do believe, from what I have seen,
my utter astonishment the relief was ins'sn
tan-out, - nd by peraeverir.g in the use of tlie
Extract, his joint, have returned to their pro
per, and he i, in pet'ect h-alth. Up
wards f sixty respectable Person, have c il
led V, x v-my son, as ali who knew hi’n though
it 'Turin-,.-S| ■ tbit he r »jjV "tv-v,-
Druggist, where additional certificates of
the efficacy oftltc above medicine may be
May 20
Georgia— ainden County.
\l tf fEKEAS Alexander AtkiuHon. Ad tin
\#Jr isti'ator on the KstHte of John Atkm-
oia, deceased, applies to the Court of 0 d<n
«ry of mid County, for letters di<m wry on
eitAle : T!^*b ; are, th »n, to c te a*,
din -nidi all ard aingular, tie heir* nd jved
ttors of 8'iid d?cea ed, t.» fi e. *hcir
(if any they have) tn myt-lhce, on o
the fir t S.nn.lay in January next, or letter
nil bo gr -nt .-d to tlio applicant. '
Witne s the Hon William Gibsnt
one of the Justices of said Cioutt
tli-i ‘ii h Juno. 18’S
JOHN BAILEY, c. c o. e c
June 30 82
lores, and known bv the name of the Tuck- _____ _____
tsaeeking Tract, formerly the property o* | ,£,1 it will prove an important remedy in scro,
King and Hotchkiss, now belonging to tbe I f u j 0 u l( venereal and mercurial diseases.
estate of Alexander S. Roe’s orphans, for the
benefit of said orphans.
Guardian A- S. Roe's Orphans,
Julv 4
N INE MONTHS after the date of thia
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to Bell xpart of | *»*“*•
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for ““
the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 21
T HE Subscriber has at present on hand
a large stock of Bricks of superiorqua
Jity, which he offers in such quantities as
Day be wanted, at the lowest possible price
far catih only.
For the convenience of his Town Custo
mers, he intends in future to keep always
a considerable supply in town ; those in im- _
mediate want of the article will be supplied I persons to imitate it in various ways—Some
•-N. UHAFU4N, M. D.
Professor of the Institutes and practict
of Physic, in the University ol Penn
•ylvani* Mo It.
“Philadelphia, February 16,1833.”
"luave employed tht panacea of Mr.Swaim.
in numerous instances, within the last three
years, and have always found it extremely
efficxcious, especially in sec-ondary syphilis
and mercurial diseases. I have no hesitatio
in pronouncing it X medicine of inestimable,
lue. «W. GIBSON, M. D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of Pent.
Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the
Alms House Infirmity, he-
« February 17, 1821/’
** I have repea edly used Swaim’s, Pinscca,
both in Ihe Hospital and in private practice,
and have found it to be a valuable medicine in
chronic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints,
and in obstinate cutaneous affections.
Profemr of Surgery in the University of
New York, Surgeon of the New-York
Hospital, Ac, *
"Xew York. Libia 5f/i, 1824.”
Caution to DuTchaaeva.
The grett demand and wonderful iticcets
of this medicine, hive induced a number of
applies to the Court of Orjinsry of ai d coup
ly, for tellers dismilso-y on laid ealate:—
Thoae are, therefore, to cite and admori.ah at
-ml aingular, the heirs ami creditors of s» d
deceased, to file ohjec iona (if any they
lave) in my office, on or before he first Mon
lay in January next, or letter! will be graote,
t? e -*•],licit,t,
Witness the Hon. William Gibsoi
L V. I one of the Justices nf said Cou
~ J ‘ thia2J-h tune, IS J
JO IN BAILY, C.C.O. c.c.
June 30 82
by application to Mr. James Roberts, either I are telling Sarsaparilla and other ayrupa, im-
St his residence in West Broad Street, or I posing them on the ignoraut for the Panacea t
at Myers* Wharf.
June 24
Hall & lloyt
2500 Buahels very superior Balti
more Corn, in prime order
20 bags Coffee
50 bbb Baltimore Whiskey
42 do Rye Gin
3 hhds do
10 pipes Holland Gin .
4 do Cognac Brandy
luly T 84
I others are mixing the genuine medicine with
I molaaaea, Ac., making three bottlea out of one,
I thus retailing aome or it* virtues. Thoae im.
I itationa and and adnlteratoina have in mauy in
| taneei, protracted the sufferings of patients
I in eases where the genuine medicine would
I have proved instantly efficacious. I therefore
I deem it a duty I owe the the public, to ae-
I quaint them, that it is impossible, from the
I very nature of its constituents, to be discover
ies by chemical analysis i and consequently,
I that all other mixtures represented to be mine
I and aold as auch, are IVaudulent and base im-
| poaitions, calculated to deceive the ignorant
land unwary.—The genuine medicine hu my
I signature of a label representing Uerculn and
I th* Hydra, and name on tbe scab
Georgia— amtlen County
W HEREAS Loui* Dufour* Admin.vt alor
of th« Eittte of Ba?ile Pellecer. dc«;V
Georgia—Chatham County
In the Ciiurt of Ordinary, May Term* ]8<25
N the pe'itinn of Henry Champion, admin
istrator of John Street, doc* aaed, praying
in order XUi >o be made absolute on his com
plying witn the law, lor he Sole pf a Lnt o'
Ground, number four, [4] tecond Tythintr
Reynold* Ward—Alan, p .rt of a Lot, numbe
ait, Tower Tything, Decker Wi ld being th-
real estate of the arid tine,' for the benefit nl
the heirs and creditors:—It ia ordered, tnat t
notice be published nine months, in or,e ol
tbe Public Gaietts of the City of Savannah,
requiring all peraona interested, to show cau»c.
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tioner ahould not be granted.
S. M. BOND, c c. o.
May 14 444
Georgia—Chatham County.
In the Court of Ordinary—May Term, 1825.
IP tentiun of every Mend of suffering hit
inanity, to to the above new and invaluable
remedy, whose unequal power* in eliminating
from the avatem the very seed* of disease,
and in featuring the deranged and morbid
condition ofthe organa of life to a free and
iieahhy exercise of their functions, haa earn,
ted the xat mixhment, and completely alien
ced the ohjootiont ofthe moai inertd-iloua —
Facts are Ihe beet arguments. In order to put
the virtue* of ttteGalholiotm to as aevere a
sen-tiny aa poaaible, it was offered by xdver-
rtaement.toge'her with tbe attendance of*
physician, gratuitoutly to any -mrann who
would apply for it, and whoie cause m g-'i
aecm rt come within the range of its healing
power—number* of severe eaao* of long six d-
ing.andaomo ofthem aeeminglv denn-r ue
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
keen cured, or *o much relieved aa to warrant
the aaaertion that a little peneveitnce will d-
•o In fact, such ia the confidence ofthe physi
cian under whose care these patient* were
diced, in thia remedy, a eonfide-iee reiu t
n>; from the irresistible eonvic'.inn that baa
ueon forced upon hi* mind by ocular demon
stration, and a personil trial nf it on himaell
that he permit! me to declare it as hia deci
ded opinion, that he Catholicon ia not only a
perfectly s-fo and innocent, but a moat pow
erful and invaluable rented" in eerta-n dis
eases and aisles of the system, auch aa the ful
owing i—
Debility resulting from intemperance and
haaipatiuni Oi l and inveteraf Uicers. Pains
in the bone* attended with swellings of the
join's; Indignation, Blot-hes on the face,
pimple*, Ac t All complaint! of the Liver
Tetter.- Yawsi Syphilis.- Cutaneonadilea'm
generally . Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieteraol
emnly pledges h a word conais'.a eicluaivelv
of vegetable matter) with the exception of •
slight dutermi ixtioii lo the hovvets, which t
preserves in x aoluble atate, acta insensibly, it
plqaaant to the taate, tnd requires n - parlicu
ar regimen, (abatinonec from Ipirtuoua It
quors always excepted ) ur confinement. A
a-gentie, aafe and agree ible cathartic mod
cine, improving the appetite and rexti-ring th
general tone ofthe ays'em, it in confidently
rocommcudcd to iadics in a delicate, situa
tion. W. W.F01TER,
66 Cheanui-aireet,
City of Phi’adclphia. ss-
George Kme, of the District of S w i
mark, pertonally appealed, and, being jj,
-worn, doth declare and aay ttiat the
statement is in all respects correct and t r n ,
md that the signature to it ia in the I,, ;'
writing of thia deponent.
The Vegetable '’.atholicon is fiucnl.g,
adapted tn thoae diseaaos which a,e prenl?I
among the coloured population of the n.iti
In that diasase which ia called yn, ,
sure remedy t a single trinl of it, will c'onv>r,»
planters of its superior efficacy to my
dy of a similar nature in the United ttute..
Philadelphia. .May 31,1824
At the request of Mr. TV. TV Potter, I h*v-
lately exhib.tcd, inaeveralinrtauces,* inedi
cited »-nin. calltd Porter’* Vegetable Catho
iicon. with the most dee ded advantage. 1
has, as > et, never failed effecting a cure in
every case in which I hare thought proper tu
employ it. II. M’MUR I HIE, M- 0
Phi’atleiphia, July 28th, 1824.
JMr. W W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed x wish that
would give x concise statement of niy suff.
inga, from - the nopeleaa commencement, -
the present propitious stage of mv disease
About five years ago, on my passage tiom
Bordeaux, during the month of January, front
imprudent exposure on deck, l was aeixud
with a violent fever. Having no medical at-
by purchase, or by reimburacmeut, in con-\'«odsntson boird, I was compelled to beat
.. n r,hi> a.,, th, I d.a-1 uitirhtfnr two weeks, when on my tr-
formity with the provisions of this sot, th* I might for twi
a,ld atovk I and such psrt ot I Charleston, S. C. it was treated
N| rjt IM Stua • khu omi.. I'”'
the annual *um often million* ari)oiiarM» vert
ed by law in tbe aaid commiisionera, a* may
be neceflanry and required for th;- above pur«
;jose«,*hail be and cuntinue appropriated tv*
the pavment of intereit and redemption o!
the public debt* until the whole of t ie Hock
which may be cheated under the provision* ui
th a act, shall have been redeemed or reim
burses. M
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given* that
b«iOks will be open-d at tbe freasury cf the
United State*, and vttheievcrol loan office*,
on the first day of April nrxt, and continue
open until the firit dv of October, thereftf-
er, for receiving subscriotion* in conformity
wi'h the prov imnscf the said law.
The subscriptions mav be made by tbe P ro *
prietora i;f the stock, ei»h»»i »n person or by
iheir attorneys duly author?* to subscribe
and transfer it to the United States.
Mi uld subscriptions of said stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve million* ot
dollara, a distribution of the said *um of twelve
tnpiions of dollars will be made among the
subscribers, in proportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secret Ary of the r rra»urv^
Aff-lWf*'- fi tO H *
(INF, MONTHS after 'late, application
N Vti- tie maul- to tfte Inferior ijourt of
;ti'th-;m 'iounty, «itti»g fur ordinary rurpo-
ea.f'r leave *o sell alt the real estate ofthe
late Thomas Savage, of H, yan County, vi*:
Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred
and eighty acre, ll-ce Lind, —i the O.-eechce
It ver, four miles below tin F i-rv, adj-ining
ho plaotation t f Joseph Ih-.b rsh-m n d Ste
then E! intt Also, two hundred aid fifty
ores, more or lcs9, -f Pme, appertain
ing thereto. Alan a Tract of La- d called
ua'Mna, os.t'ui ing fif y acres, on Medway Riv
nr, idj’jtning tbe Ian ,a of J J. Vaiwell
MAUY SAV.- GE, Adm’rx.
June -5 7t
J^INE months after date, application wjH br
made to the Hon. the Judge* of the Court
ul Ordinary nf Chatham county, for leave to
tell all the Veal eatatt ofthe late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred
tors of said estate.
JOHN ti’NISH, Executor
0 n« to *1
Lv otice.
^ LL peraons h»ving_demand* against the
. estate nf Conatant Freeman, Esq. late of
the city of Washington, deceased, are re
q tired to hand them in, legally attested,
within tbe time prescribed by law : and those
-ndebted to said estate, are required to make
immediate payment, tn
Jan 14 42px
N the petition of Robert Hoy, Eie'-umr
of John Wackerlv, dec. prayirg an order
Alt! tn be made absolute, on hia complyi
with the law, to sell Two Tracts of Ijmd
Laurens County, being the real eat ite of the
aaid deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs and
creditors t It is ordered, that a notice be
published, nine months, in one of the Gi-
icttes of the eity of Sevannsb, requiring ail
persona interested, to show eauie, if any they
ean, why the prayer of tbe petitioner ahould
not be granted. 8. M. BOND. c. c. o.
May 38 57
Georgia—Camden County.
to all whom i t m ,y concern.
W HEREAS J Bichlott Jun. adminiatra.or
On the estates rf DavidTucker and David
M’Oredie, applies to the Court if Ordinary
of and County, for Letter* dismhsary on the
estates of said deceased persona: These are,
therefore, to cite and admonish the hrirs and
ereditora of aaid deeeaaed persona, to file
their objections (if any they have) in my of
fice, on or before the first Monday in January
oeat. or letters will be granted to the appl
I” —,1 witneaa (he Hon. William Gibson,
l< L.S if one ol theJustieee of aaid Court,
UsJ thii2J'h June, 182J. „.
_ JOHN BAILEY,o- c. o-c. c.
June00 83
J'JH” Bl'INS, AMerttiu
Philadelphia, May 28 18 :4-
The tdvantagei of thia raediein- ,
confining the patient unnecessarily to
houae, or keeping him from his butinen.--
With one solitary etception, that of
IIU* liquors, il does not lay any restriction
Ids appetite It is so gentle id tit uper „ f ™
thst tue p itier.l findi himself getting vein*
cannot tell how, Aa it ia not Utj w : 8 ] 1 oti jT
prom-ietor to take any thing ' 0r «t>i b he
cannot give a consideration equal jn v,W
p-raons at a dtatance who may w-ili to t r ,
nil medicine, but who are not certain if it
be applicoble to their co-nnlaiot, an-r f q, eu
ed to describe -heir easr and » mp 0 n,’
a letter,, ,;d ali-ect u to iiim—th:'»
lettet will be unm.-d.ulrly yl Ke j - m
fully comp-rtent to de d - the qmVino,-
Should the renedy no: se. m ;o suit the in- I
eaae, they will be Lankly t.-ld io,
C bU'I I >.N.
To prevent d aappoi-itm -nt it ia wr!l to I
date that it takes in orilina y caies I ron 3 t, I
J bottlea to effect a cure an (hat pets maria I
-ire labouring under any sir ous in’irm".j, I
must makeup their mind (o pe'atvetetut'x
uxti-n-. at least—if they do on', they - ,ig|.t „
well stvethsmaelvoa the ttcuble and LX irtta |
f using a amsller qu.ntltv.
All 0 . piet p tid and enduing the m ti.,
i-nmediX'.ely uuitndud t-i, and ihe ine-li j t
nnched and delivered witli directioi j f ;
toany place in the city, and furwardeilud-
N. B. To prevent the pnasibili'y of rf ii I
;i >sition, it v.i l be sol, 1 in the coy of i'hiiiltf
nhia, at the offic.: in Filth near llaet-ftnt
irai the ilw.-lling cf the t rnpri tot, N1. tf
Jheanit- s'reel, only, an t abroad by Im a,.
-.honied agent*. W W Pit’ll EH
66 Chemut St eel. Phllade)L-
1 have appointed GEORGE HYEOTi,
Druggist of Savannah, m - sole agent, hip
gista wa-.ting the above valuable medie'M, I
will be supplied by him for cosh, attlien-i I
rate, as if ordered direct from me—v,: &111
per t'szen, or three dollar, a t ngie bottle.
W. W. FOlM'Ell, Plulailel[iliit
Any person on application 10 theauattuM I
will be furnisiied with certificates of he 161
cacy of the above medicine, sufficient 10 n» I
v nee the mixd of the most sceptical, altLcgyb I
too numerous and lengthy for nc*»ptptt.u|
sertiutt. GEO. RYERf ON, Dri>/|r,it, I
Corner uf Bay end YV taillaker-Streeta. I
dec 13
I’yphua, q-he skill of my Physician aubdued
the feveri-het pl.onix-like, the termination
of this gavedsc to a disease equally diatreav
ing, and which,tm no w, 1 had ih- light incur
able. Variou* aba^jjj, tbe<* unwel
some appearance, particularly on the j-oinU,
which were swelled to kn enorraoua aiae.-
Theac gradually subsided into hard tumors,
me of which on my left knee affected tne
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacuation of nua,.mixed with pieces of bone
took place. In addition to this, I suffered thc
moat excruciating pains in my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered either gave me no relief or ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of
which inora-wed with every succeeding year.
Such tvaa my painful si’uation that l despaired
of ever being restored to niy heal-h ; lhail
not only tried the regular means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy l enjld hear of- It was in this awful nnd
deapondmg condition,that 1 was persuaded to
..ommence a course of your Vegetable fvh I
■con, and the bappv refull is, ••/ am the use
of the two bottlce. my whole sys'em has under
gone a complete revo ution. my pains have fa s 1
kc; me.-” the discharge front my Knee oegim
10 dimmish, and aeon ceJied altogether, the
nicer from whence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of whieh I have tried in vain more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing 1 my
appetite, which wa*gone,haa returned—Ian
in fact, nearly well, and feel eonlid -nt that a
few buttles more of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will mike me p;r.ectly so.
Your obliged friend,
Between IV. Davies, Administrator, Conp’nin-1
ant, and John Varnochan Adtamistrat^ itu
bonis no - with the will annexed of Geor>cl
iiichardson and others, Drjendnntt—Af
equity t Chatham Suite for Court- CSAoacajJ
Yota o/i'.g<4x8* v 1
T appearing that John Murray Catnocnisl
_ one of the defendants in the aaia bill • I
complaint named, reaidea without the «tit«<|
Qeoigia, in that part ofthe United KrngdomM
of Great Britainranii Ireland, carted Scollitf l
It ia ordered that the aaid John Murray Ctrl
nochao, do appear and answer to the e» I
plainant’i acid bill, within nit-e montl.a fr»k ■
the dote rf thi* order, otherwiae that tt I
nid billj as to him, be taken pro cm,lift. I
nd it ia further oideroil, that 1 copy uf lit I
rder be publish! d onee a week, in ont i I
he pubi c G.xcles of Ibis state, until then-1
piration of the tune within which the uilfc I
fendant is required to appear and tnswf I
afureaaid. . I
True copy from the Minutes, 'his 2!s! i| I
Augu-'t, 1824. A. B.FANN1N, Cl-k
august 24 ■''
Philadelphia, July ‘‘6, 1824.
Mv confidence in tbe veget tble catholicon
it undiininishad, and aa freah in -tancea of its
powers are daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to tvhieb it is applies-
ble, superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MUHI 1UE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sin—Tn eonsrquence of imprudent expos
ure four veara ago I had the misfortune 1 0 be
come afflicted with a disease, the painful re-
suits of which induced me to apply in suc
cession to aeveral respectable physicians of
thia city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
at the former. My whole lyite-n became *'•
fected- I could get no rest at night on ac
count ofthe violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body t the weakness and e-nacia
tion of whieh was such that I could scarcely
walk. In this state I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon—four bottlea of
which, haa completely restored me, I have
now no pain i my appetite ia good 1 and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine hu given me, I am
your obliged friend, Ac.
Sworn and auhacr-bed to before me, May 3
1834 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1874.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine,
hearty,m* . For nearly six yean I have been
1 martyr to t diaeaie, whose ravages threat
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Hiving had no regular medi-
cat adviee from the commencement, my
complaint at laxtgnt to xueh a height that I
could not- iwtllpw without great pain and
difficulty. Turnon formed in different pitta
of my body, and 1 began ts think my aituation
almost desperate. The five bottlea of the
Catholicon whioh I have taken have com
pletely cured me, tad I am now as well eel
Georgia Camden Conntij.
lirUE’iEAS Sarah Brown. Junior, *«.!».
\Y applies to he <J»ur'. of Or'dinar; •» >aA I
bounty« for Letter* of Adm\ni*tra\.on w 11 j
stale of John Brown, late of said county, >• I
ceased, sr next nf k«n: These are, |
10 cite and admonish, all a»vd singular, '
kindred snd creditors o! said deceased, toliit I
their obj ections, if any they luve, in ro- °t* I
(ice, on or before the first Uo- diy >n Ju.* I
therwise Letters will be granted Uh I
Witness the Honorable Britian fi Bunt’
ley, one of tbe Justices cf swd C®u1,
thi"' lixteenth d»y of April, eigh'ec* |
hundred ard twenty fir*'.
April 21
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS Vohn Chevalier, bti ipp««
to said Court, f ir Letter! Diar-tiary
,m the eatatca of Samuel Cosens and Eml
Muck, deceased. Those arc, therawix* I
cite and ailmonisbi all and aing-ibr, the *'»■ I
dred and creditor! nt the aaid d ceueo pt'> I
sous, to fie their objection*, if any they IUL I
in my office, on or before the first I' 0 ’”’' I
January next, or Letters will be granted a I
Witneaa the Honorable Jnnei Scot', era I
of the Juaticea of raid Coup , t , "< 1 '! I day of April, e ghteen ku;i-«
and twenty-five. _ , .
[L. S.) JOHNBAILEY, C. C. 0. L"
Georgia—Camden County.
TWHEREAS Lewia Bichlott, apphei to
Court of Ordinary of laid Counpirt
i.ettera Diamiaaory on the ettate of ft'*'!
Roaolupe! Theae are, therefore, to cite
admonish, all and aingular, the kindrw **
creditors of aaid deeeued, to fifo their c»J,
tiona, if any they have, in my office, » n «
fore the fi at Monday in January n«k " J
* tse Letter* Diamiaaory will be gran-rf
applicant^ ^ Honor ,hfo SamuelC 1 **;
one ofthe Juaticea of utd
sixteenth day of April, tighlwn
dred and twenty-five. . c
April 31
wA BUNDLES FttlML riA.,-—
c. c.