Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 09, 1825, Image 3
' v ;\> * 'v-i «tcly committed in the tudlan Nation, ami, your excellency's letter of the I7lhof tlii«|honour you placed reliance, hut who wore to enforce wi.icb, the meek, charitable, end month, by which it appears that you'had] unworthy your confidence, unbounded philauthrophy of tho followers •• only a momenl to suy one word" in an- But I am by no means disposed to yield of liio Saviour of the world, have been eall, swer to mine of the Wih. | even my tacit assent to the high toned rule «d into requisition, if murders, rapine, Yourone word, comprehending however, of English law which your remark jUBt now plunder aud devastation, are the doctrines two pretty closely written pages, coining as quoted calls to mind, tliat “ the Kmtr esa best toiinculcate intliaaystem adopted by it does frooi the Chief-Rlaglatrale of ao on- do no wrong." Truth is a divine attribute these iiflssiunarioa, instead of peuce and lightened and patriotic member of the U. and the foundation of every virtue. "Truth mod will to men, anil charity and love as States demands niy attention. Not being is the basis of all excellence." This inesti- extensive as creation itself, then all chria- disposed however, to follow your example tnable moraltreasure, truth, is to be found tendotn havo to learn what a few missuma- as to time, I have permitted your letter to in the cottage as well 11s in the palace, at the lies havo discovered by a short residence in lie ou my table for a week past, in the ex- plough as well as at tho official bureau of a peculiarly appropriate situation for tho ex- pectation that a little reflection would Bug- state. Muny of the unfortunate wanderers orciseuftlie finer feelings ef our nature.— gestto you the propriety oi correcting some of the wilderness and its borders are as firm The inconsistent and contradictory state- expressions apparently hasty, and calcula- votaries ui truth as any men I have ever m 'nta of those whoso interest it is to estub- j ted to call forth an answer partaking of the know. Some of them who have been un- lisli tho law, confirm the opinion that no climato and heated atmosphere in which I fortunate, end whose regard to truth and such law existed until the Tuckabatchoe i find myself, against which it baa been my honesty induced them to give, up the last and Pole Cat proceedings. Some contend constant purpose carefully til guard. But dollar justly dno to their creditors, had they It waa passed at Port Hawkins i there are J your letter haying made its appearance in regarded money a little more, and truth a others who refer to a time for its passage a newspapor. just now handed to me by a little less might huve failed fall handed, and immediately after the treaty at Port Jack- friend, 1 can no longer see thu propriety of now instead of being reduced to the eo di ’ ~ *' withholding a reply. tion of despised poverty, would wanton in You say “ the certificate of Marshall no. the luxuries of plundered wealth. It is no matter how procured, is ode of the must longer possible in America to make freemen daring eflbrts that ever wa» attempted by believe that •'(lie King (or he who govern*} malignant villainy to palm a falsehood on can da no wrong. ignorant credulity." The enlightened citizens of the repuhlie ".Vomatter haw procured” I will first having long s nee found it to be fruitless to Btato to you tho manner in which that fright look for angel* in the form , f men to govern ful certificate was “procured," and then them, know full well how to discriminate be- proceed to show that its “ daring" charae- tiveen the high oJ/n:s and the iwm who fills it. ter consists only in its truth, and its direct Your Excellency will l doubt not always re- tendency to expose in part tho “ malignant f el, f e * degree of respect proportioned at least villainy" wl.icli lias been extensively prec- '"bestow on other ticedon the credulity of many of th. good " «• citizens of Georgia and other sta tes in re- ^ a , rt of the citizen , of h lerence to the Indians and thetreaty. T he oru rn ,,? n , lliln , ou ^ jllrt generous and'chivafrio luctH contained in the certificates in question • j we jj j cnow — an( j that they are disposed to do were voluntarily ami Jo me unoxj.eutcdly j llf ,tic e to their chief magistrate . am equally communicated by Mr. William bilwards $ ,convinced.- nor cun J d ubt thnt they will do Joseph Marshall, whose signatures it hears, equal,justice to the V. S as well as to their Of tlie character of William Edwards,who . state officers. 1 rely upon the wisdom and jus- is a citizen of this stute, I have had no . tice and patriotism of at least nine tenths of moans of knowing much personally. He those with whom l have the pleasure of an ImH been represented to me by Col. Broad- j acquaintance—many of whom are cultivators mix of Pike, and by Col. Phillips of this j the land, to which class, in this and every county, as a man of truth, poor, but honest [otherstate of the icpublL', I ookup with con* and upright; a description of character ap- hdent pleasure and pride as they form the phcuble to a large class of the inhabitants j U( jarmi»tine pillars of the union; against of this and other parts of our western bor* thcangiy vapouring paper squibsot the der. in wliom I have usually found as much! m,c “'' ,1 th ' e demagogueb, o» all noun- devotion to truth, as in any other class 0 f may eoimnue o e hurled for hundreds . ... . * " .1 At i it • of centuries without endangering the noble American citizens. Joseph Me shall is e(Iifi be ove(1 mon<> ° cnt of American personal 1 , better known to me. He is a i wisdom #1)d Vttlour aml vil . Ule , wi |Ut»i«l un- Creek halt-breed, and is deemed to be a. s i,.,k en , when the .lUturbet-a of its infantile re- good (nt erpreter i and hrwever detective, as I know he is, in education, and refined moral sentiments, such as have obtaiued the sanction of civilized society, I have no son—some others contend tor Broken Ar row-while others contc.nd it was promul gated last year st or near tile missionary es tablishment. at a Ball-Play, amj auteinnly proclaimed from" a cart on the fjord’s Day." The latter is the declsratioa of tlm Uev. Is aac Smith- The interpreter, Hainbly, front his long residence ill the nation, must have known 'lie time and place of its enactment, if such a law was in existence. In his testi mony he swears (and from his charncter we should suspect him of a willingness to swear any thing.) such a law was passed several years ago. and re-enacted in all the towns. Me conceals the truth and evades detection by not advening to the time or place of its passages This is the celebrated law not to he found in the nalionul code, uud which has never been seen by any person ; (so says the Rev. Isaac Smith in his examina tion) which has boon conjured up by white nun, and put into the mouths of Indians, to suit their own purposes, and the pretext for tho murder of M’lntusli and his friends. If such a law has evor existed, made and en- *-tod in full Council, as contended for with such severe penalties annexed* is it rotisouu* b e to suppose that so much uncertainly •Would exist us to the time aud place of its enactment ? Is it not irrational to suppose that if such a law was passed with so much Inlemnity ns is apparently urged, the nation Would not have indicted its penalties upon th'ise who ceiled away lands in “ 18 or 19 w upon those who subsequently ceded 'lway the lands between tho Ockmulgee and FI nt Rivers, in Ili2!. When by referring to th- latter treaty it will be found but two Alabama Chiefs signed it, why did this law sleep on these several occasions so impor tant and culling so imperiously for its execu tion? Wherefore have not its terms and its penalties been heretofore proclaimed to d. ter delinquents from its repeated viola tions? Ho much for this imaginary low. We shall proceed concisely to notice two other facts connected with these transac tions and close this report. It aeemsto nave passed unnoticed that the chiefs who gave the order for the death of M’lnlosh ana his followers as well as those who executed that order were from those towns, who were ex cluded in tli9~)ate treaty, who ceded no land and who sustained no injury, and that the same chiefs governed and directed in the l&te council at Brokeu Arrow, with what propriety or justice let those answer whose duty it is to make suitable atonement, and repair tho wrong. It should also be recol lected by those who have to weigh tho mer its and dements of the injured party, and whose duty it. is to judge of the extent of the double obligation imposed by important B'Tvices rendered, and the most inviolable attachment and fidelity manifested on the most trying occasions—that during tho late war the Orcmk Nation experienced a civil disunion. Tlio-e resident principally beyond tho geographical limits of Georgia, identifi ed themselves with the enemies of the U. States and fought in their service, the pro- s' nt Interpret or amongst the number; those resident on the Georgia side united them •.lives with the forces of tho United Htnies, and fought bravely in our defence. Tim litUr by flie fortuitous and fortunate course of events became the conquerors. They In id the country not by thu slight and uti- C'rta’.u tenure of posBcseicut only* but by right of conquest; a principle recognised by cHlizod nations and acknowledged by the government of the U. Htates and con firmed by their subsequent acts- Its was in pursuance of this incontcsiiblo right, & well established principle that the, M’lutosli party have held, and at their good pleasure have ceded away ut various times tbeir rightful domain. If, in any instance they o i acted such a law as before referred to, their subsequent acts must have abrogated if. The Red-stick party was conquered ; they forfeited their lands to the U Hiatus, mtho price of their defection, and to com- p"agate the government for the expenses of the war and losses sustained—By- this act they were disseized of that common and general interest in the country which right fully belonged to them previous to the war. They became tributary to the dominion of M’lntobh and his followers. The U. States exercised ilie right and the power claimed in the treaty at Fort Jackson. They re cognised the same power as belonging to those who fought and bled in her cause by ft public net ho long as 1817/ The U Miotey *rn bound by the universal principles of justice, by humanity and gratitude tor im portant services rendered, tor atla diment and fidelity nnequaled, by the solemn and imposing stipulations of a treaty to do am ple justice to the sufferers* when their suf ferings, ruin and distress have been the con- sequence of their devotion to the General yoverument. In calling to our recollec tion llio events alluded to. we find among these signing the late treaty the distinguish- •d Chiefs (living) who acted as officers in the late war. Jt only remains to be R«en whether or not rie General Government will stand by as a disinterested spectator of such tragic scenes with folded arms, and see lior fuitiiful ally and friend murdered, and his family and •friends ingulphed in inextricable misery & wnn. Whether the plunderers shall revel vv! *1? un ! l0, y f? ain with wanton impunity. >v nether the cries of innocence, the wid- *>o mocked at and passed unnoticed. In fine whether the Gen- tonf overn . lne,lt will solemnly promise pro jection, and refuse it when most needed. WARREN JOURDON, Tnl . „ .WM. W. WILLIAMSON, totte Commtiumen of Georgia, Milledgeviile, 13th July, 1826. pose will be remembered only to be pitied or execrated. The good people of Georgia I am well aware are anxious to obtain possession of the land doubt that lie is one of the most upright 1 upon th- ir western border; but they would diiefs that ever belonged to the little trusty abhor the idea of fraudulent or lawless means making party. Neitlior of these men, Eil-! being resorted to, to treat for. or after treating wards or Marshall, appeared to uie at all to obtain possession of it before the time un qualified for What you denounce their cerli-; tjtoriaed by treaty—and I ant convinced that licate to bo “the most daring efi'nrl that ev- tt,e President of the United Sta es is as sin- er was attempted bv malignant villiany.”- ceroly desirous as any upnght citizen of Geor- Their statements wbre simple and apparent- i * , »“ n . b< '-' thc '"tha" ch«"« to the land ly unprejutliced and nnimpLitmed They , ™ wore made after tho principal business of fiierefrom us sooh as they can justly be re- the Council bad been brought to a close, quired to remove—But he owes themprotec- nmt tn the presence of many ot the respect- able citizens of Pike county. Convinced I J .' ■ ■ r of the propriety of all my duties with the I It is not to be denied tliptthere is,n Georgia Indiana being performed in open day and in 0H wcll “ 3 ,n ,.f ve ?. olb f sn ' al ala V“ f the presence of as many as would attend, ' ke th f 'Mmly • | "ance’ »• n e «n . i to employ themselves in the laudable worx ol all states and ol all colors, I took ct »re 0 f en iigh t ejiing and governing all other classes that the certificate should be taken and ex- j nf rhc comnmnity; hot wlmae labours consist plained in presence of the Council and all 0 J* vn ' m un( j daring efforts 1 ' to prove that thc others who hud seen fit to attend. I had no of trut!l id to l)C fo ;U donly with the par sacret projects to proinoto, nor any “ secret tv to which they themselves respectively be- griefs” to remedy, or secret hopes to gratify long; and that all others go wrong. If you —and consequently had no occasion for will take the trouble to read the newspaper separating the Chiefs, or for secret pxamin- essays with which the presses have been teem* ntions. Tho certificate was written os it ing for some years past, you^ ill find that nut- was dictated, as I believe word for word, by ny of the essayists have had the hardihood to tny Aid-de-camp, Limit. E. George Wash- “refuse credence to t!'e word of their chief ington Butler, a young officer of accomplish- magistrate" and yet we have no reason to de ed military education and talents, with un- *l m,r Uic Republic, bend'ng integrity & spotless honor ; & who You say 4 1 do not like the comp'ec’ion Q f is as incapable of giving countenanco to a things at all as disclosed by thc commission, trick or mb representation ns was the belov- ers on the part of the state, and I sincerely ud father of his country with whose name he ^' 0 P e (. vou »dd) that you may nev or have cause is honored, and whose patriotism and vir- to regret the part that you have taken in them, t.ue Iih cmwtnntly and scrupulously imitates. J* crmit mc 8U ‘*conclude wi.h a sincere Having thus explained to yon the moans »°pe that the commiMsioners with whose re- ^uimloyodtonhtaiD the ccrlilScate in ques- P oM * ai " ll,us meimcecl may prove by their Li.,., fiir wliinli I hold myself responsible, I “ lul, f U * ttt beb '''P"V“« H" aforumen- Itavonmv u, remark that, aUlwagh i never !h’!! 1 #" 1 d ^^ i - , their report be found io contain the truth, the I’liiortainyd a doubt but vou were deceived wh( ,, I> 110t | lillg bllt tbe tnirtl '' v ',' ■" r, ? U ° th J, - ,®c n ' 1,11081 ba< ' con- Excellency may dismiss your »|,prehensions cultod th. tew i-hiets ot Ins party, and had on my account as llmve nothing to apprehend obtained their assent in Council, to the im- u, t if Uieir report is not true, l can only sav mediate survey of the ceded land ; yet I that thc tongue and the pen of calumny can have found no satisfactory evidence of any never move me from the path of duty, nor c.v such Council consisting of the Chiefs of the cr make me regret thc course pursued by me ceded territory, having overacted at all up- in respect o the Indians, or the commission- on the subject. And it is apparent from era the state, or the United States. MTntosh’a letters “ no matter how procur-, In tendering to your Excel ency my ac- od”(I will offer no apology for making use ; knowledgments for the “prepossessions 1 ' in of your Excellency’s pregnant phrase,) or my favor of Which you speak and which you by whom written, that he hiiuself consider- say would have given you ‘pleasure to chcr- oil the permission to survey as merely con- hh in behalf of an officer who had rendered ditional. But I contend thnt neither G«n»; signal services to his country," permit me to M’futosh nor his vassal Chiefs had any . observe that the approbation of my country- right to give Bueh permission ; for the tree- men is mote dear to me than any earthly trea ty “ no mutter how procured M had become 8,IPf *, e y. C(H, ‘d bestow, save that of an uasur- n li*\v of the land—its provisions could not . < * c ' otlon ^ the republic—il mclecd, it be thcrel'oro be changed or rendered jn«Pera-, S^^urge ™»v Zly^mbi" offi“ live by any correspondence or any subse- cer anil ;l8 a„ Imnest man; r have lon.-cnd™. quoin agreement between your Excellency; vored tblls win it „ besl t . fl(lrts " re pon . unci any part or tbe whole ot the mdividu- j 8tnllt , y exerted to ascertain the direct ami ills of one ot tile contracting parlies, with-: proper course of duty, prescribed by law and nut the consent of the other. 1 he treaty justice, and honor, and to pursue that course uiitkes it our duty to protect the Indiniis a- - without any regard to consequences. 1 have gainst the whites and all others. To pro- j seen of late with regret, that it is scarcely tect them from the whites, it is necessary possible for an officer of the general govern and proper that we should maintain the us- Hailed, Ship Anguiits, White, New-York.—Pas sengers, W. Taylor, lady and servant, Miss Bouvalotte, Mias Simington, Thos. Young, N. Wallace, J. Anderson, J. B- Jones, A. Devnw. and J. S. Simpler, of Savannah— Mr John S. Lott nndiadv, Messrs. G. W. Young, Dewar. Hubbard, Gilbert, nnd Clo- land of Augusta,—Mr. W. A Lewis, of Greenshuroiigh. Brig Pheasant, Bailey, New-York. Brig Almira, Harrington, do. Brig Frances, Crolt, Philadelphia. Sclir. Thorn, Morrison, Charleston. Schr. United Slates, Johnson, do. Schr. Savannah, White, Si. Augustine. Schr. Centurion, , St. Marys. Schr. Elizn-Ann, Whipple, Newborn. Sloop Jno. Chevalier, Sisson, Charleston. The schr United States, Johnson, 8 days from Key WeBt, via Cape Florida, with wrecked goods, bound to Charleston put in to Cock Spur RoadB on Saturday, on necount of head winds. Passenger, Cap.,. Stuncman, ofthebrig Limn,lately wrecked on Elbow Reef. The Eight vessel of Capt. Hart, intended for Cnrysfort Reef, which wont ashore on the Const of Florida on thc 9th nit. was got off by the wreckers IS hours after tho Captain abandoned her, without injury. Sho was Bal'cly moored in 4 fathoms water, ami a vessel despatch ed to Key West to procure sails in order to carry hor into thnt port. The U. S. schr. Terrier, was tho only vessel at Key West. Z'miVBD FROM THIS PORT. AtNow-York, ‘27th ult. ship Emparor, Shapter, 5 days. tip FOR THIS POP.T, A! New-York, 29th ult. ship Savannah, llcebe. For Liverpool) The ship PALL A S. Jeremiah Pike, Mailer, Having the greater part nf her cargo engaged, will meat with quick de spatch, For freight of 200 tiorces ric »nd 200 bales cotton, or passage, apply to Capt. Pike, at Low’s Wharf, or to A. LOW fit CO. August 9 90 .mmi For Sew-Y ork, [ESTABLISHED LIME.] Tho rofftilar packet ship WILLIAM WALLACE, Joj/ % Matter a Will have despatch. For freight or passiigc, apply to Capt. J. oo boi:fd, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to August 9 HALL & HOYT. lUk The brig " JR ADELINE, gfx^. Brown. Matter, <MB&Wi)l sail in ail next week. For Ircight or passage, apply to Cupt. Brown, hoard, at Rico’s Wharf, or to A ELIAS REED, 1 I7p on TAX.ES or THE I'ftrrtU'* i\j| JtJST ttHUKIVED, B ARRELS FRESH CRACKERS Do. Smoked Beef Do. Smoked Tonguea Do. No. 1, Boof HalfBarrels Fly Market Beef Barrels Moss Pork HalfBarrels Mess Pork Small Hainq Smnll Jars Family Butter Pino Apjile Cheese, Old Cheese Catties Hyson Tea. Basket Salt Nutmegs and Cloves, and for sale by PHILBRICK & SCRANTON, Market Square, An-U”! 9 ,yi r. B Y tho author of “ Waverly,”4tc. in 4 vnls. price $2. A POLYGLOT GRAMMAR, of the He brew, Chaldee, Syrac,Greek, Latin, Eng lish, French, Itahun, Spanish and Ger man Languages, reduced to one common Rule of Syntax, by Samuel Barnard. REECE in 1U2J and 24, being a Scries of Letters and other Documents on the Greek Revolution, by Col. Leicecater Stanhope, 1 vol. jit. FAUNA AMERICANA, being a descrip tion of the Mammifetoua Animals inhab iting North America, by Richard Harlan, M. 1). 1 vol. 8vo. 2 dolls. THE FORESTERS, by the author of “Lights and Shadows' of Scottish Life," &c. 1 26. HELLON’S PILGRIMAGE TO JERU SALEM,a picture of Judaism, in the cen tury which preceded the advent of our Savior, in 2 vols. 2 dolls. * NEW MORAL TALES,selected andtrans- latcd from the French oi Madame De Genlis, by an American. A VIEW OF THE HUMAN HEART, by Barbara Allun Simon, author of the “ Evangelical Reviewof Modern Genius." THE ITINERARY OF A TRAVELLER IN THE WILDERNESS, by Mrs. Tay lor, f vn. 76 cents. COLOMBIA ; its present state, by Co). Francis Hall- LIVES OF NOVELISTS,by Walter Sco't. NATIONAL TALES, 1 doll. THE EVIDENCE OF CHRISTIANITY, bv J- B. Sumner, M. A. 1 vol. I 26. MOORE’S MELODIES, a new edition, containing many never before published. WEBSTER’S ORATION. NEW MUSIC—tin; the Piano—Instruc tions for the Flute. Parchment, Morocco Paper, Gold Paper, and Border, just received and for'sule. by S. C. & J. SCHENK. August 9 98 Hall 6l iio\ t, OFFER FOR SAME, Q<J HHDS- Prime St. Croix Sugars Ud 30 Bags Prime Coffee 2 Pipes Cognac Brandy 6 do Holland Gin 100 Bnrrcls Balt. Howard St. Flour SO Barrels do Whiskey 3000 Bushels Maryland White and Yel low Corn 10,000 Pounds Baltimore Bacon 2000 Bushels Liverpool Ground Salt August 9 Darien Money, ■yy ANTED by S. H. FISKE. August» No. 1 Bolton’s Range. 98 Notice. M r. M. H. WAKEMAN wilt attend to any business with tiie subscribers, during their absence. D. B. NICHOLS &. CO. August 9 98e N otice, M R. ANDREW SMITH is authorized to act for me during my absence. JOHN HERNANDEZ. August 9 98l Notice. A LL those having demands against the estate nf Peter Timothy, lute of Chat ham County, Planter, deceased, areheruby I required to render tlmm in, duly autlienli- I cuiod, wilhin the time prescribed by law I and those indebted to make payment to DAVID P. TIMOTHY, Qualified Adm’r. August 9 88 ‘Notice. rnllE public are hereby cautioned from A transacting business as respects tho payment or collecting of debts within this or any other state, as no person ot present lias any authority to, from this dale nnd tor some time past. C1IN. D. LEBEY. August 9 9ftp nal hue of demarcation between them and tlie whites. I am charged with their pro tection. To accomplish this important du ty my first object bus been to tuke effectual measures to prevent all intercourse between them and the whites, excepting only such ns is sanctioned by the laws of thu United, States. meat, in whose service 1 t.trve the non c .e he placed. Wishing you health and respect, I hare the honor to he, EDMUND PE v Dr WON GAINES, Major General Commanding. To His Exc’yGsouoK h. Tuore (i- ve- o" "Mi£ ■‘'-Fit. You say “ I very well know that from the late events which have transpired under the eyes of the Commissioners nf Georgia, that the oath nf a Governor of Georgia may be permitted to pass fur nothing ami that any vagabond of the Indian country may be put in requisition to discredit him, .hut I assure you sir, it 1 that oath should not weigh a single feather with your government it will weigh with the people of this slate, who so far as I have knowledge of their history, have never yet refused credence to the word of their Chief Magisliete-” To this apparently very serious, but cer tainly very vague charge, I cannot under take to reply until you do me the fuvnr to give me some specification of the matters of fact to which you havo rcforrence. I will liowevor take this occasion to remark that whatever statement yon may have received in support of the insinuation apparently con- "Com „f it, / tained in your letter, that I have called in ‘Tv J a letter /rowGeneral Gainer to Gov-! question, or ever put any person in requisi- n '" tion to call in question, the oath, or the POUT OP SAVANNAH. Troup, HEAD QUARTERS, Eastern Department, > 2 n f rtn S‘, ‘Mth July, 11126 t ■ impressed to you my twttei tnat you nave in.-eu, j.auu, meain-ooar co. j-m./muruu, WIW--I have to acko'owledga' the honor of been gruatty deceiv'd naranna in whose^and A. Stokes. Paiienger, Mr. A. Stoke*. word, of a Governor of Geergia, during Ills continuance in office, is Wholly destitute of ARRIVED, Ship Pallaa, Pike, 8 days from N. York, to A. Low & co. consignees—with nter chuudise to sundries, Ship Franklin, Harding, 10 days from Portsmouth, N. II. in ballast, to Samuel Wright. Ship Win. Wallace, Joy, 8 days from N. York, to Hail di Hoyt, consignees—with a full cargo to P. Hill, J. VV. Morrell, W Si, II. Rose, G. Si W. Robertson, Ponce Si Mackenzie, Dunham & Carnpfield, A. Si E. Wood, L. Baldwin Sl co. Hall & Hoyt. R. Campbell, J. Robinson, A, Parsons, E. Wiley, L. Hills, Cuhen and Miller, G, F, Palmes; 1 H. Houghton, Butler Si Scran ton, O- Taft, E. Coppeo, F. M. Stono, 8. C. & J-Schenk, Lay & Hendrickson, A. Cutlibert, II- Clelanu, J. B. Herbert & co. J. VV. Long, G. Newlmll, G. Gordon, Phil- brick & Scranton. VV. T. Williams, C. W- Rockwell Si co. J. Penficld, H. Cassidy Si City ftheritt 's Mile. On the first Tuesday in September next, be »o ; d at the Cou t Hou se in the '*/wr city of S vv:*nnah, between the hours >f 10 and 4 v’nV>ck’ Alllhc lot of Unci si lusted lying and being in the city of Savannah, kn wn in the plan of sa d city 1 t No. tn’o 2, L ne^ty Ward run. ‘.lining 60 feel front and 90 feet d-jep, togeth er with all the huiidingt* and improvements ♦ h^ eon, houndedt‘a9t by lot l. weit' y 1 t No t’i ee 3, north by Brocghton-at & south by a !»ne I vel on a* the propei'lv -if he e* tale of Thomas Lu 'ena, dec. to sat'sf) an ex- «< uti »n from the Oonrtof Common Pleas and Oyer avid Terminer for the city of Savannah. W'm II. W .ilaml E iz b th his wife vs. S. M Bond adm nistr. tor, C. T. A. of Thomas Lu* cei<a. A. 1 D'LYON c.s. Ang8 Q 8 DRAWING OF THE Maryland State Lottery, RECEIVED. T HE following are the numbers to which the Capital Prizes wore drawn, viz I No. 23,154 ft 10,000; 23,447, $10,000 ; 2.547 *5U0I); 4,738, 10.168, 11,271, 27.830 , 33,- 838,34.852, 36.940, 37,322, 38,002, 39,089 are prizes nf jjt 1000 each. ■ Those wlm have drawn prizes will call and receive their cash, nr leave their orders fur tickets in Union Canal Lottery, or Sixth i Class Maryland State Lottery. Applv at ' LUTHER'S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Anniist 9 Sheriff’s Sale. On thefirst Tuesday in September next. W l uL b* sold before the Oourt House ip thc City if Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock* All those two lots and imp r ovements in the city of S wannah known in plan of s. d city &s » qq numbers (21) twenty one and (23) twenty 00 sna^fi l) STATE LOTTERY, SECOND CI.AS3. Fifty Numbers Combination. S. S,- M. Allen I,- Co. Agents for thc Managers. T HOSE who have not applied for their chances in this Popular Lottery, are requested to do so immediately, as the drawing will be received next week, when some of the following Splendid Prizes may be drawn by adventurers in this city : 1 Ptiz,e of $0,000 LI tills 1 &,00 0 do 5 do. 1 bb-Z do. 4 &00 do 8 100 do. 44s &0 do- 88 <Zb do. twoJackson wal'd Orleans square levied on as the property of Eleaz. Early under a fi ia. in favor of Arnos Soudder- A'l that right title and interest of Andrew and a large amount in small prizes. TRICE or TICKETS. A package of seventeen tickets, embrac- Knox in Rice’s wharf being one ui-d.videdji"fi all the combination numbers, from one eighth of two undivided thin! t and o c « n . to fifty, which is warranted to draw $24, lees divided seveutn of|one undivided eighth of! the usual deduction, with seventeen chan- two undivided thirds, levied on aa the pro* cea for the highest prizes, : : ; 05 00 truth. I have indeed believed, and have co. J. A- Morrel, T. Butler Si eo. N. B expressed to you my relief that you have Weed, J.Roe, Steam-Boat eo. J.R.Aborno, Waah a.*.. a >Ur JaabSwiJ TMifirf in ufhnflA * A.Ktnlffla. P/u*#ntTa>t> Mr. A. SUokel. perty of Ai d ea Knox to satisfy an executtou in favor nf tYdlismson and De Vdiera, Ai, m d ri Jed moiety of a poitio n or part of all that!.i of land in the city of Savannah known by the numbers (7) aeven Carpenteta f'ylhing D cier ward, the aaid portion nr part conta.mng thirty ai* (36) feet in front and ninety feet (90) in depth,bounded north ay Bay lane, east by land of Juaiali Lawrence, aouth by Bryan atreet and west by lot no. ai* (6) levied on aa the property of John M. Jar. via under an execution in favour of Mara Hoag. All that garden lot, no. one (4) Liberty atreet being tbe half of lot no- (J7) fifty aeven bounded weal by lot no. (58) fifty eigh. and on the eut by the other half of said lut levied on aa the property of Lament Williams under an execution in favor of Dresaer and Larned. Party five shares of steam boat stock, levied on as the property of Thomar Wright under two exe-.utiona; in favor of Johnston, Hills A co. and Sami. Hale. L D'LYON a, e. e. Aug 8 98 A package of seventeen halves : : 42 60 seventeen eighths,: : 10 62 Single ticket, : : : : : t : 5 00 half,: » t : ': .: : t S 60 quarter, : : : : I : : 1 25 Apply to W. ROBERTSON, August 9 Georgian Office. BY J.B. HEP BERT if CO. THURSDAY,-,1 it jinat. Will lie sold ou Bolton’S Central Wharf, at XI o'clock, 30 Hogsheads Prime Musi^ vado Sugars, 100 Barrels Flour—Terms" time of sale* . August 6 F t Boston. < o Kent, M Tliat large and commodiou* Brick Tenement Building in York Street, near Jefferson Kt, Possession given first November xt Also, two Stores on Jeffcrson-St. adjoining Mr. E- Jencks’. Rent will be moderate. Apply to TIIO’S. R. PRICE. August 8 97, p N otice. D URING my absence Mr. Aaron Cow ard will act as my attorney. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON. July 19 89^1 Du- PauuH, Wilkins, O FFERS his services in the Practice or Medicine, Suhoery and Obste- tricks, to the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity, jfc may be found at Mrs. Wam’s, or at hiawffice four door* to the aouth of it, in BrougKton-Strect. July 21 James Anderson M'-'o. H AVE removed to the middle tenement Young’s Buildings, where they offer for salo a largo and general assortment of FANCY AN U STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liver pool and New-York. June 24 79 YIEJVLONAIa. T IIE subscribers have removed to John ston’s Squuro, next door west of Messrs. A. Low Si Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stock. W. & H. ROSE. April 5 to p" The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgevitlo, will give tlie above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to tliii office. JAMES AMDER80N <*: . 0. H AVE on hand a few balesofWHITfi, BLUE, and MiXT PLAINS AND LOJYDOM DUFFLE BLAMKETS, Imported last year, which they will sell at u considerable reduction from thc prices of lust season. Their usual supply of PLAINS, BLANKETS Sf BAGGING, will be received by the first Fall vessel from Liverpool, and they will be able to supply their friends with Fresh Imported Goods, at as low rates ns any former importation can be sold for June 24 79 fi. fi. ft. London Potter, Cotton Bagging, &c. A FEW casks, containing eight and a half dozen caeh of Louden Porter, im ported in the ship Georgia, on 28th June last, are yet on hand and fur sale; also,- Cotton Bagging, errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN- W ARE, and a variety of Seasonable Drv Goods, Apply to ANDREW LOW Si CO. July 16 80 Land Lottery N otice. T HE Books of the Receivers of Names, will be finally closed on MONDAY MORNING, 15th instant All persons, therefore, who are legally entitled to chan ces, are requested to call on the subscribers, previous to that day, otherwise they will be debarred. JOSEPH S. PELOT,) WM. C. WAYNE, > Receiv’ra. WM. A. MOORE, ^ August 6 97p CB>lL.lAEB.ft. -t KA KEGS Anderson’s fresh Water .1 J" Crackers, received from Alexan dria, anil for sale by GEORGE F. PALMES, Exchange Duck- August 6 97p TO PLANTERS. TIIE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING made a considerable purchase of last season’s imported PLAINS, which they offer for sale at the Iasi year's prices, for cash or drafts on their factors, payable any time before the 1st of April next; which must be, at least, 20 to 25 per cent, less then tbe unsuing Fall Importation can be sold at. VV. & H. ROSE. Savannah, 7tb June, 1825. \ The Darien Gazette will insert the above until the first of October, and send the bill to this office. ' June 7 63 A CARD. T \ HE subscriber, admitted to practice in\ the several Courts of Law and Equity ; in this State, offers to the publie his pro fessional services in the Courts of Bibb, I Henry, | Jones, I Crawford, Monroe, Jaedvr, Twiggs, Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) July 7 ... 84 COBJ* AFIAIAT. A AAA BUSHELS. Virginia White TUUU Corn, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at a reduced prico. Apply to G. F. PALMES* Exchange Qoclr.. Augusts, Li)