Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 09, 1825, Image 4
pKSj uw Sheriff’s Sale. On tkt firat Ttutiny in September next, m,L be Mid in (hint of the qourt-housi in Bryan County, between the uiui hours of a*l«, ' , A, met of Lend In aaid county, known bv the nettle of ’Pulermo,’ eoutalnlng eight huo- il.-ed acres, more,or lean, bounded N. E ky b wall's land*, S. W by aSaltmarab, other bonnderiee not known—le»M upon »» lht ' property or R' T Kiettajp tO entltf/ an eee cation in favor ofuo edminWtretors of Bouj BtUee, deeehaed. T u 0 3, HARM, ,• e.o. August 2 94 Administratrix Sale. O N Monday the eighth day o August ner. will be told et the houee of Mm. R s mitli in Bryen County, between the hour* of ten end four o’clock, Bin heed of Stock Cattle end one old Cert, being the remnimng persn. nal estate of Matthew Carter, don. C.udi tione, cteh. June 59th, 182*. „„ , r ELIZABETH CARTER, Jtdm'x. July 2 83f STA fE OP GEORGIA* Chatham County S- In the Cowl of Ot denary July Term 1R" J. In ihe mutter of il.e Estate ot Ejizubeth Bourke, Lunelic—Archibald Smith, Gust dien. O N the petition of A'chibtld Smilh. guai dinn of Eliiibcth Bourke, staling that the lollowing aimed negroes, yi*. Sukey ami her child, Aoderron,Daphne end her cmldren, Andrew end Bose, from e long residence ill town end great indulgence have acq .iKd such h bi e of dlerieoi end vicious uruotices, that they cannot be made at all profitable to the aaid Lunatic and praying leave of tint conn to sell the eaitl negroes, and that the proceed!, .of the sale be invested if Bank Stock, or any other funds that may beat promote the intt test of the laid Elizabeth Houike, It ii hereby otde-ed, that all persona interfiled i. the welfare of the said Wisabeth do file thoir ohje-tions if any they have, in the *'-erk a of fice of thi* Court on or before ihe first Moo. day in Augu t next, otherwise, the said ne groes will be sold fo- the benefit of the ssid lunatic, and the proceeds of such aale be in vested in Banl -a-* beet promote ^*And it if further ordered, that this ru!.- be published in a nuMic G.a-tte of Suvinnah, ai least once a week for thirty dive. £xlrael from the minutet 7th July '8 '■ SAMUEL M BOND C C O. Julv » Xf +4w SWAIM’S PANACEA. < fUIIS medicine is offered*. a remrdy for I. Sorofult, Bing’s Evil, Ulcerated Sure Throat, long at»-ding Bheumolic Afleo- >ioni, Cutaneous Diiesses, White Swelling md Diseases of the limes, aid all cas-s generally or an ulccrona character, end Hirdnic ditcaaes, aiiaing in debilitated const i , union., but mure especially fur Syphilis, o. | .flections arising therefrom, Ulcers of ine Larynx, Nodes, Ac, and tbit dusdrul dia ease occasioned by a long and excessive use of Meroury, Ac. Ac.—Ii has a'so been found useful in Diseases of the Liver. In ad disorders arising from an Impure or contaminated state of the Blood, it will he found a powerful and an effectual remedy.— The discovery of this medicine has been the effect of long snd sttenlive lludv, and it is now made public from Ihe most decided con- viction, founded on ample experience, of its power in eradicating those diseases,after every other medicine hat fmlnl. It d »uot lK)\bt'Ver» be iuppoaedi that thii PamcKu will invariably cure—the most es- teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty* will often fail in Ihe very diseases for which they are considered specifics i but if the use of it be persevered in, it will radically remove al* moat every cause|of the disorders specified. Thousands are lingering under those com plaint., in tome form, linking to the g r «*e, without a remedy, whom this medicine would certainly restore to perfect health and vigour, Its safety and innocence have been fully tew ed, *o that it may he administered to the ten- derest infant- t he moat distinguished phyoi coins in the United Stales recommeml it, snd •dmit, tint a more important discovery in me dical science has not been made i and to use the language of one oftlie most em-oent P.e« lessors of the age, ir it a It lumptit in Ihe healing art. To the present ai d rising general.ui.s, the benefit mus* prove incalcu'abte, not only by saving many many valuable lives, b it ^ im parting atrength and soundness d-bilitacd a 1 ( corrupted eonstitutiooa, -thereby p'eoerv ing their offspring from hereditary dtoeueee. These tacts, log- ' i with the numerous cures made, form irres.ibleproof. f th.i vault oi thii remedy. No on -, h iwever, is d, Bed io take it, without first fully convincing n m- self of the truth uf whm is here staled, and the rectitude of Ihe P- p-ietor’s intentions. The cures performed in this city alone, es tablish its superior virtue on a basis mo solid to be affected by the malignity of t ie envious, I* ia worthy of remark, tint 'he greater part of the patients who have been permanently ■;u ed. hapieviousto the moprielor’. un dertaking them, received the ..blest a.aidant e and several were abandoned by liter Pbysi Communications, port paid, and orders from any pari of lire world, will reAtive immediate attention. Ujr Printed directions aecompsny. the Me dicine. WM. 8WAIM, No 13, South Ninth Street, opposite Ike University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia February, 182J. Tho subscribers hnvojust receivod a fresh supply of the nbovnVALUABLE MEDI CINE, and Imvn made aucli arraiigenients with the inventor,Mr. Wm. Swaltn, as will enable them to offer to (ho public a pure ami unadulterated article. Druggist* anil others who purchase to sell again, can have it at the original prico established by the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, A Treatise on Swaim's Panacoa, with cases illustrating its sucocss, will bo loaned to tlionc interested, by applying as above. Juno 2U Treasury ) March, 14, 1825 5 W HEREAS on the 3d of Msrch, UW4, - law was passed by the Congress of tliu Un ted States, of which the 3d, 4th, and Stir sections sre in the surds follow ig, viz i •• Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That a ■ of twelve millons of dollars, of the sis p-r cent, stuck of the yes' eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby proposed i for which pur- iuw me*.is*, m v vy |isw|fuwbu | awi wuiuii ■ diiuiss ■- ’n n , puse hook, shall be opeyed at the Treasury of condition of the organa of life to a tree and fi. t . « . .i _ ... ■ a ns . I.L.. aV... ..fiKaan f.ntntinflt. litfl fltCl. VALUABLE medicine. TOTTaU’A Vegetable Catholieon. rjlHH subacrib,r reaaeotrully aolicile the at tention of every friend nfanffering Ini nullity, to to the above new and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the system the veiy seeds of oucaac, Mid in restoring the deranged und_ morbid - City of Philadelphia, „°* 0BGE KAN E. Gcortfe K .iie, of the District of Smtii, f«rk, pefionailjr appeired, and. bcm K doll •worn, doth declare and say that ihe ibovl statement ia in all respects correct and ini* »nd that the signature to it is in th e h» U d 1 writing of thia deponent. JOII BINNS, Alderman Philadelphia! May 23^ 18J4- in Bank stock, or other fund* that mav I C j an a, as beyond the renr': »f nmn romote the intereat of the sr.d Bliza* | R bii| Such is the f et and so extraordinary tU'-ri many of die c ses that an exh ton was made of thtm in the Univeiot y f t\nn'<vv n ia. by the P ofessor of Surger b je e a c oiod edaudienc of hmde>'is tolio pronounced them •wonders in the hailing art. It • as ecu *i»lro ace i iiitu the Mi .adv*:phia Alms Hfuss'-* a; d Pennsylvania a«d New Y rk 4os'>itdl, and such were its surprifling tffi’Cts—icu *ucccsb after ad other nWicinea had faded, that the Surgeon of the Pennsylvanin|Hop»taf f Ur.Wm P ce, was im I .cod to abandon lua highly respectable nflic , from the laudable de.ugn of benefittwg »ns fallow creatuiei, bv carry »ng the Panacea to England ; where it has al Georgia—Camden County TO \LL TO WHO VI IT MaY CION' PR f. W HEREAS B- Iton A. Copp applies to ’he Court of O iina.-y of »a,<i County fv Letters of Adminiittit oi„ with the will ai-| rg ". ly |u aJed lhe use 0 f tlie genuine ncxedj on the estate of Jo«eph Buby, 1st t ot | p reuc [, u 0 (, 0 f Lafacteur in a number of in- I stances, in dire,sea for which that it intended, aside unty, decease, i: These are therefore to cite am admoiorh all and singular, 'fi e I , n j in virtues are publicly acknowledge by heir* a d ert d.' ,f _a of laid deceased to nle I |tfrae . ,f u, e mn , t eminent surgeons tliere. tl e'u- objection, (if any they hive) in my of fi-e, on or before the fir»' Monday in Septem- the applies, t< Witnra. the Hon. William Gibson, one of the Justices of aaid Court, thi 23d Ju ly, 8 ’S I01N BMf.Y.c. e. o.e. e Jiilr 10 ,95 Georgia Camden < ou i’y 10 A J.h i o IVUOM IT MAT CO V- ERX rrWtlF.R , hS Whipple Aldnc ippliestothc \U Gr.urt rf Ordinary, of the said county for Letters of administration, w ; th the will an' heaed, on the estate of B zabetb Williamson, late of ^aid county, dec a9» s The*» are therefore to cite and admonish idland sing* jar, thckindrM and creditor® of aaid deceased $ofi ' " eir obj Caiona (if anv *hey have) »n my ffi'e on or before the fi st Mondav in Sept ‘Other next, otherwiae Letters will be granted the application Witness 'he Hon. William Gibson, one of the J'»» c^aof aaidC mrh * hi® 2^d Ju ly. 18 5 'O’*' H\l r F.V c. o c r. 11 all complicated cases of Scofulu and Sy fi?e, on or before the firat Monday tn aeprem* | pj^n tt Mn d where the Syphilitic V>ru9 of the her neih otherwise Letters will be grant* a i p At . e ,,^ causes a developement of Scrorula in “ * 1 the child, th e ia the only remedy upon which a sing e hope of recovery can be reasouab-y founded; there has been no instance of its faihre, where proper ly used It impa-ts vi gour to the wli' lc system while <h ’. cure is going on—an operation so long baked for in vain by the medical world; ut me ininc time tat ;atie«t is enab«ed to take nourishing food, whl h urder the common moden of praciic*., is usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma ny instances whrr^tlie horrible ravages of u ct.ration had laid bare ligament an-i bone* and where, to all appearance, i.oimmun Means but amputation could have saved hie : in cases ext: eme even as heie described, have pa tients been 3iiatch':d from the gta;e and re sided to good health, and the dev u n r dis- ; ase c.impsi.tely ervd'ca'ed The discovery of a remedy tike th•- now offe ed for s ite, has been u desideratumfrom timcimm>moiiul t The Pio;>riaoi doc.v no uj^. -Sl l.isbare assertion will convince : ne will therefore give reference- to such as have bpen cured* and thone ui d r Siis care, among whom are many highly vcapec acle c.t'zos. that shall sutisfy the must incredulous of its superior elli:acy n the disovdets for which i is here recommen i d. Every membe;’ ofaoc e y ah- unlaid in diffuv- 1 g inf rin .'b»n «.f thin discovery—human ity alone makes it a tin y VjfcvtVacataB. POL A DE1.PHIS, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain East Lidia Cure for the Rheu matism, King's Evil, SfC, Eitract of a letter from the Rev. James B liahi dated at Uengal, to Dr. F* Dedwe London Dkau J im: ... A <*HFsE%ULY to your request, I have with A. difti tilt * procured and n'iw scoid you by the if ip Jaf'.-rt, Capt Robinson, a few pound of the Pohdv-lnhis, or what generally goes by the name f I ::l»a Eatiact, a Medu he un iversally esteemed ira mg the p**opje ofludiao ns a certain cure for the Rheumatism. Wa« I to inform you of the number of people wh are duly relieved and cured by this valuable i d cine, it wou d requ're more paper than I am s' ? e tn purcha e ?.rd more time tha:. I am able to bestow. Indeed, the tff* c‘ of t i.s Uedicim: is®) immed-ate, that in tthenmatism :>U would suppose it acted jS a cha •'n til giv nir r^lie p «n»> - m>ving^h t pninful disease- II the King's Evil it has 1> en us.d wub greai vuccess, whe Mercury hasb^en given or used to pici ss, this Medicine has proved a oeifeet cure. The great difficulty, however, ol procuring tlie Extract, will for m*i.*y yeara to come, prev« nt its general circulation, it b ing obtaine I from a Shrub growing on th* mountains of Thibet, in the D:rman Empir .if India, and held so s«crcd by the nntiv*-* that to part with it is like paitmg wi-h V cir ex^8tenc•',.* , I.e'ter v T)r- Bcdwc'd, dated Jan. 7, ;8i3 Dear Docioi—1 have bden v aft ;Ct‘; with v R u ..ntic complain* fv>r manv y,a*s ; m fi lgcrs were so contracted that 1 cou d neuht*- d'e^s or ur dress my seif, or g,vc the least assistance to m* fa nily—I bave used only one - ox of tiielnda Extract, a d I am perfectly restored. You*.’* truly, R. ItALS^OxN. Philadelphia Let*er from Tobias Jennings, Stewa< d oi St Tlvuna?* flr.sptal London, Feb 1 18<-3 Dear Sir-1 think it my duty to inform you, that after trying every thing that could be pa nted out by the most respectable physi cians and surgeons for the relief of my son, without any success, who you know, has for many years been laboring under aevere Rheu matism, I whs induced to try the Polndelphis, with® g'immerb-ghope, that it might him some relief from the excessive pain he endure 1, which rendered hi n a useless mem ber of society, and a burthen to hi nself To my utter astonishment the relief was hstan lantous, nd by persevering in th* use of the Extract, his joints have returned to their pro per nlaces, and he is in per ect health. Up ward’ vf sixty respectable nersons have cal fed 1 > a my son, as all who knew him though • t .Nf’ t*' 4 f he >*• rove* FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, Druggist, where additional certilicatos of the emcacy of the above medicine may be seen. Mav 20 OtiCL N l B MONTHS after the date hereof, ap- I IV .aiic.tiun will be made to ihe Hon rablt til,. Court of Ordinary for the County i f Chat- ham. for leave to sell the whole or a part or pans of a tract of land, lying and being in the eointy of Effinylii n, eontai iinft by re. cent survey, nine hundred and eih'ht' fi ; acres, and known by the name of the Tu.-.k- iwieek-ng Tract, formerly the property o' K rg and Hotchkiss, now bclrnging to the cm ate of Alexander S. Itoe’a orphans, for the benefit of said orphan, WILT I \M MOREL, t Gu'idi-". A S. Boo'. 0"pham, Julv 4 87 IN otice. N INE MONTHS after the date of thU nolice, application will be mude to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty Cuunty, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN VV. STACY, Administrator. dec 18 21 Brit ks. T HE Subscriber has at present on hand a large stock of Bricks of suporibrqua lity, which he offers in such quantities as maj bo wanted, at the lowest possible price far cath only. For the convenience of his Town Custo- rkcrs, lie intends in future to keep always a considerable supply in town ; those in im- nediato want of the article will be supplied by application to Mr. Jamua Roberta, either at his residence in West Broad Street, or at Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN. J i, ot 79 2500, Hull Cf iioyt OFFER FOR SALE, Bushels very superior Balti- Fmore Corn, in prime order 20 bags Coffep SO bbU Baltimore Whiskey 42 do Rye Gin 2 lihds . do 10 pipes Holland Gin 4 do Cognac Brandy July 7 M "I have within the lust two yiars had an op portunity oi seeing several cases u! very mve t.Tsle ulcers, which having previously resist ed the regular moOes ,,t treatment wen healed by the use of Ur. Swvim’s Panacea and I do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in aero, minus, venereal and mercurial diseases. ”iN. OHAPMkN, M. D. Professor of the losiitutes and practici of Physic, in the University ol Penn tylvania U'. A. " Philadelphia, Februi y 16,18J3.” ■Ihave employed th- Panacea ot Hr.Swaitn, numerous instances, within the lost three years, and have always found it extreme!) efficacious, especially in sec-ondary syphilis and mercurial diseases, I have no hesitatio pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. «W. GIBSON. U D. Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty uf Pern Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer tu the Alma Home Infirmity, Ac- February 17, 1827.” - 1 have repea'Cdlyused Swaim’s, Panac,-a both in lhe Hospital and in private practice a. d have found it to be a valuable medicine in oh'onic, syphilitic snd scrofulous complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous affections. •‘VaLENTIN B MOT T, U- D. Profess ir -F Surgery in the University of New York, Surgeon of the New-Ynrk H-npital, Ac, •‘JWro York. 1st mo Slh, 1824 » tjaaUouto I’aTcVvaSfcTS. The great uemaml and v, underfill success nf this medicine, have induced a number ol persons tu imitate it in various ways—Some are selling Sarsaparilla and other iyrups, im* posing them un III - ignoraut for the Panacea I others are mixing the genuine medicine with molasses, Ac,, making three bottles out of one, thus retailing aome of its virtue*. Th. ae im- rations and andad ilteratuins have in many in- .anc-s, protracted thu » iff -rings of patients in cases where the genuine medicine wonto have proved inatantly efficacious, l therefore d- em it a duty I owe the the public, to ac quaint them, that it is impossible, from the very nature of its constituents, to be diaenver- yd by chemical analysi-1 and conaequeml , lut all oilier mixtures represented to be mine - id sold as such, are fraudaiunt and bass im- volitions, calculated to ueceivg the ignorant •n l ii iwary.—The genuine medicine has mv ■gniur- of n label representing Hercuiei and the Hyde a, and name on the seal. Ue i gia— amden County. TO ilii, if HO till'MAY C'OVCfcK-V .lEftE-V-'s Alt-xmrier Atkinif>n, A»l in st.ator on the E.tale iff John At- n ui», deceased* applies i j tho Court of O dm nr.v of said County. f»r letter* din&'S^orv «i, i \ UNtale : T* *s art?, then f’ve, to c ' ■ .. d • dtnonish all and vcgulau, the heira «*ftd sie*' uors uf aaid d ce»-ed. io fi e »hcir (if any they bave) n rv.y on o u f fir t Vionday in January next, or lettiTf 1 h>*. pruntf'd to the Hpp»ic»nt. Wilnew ‘he Hon William Gibson, one rf •' J svi”’ S of Bwd tJouti* this 25 li J'iho, 1825 JO:, h BAII.hY* C C 0. c c Jun^.10 8 2 tlie United Slates, and at the several loan offi ces, on the first dav of April neat, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, for inch parts of the above mentioned do* scription of stock as shall, on ihe day of sub scription, stand on the books of the Treasury, and on those of the several loan oftbes, re speclivdy / which subscription shall be effect ed by a transfer to the United States, in the manner provided by law for such tran*fers» of the credit or cred'ts standing on the said books, and by a surrender of the certificates of the itock so subscribed : Provided, Tliut ail subscription by such transfer of stock shall be considered as part of the aaid twelve mil lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by the first section of .his act. V Sec, 4, And be it further enactedj That for the whole or any part of any sum which shall be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respective subscribers, who shall be enti tled to a certificate or certificate* purporting that the United States owe to the holder or holders thereof, his, her, or their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, equal to the amount of the principal slock thus subscribed, hearing an intereat nut exceeding four and one half per centum p*r annum, payabu quarterly, from the thudy-fi;st day of Decem ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty five / transferable in the same u-aimer as «♦* provid ’d by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to r( demption at the pleasure of the United States, as follow*: one half at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time after the thirty-fiiat day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twentv*nme : Provided, That no reimbursement shall be made except for the whole amount of such new certificate; nor until after at least ai& months public notice of such intended reim bursement And it shall be the duty of the -ecretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans ferred to the respective subscribers the sever 1 si sums by them subscribed beyond the amount pf the cer‘.ificatf:8 of four and one half per cent, stock issued to them respectively. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That he same finds winch have heretofore been, mri now are pledged by law for the payment >f ihe inu r^st, and for the redemption and eimb jraement of the stock which may be re derm .-d or reimhuried b> virtu? of lhe pro visions of this act, shah remain pledged in like manner for the pavsnent ol the irtereat accrn ug on the stock created by reason of su « Hubscrip ion, and for the redempfon or reim bursement of the principal of *h p same. And ii shall he the duty of the commissioners of the sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid, out of the said fund, yearly and e^e-y year, such sum and sums as may be annually requir* ed to discharge the inteiesl accr uing on ihe stock which may be created bv virtue of this act The said commissioners are, also, here by authorized to apply., from tune to tim*, such sum and suing out of the said fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchase, or by reimbursemeut, in con** formity with the provisions of this act, tht p incipal of the s»id stock : and such part of the annual sum often millions ofdollara, vest ed by law in the said commissioners, m may be nccessiry and required for thf above pur poses, shall be and continue appropriated t*> the payment of interest and redemption of the public debt, until the whole of the slock which may be coated under the provisions of this act, shall have been redeemed or reim burse'.i-** Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, niai hooka will be opened al the Treasury of the United Spates, and . t the several loan olliccs, on the first day of April next, and continue (iptf-.i until the firs' di*of October, thereW- er. for receiving subscriptions in conformity u\ h -he provslcns of the said h'W. The subscriptions muy be made by the pro- tors f the stock, either in person or by healthy extreiae of their functions, hog exch ted the atfttniahmem# and completely ailcn ced the objections of the most inert duloui-*— Facts are the best arguments. In order to put the virtue* of the tlatholicon to as severe a scrutiny aa possible, it was offered by adver tisement, togetffjr witli the attendance of a physician, gratuitously to any verson who would apply for it, and whose cause might teem ft come within the range of its healing power—numbers of severe cases ol long stt d. ing, and some of them seemingly de,ptr*‘e ones, tire ented themselves, all of which have been cured, or at much relieved as to warrant lhe assertion that a little perseverance willdi so. In fact, such iathe confidence of the phyai ciati under whose ca»*e these patients were placed, in thin remedy, a confidence rcsu.t ing from the irresistible conviction that has been forced upon his mind by ocular demon* si ration, and a pentonul trial of. it on himsell ilut lie perm’.u me to declare it as his deci ded opinio^ that he Ca.ihoficon is not only a perfectly safe and imiocent, but a moat pow erful and invaluable remedy in certain dia eases and siatea of the system, suck aa the tol owing*- , Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipation; Old and inveterate Ulcers .* Pains the bones attended with swellings ot the join-s; Iiidigeaiion, Blotches on the face, pimples &C.; All coinplttinls of the Liver .. - o. P..Fnu/.na ,11aor, I’eticr.- Yaws, Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases ^enetaliy , Mercurial and scrofulous com. plaints The Citholicnu (which the proprieler sol emnly pledges Its word consists exclusively .f veg.’lable mallei) with the exception of sl'ght d lt-rn.'l istion to the howela, which preserves in s soluble stute, acts insensibly, j pleasant to the taste, and requires n - partial iar regimen, (abstinence from spirluoiia 1 quors vlways escepted.) or coulinement, a g. ntle. safe and agreo.bie cathsrt.e med ciI.e, impioviug tho appetite and restoring tin general tone of the sya’eru, it is confidently recommended tu ladies in a iielicut- situa tion. w. w. i’o rrmt, 66 Chea,.ul-strcet. Philadelphia, May 31,1824. At the request of Mr. SV. W. Putter, I have Iste'.y tahih.ied, in several instances,! modi cateil simp, nailed Po ter’s Vegetable Gatlio- iicoit, witii the must decided advantage. 1 has. aa . et, never tailed effecting a cure m e.ery case in which Ihave thought proper t,. employ it, H. M’taUUTlUE, M D- Phi'atlclphia, July 28tA, 1824. Mr. IV- IV. Potter, Dear Sir—You expresaed a wish that I would give a concise statement of niy sutler ings, from • the hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of mv ’ About live years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, I was ae'txed with a violent fever. Having no medical at tendants on board, I waa compelled to best it, as l might for two weeks, when on my nr- rival al Charleston, 8. C. it was treated a* Typhus. 'The skill of my Physician subdued the fever, but Phamix-like, the termination of this gave ns • to a disease equally distrea- - ing, and which, till now, I had tin light incur- hie. Various abscesses made them unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were swe-ied to an enormous size.— These giudually subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left kne? affected the bone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, 1 suffered the most excruciating pains in toy joints that man ever experienced. Every thing that was administered either gave me no reliefer ser ved to aggravate the disease, the severity ol wili, h increased with every succeeding year Such was my painful si uation that luevpaii’e TO SOUTH BUN PLANTERS, The Vegetable Oatholicon is p 8w f ilh adauted to tlmie diseases which are pre„u' among tlie coloured population of the iJ,|, In that disease which is called yav.i R sure remedy i a single trial ofit, will convince planter* of itaauperior efficacy tinny rc» e dy of a limilar.nature in the United Statej- NOTICE. The advantages of this medicine sre, not confining the paiieni unnecessarily to the house, or keeping him from his buaineis,— With one solitaty exception, ’but of apirim- ■IU» liquors, it doce not lay tmy reurichmi tthi hit appetite It is so in its oper.i™ that thep.iticnt tinds himself getting well lua cannot tell how. As it ia not the wish ofthe proprietor to take any thing | or wtlich . cannot give a conaideration equal in value, peraons at a distance who may wish to try lie medicine, but who ore not certain if it be applicoble to their complaint, are request, ed to describe their case nnd symptoms in ■/. letter, post-paid, and direttrd to him-(lri fetter will he immediately pluccd i u hoi.jg fully competent to tlceitlj the quention - Should the re.neJy not seem to suit tl* i( s . ease, they will be frankly told s i. CAUTION. To prevent d.sappointm mt it Is well to it'.te that it takes ir, or.liuaiy cases from 3 to S notties to effect n cure so that persons who are labouring under any ser ous intirmily, must make up their mind to persevere to tut OX! tilt at least- if they do not, they might n well save themselves the trouble ur.d expense .f usings s-iiaiier qurmity. Ail ordert pott-pnid utul enclosing the minc-j, i.nmediniely attended to, anil the medidot .racked and delivered with direclious for me, u any place in the city, and forwarded as di. re-ltd N. B. To prevent the possibility of sll im. position, it will be sol.: in the city of Phi 1 *.!,:!- phia, at the office in Filth near lt«oc-Str-et, ■rat tlie dwelling of tlie propri' tor, Nu. 63 '.hermit street, only, and abroad by his so- thotixed agent*. W W POT'IBB, 66 Cbemut Street, Plulatlc'pji.a- I have appointed GiiOlttiB HYE iSOS, Druggist, of, my sole agent. Drug- gluts wanting the shove valuable metlicii.e, will be supplied by him for cash, ai Ihe same rate, as if ordered direct from me—vx jj!0 per dozen, or three dollars a mngie bottle. W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. Any person on application to the auhscribrt will be furnished with cei tilie.ti.u uf the tfh. escy of the above medicine, sufficient to for* Vince the mind of the must sceptical, although too numerous and lengthy for newapaper in sertion. GliO. HYiiltwON, Drupgiat, Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Street!, dec 13 Georgia— amden ounty. TO AIL WHOM CO.WEIOY W HEREAS Loti'S D .i-jur \dminitt aftir of tht Estate of Hustle Pelletier, <LeV. applies to ill : Court of Ordieat y of sa*U coun- v, for letiers disunsso y on said estate:— hose are, therefore;, to c te and admonish all .nd singular! the heirs and creditors of sh d deceased to file their o^jee ions (if any tlu • mve) in my nflioe, on or before he first Mon lay in January next, or letters will be granted m ♦ e t} ptir.ant* P'-si Wilnesa the Hon# William Gihso 11 jL> V. 11 one of the Justices rf said Cou ' J thii 25 h fline, t8 5. JO IN DAILY, c. c. o. c. c. Jun* 30 82 Nolice. N ine MONTHS f, r date, application v ill he man.- to the Inferior ;ourt of Uhuthim County, lilting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave ra sell oft 'lie red estate • f the tale Thomas Savage, of U yan Couqly, viz : Point Plantation, consistiog of two hundred nd eigidy acres Rice Land, on the O 'min e River, four miles below thr P rry, (lj " og be plantation tf Joseph Habersham n. d Ste phen El iolt Also, two hundred ard lijty seres, more or Kss, of Pine Land, appertain, ing thereto- A'so. a Tract of Lai d called 3a.ina, cmbl.iing fify ucro>, on Medway Riv r, djoining the lanns of J J Muawoll- MAltY SAVr.GB, A lm’rx. June '5 71 Georgia—Chatham County ti the '. .art of Ordinary, Mar Term, I8...» O N thepe ition of Henry Champion, icimin- ■atrator of John Street, c ised, praying in order Nisi o be made (lbs,lute on his com plying witn lie law, tor he vie of a Lot ol Ground, number four. [4] eceud Tythintr, Reynolds Ward—Ala-', p-rt of a Lot, numb- «i«. Tower Tything, Dckcr W,.d being th' teal estate of the ttik Uee. tor the benefit ol the heirs and creditors t—It is ordered, that * eotiee be puMiahed nine months, in one ui the Public Gazette of the City of Savannah, requiring all petsont inle-ested.toahow cause tf any they have, why the prayer of the peti tiuner should not be granted S M. BO.Nn, e «. o May 14 44$ terson or >y I being restored to mv heal h ; Iliad ■r attorneys dulv autlioriaed to aubaenhr | ote^ r the - reKH i, r „.eans of relief, but used, though in vain, every popular rem edy I coaid hear of- It whs in tins aw fill wr.a dcsponduig condition,that I whs to commence a course of your Vugctahk Gain-1 icon, and the happv result is, *\f am the use uf the two bottles, my whole system ha* under gone a complete revolution, my pains have fo S l ice i me *» the discharge trom my knee beg n jvi.'l transfer it to the United Motes. •h uidsubicriptiona of said stock be mode -. amount exceeding twelve millioMf ri • llurs, a distribution - f the said su>n ot* m (ions of dollars will be mude among die S'il-8cvib‘.‘r3,b proporiion to the sums subsen* .ed bv them respectively. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, A ting s-.'-eiM-y of »he Preusury - f >. ^ IN EQUITY. Between W, Davies, Administrator, Complain• ant, and John i.'arnochun. Administrator‘ t dt bonis no with the will annexed of George Richardson and others, DeJemlavUs In equity t Chathuni Superior Court - CAaxcery, Mill August, 1824. I T appearing that John Murray C^nochan, one of the defendants in the said bill cf complaint named, resides without the state ri Georgia, io that part ofthe United Kingdom* of Great Britain ami Ircltu.d, called Scotlard; It is ordered that the said John Murray Cm* nochan, do appear and answer to the com. plaiuaut's svd b 1)1. within nine months Iron the date of this order, otherwise that llw said bill, as tn him, be taken pro contiwn t and ii ir further order'd, that a copy ot dm order be pul»Vis!ii d once a week, in one of i j% public G. suites of this state, until th’’. ex* piration ofthe time within which the said tic* fendanlii required to appear and answer p» alirfsaid. i’lue copy from the Minutes, this 21st iky August, 1824. A. R,FANNIN, CleiV. august ?4 Georgia met'' the discharge Irom my knit beg io thmiJiish,anti soonceasej altogetltcr, tbc ulcet from whence it pioceeded being com nletely healed. The tumors, fur the lemovsl of which I have tried in vain more readies than I can nain., are rapidly decree ing -, my appetite, which was gone, bits rg'turned -1 an ii. tact, nearly well, and fuel eonfid r.t that a few bottles more of your, (tone) invaluable medicine, will make me per.ecUy so. Your obliged friend, THOM AS BROWN, JH. N011CE N INE months afterdate, application wdl he made to the Hon. the Judges ofthe Court -it Ordinary if Chatham county, for leave to sell all the real estate ofthe late William Cruig, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cicd- tors of said estate. JOHN M'NISH. Executor ooM° 7 ' S otice. V LL persons having demands against thr estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late of the city of Washington, deceased, are re q-.ired to hand them in, legally attested; within the time prescribed by law -. and those . ndebti d to said estate, are required to msk, immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Tan 14 42pi Georgia—Chatham County [ the O.iiir- of Or-linary—Vtay J c-m Shi. O N the petition of Hob*.rt H;.y, Exe uirt of Jolm Waokerlr 4 de‘. pravii g an order Jbitiln be made absolute, on his complying tv tit the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land in Lsurena County, being the real eat ite of th- sai l deceased, for the benefit uf the heirs ai d creditors: It ia ordered,.that a notice H-- mblished, nine months^ in one of the G - aettea of the city of Savannah, featuring. leraons interested, to allow cause, if any the, cun, why the prayer of the prtdioner should not be granted, S. M, BOND, o- c. o. May 26 ST Georgia— Camden Conniy. It AlX I' HOM II It ,Y CON -ERN. taTUEREkS J n chloti Jun. administra or 7 v on he itHatea of DavidTucker and David '.i , "reditj, uppliea to the Court of Ordinary of v« d County, for Letters diaminary on the > sta'es of said iterfea>ed peraons: These are, herefure, to cite and admoniah the heirs am ci editors of aaid deceased persona, to file 1 heir objections (if any they have) in ny of- fi :e, on or hofore the first Monday in January next, or letters will be granted to the appll- cant. r BBR WitncsJ tlie Hon, William Gibaon, l b I one of ihe Juatieea of said Court, I- - * thia 25'h June, 16 7 5. JOHN BAILEY, C.C.O.C.e June SO a) Philadelphia, July "6, 18’4. My confidence in the vegetable oatholicon a tindiminish.,1, and as fresh in-.tancea of its powers arc doily occurrii g, in my own pruc- doe, I i aye no hesitation in recommending it, in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica ble, as superior to any reme ly l am acquaint ed with. M- M’MURTRIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Sin—In consequence ot imprudent expos ure four . ears ago I had the misfortune to be come fiffllcted with a disease, th - painful re suits of which induced me to apply in su. cession to several respectable physicians of this city, from whom, howevdr, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re ceived soother complaint quite as distressing as the former. My whole syste-j became a fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count ofthe violent pain that I felt in eve’y part of my body; the weakness and enacts tion of which waa such that I could scarcely walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard of your vegetable catholieon— four bottles of which, haa completely restored me, I have now no pain t my appetite is good i and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief yonr medicine has given me, I ain your obliged friend, be. WILLIAM WIL80N. Sworn and aubicribed to brfore me, May 28, 1824 JOHN U1NNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,1874, Sir—I am now, tlianka to your medicine, a hearty ma Fornesrly six years I have been a martyr to a disease, whose rang-a threat ened, if not aoon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint at last got to such a height that I could not swallow without great pain and difficulty- Tumurs formed in different parts of my body, and I began to think my aituation almost desperate. The fire bottles ofthe Catholieon which I have taken have com pletely eared me, and l am now as well a,' Camden County- TO ALL TO WHOM IF MAY CO.WEHN. W TiEHBAS Hi,tab Brown, Junior, wide* spptits to the Court of Ordinary ot tad County, Toy Letters of Administration on tee estate of John Brown, late of said county, de ceased, sc next of kin: These are, thereiorc, VO cite nnd admonish, all and singular. kindred snd creditors of aaid deceased, ly In; their objections, if any they have, in w «• -,-u, oti ur before the first Monthly in Jutto oxV'tlietwice Lettcra will begiatticd t!i< #|- Leant. t Wilnrs=. the Honorable Britain II B'ta-- Ify, one of the Justices of said Court, tht- sbtteenth day of April, eigil!C4 n hundred and twenty .five. [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C.C 0 C. C. April 21 24 Y Georgia—Camden County. ■ THE COURT OF ORDINARY full 8 MD COUN IY. HERE AS lohn Chevalier, his applied . . to said Court, for Letters Dismisai.rv bn tlie estates of Samuel OozenB snd Bun C. duck, deceased. These are, therefore, i" ..ite and admonish, all and singular, tits kin dred snd Creditors ot the said daceued per- 1 ops, to ft'e their ohjeotiont, if any they l"Wt n my effisc, on or before the first Jlonday tn January next, or Letteis will be granted the applicant. Wit-css the Honorable J tmes Scott, ore of the Justices of said Court, this »»- day of April, e ghteen huadrrd and twenty-five. [L.S.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0.0. a Anri 71 24 Georgia—Camden County- BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY f° SAID COUNTY. -TWHEREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the Court of Ordinary of said County; f»r f^uen Dismissory on the estate of Fr.neos tt .solupe r These are, therefore, to cite sw admoniah, all and lingular, the kindred rt" creditors of aaid deceased, to B'e their objec tions, if any they have, in my office, on or be fore the fi at Monday in January neat, ether- wtae Letter! Dtsmiaaory will be granted the ^'witness the Honorable Samuel Clarkft one ofthe histices cf aaid Court, thii sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred and twemy-five. [L. 8 ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O.C C 1 April 21 21— ^ HAY. wa BUNDLES PRIME IIAY, landing OU from Brig Pfietpant, forsaloby April IB C. C. GRISWOLD.