Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 11, 1825, Image 1
—Y oV Vll. SAVANNAH, THUUSOAK MGItNING, AUGUST H. 'isiS; No.m. the PUBLISHED OTTlBMTOm rjillE subscriber intending to i lose hi* 9 edited and IS Til* OXTT OF SAVANNAH, By G. t$ w. Robertson, Jkl rjMT 1IOM.A1S FKH AW HUM, tAYABLK »» AUVAMC*. @6< for the country, »lH.Wi.hed to wel the .mngement •( ,'niil, three time* * week, (Toeaday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Georgian, and contain. .1' the in elli Lnce. Commercial, I’ohttcal and Miaaollam genCe, „cS«i'd7erli«ia,enti. pub,,Led in eous» th The Connin'Paper i. net,t To .11 part, o! the Slate and Union, or delivered in the city, at fire dollar, pv annum, payable in advance ** Advertisements are maerted in Doll) pa e. at 7J cents per aquare.ot Mines, for can insertion, and 37i for every ancoeding puo- “conl-mication. by M-K must ****££ »s£35s£c»* ESSsassrsww business in this city, olieqj his stuck at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies 1 Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta hirs and Book Cases, Inclosed llusiu Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Maho«ranv high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Mnpl9 Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, &c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta- ker-Streot and Bay Lane. J. H. O. also requests that those who are iudebted, will please to mnke payment, with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. II. OLDER SI I AW. ,Tnr» 25 51H Consumptions. Coughs, i$c. BUTLER’S jj,Tpuh7c N ;'r.:ue.-x.y a. y . pr—„. ^ »>* nSoflh. .nleofper.on.1 Vroperlymas, begiveinl-k- manner. Forty da>s p.euuua N-itier 1 the debtor, .nil creditors of »n mint be published lor Forty days. N-11ice that application will t>e ninJ- to til- C vurt of Ordinary for leave to .ell had, must he puh)i -hed Jfine Months N otice. N INE months after dote appUeatio" will be made to the Honorable the Jus fine, of the Inferior Court ot Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract ol land, known as number eight, nth Ulatrlc K^,g t (formerly Munroe) Comity, for the benefit ofthe heir, and creditors ot the estate ol #f N, S. Bayard. jj_ j, BAYARDt Administrator estate N. S. Bnya r ,lan 5 • N otice. N INE MONTHS »fur date of this notice application will be m*d** to the Honoris .L .... .f rkalhnm Drsiil) bL the Court of Ordinary of rh.thiim Conn ty. for permission to .ell .It the rest estate of jnh - Wakerl'.r, dee. for tho benefit of ih heirs and creditors >.f said der.-nsed- ROIISKT HOY, rweentov. t soq the cure of, Coughs, Gonsump tiOi o, of Bloodj A«.hmas,aud Notice. i'JF, MONTH-! after thee, ipnlieation will VT i'- t,e made to the Hmmrnulc I .ifrn-v Cour of Oh titan, county, for Icsv* to sc!' Mi real Hid personal e.ivi-c r-l dictate Mrs Am. Ham ilton, d-ceased, fur the benefit of the heirs ande.-ed to'.sefsiid estate, WORTHING I’ON GALE. F.'ecn-or k«,_ in 'Cites NOTICE. J^INK months nil r due, application will be County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an order, absolute, lo iell lot8 No. fi-uraii- five, (4 and 5) iu Caipe-der'. How, sod lot So. one, (I | Green thl city of Savannah, being the real estate ot Francis Jalincan, dec for the hew fit of the heir* an' 1 creditors of said estate WILLI Ml GAS’ OS. Qualified Executor 07- Notice. C6|r.R morihanf rr ds’c, application will Sf iade to lie H./fiorable h™ h ferior t.oiivt ot 'n uidf-n County, iiu ng f.r ordinary purpo c for loav*t ’.o sell 250 acre* of land l)eloi gi..g to the c8»K»e of J<ln Drown, d ceased f r ’he benefit of the hens and credi tors olfui.’ estate. SAU\H BROWN, Admistratrii Jefferson, lB h June, 12$. Jure V 78* iitthebregai and lungs. There is perhups no medical observation better established, none more generally con firmed by the experience of the beat physici- -m not'all axes and countries, and no»e oi -norc importance to the human family, turn*, •tie fact that many of tbe most difficult and m •.arable consumptions originat e in neglecird colds., fn a climate «o variable av ours, where he changes of the wea her are tr^quentl) iuddenaiifl unexpected, it requires m ^re caie and atieniionto guard against tiiis dangerou jnemy of life, than most people imagine or »rc abieand willingio bes’ow. ’I he bilis of ■nortality esh bit the melancholy f#ct that the proportion of death* by this disease may be considered as about five to one. Inasmuch then as tins fatal dLoase frequently brio defi nice to the skill ofthe most learned physici v.ns, it is a graufication to the proprietor tha ie is enabled to ofle^to those afll - f ed with it, agof.d;y prospect ofredef in that highly valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci fic. The Indians at e happy in their know* j.dgc of medical plants; governed whollvH? "Xpcricnce, they are certain a 0 to their eff'C and ilia said bysnauthr of great character that a true ccnsnmp.ion is a disease never known among them. *1 his Specific is obtained by extrsetion from herbs, toot:-, Hewers, pbut, &c. when in peiv fe.c'inn. In consequence t;f a nappy combina tion of the most valuable hcri s, Sic. it becomes bala<m of a «upcmr value, it heals them- ju’ed parts, ope he the p.>res, sml composeR the disitirhed ncrvrfi, rtfler the minner of an anodyne; consequently the obstruction of the cites* and the iun^3 which constitute th dib'ease, parti-ularly need its use. It promotes :Xpectoration, which iacoustsntl) called for, od whilst it cleans.’s aril heals, it also gi\e rengih to the tender lungs In tikis manne it removes the hectic fever, improves diges non, gives s’rcngth to the nerves, repairs the ppftite and improves the ai irsis. Tins speci fic mav always he givi n in safely it is mild, lei aant to the ts3'.e, and m*y safely be given o infants, for which it is of ines imable value Hftords relief in bowel coniploints, t.ething whooping coughs, ifc. ami is found particu- Inrly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and hysterical discards. Each bill oi direction '.ontnins a d - ti ed account of thin disease in all its different stages, and will accompli >i»d u'nh ibe signature of the proprietor ir Red Ink. It is off-red for fsle b . GHO. BY KR .0 a, only (my s >le agent) D uggist, cor n?rBay snd Wlintaker-slreets, Savunnah, a’ one dollar per boifcie. WM BUTLER. dec 'to no N otice. TOF’E months after date, application «vi! iheoiMde to the llouorab’e the »ourt of O'(linary of Camden f.ouuty for leave to «;ell |1! the r<.*al ea ate of the lo’e Randolph M (»•' lis.d ceastd. fo- the benefit of the beir* ui- crcditora ofauid estate. II ANN «.H II, Administratis:, G M'DON NdiTiinistrutor S» Mary June UUb, )825. June V3 "8 N otice. T HREE LO'iTHS from this date I sha’I make apphewtiou to tiie Biuk ofthe State Georgia, for pat ment in full for ih.* half of u ten dollar bill of si id Bank, Letter D. N *. 2i7, signed A Forter, Cashier, tlie left hand half being in my possession—the right hand hal* signed by Win. H BulL'cb, President, being tbe half lout. All persons interested will therefore take due notice of this intention. and file 'bein tjMotions at said Bank, within the time mentioned. . JAMES P. SCHFVEN- J“ne2 5C^ 4 N Notice. INE Montli. after title, applir,ti-in will be made to the Ju.liee.uf ih I derinr Ci 11 t uf County, whe„ nittimf for o-din.ry purpo.ej, for leave to sell that nart of lot No. S firat Tytbing, lleynoid. M-srd. in tue city ot Savannah, whicl- belongs to the ca- lite of De Limberioi. for the benefit of the •Mr* *nd creditor, of e.tet.. June 16,182$. 1’F.TER LVRN, Admr* MABY EVBN, Aiim«, fi75n UU.VU and .MEBtUlNE V E. BUASSINNE, R espectfully inform, hi. friomia and the public, that he has purchased the establishment in the above business, bc- longing to Dr. A. Dolaroche, opposite the Exchange, wliore he oilers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of V?vea\\ Drags, NleAVcincs, and CU«ni\cft\s, AMONG IVtllOH AtlF. TIIE EOI.I.OIVINO : — Aqua Portis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantlrarides, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Columho, Pinery, Gum Assafetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacuni, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, LanretB, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Clmniomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vniniea, Oxvd of Bismuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Ginnnmon, Sweet Oil Pearlnsh, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine (BJJ&MID STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, AO. FIVE. | LIST O K LETTEltS J^EMAINfNQ in the Post-Office S.van- Vaints Drj[ and in Oil. White, Rod and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lainj) Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Rod, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. TeYfunvery. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassur Oil Bust English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. .Tan 20 47 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano fortes, curled Hair Ma trasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS& PILLOWS, CHAIRS,&c. ALL IJY OJYE I)A Y. By the improved mode of Drawing, Secured Oy Letters Patent under the etui of\ the United States. rjYHE Commissioners of Lotteries, in nail, 31st July, 1825. ILT Persons wishing letter, from this list, will please ask for Adoerlieed Lettere. A. J Samuel Lawrence John Aims <WmM Leigh Cap! Geo A Ash ( M. Mrs Flora Anderson J Wm I, Maynard ennformity with the Act of Assembly, present t. the public, the FIFTH SCHEME OF THE .WARYLA.VD STATE LOTTERY, Tiie drawing of which will take place in I J llcrrie, Jr ... ........ the city of Baltimore, on Wednesday the “J; CT, I< , od Beckcom } Joseph M’Henry i of July, the whole in one day. 111 ” Benson £ ltilly M’Leod 1 lira A nn If m. 1 . ' I' I ■111 / ’ «n ■■ Mrs Sarah Alford B. W W Black Mrs Mary Baker Benj Brantley Richard Bland j Joseph S Miller May River, S C ■ Mrs Andrew Morell Edward M’Croker Ferdinand Mane f Kell Melrose ; Mrs Eliza Miller i Miss Mary A E Mil- j ler 27th i Highest Prize §4)0,000. 1 1 10 30 50 500 3 50 500 20000 SCHEME. 1 prize of 40,000 dollars is 410,000 ’ of 10,000 dollars is 10,000 of 5,000 dollars is 1,000 dollars is 100 dollars is 50 dollars is 20 dollars is 10 dollars is 6 dollars is 4 dollars is do do do do do do do do do of of of of of of of 5,000 10,000 3,000 2,500 4,000 2,500 3,000 80,000 21043 Prizes. $160,000 $160,000 I Mrs Ann Boul I Mrs Dolly Bryan Edward Buurguin James C Blunt Cnpt Wm Brown 1) O Hornes I Miss Cath Burchill I Mary Baker C. I Samuel Clark 1 Alias Ann J Craig Jumes A Clark iThos Clark Alex Clough | Mias Ann Crimm 2 Jane C Cine Mary E Cope I Capt John Cox Miss Eliza Cooper Ephraim Cooper j Thomas M’Crny : Rev Mr. M’Vain W R M’lmosh 40000 Tickets at $4, is Not one blank to a prize!! Every prize payable in cash, sixty days . . after the drawing, subject to a deduction I,,, "J 1 "" Loe of fifteen percent. I fX" 1 I i Coe „ . Mode iif Drawing.—The numbers will be I “*** Cunning- 5 { Miss Catharine M’ S | N. | Theordon Nelson ; Miss Ann Nowlan | Airs Mary Norris I Clias Noonan ! o. I Peter C Oates | John II Ol-lerehtw S James O’Hara 5 P ' > John D Papnt } George Pemroy i MisJnmesPcndergas { Daniel Piiilips 2 j William Poyiheaa j William Pope | Peter Pourri. Q. SCO IT’S HI It Lb •TtllOTTfK SDltlOB. P B.OP OSS ALft By SAMUEL T. AHMSTROJYG JVk. » noi nhilt H non for publishing SCO TT’K FAMILY BIBLE, containing all the Mar. Smut References to te romp iced in VOLUME V ROYAL OCTAVO, and eon belhehed reith a hkeneei ofthe .mhot* T IIE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality :— Sideboards, Sets ofDining Tallies Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Bobos, Piano Stools Mahogany Chnirs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Alalmgaiiy Bedstead. Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedstead. Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs. Cradles, Easy Chairs Caudle Stands, Window Blinds Hal) Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrasso. Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillow. Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chair, of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a largo assortment of Brussels .nil Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store iu Whittukor-Street, opposite Col Sheltman. 1. W. MORRELL. March 15 03 pitt into one wheel as usual—and in the ether wheel will be put the prizes above the denomination of four dollars, and the draw ing to progress in the usual manner. The 20,001) prizes of $4, will be awarded to the odd or even numbers ofthe Lottery, (as the case may be) dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of $40,000—that is to say, if the 40,000 dollars prize should come out to an odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will be entitled to a $4 prize. If the 40,000 dollar prize should come out to nn even number, then all the even num bers in the scheme will be each entitled to a prize of 4 dollars. The odd Numbers are those ending with 1,3, 5, 7 or 9. The even Numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 0,8or0. This mode of drawing not only enablea the Commissioners to complete tiie whole Lottery in one drawing, hut has the great advantage of distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the hemes, so that the holder of two ticket, or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one < Louis Quitroa 5 R. hum Cudjo, a colored man „ John Cuthbirde I Silas Reed D. | Abraham Riker Wrat B Davis } William Richersnn Messrs. Dayton and j Mrs Amne Roll. Brown PULSH GaKDEN SEED-S, AND VruWioua YYoNVfct Tioota* J U3T received by the rubseriber, and w« ranled of the lust season’s growth, T !>i>*e» Garden Seeds put up Wy A. M’Mahon & V. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, and containing the following assortments, via. 14. Burl) curled Let tuce 15. Hoyal Cabbage de 16. Mutmeg Melon 17. Spinach 18. Summer Savoy IV. Sweet Ouail 20. Sftge 21. Nasturtium 22. Celery 23 Early Peaa 24.1,ate do 25. Eurlv hunch benn> 26. Red French do A L S O, 90 Packages containing the following Bui bona Blower Roots, viz. I. Double Hyacinths I 4.Mexicsn tiger flower 9. Fue Tulips I 5 Double Tuberose 3. Narcissus | 6 fitaf of Bethlehem For sale by P. M'DFJUZO IT. Jf •; •> SB l. Drumhead Cabbage Long Red Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4. Parsley Leek 6. Onion 7. Salmon Radish H. Early Purple do. 9. Round leaved 10 Early Turnipi It. Late do <2 Saisafy ‘ 13 Asparagus APPROVED Patent Tamils MetVicAneft do du Cough MrB Sarah Davis John Davioc Mrs Ann Delannoy Mrs Dews Dr Delarochranlion M Denmark, Bulloch County Mr Deleliamps Francis Dickerson Mrs Douville Amos Dwincl Peter Dowel Francis Dupont Mrs June Dudley E. John C Everitt Lewis Elcliy F. Mrs Mary Farr r mia niiiuc ivu; } James Russell 1 S- I Mrs Naomi Ptanton | James Suyward. ‘ Miss Martha Spalil- 5 ing 2 5 Riclid F Ptandaland < Miss Sally Nliaokle \ Owen Sandorlin }, Jr j Mrs Lucretia Spen- ! ccr | Capt Joseph Sey > more 2 J Mrs John Simons < Mrs Mary Smith } John Smith I Mrs Ann Strsble } Jacob R Spooner ' MrsAlethe* Scruggs 715 KM 6. I T shall be well printed, on good paper, and be comprised in six handsome vnlu-es. It will contain the Scriptures of the O d und JVVw Testaments, the Introductory Ohse rva'ions, Explanatory Aotes, and Pruclic 1 OtservuiionSj -oid all the copious Aforcinal References, be- III,' printed word lor word from the London Stereotype Edition, published since -.he Au* iliwr’a The price wik he *21, in ioard» i»jj‘.’4, in sheep, g30, in call bonJiag. The whole work will bt ready for delivery b» May, 1825, Extracts of Lettt-s adiressedto the Publishers, I esteem Dr. Scntt’t F indy Bible, enrnn' ntly calculated to promote the cause of truth and piety. It seems scarcely possible for cneto rend dailv the Notes and Observations in thn Family Bible without becoming a wiser and setter man. EDWARD D GRIFFIN. I have teen no commentary of the Sacred Scriptures which 1 think so well adapted to general use and edification. It it i treaiui% which ever, famaly ought to possesa. A. BATON. It is a work distinguished for thd simplici ty and convenience ot iu arrangement, tbt clcarneaa and fidelity of ita exposition*, the neatnen and perapicu-ty of ita style, the oe» nevoltnce and candour of ita spirit, the con ciseness and pertinency of its application*, anil for ita uniform tendency to promote tvut- (•elical truth 'wd piety. A BIEL HOLMES. Of Dr. ‘’coil’s Family Bible, I feel free to say, thst in my estimation it deservedly rank, among our ablest and bes' Comm ntaries. THOMAS BALDWIN. Dr- Scott’s Family B bie intended more et- peci.lly for f-e use of Clnisiian lamiliea, is a work high V evangelical, extensively inatrur* live, and deeply imeristing. Daniel o. sandehs. The character of Dr. Scott’s Commentary on th- Bible, is au generally kuown, and ae uglily approved amongst the molt intelligent -ad pious Christiana throughout our country, nd has passed rapidly through «o many large editions, that 1 deem further recomoienda- ions needless- J. MORSE. I am acquainted with no Commentary oa ' Sacred bc ipturei, which I would mor» even numbor)will be certain of obtai„in E at ' lu . f ' u 5, 1 M F,irrin g ,on ; J" n ' e “ 8a 'i least nne prize, and in the same ratio for any orenter quantity. A ticket drawing a superior prize in this srlicme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one alno—many tickets therefore, will necessarily obtain two prizes each. JAMES L. HAWKINS, ) NATH. F. WILLIAMS, yCotn’crs. JAS. B. RINGGOLD, ) Baltimore, March 25, 1825. Roll Flournoy II II Forman O Futcli G. Henry M Goubil Sami Garnett Wm Gomly Rev Dr Garbot2 Harris Groinatio John Grieve ■ William II Scruggs Present prioc of Tickets: Whole, 00 1 Quarters, $1 50 Halves, 3 00 | Eights, 0 75 All orders promptly attended to, at LUTHER’S OFFICE. \ T ' 5 Mrs Trasper | Mrs E Tillinghast < Mary Timmons J Henry Tillman \ Joseph Tillman J Francis Tonsang S Clias W Turner V ‘ Mrs Lucretia Gordon > Mrs Margaret Valla- Mrs Jane Gale | ton 2 H. jaJ B Vallee Mrs Isane Hardee * Jeremiah Valloton New River, S C \ David Votee Alex Harley Decatur Valentine Mrs Maria Haber-j Edwin Von Antwrop EXCHANGE June 2 I)oub ! e Distilled, Hose Water. A FRESH SUPPLY of best London Rose Water, received per brig Pan- tlica, and for sale by LAV & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. May 10 sham,a colored wo man Richard Hewlett Dr Charles M Hill Joshua Heckman Patk Houston Mrs Eliz Holme. Alex Howell j W. | William Warnick J J. B. Wyatt 5 Miss Sarah Wall \ Edmund Warner | John Waters r James Wells 5 Perinela Wingate It- Francis F Hndgens, t James Whitman Purisburg, SC 5 Z M Winkler J. ' Mrs Martha Wylly Mrs Susan Jackson > Wm W Williams Castor Oil. Rose Julineau I Miss R Jacobs do do Turlington’s Balsam of Life Opial lor the cleans ing of the teeth it Bums Relf’sABtlimnticPille Do Butaiiical Drops Austen’s Remedy for the Piles Hinckley's do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. &c. L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson’s do do Coil’s Anderson’s Drops American Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop licnry’B True Cal cined Magnesia A udler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Jtetdrgcnt Dalby’s Carminative A constant supply of the above useful Patent Family Medicines, topper with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, &c. &c. enn be obtained at the store of LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by P. E. BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. Glass J amps. Essential Oil of Spruce, J UST received from the Patentee, nnd neatly put up iu phials, and for sale by LAY A. HENDRICKSON. May 25 Shad’s Buildings. E W anted, MPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply to MnvH GEO. RYERSON. A Negro Man. A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 year, of age, a good field hand. For sale by CALVIN BAKER. June 24 79 to T Notice to t ree Persons Color. IIE Free Persons of Color residing in * Chatham Country, are hereby notifi- fied to appear and register their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said County, agreenble to law, on or beforo the first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clork. May 16 45 Marking RrusYias, O F a superior quality, just received and for sale by GEO. RYERSONJ po? 30 A NEW supply, assorted patterns Glass Stands, for sale by with GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Streets. March 4 j John B Whitter t John Withington Mesa Jenny Si Doug-1 James Wright lass > John Y White Mrs Susannah July j Serg’t Wilson Edward Jones j John Williams K. j M rs Betsey Woods Mrs Ann Kelly j Paul Wolf Wm Kenncduy 5 George Wolf L. j Y. Mrs Mary Lawrence 5 Mrs Jane Young Cnpt John B Lamny \ Absolom Yotmians JamcsA D Lawrence J Mrs Eliza Young Trench Tetters. Itavr Ma*.trusses. JUST received by the William Wallace, an additional supplv of DOUBLE and I SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which | will be warranted ofthe best quality. I. W. MORRELL) Jan 27 Madame Clmrle Odinet Mr. P. Nayeaux Mademoiselle Clnudine Mens. Jean Lcsonc Mademoiselle Marg’r Dc Lulavny Jannille Nenvena. Algust 2 GEORGE SCHLEY, P. M. 95 V. S tates Bank .Votes, F OR SALE at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jn n 20 Notice. T HE subscriber will dispose of his Mills in Montgomery County, having 11 Samtoga Congress Spring Wa ters. jjqlFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh grist and four saws running, which last arc calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 feet of lumber per day, which can be rafted im mediately into the Oumulgee River, with 600 acres of the best timbered pine land in that section of the state. As to terms of sale, they will be made easy. The above bottled by Messrs. Lynch Si. Clark, of property was formerly that of E. VV. Bar- mwl .11 .net Ironi trail Sanvitirrc I I..... XI _ . ■ 1 _ .. Nt-w-Yiirk, and direct from the Springs just received per ship Augusta. Persons going to seu would do well to supply them selves, as they are offered at reduced prices by L1Y& HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad's Buildings. May 25 ker. My residence is near Milledgcville. JAMES BOYKIN. June 12 69jr Door Mats. JUST received by the William Wallace Saratogo Water Cooled in Ice. F OR the accommodation of the public. Saratoga Congress Spring Water will be kept cooled in ice, during the scasou, and wilfbe ready for delivery every morn ing at six o’clock precisely. No additional three dozen host quality India Door charge \vi!l he made. .. , nTHp , Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL. I LAY &. IIENDRICCSON. March 15 «3 July 19 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. -'ordially recommena for general use. Th* Ian of the work ii good JOSHUA BATES. Perhaps in no way, can minister*, instructors f youth, and private Christians, do greater service to aocietv, tli.n h, exerting them* selves to disseminate this ti uly nimble woik. JOSHUA HUNTINGTON. I know of no Commentaiy which is better talcuiated for diftuaing correct views of tha great trull,e of Christianity, and leaving aalu- Gry impreaaions on th--mind when rising trom the peiural of it, than the one yuu ate 'haul to publish. DANIEL SHARPE. No writer seems lees disposed to contend for barren speculations. None more ui iiortn- ly or more powerfully inculcate! the great efe sentials of religion. The spirit which prr> adea the work ia txcellent i it is tbe^tneck, affeuiionare, healing, yet faithful apirit of tha gospel. Daniel DANA. Front particular examination, and concur, ring tnatimony, ibe' e is no doubt on my mind that Scott’i Faniiiy Bible j„ superior to all other*. JOSEPH EME1.80N, You will please to set d me six copies ol Scott’s Bible / 1 refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps 1 shall induce five more to take the lame number. H- L. It is with extreme pleasure I perceive yuv are about to publish a new edition uf Scott’a Bible. Haviug been in pnaaession ef it more than 20 years, I tru*' I know aome* 'hing of its value, and am determined to pro. mote its c rculatiun among my friembi You will please forward sis copies aa iuon at pub lished. C. M I have obtained four subscribers for the excellent work you are publishing H. S, I propose to take aeven seta of Scott’s Bi ble, and will be accountable fur the lame. 1. G. I have obtained subscriber! for nine copto of Scon’s Family Bible. J c. I shall probably need eight often seta of Scott’s Family Bible. J. p. I have obtained ten subscribers for yuut edition of the Family bibie—and have ne loubt but .here might he aumeiliing like 10C copies told in this place if you had an agent : here—t thought the work ought to be en couraged and for - hat reason took a aubacrib- tion paper. It is a work that every family should have that ia able to purchase. J. E. M’C I am glad, that you propoie to print Ur. Scott's excellent Family Commumaiy, and should be very glad ifit were in my power to give a more liberal patronage to the work, than, as circumstance! are, I can. I shall, however, be able to do something t eight or ten seta 1 shall certainly take i and it may be,. double that number. A. B. I have procured fifteen subscribers to Scott’s Bible. J. A. D. I ihink I shall dispose of 20 seta or more of tbe Family Bible. E. B I have circulated proposals for Scolt'A Bible; how many have been engaged in alii cannot ti l!; but betwcea 20 and 30 seta iff h* vicinity. J. S. I have concluded to become retponaible to you for thirty eete of Scott’s Cumii.Ci.tary. C. B. I have procured I0S subscribers to the Bible I 6 acta to be bound in calf; 3 Bets to be done in boards the other 97 re is, bouud and lettered as described in the prospectus. H. Mr I presume I could prorure 500 aubserb* oers for your edition of Scott’a Bible I be demand ia increaiing for them. They will finally supersede every other large or F> nuljr Bible. Fllty.oi my'iubscribeis live within circle of 8 miles! J. L Just publi'hcd a.edition of the una wo**,' ompleted in six volumes, orithout msiginal refeiences; price in boafus *181 in sheep *21; in calf *27. Sillier oi tbeae editiya* m.y be had of the publisher in Boston ,- of tf 3. C. K J. SCHKNpK. JMefcamt. ~ .Jan t\ Jf"