Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 13, 1825, Image 1

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jS’e,Vf 8ttk»-VoV VW< 8AVYNNAH, BATUKD.rt HORNING, AUGUST 18, 1825. S-mmiSTi ~ V) "TT*-- * ~B. r iTT—iTl— * o.ROO. tiib and published IIIE subscriber intending to closo bis K EDITED IX TSl CITY OP SAVANNAH, Bv G. $ W. lioUEUTSON, Xt 1-lOST DOT.CASH FSH *KSO«, falAULK IS SIlVASCS. 0 jt fob the country, „ nuhlisbed to meet the arrangement ol !* Sin. thi-ee time, s week, (Tuesday, UVJdav and Saturday) at the Office of the 1 "iirsusy gn(l contains al< the in fill nencc^Cummereiali Political and Miuellnn- inlmcludmg sdrertiacmenta. pub ..bed ir. “fconicatj^y^n^^^ Stilus *»» 1*©^ an< * Jl.r „ re required, tors, Executors or fi" • T ii |, y j„ the by law. to be held on thefi ^ > . n ^ f , m , month, beafter noon, at th t Court noon »‘«d tiir. c » w hicli the property m »■«« 0f t C d'e‘'f t’"e«le* " be give,, to-ww*"-* th< d ‘i',"f , ‘' e „r. he 8 de of personal property must be N K ive n inbt msnn«r! ft* <W» P™ J? business in this city, olfers his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of Sidoboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book CaseB, Wardrobes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tallies, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wasl. Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands, Muliogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple ao. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Colts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, &c. at the Ware-House, corner of Wliitta- ker-Street and Bay Lane. J. H. O. uIbo requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDER SHAW. .Tan 25 bill Consumptions, Coughs, £5 c, ©HYJU am\ MVUUIUVE Bira»uuB a P. K. BRAS8INNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the establishment in the above business, bc- Innging to Dr. A. Delaroclie, opposite the Exchange, where he oRers for salu at low prices, a large assortment of Freak ©tugs, sMeAmnea, and CYietuicaYs, BUTLEIl’S o ,he d»y " r .“ debtors and creditor, of an Court ef Ordinary for leave to suit land, ">««' be published A'uie Month! N N otice. INE months after date .ppUcaHon will be made to the Honorable the of the Inferior Court of tno County, for leave to sell a tractof tana, known as number eight, Bill Distr t. n as numoer ergm, ■*— —- . e. (formerly Monroe) County, ter the: benefit **•’ hnirs ami creditors of the e of the heirs and creditors of N. S. Bayard. N . baYaRD , Administrator estate N. S. Baya T Jan b . « N otice. IkTlNE MONTHS after date of »Ms notice. IN application will be msdc to the Honors . T. ... .ffA.J! .... ..r r*Kaffi«m P nil 11 bto the Court of Ordinnry of Chathum Coun ty, for permission to soil sit the red estate cl Joh.i Wakerlv, dec. fur the benefit uf til ■ heirs and creditors of said deneased- HOB BUT 11OY. Executor. Notice. INE MONTHS after da e, application will he made to the Honorable laf-rmr Uour ol Chatham couniy. fur leave to net 1 til' res- and personal estate of tbclatc Mrs Ao.n Ham ilton, deceased, for the henefil of the heirs andcreiltma .fs id es-ate, WORTHINGPON GAVE. EseaUor NOTICE N INE moDtbs nfl- p date, application will be male to tilt- I lifer tut Court ol'Chdhan. County., silting far ordinary purposes for an order, i^iiliiU 1 ,10 Mil loti N' l tour jn ( fivei (4 and 5) ill Carpenter’s How, and lot No. one, (1) tin en Waul, in tin. city of Savannah, being the real estate «f Francis Jtt'ineau dec for the. benefit of the heir* -n ’ cveditora ol said estate WILLI Ut C. AS KIN*. (Jun'ificd Executor 97 a N otice. FjXjjM MB months #f cr (!n«e, upplxation will he fi\J naile to t^e Honorable ib-2 Inferior Court oi i««n»don County, when »itt ng f »r ordinal) purpo c, f>r leave to sell 2.50 acjxn of land a- f I - i a bclopgi.ig to the estate of Ji ho Brown, u censed f ir the benefit ef the heirs and credi tort of sail estate. SAKAH imOWN, Adinistratri* Jefferson, I8;li June, 1 2$. Jim.. «*? 78 Notice. ^I\’E months 8fter date, application xd JLibemade to the Konmabie the court ot Oidirnry of Camden Ccuuly, for leave to sell all the real estate of the late Rnnd'dph M G;l lis, deceased, for the benefit ot the heira am crediturk ofsuid oatMie. HANNAH UGIMH Admimstrati*, G M'DONaLm, Admiiiiitiatur St Hary«, June IBih, '825. Ju«e ‘-*:t ^8 Notice. fpURFaE ' ONTHS from thia date I sha’ make kpplicntion to the B mk ol the Stute tleorgia, lor payment in lull for the half of i ten doilar hill of suiii lUnk, Letter D. No* 2 7 signed A Porter, Cashier, the left hand hsl being in my posst's.sioii—the right hand hall signed by W.n. B Bulloch, President, being the half lost. All persons interested will therefore take due notice of this intention, tii'l file their ‘ijeetions at said Bank, within fhe time mentioned. JAMKS P. SCRFVRN- J"ne2 5"f ^ Notice. N INE Months after d>te, application will be made to the JuaMoes of tfi»I iterio'- Cmi t of Chatham County, when fitting for ord nsry -...ipuHi j, for leave to sell that rart of lot No 5 first Tv thing, Meynolda A’ard, in the city ot 8 tvamrh. which belong! to th- tate of De Lutnbi. os. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of himl eaUt*. Pf.TBU KVRN, Admr* MAhY fcVRN, Admi June 10, 1825. 67*n ^OR Hie cure f with Coughs, Consump* lions, Spitting of Biood,, As!hiiias,snd Jisenaet of tite breast and lungs. There is perhups no medical observation better cs.ab.ished, none more generally con irmed by the eiperieneeof the best physici* us ot' All a^es and countiii.8, and none u .ore importance to tht* human family, tha. »efact that many of the most difficult am. m irable consumption* originate in n«glecu»d colds. In a climate «o variable as ours, where he changes of the wea her are frqu*-ntij 3uddenand une*pected, it requires more caic and Mlteo'.ion to guard against this dangerou nemy of life, than most people imagine or ire able and willing to bea;ow. ''he bills ot mortality exhibit the melancholy f ot that tin proportion of deatha by this disease may b« considered as about live to one. Jcasmuci men as this fatal disease fr. quently bi ds defi mce to the skill of the moat learned phya.c: .ns, it is a gratification to the pro irietor tna. ie is enabled to ofterto those affl eted wilt a go> dy prospret of relief, in that fig hit aluable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sp ci- fic. The Indians sve happy in their know- Ig* of medical plants i g« vcroed wnollv v,- pe- ience, they are certain aatotueir r.ft' e ■i it is said by an mith <r of great character, that a true consumption ia a disease n< ; ver known among them. I Ilia Specific is obt»inod by eitrsctioa from lerba, ro.d c ,fl>*i.t, ^ when in per. faction. In consequence r.f a hsppv coir bins lion of the most valuable her's, &c. it ec »mes > b»!ai»m of a superior value. It heals the in- jii-ed parts, opens the p.ires, »nd ctimposrs ‘he dimu; bed nerves, alier the manner of an anodyne / consequently the obstruction ot ' he chcs’ and the lungs which constitute th r. disease, parti -ulariy need its use. It promotes ixpecloration, which ia constantly called for, tui whilst it cUtti’S *s ai d htsis, it also giver. mTangth to the 'endur lungs In »h;a mannei t removes the hectic fevei, improves diges- on, gives strength to the nerves, repairs «hc ppt titr and improves the spirits. This speci i : mai alwavK be given in safety it is mild, .ilencsnt to the taste, and may safely be giver, o nfan's. for which it is r f ine^imab.e value. It afl'ords relief in bowei eomplaiuifi, t-’Cthing. whooping coughs, Me. and is found parlicu* 1 ir»y useful in hypochondri cal, nervous and hystcriCBl diaeaaes. Eton bill oi directi.— contains a detailed account of this disease in all its different stages, andw.ll bi accomps lied with the signature of the proprietor i»' Red Ink. It is jfT. red for k«le by GEO. RV v,R. 0 only (my sole agent) D uggist, cor Bay snd Whuiaker-streets, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM BUf LBR. ■*.ec 30 *0 AMONG WHICH AnF. THE FOLLOWING Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Rout, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Burley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do FoJa Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon American best and common Cantor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Fmery, Gum Assafcetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guincnm, Gum Opium IsinglasR, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica. Oxvd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pcarlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rliuburb, Saltpetre, Salt, of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine VainU ©cj riu\ in Oil. White. Red and Black Load Prussian Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Twcfumety. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med nines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano fortes, Lurled Hair Ma trasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS &. PILLO WS, CH AIRS,&c. ma&asiD 8TATE ^PTTERY OF MARYLAND, AO, FIVE. LIS I OF LETt KRsi R EMAINING iit the Post-Office Savan nah, 3ist July, 1825. m* Persons wishing letters from this list, AIJ. Uf ONE DAY. By the improved mode of Drawing, Secured by Lelten Patent wider the teal of the United Stalet. will pleasu ask for Advertieed Letteri. A. 5 Samuel Lawrence John Aims } Win M Leigh Capt Geo A Ash j M. Mrs Flora Anderson j Wm L Maynard Mrs Sarah Alford } Ferdinand Mane B. t Keft Melrose preseut to the public, the . . >S^f C o £ i i He? a!* 1 of THE-t NH,... „*.:•• jAiciiartl Ble'AB ‘T'Joleph S Miller MARYLAND STArt^f/gER'^JC^. Mav lUyer, S C | Mrs Andrew Morell The drawing of which will thlfe . place >■> 1 oY m ^ ,wet.jf, - Edward M’Crokor .1 i... -r U-n: — ,i... I Sherwood BStfieom } Joseph M’llenry T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, in I conformity with the Act of Assembly, I By SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG . . iO Cornhi ’ H Hon for put,tithing SVt) I ’l ’b FAMILY HIRLE. contai ime ah the Alar, final Reference* to be con p lied in VOLUMES ROYAL Of l.iVO. and em bellished with a like. ef of the -suthor the city of Baltimore, on Wednesday the 27th of July, the whole jn one day. Highest Ht\7M $40,000 SCHEME. 1 prize of 40,000 dollars is $10,000 * 1 of 10,000 dollars is 10,000 of 5,000 dollars is of 1,000 dollars is of 100 dollars is of 50 dollars ia of 20 dollars is of 10 dollars is of C dollars is of 4 dollars ib 5,000 10,000 3,000 2,500 4,000 2,500 3,000 80,000 21043 Prizes. $180,000 $160,000 40000 Tickets at $4, is Not one blank to a prize!! Every prize payable in cash, sixty days after the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen percent. . _ Mode of Drawing.—The numbers will be I “ * IZ Cunning- j [Sherwood' Wm R Benson Mrs Ami Beal Mrs Dolly Bryan Edward Boorguin James C Blunt Capt Wm Brown D O Bornes Miss Catli BurcbiU I Mary Baker C. Samuel Clark Miss Ann J Craig James A Clark | Thos Clark Alex Cleugh Miss Ann Crimm 2 Jane C Cine Mury E Cope Capt John Cox Miss Eliza Cooper Ephraim Cooper [ Mrs Ann A Coe Win 11 Coe r Billy M’Leod j Thomas M’Cray ; Rev Mr. M’Vain i W R M’lntosh | Miss Catharine M’ ( Aliister N. | Theordon Nejson { Miss Ann Nowlan I Mrs Mary Norris j Chus Noonan O. 5 Peter C Oaten ( John H Olilershaw James O’Hara P. John D Pupot 5 George Pcmroy | MrsJamesPendergns t Daniel Philips 2 ; William Poythess S William Pope j Peter Pourria a- I HE subscriber offers for sale the follow- TD ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality:— Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables l)o. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do ‘High Tost Mahogany Bedsteads l)o do Curled Maple do Muhogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle nnd Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window UlindB Hall Lamps, Bruss Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs uml Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair JIattrasscs Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children's Chairs of all kinds Windsor (’hairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to mutch The ubove articles can be examined at the store in Wliittaker-Street, opposite Col. Shellroan. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 83 put into one wheel as usual—and in the other wheel will ho put the prizes abuve the denomination of four dollars, and the draw ing to progress iu the usual manner. The 20,0110 prizes of $4, will be awarded to the odd or even numbers of the Lottery, (as the ckse may be) dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of $40,000—that is to say, if the 40,000 dollars prize should come out to an odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will be entitled to a $4 prize. If the 40,000 dollar prize should come out to an even number, then all the even num bers iu the scheme will be each entitled to a prize of 4 dollars. The odd Numbers are those ending with 1,3, 5, 7 or 9. The even Numbers arc those ending with 2, 4, 6,8 or 0. This mode of drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in one drawing, but has tlib great advantage of distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the schemes, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one even numbcr)will be certain of obtaining at least one prize, and in the same ratio for any greater quantity. A ticket drawing a superior prize in this scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one also—many tickets- therefore, will noccssnrily obtain two prizes each. JAMES L. HAWKINS, ) NATII. F. WILLIAMS, >Com’ers. IAS. B. RINGGOLD, ^ Baltimore, March 25, 1825. j Louis Quitron > R. ham Cudjo, a colored man John Cuthbirde I Silas Reed D. | Abraham Riker Wrat B Davia ; William Richerson Messrs. Dayton and Mrs Ainne Rolla Brown Mrs Sarah Davis John Davice Mrs Ann Delaunoy Mrs Dews Dr Delarochranlion M Denmark, Bollock County < Miss Sally Shankle Mr DelchainiW Owen Sanderlin James Russell S. Mrs Naomi Stanton James Sayward Miss Martha Spald ing 2 Richd F Standaland Francis Dickerson Mrs Douville Amos Dwinel Peter Dowel Francis Dupont Mrs Jaue Dudley E. John C Everitt Lewis Eleby F. Mrs Mary Farr Rufus M Farrington, Rob Flournoy * B II Formun O Futcli G. Ilonry M Goubil Sami Garnett Wm Gondy Rev Dr Gurbot2 Harris Grnmuuo John Grieve Present price of Tickets: Whole, $6 00 I Quarters, $1 50 Halves, 3 00 ] Eights, O 75 All orders promptly attended to, at L U T B E11’S OFFICE. EXCHANGE June 2 HiKSfl Utii UEN HEED *, AND ©uYbtma TYwwer Tvoota- I UST rece vcd by the rubscriber, and wa J t ranter! of the last season’s growth, 2 buses Garden Seeds, put up by A. M'Usbon h o. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, .n 1 containing the following anortm- uU, viz t. Drumhead Cabbage tarng Bed Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot Paisley 14. Rarly curled Let tuce 15 Hoyal Cabbage d 16. Nutmeg Melon 17. Spinach I. 8. Summer Savoy 19. Sweet B-rail JO Sage II. Na lurtium 22. Celery "3 Early Pea* 74. Late do 25 Early bunch bean 26 lied French do A L S O. 70 Packages containing the following Bui bona Elower Hoots, viz 1.Double Hvacintba 1 4.Mexicanligcrfl owe 9. F ne Tulipa 5 D ruble Tuberose 3. Narcissus I 6 S-ar of Bethlehem For sab bv P. M’DERKOTT. F-t 5 l.cck 6. Onion 7. Salmon Radish H. Early Purple do, 9, Hound leaved 10 Early Turnips 11. Late .do 13. Satisfy 13- Asparagus clsseuiiul ml of Spruce J UST received from the Patentee, and neatly put up ill phiaht, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 20 Shad’s Buildings. E Wanted, MPTY WlN E BOTTLES. Apply to May It GEO RVERSON. A 'vegro Man ^PRIME Negro Man, about 3i years of age, a guod field hand. For sale by CALVIN BAKER. 79 June 24 Double Distilled Hose Water. A FRESH SUPPLY of best London Rose Water,-received per brig Pan- tliea, and for sale by LAV &. HENDRICKSON, Chemists aud Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 10 APPROVED Patent ¥ami\y 2\le<UcAnea. Turlington’s Balsam of Life Opial for the cleans ing of the teeth & gums Rell’sAstlimnticPills Do Botanical. Drops Austen’s Remedy tor the Piles Hinckley’s do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. dec. L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson’s do do Coil’s do do Anderson’s Cough Drops American do do Church’s do do Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Audler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalliy’s Carminative A constant supply of tile above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, die. dtc. can be obtained at tlio store of LAV dt HENDRICKSON May 26 Druggists, Sliad’B Buildings, to Notice to I ree 1‘eisons Color. T HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chatham Country, are hereby notifi- fied to appearand register their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said County, agreeable to law, on or before the first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 45 0 Marking Brushes, F a superior quality, just received anf for sale by GEO. nov 20 ,RYERSONJ Castor Oil. A FRF.SH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by . P.E.BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. Mordecai Shell all, Jr Mrs Lucretia Spem cor Capt Joseph Soy more 2 Mrs John Simons Mrs Mary Smith John Smith Mrs Ann Strable Jacob R Spooner MrsAlethea Scruggs Janies Sail S William II Scruggs I T. } Mrs Trasper j Mrs E Tillingbast j Mary Timmons j Henry Tillman I Joseph Tillman | Francis Tousang s Clias W Turner JUIHI UNB,n , V. Mrs Lucretia Gordon > Mrs Margaret Valla- Mrs June Gale j ton 2 H. jjj B Vallee Mrs Isaac Hardee J Jeremiah Vallaton New River, SC' David Votee Alex Harley | Decatur Valentine Mrs Maria Haber- £ Edwin Van Antwrop sham,acoloredwo-< W. ; William Warnick i J. B. Wyatt 5 Miss Sarnh Wall } Edmund Warner | John Waters | James Wells {I’erniela Wingate Francis P Ilodpens, \ James Wliitmun Purisburg, SC , Z M Winkler J. j Mrs Martha Wylly Mrs Susan Jackson | Win VV Williams Rose Jalineau 5 John B Whitter Miss R Jacobs < John Withingfon Mess Jenny dt Doug-! James Wright lass 5 John Y White Mrs fc't.sannah July | Herg’t Wilson Edwurd Jones | John Williams K. {MrsBetsey Woods Mrs Ann Kelly « Paul Wolf Wm Kenneday $ George Wolf L. j V. man Richard Hewlett Dr Charles M Hill Joshua Heckmun Patk Houston Mrs Eliz Holmes Alex Howell SCO T’sUIBLL ITSnzoTTS. laiTioa, PR0P0isAL8 : TERMS. I " shall be well nriateri, on goad paper, and bo i.ompvia- d n sis han 'some hi it will cootain the Scrotiue, of the Od ud Testaments, the Introductory Ohs. na ons, Explanatory .Soles, fciai Fructic l Ohs,nu,ions 4 an I all the copious Mar inn' Refe. enecs. ne- mg printed word lor »or,, ft -m'lie Lee on Stereotype Edition, publiilied sincr .lie Au- hor’sdecease The pric-. vih he y,2t, in cards i g'24, in sheep i g:10, n calf bi ding, the ah i work will be tcwl. for deliver, bv *l«‘.!825, ’ Ex rads of I.ette s addressed to the Publishers. 1 mh-em Us Sc it’. F m. } lab! . ennu oily calculated to the cause of truth and piety. It Kerne scarcely possible foi one, to ■earl daily the Notes and Observations m the Family Bible w’tliout becumi'tg a wie r and letter man. EDWARD D GfiFFIN. 1 have seen no coaim ntsry if t—. v rred Scriptures which I think so well adapted to general use and edification. It ia a treasure which every fsmaly ought to poss' ■ ». A E*TON. It is a work distinguished for the aimpfici- ty and convenience of its irrangr mei", the clearness ari l fidelity of its expositions, the aeatneaa and peripicudy of it, ityle, thr ue« iievul, nee and candour of its spirit, the con ciseness and pertinency of its applications, and for its uniform tendency to promote evan gelical tr.r.h "wd piety. ARIEL ROLMEC. Of Dr. Scoit’s Family HiM,., I fe d free to say, that in my estimation it deservedly ranks among our ablest and bcr. . n iarii-s. THOMAS BAI DWIN. Dr. Scott’s Family B ble ititriideu more ea. pecially for t' e use of Ch itUan lamiliea. is a work high y evangelical, extensively instiuw ive, and deeply inter; sting. DANiEL C. SANDERS. The character of Dr. Scott’s Commentary n th' Bibte, ia ao generally kuown, and so 'ighly approved amongst the most intelligent >d pious Christians throughout our country, nd hsa passed rapidly through so many large ditions, that 1 deem further recommend* ions needles*- J. MORSE. 1 am acqusin'.e4 with no Commentary on h Sacred Sc iptures, which I would more ihe (ilass Lumps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with Mrs Mary Lawrence« Mrs Jane Young Glass Stands, fur sale by - Capt John B Lamny Abaolom Yoomar - X — — — I In m na A 11 I .a firm non s IV7 no h’ ion V Aimn GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay aud Wliittaker-Streets. March 4 v/npt wuiiii mj uaiiiiij a iiwnuitiui i kuiiiuiio JamesA D Lawrence I Mrs Eliza Young Yveiick Letters. t\aiv ^Ya'trhsses JUST received by the William Wallace, an additional supply of DOUBLE and I SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, wliich | will be warranted of the best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 Madame Charle Odinet Mr. P. Nayeaux Mudamoiselle Claudius Mona. Jean Lesonc Madamoiselle Marg’r De Lulavoy Jannille Neuvena. GEORGE SCHLEY, P. M. Algust 2 95 \J. states Bank *\ otea, F OR SALE nt LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE .Tan V© Notice. T HE subscriber will dispose of his Mills in Montgomery County, having Saratoga Congress Spring Wa ters, JAIFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh grist nnd four saws running, which last are calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 feel of lumber per day, which can be rafted im mediately into the Ocmulgee River, with 800 acres of the best timbered pine land in that section of the stale. As to terms of sale, they will be made easy. The above bottled by Messrs. Lynch So Clark, ot I property was formerly that of E. W. Bar- Ncw-York, and direct from the Springs, just received per ship Augusta. Persons going to sea would do well to supply them selves, as they are offered at reduced prices by LAY Si. HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad's Buildings. May 25 ker. My rcsideuceis nearMilledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN. June 12 69fr Saratoga Water Cooled in Ice. F OR the accommodation of thb public. Saratoga Congress Spring Water will be kept cooled in ice, during the season and will be ready for delivery every morn Door Mats. J UST received by the William Wallace '"P at "i* o’clock precisely, three dozen host nunlity India Door | cll «g e Wl| l b « J 1 ’’™; 3, for sale by I. w. MORRELL. March 15 #3 No additional u B i Pn, ooU Lw i \v MORRPIL I LAY dt HENDRICCSON. Mats, jbr sale by I. W. MORRELL. | Ju)y 10 j), ugc i itil SlradyBuiMinp. t: "rdially reconnueoa for general use. Isn of the work it guod JOSHUA BATES. Perhspi in no way, can ministers, instructor* 'f youth, and private Christiana, do greater erv’ce to society, than by exerting them. -clve* tu diascinio-He this truly nvaluable work- JOSHUA HUNTINfiTQN. I know of no Commentaiy which ia better calculated for difiusing correct vital of tha great truths of ChriMianify, and It av ngsaiu- ary impressions on the mind when rising rum the perusal of it, than the one you are - bout to publish. DANIEL SHARPE. No writer seems less disposed to contend for barren apeculations. None mote uniform, ly or more powerfully inculcate* the great ea. aentials ol religion. The spirit which per- ■ades the work ia ■ xcellent i it is the rr e-k, affectionare, healing, yet faithful apnitof the gospel. DAMEL DANA. From particular exnminaii n. and concur ring tnstimoD", there is no doubt on try mind that Scott’a Family Bible is superior to all “then JOSEPH EMERSON. You will please lo ic d me six copies of Scott’s Bible / 1 refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to take the number. H- L. It is with extreme pleasure I perceive voc are about to publirh a new ediliou i f Scott’a, Bible. Having been in possession of it more than 20 yeais, I trua K know nine* thingpf its value, and am determined to pro mote i'a circulation among my friends You will please forward sis copies aa soon as pub- liahed. c. M. I have nbtainod four anb eribers for the excellent work you are publishing H. S. I propose t» take seven sett of Scott’a Bi ble, and will be accountable for the a.une. J. C, I have obtained tubtcribenfpr nine copier of Scott’a Family B.hle. J C. I shall probably need eigh or ten sell of Scott's Family Bibte. J. p. I have obtained ten subscribers for yout edition of the Family Bible—and have no doubt but there might be something like 100 copier sold in tbit place if you had an agent here—I thought ti e work ought to be en. lounged and fnr hat reason took I aubscrib. tion paper. It ia a work that every family should nave that ic able to purchase. J. E. U’C. I am glad, that you propose to print Mr. Scott’a excellent Family Commentary, aud should be very glad if it were in my power to give a more liberal patronage to the work, than, aa circumstances are, I can. I shall, however, be able to do something; eight or ten lets 1 shall certainly take i and it may be, double that number. A. B. I have procured fifteen aubacribrn to Scott’a Bible. J A. D. I think I shall dispose of 20 sets or more of the Family Bible. E. B I have circulated propoials for 8cott’s, Bible ; how many have been engaged in alii cannot tell / but between 20 and 30 acta in thiivicinily. J. 6. I have concluded tn become responsible to you for thirty eels of 8cvtt’i Commentary, CB. I have procured 106 uibieribera to the Bible i 6 seis to be bound in calf3 lets to be done in boards the other 97 aeis, bound and lettered aa described in the prospectus. if. Mr I presume I could procure 500 subscri* her .for your edition of Scott’s Bible The demand ia increasing for them They will finally supersede every other large or Family Bible. Fifty ot my lubacribeia live within circle of 8 milea ! J. L. Just published an edition of the ii» worts, completed in ail volumes, without marginal rt ferencel t price in boards 018 a in litecp $21 # in calf $27. Either of these editions imy be had of thr publisher in Boston r or of 3. C. to J. SOHENCK, £*«aniia4. Jan J1 St