Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 16, 1825, Image 1
I , ?-pip5 f t' > • ,.i, fftYI Sm\m—\ o\. \ll. SAVANNAH, MON DA'S MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1825. EDITED PUBLISHED AND Ilf TlH CITS’ OP SAV ANNAH, Bv G. s$ W. Robektson, AT F-IOHT POltAH* PRR ANNBlf, PATAHLB IK AOYAKCK. fob the country, is published to meet the umiiEunent ol .he mail, three times a week, (Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday) at the O hoe of the luilv Georgian, ana comuina al. the in • h ffi uce. Commercial, Political and sSisn . :n* Inns, including adierlisemunta. puo .shod u. tto p* rt " ° f u,, te ,„ d vjai,..:, or delivered in the mly, •t “re liters pci «»nuiP» pfiyfthlftin idvanct •‘A^Uents^eo^dnihotl^^ iu,e"nd r ^trevcry .Cedingpub- . w« e.rturs or ffiiardisns, are required tori, F.x-Ci»t) 9 h Tui‘S i»v in Ihc ^•‘^'aieVmr^f.coin he hire *tcrn»on» nt th*t I » mouth, between tin which the proper! ”, "Ti " •i'oiiee i f 1 lu-se sales mint be Riven h. i'pul^Rsseltc.uUyih.ys previous to lb, sslc of persons! property must be*ie in 0 ht%r.,,„er’; Forty days p-evm..s V’M'ce’UVe'dcMors snd e-editors i.f or estate' must be published (nr I'»>/.» ■ ays. Nope e that application will be m»'i 1 t ,.f Ordinary fur 'e ve to sell land, musi be published Mine Months N otiee N INE months after (lute application wiH be made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court nt Clint lam •County, for leave to sell a trait or known us number eight, 8th Diet (formerly Munrne) County, for tlo, - of t l.o heirs and credilore of the estate ofN. S- Bayard TOaSSMBiRlSo T HE subscriber intending to close bis business in this city, offers his stock at reduced priceB, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wnrdsolios, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies' Dressing Tables,Corn- modes, Pillar and Claw IV or It Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen's VVriting Ta bles and Book Cases. Inclosed Busin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Muple do. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy &Winilsor Chairs, Sic. at the Ware-Houso, corner of Whitta- ker-Streot and Bay Lane. J. H. O. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any, demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDERSHAW. J.m 25 bill Consumptions, Cougiis, J5jc. BUTLER’S \UttJtl mu\ M’LDYUINE P. E. BUAS8INNE, R espectfully informs his friends and the public, that he lias purchased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Delarochc, oppnsito the Exchange, where he offers for sale ut low prices, a large assortment of Ftea\\ Things, Medicines, and Chemicals, AMONG WHICH ATIK THE rol.l.OIVING Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Bulsain Capivi, do Peril, do Folu Camphor, Cantharidcs, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery, Gum Assnftctida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmnth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pcarlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom nnd Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine STATE LOTTERY OP MARYLAND, NO. FIVE. ALL IN ONE DAY. By the improved mode of Drawing, Secured by Letters Patent under the seal of I the United States. T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, in conformity with the Act of Assembly, present to the public, the • FIFTH SCHEME OF TIIF, MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY\ The drawing of which will take place in I the city of Baltimore, op Wednesday the I 27th of July, the whole in one day* llighcal Trite $40,000. SCHEME. I prize of 40,000 dollars is $ 10,000 N. J- BAYARD. Administrator eBtate N. S. Baya rl '- Jan 5 « Notice. rvv, MONTHS after date of lV« notice, application wilt be mule to the tlnnum. ... Ihe Cclirt of Ordinary of Chatham Coun ty. for permission to sell all the real rotate of Join Wakcrlv, dee. for the benefit of ill ben s and creditors of said deceased- ROBERT 1IOY. Rseeiitnr. Pni, es N N hi fie. Notice. N ine MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Honorable Iufi-nor Court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the rest and personal estate of the late Mrs Ann H im- ilion, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs •ud cved-toisof said estate, WORTHING row GAI.E, Execu'or. NOTICE. TLT1NE month* (lute, application will be Jvj m «de to the Inferior Court nfChubam County, aitting fur ordinary purposes for nn order, absolute, to sell lots N;>s four aw five, (4 and 5) in Carpenter’s Row, and lot No. om*;, (1*) Green Ward, in tlu ci*y of Savannah, being the resl estate of Francis .lalineau, dec for the benefit of th* heirs nnd creditors of ■aidestate WILLI\M GASTON. .Qualified Executor, 97a N otice. TOT NR months after da’e, application will he fi\| unde to the Honorable ths Inferior Court of Ci'.mden County, when ritt'ng for ordinary pi ¥;je e', for leave to sell 250 acres of land to the estate of Jilin Brown, de ceased for the benefit uf the heirs and credi* tots of sail estate. SARAH BROWN, Ad.nistratri* Jefferson, 18th June, 1"25. June 2T 78 l?On the cure of Golds, Coughs, Consump- 1? ttons. Spilt eg of Uioodj Aadunas, and .iisc*Rea oi the bi east and lungs. There is perhaps no medical observation better t.o'ab.ished, none more generally con firmed by the experience of the best physici* tins of all ages # J countries, and none ol • ore importance to the human family, tnai :ie fact that many of the most difficult and m- :urnb!e consumptions originate in neglected jolds.. In a climate *0 variable asoura, where he changes of ttie wcadi'ir are frequently iuddon and unexpected, it requ resmove caie and attention to guard against this dangeroui ,-nemy of life, than most people imagine or sre abieand willing to bestow. 7 he bills ot mortality exhibit Uui melancholy f#ct that the ;»ropottion of deaths by this disease may bt considered as about live to one. Inasmuch then ax this fatal di-ease fre quently bi is defi ■»nce to the skill of the most learned physici ms, it is a gratification to the proprietor tha’ ie is enabled to ofterto those afH'ded with •b * got’d-y prospect of rciief, in that highly valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian top'd- p. The Indians arc happy in their Enow- .dgc of medical .plants i governed wholly b\ xperience, they arc certain as totneir eff'C, •iT»d it is said by an author of great character, hat a true consumption is a disease never known among them. 'Ibis Specific is obtained by extraction from iierbs, root**, flowers, pi*nt- f &c. when in per foction. In consequence of a hnppy combina tion of the most*/ doable bcri-s, Stc. it lecomes a bai'j *m of a superior value, it heals the in ]u r cd parts, opens the pore.*, and composes he disturbed nerves, after the manner of an anodyne / consequently the obstruction ot the cites 1 and die lungs which constitute th-o disease, parthular ly need its uie. It promotes •sxpecloration, which is constantly cahed for, nnd whilst it c’eai'S:'* and heals, it at I gives strength to the tender lungs In this manner it removes the hectic fever, improves diges ion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs iht ippelitc vnd improves the spirits. 'This speci fie rnav tdwsys be give n in safety it is mild, pleasant to tiie teste, and may safely be giver, •o infants, lor which it is of inestimable value. It affords rciief in bowel complaints, teething, whooping coughs, £^c. nnd is found partial- Isrly useful in hypoehondri «cal, nervous and hysterical discuses. Each bill of direction contains r detailed account of this disease in all its different stages, and will he accnmps r.ied with the signature of the proprietor in Red Ink. It is offered for sale by GEO. HV •IRsOw, only (rny sole agent) Duiggist, cor icrltav and Whittakcr-strcets, Savunn/tii, at one dollar per bottle. WM BUI LRU. rl/. r no 80 Notice. months efter date, application wil’ be m:*de to the Honorable the t ourt of Ordinary ol Camden Couuiy, for leave to seli •11 the real catute of the late Randolph M Gd lis, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. U ANN4H U‘GILI.18, Administratix, G II*DONALO, Administrator Bt Marys, June 18th, 1825. June 93 ^8 Notice. T I18F.E HONTH8 from this date I shall make application to the Bsu't of the Georgia, for psvment in lull for the half of « ten dollar hill of said Bank, Letter D, No. 2i7 ; signed A. Porter, Cashier, the left hand hal benif; in tny posaession—the right hand half siRned by Wm. B Bulloch, President, being the half lost. All persons interested will therefore lake doe notice of this intention, snd file their i-hj-ctions St said Bank, within the time mentioned. JAMES P. SCREVEN. June 2 jof tj Notice. N INE Months after date, application will he made to the lustieci of the Interior Cen t of Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell that narl Of lot No. S first Ty thing, Reynolds A'srd, in the city ot Savannah, which belongs to the es tate of De Lamberloa, for (lie benefit of the heirs snd creditors of said estate, PETER EVEN, Admr , MAHY EVEN, Admx- June 10,1825. 67(a Taints Tfj and in Oil. Whito, R#*d and Black Load Prussiun Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Rod, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. TeTfunvevy. romntum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 of 10,000 dollars is of 5,000 dollars is 1,000 dollars is 100 dollars is 50 dollars is 20 dollars is 10 dollars is 6 dollars is 4 dollars is 10.000 5,000 10,000 3,000 2,500 4,000 2,500 3,000 80,000 21043 Prizes. $160,000 $160,000 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano Kories, Curled Hair Ma trasses, Feather lieds, BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS,&c. T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality :— Sideboards. Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Solas, Ten Tublcs Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double nnd single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curlod Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteuds Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Crihs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps. Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Ihirtes Double and Single Ilnir Mattrnsses Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aod Pillows Children’s Chairs of nil kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrnsses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Bugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in WhittaIter-Street, opposite Col Shellinan. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 40000 Tickets at J I, is Not one blank to a prize!! Every prize payable in cash, sixty days after the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent. Mode of Drawing —The numbers will be put into one wheel ns usual—snd in the other wheel will hn put the prizes above the denomination of four dollars, and the draw ing to progress in the usual manner. The 20.000 prizes of <J4. will be awarded to the odd or ever numbers of the Lottery, (ns the ease may be) dependant on the druwingof tho capital prize of $40,000—that is to say, if the 40,000 dollars prize should come out to nn odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will bo entitled to a $4 prize, If the 40,000 dollar prize should come out to uneven number, then all the even num bers in the scheme will be each entitled to a prize of 4 dollars. The odd Numbers aro those ending with 1,3, 5, 7 nr 9. The even Numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6,8 or 0. This mode of drawing not only cnnbles the Commissioners to complete tiie whole Lottery in one drawing, hut has the great advantage of di.tribnting the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the schemes, so that the holder of two U Uels or two shares of tickets, (one odd nnd ono even number)wi!l be certain of obtaining at -nst one prize, and in the same ratio for any grentcr quantity. A ticket drawing a superior prize in tine scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one niso—many tickets therefore, will necessnrily obtain two prizes each. JAMES L. HAWKINS, ) i NATH. F. WILLIAMS, J- Confers. JAS. B. RINGGOLD, ) Baltimore, March 25, 1825. Present price of Tickets: Whole, jtii 00 I Quarters, $1 50 Halves, 3 00 | Eights. 0 All orders promptly attended to, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. June 2 HUM CANAL LOTTERY OF PENNSYLVANIA, EIOIITF.ENTH CLASS—NEW SKRIF.S. T O he drawn on the 7th of September, 1825, and finished in a few minutes. I Sixty Six Numbers—Nine Ballots to be | Drawn. Sclvctme. 1 Prize of 25,000 Dollars is £25.00? I 13.MI0 12,500 1 5,660 S 669 1 S 000 10 1,0< 0 20 500 50 200 57 100 114 50 285 20 1595 10 14 64 S 16500 Priz-s, > ( «Ci ,3,040 29.160 Blanks, 5 J 45760 Tickets at £4, £183,140 In this Scheme with nine drawn ballots, there will be 84 prizes with three numberson 'hem, 2 052 with two numbers on them a- d 14.364, with one number on them. Thoa- i cketi having none of the drav n ballo'a on them being blanks. To determine the fate of oil the tickets in the shove lottery 66 numbeis, from one ti 66 inclusive, wilt severally be placed in s wheel on the day of drawing, and nine o' them will be drawn, and that ticket having ui it as a combination the 1st,2d and third Hum bers drawn, will be entitled to £35,000. That having on it Hie 4lh, 5th at d 6tb, will be entitled t-i £12. >00. That having on it the 6th, 8ih and 9.h, will be entitled to £5,660. Tlut having on It the 7th, 8;h and 9th wii be entitled to 5.000. Those to having on them the SCO IT’S BIBLiS STSBROTYFE IDITIOY. 4h,7th snd9tl 4th,8tfi snd 9ti 5tli fith snil 7t' 5th,6th and 81: th,6ihand 9-.1 >ifi,7th snd 8 1 7lh snd 9.0 > h,8th and 9 I 6ih,7(h and 8t| r »'li 7th and 9tfi each SSitKJO. Tho e havliig on them. t'HKSH GaIIDEN SEED*, AND BuVboua TWwcr Ttoota* J UST received by the rubseviber, and war, ranted of the last season’s growth, 2 bozes Garden Seeili, put up hv A. M'Hahon A Co. Philadelphia, expresaly for thia market and containing the following assortin'-iita, viz. 1. Drumhend Cabbage 14. Earl) curled Let- Bed Beet tuce 3 Long Orange Carrot 15. Royal Cabbage do 4. Parsley ' >6- Nutmeg Melon 5. Leek 17. Spinach 6. Onion 18. Summer Savoy Sn'mon Radish 19. Sweet Bagtl 8. Early Purple do. 20. Sage 9. Round leaved 21. No«lurtium 10. Early Turnips 22. Cclary II. Late do 23 Early Peas ,2 Salsafy 24. Late do 13- Asuaragus 25 Early bunch beam 26. Red French do ALSO, 20 Packages containing the following Bui bous Blower Roots, viz. 1. Double Hyacinths 1 4.Mcxicantigcrfl-,wer % Fine Tulipa 1 4 Double Tuberose 3. Narcissus 6 Star of Bethlehem For sale by P. M’DEItMO I T. Feb o ;p Essential Oil of Spruce, J UST received from the Patentee, and neatly put up in phials, and for snle by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 25 Sliail’e Buildings. W anted., 1MPTY WINE BOTTLES. GEO. ^ E mpty wine bottles. Apply to May 11 GEO. RVERSON. A Negro Man. A PRIME'Negro Mnn, about 35 years of age, a good field hand. For sale by CALVIN BAKER. Juno 24 79 APPROVED Patent ¥ aunt's J&e Aictnes do do Cough do do L EE’S IULIOUS PILLS Anderson’s do do Colt’s Anderson’s Drops American Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Audler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalby’s Carminative Turlington’s Balsam of Life Opial for the cleans ing of the teeth &. gums RelPsAstlimaticPills Do Botanical Drops Austen’s Remedy tor the Piles Hinckley’s do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand EliX' ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. &r. A constant supply of the-above useful ’utent Family Medicines, together wii general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Slutl’s, Cut Gloss Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, &c. &c. can be obtained at the store of LAY & HENDRICKSON, Mny 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings Notice to to Free Persons Color. T HE Free Parsons of Color residing in Chatham Country, aro hereby tiotifi-. Bed to appearnnd register tlmir names in tho Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said County, agreenble to law, on or before the first Monday in July next. A- B. FANNIN, Clerk. Mny 16 45 Marking TVc\is\\fcft, O F a superior quality, just received am* for sale by GEO. RYERSONJ nov 20 Double Distilled liose Water. A FRESH SUPPLY of best London I Rose Water, received per brig Tan- thea, and for sale bv LAY &. HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 10 3d, 4th and 7th 3d, 6th and 7th 4tfi5,th and 8 h 3d. and 8 h Id, 6th and 8th 4*b,5th und 9th 3d» 4.h and 9 h Id, 6th and 9th 4\h,6th and 7rh 3d, 5ih and bill 3d, 7tliand 8th 4’h,6thand 8'1 3d, 3th and 7tl 31 7th and 9t>. 4H< 6<h and 7tl> 3d, 5lhand8t Act 8th and 9»i* 4ih,7ih aod8'.h 3d, 5th and 9<ii 4th,5<ll und 9(i. each £5 H/. All others, (being 30 tickets) having thre of the drawn numbers on them will each b entitled to fr’00. The j7 tickets having on them two of tlit drawn numbers and those two, the 2d am 3.1, “ill e ich hp entitled to fetOO Th ' 114 lick As haring on tbfcro the fv and 4!h or 4tU and it» drawn numbers only, will . ach be entitled to &30* Tuts MB5 tickets having two of the draw j numb :ri on, and those two the 5th nnd 6il' f nr the 6 h nr.d 7<b, or the 7ti» anil 8di, or th« 7lfi and 9ih, or the 8th ** d 9d», each &20. All others (being U96 tickets) having ton nf (he drawn numbers On them, will cachbf eniilb'd to $10. ) And tlvue having nn them any one of th* drawn numbers,(be*ng 14,364 tickets, or 159' for each drawn number) will each be enti tied to $5. No tick t which sh-ll have drawn a priz- of a superior denomination can be entitled ti in inferior prise. Prizes payable thirty days after the diawing, and Subject, uS usual, to u deduction of 15 per cent* Philadelphia, June 28, 1825. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS | Whole $5, Halves 2 50, Quarters 1 25, | Eighths 62^. Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. August 6 Castor Oil. A fresh supply of best pntent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale hv P. E. BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. Glass Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with Glass Stands, for sale bv GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Streets. March 4 Notice. T HE subscriber will dispose of his Mills in Montgomery County, having a grist and four saws running, which Inst are calculated to turn nut from 4 to 6800 feet of lumber per day, which can be railed im mediately into the O.-mnlgee River, with 600 acres of the best timbered pine land in that section of the state. As to terms of sale, they will be made easy. The above property was formerly that of E. VV. Bar ker. My residence is near Milledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN. June 12 69fr Suratogo Water Cooled in Ice. F OR the accommodation of the public, Saratoga Congress Spring Water will HVkkY lEUSSBS. Ibekopt cooled in ice, during the season, J UST received by the William Wallace, and will bo ready for deltyery every morn- an additional supply of DOUBLE and ing at Bix o’clock precisely. No additional SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which | charge will be made. LAY & HEINDRTCCSON. Druggists, Shad's Buildings. will be warranted of tiie best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 July 19 U. states Rank Notea, F or sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 TxeaaxiT'S Department, April 29, 1825 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT, on tho first day of October next, the principal of the six per cent, stock of the United States, created under the au- Saratoga Congress Spring Wa- thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An ° Act authorising a loan for a suig not exceed- a. I ; n g deven millions of dollars,” approved on F IFTY DOZEN of theso Waters, fresh tho fourteenth day of March, ono thousand buttled by Messrs. Lynch Si Clark, of I eight hundred and twelve, together with Notv-York, and direct from tho Springs, I the interest then duo thereon, will be paid just received per aliip Augusta. Persons | to the proprietors of said stock, or to their going to sea would do well to supply selves, us they are offered at reduced r them- I prices by LAY 4. HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 23 attorneys dnlv authorized, at the Treasury ' ' Uni Door Mats. JUST received by the William Wallace | September next. of the United States, in Washington, and at the several Loan Offices, on the books of which any portion of said stock may stand, A surrender of the Certificates of said Stock, will be required at the time of pay ment, and the interest on said Slock will cease, from and after the thirtieth day of Mats, for safe by March 16 st quality I. W. MORRELL. S3 SAM’L. L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of tlm Treasury. May 12 42jbt By SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG No. 50. Comhilt. B-tlan fir pniluhing SOOTTS FAMILY BIBLE, co,,uiininy nil the Mar• Reference., to be contb ieeil in y.jf VOLUMES ROYAL OCTAVO, nnd em- bctUhcd mil, a dkeneit of ihe Author' -'Films. 1 T shall be well printed, on good paper, and be cnmpri.i d in .lx handsome volumes. It will contain the Scrintnrea of the O il snd Nnv Tertamente, the Introductory 05., rvanone, Explanatory J\o,ro, toil Pruettcnl Obecwntione t On' Oil the copious Maryinn: Reference», l>e- rng printed word tor worn from ihe I.ohdaA stereotype Edition, pur-nithed rlnee tiie Au thor’, decease. The price will be £21, in hoards! £24, in sheep t £30, m etlfbi ding. The whale work will be ready for delivery by May, 1825, Ex.racte of J.etlc-e adibecied lo the Publielere. I esteem Dr. Scott’s Fumny Bib|.-, eminently calculated to promote the cause of truth and piety. It teema scarcely possible for one to read daily Ihe Notes and Observation! in the Family Bible without becoming a wiser and oetter man. EDWARD D GRIFFIN. I have aeen no commentary of the Sacred Scripture! which t think so well adapted to general use and edification. It ia a treasure which ever) fktiioly ought to poasess. A. F, * TON. It is i work distinguished for the simplici ty and convenience of its arrangement, the clearness autl fidelity of its eipoaitiuns, the nestnesa and perspicuity of its style, the oe> uevoltlKe and candour of its spirit, the con- ■isenesa and peitinency of it* applications, ,nd for its uniform tendency to promote tvoo- ;elical truth "od piety. A BIEL HOLMES. Of Dr. Scott's Family ttibie, I feel free to tay, that in my estimation it deservedly ranks among our ablest and beat Comm, Maries, THOMAS BALDWIN. Hr* Scott’s Family Bible intended more ey- 'ecially for the use of Christian ismilies, ia i work highly evangelical, extensively inslruc* ive, and deeply intert sting, Daniel c. senders. The character of Dr. Scott's Commentary >ii Ihe Bible, is so geneMlly known, and so uglily approved amongst the most intelligent >,id pious Christians throughout our country, nd has passed rapidly through an many large i-ditiona, that 1 deem further recommends* ions needless- J MORSE. 1 am acquainted with no Commentary on hr Sacred Sc ipture., which I wotftd more -.ordially recommend for general Vie. The Ian of the work is good joshUabates. Perhaps in no way,can ministtrs, instructors if yonlb, and private Chriitiau., do great*, erv'ee to society, than by exerting them* olives to disseminate this truly invaluable work. JOSHUA HUNTINGTON. I know of no Commentary which is better calculated for diffusing correct vievs of the great truths of Christianity, and leaving saliv ary impressions on the mind when risipg from the perusal of it, than.llie one you ore about to publish. D ANIEL SHARPE. No writer. seem. less disposed to contend for btrren dpe'culstions. None more uniform ly or more powetfolly inculcates the great ea# sentials Of religion. The epirit which pe£- . sites the work is excelleni t it is the meek, ndcctionare, healing, yet faithful B|>irit of the gospel. DAl-JIEL DANA. From particular examined -n, and concur ring testimony, the, e is no doubi on my mind that Scott’s Family Bible is auperior to all others. JOSEPH EMERSON. You will please lo seed me. six copies of Sentt's Bible ; I refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to take the same number. H I„ It is with extreme pleasure I perceive or are about to publiih a new edition of dcott’s Bible. Having been in possession of it more than 20 years, 1 true* I know some thing of its value, and am determined to pro mote its c reulatinn among my friends You will please forward sis copies as soon ss pub lished. c. M. 1 have obtained four sub .eribcra for the excellent work ynu are ptiblinhing H. S. I propose to take seven sets of Sentt’s Bi ble, aud will be accountable for the same. J. C. I have obtained ntbscribersforninecoi.ies nf Scott's Family'Bible. J C. I shall probably need eigh 1 or ten sett of Scott’s Family Bible. J. p- 1 have obtained ten subscribers for your edition nf the Family Bible—and have no doubt but -here might be sumeihing like 100 copies sold in this place if you had an agent litre—I thought the work ought to be en- lotiraged and for hat reason took a itibscrib- tinn paper. II is a work that every family should have that is able to purchase. J. K U’C. I «m fr’adi 'hat y- u propose to print Mr. Scott’s excellent Family Commentary, and should be very glad if it were in my power to give a more liberal patronage lo the work, than, as circumstances are, I can. I shall, however, he able to do something | eight or ten sets I shall certainly take i and it may be, double that number, A. R, I have procured fifteen stibscrib-rs to Scott’s Bible. J. A. D. I- think I ahall dispose of 20 sets or more of the Family Bible. K. B I bare circulated p ropes Is for Siott’t, Bible / how many have been engaged in sill cannot lull / but between 29 and 30 seta in ihisvieinily, J. S. I have concluded to become responsible to you for thirty eete of Scott’s Cumu eniary, C.B. I have procured 106 subscribers to tho Bible s 6 sets to be hound in calf, 3 sets to be done in boards the other 97 vets, bound and lettered sa described in the prospectus. H. Mi I presume I enuld rrocute 500 subscri bers tor your edition of Scott's Bible The demand is increasing for them. 7 hey will finally aupem de every other large or Family Bible. Fifty ol my subscribers live within sircle uf 8 nnles! J. L. Just published an edition of the sans voir, completed in six volumes, niihout marginal references, price in boards £18 i in sheep £21, in rill £27. Either of th «e editions m-v be hsd uf Ihe publiih' r in Boston , ct of S. 0- A J. SCKENCK, Savannah. Jsu H St