Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 23, 1825, Image 1
jv"evl aevlfca—VoV SAVANNAH, TUESDll MORNING, AUGUST 28, £825. >*0.404- THB 1 EDITED and PUBLISHED ^ m tui | OITT OP SAVANNAS, By G. $ W. ItoUEllTSON, 1T fight noiuns ni »»»”*» ffAVAULK I* ADVANCSs *rOB THE COUNTRY, ,3 published to meet the ^.ngement ol indJUturday) »t the pmee of the I ilu ^btodTwin please to make payment witli- Slor«i»".»»? "SSS iL’ttLSL'S; out delay, and those having any demands, timet a week, (Tuesday, 3«3l!iSWiOiSdSo T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city, ollurs his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting ot Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tallies, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fnncy fit Windsor Chairs, fire, at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta- kcr-Strect and Bay Lane. J. II. O. also requests that those who arc »"d ^"vncluding advertisement., pub i.hed .. the Dsily P»P« r - j, tertto all parti of The Couiury , T e ^ debvete d in the city, the State Un » in tdvance. it five dollsrsps ... inserted in both pa er» Advertisements .felines, for he firs, for’every succeeding pub- '^mmunlcsfion. hy Mail, ***£"., Sal Isnd »nd n "K'“. f ‘ n y r c required. 1 tors. Execut'ora or k ua j. Tuesday in the | bylaw, tobeheldon «h*«.f h „„ fore .,tl>, between ,h f h "^” at Hie four t won sod three : * , v hioh the property is B oise ofthe county in t given ,!u ' present their accounts for^etBement^ .Tan 25 Consumptions, Coughs, $C. BUTLER’S Uy o f .*s' e - , , pe „ nn .l property must Notice ofthe " a,cn ‘" . 4 aVb previous be give in I'ke nianaer. Fsi-ty W l b'TimVuw 1 debtors and creditors of sr, be published MU'Month. and MVBUftJffi P K. BttASSINNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Dclarochc, opposite the Exchange, where ho offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Frealv Drugs, Medicines, fti\A Client lewis, AMOXO WHICH ARB THE FOI.tiOWINO :— ‘ Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor,CnnthariddB, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of-Tartar, Calomel, CopperaB Colombo, Fmery, Gum Assafaitidn Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copul Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Sehna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bismuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do CloveB Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Sait of Tartar Glauber, Epsom anil Rochelle Salts Turtar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine FRXMH DRUGS, PERFUMERY,&c. *0 F ort the cure of Colds, Coughs, Consump tions, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas, so diseases of the breast and lungs. . There is perhaps no medical °' ,,e ] . better estab.islied, none more firmed bv Hie experience of the physic' an* of all ages sod countries, andI none ol i,ore importance to the human Fann y, ne fact that many of the most difficult andI in curable consumptions originate ill negmec colds.. In t climate so variable as °ur8, wher , he change, of the weaiher are > .. I11C , sudden and unexpected, it requires more cite f the Inferior Court of Cliatham L nd , lton , lonto guard against this tiros of the lnll - r ,. , ct 0 f land,! . nem y of life, than must people '•’’“ft 1 "' County, for leave to sell a nke 4 andto bestow The b.I ti of known as number eight, » bene fi t ml)rU rity cxls bit the melancholy factthat the (formerly Monroe) C .' m, /'.° u .state of proportion of death, by this disease may b Ofthe heirs and creditors ot tiro csta P S .bout five to one. Inasmuch N Notice. INF, months after date "Vo'ication will be made to the Honorable the^ ofN.S. Bayard. jj j. BAYARD. Administrator estate N. S. Baya r • .Ion 5 N otice. INE MONTHS after date, nf this notice , ,'.i'V' trill be made tu the Honor*. He the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun tv. for permission to sell «B the reals state of J.,h i Wakerl 11 , dec. for the beneht of th" heirs and creditors f said decessed- N Vr-h HOllSTi r HOY. f»*ec«t»r. 47 then as this fatal di-easc frequently bids defi snee to the skill ofthe most learned physic, ■ns, it is a .'ratification to the pronrietor that nets enabled to odor to those afflicted wit- t, a go.dly prospect of re.ief.m that highly valuable remedy, Hie Vegetable Ltd,an Spta- fic. The Indians are h»i>py in their know iclge of medical plants t govern exoerience, they arecerlain •• tolheir eH c , aivi it is said by an anther ot great character, that s true consumption is a disease never known tinontr them# , _ This Specilie is obtained by ex’rsction from herbs, roots, flower;, plant-, Ike. when m per- fection. In consequence nf a happy enmbins tion of the most valuable herbs, !cc. it becomes I balsam of s superior value. It heals the in- jo ed parts, opens the pores, and composes i he disturbed nervea, after the manner of an anodyne; consequently the obstructioni ot ■ he chest and tl>e lungs which consutute to.s disease, parti ulariy need its use. It promotes - ipeetovation, wh ; ch is constantly called tor, and Whilst it cleanses and heals, it alsn gives strength to the tender lungs. In this manner tt removes the hectic fever, improves diges- i tion. irivesstrength to the ne» vcs, repwrs.tue NOTICE. Sfipetite and improves the spirits. Tlusspeei N Notice. !'!F. MONTHS after dale, sprlication wdi he male to the Honorable Inferior Cour ,t Chatham cmmty. for leave to .ell the real I ta I t.ers-nwl i-stste of die late Mrs Ann H»m if..deceased, for the benefit of the heirs nulcruVN)*§"<’8‘H *c«*»te, 1 wocT. f ’OM CUI.R, mentor rnn'-c to Countfj silling for ordimiry purpon Qrrk*'', nnaoiulei to ielUot* Nni fnir nni «J e » (4 Rni S) in Cirpenter** How, ond lot N *. one, (n Green Ward,in the ci y of SavannaL, being thcrenl estate of Francin Jalineau, dec for the hcnefil of th»* hei* 1 * iin' 1 creditor* of laid ealate WU.LI VM (USI OrL QunUfieil Executor. 9 74 Notice. TOT'JR monihsafer date, application will ^e d N J-nade lo the Honorable dr Inferior Court of Camden County, when viM. ng for ordinary purpoie/, f-’r leave lo sell 250 acres of land belt? igi ig to the estate of J<.hn Brown, de ceived f ir the benefit of the heirs and credi* j tors of Sii \ estate. SMI AH BUOWN. Admtstratri* Ji’tT.’rson, 18ih June, l r ’2S. It afl'crds relief in bowel coinplaints, teething, whooping coughs, Uc. and is found partial- | , r ly uaeful in hypochondriacal, nervou* *nti hvstericel disease*. Bsch bill of direction contains * detailed account of this di ease ull its different stagi-s, und will tu accomp* aind with die signature of the proprietor Red Ink. It is off red for sale by Gfc.0. KRoOS, only (my sole i gent) Dvuggist, cor nef Hay and Whittakor-itreets, sSavannuh, ai one dollar per bottle. wil BUILRR. > r an B Y the ship Emperor, the subscribers have received tiiirty-fivc packages of Genuine Drugs,Medicines, Per fumery, Fancy Articles, Me. carefully selected by- one of tho partners now at the north, wliich added to their for mer stock on hand, comprises an assortment very extensive, and particularly suited for thiri market, and well worthy the attention of dealers. Merchants, Physicians, Plan ters and Families, would do well to forward their orders, as they will be sold at our usual low rates. LAV & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. July 16 Tfalnla Dt^ an& in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prusaion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. TextuTneT'S. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Bust English Shaving Soap Bail cle Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments anil Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47. MAHOGANY FURNITURE, iano fortes, ( urled Hair Ma trasses, f eather Beds, BOLSTERS fit PILLOW3, CHAIRS,&c, wmm CANAL 'LOTTERY OF PENNSYLVANIA, EISHTEENTU CLASS—NEW SERIES* T O he drawn on ttie 7th of September, 1825, and finished in a few minutes. Sixty >ix Numbers—Nine Ballots to be Drawn. $cl\eme. - ■ StJOiT’SmBLlii •TSMOTTPV 1DIT10V. Upholstery Store. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has opened an exten sive establishment in the above line, next door sout h of Ilia Cabinet Furniture Ware- House, ip Whittaker-Street, and will at all seasons offer for sale a general assortment of FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY,con sisting of Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows Mattresses made from pure curled hair Do. prepared moss Do. for ship’s births Do. childrens cribs Do. Cots Easy Chairs, Beadsleads, Cotts, Door Mats, and a large and extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description. All of which, will be Bold very low for cash or approved Credit. I. W. MORRELL, N. B. Old Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, Ea sy Chairs, and Hair Matresses, corded and rcstuffed in the best manner. JTtily 21 1 Prize of 25,000 Dollars is £25 006 1 11500 I2.5',0 1 5,660 5 660. 1 5,000 5,00. 10 1,090 10,000 20 500 lo.ono 50 200 lb ooo 57 100 5,700- 1*4 50 5,700. .585 20 5,700- 596 JO 15,950. 14.64 5 71.820 16500 Prize*, J ( £1 3.040 29 .60 Blanks, J l 45760 Tickets at £4, £183,040 Bricks. rjN HE Subscriber hps at present on hand In this Scheme With nine drawn ballots, there will be 84 prises with three numberso " them, 2 052 with two numbers on them and 14,364, with one number on them* Thus- t ckets having none of the drav n ballots or them being blanks. To deteintine the fate of all the tickets in the above lottery 66 numbers, from one t 66 inclusive, will severally be placed in wheel on tbe day of drawing, and nine p them will be drawn, and that ticket having oi it ai a combination, the 1st, 2d and third eun bers drawn, will ba entitled to £’5,000. That having on it the 4th, 5th li.d 6tb, wi: be entitled to £12 100. That having on it the 6th, 8lh and 9>h, wi be entitled to £5,660. That having on it the 7th, 8th und. 9 b wi' be entitled to 5,000. Those 10 having on them the 14‘h,7th and 9th til,6thand 9'l |6th,7lh and 8tl 40;,8tii »nd 9tt ,th,7th anti 8 ' [6th,7thand 9t 5th.6thand7t' it: ,7ihand 9ml each£1000 5th,6th and 8lb 5.h,8tb and 9.11 rfIHE subscriber offers for sale the follow- X ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality:— Sideboards, Sets ofDining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea 'Fables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons. Tongs,and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano ForteB Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters sad Pillows Childtvn’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Mutrasscs to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and a large stock of Bricks of superiorqua lity, which lie offers in such quantities as may bo wanted, at the lowest possible price for eiuh only. For the convenience of his Town CiiBto mors, lie intends in future to keep always ^ a Considerable supply in town i those in im- gg 5, b an j gq, mediate want of the article will be supplied by application to Mr. James Roberts, either at his residence in West Broad-Street, or at Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M ALPIN. . Tho.e having on them. 3d, 4th and 7th 3d, 4t h and 8'h 3d. 4th an.' 91 3d, 5th and 6ih 3d, 'Ih and 7U> 3d, Sth and 8 B. HERBERT fit. CO. 77 June 78 Notiai. TCINE months after dP. sppliestion wift ivibeTude to tbe Honorable the court ot O-dinary of Camden Oouuty, for b »ve to " i all the real eeate of the lute Randolph M Gil hi, dr e.eusp.d, for the benefit of the heirs an, creditor.,if estate. HANNMl M-GII.m, Admimstrsux, G M-DONALH, Administrator 8t Mary., June I8;h, 1825. June 23 78 rilLStl GaKDEN SEEDS, AND i HwWjowr Tlowfex Hoots* J UST received by the rubscriber, and war ranted of ilie last season’s growth, 2' boxes Garden SeciK put up hv A. M’Mshon & ,:o. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, and containing the following assortments, vis. Notice. T HREE MONTHS from this date I shs’l make ippl’c .tiuii to the Biuk of the State Georgs, for pawnent in full for th* half of a ten dollar hill cf said Hunk, Letter D. No. 217.. •iRned. A. Porter^ C isliier, the left hand half beiiR in my possession—the right hand half Ijunedhy w,n. U Bulloch, President, being | tlie half lost. All persons interested will Uiercfn-e :*ke due notice of this intention, file iheir •> j'-ctions at said tisnkf within toe lime mentioned. , JAMES P. SCREVEN- J'me 2 5 f, t 6 Notice. Months nfter d<te, application will i 1 , be m *de to the Juttiees of the Interior bi'Uit of Chatham County, when sitting for o-Omi-y purposes, for lesve to sell that nsrt , I ,n 'N“. 5 first Tvtbing, Reynuldi A ard, in 1. Cl ! y " f 8 * v »nnih, which belongs to th- “lenf DeLumherios. fur the benefit of sirs and creditors of said estate. l’ETEH KVEV, Admr- 14. Rarly curled Let tuce 15. Royal Cabbage dr 16. Nutmeg stolon 17. Spinach 18. Summer Savoy 19. Sweet Basil 20. Sage 21. Naslurtium 22. Celsry 93 Early Peas 24, Late do 25 Early bunch bean- 26. Red French do A L S O, 90 Packages containing the following Bui bous Elower Hoots, via 1. Double Hyacinths I 4.Meitcantigcrflciwer 2. Fine Tulips 5 Double Tuberose 3 Narcissus * I 6 Stsr of BHblebem For sale by P. M’DEHHO TT v, p ’ 8 1. Drumhead Cabbage 2. Long Red Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4. Parsley 5. Leek 6. Onion 7. Salmon Radish 8. F/.rly Purple do. 9. Hound leaved 10 Early Turnips II. Late do 12 Salaafy 13- Asparagus Fssejuiul Oil of Spruce J UST received from tho Patentee, and neatly put up in phials, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 25 Shad’s Buildings E VV anted, MPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply to Mnv I' GEO I) VERSON. ? pauisli .»egars FEW Half and Quarter boxes very superior Spanish Sugars, forsnle by P. E. BRASSINNE, Opposite the Excltnnge. June 32 . ">1 N. GIN. Just Jtcreiredpcr brig Pheasant. J Q0 BBLS. Gin, fur snle^by June 82 Sddlitz und Soda Powders q<\ DOZEN Genuine Seidlits Powders OU 50 do do Soda do. Just received by ship Augusta, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. July 30 94 Double Distilled Hose IViiter A FRESH SUPPLY of best London | Rose Water, received per brig Pan- Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match I thea, and fur sale by ' ' LAY fit HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 10 3d, 6th tad 7th 4tli5,th and 8 ! 3d, 6:h am! 8th 4ih,5thand9 id, 6tli and 9th 4 h,6th ami 7' Id, 7tli ar d Sift 4<h,6th and 8i! 1-. 7ili and 9th 41I..6 h and 7t Id 8lli sn:l 9" 4ili,7th sod 8il. 4tli,5th and 9tu each £540 All others, (being 30 tickeis) having ihre of the drawn numbers oh them will each b entitled to £200. The 57 tickets haying on them two of drawn numbers and those two, the 2d au 3d, will each be entitled to £100. The 114 'iskets ha- ing on them the 9r and 4th or 4th and 5t n drawn numbers only, will ach be entitled to £50. Tne 285 tickeis having two of the draw numbers on, and th-se two the 5th and 6il, or the 6th and 7th, or the 7th and d-h, or tbi 7th Slid 9iii, nr the Btli » d 9ib, each £20. All others (being 1596t.ckels) having tw< of the drawn numbers on them, will each b' entitled to £10. And these having on them any one of thr irawn numbers, (being 14,364 tickets, or 159 for each drawn number,) will etch be enti £R.OI*OSalL$ By SAMUEL T. ARMSTROMT. .V». 50. Combi’’ II ston fo- publishing Sf.OTT'S FA VULY DIRLE. conini, •«.» „/; .l/ nr . ginal Rtf' net to he t ier,I in .X VOLUMES /, OYAL OI SaYO unit em* b,Unhid with a'liktu.'s• of the Author- ■liltMS. I ' r shall he well punted, on gond paper, and lie eompris- d ,n six handsome volumes. It will cniitsil the Senutnret of the O ri and Mmi Ttolaments, lit. Inh otluciory Ohmva ont, Explanatory Motet. -,nd P oetic l OhserruiRntj anil all ihe copiuus Muriinn! Refereiues, ne- ine printed word lor *ot.l from , he t, ,r on Stereotype Edition, published «ioce the Au- - hor’s deersso The pi lee will be £21, in •qardst £24. in sheep r £J0, n Calf hi ding. Vlie wh-Ue w jrk will be ready for delivery by May, 1825, Ex roc I i of L'tte-t addet ted lo the Pxibr.thtri ■ I eataeni Dr. Scoit’t F m. y Bible, en- n oily ealculsted to promote the cause of (rut'- and piety. It seems scarcely poss-ble for one to read daily the Notes and Obseivu-ions in the Family Bible without becoming a wis, r and better man. ED WARD D GPIFFIN. lhave seen no commentary of t e Sacred Scriptures which! think so well adi.tcdto general use and edification. It is a '.rest,urn which evert famaly ought to possess. A E»TON. It is a work distinguished for 'he simplici ty and convenience of its arrangement, the clearness an I fidelity nf its expositions, the neatness and perspicu-ty of it° style, the oe> nevolcnce tnd candour of its spiri 1 , the con ciseness tnd peitineocy of iu applications, and for its uniform tendency to pro note evan gelical truth "nd piety. A BIEL HOLMES. . Of Dr. Scott’s Family Bible, I fed free to say, that in my estimation it deservedly raiik«A> imong our ablest •ud best fonm n'ariea. THi'MAS BALDWIN. Dr. Scott’s Family B bis intended more el* ' pecially fur l h e use of lilt istian families, is ■ work bigliiy evangelical, extensively instrut* ive, and deeply interesting. Daniel c; binders. The character of Dr. Scott’s Commentary n the Bible, is so generally known, and so ghly approved amongst the mast intelligent ud pious Christians throughout our country, nd bus passed rapidly through so many large Jitions, that 1 deem further recommends- .out needless- ' J HORSE. I am acquainted with no Commentary on ,u Sacred Scriptures, which I would more -ordially recummenci for general use. 7 he Ian ofthe work is good JOSHUA BATES. Perhaps in no way, can ministers, instructor# f youth, and private Christians, do greeter rvicc to suciet , than by exerting tl .ol ives to disseminate this truly Or (liable work. JOSHUA HUNTINGTON. I know of uo Commentary wliich ia better -ilcultied for difluaing correct views of tlia great truths of Cl.ristirnily, and leaving salu* ary impressions on the- mind when rising i-vm tbe perusal of it, than the one you are bout to publish. DANIEL SHARPE. No writer seems less disposed to contend for barren specula'i nis. None more uniforms Iv or more powerfully inculcates the great es sentials of religion The spirit which pt re -ades the work is oxcclleiii t it is the meek, uffentionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of the- DANIEL DANA. tied to £5. No ticket which shall have drawn a pnx. ol'a superiurdenotuination can be entitled h-J gospel an inferior prise. Prixes payable thirty day. I From particular exsmitiati -n, and concur- after the drawing, and subject, as usual, to s | ring testimony, the'e is no doubt on my mind The above nrtfcles can be examined at the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col. Sliclhnan. I- IV. MORRELL. Marclt 15 93 deduction of 15 per cent- Philadelphia, June 28, 1825. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole p. Halves 2 59, Quarters X 25, Eighths 62J. Apply at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. August 6 APPROVED tftteut ¥am\Vj Medicines. do do Cough do do Turlington’s Balsam of Life - Opial for tho cleans ing ofthe teeth & gums RelPsAsthmaticPills Do Botanical Drops Austen’s Remedy lor the Files' Hinckley’s do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. &c. Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale hv P. E. BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. with L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson’s do do Coit’s Anderson’s Drops American Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Aiidler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalby’s Carminative A constant supply of the above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, fiic. fizc. cun be obtained at the store of LA Dfug?SadJs Buildings. | Saratoga Congress Spring Wa Mass Lamps. A NEW Hupply» assorted patterns, Glass Stands, for sale by GEO. It VERSON, Comer Bay and Whittaker-Streets. March 4 Hair >la trusses J UST received by the William Wallace, an additional supply of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted ofthe best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 > otice. T HE subscriber will dispose of his Mills in Montgomery County, having a grist and four saws running, which last are calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 'feet of lumber per day, which can be rafted im mediately into the Ormulgee River, with 600 acres ofthe best timbered pine land in that section of the state. As to terms of sale, they will be made easy. The above property was formerly that of E. W. Bar ker. My residence is nearMilledgovitle. JAMES BOYKIN. June 12 69fr S :n<togo Water Cooled in lee, F OR the accommodation of the public, Saratoga Congress Spring Water will be kept cooled in ice, during the season, 1 will be ready for delivery every morn- = at six o’clock precisely. No additional charge will be made. LAY fit HENDRICCSON. July 19 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, A3. * totaa Bank .Voles, F or sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 2ft May 26 Notice to Free Pei sons to I Color. HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chatham Country, are hereby notili T*._ fied to appearand register their names in the I ‘J^ey are offered at Clerk’s Office ofthe Inlortor Court ot said . LAY fit HENDI n (n In iv nn nr hninrft t.llR I * .. nt. the June 10, 1825, MAItY EVEN, Admx- 67 Jn A Negro Man. A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 years of age, a good field hanij. For sale by CALVIN BAKER. June 24 19 County, agroeable to law, on or before the J first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 , 45 ters. F IFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh bottled by Messrs. Lynch fit Clark, of New-York, and direct from the Springs, just received per ship Augusta. Persons going to sea would do well to supply them- ' ey are offered at reduced prices LAY fit HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 25 • Rxnshes, O F a superior quality, just received anf for sale by GEO. RYERSONJ nov 20 Door Mats. J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen best quality India Doo“ Mats, for sale by I* W. MORRELL. March 16 Treasury V'eipaxlnxftntv ? April 29, 1825. 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. T HAT, Oil the first day of October next the principal of the six per cent. 6tock ofthe United States, created under the au thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved on the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, together with the interest then due thereon, will be paid to the proprietors of suid slock, or to their attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury of the United States, in Washington, ami at the several Lnan Offices, on the books ot which any portion of said stock may stand. A surrender of the Certificates of said Stock, will be required at .the time of pay ment, and the interest on said Stock will cease, from and aftor the thirtieth day of September next. SAM’L. L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. May 12 44j^ that Scott’s Family Bible is superior to ill ,'hers. JOSF.PH EMERSON. You will please to aei d me six copies of Scott’s Bible ; I refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to take ihe same number. H- L. It is with extreme pleasure I perceive vote sre about to publish t new edition of Scutt’o Bible. Having been in possession or it more than 20 ycara. I trus' I know some* thing of its value, and am determined to pro mote its c-rculaiinn among my friends You will please forward six copies as soon as pub lished. C. M. I have obtained four subscribers for the excellent work you arc publishing H. S, I propose to take seven sets of Scott's UV blc, and will be accountable for the nine, J. C. I have obtained of Scott’s Family Bible. J O. shall probably need eigb or ten teta of Scott’s Family Billie. J . P- I have obtained ten subscribers for your edition of the Family Bible—and have no iluubt but there might he aumetluug K<0 copies sold in this place if you had an agent here—I thought Ihe work ought to be en. mraged and for hat reason took a subscribe tion paper. It ii a work that every fsmily itiould have that ii able to purchase. J. E M’C. I am glad, that you propose to print tt.-. Scott's excellent Ftmily Gommemsiy, and should be very glad if it were in my power to give a more liberal patronags to the work, than, as circumstance* are, I csn. I shall, however, be able to do something i eight or ten sets I shall certainly take t and it msy be, double that number. A. H, 1 have procured fifteen subscrih, rs to Scott’s Bible. J. A. D. I think I shall dispose of £0 sets or more of the Family Bible. E. B I have circulated proposal! for Seott’ia Bible ; how many have been engaged in alll cannot tell; but between 20 and 30 sets in ih s vicinity. J. S- I have concluded to become responsible to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Com- M cntary a C. B. I have procured 106 aubsoriber* to the Bible t 6 seta to be bound incsif; 3 sets to be done in boards the other 97 sets, bound and lettered as described in the prospectus. H. ih 1 presume I could procure 500 subtrri- ier« for your edition of Scott’s Bible The demand ia increasing for them They will finally aupenede every other large or Family -lible. Fifty of my subscribers live within -ircle of 6 miles I J. L. Just published an edition of the sxmi wonx, depleted in six volume*, without marginal vferencea; price in bmrda £181 in sheep 3‘Jl; in calf £27. Either of these editions nivy-be had ot the|,t.bli.hi.r in Boston ; or of 3. C- & }. SCHENUK, Savanna*. Jan 11 3*