Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, August 27, 1825, Image 3

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    «#' .
* f
ci.ivalrio pooplo. t.iTte tl>cm too, a morco-
.rv army lain beplaced on out border, n#J
i, .rectory treat
S m a relraoiory colony when urging our
1 daous to a redress 01. grievance*, a "“
bo ffln.if'Vi dure t; act III oppoauion o
{,,. expressed will or the powers that be, ■"
For New-York,
The imrbet ship
Win. Bebee, Master,
„ - Will sail on Sunday next. F„,
>. ... ■ Wl * ,e • redemption of freight of passage apply to the master oil
I toe Republic.. board, or to' " 'HALL & HOYT. •
between two Independent governments, to (’consolidated empite.mir government will b*
one of which the purso and the sword is en-jol'o murosplunilid 'character—so would be
trusted, it is time to understand our relation a monarchy—but tlio liberties of the people
to those servants we huve appointed to rule, will be lost. . Georgia has been first in
over us, but who have set themselves up as .the breach. She has taken a stand in favo.
our musters. • of state rights, win,’It, however the satel
llw r When our fathers wore oppressed by the lites of power may shrink from the lan-
of wlih’iilhey liitvu assumed to be tyranny of their government did they tamo- guago of truth, ■■■•" *■- •’ ■’ -
.Vnlda and final judge, tlio bayonet is to ly submit to injury and indignity? Not
■attlVtbo point in liisputo. 1 pray to God they remonstrated openly and tearlosaly-
evunL „ U y novor happen ; but they remaod communion with thmr enoimes,
• • f d» li in ion ills' blood which diall »um thoy nurremlerod the luxurioa of life rather
'u of 'Georgia, will erv i'or vengeance than by partaking of them to benofit the op-
i,i 'a voice lovriulu to the oppressor. preseor or submit to injnatice, they contested' Liverpool, July 1. —Our Cotton market, M The schr.
Wo have enumerated uurgroivancescan- every measure having the must remote ten- has been in an exceedingly dull and depress- JgM RISING SUN,
, i,. ami it w tioliovod without exaggera- deucy to infringe their right, and eventually, ed slate throughout the pu*t mouth,witli the mIBCKa Capt. Fairbank,
timi and ooitiunly without thd desire to mis- a principle was the point in dispnte—had that exception of a lew days at.he close of the mItjHLWill be despatched without delay,
rottrcacuu They havt been placed before been conceded among the other concoa- lost and the beginning of the present week. I For freight or passage-apply to Capt F. on
t'fl'osv ciliz ms iii Iho simple majesty ol sions made, the revolution would have been The absence of dealers & spinners frqm the! boatd, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf, or to
For Baltimore,
which the fathers of those
rnun— nev do n 't require any factitious arrested in embryo and wo yet perhaps market so much lunger than it had been ei-
aid tu set them offer add to their weight, should have remained the subjects of »n- ther expucted nr thought poaeible, alarmed
We liuyc seen that we are now reproach-: tain. Rut thoy nebly contested it by argil- eonle 0 t the holders, wlio, early in the month
jit’il with the cxistance of the | ment end intellect, and when thoy failed to ^ began to press sales at reduced prices; but
-*• convince, appealod to the sword. . i not finding buyers to any extent at such
The language of truth and honosty, is rates, several public sales were brought for
ever painful to courtly ears; and no doubt ward on the ult., consisting of 5,800
even then, parasites and hireling scribblers, b ,gs, of various descriptions, ol w.iich, how-
pronounced those patriotic souls traitors nnd 0Vl . r , only a,800 bags wero sold, at a decline
madmen, for the fearless expression id' their „f ojd. t 0 4fd on Americans, and 5d. to Oil
feelings—wo know that hireling morcena-' p er |b. on Brazil, West India, and Egyptian
| rios were quartered upon them to repress f ro m the highest prines obtained in April,
'tlio ebullitions of popular excitement against For a few days after these sales, the mur-
tyranny—and w’e know that the roolher bet continued in the snipe depressed state,
country with a blind infatuation continued ,,,| rather lower prices worn submitted to;
her irritating and contemptuous conduct. |, u t, on the 23d ult., the demand revived,
towards them, until the whule country, an( j considerable business was done from
was emancipated from her grosp, and the
truth burst upon her (hat her colonists were
men, possessing rights, and capable of do
c>! ahd
very evil .... ,
win) have set their laces against us, have by
their cupidity entailed upon us; that a
Ti.'litS’ilemn.y guaranteed by the Constitu
tion iias been brought into question by
winch a most direct attack is made upon our
property, and upon our puliucal influence ;
tlmt soul intents have been expressed and
arc expressed by men in exalted stations,
ami by writers of every degree of talent anil
influence. Hie direct tuiiduocy of which is
to endanger our lives and the lives of all we
hold must dear; whilst tlio sovereign right
of soil-preservation inherited by every state
from ihe God of nature, lias boon set at
naught by tee highest law authority-in the
1 .id, at the die: ate of a foreign govern
ment, and our couiplnintshave been ridicul
ed and treated with affected contempt and
Wo have seen the state of Georgia a
humble petitioner for twenty years before
too footstool of the geueral government for
the fulfilment of a solemn contract; we
have seen in that period that our just claims
have met with the tardy compliance of a
party unwilling to fulfil its obvious obliga
tions, whilst obstacles have continued tu
bo increased ; that an enlightened and pu-
triolic state has been treated as a foreign
government, whilst an exception to the on
bey of the government has fioen made in
favor of lha savages who reside in her ter
ritory, who have been represented by their
ministers at Washington, ia a correspon
dence will) the General Government;
til it when her just rights could no longer be
delayed, the agents of the General Govern
ment, have interfered iii the local politics of
our state, and used all their endeavors for
fa -lions purposes to defeat the munitions of
both governments,, wuicli resulted in the
do cli of the leaders and the dispersion of
fan Indians friendly to the stale; and tiia!
the almost unanimous representations
am! request ol' tlio people of Georgia,
backed by her Executive, have been
treated wi’ll perfect contempt by a Special
Aqonluftlie government, a Clerk of tho
War Department, who with the testimony
bmiire him. and before any examination on
bis own part, declares himself satisfied of
the innocence of the accused, and conse-'
'qaently of the falseliuud and misrepresenta
tions of tiie stato authorities, whom indeed,
lie charges with injustice and persecution
to surds his protege and himself, andlftlish-
•is his mission by acquitting tho Agent in
the face of the evidence, spreading Air con
motion of his innocence on his path to
Washington, to bespeak public opinion in
his favor.
Wo Imve seen a Genernl Officer of the
United States Army, appointed to restore
tranquillity among the Creek nation, (se
conded by an alliance of government agents)
placing every obstacle in the way of the
'.Commissionersof Georgia, by. intimidation
end violence, from lihtuming evidence fur
ther to substantiate tiie charges against the
, agent, & to justify iho course pursued by her
authorities ; gratuitously insulting tlio Kxc-
cutive, and interfering in the political con-
.cernsoflhe si ate cofttrary to Ins duty as an
Agent of the U. S. and especially as a gen
eral officer. ■*
Wo have seen the President of iho Uni
ted Stales assume tho- interpretation of a
tieaty as well as the office of judge of its va
lidity, a power vested bv tho Constitution
n-iliierui min nor in Congress, to which it
ia intention to relur it. anil issue Ins man
date to resist by force the officers appointed
to survey by the authority ol’ tiie slate ol*
We have seen tiie just claims, of Georgia
Landing from said schooner,
8000 Pounds Prime Bacon
50 Barrels Flour
it Kegs Cavendish Tobacco
1000 Bushels Corn
2 Barrels Starch
10 Boxes Fig Blue
For sale by J. B. HERBERT &. CO.
AugM6t 27
For Darien, St, Sitrwns and
Turtle lliver,
The regular packet sloop
B- D. Courier. Master,
Will sail on Saturday next—
For freight or passage, apply to the captain
on bouriT, or to ELIAS FORT
August 20 U4p
B Y ,7. B. HiRBRRT it CO.
THIS Day . 27th inst.
Will be sold.hefi.rc tiur store ai XI o'l-Ik.
10 Bags Cuflco, 10 Barrels Sugar, 2000
Pounds Bacon.—Ti rniB cash.
Angilal 27 ■ ' • -*• — .........
A |
To Rent,
That large and commodious
Brirk Tenement Building in
York Street, near Ji-ffersonSt.
Possession given first November
next AIbo, two Stores on Jeffersnn-Si.
adjoining Mr. E. Jenpks’. Rent will he
moderate. Apply to
fl 07m
that dote to the 27th. at the full prices ob
tained at the late public sales -, since then,
however the inquiry has again, in a great
li ft 8 T,
d’Atiohkir, Nu. 41, a Paris. If found
deliver the same to Mr. Leclere, watch-ma
ker, opposite to J. B. Gaudry’s Store.
August 27 OGe
landing them* Tins was Hie spirit whic.h nieasure, subsided, aad the sales of the last
animated fhem in the defence ot their three days are very limited and at rather
rights, and this spirit will over animate | avver prices than this day week. Our pre-
every American when ho considers him* ’ Pon t quotations ure J4d to 4o per lb. lower
self wronged or insulted in person or prop-1 j n American descriptions ; 4^d to 5d. in
porty. TlrazibWest India, and Egyptian; and 2d lb.
•Let us then, hear no more of the mode in • j,, India than on the 1st ult. The total
which the claims of Qeorgia have been ad- sales oFlhe month are bags . 0 f which
vocated. Is it astonishing that freemen I n i000 American, 7,500 Brazil, and 1,000 E-
p.lioulu use a diirerent language from that, i rjvptinn have bcenMaken on speculation,
of slaves I That a tree govornmont should , oon Up|aIut t ;, r cx p 0rt t0 Russia, be
Wanted to Hire,
A GOOD COOK—one that is perfectly
honest Rnd capable of taking charge
of a house.—Apply at the Cieorgian Office.
August 27 06e
of slaves ?
present its claims before one no way its su
jerior but in a few delegated powers, not
n the style of royal parasites and court
sycophants ? Are tho persons of our Presi
dent and his Secretaries made of other ma<
torials than Governors or State Legisla
tors? Is lie to be kept like the Grand
N otice.
A LL persons! are .cautioned against pur-
chasing any personal property beloug-
sides which 2,500 American, 3,000 Brazil,
and 250 Egyptian, Arc. Imve been forward
ed into the country unsold.
Although tiie import of Cotton since the
1st of January has exceeded that of the
corresponding period of last year 117,000
hairs, sav, 23.000 American, 30.000 Brazil,
ing to Mary Lcbey and children.
August 27
Lama, a stupid idol set up to receive our • nn 3 34 000 El _, ynUQn . & e. and notwitlui.and
worship? Lot us have an emperor at once, j„g the smallquantities taken nut for con-
dress linn in gold and jewels, place a seep- mimp ii on , during the last two mouths,there,
tro in his hand and a crown upon his head, j,. on | v a „ | nrr easo of 10,0110 Brazil, chiefly
surround him with guards to execute his, panama, and 21,500 Egyptian ; while llm
will upon those who oppose him in thought, ,| ecrBn3e i n 0 ur stnclcof American is 64,000.
word or deed—in short, give him all the at- an d Eust India. 4,060, from what it was the
tributes of royally nnd despotism—and then | at of July. 11124. It is also generally ad-
compol the people to fall down nnd worship that the stocks in the hands of deal-
—then, and not till then, shall we consent „ rg all j cfln3 u mc .rs are, at least. 60,000
tube tutored in our language-then, and bags less than at this time last year,
not till then, shall we bo guilty ot treason -
and rebellion, tor using llie language dicta-1
ted by a sense of rights denied iiuu insults. MARRIED,
unredressed. Until llien, I very much fear j Qn Thursd(ty CV( .„ jn )o8t by thc Rev ,
tlml we shall continue to use unguage uu- Mr- Hi „ Mr , / <nm Winter, ofthis city, to
suited to the dehoacy of courtly ears-the Mre . S a»ah IlAKnix, uf St- I’eter’s Parish
language natural to those who know they S(|Uth Ca[olina . '
On Thursday evening last, by William
C. Mills, Esq. J. P. Mr. John A. Gkrm*
to Miss Frances Crawi-ohd, both of this
possess the rights of thought and speech
never to bo surrendered. f
When the right of collecting duties and
enrolling vessels on the Canals of New-
York, was assumed by the grasping minions
of the-General Government, what was tiie —; .... - 1
language of the Legislature of that state ? DIED
they would not submit to it—but the General T .. , .
Government did, and it was hushed up— * n on , t lc 21st ult. after a
But New-York was not a “powerless" mem- ^ort illness. Sea in Ann, daughter of the
bur of the confederacy, and lior voice wus ,at « C ” 1 ’ •'"f.P 11 Habersham.
j. eare ^ Q.rThc trum«a arquamlnnces of Mrs
Did the state of Ohio use the language of Kkk ’ ' imI fam 1 i| y’ nn ‘ l of Miss Fothringham,
Slaves or parasites, in its controversy with ? re requested to attend^he funeral of the
tho United States, in relation to tho United
States Bank ? When the Attorney of the
United States, Mr. Wirt, decided against
tho constitutionality of the law, prohiiutiug
the entry of free negroes into South Caro
lina, under certain penalties, what wus lip
language of the Executive of South Caroli
na ? It was the language of a freeman,
conscioos of the just ice of the cause lie ad-
vocuted and determined to maintain it
" A firm determination, suys Gov. Ben
nett, to resist at the tlur.sliafd every invasion
latter, at FOUR O’CLOCK THIS
Ship Pallas, Pike, for Charleston.
Thc Revenue Cutter Crawford, Payne,
of our domestic tranquility, and to preserve came up from below yesterday,
our sovereignly anil indejienJence as a state, The brig Pheasant, at New-Yolk, from
is earnestly recommended; and if an appeal this port, was struck by lightning on the
to the first principles of the right of self llth inst. off Hattoras, which splintered
government be disregarded, and reason he the main topmast, descended to the hold,
successfully combated by sophistry and or-' qnd knocked down three men, hut did not
ror; there would be more glory in forming a severely injure them.
„ -j— - r .... rampart with our bodies on the confines of The Emily, Webb, for this prt soon, was
nr the actual scrvicusuf her citizens, the j tmr territory, than to he the eirtim of a sue- at Liverpool 4th July,
pitiiul compensation for the hl-ioj uf iter vo- cessful rebellion, nr tiie slaves tf a great eon- j akrtveo from this port,
liiiitci’rs.(eiimpelled to witness the butchery s ihdated government.” And what tliu Jan-! At New-York. 16th ult. brig Pheasant
ot ilieir unhappy countrymen almost before guage of the Senate of Huuth Carolina, at Bailey, 8 days ; brig Almira, Harrington, 6
their eyes, by the restraints placed upon j the same session ? It is in the same film days; sclir. Savannah,- Pease, 6 days.—
them.) denied repeatedly, whilst those to 1 and decided tone throughout. I cite the 17th, ship Augusta, White, 8 days,
whom it is due are gradually sinking into two following resolutions us a specimen, At Darien, sloops Huntress, Ailing; and
tiie iiuiih m poverty ami suffering. in order to save room and shorten my sub- Rosetta, Vurnard.
IV e have Bass in short., that as a moni-lject! j At Liverpool. 4th ult. ship Chariot,Bates,
Herat the nmnn.we have received little'ben-1 Resolved, That the Legislature have re- • At Cove of Cork, 17th June, brig Brutus
etlt, and idiot wuliave ever contributed to its, coived a very strnngu and ill-advised com- Guuid.
siipiiort, whilst our claims I'or common jus-' inu mention from Uliio, respecting their —mm»———
■tralnve been disregarded our dearest l ights slave population, and will be ready to make I
Jaapnr.lised, and our state insulted and de- comown cause with other states situated as! FRESH
E ra “ a( J- I tins is. in resisiing any encroaebmuitrs or n „ 1 »r j- •
ouch are tiie grievances of which we . interference that may be attempted on their ] Ul'UgS fin Cl 31CQ1C111CS
complain. It will he perceived by tills ini- rights as respe ts tliat population, I ■
prtlect expositi ni of our injuries 1 hat Goor- - Resolved, Thai the Legislature of South tUST received per ship Savannah, an
tf additional supply of FRESH DRUGS
and MEDICINES, such as—
Calomel, Suphate Quinine
Pulverized Ipicacnanah
Pulverized Colombo, White Wax
Quassia, Isinglass, Calc’d Magnesia
Henry's Pulverized Rhubarb^
Hair Powder, &o.
500 Bottles Castor Oil, cold pressed,
very superior
500 do do do do 2d quality
300 do do low priced for plan
tntion use
30 Barrels Glauber Salts
10 do Green Copperas
20 Half Barrels and Kegs do
3 Barrels English Refined Epsom
Salts, fee.
All of which will he sold low for cash or ap.
proved credit, ilj*. North Carolina Bills.te.-
ken at par, and Dnricn<Dills nt a small dis
Druggists, Sitad’s Buildings,
August 27
8m lias never asked aught but justice from Carolina protests against any claims of right
Ike United Etutes, which lias nut been ren- of the United States, to interfere in any
acred. She has performed her duty as a manner whatever, witli the domestic regu-
rannber ol this confederacy to the utmost iutions and preeervatory measures in respect
limit—and what lias she gained by tho ces- to that part of her property whicli forum
sum ol her rights to the General Govern- the colored population of the state, and
meat—even her defence in times of trial which property they will not permit to be
tour n | * 0 ' lorso 'f- I am not disposed muddled with, or tampered with, or in any-
allem ' le ar 8 lm ‘ont that protection and, manner ordered, regulated or controlled, by
ari: 'Ici'ctment upon and co-ex- 1 any power, foreign or flonu-ittc, than their
earrv * r ac *" ltl,or - ^ wou ld perhaps j own Legislature.”
cessar^ 6 l ^ 10r l * ,an l" or the present is ne-1 In little less titan fifty years, such have
t j. 7- Georgia has protected herself been tils strides of power, tlmt tlm indepen-
s able and willing to do it whenever if dence of tlie'individuql states lias been for*
j a .fiweesary, against both foreign and gotten. No rights appear to exist, when
tv ran 31 1 ° es ‘i ^ n( l "hall it be said that if the General Government comes in collision
fiimoat W(> "ot use tho language of with a slate, except on the part of the first.
g M l s,r " nae without subjecting ourselves : We are invariably called upon on such oc-
spenk -? ll | a *" hietion; that we cannot ensions, in tlio name of patriotism to sup-
,'iirmn r of truth hut under this port tho stronger party and the resistance
*aour j? , ! r ° asu . n ’ that we shall not give vent ( ol the weaker is termed treason ami rebol-
4 nl "fihngs in the language of indepen-, lion. Tho wisest and host men have view-
the lev 1 f 18 ’ 'I'^hout buing degraded to ed With apprehension, the'tendency of the
tors.»| 0 '' nan i a ea? If »p, wo are'trai-; General Government, supported by its Su-
fiieejr! m . ^fimn,and so will continue—if preine Law Tribunal, to swallow up the
* Cl ’iini^ eSa i" 1 indignation under 1 rights of thc states. Every tiling points to
•i'leted i|| wron S »nd cofiiAimoly, be con- a consolidation of the state governments,
linn ,. "•language of faction and rebel- j into one great national machine. Backed
. jtecilom of those independent bv a host of servilo presses, there is a party
guCnler- Ubbl -~* hp Cona ‘»iition : whinh '' " ' ' " '
sacn-H 8l ’ 8 ,"" r t'Rhls is a fiction, and the
tuence in, i. 8 ot n ) an of no more conse-
thiinin 11 h r° ncelroe a,ltl happy country
lilion^ 6 Jf l>rture r00m uj’tho Spanish In
in this country wlio are bent upon ibis ob
ject—these work upon the unreflecting and
ignorant, nnd Die syren song of patriotism,
amalgamation of parlies, and the loud ho
sannas to the powers that bu.are the means
■fiaailinff " "1 ar# ,g h e denounced fofdo-, by which they “ lure moil to their ruin.” —
fi'aneef iri'iV ■ l e or utlor >' 1 tt ol >r fomon- Upon ilia iudopcndeitce of the State Gov
'Hen sn j if,? 9 Jfifi'gnant language of free-1 ernments, depends the independence of llie
• > tiia tiaypnqt is cnade tfie uiqpire .people. When tiie states are merged in one
t. u. x>H/\Mih:ius'N,
•Respectfully informs his friends
and the public generally, that he
has received by the late arrivals
from Liverpool,
200 CRATE8
Crockery Ware,
ygitf&f assorted particularly for this
...... „ ! market, ill addition to liis former stock of
No. 359, Alltray fils._Rue GLASS and CHINA WARE, makes his
assortment very complete, which will be
sold at the New-York and Boston prices,
for cash or approved paper-
No. 5, Gibbons' Buildings.
August 16 Ola
BY Jr. B. iicnREkT St'co: ■■
On the FIRST TUEMi AY in Srpft.mbef
Will be sold before the Court-House in
this city, helwvcn tho usual hours of sale*
a TRACTOFLANTV,containing lour liun*
dred acres, more or less, bounded northmd-
ly by the Augusta Roml, southardly by laud
lately Dr. Cocke’s, eastardly by Inrids <!f
Jos. Stiles, and E. Jencks, and westurdly
by lands lately belonging to Wearot, with
he improvements, consisting of a good
Dwelling House mid Stabled
'attached, and three Negro Hou
ses, being the real estate of
Benj. Puiman, dec. Sold by
permission of llie Honorable tiie Inferior
lourt of Chatham County, and by order of
the administratrix, for the benefit of the
heirs of said estate.—Terms at time of sale.
July 16 ‘ 118
AVE on band a few bales ofWIHTE.
J ^ FlPES a 4th proofCognivc Brandy, 4
years old.
August 25
For sale by
Imported last year, which they will sell at
a considerable reduction from the priceB of
Inst season. Their usual supply of
will be received by the first Fall vessel from
Liverpool, and they will bo able to supply
their friends with Fresh Imported Gooos, at
as low rates as any former importation can
be sold ter
June 24 79
T O be drawn on the 7th of September,
1825, and finished in a few milintes.
Sixty ,.x Numbers—Nine Ba'lots to be
no improve
>4 1
At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of the
Court House in this citv, TWO NEGRO
FELLOWS, primp field hands.
August tl
heritt’s ale.
On TUESDAY, 30th Instant,
W ILL be sold before the Court-House
in the city of Savannah, 4 HORSES,
belonging to this end of tire Augusta loop
of Stages. Levied on under a foreclosure,
in favor of Joseph Cumming, assigned to
Alexander T. Dobson, ngainst Joseph 1*
Thompson, to be sold bv consent- .
A. D’LYON. D. S. C. C. ,
August 23 04
1 Prize of
25.000 Dollars is R25 OOP
5 660.
10 000.
14 64
16500 Prizez, 7
29 60 Rianks,}
C gl "-3,040
45760 Tickets at £4
ft ft. A. liuuAovv l*ovine,
Cotton ftagging, &c.
A FEW casks, containing eight and a
half dozen each of London Porter, im
ported in the ship Georgia, on 28th June
last, are yet on ham) and fur sale; also,
Cottun Bagging,
errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN-
.WARE, and a variety of
Seasonable Dry Goods.
Apply to ANDREW LOW & CO.
July 16 88
( opper b til Is
O NE STILL of 128 Gallons
Two do. of 72 Gallons each
JuHt *eceiyed by the brig Frances, from
Philadelphia, and for sulr by
August 2 'P. M’DERMOTT..
In this Scheme with nine drawn ballots,
here will be 84 prizes with three r.umbe'rson
:he<T), 2,052 with two numbers on them aud
J4 364, with one number on them. Thoa<
cfcets having none of the drav n balloi» on
them being blanks.
i’o determ ne the fate of all the tickets in
‘heabove lottery 66 numbers, from one to
66 inclusive! will severally be placed in a
wheel on the day of drawing, and nine of
them will be drnwn» and that ticket having on
it as a combination, the 1st, 2d and third oum
bers drawn, will be entitled to $25,000
That having on it the 4th, 5th si d 6th, will
be entitled t > $t2 00
That having on it the 6th, 8th and 9ib, will
be entitled to $5*660,
That having on it the 7th, 8-h and 9lh will
be entitled to 5,000.
Those 10 having on them the
Madeira Wines.
T HE undersigned has on hand, and of
fers for sale vP on liberal terms for
cash or approved acceptances, payable in
this city, a quantity of Madeira Wine of
the justly celebrated brand of John Howard
March Sf Co. in pipes, half-pipes, quarter-
casks and eighths, of various.importatioi
some very old, and all very superior.
Uo bus always a subscription List open,
for tiie importation of Wine from Madeira
of this month, forward a list whicli will be
supplied in the course of the next ensuing
Sovannah, 7th July, 1825. Factor.
July 9 85 6w
4 h,7th and 9tl>
4th,8t.ii and 9;
5ili 6th and '/I
.fill,6th and 8t!
ih,6thand 9 I
jth,7th and 8:i
i li,8lh and 9il
6th.7lh ami 8th
Sth.7th and 9th
each 2 tddd
Tlio .e liaviag on them.
H AVING made a considerable purchase
of last, season’s imported PLAINS,
which they offer for sale at the lost year’s
prices, for cash or drafts on their factors,
payable any time before the 1st of April
next; which must be, at least, 70 to 25 per
cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation
can be sold at- VV. &.H. ROSE,
Savannah, 7th June, 1875.
The Darien Gazette will insert tiie above
until thc first of October, and send the bill
to this office.
June 7 63
Notice. '
On thc fr»t Tuesday in October next,
W ILL bn sold at the Court-House at
Riccborotigh, Liberty County, be*
twoen the usual hours of sale, four Negroes, I
a woman by the name of Mary, her son
Joe, daughter Louisa, and an infant. Sold
as the property of John Stewart, deceased.
Terms ofsule made known oti the day.
. D. STEWART, Adm’r.
August 27 .. 06
TU 4th and 7th 31. fith and 7th 4t 5,th and 8-h
1 h 4 !i nnd 8‘ ’ VI, 6th and 8th 4 h,5th and 9 h
V.’ 4'h and 9 3d, 6th and 9*h <t h,6th and 7th
31. 5thandot 3d, 7th«nd8t ! 4'h,6th and 8lh
V \ Hb and '■> 7 \\ a td 9t'; 4> 6 h und 7th
^d,5thand8- M 8i'i pn 19 • 4*h,7thend8lh
3d, 5th and 9th 4t ! ,5th hOd 9t.. each £5 (J
All othen, (being 30 tickets) having thre*
the drawn numScrs on thmn will each bi
untitled »h 00.
The 57 tick-ts having on them two of the
drawn numbers and those two, the 2d and
31, will e‘toh be entitled to $100
The 114 tickets having on them the 3d
■md 4 f h or 4th wnd 511 drawn numbers only,
/ill cMCh be entitled to 2ft)*
Toe 285 tickets having two of the drawn
numbers on, and thi se two the 5th nnd 6th,
nr the 6»h and 7th* or the 7th ®nd B.h, or the
7th ami 9th, or.the 8th d 9 h, < ach ^20.
AU othera (being 1596 tickets) having twi
of the drawn numbers on them, will each be
entitled to $10.
And those having on them any one of t'v
town numbers, (be*ng 14,364 tickets, or 159:
•or each drawn number*) will each be enti
tled to £5
No ticket which ehwll have drawn a pri»<
of a superior denomination esn be entitled to
sn inferior prize. Prizes payable thirty day>
after the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a.
deduction uf 35 per cent*
Philadelphia, June 28, 1825.
, AFTER MONDAY, orders in the above
Splendid Scheme, will bo charged at SIX
DOLLARS for whole tickets, and shares
tn proportion.
Whole Halves 2 60, Quarters 1 26,
Eighths 62$. Orders received by
August 25 Georgian Office.
James Anderson
H AVE removed to the middle tenement
Young’s Buildings, where they offer
for sale a large and general assortment of
received by the latest arrivals from Liver
pool and New-York.
June 24 79
T HE subscribers have removed to Jolih
ston’s Square, next doof west of
Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are
opening a handsome assortment of
Fancy and Staple Dry
in addition to their former stock.
W. &. H. ROSE.
April 5 - 10
tf The Darien Gazette, and Recorder,
Milledgeville, will give the above four in
sertions, and forward their accounts to this
Mower Pots,
sizes, just received anil fer sale by
Shad’s Buildings.
July 30 - ■ (M
T HE following six numbers were drawn
from the' wheels, viz..-— ,
a&—a—3 a—n—48—28.
Those who have drawq prizes in the above
Lottery, will call and receive the cash or
leave their orders for.tiickets iu other Lot
teries, at
August 20 , „.
Apply immodiatply to the ediiors.
Ai'pnpt 11 99'
ply to GEO t YF.RSON.
March 4
bv aim’s fee ra ed Pituacea.
Lay & Hendrickson;
A tainetf, genuine, at tho store of
Aug 13
>: otice,
M R. ANDRF.W SMITH is authorized
to act for nu- during my absence.
August 9 98r.
Window Blinds.
J UST received, an assortment of the
above articles of all sizes.
Jnlv7 84
Fresh London Porter.;
fUST .landing, 10 Casks Fresh London
f Porter, and for Bale by
July 30
D URING the absence uf the subscriber,
Mr. Elias Reed, and Mr. Wsf. J.
Rice, are his authorised agents.
August )3 200u-f
1 fin KEr,S PR,ME I'ARD, landing
IvrvF from ship Savannah, and for sale
by C. C. GRISWoLi & CO.
August 25
Coffee, Bagging, Whiskey and
M dimes.
1U1 400 Pieces 42 inch Baltic Hemp
300 Bbls Philadelphia Rye Whis
key and
20 Hogsheads Frime Retailing
For sale by ELIAS REED.
August 24 04l .
T HE subscriber, admitted to practice in
the several Courts of Law and F.quity
n this State, offers to the public his pro
fessional services in the Courts of
Bibb, I Henry, I Jones, I Crawford,
Monroe, Jasper, Twiggs, Pike.
Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.)
July 7 84 ■
D URING my absence from the city Mr.
Robert Habersham will ant as my at
August 20
T HE subscriber being about to leave Sis
vaunah, for the North, and wishing
hereafter to confine his business to his re
tail store at the Market Square, will dis
pose of the present stock of GROCERIES
at his Wholesale Store on tho Bay. Thu
terms will be liberal. Apply to
p. M’dermott;
Who will also continue, to attend to the
Hay and Lard.
iiu 80 Kegs Lartl, just received and ft*
sale by C. C. GRISWOLD & CO.
August 13