Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 01, 1825, Image 3
Patriotism is natural, it is an Inhorant ■nriiicuilc in the 0->rg!Hii brwom—«nt liuai- i'uu in their iVelin(j«, a loiltf coum u< »'J> lr J' ,l,mc can ali'iiato tlie olieri-lied ur ftctionu nfUioif at>i>l»- l»U l r ‘ k 'T;. be favorable. Your constituted authorities | liavo tuken a Hand, necessary to tho sup-1 purl ol’your best interests—to tlio preserve-' tion of your existence, as un indnpemlen- dent community: I)o nnt.liy your conduct, •live in their privileges, limy know their give reason to your enemies, or to those nine, and prize them accordingly—tho who yet doubt tho firmness of your inten- I ’ 0 f ],i),:rty which inspiroa tliiim is u tlons, ortho justice of your cause, to be- ‘° ion winch knows no control—loarlessdieve, that you are not prepared to support sad ardent, if the cherished rights which them in the manly course they have mark- havo descended to then as their brave fa- ,cd out and pursued. They ate not traitors James Morrison, tliers’best legacy, are onJaiigei ed, they or demagogues as you have been told—their Alim. Nhnftnll, will cry nut and spare not—and if insult l course hss been thus far, in perfect accord- J. H. Gaudry, ^ added to injury, and comtnou justice do- 1 anco with your rights, and best calculated —■ ni-d them, and their very existence jeo- to maintain them—they have plodged them- tuirdizod,'they arc always prepared, alter solves hy (heir acts and will not desert you to tun Editors Or the axuRbuff, The Ugly Club again appears—you will he pleased to publish their ticket end obligo ITS MEMBERS. • W Win. C. Dn niell, Joseph W. Jackson, Charles Harris. Wm. T. Willinms, Joseph Cumming, George Milieu, S B. Parktnan, Wm. C. Wuyno, Isaac Minis. Samuel Philbrick, W. R. Waring, COifttMCnOIAL. Li,„iioiin’ir the argument to •• stand t" their —desert net them—there is nut one among ‘ ^ C* i . .. ... m mA tP I 2,1(1 .... I •• UmII mlirt (In.iiseo llvn sin. 4 ......... - ...... . , , , ,. ... , - New-York, August 20—Colton Import omf’m support of their cause, and if God u3 . J sincerely behove, who desires tho do- f rom |2 t |, , n mu, August, was Virigiii.,23 ; so will it, with tho exclamation of the Ro- struetion of our umon^ if it can be main^ Norlh-Csrolinn, &t Smith Carolina mail on their lips. WBXT SCHEME. BY SPECIAL ACT Oh' ASSEMBLY. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND ( U NDER the superintendence of the com missioners appointed by the Govornor i sou Council, and by the improved mode of i drawing, secured by Letters Patent under j the seal of the United Stules—the whole to i be completed in one day, and will positively take place in the city ot Baltimore in few weeks. \Ug\\fc&t Trize SCHEME. For Baltimore, 83; etruction of our union, if it can he main WWi „ llltI% Wlf jtaiued consistent)i with ourrights-fow who (ico'rgir,'2547Mobiier398 i New-Orleans, \ day. an liourofvirtuous liberty, I would not bo ready “ to sacrifice their lives 624, St. Andrews, 34; Pert au Prince, 5 ; is »• irtli a ivliolo etcrii.ty ofboiidage, M , to the preservation of it for a single day"— Total 2371 bales. Our last, notice of this To die with them in their hands. j there is no intention to violate tho compact article exhibited an extremely dull state of People of the U lited Slain .'—The appeal, on our part—we ask no more than justice, t | le market. The arrival since of the ships which has been made to you it is hoped and; and the respect due to the character of our Manchester and Euphrates, from Liverpool, believed will not have been madft In vain—I! state—any other of tho members of Urn with accounts shewing the Cotton market have endeavored to give you to the best of ,„ v knowledge and ability, a plain and an- varnished stalomunt of facts. Let not pra union, placed in our situation, would de- thereto be in a shocking state of dernndo- mand it as we have done, or have treated moot and decline, has completely paralized the invaders of their peace and prosperty co tton business in this plnce—indeed we I Prize of $ 10,080 is ^30,000 Dollars l t 10 10 30 60 100 *00 400 20000 20813 Prizes. 10,000 6,000 1,000 500 100 50 20 10 5 4 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2.0110 2.000 00,000 152,000 Dollars. d, The selir. RISING SUN, Cn/it. Fairbank, Will be despatched without delay. F or freight or passage apply to Capt F.ou board, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf, or to J. U. HERBERT & CO. iMttdingfrnm sold schooner, 8000 Pounds Prime Bacon 50 Barrels Flour 3 Kegs Cavendish Tubacc* 1000 Bushels Corn 2 Barrels Starch 10 Boxes Fig Blue For sale hy J. B. HERBERT &. CO. August 27 To Rent, That large and commodious Brick Tenement Building in York Street, near JetibiTon-St. Possession given firsr November next Also, two Stores on Jofl'orson-St. adjoining Mr. E. Jencks’. Rent will he moderate. Apply to THO’S R. PRICE. A 6 97,-j tt: ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sf Ct). On the HR8T TUESDAY in Bcplt tnbor Will be sold before tlie Court-House in this city, between tho usual hours oi i’c. j LAN D. containing four bin- dred acres, more or less, bounded nortnri’ u- jy by the Augusta Road, southunliv V- ^ud.. lately Dr. Cocke’s, eastardly hy !•- ntlt- of Jos. Stiles, and E. Jencks. miff w-1 rt ! !y by lands latelv belonging to Wearst, v i’ll. tho_ improvenSnts, consisiing of a g. „d Dwelling House and Si.,lbs attached, and three Negro Hou ses, being the real nstnie of Benj. Putman, doc. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Cliathum County, and bv order of the administratrix, for the benefit of the heirs of suid estate.—Terms at time of r ide. July Iff J!) , , . , evening ortho Pacific from' 40000 Tickets-Not one blank to a prize. p.»«ver, induce you even in thought, to do- • \Ve shall not be unRiipporfed—nlroady the Liverpool, from which place she sailed on' The holder of two tickets, will be certoin culoagauHt; the interior in strength but the, democracy of the country ra lies round the 16th nit. and the Don Quixotte from; 0 f obtaining at least one prize, and may equal in right. 11 the wrongsol which we,you—those who have supported the conni- Havre, which also nailed on the 151 li, both! draw threo.° iMinplain he not well founded, and it you . ttitiou in spirit and in truth, in times more bringing advins of more firmness in those I Mode or Drawing. The numbers will Inve read thus far, you will be enabled to , dark Ilian the present, now support the markets, and a trifling improvement, will, bo p'R into one wheel as usual—and in ttm fi’in a correct opinion, we are satisfied l«>. rights of your state, ns they have e y or ijwe are inclined to believe, produce a corres-Jother wheel will be put the prizes above the' C etfoss your juJgniunt against us; iftiiey are, supported the rights of tiny s' ate when in-,> ponding confidence in the article here. j denomiiation of $4. and the drawing to \v» confidently leave it to your feelings as vaded by the siren? arm of power. The! Rice.,—Importation 340 tierces. 40 half; progress in tho usual manner. The 20,0001 , na 7keL in addition to his former stock of fi , *e;U' , n and Americans, to decide whether ^taml taken by the state ot (reorgia. is one do.—- r rhere is no improvement in prices since ' **-•«"» < «..n *».. *n ..^<1 «»•: i . >«r»—•— *«:-• tu.’y have not been urged as becomes thosej which will hereafter spread a halo of rrlory. last week, at ti. Lii^MbERLlN, Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, thut he has received by the lute arrivals from Liverpool, 200 CRATES Crockery Warn assorted particularly for this ... which rates several parcels c' inning the same glorious character. Lot 'round her character—she has came toward | mve been run off 1 , mostly of inferior ar.d il not be said, that the state of Georgia a- nobly and gallantly in defence of her own j r ,iiddl ; ng qualities. Tho stock is eonsidera- lmie is involved in this discussion—not one • rights, and the rights of the states individ- j |,jy reduced. We do not vary rates. Rice nmong the independent states of this con-: uallv. That she slionhl experience ihe at- < ( ,jj| an j ordinary, per 100 lbs. 2 a 2 25 ; Do. ft levdcyy but i« inlerosied in it- S ? of; tacks of the minions of power was to ho „ ow mid to prime, do. 350 a 4. tne.D iiave already been engaged in collis*: oxnected ; but they will he forgotten as the ! The continued accounts of tho ions with the general, in which idle wind, when our children’s children will i decline'of American produce has depressed it has been found accessary to urge llieir ; remember the present generation with grat-!flights ; bn\ littlo cotton is going forward, rights ns we have urg’d ours, and < ,llor ; titudo for their services. Upon our own on- a nd"t ho vessels up for Liverppol have been compelled to rodpc* 1 Dt? rate to a halfpenny for cotton,and four.‘•hillings for naval stores.. To Liverpool—Cotton, per lb, $d a §d. To the Continent—Cotton, IJa I]ct8* Exchange—On England and Franco has improved since our Inst. We now quote it • fitrni a J n fl-’-the latter 5 27 a b 25. Bills 1 on London, find. 5£ a 6 pr ; Do. France, 5 29 a 5 25; Do. Charleston 2, prizes of jl, will be awarded to the odd orj GLASS and CHINA WARE* makes his even numbers in the Lottery, (ns the case j Hg80rtm0|lt ver y complete, which will bo may be) dependant on the drawing of the I ^ ftt the New-York and Boston prices. Capital Prize ot THIRTY THO US AN l) • j; )r caah or approved paper* and them may be engaged in similar unlortn-; orgy, firmness and persevernneo dertends n ite cavils. Let if not he said that any one ! t| ie Httaimnent of our objects, and the ro of tbo-e iud */i»j id uit com.nullities shall be j S p i; ct of the world. Georgians! the course wr nigu'I.'jvon ie thoo^'aio.'i ot its colleagues pursued hy your enlightened, patriotic, fear* w th’iut just cause. Even il the iirintior in ’ j osg an( j independent Pdlow-citizen, George w noli our claims are advanced, should not: Troup, is tho onlv course consistent j ni ."t til'd r unanimous approbation, let it, wit li the honor and independence of tho. fioVn as n e-^-th pi -jgitiue Uiuse claims toconsiilerartou.'j H t n te. Meed not tho^c who would in- - Tuc’re is not one ot the states of this con-j ( j U! . e y 0ll desert, him—and for what? tc lonicy which is^ not interested in presorv- { To degrade you in the eyes of the pooplo of in r the ‘rights ot tho individual states in : fl, e union—^to sacrifice vour rights forever, t , *ir purity—thoy are the strong bulwarks ■ nn(J t0 e | ovato i,j m who possesses none of rai ist tyranny, which will be thefir^tlo be ; |-j, 0 qtutlirios of his noble heart. By the ■ached, by an ambitioLis ruler, and il once j rights which he has so nobly advocated— post rated, will open the wny to the op* bv the interests which ho line so indnfatiga- i ore nominai. prossiou of the people, and [lie destruction ^jy pursued—hy tho ftafotv of your proper- i Rice..—Continue*ill demand ; good frosh il every right, reserved to them. ; ty and lives, and the prosperity of all you poiniclorl readily sells nt <4:1.25. and a lot ot L-t it un bn sau! thnro is in, u,>nes«it.y fi.r j, n M ,|„ ar . vn „ nrP hnundto support him. ! 10 o bnrrols primii, sold at 4i,3l j nirm. I he course ot power is never re*; Fellow-Citizens! Mv tnsk is ended—1 ( IJ. S. Bank 1194 n 120. j'.igado-H must be resisted at the three- yon to reflect on what I have said—11 Kxcii:.ns>^ on England—2* a 3 per cent ink! to he resisted siiccesslully. I lie tunes rnn not. doubt, of the course yon will pursue nrcm . on France—5f. 25c. aru portent ions. The General Govern-, path is pointed out to you no less by ’ m at, forgetful of the rights reserved to the patriotism and justice, than by respect for states and tho people, shows every desire to your own rights, interests and duties, resolve every power which they may choose ’ Charleston* August .29.—Cohort.—The stock remaining on hand, both in Upland and Sea-Island, is very small, and no de mand for it; our quotations in consequence to assume, into the “ General Welfare.”— By construction, the constitution which was bequeathed io ut> has been made to signify any thing or nothing. A powerful party is 1 organised who are engaged to destroy the rights of the individual states, and to re- DXSD, At Charleston on the 27th ult. Francks Augustus CorFi.s, of this plnce. in the 20th year of his age, after a severe illness of24 hours.. lie tins loft a wife and child, and ...... ,, numerous friends and relations to mourn his JbirkV.’publli'hm in tho ti.’nr- „ mimely (1( , nlh , which General Clark has maun _ . . TO TT1F. EDITORS OF Till? GEORGIAN* DOLLARS—that is to say, if the £30,000 prizo should come out. to an odd number, then every odd number in the vclieme will bo entitled to a £ l prize : if the £30 000 prizescould come out to an even number, then all tho even numbers in the scheme will be each entitled to £4. Odd numbers are those ending with 1,3, 5,7, or 9. Even numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6, 9, or 0. August. 16 No. 5, Gibbons’ Buildings. Ola JAMES ANDERSON K < (). H AVE on hand a few bales of WHITE, BLUE, and MIXT PIJVNS AND LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS, . . , . . , Imported last year, which they will sell at This mode oft drawing not on ^y enables . considerable reduction from the prices of _ I' 1 (a ...iinnl.itn tho uihnla . . ‘ Their usual supply of ili BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPT. At XI o’clock, will be sold in fron' , ’ l ie Court-House in this citv, TWO NEGPO FELLOWS, prime field hands. August II CANAL I.OT I I JiY. OF PENNSYLVANIA, EIOIITKENTH CLASS—NEW SCKICS. T O be drawn on.the 7th of Soplpip'ior, ■ 4825, and finished in a few imi.u i s. Sixty Vx Numbers—Nine Ballots to be Drawn. Sc\vfcme. tho Commissioners to complete the whole,, Lottery ill one drawing, but has the great j ’ e « advantage of distributing the small prizes j PLAINS* BLANKETS fy BAOGING, regularly to every alternate number in the : will be received by the first Fall vessel from scheme, so t hat the holder of two tickets or Liverpool, and they will be able to supply two shares of tickets, one odd and one even their friends with Fresh Imported Goods, at number, will be certain of obtaining at least i as low rates as any former importation can one prize, and in-the same ratio for any! be sold for greater quantity. ID7 A ticket drawing a suprrior prize in this scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one also, many tickets, therefore, will necessarily obtain two prizes each. PRICE OF TI RETS* .Tune 24 79 Tn n communication bonded by “ A Friend of General Clark’s,’’published in the Genr gi.i Patriot, duco thorn to potty corporations. To do until in open Court, was his private proper- 1 this, the affections of the people ore to be weaned from the state authorities, party is. to be destroyed - , ol! sects and nil opinions are to amalgamate in support of n splendid government} to oppose which or its acts is tu become treason and disaffection—the acts PORT OS* SAVANNAH. No arrivals since our hist. SAILED, Ship Savannah, Beebe, for Now-Yorlc. ty, which professes u to offer the. ground which will he occupied hy General Clark and his friendsis found tho following remarks: *‘ It is much to ho feared that if the people be indiscreet, enough to re-elect Troup, in »v ifvwwMtw m.ouuva/i. mi me hi* present disrepute, in almost every state . of "iw sUto^govi'riiniunlN "wiiicii iiiioribru of thn Uni '’"’ ,lln wnijrlit. of his unpopularity j Willi tho policy ur iiitanliona of tlm ireiu’inl operato moro than any tbiiiff elso. to p B( , 8c j Mussr8 . fi. Schley, P: M’Dor g’, are brought tho So- brinir about tlio .l.’striielion or that (l ho late tt y Fo |,, v . JJ. Cuuninffhiim. mid Jno. Court of the United Staten, whore < n . l, " lu ) f f™ '■ l'"'-}' ^ Moore. [The S. went to aoi on Monday.] Wynn, arn retained to show thoir uncoil- with so muHi aif.'c.Hon." Hence it must he , L Ititiitioiiality, uud from this there is noap- "’ ,1 ” aro an inns for the: Ur. nhip Harp, of 500 tone, from Li peal—a decision of course follows, am! I lint tiilfilmunt ol that treaty, are dotards—nnd - - - ' - • ' - - dacis* .in ia cortain’y on tlie eidn of powet ; G’oreiane must, not presme to electa under the namu of Rules of Court, state Chief Magistrate, without, cnnsnlting “ al- lnv8 are rendered void by Di»lriul uud Cir- ""«l nvnrv stnto in tho Union,” for the four cait Courts of the U.'S. i the moat alarm- ,l "‘ t tllfi Gnvornnient may beim- lng doctrines are advanced, to prepare the j" sl 4° ns—mnv not bn most graciously pleaa- iv iy for the supremacy of tlio general gov- 0,1 *" fulfil her engagements with this suite. • . .. ' it appears at last., that sniun of General ermueiit—and a host of servile presses eiund ready to support every measure of tv- ( ' !ar!< *« frauds openly avow their reliance fanny or misrule on its part, or to cry for Ins success, to be upon “foreign iniiu- treason and disunion when a state makes cnee.” an effort to disenthrall itself from the web The writer fearing it may be believed thrown round it. Look nt these things that his party think otherwise, says : “Let with impartial eyes, in connexion with the it he understood, that we do not doubt the treatment ol this state from the agents of power of the United States to annul this! th * government, and from the government treaty.” Truly, sirs, such opinions carry J itself, and say whether tlio prerogative ol their own commentary. If Troup is re-elect-. tout government has “not increased, nd, the treaty, say the C'arkites.. will he U not increasing, and ought not to bo destroyed, lie is unpopular in tho other diiii.iiished.” Rest assured, if not arrested, states, (nml no doubt with the Ohio and this assumption of power will involve all Now-Jersey Legislatures)—the government t..e states within its vortex. have the power to annul the treaty, but let Fellow-Citizens \ We ask but your do- us soothe the slates by abandoning the man lihorate uud best judgment, without favor who lias dared to stop forward nml in firm ! • uirselvos—-fear towards the overpower- la nguage demand what all of ns acknovvl- iiv; \yo ght of tho General government, or edge to be due to Georgia. Let. us show uiiVtiun to a»i"ht save the chartered rights ourselves unworthy of him, and elect Clark, anil liberties nt onr country. who will place Troup in bold relief, and Pinpte. the South!—To you we appeal then forsooth, we may obtain that through witli confidence—our cause is yours—the meanness and condescension, which had evil which has rendered us obnoxious to onr been denied upon the ground of right. To brethren is shared by yourselves to the what have we come, when such thoughts extent—your property as well as ours is at are openly uttered by Georgians? .Biak•.*—your fives are endangered from the verpool for St.’ Johns. N. B. was lost on Libby’s Island, near Mnchias Bay, 5th ult. —crew and cargo saved. ARRIVED KtlOM THIS TORT, At. Liverpool, July 16 ships Olive-Branch, Harding ; Halcyon. Wooster; Tamerlane, Johnson ; and brig New Hampshire, Snow. At Charleston, Aug. 29, ship Fallas,Pike, 2 duya. UP FOn THIS PORT, At Provideuce, Aug IB, schr. Esther, Ward well. PRESEN' Wholes $5, Halves 50, Quarters $1 25. All orders promptly utteuded to, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. August 30 ft tt. is. l.ondon VoYter, Uotton ttaggtng, &e 1 Prize of 25,0 ; )0 IKlbfffsis *25.000 1 1? 500 12 5' 0. 1 5 660 5 060. 1 5.000 5,000. 10 1,000 10,000. 20 500 ' 10. '00 SO 200 10 000. 57 100 !. >10. I>4 50 5 700. 28.5 20 5,7.,a. ’596 10 15.9-0. 14 64 5 7I 320. 11-500 Prizes, 7 29760 Blanks,} \ g PS. r 40 45760 Tickets at £4 g: 83,1,40. In this Scheme with nine drawn ballot!* there will be. 84 prizes with three mimberson them, 2 052 with two number* on them a;»d. 14. '64 with one number on them Those i ckfta having none of the d?av n bldlo’.B Qll them being bluuka. LANDING, P F, R BRIG ATLAS, A 41 BARRELS and 20 Half Barrels z Jt v* New No*. 2, Mnckarel 50 Barrels New No. 3, do. And in Store, 10 Pipep Holland Gin, 1st and 3d proof 10 Pipes Seignette’s Brandy 5 Hogsheads Old Jamnica Rum 100 Barrels Northern Gin 20 Kegs Gushcii Butter • 50 Kegs Lard 25 Bugs St. Domingo Coffee 20 Kegs 6d, Bd, 10d Brads 100 Kegs No. 1 and 2, Tobacco 10 do Cavendish do 100 Barrels Pilot Brood Wrapping and Writing Paper Tumblers in cases, Negro Pipes Cotton Cards No. 10 ALSO. 6 Bnl Bleached Shirtings and 2 Bales Oznaburgs For sale hy COHEN & MILLER. August 30 07p A FEW casks, containing eight and a half dozen each of London Porter, im ported in the ship Georgia, on 28th June last, are yet on hand and for sale; also, Cottun Ragging, errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, and a variety of PeasoiL’.ble Drv Goods, Apply to ANDREW LOW & CO. July 16 T To Rent, That convenient two story DWELLING HOUSE in Dry- :iu*Street, Rcynolds-Square, at present occupied by Mrs. Carson. Possesaiou to he given thp 10th October. ARCH. SMITH. Attorney for Mrs. J. Bourke. Sept 1 ORri. Notice. D URING my absence from Savannah, Mr. James G. Blois, and Mr. John Launhnan, uru iny authorised agents. Sent 1 P. M’DERMOTT. Bum** cause—among some of you, has been too fatally felt the consequences of the in* tyrterence of which we complain—we there fore look to you with assurance of yiTur support and| approbation. If ever a time existed which demanded a uni‘.ed, a vigor BOARD OF HEALTH. Savannah, August 31, 1825. The Board is happy in being enabled to state, that the slight cases of rover alluded to in tho report of last week, have disap- anil u n com promising attitude on our j poured, and that the city is in the actual part, that time is the present. It is evident' enjoyment of a greater degree of health, ® rwfn l ' le course pursued by the statesmen than ever known at this season of the year. ' 4 *' * By order of the. Board* I. K. TEFFT, Snn’ry. and (anstius ot the north, that there is not tune to temporise—soonor or later the time ., coinotli, and it is our duty to our families SextonU Report for the week ending the 30th an' 1 "—-:." - - ’ - ' August. White Pine Lumber. AAA FEET Northern White UU Pine Boards and Plank, of a superior quality, for sale by WATTS dt'SMETS. Sept. 1 0«p Albany Beer*. 2 ,-r BARRELS First Quality Albany •t Baer, tor sain by Snip I CALVIN BAKER. * nu 10 posterity, to resist, at the outset, all interference direct or indirect, for we can not repeat too often that they are the same Hj, lf con8n( l u, ' m ’ e 3. Let us confederate ' ;t 1,8 form asHociutions to protect our i!,'itB—“ peaceably if we can, forcibly if « must”—let us tell those who are pur- ! m ‘g a course ho much at war with our d(fil l .L n ^ r P°“ ce an ‘J happiness, that they 1 their peril, and will be responsible for evn C0 ?? r 7J l,c,lces * shall we avert tho i hangs so portentiously over our ads, and do the best service to our coun- *.{’ 7 porpotuating that union which is or il j • w . itl ‘ ^wincmbermont by the acts « n d thep H ('w ni 7i'g nora,lt "f lhc Sw « of Georgia /—The “ le wlinle Union are bontupou you .* “) lf( |a8 inlerosl—tlier witnnos the ,n,l.:r.? X18tin B “ mon lf yuu, .11(1 ank but for “S m “ k . e “I* an °P> u ' on —ib<l Died of obstruction of the bowols 1, aged 02 yoars. RECAPITULATION. "Deaths in the city of Savannah, during the month of August, 1825. August 5 John Murray, Bilious Fnver, aged 35 years. 6.—Charles Bois, convulsions, 5 weeks. 12. —Thomas Tliiss, worm fever, 6 yoars. 13. —Ann Winkler, child-bed, 19 yours. 15 Herman Clark, consumption of the lungs. Hannah M’Allister, infl.mation of tho liver, 60 years. III.—John Bowland, intemperance, 43 years. 20—Hugh Hayden, remittent fever, 20 years. 21.—Benj. Harvey. Dysentery, 64 years. 23 —Antonio Domingo, Bilious Fever, 45 years. 27.—Isabella S. Fotheringhsm, obstruc- opinion formed understandingly must tion of the bowels, 62 years.—Total It HE subsrriber offers for sale 100.000 feet of NORTHERN LUiMBBR|be iug the entire cargo of the schooner Olive, consisting of Clear and Merchantable Boards One and a half, one and three-quarters and nnd two inch Plank. Tins lumber is ail of the best quality, and has been carefully selected for this market, and will be sold low if taken from the wharf. ISAAC W. MORELL. August 30 07 FRESH Drugs and Medicines. J UST rcccivod per shin Snvnnnnh, nn additional supply of FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES, such as— Calomel, Sifphate Quinine Pulverized Ipic&cunuah •Pulverized Colombo, White Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Caic’d Magnesia Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb Hair Powder, &c. ALSO, IN STORE, 500 Bottle? Castor Oil, cold pressed, vory superior 500 do do do do 2d quality 300 do do low priced for plan tation U*JP 30 Barrels Glauber Salts 10 do Green Copperas 20 Half Barrels and Kegs do 3 Barrels English Refined Epsom Salts, &c. All of which will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit. 1C? North Carolina Bills ta ken at par, and Darien Bills at a small dis count. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. August 27 Coffee, Bagging, JPhiskey an Molasses. 1 ft| BAGS CpFFEE lUl 400 Pieces 42 inch Baltic Hemp Bagging 300 Bbls Philadelphia Rye Whis key and 20 Hogsheads Prime Retailing Molasses For sale by ELIAS REED. August *24 04l A CARD. T HE subacriber. ailuiittod to practico in the several Courts of Law and Equity n this Stale, offers to tho public his pro fessional services in the Courts of Ilibh, I Henry, | Janet, | Crawford, Monrot, I Jatper, | Twiggt, , Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga-l July 7 84 in UounciV, Aug. 1ft, lft c i5 O RDERED, that an election be held at the Court-House, on the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER NEXT; for fourteen Ai uERMEN, to represent the city of Savannah in Council. The City Sheriff, with one or more Constables, are required to attend and preserve order. The City Treasurer is required to attend with his Digest, to carry into effect i be Act of the General Assembly—passed 20th December, 1819, “entitled an Act, more particularly to define the qualifications of voters for Al dermen of the city of Savannah.” Extract from the Minutes* A ugust 23 M. M YERS.C. C. TO PLANTERS. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING made a considerable purchase of last season’s imported PLAINS, which they offer tor sale at the last year's prises* for cash or drafts on their factors, payable any time before the 1st of April next; which must be, at least, 20 to 25 per cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation can be sold at. W. & H. ROSE. Savannah, 7th June, 1825. The Darien Gazette will insert the above until the first of October, and send the bill to this office. U4i2iiSM>Yiiilj» James Anderson <Sf Co. H AVE removed to the middle tenement Young’s Buildings, where they offer tor sale a large and general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals rroin Liver pool and Nexv-York. Juno 24 79 Notice, T HE Honorable the Justicen of the In ferior Court of Chatham County, will meet at tho Court-House on MONDAY, the 5th September, for ordinary purposes. SAM’L. M. BOND, V. C. O. C. C. August 30 tt.ftM.VJV A Yi. T HE subscribers have removed to John ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stock. W. & H. ROSE. April 5 10 IT The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Millcdgcville, will give the aboOe four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this nflice. Canal Flour, L-ird and Hams. L ANDING from ship Augusta and brig Pheasant, 50 Kegs Lard 25 Barrels Canal Flour A few bbls. Virginia Hams, in bags irbiale by n n riOi^'.vm n a, i'i July 30 Notice. A LL persons are cautioned against pur chasing any personal property balong- 1 o deteim nc th» file of sll the tickets in ihe shove lottery 66 -umbers, from one to 66 inclusive, will scverslb be pieced in a wheel on the day nf drawing, and n nc of them will be drawn, and the. ticke 1 Imrii g on t as a combination, tho 1st, 2d and iliir.i a,em bers drawn, will be entitled tn $ S,000 That having-on it the 4i h 5th aid 6:1, will be entitled tn gl2 500. That having on it 'lie 6th, 8ih am’ s).h. v/ili be entitled to g*,660. That having on ,t the 7th, 8.b nnd 9!b will be entitled to 5,000. Th««t IO «n tl.»<n tk. 4»h,rthand9tf 4*1.,8th and 9 5>h f»th and 71 5th,6th and 8 i h,6th and 9 1 'th,7th an< 8- V .7!»tr «9! S'h,8th »n.* 9' 6u»,7ili and 8lh 7'L »i-t- 9tb g maw. Tho-e having on them* 3d, 4th and 7P 3.1, 6th and 7i)i 4 '<5 'h ftp-’ 8 h 3d,4ih and 8*h VI, 6th ini fii'i 4 h,5tn xr.d 9»h 3i : ,4'hand9 - V.t, 6th a.'d 9;h;, nnd 7u» 3d, 5th and tt i ,M # 7 h a .d 8t<‘« 4«h,6ih and b*h 3d, 5th and 7t h Id. 7M ftiui 9t' 4lh,6 h r.nd ■ n 3d, 5 h and 8 *d. 8m .»n 19«1* 4th,7 li m.iI 8ih 3d, 5th and 9vl. Itl ,5th *nd 9ti. each ^5 iJ. AU otheis, (being 30 Uchcls) h«*vini: th r ce f the drawn numbers on them wdi :.e entitled to g200. T he 57 tidetts having on them t^o of t'»e d;awn number* and two, the 2d and 3d, will esfth be entitled Io 55100. The 114 tickafti having on them the and 4*h or 4th and St’* drawn numbers only#, will each be entitled to &50. The 285 tickets having two of the df’.wn number* on, and those two the 5th mid •»: or the 6th and 7<h, or the 7th and 8 *>, or uie 7th and 9.h,or the 8th «• d 9 J», eoc!< All othcra (bring 15961 cketa) hKvmg two of »he drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to $10. And those having on them any me of ’.he d’awn numbers,(benig >4,364 tick' 1596 for each drawn number.,) will e»* . r< he n ti tled to 555. No ticket which ihall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can i>e c-ntakU to »n inferior prise Prizes payable thi’ iy ,;..ys after the drawing, and subject, as / iu a djdnction A 15 per cent* Philadelphia, June 23, 1825, 3 : 1 Whole Ticket. : t s : : Huives : : : : : : : Quarters :::::: Orders received by W ROBERTSON, August 25 Georgian Oflinc. Lard, 1 nn PRIME LARD, landing IVV from whip Savannah, and f«>»- sale by August 25 C. C. GRISWOLD 4 CO. Notice. D URING my absence from the city Mr-/ Robert Hubcrsham will act ns mv at- ■ torncy. August 20 M. H. M’ALLISTER. 03l Wanted, A GOOD SECOND HAND SULKEY, Apply immediately to the editors. August 11 99 Notice, i\f R. ANDREW SMITH is outliorized ivi to act for me during my absence. August 9 JOHN HERNANDEZ. 9ffi. iug to Mary Leb«y tod children August 87 06p Notice. D URING the absenco of the . ibscriher v Air. Ei.ns Ri.xn, und Mr Wm. J, Rick, are his authorised agents. JON. MEIGS. August 1} SOOuf