Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 20, 1825, Image 4

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    w m
Comrauniodtlont. poll Pkii, and owl«t, ftor,
any part of tbe world, will reseire immediate
attention, • '
Upr I'rinted directiuna accompany the
, " 0ine ' WM.8WAIM,
No 13, South Ninth Street, opposite th,
University of Hennijljanta.
Philadelphia, February, 183J.
The subscribe™ hnva juat received a ftesh
, nupnly of the above VALUABLE MBBI-
,v - .™ eeoeasive use CINE,and have made auclt nrrnngemonts
mhos* (31) twenty ono 'and (3-) wenty J gf u afeur y ( g,c he.—It^es also been lound I with the inventor,Mr. Wm. Swann, ae will
o Jack toe ward Orleans square levied J* | U aeful in Diacaiea of the Liver. enable thein to offer to the'public a pure
ofKieaa. Early under a ft ta. in) ml disorders arWtaf,Srom an Impure or | ani unadulterated article. Druggists and
Sheriff ’s Sale.
O* theJret‘fruudag in September neat.
W ILL bo told before Hie Court House ,n
the City if Savannah, between the
hoe re of IS and 4 o’clock,
noara w »» 7 w w j . p i n shea ultecttcni • lining uicrciro-n,
AW those two lot* and lfn r th ® Larynx. Nodes, &o% iad that
eityofiaxoiuialr'ttnofrn In f»l»n o f»ftdcUTj* I eR se ooetttonedbyalong and
■ i />)1\ itaaiiftr nnoSnd ( 4a] iWllHY i r aa^...._. II nmm mi
T HIS medieino ia offered aa a remedy for
Scrofula, King’* BvH, Ulcerated Sore
Throat, long standing Rheumatio^ Affec
tions, Cutanaotm Ditease*, White Swelling
and Diaeaaei of the Bone*, end all eaaei
generally of an ulceroua character, and
Chronie dia-aaea, arising In dcbllitatedxoostl
lutiona, but more especially fur Syphilis, or
nflection, arising therefrom, Ulcere of the
1 ' • ' that dreadful dta
two Jack-
f.vor of AaKu Scudder , .. I contaminated state of the ll/saiA it will b< I others who purchase to sell again,ten have
AH thatrlght ‘‘'> e * nd *”‘1°'* n v , d *a found a powerful and an effectual remedy.- it at the 0 P ri ginaI price eatabli.hed by the
{Stianscusti sfy ssusmss ssa*xs «-#- P“rr
pwstsas-sTjassssr ~tes* isi ^
“ An urd vldod moiety of a petto n or part of ot t, awt ; er , be euppoaed, that this to those interested, by applying as above,
all that it t of land in the city of f * v »" n,h p MAC rf will invariably eure-the meet ea- June 88
known by the numbers OO eeven Carpenters , cemed (ni . l , (cine ^ emp fe ye< | b y the Faculty,
Tytliing Dteker ward, the said port,on or ^ - .j m , he yery dneasea for which
part containing thirtysix (J®). ft f*. ‘J 1 they arc considered specifics t but if the use of
and ninety feel J£* it be per.evered in, it will rad,rally remose .1-
Ay Bty lane, eait by land of Joatali Lswrencc, 1I1I)It ‘ every ctuiejof the disorder* ipecifi.d,
.noth by Bryan street nndweet by lot no. all 1 -rhodaanda are lingering under those com-
(6) levied on as the property ol John “ plaints, in aomefot m, sinking to the g ave,
via under an execution il fevuur of Mark I w . (hou( a renle( i v , whom this medicine would
Hoag. , ,,, | ih.rf. I certainly restore to perfect health and vigour.
All that garden lot, no. one ylI Its safety and innocence have been tully ttai-
atreet being Ute half of lot no- (S r J fifty seven I . ^ that it may be ^ministered to the ten-
bounded wen by lot no. (38) tuty eigh. end Jetelt - |n| - trt T h e moat distinguished physi
os the eaat by the other half of aeid lot levied 1 ejanf - ln , he Ullitcd state* recommend it, and
pn as the property of Lemout Willmras under | ^ tfcM a more im p 0 rUut discovery in me
an execution in fcyor of Dreaaer and Lereed-1 dicl| , ciencB h>1 pot been made r and l<> use
Forty five shares of stean boatstook, levied I t||e | an( . ll8( . e 0 f „ nP of the most eminent Pn»
on as the property of 1 humaa Wright under * f Bge i( (t a „ iu „.p h ,/,« healing
two execution*, in Ikvor of Joltr.tion, Hill* l - - - ’ - —-
A oo. sad Sami. Hale. , D , LyONto . c .
Aug 8 98
art. To the present a: <1 rising gr. net*'ions,
llie.bentfit mutt prove incalculable, nut only
by saving many many valuable lives, but mv
A certain Eutl Imlia Curefor the Rheu-
malism, King't Evil, SfC.
Extroct of a let'er from the Rev. James E
lisli, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F Bedwe
Dus f rn
A GREF, ABLY to yonr requeot, T have wit!
dilfi.-ultv procured and now send you br
ibe ship Jhs >i. C»pt. Robinson, a few pound-
of the Pol, d.-’.obis, or what generally gees
by the name rf India Extinct, a Medicineut,
iveranllv esteemed am-mg the people of Indijo
ta a ce-tain cure for the Rheumatism. W |,
TTe*A\\r^ ?
March, 14, 1825.5
W HEREAS on th* 3d or March, 181 J, e
law wa* passed by the Cnngrcaa of the
United Statu, of which the 3d, 4th, end Stb
sections are in the words following, vix i
“ Sec. 3. And he U farther enacted, That a
auhaeriptionro the amount of twelve millons
'uf dollars, of the six per cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the tame is hereby proposed i for which pur-
pose book, shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United 8tatea, and at th-; several loan offi
cet, on the first day of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereafter,
for such parte of the shore mentioned de
scription of stock (9 shall, on the day of sub
scription, stand on tho book* of the Treasury,
and on those of the several'loan offices, re
speelively; which subaeriptton shall be effect-
ed by* transfer to tbe United -States, in the
manner provided by law for such ttant.fers,ol
the credit or credits standing on the said
booki, and by a aurrender of the certificates
of tbe atock So subscribed : Provided, That
all aubscriplion by such transfer of stock shall
be cnisidei cd aa part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by
the first accti nef his ac.
>’ gee. 4, And be It further enacted, That for
the whole or any ptrt of any Burn which ahall
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
tbe respective subscriber*, whu eliall be enli-
(led tn a certificate ur certificates purporting
that the United Stales owe to the hol ler or
holders thereof, his, her, or their assigns, a
sure to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal slock tliussu"-scribed,
bearing an interest n it exceeding four and
ope half per contmn per annum, payable
City Sheriff’s Sale.
On the fir A Tuetday in September next,
tfSlLL oe su.d Ui4bu viou-1 House in the
\3Jy eitv of Birannah, batweeu the hours
ot 10 and 4 o’clock-
All the let of lead aVu.ted. lying end being
in the city of Ssrsnnah, ku.vyn in the plan ot
•id 1 it No. two 3, L'meriy Ward con
parting strength end soundness In thbiiilaed I j , 0 ; n f nr , n you „f the number of people wlj
and cermpted consritutioii*,—thereby prettrv I , lfp ,1/,^, re’ieved soil cured by this valuable
inr their tjepring from hereditary d.ieaiei. ged.oine, it wou H require more p iper thin
Vegetable Catholicon.
naHB tubacrib, t reap-ujlfully toliciia the at
iT teation of every friend of suffering nu
inanity, to 10 the above new and invaluable
remedy, xrhote unequal power* in eliminating
from tbe system the very seed* of disease,
end hi restoring tbe deranged end morbid
condition of the organs olld'e to e fee end
healthy exereise oftbeir functions, has exci
ted tbe eitnniahment, end completely eihsn
ced the objections of the most incredulous—
Facte are the beet argumente. In order to pul
the virtues of tue Uatholicon to es severe *
scrutiny si possible, it wes offered by edrer-
tisement,together with the attendance of*
physician, gratuitously to eny person whu
would apply fur it, and whose cause might
seem t" come within the range of ita healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long atnrd.
ing.andeome of them seemingly de,pmte
ones, pre-ented themselves, all ef which have
been cured, orao much relieved ns to warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance will do
so. In fact, auclt lathe confidence ufthephysi
ciau under whose care these patients were
placed, in this remedy, e confidence result,
im- from the irresistible conviction that bus
been forced upon bis mind by ocular demon-
si ration, and a personal trial of it on huTiiell
that lie pci mils me to declare it as his drei
dtd opinion, that the Csiholicon is not only
perfectly aafe and innocent, but a most puw.
crlulaod invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and statea of tbe aj stem, such at i he fot
Debility resulting from intemperance and
. . .. * W-1A W? . a*. TTI
could wirii to he. With my thauL, am you,
obliged bumble servant, tfc. m
City of Philadelphia, oe.
George Kane, of the District of Sooth,
airk, personally appeared, and, being d,,|,
sworn, doth decisre and say that the aboy.
Statement is in ell reapeeti correct aod n„,
and that the eigneture to it iaia tire h* U d!
writing of this deponent.
The** facts, tngeili-.f with ibe nmneroua cures
made, form irreeiiblcpreyf of the hi|;h value
ol this remedy. No one, however, iatd. ecu
io take it, without first fully convinotng lom-
aelfof the truth ofwlia. 11 here ustea, and
the rectitude of ihe Pr> p.-ietor 1 * intentioni.
The cu.res performed in this city alone, es
tsblish its superior virtue ob a baais too solid
mining*) feet front tod 90 feet deep, togetli-1, 0 L, e .fleeted by the mulignity of the envious,
er with *11 the buildings and impi'ovemauts I j, , wor thy of remark, that the greater part
thereon, boundedeest by lot No. one l, west y „f the patients who have been permanently
lot No, three 3, north by Brooghton it. R soutb I curedl had, previous to the proprietor's un-
hy suae, let,ed oh eethe property of thees I dertsxing them, received the ubieit s.sistance
tat* of Thomas Lucens, dec. to satisfy an e»- I ln u several were abandoned by the r Pltyei
eeutton fromthe Court of Common Pleas end I cisn>i beyond the reach of l.omaii
Oyer end Terminer for the city of Stvanusu. I lttu ] Swhiethe f'Ct and eo-extraordinary
vfe, H. Wsilsiid Eixsbeth Ilia wife vs. S U
Bond administrator, C. T A. of 1 h imas Ln.
ceua. A. 1 D’LYi.N.c s
Any 8
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the fint Tuesday tn October next.
rfOlLu be au -I »i the Oouit House,tn tbe
town of jefferaon, Camrien County,
belwe n the leg 1 *, hour* of sale,
A tract of lend, situate on Walker Swamp
in Camden County, containing sevenhundred
end fifty seres, more or less, with the improve-
m< nts thereon,—and fire negtor a via. Aa-oo,
8ilv ! a, Rise, Stephen and Pompey, levied o.
es the property of John Hardie, uncer aun
dri executions, in favor of the State of Geor-
J ia, against Joeeph Crews Tax C dlector, and
nhn Harder end Edward Sbe jiman, aeoun
tie*—property pointed out by John Hardie.
were many of rAe c -sss, that an exlab 'ion was
made of .hem in the Univerel y of Petuny V.n
ia, by the P-oJ'eeior of Surger , b forc a c'owd
ed uudieucc of xtudento who pi onounced.ihein
wondert in the heating art. It as teen intro*
iuced into the Ptt'.adclpltia Alnta Hoost- ar.d
Pennsylvania and New-Yurk Hoapitai, ami
such were its surprising effect*— its r.ucccs
after all other medicines had faded, tha! the
Surgeon of the Pennsylvoni«,Hopital, Dr.Wn,
Puce, was induced to abandon his highly
respectable oflic , from the laudable deiign
of Uenefittoig ms fellow cresturet, by curry
■ng the Panacea to England ; whet s it has a! -
ready superseded the use of ibe genuine
French Rob of Lafacteur in a number of in*
1 am able tn pnrnlia-e m d inure lime lha.l
cm able to bestow. Indeed, the i fleet of tils
’Jedicin- is an immtdiate, that in liheumttian
you woo'd suppose it scied vs a cha in ngiV
■ng relief sml r *m tving 'h t painful diveaap
1*1 the King's Evil it has been u«£-d with greai
ruccess, and ivlie e Mercury has been given
nr used to esc: ss, this Med-dne has proved s
perfect cure. 'The greet difficulty, however,
il procuring tin- K:,tract, will for many years
to come, prevent its geneml circulation, it be-
ng ohtaineifr-rm s Shnib growing on th
mountains of Thibet, in tbu Empire
of lndiv, and held so sacred by the ns'.ives
that to part with It ia like palling whh their
letter m Dr RodweM, dated Jan. 7, I8J3
Dear Doctor— $ave '.een v nleut y all'vntc:
with s R .u o'Uiccumplsin' f r many years,
even m;> fingers were so contracted.that I
cou.d neiliier dress ur nndress myveif, or give
the least assislnnr.e to or fa niiy—I have used
only one t ox of the lt d r Esirant, S ’d 1 nut
ocrfecily restored, Youi’s truly,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Strwn d ol St
Tlmmsa* Mcsptal. London, Feb 1, 18r3
Dear Sir—\ iliinh il my duty t" inform you,
the! after trying every thing (hat ouuid be
pointed nut by the moat respectable physi-
stun. ..inrea.iSU F,,r lhf> Pnllftf flf TTIV 801),
quarterly, fruin the thirty-first day of Decern-1 dissipation t Old ami mvclerXt, Uicers. Pams
her,one thouaanil eight hundred and twenty in the bone* attended with swell,ngs ol the
five / tranafenble in the same uaiiner as i< join's i Indigeation, Blotches on the face,
provid- d by Itw for the transfer of ihe stock I pimple', 6tc. t All complaints ot the Liver ■,
subscribed, and subject to itdemplioii lit the Tel.- r.- Yaws l Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
pie,sure of tile United States, as follow*: one I generally t Mercurial and acroluloua corn-
half at any time af'er the thirty-first day of plaints
December, one thousand eight hundred and I The Catholicon (which the propvieter sol-
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any timf emtily pledges his word consiats exclusively
after the thirty-first day of December, out I of vegetable matte,) with the exception ol “
tboueaud ciglit hundred and twenty-nine : I sliglit determi tation to the bowela, winch it
Provided, That no reimbursement ahall be I preserves in a soluble stale, arts insensibly, i»
made exceot tor the whole amount of such I pleasant tn the taste, and requires it . parueu-
new certificate / nor until after at least six .ar regimen, (ebsiinence from Spirtumis li-
months public notice of such intended reim- quors always excepted.) or confim-ment. Ac
onreernent And it shall be the duty of the a gentle, safe snd agreeable cathartic roed,
ecretar; of the Treasury to enu re to be iraoa- cme, improving the appetite end res --ring the
-. — — ■ t( , ne 0 f ■
ferred to the respective subscribers the sever
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the certificates of four »ml one half pet
cent, stock issued lo them respectively*
" Sec, 5. .dud be il further enacted, That
he haute funds which have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of the i'.urest, and for the redemption and
•bmburscmenl of the slock which may be re-
e m’d or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions uf tills act, remain pledged in like
manner for Ihe psvmuntof the interest accru
ing on the stock created by reason of iuoli
.subncrip'ion, and fur the redeirjplron or reim
bursement of the princip-i of the same. Aod
it shall ho the duty 11," tile cominiraioners ot the
king fund to cause to be applied and paid,
out of the said fun- 1 , yeariy and eve-y year,
such sum and Sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the inle'esl uecmiug on the
stock which may he created bv virtue of this
act The said commissioners art, also, here-
gcncrul tone of the sy stem, it is confidently
recommended to iadies in a delicate situa
tion. W W. POTTER,
68 Chesout-atteet.
Philadelphia, 3lay 31, 1834.
At the request of Mr. W. W Potter, 1 have
lately exhibited, in several instances, s medt
cnled simp, called Peter's Vegetable Catho.
licou, witli the most decided advantage. I
lias, as v et, never failed effecting t cure in
eery case in which I have thougnt proper t.
employ it. II. M’MUUTIiUS, M D.
Phi adelphia, July 28th, 1834.
Mr, W W. Potter,
Dear sir—You expressed a wish that 1
would give a concise statement of my suffer
ings. from' the hopeless commencement, to
ihe present ptiipilious stage uf my disease.'
About-fivc years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during thp month of January, from
. JOH*t BINNS, Alderrasa,
Philadeiphia, May 38,1834-
The Vegetable Oathalicon is pecui'.rh
adapted to those diseases which are prevalelu
among the coloured population or the eoulli-
In that disease which is called yaws, it
sure remedy i a Engle trial of it, will convince
S tanton of it* superior efficacy to any rone,
yof a similar nature in tbe United atatca-
The advantages or tbit medicine arc, not
confining the patient unnecessarily i 0 t i,.
house, or keeping him from bis business
With one solitary exception, that of cpiriiu.
ous liquors, it does Hot lay any restriction,
his appetite It iaao gentle m ,t s „p era ?,„„
that the patient finds IMtueclf pelting well lie
cannot tell how. As it is nut ihe *;,h „f t |,g
proprietor to take any thing lot which h e
cannot give a consideration equal | n , d „.
persons at a distance who may wi,h to try
his medicine, but who are not certain il it
be epplicoble to their complaint, are request,
ed to describe their esse and symptoms in
a letter, post-paid, and directed tu him—this
letter will be burned,ulrly placed in hsnoi
fully competent to decide the question.-
Sltould the remedy nut suem to suit the dis
ease, they will he frankly told as.
TO prevent disappoiutm-nl it is well to
stute that it taxes in ordinary cases fioin 3 to
5 bottles to eft'ect a cure
are labouring under auv scr.ouo infirmity,
must moke up their mind lo persevere in that
exl (.Ill at least—if ihvy du nut, they might si
well s-sve themselves the trouts,* and expense
f usings smaller quantity.
AU ortle t pell-paid and enclosing the man-y,
immediately nUeudc.ii to, sub llm niediritie
paahed and delivered with directions for use,
towny place in the city, and turwarded as di- d
N. U. To prevent Ihe pnssi bility of oil im.
position, it will be sul-i in tbe city oi'dl-.ilsdel*
.this, at tire office in Filth near Ract-Sir. tt
oral the dwelling of Ibe ptopri-tnr, No. ti
Unesnut at reel, only, and sbruad by Ini au
thorised agents. W. W FOT'I Klf,
66 Citesnat Sheet, Pluladeipfiltr
, It impkvta vi _
gour to tbe whole system while the cure |> I ner places, and he is in perfect health. Up
going on—an operation to long l eked for in j wsrd , „f 8 ; x ty respectable persons have col
Also a ,-o.S nf linil lying In Damdco Coup* ■ i — — . , . . | — — ■
hr comaining two hundred end ninety ecres, I' he child, this re the only remedy upon which I her 0 f i0 eiety, and a burthen to hi msclf.
more o- ieseTend the improvement* thereon, I * «ng e hope of recovery Can be re*aoimb-y my utter „t 0 ni.hment the relief was in
levied on aa the property ofZichsrtah Ro- founded t there has bean no instance of ita I tanrous, md by peraeverlng tn the use of the
h^t, under an execution in fa. >r of Thom*, failure, where propely ueed It imparts vs Extract, hi* joints have returned totheirpro
H. Miller for the u«e of And-ew Low cf Co.
orupe rty poioted out by the d rfendent
G, W.THOMAS, » •• o c.
Sept 3 09
Sheriff’s >ule.
On the first Tuesday in September next,
TV WflLn be aoid in fr* u. of tue court-house
VM in Bryan County, .between the usual
hours- -.1 sale,
A tract of Land in aaid county, known bv
the name of ‘Palermo,’ containing eight hun-
di ed acres, mure ir lea,, bounded N B by’s lands, 8 W by s Salt marsh, other
boundaries not known—levied upon as the
property ol K-T Kraung.tojslisfy an exe
cutioii in 'svor of the administrators of Btmj.
StUes, deceased
TH08. HARN, «• ».
August 2 9 -A
Sheriff 3 Males.
O t the first lumrvidy sfter the first Tuesday
i October next,will be sold at the Market
House in tbe t »wn ™ 9t. Mary's between
usual hours, fifty acres of land, together with
the improvements thereon, lyi.ig and beinc
in the County of Camien, on the Poat Road . „
leading from Jefferson to 8t. Marys, levied | terate ulcers, which having previously resist*
ou ss the property of H A NumSi to satisfy I e d the regular inode* of trhtttmenty were
sundry executions in favo of Eaekict Weeks. I healed by the use of Mr. Swvitn’s Panacea
Property levied on and turned over to me by | and 1 do believe, from what I have seen.
vain by the medical world \ at Vue wmc time
tbe patient is emib ed to take nourishing food
whit'd) under the common modes of practic<
is usually u ithheld from the sufferer. In ma
ny instances whern the horrible ravage* of ui~
ceraiion had laid bare ligament and bone, and
where, to all appearance, no human means hut
amputation could have saved iite t in case*
extreme even aa here described, have pa
tients been snatched from the gtave and re
stored to good health, and the devouring dis-
• ase completely ersdioaied The discovery qf
a remedy like this now offered for stile, has
been a ilisiilevatumfrom time immemorial)
The Proprietor doeB no. up, ose his bare
assertion will convince: ne wiii therefore give
reference* to such as have been cured, and
those and r bis cure among whom are many
highly reipec'acle cilizes. that shall satisfy the
most incredulous of its superior ctKcacy m the
disorde r for which it is here recommen Vd.
Every member of soc e y uhouldaid in diffus
ing in. rmAlion «»f this discovery—human
ity alone makes it a da y
“I have within the iuai two years had an op
portunity of seeing leve al cases of very inve
led i • s?.: my son, as all who knew him though'
it imons- hl rl'st hr e -v ’ v-envar.
Druggist, whore additional certificates of]
the efficacy of the above medicine uiuy be
May 20
Geoigia— amden County.
SftTWcIWiiRAS Alexander Atkinr.ori, Ad
\#y st btor on the Estate of John Atk to
•on, deceased, applies to the Court o? O dtn
".rv of said County, for letters dltmiSTory on
A'.'id ekV»/.te : Thcs • are, th^r.-.f »re, to c te u d
.dmonish all ard singular, ttie heirs -nd sred
iiofs of said deceffif Od, to fi e * heir obj^
(if any they have) in my cflice, on o. b fo p
the fir.t Monday in January next, or letter.
w»'l he granted to the applicant.
-—i Witness the Hon William Gibson,
h ti jT one of ihe Justices of said Court,
——J tins 25 h Jinu 18 J .S
JOiilN BAILEY, c. c. o. c- c
June 30 82
I have appointed GEORGE UYE ISON,
Uruggibt, of Savannah, rnv sole agent. Uiug*
gists wanting the above valuable medicine,
wilt bo supplied by him for cash, at the ssim
r,A*, as if ordered direct from me—viz. £i)0
per d- ten, or three dollar? a single boule,
W. \\. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the subset ihet
will he furnished wills cevlififlptcs of the effi*
Cttcy ot the above medicine, sufficient m «on»
vince the mind of the most sceptical, sKhoufk
too numerous and lengthy for newspaper-u*
serdon. GEO. RYERSON, Dfu-gmt,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker bueeu.
dec 13
eil by law in the said commissioners, os may I the fever, but Fl.ui.iix-like, tbe. term
be necessary oud required for the above pur- «F aIai* gave nsf- to a disease equilly disteea-
poses, shall be and continue appropriated tu 'OR, and which, till now, 1 had tlu.ughtncu-
ihc payment of intereat and redemption nl -ble. Var.ou. abscesses made the.r unwel
the public debt, until the whole <,f the stock come appearance, particularly on the jomts,
which may be created under the proviaions of ^.ch were .welled to an enormou. «»r.-
tiiis act. shall have been redeemed or reim- These gradually subsided into
Lyfg.,1 n one of which on my left knee wrecled
Now', therefore, n-lice is hereby given, that bonc-»n incision was nowmade.nd.l.rge
>n the fuat day of Anrii next, and continue
upon until the fir*‘ di of October, thercaf-
>er, for receiving euh ‘Ci ir>tions in conformity
with ’lie provlions of the said l*Wi
The subacrintions may. be marie by the pro
prietor* if the stock, either in person or by
il)eir attor .eys duly authorized to subscribe
In addition to this, I suff ered th<
most excruciating pains in myjoints^hut man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered either gave me no relief ur ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity ot
which increased with every succeeding year
Such was »ny painful situation that 1 despaired
of ever being restored to my heal h ; I hMk
not only tried the regular means of relict,
ami transfer it to the United States. i a „ ar .„ nnn nU,r r P m,
Sh uld subscriptiors Of said stock be made but used, though invi^, y olltfl
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of I edy 1 co did hea o •
- - •- 1 despondmgconditic.., —, -
t,ommence a course of your Vegetable Gutli 1
Between fV. Davies, Administrator, Complain*
ant. and John tavnochun Administrator^ tis
bonis no , with the will annexed of Gcorft
Wihardson and others, Ikjendants. In
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery/
*0th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Clinocws
one of the defendants in the said bill d
complaint named, reside* without the state of
Geoi-gis, in that part uf the United Kmguomi
ol Great Britain snd Ireland, called Scotland»
It is ordered that tbe said John Murray Car*
nochan, do appear and answer to the com-
clamant** said bill, within nine month* from
the; drie of this order, otherwise that tie
said bdl, us to him, be taken pro coutesw;
and it i* further ordered,that s copy ul ‘his
order be publish! d once a week, in nut* of
ihe public GftBitUes of this stale, until the*
pirstiun of the time within which the **«!«*
Cendant is required to appear and ansatrn
aforesaid. ,, ,
True copy from the Mlmilot, tnm 2lst d»/
August, 1824. A. B.FANiNIN, Clerk
august 24 ’ u t
a constable.
M. H. HERB ARD, S. C. C-
Ma^ys, 26fh August, 1825
fi ot 3
‘’OQ's Sales.
On the first Tuesday in October next.
ATW1LL ; aoid a, in 3 Uoui t-rl.<use >n the
’Mr iowa of Jeffereon, betweeo the usual
M. H- HE SB ARD, S. C. C.
St. Marys, August 36, 1835.
fiepr 3 09
(*)herifTs sale.
On the first Tuesday in November next,
OBita. be sold uet ., a the Court Uouse i»
i/J h r city of Savanosb, between the ue
ual hours of sale,
Two Stages, lour Horses, end four sets 01
Harness, belonging to tliii end of the Augus
ta Line, levied 011 un ler a fordosure of s
Mortgage from Joscpu I. Thompson, to Jo-
•eplt Gumming, .aligned to Alexander T-
Dopsou. A-1. D'LYON, 1.11 0.
sept 8
that it will prove so important remedy in scro,
fulous, venereal snd mercurial diseases.
"if. CHAPMAN, M. D.
Professor of tire Institutes and practice
of Physic, in the University of Penn
sylvanie £Jc k.
"Philadelphia, February 16,1823.”
“luave employed the Panacea of Mr.Swaitn.
in numerous instances, within the last three
years, and have always found it extremely
, U D.
Professor of Surgery in tile Uni’ty of Pent.
Surgeon and Clinicel Lecturer to tbe
Alms House Infirmity, Ac
•• February 17, 18X3.”
“ 1 have repeal edly used Swsim’s, Panacea,
both in tbe Hospital and in private practice,
and have found it to be e valuable medicine in
chronic, syphilitic and acrofuloua complaints,
and in obstinate cutaneous affection,.
Frofeatsr nf Surgery in the University of
New Y'lrk, Barge jn of the New-York
Hospital, ftc,
".Yrw York, tel mo Sth, 1824.”
Caution to PaTchaaerg.
The great demand and wonderful success
nf tliia medicine, have induced t number ol
pereont to imitate it in various ways—Some
are telling Sarsaparilla and other eyrups, im
posing them on th* ignoraut for the Panacea 1
others are mixing the genuine medicine with
melaiees, he., making three bottle* out of one,
thus retailing tome of its virtue*.. Theae im-
itatioiiiand and adnlteratoina have in many in,
tanc-e, protracted the au fib ring, of patient*
in eaaea where the genuine medicine would
hare proved iaattntly efficacious. I therefore
deem it a duty I owe the the public, to ac-
Georgia—Laintlen tomity.
W HEREAS Louis U ifour. Admimsti
of the Estate of Basile Pelletier, d-
applies to the Court of Ordinary of said coutv
t, for letters dismisso y on said estate :-t
licse are, thciefire, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the heirs snd creditors of sa d
deceased to file their ol jec'ion* (if any th» \
hsve) in my office, on or before the first Mon
day in January next, or letters will be granted
to U e applicant.
Witness the Hon. William Gibso
|L V.,1 one oF the Justice* of said Cou
this25*h Mine, 18 5.
JO‘IN BAILY,c. c.o. c. c.
June 30 82
Gt-oi'gia—Jaraden county.
flff IEREA8 John H* dee, Adninistrator
w of thu Estate ol D-vid G. Jones, late
of ssirl county, deceased, applies lo the Court
of Ordinary of mid eooniy, for letters dta-
misaory on taidifk atei
Theae are therefor* to eite and admonish
all end atngubr, tbe hair, end creditors of laid
deccvaed, Ioffe their objeetiona (if any they I quaint them, that it is imposaibie, from the
“• ,e ) ia my office, nn or before the DM Moo* I very nature of its eanstituents, to he riiscover-
ebey in March next, otherwise letters will be led by ehemieel analyaisi and eonacquenti,,
S? m ' or*ti* _ I b* 1 *11 other mixtdrea represented to be mine
Withtaii the Hon. Winism Gibson, one of I sod sold is ouch, Are fraudulent and base im*
(L. 8.J ihe Justices of said Court, this I positions, calculated to deceive the ignorant
X7th August, 18a. I and unarary.—Th* genuine medicine hsa mv
JOHN BAILEY, CIS- th 0 C. <7. I signature of a libel representing Herculee and
•opt- 3 30® |<i* Hydro, and name on Ute teal.
millions of dollars *iil b«* ronde among
aubstjribera, ia pi iportion lo the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of 'he '’rensurv*
• * ’Q-H-"*
N INE months »ft- r date, application . ...... . -
*-ili be maat- to tie Inferior dotirt of | appetite, which tva, gone, haa returned
iih»th,m bounty, silting inr ordinary purpo- ' "
res, for leave 'o s.-il all tho real estate i f the
laieTliomns Ravage, of Biyan County, viz:
Point PUntalmn, consisting of two hundred
ami eighty acres Hire Land, nn the O-eechee
R ver, four miles beinw itn F-rry, adj-ining
die plantation cf Joseph Habersham aod Ste
t.-hen El iott Also, two hundred and fifty
.ores, more or loss, i f Pint; Land, appertain
ing thereto. Alan a Tract of Lard called
da-ins, o-iiitii inv- tif y sere', on Medway Biv
r, .djjunng the Ian :s of.) J. Mazwcll-
MARY SAV/GE, Adm’rx.
.Tir e ’5 71
icon, and the happy result is, •■/ em the use
of the two bottles, my whole, system has under
gone a complete revo'utiott, my pains have fo- ta
ke, met” the discharge from my knee begun
lo diminish, and anon ceased altogether, the
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
pielely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing i my
appetite, which wa, gone, has returned—1 an-
in fact, nearly well, siidfeel confident Hurt a
few bottles more of yffitr, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will mike me periectly oo.
Your obliged friend,
Georgia—Chatham County,
Ii, the Oi.urt nf Ordinary, M-<y Term. 1825
O N the petition uf Henry Champion, admin
istrator nf John Street, dec.ased, praying
sn order JVrsi tn be made absolute un his com
plying witn the law, Inr die sale of a Lot e ;
Ground, number four, [4] second Tythinr
Reynold, Ward—Alan, p .rt- f a Lot, nombe,
sis. Tower Tyth-ng, Dei ker Wind being tile
real estate of the S'id dec. for the benefit ol
the heirs and creditorsIt ia ordered, that a
notice be published nine months, in one oi
the Public Gaaetta of the City of Sevinnah,
requiring ail persons interested, to show cause,
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti.
tinner should nut be granted.
S M. BOND, e e. e.
May 14 444
Philadelphia, July “6, 1824
My confidence in the vi.get djle catholicon
ia undiminish.d, and as fresh in-tances of its
powers are daily occuiTir.g, in rny own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica
ble, «« superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint
ed with. M.M’UURI RIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,13 4
Sin—Tn eonicquence of imprudent expos
ili-e four years sgo, 1 had ths misfortune to be.
comefllicted with a disease, the painful re
sult! of which induced ine to apply in suc
cession lo several respectable physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re.
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
as tbe former. My whole system became a'-
I fccted- 1 could get no rest at night ou ac-
— - - • ■ -- , J count of the violent pain that I felt in every
estate of Constant Freeman, Esq. late of I 10 f my body,- .the weakness and e nacia
the city of Washington, deceased, ere re I do/, u f which was such that I could scarcely
qnired to h-nd them in, legslly ettested, I w ,n. (bis state I fortunately heard of
within the time prescribed by law : and those I „ our y egetsblc catholicon—fnur bottles of
indebted to said estate, are required to make j .ypich, has completely restored me, I have
immediate psyment, to , 10 w no pain, my appetite is good, and ray
JAMES HUNTER, Adm r, | strength restored With many thanks for
Georgia Cuinden County.
W 'DEKEAB Satsh Brown, ,lmV'r,wi<KW;
applies to' he Couri of Ordissty ol * *
County, for Lctteis of Administration o"
estate of Julin Brown, late of said county,-f
ceaaeti, ar next of km i These are, tliere.orr,
to cite and snmonish, all end singtnsr. ™
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to»*
tlieir otj rctions, if any they have, '
ficc, on or before the first in
nextytherwise Letter* will begran'.cd tut «?■
l>llC witm-ss the Honorable Britian It. Bink
ley, one of the Justices of said Court,
this sirrleenin duy of April, etgbtecu
hundred aidtv'nty .five.
[L S. JOHN 3AILEY, C. C. 0 C. C.
April 21 T
N INE monllis sCtt-r (lute» application will br
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court
j| Ordinary nf elm: ham county, for leave to
sell all the real estate of the Iste William Craig,
'licensed, for the benefit of the heirs and cr ea-
it->rs of said estate.
JOHN M’NISII, Executor,
nof m 71
^ LL persons havinp demands tgiinat the_
Jan 14
Georgia—Chatham County.
In the Court of Ordinary—M»y Term, 1825.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor
of John Wackerly, dec. prayirg an order
Aiei to be made absolute, on his complying
with the fat*, to tell Two Tracts of Land in
Laurens Countv, being the reel eat tie of the
aaid deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors i It is ordered, that a notice be
published, nine months, in one of the Q,-
zettes of the city of Savannah, requiring a,I
persons interested, to ebow cause, if any they
can, why this prayer of the petitioner should
not bn granted.. S. M. BOND, e.c.p.
May 3® 57
Georgia—Camden County.. \
IXTiiEltEAS J B chlott Jun. administrator
If on ihe estates of DavidTucker and David
U’Credie, applies to the Court of Ordinary
of said County, for Letters diamitsary on the
i state* of said deceased person*-. These are.
the relief your medicine ha* given me, I am
your obliged friend, lie.
Sworn tad subscribed to before me, May 38,
1834. JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, Mag 38,1874.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine,
hearty mar. For nearly six yean I have been
therefore, to rate and admonish the heirs and I a martyr to e disease, whose ravages threat-
creditor* of said deceased persona, to file I ened, if not soon stopped, to put e period to
their objections (if any they Jtave) io nty of-1 my existence. Having had no regular medi
five, on or before tbe first Monday in January I eai advice from the commencement, my
next, nr letters will be granted to tbe eppli-1 complaint at last got to such a. height that I
cant. I could not swallow without great pain and
| r _^l Witness tbe Hon. William Gibson, I difficulty. Tumors formed-in different puts
IiLS |[ on* of tbeJustices of atid Court, I of my body, and I.begtn to think my situation
r I —a tbis3Jth June, I8”5. I almost desperate. The five bottles of tbe
JOHN BAILEY, 0-e.e e.e. I Calbeliebn which I,have taken Have com-
Jane 30 83 | pletely cured me, end I am now ** well aa
Georgia -Camden County.
W HEREAS lolm Cltevalier, hss opjsireo
to said Court, fir Letters Diimir.nry
on tbe estate, of Samuel Cozens antf Kssn B
Nt'ck, deceased. These are.
cite and admonish, all and singolsr, the tin
dred uud creditors ot the said d-MMCii P *
sons, to file their objections, tfsny l J e > ““. ’
in my office, on or before the first **°, V.
January next, or Letter* will be granted the
* P|,! Witness the Honorable Jones Scott, ont
of the Justices of said Court, this n» day of April, e glileen UuauK
and twenty-five. .
[L. 8.) JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. b- c -
A nr I It **
Georgia—Camden County.
CVOHERE A8 Lewis Baehlott, appltea »
\Jt/ Court of Ordinary of said CountyiW
Letter* Dt.misaory ob the estate of Fr,nt»
Rnsolupe: T’.~ae ere, therefore, to cue
admoniah, .U and aiogular, the kindred
creditors of aaid deceased, to file tbeir ebjee
tlona, if eny they have, in my office, on nr re
rote the fi, at Monday in January next, »«>'
wise Letters Diamiiaory will be granted
,PP l'witneaa the Honorable Samuel Clarke
one of tbe Juatice* of said Court,
sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun
dred end twenty-five. „
[L. S ] JOHN BA1LBY. C. C. O.C. C
April 31
DU lwmBrigPlte».ut,for*jleby
April 1® C. C. GRI8VV0W6