Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 22, 1825, Image 1
jifero fte*\e8—Yot. VIl Savannah, th ursd At morning, September *2,1*25. tiih ©dfrsSw^iat*. IS EDITED ^LND PUBLISHED I* TH1 0ZT7 or SAVANNAH, By G. if W. Robebtson, AT KIORT HOlXAfli TBB AXHUWg f akablb is advasos. fa of fob the country, •IS published to meet the arrangement .. the mail, three times a week, (Tucedey, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Diiiiy Georgian, and contains al’ the in'.elli »»,u c, Commercial, Political and Mittellan- ecus,'neludiujf adrertisementa. pubiahed s - the Daily l'apcr. The Country Paper is sc t to pH parts,,, the State and Union, or delivered m the city, at five dollars per annum, payable in tdvanct. AdrcrtiaetiOnt* are inserted in both pa ers at 75 cents per square, of 14I nes, for lie nri, insertion, and 37* for every auccoedmg pub- “crntTmiinlealinns by Mill, «m.< be Poet pM Sol 's of land and n^roo* by pvariitors or ifiiardNni, are required, ihsRr. Tuclay in the Kr'twrcn the hour* of ten in 'h*? fore Sand three in the afternoon, at the Court House of the county in which the proper y ,s —Notice of these sates must be given in a pnhiic gaielte stay Jaya previous to the rt *Nctir;~ of the rile of personal property must he give in I,he manner, Po ly day* previous o the day ef side- . ... P Notice to the debtors and creditors of an eatnte must be published lor Pony days. Notice that application will be madeto the Court of Ordinary for lesve to aell land, must be published M'ne Month). Notice. N INE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Jus- tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a- tract, of land, known as number eight, Bth District, Pike (formerly Munroe) County, for the boncht of the heirs and creditors of the estate ot of N. S. Bayard. N.J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. 8. Bays™- Jan 5 . and Notices - -irkffi N INE MONTHS after date of this notice, application wilt beimtde to the Honors* bit: the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun ty, for permission to tell al! the real estate of John Wnkerlv, dec. for the benefit of the heirs And creditors « f said deceased* HOUrtftT HOY, Ktecntor. Fnh 04 *r Notice. N INE MONTHS after da’.e, application will bo made to the Uoi|or»ole Inferior Couri of tlh-thamcniimy, for leave to sely the renl »n l personal estate of the late Mrs Ann U *m* ilion,- deceased, for the benefit of the heirs •rulcred tors of s »id estate, * WORTHING TON GATaE, Executor; Uarrtl. to VOjtrt NOTICE. N INE months after dste, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an order, absolute, to sell lots Not- four «n»\ five, (4 and 5) in Carpenter’s ttow, and lot No. one, (l) Green Ward, in the ci»y of Savannah, beinp the real estate oi Francis Jalineau. dec for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate WILLI VM GASTON. Qualified Executor, Notice. JNIINE months aftevdate, application will he wv nude to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol Camden County, when sitting for ordinary purpo'e*!, for leave to aell 250 acres of land belongi.ig to the eatate of John Brown, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credi ts ut said estate. SARAH BROWN, Admistrstrix. Jrtfcraon, 13th June, 1 J 2S. June 21 78 Notice. VSI"E month, after d»te, application will Ati be made to the Honorable the court of Ordinary of Gamrlen Couuty. for leave to aell all the real ea-ate of the late Randolph M Gil lii.ik'cenwd, for the benefit of the heire and creditor, of said estate. HANNAH M'GILM', Adminiatratik, ft M-DONALO, Adminialrator SIBarya, June 18th, 1825. June 23 vg Notice. T UBER I'ONTIIS from this date, I shall make application to the Bnuk of the State <«orgia, for payment in lull for the half of a ten dollar bill ofauid Batik. Letter D. No. 217, Jijned A. Porter, (fishier, the left band half ""i* I" my poaseaaion—the right hand half ■ignec! by W.n. B Bulloch, President, being it' !U Jf lort - *** Pf Mn i interested will . j. ; *^ e due notice of this intention, lie their ohj.-ctions at said Bank, within "• “me mentioned, , JAMES P. SCREVEN- JnneS 59f • * Notice. Vise Months after date, application will Cni, " ™de to tho Justices of the Interior ou t °f Chatham County, when sitting for •f t,. L y p " r !! 0,M > for leave to sell that oart toe ot.. 0 '.! 8 ” 1 T * thln *’ Re 7“ ol d» *srd, in tai*!2 , n^? mi "" h * W * 1IC| ' belongs to the ea- a,'”‘i* L *mberi 0i . for the benefit of the ■eus and creditors of said estate. PETBU EVEN, Admp . „ MART EVEN, Admx- June 10, 1825, 8r4 n rUSB DEVOS. miBiDaoasnse^ PERFUMERY,&c. B Y the chip Emperor, have received thirty-lb the *ubscriber8 have received thirty-five packages of Genuine Drugs,Medicines,Per fumery, Fancy Articles, &c I by now at the north, which added to their for mer stock on hand, comprises an assortment very extensivo, and particularly suited for this market, and well worthy the attention of dealers. Merchants,* Physicians, Plan ters and Families, would do well to forward their orders, 'as they will be sold at our usual low rates. LAY & HENDRICKSON. Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. July 10' Consumptions, Coughs, £$c. BUTLER’S 1 j*OU h* cure of Cold*, Coughs, Coiwump- . tions, Spitting of Blood., Ar.hmaSyand iisetsct of the bre*gt and lung*. There is perhaps do medical observation better established, none more generally con firmed by the experience of the boat physici ans of all ages and countries* and none of more importance to the human fittnily, than die fact that many of the moat difficult and im curable consumptions originate in neglected' colds,. In a climate so vunableasours, where ihe changes of the weaiher are frequenth nulrlen and unexpected, it requires more ca> c and attention to guard against this dangerou enemy of life, than, most people imagine or tre able and willing to bestow. The bills of mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the proportion of dcathp by this diset3e may bt considered as about five to one. Inaumuch then as this fatal di -ease frequently bi is defi- ance to the skill of the most learned physici uns, it is a gratification to the proorietor tha< he is enabled to offer to those afflicted with a goodly prospect of relief, in that highly valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Spt ci- fie. The Indians are hsppy in their know- iedj ihat a true consumption is a disease never known among them. This Specific is obtained by extraction from herbs, roots flowers, pl*nt* f fcc. when in per- faction. In consequence of a happy combtna tion of the most valuable herbs, 8cc. it becomes -t bf<!s«m of a Kuperior value. It heals the in* jti»ed parts, opens the pores, and composes ’.he disturbed nerves, after the mnnhef of an modyoe / consequently the obstruct?oft' of ! hc ches* and the Kings which conslithti th.s disease, particularly need its use. It promotes expectoration, which is constantly called for, 2nd whilst it clearer* and heals, it also gives, strength to the tender lungs. In this manner *t removes the hectic fever, improves diges lion, gives s’rcnglh to Ihe nerves, repairs the appetite and improves the spirits. This spcci fic mav always be given in safety it is mild, pleasant to the taste, and may ly be given o infants, f or which it is of inestimable value. It affords relief in bowel complaints, t-ething, whooping coughs, Uc.. and ia found particu* lnr)y useful in hypochondri acal, nervous and hyntcricnl diseases. Each bill oi direettor contains a detailed account of this disease in ill its different stages, and will bi accompa nied with the signature ot the proprietor if Red Ink. It is offered for »ale by GEO. RY RRhON, only (my aole agent) Dt uggist, cor nerBay and Whittaker-stieets, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM. BUTLER. dee 30 30 fresh garden seeds, AND TtaYboxui Ttowwc Hoots* DBAJft and JABDICWfE xvan. P. E. BRA8SINNE, D PSPECm’ULLY informs liia friends il. and th<rpublic, that he lias pnrehased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Fresh Brags, 3lte«V\olne&, and Chemicals, AMONG WHICH ARK TH* FOU.OWINO Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot . Brimstone, Barley, JJalsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantliarides, Cinnamon American best and common CaBtor Oil Croam of Tartar, Calomel, CopueraB Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafoetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salta Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Paints Dr;| and in Dii. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Vonetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. PeTiumeTj. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma trasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS, &c. IHE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted tu be of the. "fli Jeboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tubles Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card 'I’ables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Crihs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blipds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrasses I)o do Moss • do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to tit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in Whitlaker-Street, opposite Col. Shcllman. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 J UST received by tbe rufcseriber, and war ranted of the last season’s growth, SK boars Garden Seed., put up by A. If Mahon & o. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, ami containing the following aasortments, via. 14. Earl) curled Let tuce 18. Hoyal Cabbage do 16. Nutmeg Melon 17. Spinach 18. Summer Savoy 19. Sweet Baail 20. Sage 11. Nasturtium 22. Celery 23 Early Peas 24. Late do. 25 Earlv bunch beans 26. Hed French do ALSO, 20 Packages containing the following Bui boua Blower Roots, vis. I. Double Hyacinths | 4. Mexican tiger flower 5 Double Tuberose 6 Star of Bethlehem I. Drumhead Cabbage 2 Long Hed Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4. Puriley 5. Leek 6. Onion 7. Salmon Radish 8. Early Purple do. 9. Round leaved It). Early Turnip* II. Late do 13 Salaafv 13- Aiparagu* lyacu 2. Fine Tulip* 3. Narcisiua For rale by Feb 2 P. M’DERMOTT. 58 Essential Oil of Spruce, J UST received from the Patentee, and neatly put up in phials, and for sale-by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 25 - Shad’s Buildings. Wanted, E mpty wine bottles. Apply to May 11 GEO. RYERSON. A Negro Man, , PRIME Negro Man.aboujt 35 years of L age, a good une *4f field hand. For aale by CALVIN BAKER- 7® APPROVED FatentFamily Medicines. L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson’s do do Coit’s do do Anderson’s Cough Drops American do do Church’s do do Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Audler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalby’s Carminative A constant supply of "ledicini Turlington’s Balsam of Life , * Opial for the cleans ing of the teeth & gums RelCsAsthmaticPills Do Botanical Drops Ausien’s Remedy for the Piles Hinckley’s do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. Ac. the above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, &.C. &c. can be obtained at the store of . LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 26 Druggists, Shad's Buildings. to Notice to t ree Feisons Color. T HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chatham Country, are hereby notifi- fied to appear and register their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said County, agreeable to law, on or before the first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 45 Marking krnskos, lity, just received and GEO. RYERSON O F a superior for sale by gov 20 Georgia—Camden County. rrMAY coYt£RM Wldppt* Aldne applies to the w# Court of Ordinary of the laid county for Letters of sdminiitntion, wqh the will an nexed, *n the estate of Elizabeth Williamaon, late of »id county, deceased: These are iberefoR to cite and admonish all and singf lar, the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased lofile thbir objections (if any they have) in' my Jftic« on or before the fi at Monday in September next, otherwise Letters will be granted the application. WitnCsi ibe Hon. William Gihacn, one n the Jnitices of (aid Couri. iliis2Cd Ju ly. 1825. JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c c. J ilt- 30 192 ; Georgia-^Camdtji County. O ALL 10 WHOM IT ISAY CONCERN l-XEWRAS M H. Hebbard applies to tbe Court of Ordinary of Mid county, for Lfeuers of Admit.Htinii n on ibe esute of Capt* J mea Vincent, late of idid county, de- oened: These are therefore lo c»te and admonish, ail and singular, the heirs and cred •ttor* of said decent* d, lofile their objection! if any they have, in Ihe Clerk* Office of aaid Court, on ot before the th ru Monday inOc* Wber next, otherwise letters will be gran.e ) the applicant W'tnew the finnorahte William G’b!ioo,nne [t.S.] of the Jualicer? of mid Court, tnu l8‘h September 18-5 JOHN BAILEY, C C.O C. C. fl-ntt A U, Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL 1 11 WHO vt IT MAY CONGER 2. 4MTHEREA9 Helton A. Copp applies to the f ? Court of O dinary of ta d County for Letters of Adminiatmt on, with the will ar* nexed,on the estate of Joseph Dishy, lat? of laid county, deceased : These are therefore o cite and admom h all and singular, the heira a d cred t os of said deceased to file their objections (if any they have) in »ny of fice, on or before the fi a* Monday in Septem* ber next, otherwise Letters will be granud the applicant'. Witnvss the Hon, William Gibson,one of the Justices of aaid Court, thin 23d Ju ly.J8 >S. JOHN BAILY, c. c. o. c. c* JmI) .10 19 3 Gcoi-gii—Camdtn County. TO ALL TO WHOM II’ MAY CONUEItN. 'fi'WMBRF.AS William W- Seals, applies to VJ ihe f'.ourt of Ordinary of aaid evuotv.f-ir ' .etteiTof Administration on the estate of Eve W i gbt, late of aaid countv. deceased : These are t ert fore to cite and rdmoni'h, all and sin gular, the heira aad creditors lif said deceased tt-eihi d Mimdty in Kctober nex‘, otberwiae Letters still be granted the applicant. Wit-ieaa ibe Honorable Samuel Clarke, one L.S.] of the Jnitices of aaid Court, this Sepember, 1825. — JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. C C. Sept 15 . - H tlieta, delivered in a weekly Leci'me, du ring the last winter, with a view to remove the doubts of ’he timorous Christian, quicken him in the uay to Z in, to guaid against pre- numptuous hopes, ai.d promote tbe life of reli gion in the soul. That theae important ends might be enswered, the auditory were deairrd to aupply ut with lerioii* Cases of Conscience, arrising Irom the d-ffi:u!tiea they met with i,. tbe Course of their experience, and toconceii their names, that to they might, with the greater freedom, propose their respective Gt.aea, anti that we, in our solution of them, might be kept from ‘.he least dtg-ee of fear or restraint. Thioughthe repeated importunities of our frienda, am) from sett,factory evidences of use Itilncw, we have been prevailed upon to com. mil to public view a select number of theso answers, though -ontewhat con .acted. And we l ope, that those, into whose hands they may comr, wi l react w :m wi h i h-isUan can tlour.—And may the Spirit of G -d, without wh-ae peculiar blessing ull attempts will be incfTecuial to answer any saving purposes, make tlie-e a powerful means of bringing them nearer to C rist, and of making them mote l.vely at d active in his service I II this happy end ia but in the lesst answer/tl, we snail re. juice, and give G d a I the glory, disregard]! g aiithehtileconteuiplfbitniay .be caw upon us and our imperfect iabouta. I\ must re acknowledged to be a very d ff. cult ai d critical work to distribute to evcrV one their proper per tic n ; and an to divide til' word of truth, ua to a;tve Jnitable encourage, merit to those to whom it belongs, and yet t tesve tLe hypocrite or pii aumpun us (hniint- no room to hope, Itj»eq‘ally dilh jilt tost.' tempt to destroy the Vain confidence of the riT*— ,t„ , --a jj,. Georgia, Chatham County By tbe Honorable tb^ Justnu-s of tbe loitvior Court of Cbniham County, aiuing for or* d narv pu-u Ms TO ML WHOM IT MAY COYCEBjr. \% J jnatban Meip;a* M*mii»ialra tor of the estate of flatMtol. Haugluon, d .-ceas^d, lias petiti ned the (?ou:t o‘ Ordina vy, to be dismissed from his said administra tion : Now these are therefore, to cit* and admonish h|1 persons interested in the ssid c*s •ate to file thoir objections, if any they have :o tbe g a Jtinp of the prayer of the petitioner in the Ohrk* 5 Office of the said Court, on or hcf »re ihe tenth day of March next, other wise Letters IMnitisory w*l be grafted th« petitioner- iViln sa th^ ITonorible Anthopy Porter, one of the ssiu Justices, this tenth day ol September, eif;Iveen hundred a»'d twen" tj -five. Samuel ii B 'Nd, Clerk Court Ordinary. <5«r*L3 ’.1 N otice. N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap plication will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary for th* County of Chat, ham, for leave to sell the whole or a part, or narts of a tract of land, lying anti being in tbe t-ointy of Effitiphim, containing by re cent survey, nine hundred and teres, and known by the name uf tbe Tuck, ‘■seeking Tract, formerly the property of K t-g and Hotchkiss, now belonging lo the ramie of Alexander S. Roe’s orphans, for tbe benefit orsaid orphan-. WILr IAM MOItF,\ Guardian A. S. Hoe's O phans. •Tulv 14 87 Notice. 4 GREBABTKto leave obtained fr m the Honorable the Interior Co*irt, sitting for ordinary purposes, for Camden County, 1 ".halt on the first Monday in December next, xpose to public sule, at the Court-House at .lefTeison, in said ounty, a let of land in the I'eaUi District of Monroe County, No. 91, for he oer.efit of ihe orphans ot i.evi John* dec JOHN LEE, Gusidian. Sept 15 14 Notice. On the Jimi Tuesday in October next, W ILL bo sold at the Court-HouBe at Ricebornugh, Liberty County, be tween the usual hoars of sale, four Negroes, a woman by the name of Mary, her eon Joe. daughter Louisa, and an infant. Sold bb the property of John Stewart, deceasod. Terms of sale made known on the day. D. STEWART, AdroV. AtlgOTt 27 06 Notice. ^LL those having demaada against^the estate of Feter Timothy, late of Chat ham County, Planter, deceased, are hereby required to render them itt, duly authenti cated, within the time prescribed by last; and these indebted to make payment to DAVID T. TIMOTHY. Qualified Adrn’r. Augtet f ®» IN THE PRESS AXD WILT. BE SPttnil.V Fl'BCiaHXD S. C. Sf J. SCHENK, . Price in Boards $1 37} Cents, Religious Cases of Conscience, Anmered in an Evangelical Man ner,;at tbe Caouiotirnl Lecture, in Little St HelenU, BM- opgate-Strcet, Christian, who cannot rel»t<- «.> particular experience of the dealings ef God with the «e«)t 8. HAYWARD. BY S. PIKE dt S. HAYWARD. TO WHICH IS ADDED The Spiritual Companion or die Prvfi'ssing Christian, Tried at the Bar ef God’s "Word; and some l>oe' thoughts on ihe character uf THE HAPPY MAN. PREFACE TO THE ABOVE WORK. vjVHE follhwing Anawera were, atrfonrtt o- SOME OF THE PRACTICAL QUESTIONS The tonUiatone of saving faith , or a plain ™ brief auawe* to the two following quea- 1. How f it may a' peraon’a heart and k eys be rectified, abd he mitwithataading be deni, tut* of saving taith t 2. How shall We know whether onr faith i* saving amiilat til the weakneiaea toddouhta thst may attend it | R. HRE. Qiieat. 3. when may a person conclude tyV I» the performance of du> Quest 4 How may a person know, in the exarciie of p-erur whether he'U under tbe ‘Ml:l*>tce <lfthe.bleaaed' ipvitt or unde* the moving* of hi* own naturai spirit or imsgina- turn t ■ Quest. 5 How far a child of God may ML ami yet have -rue grace in hia aoul t Quest 6. Wlwt isthe eaaential ilifferena* hetween a natural and n spiritual faith t Q'iuM. 7. How may a person distinguish be- ween the genuine consolation* of tbe com pel w-ougbt In the keait by the Spirit o God, and those comfort! that spring from our own imatrmation, or ■ delusive spirit* Quest. 8. Why should the king of Moab, by the -dvire of his privy council, in a time of imminent danger and threa ening distress, ap- oly fur reliefTo a prophet of the G .doflimel .<• Balaam ceitainly was, ai d not to Baat-peor. *’— Gud of he Moibite* j tiling., ? We readily confetaoui imufficieuc,; but yet hope, that tho L.rJ baa enabled os t. be in some treasure faithful, an far as our apir tual knowledge extends i and may he enablr you who reau, to deal faillifully with your owt 'mull tout so r.ei’h ruur labours, tier your per cm..I, m.y oe ill vatu ! 8. I IIt'-'. b. uayward.- Loirnox, May 30, 1755. Qtteat 9 flow for should the matter of f-miiy concern himaelf about the eternal sal. vation ofhii childr. o, a rvanta, kc. ia it hi* duty tp read a portion ofthe scripture to them morning atid evening, and play with them a often 1 Should be not eat- chiae, or ask them P'-rtinent questions, at pro) er seasons I Quest, tu. Is it poasibl* tor a person to b* cegenerated, or byru again, and yet for- many yuan alter fear ha ia not f And may a person no way doubt of hit regeneration, and. at the same time, be an unconverted person ) Q test. II What advice can be given tan etnun grieviously d stieased with leart,doubt* it- 1 unbelief) Queat. T2 la the death and sufferings o Christ, or h .a passive oberiie'-ee, all that ia re- inert d fu r the salvation and justification of n mnei / hia aetive righieousneia no J»rt in the walk, or most it he imputed 7- Is - he imputation of Lhrist’i active nghteona* tesa an essential point of doctrine, or may * ms -be safe without it. Queat 13 la it potible f tr a person, who it itaoled to bewail hia own vileneaa, to be at- cued of an inioieit in Chist with eternal joy, ■nti yet not have an aataniahing view of Uvn ,Tbiry, fiilneas, and •uih bleocM uf the Mqdi- ttdr, engaging!*njd coot/acting him to lawn IdaSaviour, and delight in hia ways! And ia •i possible to have itioh an affecting view of Ch-iat before .jo*.,,—-..-w )— lavs, ia it becauae this age ia to n.ueh wise, As the Cases of Conicicncr. have already ix-eit w ii received by the religioua diuposeo part of ennnkiod, tlwe Editor thought that ad- itiunal Q cations of ihe tame oatuie.aelected from tltc Fiona Thoughts published in the 5piriiu-l Maguzine, which breathed the lame evangelical spirit, would be accept-.-ble to ae- - tous peraonivand doubts not, but such aahsvt a regard fur gospel-doctrine, will And tin -cam* u-e'tti instiuction ,rul ci mtun from per using tlic Q u-stiona that are now added. A FEW OF THE CASES. cm I. Ifnw kill wedisuoguisbhetweenthA work ings >.f naturil affection, and the iesl exercise of grace in religioua. duties ! 8. F1KB. CASi: It. What methods must a Christian, jn d refi ning circumstances, take to recover u health ful vigorous frame of soul, so as to be able to maintain real and elofe communion wit: Gt <1 amidst the hurries and buaiiusa cf tbit world f 8. HAYWARD, oast ill. • A aerioua person, who scruplei to comply with the units! practice- of playing nt carda. dcs rea to know whether these scruples arise from a neediest tenderness of conscience, ot from the fsitnful monitions uf tbe Spirit of G/df-S. FIRE, CASE IV. k How may a person jutlg.- when a promise or threatemng comes from G J or is brought by Satin to the soul t 8 HAYWARD,' CASK V. How for may a person judge cf the strength or weakness of Ins faith ny the htigntness o darkness of aia frames ! S. P.KB- cass vi. , Whether a person,, who baa been a great sinner, has any ground to expect pardon, atu. the comforts of the Holy Ghus. ! and wlietbe. he may partake of aft tile ordinances ef God i -S. HAYWARD, CASi m. What judgement should that person par upon himself, who knows himaelf to be in > dark and corrupt frame, hut finds himscl' greatly unaffected with it, ar.d stupid under it I -8. F1KB. OASB VIII. How may the times ot Family and closet duty be best regulated to the glory of GurL out own comfort, and the Advantage uf thu** abou' ut ? 8. HAYWARD. *• CASK IX Ia it not preaumptioui lor a peraoo to hope be beat n interest in Christ when he sees lit tleor nothing in huhaelf, but reason to doubt and queabou it! 8. PIKE. CAtB S. Is going to plays and other theatrical per formance! consistent witb ibe profeiaion and ractice of Christianity I 8. HAYWARD, east xi. How may n person, wbo it desirous of fol lowing tbe dictates of ptondence ia over) respect, know the mind and will of God in an particular circumataaoe, whether temporal ot spiritual t. 8. PIKE. CASIXIT. Should not a person who ii not comfortably pebauaded of hit being a real Christian, abstain t tom tbe ordinance of tho fora's supper, lest he abou Id cat and drink damnation to lumaelf I and what method -null that peraoo take fo act itfy a churck of Christ of kit being ■ ite- Peraona waiting tlje above above work wifi please to leave tlieir names at the Bookatore ofthe Publishers—where the Subscription ia uw opened. A. *13 *00 Mav 12 42 th Georgia, Chaihuin Ct uvl TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONOE ■^^HEREAS Jane M. Russell, lias ap l i\e riuiibcvtaet HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR, AND OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dust Pans and Spit-Boxes Hair and Wist Broom* Club and Broad Area Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes, ALIO, A few dozen Pocket light* N-B. WEED. July 23 91a Lard* 1 AA KEGS PRIME LARD, landing iUU from ship Savannah, and for MW by_ August U from ship Haxannab, and for m* C. C. GRISWOLD 4 W, 'a i- vN; than the hut, or is it became we are l#s* ac* quaiiittd with the life, power, and comfort uf ibat religuin which ia pure and uudrfiled be* fore God t Tieaaui'S iH \n\Ttmeni, April 29, 1825 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ' T HAT, on the firBl day of October next, the principal of the six per cent, stock ofthe United Htates, created under the au thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An Act authorising a ioap for a aunt not exceed ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved on the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, together witb the interest then due thereon, will be paid ko the proprietors of-aaid stock, or to their attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury of the United States, in Washington, ana at the several Loan Offices, on the hooka of which tiny |iortion of aaid stock may stand. A surrender of the Certificates of sai Stock, will be required at the time of pay ment, and the interest on said Stock will cease, from and after' the thirtieth day of September next. SAM’L. L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. b» r y- JRN- plied to the Honorable the Court o Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of administration, on the estate and effects ot' John M. Russell, late of Savannah, deceas ed, as widow : Theae arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the aaia deceased, to file l heir objections, if any they have, to'the granting ofthe administration of the estate of the said deceased, to the applicant, in the Clerk’s Office of the aaid Court, on or before the sixth day of October next, other wise letters of administration will be grant ed. ■> Witness the Honorable Elias Fort, one of the JuaticeB ofthe yaid Court, the sixth day of September. A. D. one thousand! eight hundred and twenty-five. SAMUEL M. BOND, C. C O. Fept rf 10.