About Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1825)
ySHosSE 8 SWAIM’S PANACEA. T HIS medioine ii offeredU a temrdyto* ficnefola, King'. Evil,Uleented Sore Throat, long ataading Hheumatle Affec tions CuUntoul Diieare*. Whit* 8«tnlng and Diaeaara of thn Banal, and •»• *•**» reaerally of on ulcerous ehawetar, ond Chronic diarai** arising in debilitated e°nati j lotions, but mori especially fur Syphllii, 011 .ffjetiom trioing therefrom, Ulcer* of the Larynx, Nodes, «e, ond that dr»tdfol dm •ate occasioned by atone oi.d exeeaaive u«e ofMoreuw, ho *9.—Ith» »'•• bbon found useful In Disease* of the Liver. In 11 diibrden orloing from on Impure or conttminottd otote of the Bleed, It wiU be found * powerful ond on effectual remedy/— The diicovery of thi* toed cine U»» been _ the effect of long ond' ottenlive etudv, Ond it 1* ho* mode pubtie from the moot decided con. Communlcttipno. pool paid. ond otdetoftom any port of the world, will receive Immodiote Sheriff’s Sale. . Oh thifirii Tuesday in September nyxi. Y triiX be ookl before ibe Uourt Houoe m f the Gity of Savannah, between the bouro of 10 ond 4 u’olook, All those two lot* end improvement! In the city ofSavannah known in plan'* *"J. d •JVJ* itumben (it) twenty one ond (SI) twinty tee Jaokran word Oirant aqipre leviedton.as the property of Bleak. Barly under * fi I*, in tithfond Intereot of Andrew Knox In Btoe'o whorf being one und.vided eighth of two undivided third i tnd o e un_ divided oeventb of -one undivided ojghthof „ nw mtae two undivided, third*, lened on a* *hjiP*® Llction, founded on ample experience. of itt perty of And ew *»■ ** tuU power in eiadi'ating those diaea*et,q/ier every fn frvor of W.llioehon ond De Villen. . I.,*! medicine hatfMed. A«ond*ldodmoiety *#* Porti»n 01'port0^ ^ howevcr>be supposed, thot this ell that ft 1 of lend in’the city ot sovsnntn ., _ i n » tr »bly cure—the moot et- known by the nunfoerii (*> ««" Corpeoters , e#med medioine ^ employed by the Faculty, Tything *" d ! .fun fail in the very disease, for which portoontemlng thirty tlx (36) fob! in I ,hey ere considered opeioiBe* > but tf tlie useof end ninety feet (90) to d«ptl..bnundrd nottl, .■ « yered ln< wiU r , d ,e.lly remove .1- by Bty lone, eeet by jond of Justoh mul every esu.e|uf the disorders specift.d. ooutbbyBryonotreetondweoi by lot no. si Thoul , ndt , re lingering under these com- (6) levied on ** the property of John M J*i:. L| l . ln , 1( in tan) e for m, sinking to the grave, vis under on execution in favvur of Mark I *i, b „ u t s remetiv, whom this medicine would Hoog. . , , ,a\ in,.... I certainly restore to perfect health sml vigour. All thot gorden lot. no. °*® (') Libert) l .ty snd innocence have been fully tro'- otreet being the half of lot_no- (5 7 ) fifty oevt-n I , m t hat may be administered to the ten- bounded wrtiby lot no. (58) hUyeigh.snii I ^ re|t The most distinguished phyci- . on tbeaut by the other hall of said lot levied ,. |(n| jn (be united States recommend it, snd oh at the property of Lsmnut Williams uniter d th „ , m ore imporisut discovery in me- 4m execution inlbyor of D.-osser and lernei • ]|CB| tcit!ne8 ba( po t been madei snd to use > Fertyfive *«*•'*!'“'* u.’ ‘be language of one of the moat eminent Pru ett as the property of Thomot Wright under re|M| ^ ij{8t a triumf, 111 the healing two execution* in favor ot Joans un, nius 1 pJ Xu the present ond rising generations, Boo. sod Sami. Hale. , I the benefit mus' prore incalculable, net only 1 ny saving many many valuable lives, but im parling strength snd soundness to tl hililaed an.’ corrupted constitutions,—sAeieiy preicrv- ing their qffipring from hereditary ditea.et. -~ These loots, togs i,, r with the numerous cutes nsde, form inctdtleprttf of the li 1 Ith value III th s remedv. No one, however, ionlnoea 10 take it, without first fully convincing him- self of the truth of whai inhere staled, and the rectitude of the Pr< prietnr’o intentions. The cures performed in this city ttonc, es tabliah its superior virtue on 0 hssis too solid to be effected by the malignity of the envious. I is worthy of remark, that the greater part of the patients who hsve been permsnently attention, (Qr Printed direotions oeoowiptny the mo- < '‘ C,ne ' WM.SWAIB. ' No 13, South Ninth Street, opposite t*e University of Ponnsylvani*. Philadelphia, Febntary, 1825. Tho subscribers have just received a fM' supply of tho above VALUABLE CINE, and hqve made suoh arrangomoftra with the inventor,Mr. Wm. Swaini, as will enable them to offer to the public n pur* and unadulterated article. Druggists ond others who purchase to sell itgnin, can hove it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON. Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. A Treatise on Swnim’s Pnnsccn, with cases illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above. June 28 Aug 8 I. D’LYON s c. r. 98 Sheriff’s Sale. On the firet Tuesday in September next, City pol \ imp ms, TIIB INDIAN EXTRACT A certain East India Cure fur the Rhe u- malitm. King's Evil, tfC. TfVtLL oe sa d «t lie -.uvi \ House v - the AJJ eitv ofSsvsnuah, between the hours of 10 snd 4 o’clock- »i AO the lot of land stiusted. lying snd being U the city of Savannah, kn vm in the plan 0! Seid eitv as 1 it No. two 2, Lmerty Ward con- tsining 63 feet front snd 90 feet deep, togeth er with all the buildings and improvements thereon, boundedeost by lot No.one l, west y . lot No.three3, north by Btoughton-st. fcsouth I cured> had, previous to the nroprietor’s un- iy a Unc*levied on a> the property of the e« I j e rtaaingtbemg received the nbleit • ,sl<tsnre tste of Thomas Lucena, dec. to sst sfy an es-1 tnd , e ver«l were abandoned by Ihe-r Pliysi eoution from the Court of Common r leas snd I c „ n>i M being beyond the reach of human Oyer snd Terminer for the city of Ssvannsii. I lb ||| y uc j ,> the f c i, and n cxtra.rd-mry Wm. H. Wsllsnd B'ixsbeth his wife vs. S II I ' • 1 ' t — Bond sdmmistr.tor, C. T A. ofTh-imis Lu. cent. A. 1 D’LYoN, c.s Ang 8 OB Sheriff’s Sale. On the firet Tuesday »» October next. 5TDlLL.be sol is'. the Court House, in the \>y town of Jefferson, Ctmrlen County, between the kgsi hours of sale, many of -lie e-tses- that an exhib tion ions made of them in the University of Penney VM in, by the Professor of Surgery, b fere a ci oval ed audience of Students, who pronounced them wonder, in the hetding art. It has been intro* ucei into the Philadelphia Alms Uoiis- and Pennsylvania snd New-York Hospital, tnd such were its surprising effects—its success after til other modiciiies had foiled, that the Surgeon of the PennsylvsnisiUopital, Dr.Wm P: ice, wu induced to abandon his highly A tract of land, situate on Walker Swamp respectable ufRcfrom the laudable design in Camden County, containing seven hundred of benefitting his follow creatures, bv carry end fift* Seres, more or leis>wrth tire improve-1 mg the Papscea to England ; where it haa al- mr«a3lfrreon,-and five negrors via. Aaron, ready su|fersaded the use of the genuine Silva,. Hoie, Stephen and Pompey, levied on " "- 1 -‘ * ‘‘ “ PI Hie property of John Hardie, un er sun d r, executions, in favor af the State of Geor gia, against Joseph Grfwa Tax Colleetor, snd John Harder and Edward Shearman, aeeuri- tiea-oproperty pointed out by John Hardie. Frenoh Bob of Lahcteur in a number of in stances, in disessei for which that is intended, and it* virtues are publicly acknowledge by some of the molt eminent surgeons there. In ell complicated cues of Scofidu and Sy thilit, and where the Syphilitic Virus of me Extract of a letter from the Rev. Jamea E lish. dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe London > P«*n Pitt : A r.TtBBABLY to ytir reques*, I have wi'h dilK ultv procured and now lend you hv the ship Jssin, Cspt Robinson, n few pound of the Poll 1 delpliis, or what generallv goei by the name *,f India Extract, « Mcdtr.i-'e un iverislly esteemed im-mg the people of India. .a 1 certain cure for the Rheumatism. Was I to inform you of the number of people wh are daily relieved and cored by tf ia valuable Hrd cine, it wou d require more psper than I am able to purchase ai d more time than 1 am able to bestow. 1 ideed, the till ct oft! i- Medicine la on imurdiate, that in nheumalttm vou would suppose it acted r* a chn ni in giv ing relief and removing that painful d.seaae- In the King's Evil it has been used with greai success* and wlie e Mercury baa been given nr used to excrsi^this Medicine has proved a perfect cure. The great di (fi .ulty, however, nl procuring the Extract, will for many years to come, prevent its general circulation, it be ing obtained from a Shiub growing on the moun'ains of Thibet, in the D ;rman Empire of India, and held 10 ancred by the natives, that 10'port with it is like parting with their exiitonee." Letter to Dr. Redwell, dated Jan. 7, 1813. Dear Hector—I have been violei.t'y affected with a R it umstie complaint. f,r m»nv years ,- even my fingers were so contracted tint I could neither dress or undress myself, or give the least assistance to mv la nily—I hive used only one box of thelnd a Extract, and I am perfectly restored. Your’a truly. B, RALSTON, Philadelphia Letter from Tobio* Jennings, Steward nl St Thomas’Hoaptal. London, Feb t. 18i3 Bear Sir—I think it my duty tu inform you, 7 hat after trying every thing that could be pointed out by the moat respectable phyai Abo. A tract of land lying in r.amdrn Coun- parent cause* a develonement of ScrofuIs in ty, cuntsinlng two hundred ond ninety acres, I the child, this is the only remedy u»on wliich tnore or ieuTsnd the improvement* thereon, * tingle hope of recovery can be reotonab-y ieviedon*** the' property of Zichartah Rn- founHed i there hat been no matinee of its hertsf under an execution in favor of Thoms. | failure, wherejirope'ly used It impart, vj H. Miller for the useof Andrew Low U Co. property pointed out by the d ifendeut O, W. THOMAS, n. a. c.c. Sept 3 °9 Sheriff’s Sale. Ontt*Jlr»< Tuesday in September next, I gour to the whole system while the cure ia I going on—an eperalion to long bolted far in I vain by the medical world; at Hie .me time I the patient is enabled to take nourishing food, I which under the common modes of practice, I is uaually withheld from the sufferer. In ma I ny instance! where the horrible ravages of Ul- I ceraiion had laid bare ligament and bone, and TTDILL'be sold in front of "the court-house I where, to ell sppcarence, no human metaibut '\\j j n Bryan County, between the uaus| imputation could have saved life -. in cases hours of isle, | expense even •• here described, heve pa. A tract of Land in said county, known bv tientt been enetchcd from the grave and re- be name of ‘Palermo,’ containing eight hun- stored to good health, and the devourmg dta- “ - i>ase completely ersdicaied The discovery if a remedy like thi. now offered for sale, hus been a desideratumfrom time immemorial. The Proprietor does noi uppoae his bare ssiertion will convince: be will therefore give references to inch as have been cured, end those und^r hit cere among whom ere many highly reaped tele citiacs, that shall aatiafy the moat incredulous of da superior efficacy in the disorder! for which it it here recommen ’rd. Every member ofaoce .y should aid-tn diffus ing inf .rmstion of this discovery—human ity alone makes it a du y Kjvt ii&catea- “1 heve within tbs last two years had an op the name 1 dred acres, more or lets, bounded N E by Sweat** lands, 8. W by a Silt mersh, other boundanet not known—levied upon ai the property of K* T Keeling, to satisfy an exe cuiion in rtvor of the administrators of Benj. Btiice, deceased THOS. HARN, a- x. AnsmrtS ~ 1) 5 Tttmrj Dc^ntmeiit, ? I VALUABLE MEDICINE March, 14, 4825 5 W HEREAS on the 3d or Hindi, Wf5, a Uw wit paiaed by the CongreM of the Umted States, of whioh thn 3d, 4th, end 5th eeotioni ere in the words following, vix i ** See. 3, And be it fitrther enact ed, Tbit's subscription to the amount of twelve mlllont of doliara, of the six tit cent, stuck of the year eighteen hundred end thirteen, be, end the ume it hereby proposed i for which pur- lute book, shall be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and at th- soveral loan nffi sea, on the first day of April next, to continue open until the first day of Oe'ober thereafter, for auoh parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock as .Mil, on the day of eub scription, stand on the books of the Treasury , and oh those of the eeveral loan offices, re spectively / which subscription shall be effect ed by a transfer to the United States, in the maoner provided by law for such transfers, of the ered.t or cred't* standing on the said booka, and by a surrender of the certificates of the stock to subscribed : Provided, That ail subscription by such transfer of stock ahail be ciniideicd at part of the said twelve mil lions of dollars authorised to bo borrowed by The first section rf his sci. >' 8ee. 4. And be it further enactedThat for the whole or any part of any mm which ihalt be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respective subscribers, who shall be enti- 'led to a certificate or certificate! purporting that the United Ststea owe to the hol ler or holders thereof, hie. her, or their seaigna. a sum to be expressed therein, equal to th, amount of the principal stock thuaiubscribi d, bearing «n interest nut exceeding four and one half per centum per annum, payable quarterly, from the thirty-fi at day of Decem ber, nee thousand eight hundred and twenty five t tranafersble in tile aame manner at i' p-nviil-d by law for the ttantlcr of the stock •hbsrribed, and subject to rrdnmpt .on xt tilt pleasure of the United States, as follows: one ha.f at any time sfrer the thirty-first day ot December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight i and the remainder at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred end twei.t.-ninr.; Provided, That uo reimbursement shall be made except for the whole amount ot aucli new certificate; nor until after at least aix monthi publie notice of tuch intended reim bursement. And it tliall he the duty of the secretary of tile Treasury t" cause tu be trans ferred to tiie respective vib-cribers the error- si sums by them subxcrtbed beyond the amount of the certili istes of four and one half per edit, stock issued to them respectively. " Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, ThsP the same finds which have hereloloie been, and now are pledged by law for the payment IOTTBV4 Vegetable Catholicon. rQHE tubacribi r reametrully telielts the at IT tention of every friend of suffering hu inanity, to to the abmre new and "valuable remedy, whose unequal powers In eliminating from the system the very Ideda of diteaae, and In restoring the deranged and morbid condition of the organa oflife te a foe* and hmdthyexeroia'e ,of their functions, baa exci ted the astonishment, and completely ulen eed the objections of the moat incredulous — Pacts are the best argument.. In order to put the virtues of the Uaiholicoe . to as severe a terotiny a* Jicmible, it was offered by adver tisement, toge'.hef with the attendance of a physician, gratuitoualy to any nation win. would apply fur it, and whoae cause might aeemte come within the range of itt healing power—numbers of severe caa-a of long at* d- ing, and some of them seemingly deaprme ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have been cured, or io much relieved ts to warrant i he assertion that* little perseverance will da so. In fact, such is the confidence ofthephysi eisn under whole bare theae patient! were placed, in tliia remedy, e coi fide .ee resu.t ing from the irresistible conviction that bts been forced upon hie mind by ocular demon stration, and a personal trial of. it on himsei that he permits me to declare it as hit d -c.i ded opinion, that -lie Catholicon is not onk perfectly safe and innocent, but a moat pnw ert'ul and invaluable remedy in certain dis eases and states uf the st stem, such as the fol owing,— . Debility resulting from m'emperanee tn-.l dissipation i Old and invelert* Ulcers . Pains in the b-ini-s attended with swellings uf ti juiive; Indigestion. Blotches on tlie tac.e, pimple., Etc ; Ali compiain's of the Liver TetterYawsi Syphilis.- Ciitaneout diseases generally i Mercurial and scrofulous com plaints The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol emnly pledges h s word consia'a exclusively of vegetable matter) with the except,on of ’■ alight detc-rmi mtion to the bowels, vihmh i preserves in s soluble state, acts insensibly, i- pleasant to the tone, snd requires n, purlieu- lar regimen, fslistitiei'ce irmn tpirluoui li quors always excepted.) or confinement. A a gentle, safe nod agreeable cathartic mod- erne. improving the appetite a"d restoring tin general tone of the ayfem, it is confident l> recommended to iadies in a delicate nitua* VV W. P0tTF.il, .66 Clieanut-ltieet. eouM with tob*. With my thanka, a mV n., obliged humble lervant.Cfc 1 City of Philadelphia, H ° V0RQE KAN *- George Kioe, uf the District of South werk, personally appeared, and, being dulv iworn, doth declare and say that the abg«; statement iein all respects correct end true uid that the signature to it is in tlie head' writing of this deponent. J OH*’ BISNS, Aldermui Philadelphia, Hay 28,18J4- TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS, The Vegetable Catholicon it pecufufi adapted to those ditesset which ere prev,|,,r vnong the ooluured population of the south' In that disease which is called yawi, it sure remedy t a tingle trial of it, will com S lanters of its superior efficacy to any rent yof eatmtlar nature in the United state,. tion. NOTICE. The advantagee of tbit medic-nr am, nn , confining the pdient unneceiotrily , 0 g,, house, or keeping him from hie buiinr-xj With one aolitm y exception, that of eniritu- out liquors, it doc. not lay any nitStdoni ntm hit appetite It isau gentle m ,t s opc-auon thst roe p-.tient finite himself petti„ r we ,|. . cannot tell how. At it is not the vruh oith» proprietor to take any thing (or which be cannot give • consideration equal in u t 5 " persons at a distance who may »«!, t 0 ilia medicine, but v.'ho arc nor certain it it be applicobie to their complaint, are requnu ed to describe their c-se and symptntiu in a letter, post.paid, and directed ‘to hint—thl| letter will be im.iudiaie!y t.laccd in hui.ii fully competent to d»-.;d- the .|ue.titin.— Should the remedy tint aeatn in suit the ii|. eaie, they will be IVahkly told s i. CAUTnN To prevent ihsappointin nl ir is well te side that it taxes i,t ordinary cutes front 3 to 5 bottles to effect a curt- so that pe,-im-» who are labouring under ar.y serious infirmity, mil-t makeup their mind to persevere lu that extent at least—if they do not, they Hugh- -j wt-.h s,.vc themselves tin- trouble tnd txp.-nre f -iring a smaller iui-,n'itv, A-1 o-'ders pesi-p dtl .mi! erc'osing the rrri.p , mmvdialftiy attend-.A f--, «.id 'tie in.... re ;,aCM-d Sod delivered with directions fi.rn-t, -. any place in'he city, slid forwarded sui te,-ted N. B. To proven’ the possibility of »U an- n s’tinn, it V- id bvs-i!.- in tlie city of I’ lin Ifh phis, nt the nffiC" in Filtu near Rict-f'.r..-t, oral Hie dwelling of the. propri- t»r, t*-, 5J dhesmi 1 . a,reel, oniy, and abroad by i.is in- iborizud agents. W W POTlFIt, 66 Chcinvt St -cel, Phitade pf a- Philadelphia. May 31,1824. At the request of Mr, tlf. W. Potter, I hav, ,. *!— modi of theintetest, end for the redemption a"* 1 1 lately exhibited, in several instances, e modi reimbursement of tlie stock which may be re- M , ed liru p, called Bo'ler'a Vegetablt Oetho deemed cr reimburied by virtue ,t the pro-1 v \i\, the most decided advantage. 1 visions of this set, shall remain pledged in like manner for the pivment ot thu interest accru ing on the stuck created by reason of su-.It subscription, end for the redemption or reim bursement of the principilof the sime. Ai d it shall he the duty of the cuinmi-isioners of the linking fond to Cause to be applied end paid out of the said fund, yearly and e' e p > year, such sum and sum as may be annually requir ed to discharge the iute-est accruing on the stock which may be created bv virtue of this act The said commissioners nre, also, here- licon, with the most decided advantage has, ee t et, never failed effecting a cure tu every case in which l hero thought proper to employ it. H, M’MUftt HIE, M 0 Phi'adclphiu, July 28(5,1824. Mr. IT tT. Potter, Deer Sir-.-You expressed I wish that 1 would given concise statement of iny soft :r ings, from ’the Hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of mv diteaae ’ About live years ago, on my passage from ciana and aurgeons for the renrf of my U ^.utfoiriaed' te. Borde,u.. during the month rfjsnu.ry from without any succoa^ who you know, hit to, I 8uc( , , um tnd lum ,„ ut 0 f the laid fund, as imprudent expoaure °" d * < r’ ‘***..* , . many yesrt been laboring under aevere Rfieu-1 think im>n„. rewarda redeeming I with a violent fever. Having no medical a many yesrt been laboring under aevereRfieu-1 they may think proper, towards redeeming matism, I waa induced to try the poladelphia, I by purcb ,ae, or by rcimburaemeue, in con- witbi g immeringtiiope, that it might g-re I formity with the proyiaiona ofthia act, the him tome relief from the excessive pain he I pr j BciOT | „f the laid stock i end inch part of endured, whioh rendered bin e eeeteee morn- I (he , nnut | (am often millions of dollars, Veit- her of society, and a burthen to himaeir. 10 I b < Uw in the said commitaioners, et may my utter astonishment the relief waa inatan-1 be neC eMtry and required for the above put- taneous, red by peraevering in the ute of the | #t> lh(|) be tnd continue appropriated to or by rcimbursemeut, in con-1 “gbt 1 Ztl'ZivT^my ak rival at Charleston, 8. C. it was treated as ryptiua. The akin or my Physician aubdueil the fever, but Ptiosnix-like, the termination of thii gave riar to a disease equally distrert- ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur- Vanout abicesaea made Ihef uiiwel- Extrect, his joints have returned to their pro- t H hep ’ men , of intereiv and redemption ot »Me. Vanoue "Weewea made lhei.- unwet- per pieces, end he >e ■ perlect hreith. Up ,„ epil y hll0 debt.until the whole of the. .lock ‘n. 2,™ - ^•rd« if silty respect able oersoni here c*l ied to ■(*« my son, as all who knew him thought it inwntsihlc that he r^coveT*. i jjnrted.'’ FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, NoWj therefore, notice it hereby given, thnt Druggist, where additional certificates of I |, 00 fcg ^\\\ be opened at the TreRsury of the the efficacy of the above medicine may be | United States, and r»t the several loan cHteas, wh*h mey be created under the provieione of | *V d ' l Ip y 'mt,iL" nThTd’lumors, th.. act. shall heve been redeemed or r « im 'I which on my left knee affected the I have appointed GiiOUGE RYE Drngtn t «jr Savannah, mv sole agent. 0:*^. , wj*nt : ng the ahave valuable mcfitui.c, will ba supplied by him for cash, at th;* s>*.\e r»t<r f hr if ordered direct from me—v;z i,N pei d-.*en, or three dollar* * s>ngte i'! i VV. W. PO l l'EU, Pb-lu Any person on fcppl!C«tim» to the rj- 'f will be furnished with cc rtifiCBturS of ih- <iii« chcv of the above medicine, u< ( u» v>nce the mind of the most scept Mibowli too numerous Rnd lengthy for n. serlion. RYKRSOV : D-vyo-t, Corner of Bay and Whuukei Sucetf, dec 13 seen. May 20 O Hheriif s sales. u the firat Saturday alter the firtt Tuetday ^,Sn October next,will betpld at the Market House in the town "t 8t. Mary’s between t*-e usual houra, fifty aeroa of land, together with the improvement* thereon, Ij.iig and being in the County 4f Camden, On the Post Road I portuuity of seeing several cases of very tnve trading from Jefferson to St. Msrys, levied | urate ulcers, which having previously resist on as the property of H. A Nunis, to satisfy | ed the regular modes of treatment, were sundry execution* in ftvo- of Ezekiel Weeks. I healed by the useof Mr. Swrim’s Fanacee Property levied on and turned over to the by | and I do believe, from what I have seen. Georgia—C amden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAP COMCE Ilf. \4 WHEREAS Alexander Atkinson, Ad nirt< istrator on the Estate of John Atkm* 'On, deceaied, applies to the Court of Ordin ary of said County, f »r lettem d'nm’ssory on 9 id estate: Thes * »re, therefore, to c te »r d admonish all tnd H’nguUr, the heirs snd cred itors of wid dccer.Ecd, lo fi e ♦heir ohj^'inpR (if any they have) in my office, on or before the fir*t kiondsy in J»nu»ry next, or letter will be grafted to the uppheant. Witness ihe Hon William Gibson, one of the Jcstiers of sxid Court, this 25 li Jun«\ 18 !5. JOhN BAILEY, c. c. o. e. c June 30 82 on the first d»y of April next, snd continue open until the first d* ,f of October, thereaf •er, for receiving subscriotions in conformity with «he provisicns of the said law, The subscriptions r * prietors of the stock, their attorneys duly and transfer it to The United States. b 0ne .-an incision was now made anti a large evacuation ofuus, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, I suffered thv most excruciating pains in my joints t hat man ever experienced. Every things Inst was Administered either gave me no relief or ser ved to ogg'avste the disease, tlie severity nl and transfer it to ,.\e United btstes. , ai. on |rhin v»»n, every popular rem- Should subscriptions of said stock he made 1 he J p of . It w „ j' t Vii gv f„i and to en .mount exceeding twelve nulliont of - uio , w ,„„ e m,i.de-1 to d, ;*i ,r ^ a i i T!!| ,u " ,i(>n "^eTmoVg ^h* I I n constable. . M.H.HERBARD, S St. Marys, 36th »uguit, 1825. S-'Pt 3 C.C. 2(19 Sheriff s Sales. On the firtt Tuetday in October next. \TV1LL oe sold at tUe Court-House in the >## town of Jefferson, between the usual hours, part of Lot No 4, containing fifty feet in ftant and fifty in depth, lying in tho lown of St Mtrya, levied on as the property of George W. Martin, to satisfy an execution in favor of B. A. Copp. M. H- HEBBARD, S. C. C. St Mtrya, August 26,1825. Sept 3 09 HhentTs attle. - On the firtt Tuetday in November next, • rnflia. be told before the Court House I- w he oity of Savannah, between the ua not uourt of sale, Two 8tageaj tour Hones, and four seta ol Hornets, belonging to this end of thr Augua te Line, levied on under a fnreloaure of a Mortgage from Joseph !. Thompson, to J»- aeph Camming, assigned to Alexander T . Dopton. . A. I. D’LYON, n. a. e. o. sept 8 that it will prove an important remedy in ecro, fulous, venereal and mercurial diseases. ”N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Inatitutea end practice of Phytic, in the Unirereity of Penn- eylvenia Uo- A. ” Philadelphia, February 16,1823.” “tfiave employed the Panacea of Mr.Swsim in numerous inetancee, within the last three yean, end hare always found it extremely -fficacioua, especially in eee-ondary syphilis and mercurial diseases. I hare no heaitatio in pronouncing it n medicine of. inestimable value. "W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of 3urgery in the Uni*ty of Pern. Surgeon end Clinical Lecturer to the Aims House Infirmity, &e- •• February M, 1823.'* ” I heve repea'edly used Sweim’s, Panacea, both in the Hoepitel and in private practice, end here found it to be a valuable medieine in eb onio, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous affectiona. . “VALENTINE MOTT, U- D. Profess >r if Surgery in the University of New York, Burgeon of the New-York Hospital, .v.o, "New Ytrk, Itt mo 5th, 1824.” Caution to fuieiiuui. The great demand anil wonderful success of this medicine, have induced t number ol paraonato imitate it in various xrsya—Some are telling Sarsaparilla and other syrupe, im posing them on tft* ignomut for thePanaee* t others are mixing thegeuuine medicine with molasses, he., making three bnttlea out of one, thus retailing a ime of its virtues. These im- iiationaaud andad- lleratoina have in many in taneti, protracted the sufferings of patients [ in cases where the genuino medieine would heve proved instantly efficacious. 1 therefore deem it a duty I owe the the public, to ac- Georgia—Uanulcn County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CO.YCEltjY. W HEREAS Louis Dofour, Administutor of the Estate of Ba-ile Pelletier, d sppliel to the Court of Ordinary nf said coun iy. for letters diimiiso-y on said esiate:— These are, therefore, to cite snd admonish all -nd singular, the heirs snd credito-s of said deceased to fi’e their oi jeotiona (if any they have) in my ufiue,un or Before ihefirst Mon day in January next, or letters will be grantee tn t’ e applicant. n *——~y Witness the linn. William Gihio |X. X.|| one of the Justices of said Cou — . J this 25th lin e, 18 5. JO IN BAILY.c.c.o. c. e. June 30 82 Georgia—*Gamden county. TO ALL -1HOM IT MAY CONCERN \\W IERBA8 John Ha dee, Adoiiniiirt'or W* of the Estate of David G. Jones, late of eaideranty, deceased, applies to the Coun of Ordinary of said county, fur letters dis miss ory on said Batatoi These art therefore to cite and admnniab ait and singular, the beire and creditors of mid .... w __ dacoawd, to file their objeetiuna (if any they j quaint them, that H fa impossible, from the hare) in my office, "n or before the first Mon-1 very nature of its eonetitueote, to be diecover- dey in March, next, otherwise letter* will be led by chemical analyaia, end bonaequentlj, Braxted the appheant. • | ihat ail other n ixturea represented to be mine Witness the Hoir. William Gibvon, one of I knd sold as such« are fraudulent tnd base its* (L. S.) the Juiticea of said Courtj, this i'positiona, calculated to deceive the ignorant :17th August, 1825. I and unwary.—The genuine medieine baa my JOHN BAILEY, Qfi & 0 C. C. I signature of a label representing Btrculet amt •epfe 3 .. 209 I the_ Hydra, abd name on the ae*L LS bed by them respectively. _ SAMUEL I- SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury* VI-re'- °6 1( H r IN EQUU Y. Between W. Baviet, Administrator, Compton- ant, and John Varnochan Admimtrutorj tU bonis no with the will un-nxed if Carre j It.rhr,niton and othm, B-jendanli ft equity. Chatham Superior Court- Chancery, 'Mlh A igutt, 1824. I T appearing that John Murray CainM-Dti, one of the defendants in the mid bill of complaint named, resides without the state of Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms at Great Britain and Ireland, esiied Scotland, It is ordered that the said John Murrey Can noehan, do appear and answer to the conn -llainnnt’s said bill, within nine months frit* (he date of this order, otherwiee that the said bill, as to him, be taken pro eonleim .- snd it is further mdered, that a copy of this order be publish* d unce a week, in one of ilie public G izaitee of this itate, until the rx< rotation uf the time within which the said lie- tendeut i» required lo appear pud answer u aforesaid. ...... True copy from the Minutes, this 21st nsj August. 1824. A. B.FANN1N. Clerk august 24 5 "i Georgia Camden Countij- TO ALL TO WllOti ir may CONI U K. W HEREAS Sarah Brown. Juiiioi, widow, applies to 'be Court of Ordirinry «> >tv * Notice. TINE MONTHS after date. gonea complete revo ution, my puma h-tvefe-ta- ,- 0 , lnty f or Letters of Administration on tut ke • mothe discharge from iny xnee uegun ; gw(e j . )h „ uv (iwni Ute of aid eemnty. de- 10 diminish, and soon ceased altogether, I ceM ed sr next of kin: These sre, th.-refiM, ulcer from v. lienee it proceeded being com i , uclte »„d admonisli, all snd linBiiiar, the pletely hesled. The tiunnrs, tor the removal I ki)|drei , „ nd CB . di , ()r9 u | .airl deceased, to file of which I liavfc tried in vain more remedita (h , r ( , h j-. ctionii ,f , ny they li .ve, in m. id- annlicstion than I can iutme. are rapidly ducreasing i my 1 re I eta re. ...I.JreU 11IWB tritrw> Il'IG rj>tttrnp.a-* I Rn N^5. ^ lew bottlea more of yuur, (to me) invaluable Geoi'gia—Chatham County, In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1825 O N the petition of Henry Champion, admin- iatratnr of John St reet, d-c -ased, praying «n order Niti n he made abtolute on his com plying witn Ihe hrtr, tor 'heWide nf t Lot ot Ground, number four, [4] second Tything Reynolds Ward—Also, p .rtcf a Lot, numbei six. Tower Tything, Decker W»td bring the reel estate of the said uec. for the benefit of tlie beire and creditors notice he published the Public Guette requiting ell pet eons interested,'to show^use. if iny they have, why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted. S M. BOND. e e. o, May 14 4tq Chatham County, lilting for ordinary rurpo- se*, fur leave *i» tell all *l*s rei«l estate nl the late Thomas Savage, of B'ya^ Coun’V* v izs Point Plantaton, consisting of two hundred Mild eighty acres Rice Land, on Ihe O -eechee River, four mile* below ihe F -rry, idjjning the plantation ef Joseph Habersham si'd Ste nhen Eliott Also, two hundred ard fifty Hcrcf* more or less, cf Pine Land, appertHin- ing thereto. A'ao. r Tract of Lard railed 3a<ina, c ntt/i ing fif y acre?, on Medway Riv • r, adjoining the land# of J J- Maxwell. MARY SAVaGE, Adm'rx. .Tune '5 NO 1 ICE. N ine months after date, application will be made lo tho Hon. Ihe Judge, of the Court jt Ordinary of ( kaihem er unly, for leave te sell all the real estate of the late William Craig, deceased, for the benefit of the heira and cred- ituraofsaid eatate. JOHN U’NISH, Executor, net 1" 7 ’ medicine, will make me per ectly so. Your obi,gad friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR- Philadelphia, July "fi, 1824. My confidence in the vegetable catholicon ia undiminiah-id, and sa fresh in- tancea of its powers sr. daily occurring, in my own prac tice. I have no hesitation in recommending at, in the peculiar diseases to which it is applica ble. aa superior to e-'y remedv I am acqunintr ed with. M. M’MUKTRIE M. D. Philadelphia, May 28.1824 Sm—In consequence of imprudent expna ure four veers ago-. I had the misfortune to be come afflicted with n disease, the peinfol re suits of which induced me to apply in sun- Notice. 4 M. persons having^demend* ^against the | „f tbe T iolent pain that I feltjn every cession to several respectable ph.vilciana of | «pl»lsc»nt. this city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re ceived another complaint quite ts distressing aa the former. My whole system became a footed. I could get no reat at niffht on ic fice, on or before the first No..d.y ■J 1 "'* next,otherwise Letter, will be grained tilt ap- P Witnei the Honorable B-itian It Hunk- ley, one of ihe Justices "f said Court, thi. sixteenin day ol April, tigb'.c hundred oi d twenty firo. . [L S. JOHN UAlLEf. C. C. 0 C.C. Anril 21 4 Georgia—Camden County. UY THE COURT OF ORDINARY fOB SAID COUN IY. W HEREAS John Cheviher, his sppiif* to Slid Court, for Letter, D'mw'rt un the estate, of Samuel Cozen-.nd R«" ^ Buck, deceas-d. Theae are, cite and admonish, all and aingular, the I dred arid ereiii' ora nt the said d P' sops, t-> file their objections, if any th«’ in my office, on or before the first H”™*-, January next, or Letter, will be gw** M Witness the Honorable James * of tbe Justice! of raid Court, la s « teei.th dev nf April, e ghteen kuim end twenty-five. , (L. S.) JOHN BAILEY. C. C. 0. Cf- Anri ’l 24 the city estate of Constant Freemen, Esq late of I t of my b(ld y , the weakness snd enecie city of Washington, deceased, ere re I tion of which wu such that I could eesrcely Jan 14 Georgia—Chatham County In the Court of Ordinary— May Term, 1825. O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor of John Weckerly,-dao. praying en order Moi to be made absolute, on his complying with the law, t* sell Two Traota of Land in Laurens County, being the real estate of tbe I their objections (if any they have) in my of- Georgia—Camden County . TO ALL WHOM IT M AY CONCERN. W HEREAS J. B<ehlott Jun. administrator on I he estates of DsvidTucker and David M’Credie, applies to tbe Court of Ordinary of stid County, for Letters diamisssry on tbe rotates of raid deceased personal Tbese-are, therefore, to cite and admonish the heirs and creditors of said deceased per sole, to file Georgia—Camden County- BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY fO SAID '’OUNTY. vTOHEREAS Lewis Btchlott.applirafr „ - .Leri 'JJr Court of Ordinary of raid Countyi I* strength restored With msoy thanka for I ( ettert Dismistory oo the estate of f r,l, ®3 the relief your medieine has given me, I am I Roio | upe . Their are, therefore, tp eit* your obliged friend, tie. » I adm oniih, all and lingular, the kindred WILLIAM WILSON. I credltorl „f at id deeraeed, to fift their ekj' Sworn and aubaenbed to before me, May 28,1 . jf ™ they hav*, in my office, on 0, “* 1824 JOHN B1NNS, Alderman. I r‘ e Ote « at Monday in Januiry next, idh**; 1 WIN Letter* Ditmiraory will be granied IW ‘PP'^^era tbe Honorable Samuel Clark*. •neofthe Jurticetof said Court, W sixteenth day of April, eigbteeo dred and twenty-five. . (L.8.) JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O.C C April 21 24 Philadelphia, May 28,18"4. Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty mar. For nearly six years 1 have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to my exiatenee. Having had no regular medi- raid deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and I fice, on or before the first Monday in January I nl advice from the eommueement, my creditors: It is ordered, that a notice be I neat, or letters will be granted to tbe opph-1 complaint Mbit got to such a height that I published, nine months, in one of the Gz- cant. I could not swallow without great paw and zettes of the oity of Savannah, requiring til l' r ^T1 Witness the Hun. William Gibson, I difficulty: Tumors formed m different porta persons interested, to show cause, if any they I |l L S if one of tbe Justices of atid Court, I of my body, end I began to think my situation ran, why the prayer of the petitioner thoidd I |Uw this 25th June, 1825. tlmoet drtperate. The Sr* bottles of tbe not be granted. ». M. BOND, c. c. o. I JOHN BAILEY, e. e.o e.e. I Catholicon which I have taken h*we com- | May 26 gy ] JuneSO 82 | pletely cured me, and I am low a* wellasl H AY. WA BUNDLES PBIMEHAY, landinf 5< isT. , ' l ‘ p s.r<s«i>-