Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 27, 1825, Image 4
swatm*s panacea. t HIS iu»lIcMe'U offered eanremedyfor . Beroftin. Wtlg’e Bvll, WeWated “ Sheriff f# Sale. On IAe Arrt Tuetday mi SreiemMr n«t V l/luL be eeld before the Court I r the Citv rf Savannah, h«t« OuUi long Minding lUMoua r Botin.of 10 ud 4 o’clock. . Moure in between tin' ftbeumatlo OMntli White Swelling IttMn of tbo B mef. »>d nil Ww* generally of *n uleernui character, ehd Chronic diseases, (riling in UcWliUled conoti tutioni, but mure especially for Syphlbn, or flection* • tiling th-refrem, Ulcere of tbo All ScU torn fo» .^l»p ; ‘iSd tbitdrradfol city of SinnJfcb known In plbn Of oild city onedbye long ntd eiornivo uie tooJtdM »«” 1 PJ**WjM" jyy f! 1 ule flit tn Dme^eflheMver. tbo property of Ktau. «*»!» undOf • ■ ft. to IB , di(ordef( fern, an impure or In n'l ditordeft nritlng Bnftoi bn impure .'i-nnfhmluated Mate of the Bind, It Will be found » powerful tnd on effectual remedy.— I Tbo dlbcorery of tbiw medicine hu been the ■In.hvidrat.Irtth'nf of llllllrwd ,MtnllTe •’"'’f. l * U ,led Imre the pro* >W mode public from the moot decided eon- I viction. founded on.imple experience, of it! , hr >n „ r ..'eobienmediolnei, employed by the Piculiy will tfenfail in the *ery dlieuei for Which they ereotonsidered ipecideoi but if the Bv<* len«! <1 be percevercd io, it wiU radieelly remove 0j»_ L I moot every otuaegof the dliordero vpecifit M Tav. l Tbouaapda ore lingering under tbooc col • ' plaints in lOCW^xm, linking to the grai vlihopt o remedy, whom this medicine would Qomtuihieotionb. port paid, tnd order! from bny port of tbo world, will receive immtdiotr mention. (p-Printed direction ecoompooy the Me dicine. . . ■ ] u WM. feWAIMk , No 13, South Ninth Street, oppoeite the University of Uennvylvsnic. Philadelphia, February, IB3S. Theiubecribere hove juot reeotvod * fteoh Bimply of the ebove VALUABLE MBDl- CINE, end have blade audijfrruiraemento with tbo inventor,Mr. Wttti'SWiftn, as will enabte them to offer to tbo While a pure and Unadulterated, article. Druggists and others who purchhin to sell again, can have it . at the original price eateblished by the proprietor. LAY St HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Bnan's Buildings. A Treatise on Swalm’e Panacea, With casus illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above. ' ' 1 i by the numbera (7, j D.cker wir ‘ mining thirty . jteety (set (90) in _ sA'RStSMtittt («) levied on aa'the property of vis undor an execution - in - ■ viupmi. reswur, wuum wnwin ■ . . . . „ mlih.rtv I certainly restore toperfer-t health and rigour. All that I’atsfety end innocence hivebeen fully tebi- tueet being the half of lot no- I eJi wthat i t may be edminlrtered to the ton- bounded worthyhStavtad ie,e,t ' ,nr *' ‘ Tha mo« di»tinguiih«d phyai, uutbe.eert by the other bait ofaaMjut levied | ^ <|w p „ it<|d gute , recommend it. and oOMthepniperfri f Lamout Williarne un .dmit, tbit a more Importtut diieoverv in mo- a GRHK4BLY to ynnr request, f an eneeution to fcvor of Drenmr and Lwnpm ^ |ei(|nM bu rol bees made, and to w A. ditfi ;ult» procured and now sei . ' X AiSrtU under I ^J*?*^* *<**.«*••*•**!** P««“ | the ship Jinn. Cspt Rnbinion, a few pounds on ft the propotty'd? Thornks Wright under | two executions in Ikvor of Johnaton, Hilii k co. and Baud. Hilo. L D'LYON * o. c. 98 Ang 8 -JU. City Sheriff ’s Sale. ^gSg,^, On Me fint Tuetday in September next, rrtflLL oe lo d at toe .ou t Mouse u- the \JJ city of Savannah, between the bouts of IU tnd 4 o’clock; , „„ ...» ....... - All the lot of land iltuated, lying and being I t)M re etitude of tbe Proprietor’a intentioni. lathe eity of Sivsnnab, bn wn in the plan oi I J * iDELPTIlS, UN EXTRACT i : India Cure far the Rheu- », King'e Evil, tfc. i letter from the Rev. Jimea E liih, dited at Uengal, to Dr. F' Bed we London. Dean Pis : : , I have with , , _ eend you by tanguafte of one of tbe most eminent Pro- [ tbe .hip Jinn, Cspt Rnbinion, » few pounds teiioth of the age, U tea triumph in the healing I tbe poltdclnhis, or whet genersllv goes art. To the present and rising generations, I by the neme of India Extract, a Medicine un the benefit mult prove incalculable, n it only. I j ven( ||y esteemed among the people of India by easing mtny many valuable livee, but im. I „ g certain euro for the Rheumatism. Was parting strength and aoundneea to debilitaed l 1 1 „ { n fp rm you of the number of people wh an-' carrup'ed conetitntione,—thereby y r e*e ru ';| am daily reiieved'and cured by this valuahlr ing their ijftpring f ern hereditary dueaeet. | ^.d'xine, it wou'd require more paper then These tacts, together with the numerous curee I j tm |( ,| e t„ purchase md more time than 1 made, fbrm irretiible preof of the high v »bm I <m gb le to bestow. I added, the effect of this of this remedy. No one, however, is ad'ited I u ec ]icine ie an immediate, that in Rheumutim to take it, without 6rat fully convincing him' self of the truth of wha' is here elated, and ■aid City a» 1« Ni>. two 3, Libe»nr Ward con taining (0feet (root and 90 feet drop, togeth er with all the bbiidinga and improvemenu thermo, bounded sett by lot No, one 1, wert • y lot No. throe 3, north by Btoughton-at. k eouth by a lane, levied on n the property of the ei tale of Tltomat Lucent, dee. to aatiaty an ei ecution from the Court of Common Pleat ana I Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah Wm. H. Wall and B'iaabeth hia wife v». S. M Bond administrator, O. T A, of Thomas Lo» A. 1 D'LYNca von would suppose ir acted *» a charm ingiv- og relief and r,.moving vh >t painful disease- I'l the Xbtg’t Evil, it has been uied with greet success, and whe r. Mercury hu been given or used to escess, Mi s Medicine baa proved a nerfeeteure. The greatdifii .ulty, however, „ . - ,il procuring the Extrect, will for many yrrra K tienta who have been permanently I , n enme, prev' Pt itf pcnrr.1 circulation, it be- d, previous to the rroprietor , « un-1 n bt.1 ncd fron a Shrub growing on th inmlliam wa/taSvmrl tha aKloawf iva'llltncfi I e Th'.l l 1. . 1... n .amon N. Aog8 Sheriff’s bale. On the fret Tuetday in October next. YCOlLu be sot! at the Court House,in the \M town of Jofferaon, Cunden County, between the legal hours of aole, Tbe curee performed in thie city olone,es tebUabita euperior virtue on o bum too ooiid to be affected by the malignity of the envious. I is worthy of remark, that the greater psrt ■ if the cuied. . . dertekingtliem, received the ablest assistance and eeveral were abandoned by the r Fhyai clans, at br ing beyond the reach "f I'Uman skill Such it the f 'Ct, and to extraordinary wtr many of the enter that an exhib-tion toot made of di m in the Univerot y of Pcnn'ti'v .n i». Cy the l* efrnor of Surger,, b fore a mould ed audience of Static «*. who pi onounccrl them wondfro m the healing art. It • aa been intro- ncej into the Pluiadelphia Alma Huua.- and Pennsylvania and New-Ynrk Hoepital, and such were it* lurpriting effect*—it* rucceas after ad other m»dicinea liad faded, ttiar tiio Surgeon of the PenntylvaoisjHupiUl, Ur.Wm P ice, was induced to abandon hia highly A tract of land, aituate on Walker Swamp rrapectable offic , from the laudable design hi Camden County, containing seven hundred j of benefiting h a f.dlow creatures. b\ Carry and fifty acres more nr leu. with the iinprove-1 ng the Penacea to England i Where it bu al a it . An. « I aeoile •imkwVaadari lh« alWJS nr 111* mnillBf- mountainl of Thibet, in the. B rmsn F.mpirr of Indio, and held so sacred by the native*, that to part with it is like porting with their ovirtence.” Letter tn Dr- Bedwell, dated J.n. 7, 18J3. Dear Doctor—that* Seen violently affected with a Rheumatic complain! for many years < o»ec my fingers were so contracted that I could neither dresc or undrew myself, or the leart assistance to m- fanily—I have niCd only one box of thelnd.s Eairact, atdn am perfectly restored. Your’s truly,- *-■ B. HAL510N, Phi tail jbia Letter from Tobiaa Jenningi, StewaW % St. ‘ _ ‘ t. JRS3 ttepartTMni, March, 14, 1825. UDTHBRE4S on (he 3d of Mareh, IRS'S, a vv law waa paaosd by the Congreu of the United 8tates,of Which the 3d. 4th. and Slh eeetlnna are in the words following, via t '• Seo. 3. And bo it further enacted. That a subscription tn the amount of twelve miiloha of dollam, of the eix p r eent. stock of the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and the lame ia hereby proposed i for which pur- sow book* shall be opened at the Treasury of he United States, and at thi several loan oA eea, on the first day of April qext. to eontlnue open until the first day of October thereafter, for such parti of the above mentioned de scription of atock as aball, bn the slay of sub- •eripilom stand on the hooka of tbe Treasury, and on those of the several loan offices, re •peelively i which subscription shall be effect- ed by e transfer to the United States, in the manner provided by law for such transfers, of the credit or credits standing on the Aid books, and by a surrender of the certificates of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That all subscription by such transfer of stock shell be considered as part of the said twelve mil lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by the first aecti'-n i f his aot. »■ 8ee. 4. And he it further enactedThat for the whole or any part of any turn which shall be thus aubaeribetl, credits iltall be entered to the respective subscribers, who ahall be enti tled to a certificate or certificates purporting that tbe United 8tatea owe to the holder or holders thereof, hia, her, or their assigns, s sum to be eapresaed therein, equal to the amounLoLthe principal stock thuasubscribed, bearing an interest nut exceeding four am one half per centum per annum, payable quarterly, from the thirty-fimt day of Decern- her,one thousand eight hundred and twenty five t transferable in tbe same manner aa is provided by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and aubject to redemption at the pleasure of the United States, as follows t ohe half at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: end the remainder at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine ■ Provided, That Co reimbursement Shall be made except for the whole amount of aueb new certificate ; nor until after kt least aix month* publie notice of such intended reim bursement. And it ahall be the duty nf the decretory of the Treaaury to cause to be trans ferred to the respective aubaeriberathe sever al sums by them auhicribed beyond the amount of the certificate! of four and one half per cent, stock issued to them respectively “ Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, Thai the tame funds which have heretofore been, and nnw are pledged by law for tbe payment of the intcreat, sod for the redemption and reimbursement of the atock which may be re deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro visions of thia act, shall remvin pledged in like manner for the pa-ment of the interest accru ing on the atock created hy reaitin of sucl aubacrip ion, and fir the redemption or reim bursement of the principal of the fame. And it shill be the duty of the commissioners of the sinking fund tn Reuse to be applied and paid, out of the said fund, yearly and eve-y year, such sum and sums aa may be annually reqir* VALUABM5 MEDICINE, TOTTEU’ft Vegetable Catholicon. rnHB subserlbtr respectfully solicit* the at If tention of every Mend of suffering hu manity, to to the above new and invaluable remedy, whoae unequal powers In eliminating from the system the very aeede of dlaesae, andin restoring the deranged and morbid condition of the organa of lift to a free tnd healthy eaerelee oftheir function*, baa exci ted the astonishment, end completely alien eed the objections oftho moat incredulous — Fuels are the heel argument!. 10 order to put the virtues of tiie tlatbolicon to as severe a scrutiny as possible, it waa offered by edver- tiaement, together with the attendance of a physician, gratuitously to any ntrout who would apply by it, atyl whose cause might seemt<- come within the range of its healing tower—number* dfSevere curl of long «ta Ti ng, and some of them seemingly desperate ones, pre ented themselves, all tf which have been cured, or so much relieved u towtrrent ibe assertion that a tittle perseverance will do •o. In fact, such ii the confidence of the phyii cian under whose care these patient* were diced, in thia remedy, t confidence reiu.-t ng from the irresistible conviction that has been forced upon his mind by ocular demon •t ration, and* pertomi trial of it on tdmaell that he permits mo to declare it aa his deoi- ded opinion, (hat 'lie Catholicon ia not only a perfectly safe Mid innocent, but a moat pow erful ana invaluable remedy in certain dis ease* and states of tbe ay stem, such u the fol owing!— Debility recalling from intemperance tnd dissipation t Old and inveterate Ulcer*.- Pains in the bones attended with swellings of the join's) Indifceation, Blotches on the face, pimple*, ko. i All complaints of the Liver i Tetter, Yawsi Syphilis, Cutaneous diseases generally t Mercurial and acrofuloua com plaints. The Catholicon (which the pteprieter sol emnly pledges h i word consist! delusively of vegetable matter) with the exception of a slight determi istion to the bowels, which it preserves in a soluble state, act* insensibly, ia pleaunt to tbe taste, and requires m particu lar regimen, (abstinence from apirtuous li quors alwaya eacepted.) or confinement. Aa a gentle, tale and agreeable cathartic medi cine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, it ia confidently recommended to ladies in a delicate situa tion. W W. POTTER, 66 Cheanut-atreet. could wiah to be. With mv thank, obliged bumble lemm.We™ **N« City of Philadelphia. „. O,!OR0E **N». George It me, of || lg District nf • ,,,k -P*"?'«»J , »Ppe*red,and, hSJtt swore, doth declare ami say tint th? xh tuptJrJZte ind that the signature to it U ie ready auperaeded the uae of tbe genuirn- PrenCb Hob of Lafacteur in a number of in-1 Stances, m dUeaaoa lor which that ia intended, m itatb'teon,—andfi-'enegrotavii. A*-on Bilv'a, Roae^tephen and Pompey, levied o ea the pronertyuf John Hardie, nm-’er tun . ,. -. .... , . , , , , - dr\ executions, in fnvor of the State of Geor-1 and ate virtues are publicly acknowledge by I x ln y year* been laboring under aevere gia, against Joseph Drew* T»* Collector, end I aqme ef the moat eminent autveons there. I .I.tiam, I waa induced to try the Polad gia, against Joseph lirewa ' J,hn Harder and Ed ward Shearman, Seoul tie*— property pointed out by John Hardie. Abo, A tract of land lying in ''-amden Coun ty, containing two-hundredand ninety acres, more or ieaa. and the improvement* thereon, levied on as the property of Z .eh <ri*h Hu berts,under an execution in fsv r of Thomas H. Miller for the uae of Aed-ew Low U Go. property pointed out bv tbe d -fendrnt G. W.TUOMAS, » ».R C. , Sept 3 89 Sheriff’s '■ale. On Ike Jinl Tuetday in September next, {TWILL, be .Old m l'r u ut ot Um ^uur.-bouae \JJ in Bryan County, between the usual hours of sale, A tract of Land in laid county, known bv tbe name of ‘Palermo,’ containing eight hun. d-ed acres, more or less, b m idsd N E hy Swat’s lands, 8. W by a Salt marab, other boundaries not known—levied upon as the property of R T Keating, to satisfy tn ere cution in avor of tue administrators of Ben). Stiles, deceased THOS. HARM, a. a. August) 9.5 I t all complicated cases of Scofulu tnd Sy- philit, and where tbe Syphilitic Virus of tliu p.ref.t causes a development of Serofnia io ihe child. thia ia the only remedy upon whinh a aing e hope of recovery can be reatonab't Thomaa’Hosplal London, Feb Dear Sr—I think it my duty tn inform you, | t0 the interest accruing on the that after trying every thing that could be |tQck wh|oh m becre „ e aby virtue of this pointed out by the most respectable pbyw- I lC t The aaict commissionert are, also, here. niana snd surgeon- for the ml ef of my | by authorized to apply, from time to tim* without any suceeaa, who you know, hu to. I bUC h iu m and sums out of the said fund, a lelph'w | they may think proper, hrwards redeeming writing of thia'deponenL “ ** l# **“ k * 1 * Pluiadelphia, AUe '""' TO SOUTHERN PUNTEM .The Ve|f* , « b, « Catholicon is pel tl , adapted to thou diaeaaea which are ? among the coloured populafon of In that diacau which is called y*», u* sure remedy i» single trial ont,ii|| c , J: 1 ' l ‘ planter, ofitaaupetior efficacy dy of a similar nature in the United stat* I NOTICE, ■Hie advantage, of this medicine »„ , eonhntng the nstient umieceiiatil, houu.orkeepfog him from hSTfi^J ' With one solitery ezeention, >hu „r oua liquors, it doet not lay anyi WWc g,„"!"’ hit appetite It is so gentle in a, oZ J n that tbe patient find, himself gelling vX cannet tell how. A. it i. notthe wrah n/thf proprietor to take any thing tot which h! cannot give a conWderation \ot) hnJ? peraona at a distance who may I hi. iredicine, but who are not eeaiM be tpphcoble to their complaint, art teomm ed to describe their case and syntnioiaa a letter, pnrt-piid, and directed totm-ti, letter will be immedistely placed in h.n, Daily competent to decide tbe c ieatm,- , Should the remedy not seem to suit the da. I ease, they will be frankly told sc. CAUTION- To prevent disappointment it is well l0 state that it takes in ordinary cases from J to J bottles to effect a cure so that persona ih are labouring und er any aerious infirmiti I must make up their mind to persevere to tint I extent at least—at they do not, they might« I well izvethemaeWea the trouble andexpci* I f using a smaller qu-ntitv. I All ordert poii-puid and enclosing the nmt), L immediately itttcnded to, a.ul Uie medicine I packed snd delivered with direotiuna for im, I Many place in the city, and forwarded at di. I rented I N. B. To prevent the pnisibility of all » I position, it wi'i be told in the city of PhiluM. I phia, at the office in Fifth near tlace-Slrret, I oral the dwelling of tbe proprh tor, No, 81 Jheanul street, only, an I abroad by hia a,. | borued agents. W W POTIEil, 66 Che taut Street, Plulailc' - * a -> proper* „ by purchase, or by reimbunsnieut, in con- with a g immering hope, that at might g re him some relief from the exeeaaive pain he endure i, which rendered hi n a useless mem ber, of society, and a burthen to himself. 'I c . ^ i my utter astonishment the relief vai inatan .... ..... founded) there b*a been no mrtanoe of its I un-oui, ■ nd by persevering in tbe uae of the I ib aU be andcuntinue appropriated to future, where propeily used It .unparttirf | gxtract, hia joint*have returned totbeir pro. j ^ i ntereit (n d redemption of ner places, and he is in periect health. Up 1 r - ■ gour to the whole system while the cure ia j going nn—dn operation, to long looked for in vain by the Medical world t at ( ,e ,»me time the taatient ia enabled to take nourishing food, which tinder the common modes of practice, it withheld from the aufierer. In m*. ny Instances where the horrible ravagei of Ul ceration bad laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means bu. amputation could have saved life : in eases extreme even as here described, have pa tients been snatched from the grave and re stored to good health, and the devouring dil ate completely eradicated The diecove< y of a remedy like thie now offered far sale, hat been a (lenderatari.f om Umoimmemoiial, The Proncletog doe* no. .'uppose nil bare aaeeition will convince: ue will therefore give references' to such aa have been cured, and those ui.d .r hia care among whom are many highly reapec'aole cilia;!, that shall satisfy the most incredulous of its superior efficacy in the disorders for which i: is here recommenced. Every member ufaoc e y should aid in diffus ing inf .rotation of thia diacovery—human ity alone maket it a duty itatti&catea. H I have within the lest two years had an op- fortuity with the proyiaions of this act, the I principal of the avid stock s and such part ol I the anhnat rttoi often millions of dollars, vetl- I ed by law in tbe said commissioners, aa may I be necessary and required for thr above pur . , ...j payt , I the public debt, until the whole of the stock vords of siaty respectable nersons hove cal led to see my son, aa ail who knew him though! it imnnastbl- that he too! -mover. FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, iat, where additional certificates ofj the etficacy of the above medicine may be seen. May 20 Georgia— amden Count). TO ILL WHOM IT MAI CO.VCJSHA. 'TEItEAS Alexander Atkinson, Ad tpeir attorneys duly authorizeu to lubscrib'- atrator on the Estate of John Atkm- #nd trlni f er , t , 0 the United State*. on, deceased, applies to the Court of O-dm I sb , u |g >u bacriptinns of said stock be made arv of said County, for letter* dism.saory on , 0 tI) tmnunt exceeding twelve millions of a id estate: Tlw>ae are, therefore, to c te aid ri ,;t| arf> „ diUnbulion of the laid aum of twelve .'dmonlah all and singular, the heira r.nd cred mjl | 10nl 0 f dollars will be made among 'he itora of laid decerned, to fi e their obj^rum* subscribers, in proportion to the auma aubferi- (if »ny they have) in my office, on o, b .ftife| 0#d by them respectively, which may be created under the proviaiona of thia act, ahall have been redeemed or reim bursed.” Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that hooka will be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and at the aeveral loan offices, on the first day of April next, and continue open until the firat da" of October, thereaf- er, for receiving subscriptions in conformity with '.he provisions of the laid law. The aubacriptiona may be made by the pro prietors uf the stock, ei'lter to person or by Sheriff s sales. O -i the firat Saturday sftt-r the firat Tuesday o O tober m at,will beaold at the Market House in the town **' 8t. Maty’a between f-e usual hours, fifty acre* of land, together with the improvements thereon, lying knd being # in the County of Camden, on the Poat Road I portunity of seeing aeveral case* of very rove leading from Jefferson to 8t. Marya, levied I rerate ulcers, which having previously resist' on as the property of H A Nunts, to aatiefy I e( ) the regular modes of treatmeut, were the fir.t a.onday in January next, or letter .vill he granted to the applicant. Witness the Him William Gibtor, I one of 'he Justices of said Coiirt, | this 2J hJune. 182J. JOHN BAILEY, c. c o. c. June 30 82 sundry execution! in fovo- of Ezekiel Weekz. Property levied on and turned over to me by e constable. M. H. HERB ARD, S C-C. St. Ifaryi, 26rh Suguat, 1825 Sant 3 ”09 Sheriff s Sales. On the first Tuetday in October next. VTClLL ie au d at tor Court-House in the Vjr town of Jefferson, between the usual hour*, part of Lot No 4, containing fifty feet in front and fifty in depth, lying in tbe town of St. Marya, levied on as the property of George W. Martm to satisfy an eaeoutioo in favor of B. A. Copp. M. H HEW)ARD, 3. C. C. St. Marya, August 26,1835. Sep'3 09 sheriff's atile. On the first Tuetday in November next, soldor-fure ibe Court House i>. ihe city of Saranoab, between tlte us uat Hours of sale, Two Stagey, tour Horses, and four sets ol Harneas, belonging to this end of the Augus ta Line, levied on under a forcloaure of a Mortgage from Joseph I. Thompson, to Jo seph Cumming, assigned to Alexander T- Dopaon. A-1. D’LYON, o. s. o, o. sept 8 Georgia—t amden uounty. TO ALL '.i ROM II' MAY OONIERN Yiy lEHEAS John H* dee. Ad nimstralor w of the Eatate of David G. Jones, late of and county, deceased, applies td tbe Cou>! of Ordinary of aaid county, for lettcra dia- aumerronsaidBaiatei Theae are therefore to cite and admonish I have proved inatantly efficacious, all and singular, the heirs and creditor* of raid Id cm it a duty I owe the Ihe publ deceased, to fie their objeetions (if any thqi ] quaint them, that it ia impossible, la was IS I its new nffiee ,*a* nn lauftaua Aea* . . a*. nealed by the pie of Mr. Swvim’a Panacea- and I do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in aero, luloua, venereal and mercurial diaeaaea. •-N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and practice of Physic, in the University of Penn sylvsnia ill It. " Philadelphia, February 16,18 ’3." “lhave employed Uie Panacea of Mr.Swaim, in numerous inatancea, within the last three years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especially in aec-ondary syphilis and niarcuriaJ diaeaaea. I have no hesimtio in pronouncing it e medicine of ineatimabie value. «W. GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery in the Uni*ty of Pent. Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the Alma House Infirmity, Ac- “ February 17,182V’ “ l have repetiedly used 8waim’s, Panacea, both in the Hoapital and in private practice, and have found it to be a valuable medicine in chionic, syphilitic and aoroieloua complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous affections. “VALENTINE MOTT, M- D. Profeat >r of Surgery in the University of New York, Surgeun of the New.York Hospital, Sic, "New York, tel mo S(A,18‘J4 ” Caution to PurctvaapTg. The great demand and wonderful success nf this medicine, have induced a number of peraona to imitate it in varioua wayi—Some are selling 8anap*rilli and other syrupe, im posing them on th' ignorant for the Panacea i others are mixing the genuine medicine with molasses, Ac,, making three bottles out of one, thus retailing some of its virtues. Three im* ration* and snd adulteratoina have in many in. tanors, protracted the sufferings of patients in cases where the genuine medicine would “ 1 therefore Georgia—Jamden county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. W HEREAS Louia D tfeur. Administrator I <n d eighty acres nice Land, <*n the O -eechee of the Eatate of Basile Pelletier, dec’.! | diver, four milea below the F Try, t<lj"ining applies to the Court of Ordinary of said coun-1 tbe plantation of Joseph Habersham and Ste fur letters dismisao-y on said estate:— 1 lieae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the heirs and eredilora of laid deceased to file their ohiecions (if any they lave) in my office, on or before ihe first Mon Jay in Jaonary next, or letters will be granteu ) II e applicant. n ■ "i=?1 Witneaa the Hon. William Gibso | one of the Juatieea nf said Cou ■I- j I thia35'h June, 18 5 JO IN DAILY, c.c.o. c. c. June 30 83 have) ie my nffioe, nor before the first Mon day in Mareh next, otherwise letter* will be ! granted the applicant. Witneaa the Hon. William Qibaon, one of [L. S,j the Juatieea of raid Court, this 27th August, 1815. JOHN BAILS Y, Clk. C. 0 C. C. fept. 3 , 309 from the very nature of it* constituents, to be discover ed by chemical snalytiai and eoniequentlf that all other mixture* represented to be mine snd sold aa such, are fraudulent and base im. poaitiona, calculated to deceive the ignorant and Unwary -The genuine medicine has mv signature of .< label representing Hercules and the Hydra, end name on tbe seal! i LS i SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasurv; ’■■a 101 M otice. N ine HONTH3 after date, application •,iil be made to the Inferior Oourt of | Chatham County, aitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave 'o sell all (he real estate of the iate Thomas Ssvsge, of Bi ysn County, viz: Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred Pluiadelphia, May 31,1834 At tlte request of Mr. W. W. Potter, Ihsvi Isteiy exhibited, in aeveral instances, a medi eated sirup, called Po'ter’i Vegetable Catho licon, with the moat decided advantage. I has, a*' et, never failed effecting a cure in every case in which I have thought proper to employ it. H. M’MUft TRIE, M O Phi’adelphia, July 38th, 1824. Mr. W- W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that would give a concise statement of my suffer inga. from * the hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of my disease.’ Abnirt five years ago, on my paassge from nnrdeaus, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, I waa Mixed with a violent lever. Having no medical at tendants on board, I wn compelled to bear it, m I might for two weeka, when on my ar rival at Charleston, 8. C. it was treated ai ry phus. The skill of my Phjraicien subdued the fever, but Phmnix-like, the termination of this gave rise to a diieaae equally dirtres- in j, and which, till now, I had thought incur able. Vurioui abscesses made (heir unwel come appearance, partieulariy on the jointt, which were swelled to an enormous aiae.— These gradually subsided Into hard tumors, one of which on my left knee affected the bone—an inciaion wu now made and a large evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, I suffered the most excruoiating painain my joints that man ever experienced. Every thing that was administered either gave me no relief "r Mr- ved to aggravate the disease, the severity of which incroaMd with every succeeding year. Such was my painful ip.ualion that I despaired of ever being restored to my heal: hi lhad not only tried the regular means uf relief, but ured, though in vain, every popular rem edy 1 could bear of- It was in thie awful and deapondmg condition,that I was persuaded to commence a course of your Vegetable Oath-1 icon, and the heppy reault is, ••/ om Ihe tue of the two bottles, my whole lyHem hat under i -one a complete revo'ulion, my paint have fo-ltt- let met" the discharge from my kuee began to diminish, end soon cessed altogether, thr ulcerfrom whence it proceeded being com plelely healed. The tumors, for the removal of which I have tried in vain more remedies linn I can name, are rapidly decreasing i my appetite, which was gone, hsi returned—l an ■ fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a appm Druggist of Savannah, my sole agent. Dt-j*. I gists wanting the above valuable roedieim, I will be supplied by him for cash, at thr un I rate, aa if ordered direct from me—via. p| per dozen, or three dollars • single bottle. W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. Any peraon on application to the eubzcrih>t| will be forniahed with certificates ol the iffiil eacy of the above medicine, sufficient ia me I vince the mind of the moat •eeptical, although I too numerous and lengthy fur nrwipeperii. I lertion. GE(). RYEHsON, Draiygist, I Corner of Bay and Whittaker Street* I dec 13 phen Elliott Also, two hundred and fifty acrea, more or leas, of Pine Land, appertain ing thereto. Also, a Tract of Lard called Satina, containing fif y acres, on Medway Biv er, idiuining the landa of J. J. Maxwell. MARY SAVAGE, Adm’rx. June IS 71 NOTICE. N INE month! after date, application will bt made to tbe Hon. the Judge* of the Court ui Ordinary ->( Chatham county, for leave to sell all the real eatate of the late William Craig, benefit of tbe heirs and cred JOHN M’NISH, Executor. 71 Ground, number four, [4] second Tythinr tleyrolda Ward—Also, p.rtof a Lot, numb - ■ix. Tower Tytbing, Decker Waid being tbe I real eatate Of the avid dec. (or the benefit of | the heirs and creditor! s—It is ordered, that. notice be published nine months, in one ul the Public GaMtts of the City of Savannah, I requiring til pet tom interested, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted. S M. BOND, c- e. o. May 14 44* rs otice. V LL peraona having demands against tbe eatate of Conatant Freeman, Esq. Mte of the city of Washington, deceased, are re q.iired to hand them in, legally attested, within the time preMribed by law : and those ndebted to said estate, are required to make immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm^ Jan 14 43p» Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM 11 M AY CONLEBN. ERE A 3 J. B .chlott Sun. ftdminiftra'or on the estates of DavidTucker snd David I M’Credie, applies to the Court of Ordinary | of said County, for Letter* diamitsary on the ed Georgia—Chatham Countij, In the Court of Ordioery—May Term, 1825. O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executnr I of Mid Uounty, for Letter* diamitaary of John Wackerl'/j dee. praying an order 1 estates of mid deceased peraona: Theae ere, AM to be made absolute, on hie complying I therefore, to cite and admoniah the heira am with the law, to Mil Two Tracts of Land in I creditors of mid deceased persona, to file Lauren*County,bein - - - - - — — — -■ -• ■aid deceaMd, for the creditors: It ia ordered, that a notice be nubliahed, nine months, in one of the G>. Laurens County, being tbe real estate of the I their objection* (if any they 'have) in my oft benefit of the heirs aizl | fice, on or hefore tbe first Monday in January next, or letten will be granted to tbe eppli- cant. | r _ftq Witneaa the Hon, William GibSon, |! L.S i j one of the Justices of said Court, |l — * this 35th June, 1825. JOHN BAILRY.e. e.o.e.e. June 30 82 not be granted. May 34 ■ ft- i. M.BOND.e c. o. 57 IN EQUITY. Between W, Davie*. oQdm>nutrator, Complain’I ant, and John Carnochan. Aihniniitrainr, 41 btmio no . with the will annexed of G«rft| Hi char ikon and othera, Defendant* />■ equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancer) I 2(ith Augnat, 18S4. ft I T appearing ihat John Murray Citnpchin,| one of Ihe defendanta in the taw bill oil complaint named* resides without the itrte rift Geo-gia, in that part of the United Kincdonl of Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotlird: I It is ordered that the said John Murray Cir> I noeban, do appear and anawer to the com* I plainant't said bill, within nine months fro* I the date of this urder, otherwise that Cs [ said bill, as to him, be taken pro coutemi.-1 and it is further ordered, that a copy of Iki I order be publilh, d once a week, in one d I the public Gaieties of thia stale, umil the a- I liration of the time within which the said de fendant it required to appear and anixetu j aforetaid. True copy from the Minutes, thi* 5'st hi August, 1834. A. B.FANNIN, Cleft august 24 few bottles mure of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will make me prriectly »o. Your obliged friend, ) THOMAS BROWN, JR Philadelphia, July I '6| 1834. Mv confidence in the vegettble catholicon is iindiminiah'.J, and as fresh in-tanees of its powers are daily occurring, in my own prae- lice. I have no hesitation in recommending it, in the peculiar diaeaaea to which it ia applies- hie, aa superior to any remedy I am acquaint ed With. M. M’UURTRiE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 '4 Six—In consequence of imprudent expoa ure four years ago. I had the misfortune to be* come vfflieted with a diMiM, the piinfiil re- suits ut which induced me to apply in sue ceasion to Mveral respectable physicians of this city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whore remedie* I re- ceived another complaint quite as diatrcMing as die former. My whole syifom became a' foeted. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count of the violent pun that I felt in every part of my body / Ihe weakness and roads tion of which was such that I could scarcely walk. In this Mate I fortunately heard of your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of which, has completely restored me, I hove now no pain i my appetite is good t and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medioine hu given me, I am your obliged friend, kc. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and sobeeribed to before me, May 38, 1834 JOHN B1NNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 3B, 1834. Sir—I am nnw, thank* to your medicine, hearty mar. For nearly six years I have been a martyr to a disease) whose ravages threat ened, if oot soon stopped, to put e period to my existence. Having bad no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint at last got to tueh a height that I could not swallow without geeat pain and difficulty. Tumor* formed in different parti of my body, aod I began to think my situation almost desperate. The five bottles of the Catholicon which I hare taken have com pletely cured me, tnd leu now aa wellaa Georgia Cumdcn Count!). TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY COSlM W HEREAS Sarah Brown. Juaim.*™*' applies to - he Cert of Ordinary '•» (lounty, for Letters of Administration on Uit eatate of John Brown, late of said county, ceased, af next of kin i There are, therefore, to cite and admoniah, all and lingular, u kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, tuf* I their objection*, If any they have, in »i * See, on or before the first Mo.-.d/y i* I®* nexV'therwire Letters will be granted tin ij plic *witnr*a the Honorable Brilinn R Baft- ley, one of the Justicei of atid CwA this aisteen'n day of April, eigluw | hundred ni d twenty -five, [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. 0. April 21 24 Georgia— Camden County. Y THE COUnT OF ORDINARY FOII 8 tID COUN IY. I W HEREAS John Chevalier, baaappWI to laid Court, fur Letters Diaiaisatrt I >n the estates of Samuel Cozens snd Bran * I Muck, deceased. There are, therefore, ■ I site end admonish, all and eingubr, IM “** I died snd erediiora ut the «"!,<»"<*!*?£* I sons, t file their objections, if«V *?”.I in my office, on or before the lift (today I January next, or Letter, will he ptattd lb* | * P1>1 Witne*a the Honorable Junta of the Justicei ef seid Court, day of April, eighteen huad tnd twenty-five. . ... [L.8.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C-<-• Apr I 31 M .. Georgia—Camden County- BY THE COURT OF OKDlNAUf SAID COUNTY. ^ TWHEREAS Lewie Bashlott, apphel*" \JjT Court of Ordinary of said Countyi,” Letter* Dtimiaaory on the eatate of JMg Roeotupe i There are, therefore, to eitt re tdmonrah, all and amgoUr, the kmdr“' creditor* of said deemed, to fife their rtj- tieot, if any they have, in my office, oe * fore the fi rt Monday in January neit, wire Utter* Dismireory will be grwted * PP 'WitUm the Honorahle Samuel Ck** one of the Juiticee of laid Court-“J sixteenth day of April, eighteen dred and twenty-five. . c (L.S.J JOHN BAILEY.C.C.^Cft- April 31 — HAY. WA BUNDLES PRIME HAY,1*«*«'reSIiaMn ■</¥* AH-