Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 01, 1825, Image 4
# Sheriff’s Sale. .Iktjbpl Tuesday in October Mxt. ILL be *ol<l*t the Court Houtt, In the town of Jefferson, Cxmtleu County, between tht legal houra of tala, A tract of land, situate on Walker Swamp Id Camden Cutlnly, containing aeven hundred 4to» fifty pores, moreorloaa, with the imDrove- , nu,nu theftoBa—snd Av« oegroei ?i». Aaron* •«***>" WdPuWBay, levied on M ’thh pfooerty of John Rardie. uncer tun dr) aaaeutltoa, in favor of the State of Geor gia against Joseph Crewe Tax Colleetor, and Joliultarder and Hdward Shearman, aecuri- tiea-property pointed out-by John Hardie. Alao, A treot of hutd lying in I’amd m Coun ty, containing two hundred and ninety acre*, mure or iaaa, and the improvement! thereon, .levied on aa the property of Z charlah Ro berta, under an execution in Amor of Thotnaa H. Miller fef the uae of ;And~ew Lew U Co. nruoerty pointed out bv the defendant r r Q. W.THOMA8, n a.e e. » ■ ^t3 - { " Kneriff s sales. • * ; O n the firet Saturday after the firat Tueaday A October next,will be told at the Market Houaein the town nl St. Mary’a between t^e uaoal houra, fifty aorea of land, together with the improvemente thereon, lying end being in the County of Camden, on the Poll Road leading from. Jefferson to 8t. Marys, levied on es the property of H A Nunia, to aatiafy sundry execution! in fltvor of Eaykldl Weoka. Property levied on end turned over to me by a constable. M. H. HERB ARD, S. C- C. St. Marya, 26;h August, 1825. Sent 3 ... 3<i9 JL SeroAile, King’s Evil, Ulcerated Sore Threat, long standing Rheumatlo Aden- Ilona, Outtnooua Diaeaaea, White Swelling and Diaeaaea of the Donee, and all cases generally of an itloeroua character, end Chronic diseases, anting In debilitated eonatt lotions, but more especially for Syphilis, oi Stations arising theteftom,' Ulcers of the Larynx, Nodes, he , and that dreadful dia oaaeoooaslonadby along sill aaeessive uae of Mercury, be ba.flt has also been found usefhl in Diaaasea of tbeUrer. In p I fiiaordera arising from an Impure pr contaminated atate of the Bleed, it will be found a powerful and .an effectual remedy.*-. The discovery of this medicine has been the effect of long and attentive study, and it is now made publie from the moat decided con viction, founded on ample experience, of its power In eradicating those diaeaaea,q/ier every ether medicine hoe failed. It cannot, however, be Mpposed, that this Panacea will invariably cure—the moot es teemed medicines, employed by the Faculty, wille/ien/diVinthe very diseases for ajT they are considered specific* i but if the ui it be perseve.fd in, it will radically remove most every eaOse|of the disorders spcoiAi Thousands are lingering under those cui plaints, in tome form, linking to the “ without a remedy, whom this medicine certainly restore to perfect health aud vigour. Its safety and innocence, have been fully test ed, so that it may be administered to the ten- derest infhrt- The most distinguished physi cians in the United States recommend it, and >dmit, that n more important discovery in me dical science has not been made i and tu use the language ofone of the most eminent Pro fessors of the age, if is a triumph in the healing art. To the present and rising general,ons, the benefit mus' prove incalculable, nut only by saving many many valuable lives, bid im parting strength and soundness to debilitaed and c-irruped constitutions,—lAereiy preserv ing their offopi ing from hereditary dweatet.— These facts, togei her with the numerous cures made, form itreetihleproof of tile high value ol this remedy. No one, however, istdviaed to take it, without firat fully convincing him- ,cp,f the truth of what is here stated, and the rectitude of the Prrp-ietor’a intentions. ‘The cures performed in thia city tablish its superior virtue on a basis too aoiid to h a affected by the malignity of the envious. I is worthy of remark, that the greater part of the patients who have been permanently cured, had, previous to the ntnprietor'a un dertaxing them, received the ablest assistance and several were abandoned by their Physi cians, aa bring beyond the reach of human xttlil. Such'telhe f-et ns,/ to extraordinary were many of he cues. that on exhibition wat made of them in the Univcrot.y of Penwy v in ia, by the Pofenor of Surgery, before a c oxed ed audience of Student, who pronounced .them vtontlero in the healing art. Iti 'W 1-cert inlr..- need into the Piuladelphin Alms-House ard Pennsylvania and New-York Hospital, and such were its surprising effects—its success ad other medicines had failed, that tbs burgeon of the Pennsylvania,Hopital, Dr.Wit. Price, waa induced to abandon hit highly respectable oflic , from the laudable design of benefiting n.s fellow creatures, by carry ing the Panacea to England, where it has al ready aoperaeded the use oftbe genuine French Rob of Lafaeteur in a number of in- rtanhea,4^..seaTdfwhieirthatiiintendou, Slier iff s Sales. : On the fret Tuesday in October next. vni.i-h oe autd at the Coutt-Hnuae in the VP# town of Jefferion, between the usual hours, part of Lot No 4, containing fifty feet in front apd fiily in depth, lying in the town of Bt. Marya, levied on the property of George W. Martin, to satisfy an exeoutiou in favor of B. A. Cupp. M. H- HEilBARD, S. C. C. St. Marya, August 26,1835. Sept 3 09 Sheriff’s dale. On the frit Tuesday in November next, sold before the Court House i» w he city of Savannah, between the us uai houra it! n le, Two 8tagdft, lour Horsea, and four lets of Harness, belonging to this end of thr Augus to Line, levied on nnder a fnrclosure ol n Mortgage from Joseph (. Thompson, to Jn. aeph Cumming, assign, d to Alexander T- Dopson. ' A- D LYON, n. s. o. c. aept ,8 Notice. u'ffiST '-[SWAIM’S PANACEA, .iff” 1 » InmeMSiwS WHISmedicine la offered** • ramedy for ■SSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSa I R/trnAiU. Klna’i Rvil. IIImmIaM Rih# tlopi. post paid, and ordenfrom he World, will toeeive imagpdiate any, fort of MtanlOOl . y.. Cr Printed directions accompany thk Ma- ' * • iym iiwaim, t No. 13, South Ninth Street, opposite’tk Univeraity of Pennsylyanle, . Philadelphia, February, 1835, Thesubacribere have just recoi unnly iff the'nbttvbVaLUXB’ eui CINE, and have made auoh-nrrui _ with the invofltqrJUr. Wm. 8wniui. ua enable them to offer to the public .4 pnr\ and unadulterated article. Druggists atit others who purchase to aell, can have it at the origioul price established by the' proprietor. . LAY & HENDRICKSDNf ' Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s BufMihgs. A Treatise on Bwaim’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its Bticcess, will he’ loaned to thoge interested, by applying as above, June W ^ N INE MONTHS after the date of this notice* application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber lipi Hri-MMi m ■ii|_ • * wrf 4ff pdsre of] *P® real estate otJohn Stacy* deceased* for the benefit oftbe ^ * - - - deceased. dec 1ft il« virtue, are publicly acknowledge b, 21 Notice. T HIRTY DAYS after date, T shall ap ply to the Honorable the Justices of the. Inferior Court, when setting fo, ordin- •ij purposes, for leave to aril a negro man, . —■"'t . wou ]j ma ^ e • good jobbing carpenter, a good driver on a plant a tolerable good planter, fo Mary Leby and.children- CHRIT’N. (93 plantati in, lie being August I the benefit of D. LEBEY. Offn Sorat iga Congress Spring Wa ters. l^tlfTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresli JL bottled by Messrs. Lynch & dark, of Pie tv-York, and direct from the Springs, Jttst received per ship Augusta. Persons gbipg to sea Wotno no Well to .opHy flclvea, aa they are offered at reduced prices by LAY St, HENDRICKSON, „ Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. , May 28 ANORDJtfANUli To prevent Jtegryet or Peroone of Colour from patting ttilh tickets after 10 o’clock, P.JU and for other pup,tea. B E it ordamed by the Mayor and Aldermen °r City of Savann»h and hamlets thereof, that from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no general tieke- shall pans negro or person of colour after 10 o’clock, P M—si.d no ticket which may be given ahall protect the bearer thereof from being appre hended by the City Guard alter the aaid hour, unleaa the place where he or sbo ia going, and the purpose for whi- h they ire given, hr specified therein, and ihe same shaU not bt of force after one night. Potted lit September, 1825, In Council . . . W c DANIELf., Mayor. Attest, M. II Tina, C C. Georgia—Bryan County. By Joshua Smith, Clerk of the Court of Ordi- nary of the Countv aforeaaid. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN, >4if!ffi#8A9’ Phillia Manly haa applied for W letters of administration oo the esute . of Wilfism Manly, late of said county, dec. ■ in behalf of the heirs and creditors: These ■re therefore to citf and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said de to file their objections (if any they have) in my office within thirty days Irom thia date otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicant. Given under my band and aeal this 33d of Sept, enw thousand eight hundred sndtwen. ty-five. JOSHUA SMITH, 0. C - 0- sept 19 t „, 9 Georgia—Camden County. to' all,whom it mat concern SS9 fE“KAS John Ha-dee, Administrator W of the Estate of David G. Jones* late Of said emiaty, deemed, applies to the Court of Ordinary of mid county, for letter* dia- miMory oo said Bstitei .These are therefore to eite sod admonish dt end singulir, the heirs end creditors of said f*y “**•"* “**’• otherwise letters will be Snoted the applicant WitiMithe Hon. William Gibson, one of [iriiflugMTA?. <,f ** w c<,Mrt ‘ ,b “ JOHN BAILEY, CUt. 0. O C. C. 8ep».3 ” 309 pbilit,ond —here U.o SyptniltlE Vlrm of the parent causes a dcvelopement of Ser.tola In the child, this is the only remedy upon which * single hope of recovery can be reasonably founded; there has been no instance of its failure, where properly used It impa'ts vi gour to the whole system while the cure is going on—an operation to long looked for in vain by the medical m idi at .the same time the patient is enabled to take nourishing food, which under the common modes of practice, ia usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma ny instances where the horrible ravaget of ul ceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means hu imputMion cuuid have saved life : in cases eatietne ever , 8 here described, hive pa tients been siiatchee c- om the giave and re stored to good health, anau>„ dis- ’»*e completely eradicated The ai. rr f ely If a remedy tike thit note offered,for ‘tale, /,o* been a detideratumfrom ume immemorial, The Pruprietor does not l Uppuie bit bare aMertion will eonvinee: bo will therefore give ..ference. tu such as have been cured, and those und rhia care, among whom are many highly respec acte eitiaes, that ahall antisfy the moat incredulous of its superior efficacy in the duordera for which it ia here recommend id. Every member ofaoe'e y should aid in diffus ing inf rmition of tins discovery—human. tty alone maket it a ditty ^etUacates- “I have within the last two years had so op portunity of seeing several esses of very mve terete ulcers, which having previously resist' ed the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the uae of Mr.-Swrim’s Panacee *™» 1 do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in aero, fulous* renereal md mercuriakdiseases, -s. chapman, m. d. Professor of the Institutes and practice of Physic, in the University of Penn sylvsnia Sla. h. " Philadelphia, February 16,1823.’* ”1 have employed the Panacea of Mr.Swaim in numerous instances, within the las' three years, and have alwaya found, it extremely etficaeioua, eapeciiny >„ u-.j—,,. and mereurial diseases. I have no hesitatio in prooouneing it a medicine of ineatimable value. «W. GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of Pent. Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the Alms House Infirmity; Ac- “ February 17, 18 ‘23." •• I have repeatedly used Sfraim'a, Panacea both in ihe Hospital and in privite practice; I' d have found it to be n valuable medicine in eh. oiiio, syphilitic and sorofuloua complaints, and in obstinate cutaneous affections. “VALEN’ITNE MOTT, M- D. Profesair of Surgery in the University of New York, Surgeon of the New.York Hospital, &c, “New York. Ill mo 5lA,1824.’» Oaation to tmliweTs. The greet demand and wonderful success of this medicine, have induced ■ number of persons to imitate it In various wtys—Some are selling 8nrsaparillt and other syrups, im> posing them on the ignoraut for the Panacea t others are mixing the genuine medicine with molusei, Ae.. making thrta bolflet out of one, thus retailing tome of its virtufiii These im, Itations end and ednlteratoins have in many in- ttnees, protracted the sufferings of patients in esses where the genuine medicine would have proved instantly efficacious. 1 I therefore deem it e duty I owe the the publie, to ac quaint them, that it is impossible, from the erv nature ofits constituents, to be discover- d by chemical analysis; and consequently, that all other mixtures represented to be mine end soH ss rush, we fraudulent and base ini- positions, calculated to deceive the ignorant and unwary,—The genuine medieine has mv signature of a label representing Rcreuiee and •he Hydra, tod name on ^POLADftLP !B INDIA N JS X A certain Eait India Cure t malitm, King’* Evil, fire, Extract of a letter from the Rev- Jamea E lith, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedvc London. Dain ?rn : A GHEEABLY tn your request, I have with A. .difficulty procured and now lend you by' the ship Jaaon, Cnpt. Robinson, a few pound. nf the Polsdelohis, or what generally goer by the name of India Extract, a Medici ic un iversally esteemed among the people of Indiao «a a certain cure for the Rheumatism. Was I to inform you of the number of people wh are daily relieved sod cured by Ibis valuably Medicine, it wou'd require more paper thaa l am able to purchase and more time than 1 am able to bestow. Indeed, (he effect of this Medicine is so immediate, that In Rheumatic you would suppose it acted si a ehs-m in giv Ing relief arid removing th it painful disease In the Kittg’i Evil, it has been used with greti success, and where Mercury has been given or used to exei si, this Medicine has proved a perfect cure. The great difficulty, however; nf procuring the Extract, will for many years to come, prevent its general circulation, it be. ing obtained from a Shrub growing on the mountains of Thibet, in the Birman Empire nf India, and held so sacred by the natives that to part with it is like parting with tlieir existence.” Letter H Dr. Bedwell, dated Jan. 7, I8 '3. Bear lloctor—I have keen violent'y affect? with « It'-uumatic complain* fur many years ; even my fingers were an contracted that I con d neither dress or undress myself, or give the least assistance to nv. fa nily—I have uaed bnlr one ixlx of thelud.a Extract, and I am perfectly r, stored. Youi ’»truly, R, RALSTON, Philadelphia Letter from Tobias Jennings, Steward of St Thomas’ HospUl. London, Feb 1, I8fi3. Bear Sir-\ think it my duty ty inform v«r. that utter (nliiM thflt A«<uld bt pointed'"‘“J’ ,he Tno,t reapectabie physi ri*lil’ond surgeons for tlie relief of my sun, without any success, who you know, bus for nsny years been laboring under severe Rheu- tpatism, I wns induced to try the F*>Melphii, with a g immermg hope, that it might g ve h‘n some relief from the excessive pain h« endurei, wmen r-iitaereii hi It * useless mem her of society, and a burthen to himself. Ti my utter astonishment the relief was ir.stan tanrous, <nd by persevering in the use of th. Extract, hii joints have returned to their pro per places, and he ia in per ect health. Upj wards cf sixty respectable persons have cat led to see my son, as all who knew hirin thought it 'mnnMthle that he miff ' —cover. FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, M st, where additional certificates oi' cacy of the above medicine may bo seen. May 20 Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAI CONQEHA. YiflIBKBAS Alexander Atkinson, Ad uin » .strator on the Estate of John Atk.n- urn,, decCMud, applies to the Court of Ordm arv of aaid C«u n ty, f ,r letters disin'ssory or « Tl estate: Tt ese are, therefore, to c to aril uirv.irusli all ax'd singular, the heirs -ml rred itors of said decentcd, to fi e their oPjw'— ri. (if any they havp) in my office, on or^before the first Monday in January next, or letter wi'l he grmted to the applicant. F—--(1 Witness \he Hon William Gibsorv I\I‘ * ll one of the Justices of said Court; U J this 35 h June. 1825. JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o, c.e June 30 83 Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN IlfoHEOEAS Louis Dufour,' Administ-ato; V F of the Estate of Basile Pelletier, du.’ applies to ihe Court of Ordinary of said court . 'v, for letters dismisao.y on said estate:— 1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admomah ah ind singular, the heira and creditors of sa d deceased to file their oHec ions (if any the lave) in my office, on or before the first Mon lay in January next, or letter! will be grantee tu 1 r applicant. , Witneaa the Hon, William Gibao this 25 h lune, t8 5. JO IN BAlLY, e. e. o. c. e. June 30 '82 lorgia—rChatham County. Jie Cuurt of Ordinary, May Terip, 1825 |N the petition of Henry Champioh, admin _' tatrator of John Street, dee- aaed* praying ait Artier Niti to be made abtolule on his com plying witn Ihe law, lor he mile of a Lot of Ground,' number four, [4] second Tythinn Reynolds Ward—Also, part of a Lot, numbt- •ix. Tower Tytbing, Decker Ward being the real citato of the arid dec. for the benefit of the heira and creditor!:—It ia ordered, that t notice be published nine months, in one of the Public Gaxetts of the City of Savannah, requiring all persons interested, to sbow’eause if soy they hive, why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted. S. M. BOND, c- e. o. May 14 44* Georgia—Chatham County In the Court of Ordinary—May Term* 1825. O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Exeeutnr of John Waekyrly, dee. praying an order Lid to be nude absolute, on hit complying with the law, to well'. Two Tracts of Iirnd in Laurens County, being the retl estate of the stid deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and TteMtirj Department, 7 Mauch, 14, (825. $ MTHRlfeAS on the id of March, l8sj. a IT .•a*’ 1 »»• passed by the Congress of the Onded States, of which the 3d, ’4th, and 5th oeetiona are in the words following, vis ; ■* SmL-3*- And be it further enacted^ That a mhieription 10 the amount of twelve millotv, of dollars, of the six p r cent, stock of the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and the same ia hereby.proposed ; for which pur- poie books shall he opened at the Treasury of ■the United Ststea, and at thr aeveral loan offl eea, on the firat day nf April nett, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, for such parts of the shove mentioned de scription of stock shall, on the day of aub seription, «tsiid on the books oftbe Treutiry and on those of the several losn offices* re speelively; which subseription shall he effect ed bye transfer to the United States, in the manner provided by law for sueh transfers, of the credit or credits standing on the arid books, and by s surrender of the certificates of the atoek so subscribed i Provided, That all subscription by sueh transfer of stock shall be consider«1 as part of the aaid twelve mil lions of dollars authorised to be borrowed by the lint recti- n of hn act. •• Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That for the whole or any pan of any surii which ahall be thus stibseribed, credits shall he entered to the reapective subscribe!*, who shall be enti tied to a certificate or certificates purporting that the Umtcd States owe to the holder or holders thereof, his. her, or their assigns, s sum to he expressed therein, equal to the amount of the principal stock thui subscribed, bearing an intcreat not exceeding four and one half per centum per annum, payable quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decem ber,one thousand eight hundred and twenty five t transferable in the tame maimer as provided bv law for the transfer of tlie stock subscribed, and subject to redemption at the pleasure of the United States, as follows; one half at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time after .the thirty-first day nf December, one thouaand eight hundred and twenty-nine > Provided, That no reimbursement shall be made except for the whole xmuunt of such new certificate; nor until after at least six months public notice of such intended reim bursement. And it sliyll be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be tranS' ferred to the reapective subscribers the sever al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount of the certificate! of four and one half pet cent, itock wiled tn them respectively. “Sec. 5. And be it furlbtf. enacted, Thxt became funds which have heretofore been, md now are pledged by inw for the payment of the intejeat, and for the redemption and eimburselient of the stock which may be re deemed of reimbursed by virtue nf the pro- visioqp ofchin act, shall remain pledged in like manner Hr the pavment of the ipterest accru ing on tliAalock erected by reaaon of aud uibaciip'ion.'gnd for the redemption or reim bursement of tpe principal nf the same. Aud it shall be the duty of the comminsioners of the sinking fund to cayse to be applied and paid, out of the said fon-L yearly and e- e-y year, such oa*n and sums a\m«y be annually requir ed to diacharge the idie eat accruing on the stock which may be cfotated by virtue of thia act The said commissioners are, also, here by authorised to apply, ’from time to tim», such sum and sums out of ) the said fund, a: they may think proper, towardi redeoming by purchase, or br •ammuffemetlt, Tirwww. formity with the provisions of this set, the p-iM,:,alaC1hfl uta atoek , and such part .at the annual sum of ten millions of dollars, vest ed by law In the said conamiaiioners, as may be necessary and required for the ebove pur pose!, shall be and continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redemption oi the public debt, until the whole of the stock wb'Cli may be created under the provisions of thia act, shall have been redeemed or reim buraed.’’ Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that booki will be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and at the several loan offices, on the firat day of April next, and- continue open until the firat day of October, thereaf- er, for receiving subscriptions in conformity with '.be provisions oftbe laid law. The subscriptions may be made by the pro prietors of the stock, either, in person or by their attorneys duly authorised to subscribe and transfer it to the United States. Should subscriptions of said.stock be made to sn amount exceeding twelve millionx of 'nllsri, x distribution ofthe said sum of twelve millions of dollars will be made among the subscribers, io proportion to the sums subscri bed by them respectively, SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of Ihe rresiurv* •* K *0 (.:• VALUABLE uSWao- Notice. N INE MONTHS after date, application will be matte tn the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave *o sell til ihe real estate of the late Thomas Savage, of Bryan County, vix: Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred and eighty terra Rice Land, no the O eecliee River, four miles below the Ftrry, adjoining ihe plantation tf Joseph Habersham and Ste phen Elliott Abo, two hundred and fifty '.cres, more or less, cf Pine Land, appertain- eg thereto.' Alio, a Tract of L*nd called Talinr, containing fifty acre-, on Medway Biv -r, adjoining the lands of J. J. Maxwell. MARY SAVAGE, Adm’rx. •lir e ’5 71 NUTICE: N INE months afterdate, application will be made to the Hon. the Judges oftbe Court it Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to sell all the real estate of the late William Craig, lceeued, for the benefit ofthe heinandeted- tors of raid estate, JOHN M’NISH, Executor, nr.* ’■> 71 .Notice. A LL penoni having demand! against the . \ estate of Conatnnt Freeman, Eaq. late of he city of Washington, deceased, ere re quired to hand them in, legally attested, within the time prescribed by hw: end those indebted to said estate, are required tp make immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Jan 14 43pi Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. W HEREAS J* Biehlott fun. administrator oa the estates of DavidTucker end David M’Oredie, applies tq the Court of Ordinary of sstd County, for Lettendismiiwy on the estate* of raid deceased persons: These ere, therefore, to die and admonish th* heirs end creditors of said deceased person*, to file their objections (if any they have) in my of- ... .. . . . — fiee. Ah or hefare the untflonday m January creditor*: It is ordered, that ■ notice be next, or letter! will be granted to the appib puMiebed, nine months, in one of the Ga- cant. * settee of the eity of Savannah, requiring ed persons interested, to show eauae, if toy they pan, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. S. M. BOND. e. e. o. M»jM 57 #ltnessthe Hon, William Gibson, one of the Justice* of arid Court, this 25th June, 1825. JOHN BAILBY, c. c. o. c. c. June 30 as .SUTTWai Vegetable Catholicoft. jrpHE lubirrib.r roSpeotfolly solicits' the at Ut tention of every friend ofauffering ho ■unity, to to the above new and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers io eliminating from the system the very seeds of disease, and in restoring the deranged nhd morbid condition ofthe organsof life :t* a free end healthy exercise of their functions, has exei- ted the natnnishmest, and completely alien- red the objection* ofthe moit incrtduloua — Facte art the bed argument!. In order to put the virtues pf the Cathplieon to si severe s scrutiny as possible, It was offered by adver tisement, together with th* attendance of n phyaicisn, gratuitously to any nersun who would apply for it, nhd whose cause , might teem f pome within the range of its healing power—numbenofKvereeaaeaoflongata-d- ing, and some of them seemingly desperate ones, pre ented themselves, all of-which have been cured, or so much relievedas to warrant the loaertiun that a little perseverance will do •o. In fact, sueh ia the eonfidenoe ofthe physi cian under whose core these pitienta were placed, in this remedy. • confidence resum ing from Ihe irresistible conviction that has been forced upon bis mind by ocular demon stration, and a personal trial of i( on himaell that be pei mils me to declare it as his deci ded opinion, that the Calholicon is not only s' perfectly nnfe »nd innocent, H*it * tpo«t pow- erlul and invaluable remedy in certain dir eases and stalea of the ayslem, such ns the fol owin g:— Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipation; Old and inveterate Ulcer*, Pains in the bonet attended with swellings of the juin'-s; Indigestion: Blotches on the face, pimples, &c.: All complaints of the Liver i Tetter.- Yaws; Syphilis Cutaneous diseases generally i Mercurial and acrofuloui com plaints The Catholicop' (which the proprietor sol- emnly pledge* h>a word consi*t* eaoluaively Ilf vegetable matter) with the exception of a slight dttermi mtion to thehoWellb which it presenea in * soluble state, acts itilenribly, it pleasant to the taste, and require! On particu lar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuons li quors always excepted.) or confinement. As a gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic medi cine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the aystem, it is confidently recommended to iadies in n delicate situa tion. W. W, POTTER, 66 Cbeiuut-street. ’’ Philadelphia, May 31,1824. At the requeit of Mr. W. W.'Potter, I have lately exhibited, in .evertl instances, a niedi cated airup, called Potter’s Vegetable Gatho. licoe, with the most decided advantage. It has, ss i et, never failed effecting a cure in every case in which I have thought proper to employ it. H. M’MURTRIE, M D. Philadelphia, July 28/A. 1834, Mr. W- W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed ■ wish that I would give n concise statement of tny suffer ings. from * the bopeien commencement, tn the present propitious stage of my diaeane.’ About five yeari ago, on my pasaage from Bordeaux, during the month.of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, I was seixeff withe violent fever. Having no medical at tendant* on board, I waa compelled to bear it, »al might for two weeks, when on my ar- Typhus. 11ie skill of my Physician subdued the fever, but Plmnix-like, the termination of this gave rise to a disease equally distress ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur, able. Various abscesses mtde their unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were swelled to an enormous sixe.-— These gradually subsided into hard tumors, one of whioh on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now made and x large evacuation of put, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, I suffered the most excruciating pains in my joints that man ever experienced. Every thing that was administered either gave me no relief or ser ved 1 to aggravate the disease, the severjly of which increased with every succeeding year. Such was my painful situation that I despaired of ever being restored to my hesl-hi lhad not only tried the regular means of relief, but used, though in vain, every popultr rem edy I could hear of- It was in this awful tnd deapond'mg condition,tint 1 was persuaded to imminence t course of your Vegetable Oath-J icon, end the happy result is, •*/ om the ute of the two bottlet my -while tytiem hat under gone a complete rendition, my paint kaveforta- ke a me,-’’ the discharge from my knee began to diminish, and soon ceased altogether, the ulcer from whence it proceeded being com pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal of whioh I have tried ia vain more remedies than I can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my appetite, which wu gone, has returned—I am in fact, nearly well, knd feel confident that a few bottles mure of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will make me perfectly so. Your obliged friend, - THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philadelphia, July ”6, 1824. My confidence in the vegetable catholicon ia undiminihbad, and aa freah in tances of its powers are daily occurring, in my own praf* (ice, I have no hesitation in recommending it, in the peculiar diaeasesto which it isspplica- ■fetTwtlhT - ‘ M. M’UtfRTBlE, «‘Ki , T;e^, , 3 r c Wi,,t,> - »•* eWF«h* W e O " 0, ““» Goorgo Kane, eft the District of Sc ah ,nd * Wag d. 1 aworivdoth declare nod say that the ibe n nit respects comet and ttu i ■.■ASTrtS.s'ssss-:? TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS, The Vegetable Catholicen Is pteuKi* adapted to thoi* diseases which sreprevilM among the coloured population ofthe south. In that disease Which is called yaw*, |t!,. sure remedy i ■ single trial of It, will confine! planters of its superior efficacy to anv rcn.' dy of ■ similar nature in the United States- NOTICE. The advantages ofthis medicine sr e , nm confining the patient unnecessarily t „ .i,, houte, or keeping Him free* his buiineu -! With one solitary exeeption, that of eniritu. oua liquor*. /< *« «.: lay any rettricUon, uZ, Ide appetite It isso gentle in it* opem,™ that toe patient finds himself srettlnrarell h! etnbot tell how. As it is not the proprietor th take any thing for which h! cannot give * consideration equal i„ „| u ' peraofl* *t n dlstince who m«y with to t™ his rredlcihe, but who are not certain if ft be applfoohle ta their complaint, are requeue ed to dttoribe *heir ctse «nd svmmoinft ; n letter will be immediately placed io hindi folly competent to deeide the qneitiuri,— Should the remedy not seem to suit the dis ease, they will be frankly told ta. CAUTION To prevent 'disappointment it ii vcM to state tn«t it take* in ordinary esses fro n 3 to 5 Bottles to effect a cure so that persons whs are labouring under any serious infirmiiy, must make up their mind to persevere to tbit extent at least—if they do not, they might it well save themselves the trouble and expend "f using*smaller quvniiiv. Alt ordei-t putt-paid tend encloting the money, immediately attended tu, and the medicine packed and delivered with direction* forme, to any place in the city, and forwarded u di rected N. H. To prevent the possibility of all im position, it wiil be sold In the city of Philadel phia, at the office in Fifth near Uacc-Strret, oral the dwelling of the propri tor, Nu. 65 Chesnut street, only, and abroad by hit au- thorixed agents. W W POTT ER,' 66 Chemut Street, PhUadelpfim I have appointed GEORGE BYE ISON, Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug, giatx wanting the above valuable medicine, will Be supplied by him for cash, at the tame rate, as if ordered direct from me—via. got per di xcn, or three dollars a angle bottle. W. W. POT TER, Philadelphia. Any person on application to the subscriber will be furnished with certificates of the effi, cacy of the above medicine, nifficient to con vince the mind of the moat aeeptiea), although too numerouaand lengthy for newspaper in- sertiou. GEO, RYERSON, Druggist, Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Strceti, dec 13 Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos ure four years ago, I had the misfortune to be come afflicted with a disease, the painfiil re sults of which induced me to apply in suc cession to several respectable physicians of this city, from whom, however,. I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re ceived another complaint quite as distressing as the former. My whole system became ef fected, I could get no rest at night aa ac count of the violent pain that I felt In every part of my body/ the weakness tnd emacin tioo of whieh wu sueh that I could scarcely walk. In thi* Stale I fortunately heard of your vegetable cstholicon—four bottles of whieh, hu completely restored me, I have now no print my appetite is good ( and my strength reetored With many, thanks for the relief your medicine hie given me, I tm your obliged friend, he. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn andeubeeribed to before me, May 28, 1834. . ' JOHN SINNS, Alderman. . . Philadelphia, May 28,1824, S!*^—I am now, thank* to your medicine, a hearty mar. For nearly six years I bare been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat ened, if not soon stopped, to put s period to S existence. Having htd no regular medi- advice from the commencement, my complaint at last got to such a height that I of my body, sod I began to think my situation almost desperate. The five bottles of the Catholieon whieh I have taken have com pletely cured ma, and 1 am bow u weUaal IN EQUITY. Between W. Baviet, Adminiilrator, Complain, ant, and John Camochan, Admimtlralorj dt brmil no , wlh the will annexed of George Richurdion and othert, Bejenilanti. In ~VgUITu, Ylinllnw .fegrt., Courts Chancery, 2OM Augutl, 1824. I T appearing that John Murray Camochan, one of the defendants in the said bill of complaint named, resides without the atate uf Georgia, in that part ofthe United Kingdoms ol Great Britain and Ireland, eal.'ed Scotland: It is ordered that the nid John Murray Car- nochan, do appear and answer to the com plainant's and bill, within nine months from the date of this urder, otherwise that the «»id bill, aa to him, he taken pro cnnlrsio , and it is further ordered, that * popy of thli order be publish* d once a week, in ime of the public Guxe'.tes of thia state, until the ex piration of the time within which tlie said de fendant is required to appear and answer ti aforesaid. True copy from the Minute*, this 21st day August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk, august 84 ,50f Georgia Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCT*’/ tKTHEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior ■”]?yt * v applies to the Coutt of OrewaW ®!die County, for Letter* of Adxlinistrat'toi'Jf.Ac- estate of John Brown, late of said euftefore, ceased, ar next of kin: These areolar, the ta cite and admonish, sR and /Tied, to file kindred and creditors of eiidAve, in my uf- their objections, if any tVRoi.diV J ,ln * fine, on or before the filfbe granted tht ap- next,otherwise Lettp^ P 1,C *2J: , -fonoreble Britian R. Bnnit- Witnrss C^ ( h- Jinticci of aoid Cuurt, ifWrTteentli day of April, ciglneco ,ndred srd twenty-five. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C.C. April 21 A Georgia —Camden County. <Y THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOB SAID COUNTY. TKTHEREAS John Chevalier, ha* appliw W tb oiid Court, fir Letteri Dumwory on the estates of Samuel oo«.«. and Bran E. Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, » :hc all and singular, the kin dred and ereditors ot the Mid dueeaied per, sons, to file their objections, if any they hare: in my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, or Letters win be granted th* applies'.!. Witneaa the Honorable James Scott, one ofthe Justices of said Court, thia fix- day of April, eighteen hundred tnd iwenty-five. [L. 8.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C. Apr I 21 24 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY (0 SAID COUNTY. \TVHEREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to M ij# Court of Ordinary of arid County; frt Letter* Dismiasory on the eatate of Fr.nert Roaolupe: These ere, therefore, to cite am admonish, all and singular, the kindred aid creditors of said deeeawd, to file their mw** tiona, if any they have; in my office, on or M* fore the firat Monday ia January neat, Mhat; wise Latter* Disauaaory wiU be granted the '’^Wam th* Honorable Samuel OdJ one ofthe Justices pf arid Court, tM sixteenth (fry of April, eighteen hum dred and twenty-five. [L.8.1 JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 9.C- C April 31 » Hr 50 HAY. BUNDLES PRIME HAY,l*ndi«l .tom Brig rkemsitMndebr