Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 04, 1825, Image 3
Till* betton *as net nttanded * ich ,ny serious oousoqimmies j but Bach- *i retired from ihe Contort Without any os- “ ible cause, booh followed by the ml So Creek (loot. *nd o, the Mofjuly the Turks were in sight Of NavariO. On tha OOMKIEROIAX.. " Liverpool, Auput 20.—The Sarah It taroline being atill detained we have again they feuded 5200 Arnotit. ton the 7th, «b» pleasure o?addressing you by her, we ihoCiOttin P»eli* eeilod for Petrine and «»*>"/ »» however. Diet since the ufJofench), whore, hb arrived on the 10th date of our respects on the 17th nst. our ^ rf tVfet ns. 10 corvette, 12 bilge, end Cotton Market he. been heavy, although e rlVtch* nora. On tho 7th or 8tf. Hue. *>' ku»lne« hue bee# done daily, but con-I "" “ l the hue of march for Tripoli- fine<J °n'>«'>y t<uho_ butter description, and b?tltewey of Hiaia end LeondarT- •wnthewhayo rather given way, inferior to, 'T.mmiri. Ibrahim would reeeivo as- middling qualities have almost been uo- For Providence, The fast sailing brig E R P R I ZK, Kley, Ma>tsr, Having the principal part of her The fi 8 STI James Anderson fc Co. fORWS BUILDINOS, AVE received by the ship Emily, from U Liverpool, their usual supply at •,1 . “*i urd »y »»*tj tVaVns, U\ank«tb aud Bax for frlfeglit of the remainder or passage ap- , B ply to the muter on board, or to r *1 gAltg, COHEN A, oct4 22r -117,riHnn • of"* 1 *r:ty llebtM .... . , , grawsis! — ' - And by recent arrivals from the North, ad I ' elegant and extensive assortment of i Fancy and Staple Articles, Count ae ru.»», -Uplands, and the little that ”°* n „ L„ nrwnntnd to the Kinu in 'hem has been at id. per dor to Prin “' ., £ d , h Quite do Villa f rnrn last weeks prices. The total sales hi, lytuno recall, and the Uuke de Vi la wpck tre ,& ut u,000bage, ofwhioh Hetmota. hisorsdenala as resident Mims- ^ get . Ie|tnd|| IS 4 „ . j^e Stained tor from the eamecowt. I. n d Saw Ginned do. 8 a IS ! 2291 Orleans. rftUrecosnhion*of •.»* < Tenneme. sod'Mobile, 8* Oct 4 pc„w Tb.*5ft r jS]S;^V« 3 7tirtvrr.V8i is.rsiTd.o* authorised to contradict a,I that-h»* »PPe*Jj 9 , 30 at 9*. 590 at 9*, 40 at 91, *36 at 9*, ed in some of tho Ministerial JdufBiWt pif !e4a fi} 277 10 rtOat lol fiO at inA ticularly the Drape.u Blanc, in opposition I ® 10*, 60 at 10*. to the sincerity and plenitude of the conces-1J • “ L»“ m ’ a 10* ; 4843 Uplands, 356 at 8, S3 at 8J, 40 April last, 'to the actual inhabitants tlie French part of the Island of St. Do- Bl Tbe Cuke of Wellington had reached Paris from a tour of inspection. French Funds, Aug. 17.—Five perCent. Consols IO*f. 5c. to Wtr. SUc.; Bank Ac tions 2105. to 2190f. Shzxt Inon Steamboats.—A writer in the United States Gazette gives the follow ing description of the Sheet lion Steam boat, building at York, Pa. intended tor a passage boat from Columbia to Northumber land on the Susquehanna.—Messrs. B. Webb, Israel Gurdiner Pliincas Davis, and John Elgar, are the enterprising and ingeni ous mechanics, who are engaged in this work. The Boat lias sixty Jett keel, nine jeet beam, and is three feel high; she is com posed entirely of thecl iron, rivetted With iron rivets; and thp ribs, which are one foot opart, are strips of iheet iron ; which by their peculiar form are supposed to possess thrice the strength of the saino weight of i on in the square or flat form.— 1 The whole weight of iron in the Boat, when she shall bo finished, will be 3,100 lbs. That of tho Wood work, decks, cabin die. will he 2,800. Being together (Arse (ones. . The steam en gine, the boiler included, weighed 2 tons. Making the whole weight of the Boat and Engiue buf/Ste ions. She will draw when lannc ied butJiee inchet, and every addition al ton. which may be put on board of lior, will sink iier one inch in the water. The engine is upon the high pressure principle, calculated to bear fix hundredpounds, to the inch, and the engine will he workod with dot more than one hundredpounds to the inch —It will have an eight horse power, ami the boiler is formed so that the anthricite coal will be exclusively used to produce slcatn. The ingenuity with which the boil er is constructed, and its entire competency for burniugthe Susquehanna coal, are en titled to particular uotice,and the inventors, if they succeed in this experiment, will be entitled to the thanks of every Pennaylvuni an,. The Boiler is so constructed, as that every part of the receptacle for. the fire is surrounded by the water intended to be converted into steam; and thus thn iron is preserved from injury by the excessive heat produced by the combustion of the coal.Tho cylindrical; its length about 6 feet, wild it will be placed upright in the boat, oc copying, with tiie whole engine, uot more than tenfeet by defect. The engiue is near ly completed, Messrs. VVebb, Davis, and Gardiner, being its constructors. The boat, which is the work ofMr. Elgar, is in great forwardness. The whole cost of the boat and engino will be three thousand dol lars, Thus saying, the brave Centinel, wiping a teir out of the cornet of his eye, walked u;> a id down on his port, and the invalid hoobleti i,i at the open gate as fast as he could, Bu ll iw to get an iutemew with toe Field Mat tuali I this puzzled the follow not a lit tle i lie had passed the outposts, it was true but was still very far from head quarters lit this dpcoma he was half alarmed, and hah rejoiced to hear the Marshall, in a thundering voice, call out to his ordii ary to bring up ths- invalid and the oentmel at his gale. In an in slant both stood before the uoble warrior, the one confident of relief the other no less sui t of punishment- • Wh it does his mean,” cri ed (he Marshall, addressing the invalid, -‘dont you know you hsva no tight to intrude in this manner I* The invahd only answered by CMtuig “a pitiful loilt at bit disfigured body which look seemed to say, *• I trunk I have right enough And you ” said his Excel lency thundering nt ihe Centinei, “ how dar- you set in disabedirnce of orders ?” Erect as a pooler, stood the Granedier,without answer ing a word- The Field Marshall now rung, sod his Secretary appeired ” Here,” criep hit Excellency," give each of these fellows 25 in my presence.” Tba Secretary stared, ana it last ventured to stammer out the words “shall{ call tne Corporal ” “N resumed the Marshall, " do it yourself.” Dhobedienc, being a word almost unknowo in the military language of Buraia, the astonished °ecreur began to look round for some weapon nr ins. trument wherewith to iufi.ctthe punishment,- but seeing nothing, he ventured to ask “ with whit f’ •• With what l Why with yout hands" replied the MaishaU, ” I thought you knew Barclay butter—give each of them 23 Roubles—the Ct-n incl for his humanity—the Invalid hr his bravery sod sufferings.” Tea iatt Kcmia* Flam Mam a am., Bax culm lotii —Th,a die.iiiguiihco Warrior, who waiot Scottish descent, wu no leu 391 Egyptians, IS a 13; 13*; 316 Bahias, IS* a 0 f 137; and 1357 Maranhama, IS* a 13. About SOOtl bag* have been teken on speculation, any 3000 American and 2000 Brazil and Demerara. The Import in 1443S bags.— No more failure* are yet declared, but wo very much fear we have not seen an end of them yet.” Liverpool, August, SO.—Tho demand for Cotton continues, regular and prices ra ther declining. The sales of the past week are about 15,000 packages, 9,000 of which are to the trade and the remainder to specu lators. Of S.’a Islands only 58 bales have been sold front 15 to‘2ld. Of Uplands 4,800. tho greatest part of which from 8* to 9*. and from every appearance prices are morn iikeiy to decline tbnn advance. The im port into this port since the first of January, is 511,000 begs, and about 600,000 into the Kingdom. Annexed are the present pri ces. Sea-Islands, 14 a 27d. Uplands 8d a 10*d ; New-Orleans, U* a ISd. Rice 10 a 23." Hcglo h fi? Dukwody, I NFORM their friends and the public, •hat for more convenience, end elan ie- ~ A* ^vr«aw ! cority against fire, they have removed to A QUARTERLY mooting will be hold those romiHOilioua and fire-proof buildings on MONDAY EVENI »G, 10th ipst. on Scott and Andrew Low & Co's.Wharves, at 7 o’clock, at the Sunday School Robm, where they continue the Ac * demy ' ' ^Secretory, j^&ctoi&gfc & Commission 00,4 22 I Business- Their best exertions will be used to merit a THE \ABtt.AH.\ , , WS opened on Mondays, Wednesdays, and rveTsimnfo AmPT'“T I Fridays,from 3 until5 o'clock. 1 -~-l‘-2- 8 iP£ l - y - , - el r Watch Lost. JYeio- York, September, 24—Colton Since our last, no important change has occurred in the market; prices have again declined u little. . The whole business of the week may be computed at. at about 500 bales of all sorts, mostly however. Uplands and Ala baman, at 15 cents, some small parcels at 14,16,17 cents, and a lot of extra fine Up land at 19* cents, and 10 baleB very fine Orleans at 25 cents, for borne use. Thu present range of rates may be consdered for Uplands, 14 a 17* ; Louisiana, 19 a 22 ; Tennessee, 14 a 17* ; Alabama, 14 a 17*. Me.—Importation, 181 whole and 2 half tierces. But little has been done this week. Sales of prime have been made from the wharfnt <f .l 87*. and for middling quality 40 a 50 tierces were sold from the store at ;(2 75, cash. Prices continue the same as ast woek. and the quantity it market ii small. We do not vary rates. Rice, ordi nary, 2 87* a <3-; do. middling to prime, 3 50 a 4 12*. Exchange on England has again advan ced. We qdote at 10 a 11 per cent, pre mium. tale of Georgia—Chatham County TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I EFT in the yard of the City-Hotel, on liEREAS Daniel Cnvney, Jr. hai appli-1 -JLi Sunday morning Inst, a DOUBLE edto the Honorable the Court of Or-1 CASED ENGLISH WATCH, supposed Jin-ry of Chatham County For letters of «d I to bo made by E. Johnson, London, No. ministration on the estate and eflfeeta of Wil 3454, with a small gold ring and a brass key iiaoi Woodridge,late ■ f Savannah, merchant, attached to it by a ribbon. The finder wifi detd, on behalf of the heirs and creditors, be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the and ny rtqueai of the "drives. These are Bar ofthe City-Hotel. therefore to cite and admonish *11 and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deeeaa ed, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of >h estate o; the deceased to the applicant in the Jterk’s Cffije of the said Court, on or before he third day 1 of November next i otherwise letters of sdministtaUon will he g anted W.tne is ijie llonorahle Elitl Fort one o- the Justices of the ssid Court, the fourth day of October, A. D one thousand eigb hundred and twenty fire. SAM L. U. BOND, C. C O. Oct. 4 Sf-' mm PORT OF IAYAYXAB, ARRIVED, Brig Enterprise, Killey. 9.days from Bos ton, to the master—full cargo, to O. Tall H Lord So co. R. Campbell, P. Hill, S. B Parkman, T. S. Luther, A. So E. Wood, H. Clelanil, R. S. Goff, L. Baldwin & co Cohen & Miller, and Dunham & Camfield Left brig Index, to sail for this port iu 3 ds. AKRIVKD molt! THIS SORT, At Liverpool, 19th Aug, ship Africa,Cox, VV TOR THIS PORT, At New-York, Sept. 22, brig Osprey Dorsey, despatch. At Boston, Sept. 19, packet schr.Medcm- ach, Smalley. At Providence, sloop Gold Huntress,Cur rie. to sail 25th ult. For New-York, [established line,] Packet chip SAVANNAH, Wm. Bebts, Jr. Master, g,———Will sail on Tuesday next. For freight or pasaage, apply to C*pt. B.on •“oct«to HALL to HOYT., its mi* wwm For New-York, The fast sailing hrig SAMUEL S^I fT H, PeTry, Master, nor, on m’i po !? tWe, y, •»« 'he above port on Wednesday, 6th Inst. For freight r passage, having handtome accommoda tions, apply to the Captain on board, nr to n . , WM. CROTHERS ° C11 *1« 4 4 For New-York, The packet brig DRACO, net 4 W-ii Master, . , W ”,' •»" W», Satordsy next. For mi r .r. w b**l' will be taken low, apply to They . Capt. C. on board, or to * , r , , jest COT- Oct I TON BAGGING, PLAINS AND BLAN- ETS. Qct 1 si of- Oct 1 21 A, 'John Abbot James Alexander B. Wm Rallias Wm Bandy j Barstow Geo Baile J. Barfield Miaa Ann M Barnard Sheriff's Sale. On the first Tuesday in November next. airILf.Ua sold b-lure the Ctuit House in TV Chatham Coumy,between the usus hair*. All hat certain (tact nr parcel of land a t uatul in the County of Chatham and Stats o Georfia on the salts between the Island, of Szidaway and Burnaides and known by tbe James H Bryan oame of Kedoulis Island e-jutsining sixty three | Miss Eliz A Bour- acrus mure or levs, also all that other tnot o parrel of land shitted and being on Skids- way Island ip tbe County aforesaid, composed of three different and originslly distinct tract of land but adjoining each other, the firv. of which waa or giiwjiy granted to Midael Hi' 1 _ uu ter for one hundred acres, thqaacohd of which IV . y was originally granted to Jno. Elli- for fi'ty a- M P v B „_, nn ore., and the third and last of which was or-' Mrs ** V Burton gitialy granted of Michael Ritter for fifty acres, wliieh three tracts of land contain in the whol (not including Redoubt Island) two Hundred ana thirty seven seres with the spourtensnee. levied on to satisfy ,h« Planters Bank of til »isie of Georgia, on fureotuaure of Morguagc I Peter R Clifton against John W, 3tirk. T " ISAAC D’LYON, s Oi-t 4 | James Barnard | Mrs S Bryan 2 I James Broughton 2 Miss Ann G Bird quin 2 I Edward Bourquin | Robert Brower Mrs E Boyd Wyl Brown I Jnh T. Boles C; |SW Canter 2 A M Carroll ] Mrs Hariet Cammcl IWin Campbell HALL Sl HOYT. POSTPONED SALE. BY J. B; HERBERT A CO On the FIRST TUESDAY in OCTOBER, WU) be Mid before the Court Hcuae I# dred acres, more or less, bounded northsrd. y bv the Aiigusta Road, aoutbardly by land lately Dr. Cocke’s, eaatwardly by lands of Jos. Stiles, and E JenckV, and west.fdly by lands lately belonging to Wearat, with the improvements, consisting of a good Dwelling House and Stables 1RRB sttsched.and Three Negro Hou. liHi^Bses. being tlie Real Estate of ^^^MBenjamin Putman, dec. Sold b». S onH, * ble th « InferiuJ Court of Chatham County, and by order of the Administratrix, for Ihe benefit'of tha' heirs ofssid estate—Terms at time of sate;.' Hept 10 By j. B. HERBERT Sf CO. TO-MORROW, 5th Iliac at U o’clock, Will be sold before our store, s general assortment of GROCERIES. Also—A quantity of Furniture, consist- ' n n 5 In P™ in Carper—,1 pairs And Irrtiia, Shovel and Tong*—2 Fendnra—t Bureau —I Ladles Work Table—I 2 dozen Wind- 0 0. ore Landing 1 , ■J O CASES “ Whittiuiore’s” No. 10 Cot-1 X ml ton Cards 20 Boxes “ Doolittle’s” Soap 10 Qr. Casks Imitation Madeira Wine 40 Boxes 8 by 10 Window Glass 2 Bales Oznabtirgs, and New No l and 2 Mackerel, in whole and half barrels For sate by COHEN Si MILLER. Oct 1 2lp Joseph Kopman Si Lo H AVE received by the recent arrivals a large and general assortment of SiajjYei & ¥a»tfj Drs \*oo&s among which are— LohdnnDuffle Blankets Rose and Point do. Plains and Baizes, Flannels & Hosiery Sup. Blue uud Black Cloths, Do. Mixt do. Do. Blue and Black Cassimcres Do. White and Buff do. Vallntia and Swansdown Vesting Camlet and Plaid Cloaks Black sod Colored Bombazetts Bombazscns, Carolina Plaids Parisian Prints, Furniture Calico Cambrics and Jaconet Muslins India Swiss and Mull do. Jaconet and Swiss Muslin Robes Bubbinet and Swiss Muslin Collerets Bobbinut Lace Veils Ladies Blk. Si ass. Hareskin Gloves Men’s Buck, Beaver, and Hareskin do. Silk Stockings and Gloves Nankin and Canton Crapos Do. do. do, do. Robes Crape Lesse, Barege, ' Shawls Si Handkerchiefs Ombre Fig’d Silks, new style Barege and Vestalene Silk and Barege Robes Sarsnetts, Levantine, Brown, Black and Colored Sattins Blk. and Col'd Merino Scarves Black and Mixt Sattinetta Plaids,Brown and Bleachod Shirtings and Sheetings Irish and Russia Sheetings Linens and Long Lawns, dtc. dtp. ALSO, 100 pcs. 42 inch Inverness Hemp Bagging. Out 4 2?i. Landing, FROM SHIP SAVANNAH, n* KEGS BUTTER «5 A 15 Casks Cheese tx STORE, 10 Hlids. prime retsiling Molasses 10 Pipes Cogeac Brandy 5 Do Holland Gin 30 Boxes Candles For sale by JOHN W. LONG. Oct 1 Sir LIST OP LETTERS R EMAINING in the Post-Office Savan nah, 30th September, 1825. ICT Persons wishing letters from this list I will please oak for Advertised Letters. ‘ Miss EMassal Samuel Merven John D Millen W C Mills Edward Munroe Charles Mulvey Col GW McAllister Dorcas McGowan James McGill N. Isabella NesueDe George Neusom Theodore Nelson Mary Nusim Ruse Noble Rebckah S Norton Ann Nowlsn Nicolau P. Susan E Patterson Eliza Patterson Ann Page, 2 Nathl I Patterson ! Leonaro Perkins } Dempsey Phillips > Capt Jeremiah Pike J Maly F Pope S Cleminton Powers * Thomas Page R. John Raimcs Daniel Ramshart EJenor Riker Joseph Ribero Sarah Robertson Ann H Roe Joseph Ross Charles Roberts William Robertson Dr Ciias W Rogers Joseph H Russel Nancy Samuel Catharine Shearer * James B Sealy Joseph F Stevens .’ Jane Stevens | Jane Stevens j John A Stevens,Sear : Esther Stewert temporary Administrator’s Sale. A G8F.BABLR to an order obtained from I snr Chairs—2 gilt frame Lookinff 'Gla«'«(-a t\. the honorable the riourt of Oid.-nrty f<u I Terms envh. « ^mg.Glasses, the County of Camden, j ahail exp a for sal, I oct 4 on SatuHay, the Sill of Oer.iber next, at thi Market -House, in the Town el' 8u Mary’s, tb> 81-op EAGLE, Together with her Furniture Tackle and Apparel, l.el'-cg n, to .ueeatMu af James Vincents, late d ceat. e l - Fiir the benefit of the heirs and sii eon corned. Conditiooi cosh. M H HE0U.1RD, Tem'y Adm. 8t. Mtrys, Sept. 24, 1825. net t yj BY CALVIN BAKER, 0n .,r,Ft ESD , AY ' 4,h inst - « X* o’clock, Will be Bold m front of 11»© Court-House, in this city, one Negro Fellow, an excellent | field nano. Oct l HOWARD 1NSUK A VC K COM PaNY NEW-YORK. I NCORPORATED by the Lngislslur# of the state of New York, for the pur- ornament t 0 military than civil life. The ir duous dutie, of the soldier never made him the milder, but no lass imperious obli Ration* of the man and tbe Christian. - 8oon •iter Uic numorable campaign of 1812, when “f? 1 * 11 ‘TOOR* were pursuing tbe fiying the Meld Marshal, standing one (fee ■ommg, earlier tlwa usual, at the window, yying a delicious prospect in tha city of overhesid tbe f.iilowing’short dis- JJf? ”***renthe centinal at bis doer be- *"<l spoor discharged invalrl soldier: ^ anvutid-GoBtl m orrow Comrade. Is bis rw nc ! , ' r r in 8 yet, think you i —* hardly think be is, but wbst’s fear biisinens with him I Hi i n-would make bold to hind him “'•» Petmtiun. ord n'n'f “Don’t you know ff-at we’ve strict J, ’P let suy one in with petitions, unii, 1. ! * ;n e* 1 '* Ms Excellency would •ince ,S!5V Pewnslly known to him h» un the B —-• D “ le * mein, cripnlr fm rT r * nc * 1 '‘fe*’* fo*imed mie. I’m s ..... . . *• -will find a permanent situation- ’Wa’t see ycd^ 11 ’ ' D ‘ ? P retai14 *. this offlcuB- one door east of his former stand,, where he | is now oponing a fresh supply of just received from New-York, by (he ship] Augusta. Sept 22 17n . Hay, BUNDLES Prime Northern HAY, for sale, landing from sclir. Mary and Margaret, at Taylor’s Wharf, by PHILBRICK Si SCRANTON. Oct 1 Sip 23 Wanted, I N a small faiqily, a good plain cook, wash er apd.ironer. One well recommended, Inquire at «8 Out 1 WM PATTERSON. rNFORMS his friends and customers, Mrs Mary H Hardee that he has removed to the brick store Miss Ann B Harmon j B Bturges e door east of his former stand, where he tlnnU, > a i,c- James Conner George Conway Win Coe D. Mess Dewar &Foth- ringham A Delaroch Criatoplier Dixon James Dun James Duilly E. Nicholas Eames Mrs C Elsson Aaron Everett F. Master George W Fahm Edwd Farrell i Simon Farrell Win H Fergurson j Joseph Stevens Cup Rob Fittumary j Jane. Simons M! s James M Smith' Michail Galloway 2 j John A Smith Nancy Gardner i William H Smith Wm Gibbin j John M Sykes H. > Ann Schyes List. M. R. T. Mor- {John Simpson rison 5 Iuham Scott Miss Sarah Morri-, James Seolles Thomas Sullivan Jnsiah F Scruggs Eliza Sherman HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! & Scranton, , u . , 11* 18 ® °f insuring HOUSES and OTHER Have received per brig Draco, BUILDINGS. VESSELS IN PORT and Jjw wi°. 0U . e . r . M c ary Md Marg*-|their CARGOES, MERCHANDISE and other PERSONAL PROPERTY, against ret, 100 canefl of FASHIONABLE HATS, , _ _ , . comprising a general assortment for the IaOSS Ot V'UE, city and country market, whicli they offer foraale on accommodating terms, at their | CHANOISEZfesTffe HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANS- Ware-House, Market-Square. N. B.—Ton Casea GENTLEMEN'S BEAVERS, extra fine. Oct 1 2i Me Possession November i A To Rent. A Brick Tenement DWEL LING-HOUSE, on the north aide Market-Square, at present occupied by Mr. H. D. Greene., _ . Possession can be had on the first day of I Bfa |n8t Loss by Fire, and Hazard nf Inland November next. Navigation, as set forth in the preceding Also, the STORE formerly I proposals, on as favorab[e terms a« can be occupied by Mr. John B. Wick, | Jone '»t* 1 ' 8 ®> l y- 8. C. DUNNJNG, PORTATION. Capital Stock 8300,000, which has all been paid in CASH, and tha public may rely with confidence upon tbe whole sum. being always available to meet its engagements. R. HAVENS, Pres’t, The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, wilt insure Oct'I as a shoe store. Possession giv en immediately. Apply to CHARLES ROE. 21 lit To Rent, That large and commodious I Brick Tenement Building in York Street, near Jeffereon-St. Possession given first November next Also, two Stores on Jetferson-St. adjoining Mr. E. Jencks’. Rent will be] muderatc. Apply to THO’S. R. PRICE. August 6 fllrp MANAGERS’ OFFXOZL XT AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. splenduTlottery, To be drawn in the city of New-York, on the 4th of January, 1826, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. Alethia Scruggs T. 5 Martha A Tiot i, v - A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice iii the several Courts of Law and Equity n this State, offers to tbe public his pro fessional services in the Courts of Bibb, I Henry, | Jones, I Crawford, Monroe, | Jasper, | Twiggs, . Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.)' July 7 ‘ 84 George Henly Mrs Levina Herno Owin Higgins Miss Sarah Harris Wm Hoffman | CapEdwardVernard Joseph orSarah Hut-' W. chiuson s Mary Wallace J. j Richard Wayne 1 Benjamin Wallin Holl.n Rachel Jacobs | Miss Rose Julman Mrs H R Jackson Svmond Jacob Miss S M Irvine Symond Jackson Mrs Sarah Joues James Johnston Lewis Johnston Grace Jonea K. P Kail M C Kensir Mrs Ann M Keen John Keen Sarah R King R, B. London l’orlec, ’ C otton Ragging, &c J A FEW casks, coutainmg eight anda|Tarltnn Knight half dozen each of London Porter, im- j Thus Kockliff ported in the ship Georgia, on 28th June j L. last, are yet op hand and for sale; also, Benjamin Lavender Cotton Bagging, [*££■ B Lon « errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN-1 George Long WARE, and a variety of 1 — Reasonable llry Go^ds, Apply to ANDREW LOW*. CO- July 16 88 M. I Mrs Mareyan 1 James Magill I John S Maxwell Beilinda Walker Jsne Walsh Sarah Washington Edmund Warren George Weaver John M West John B Wiitor Emily White Williamson Thus H Williams Daniel Wilson William Williams Permela Wingate John Y White Joseph Wiggins Ann Williamson Hetty Woodruff Y. Isaac Young Jennett G Young E R Young ! William H Young ; Elizabeth Young George Youlle Geo J Zipperer 45 Numbers—6 Ballots to be drawn. EACH TICKET HAVINO THREE NUMBERS IN | COMBINATION. J. B. Yales Sf A. M'Intire, Managers. SCHEME* OF THE Agent for Howard Insurance Company. N. B—Persons living in the country, can have insurance effected by addressing the Agent, giving a description uf the prem ises to he insured, post paid. Sept 20 16 TICKETS RECEIVED ~~ IN ORANO STATE LOTTERY OF RHODE ISLAND, THIRD CLASS NEW SERIES. T O be drawn in Providence, on tha FOURTEENTH of OCTOBER. 1 P ize of 25,000 ‘folia's, i Prize of 10 000 Dollars.' 1 Prize of 5,000 Dolla s. 5 Pr zesof 1,000 Dollars. Present price of Tickets $6. Halves $2*, Quarters $1 j. Eighths 62 centB. Those wild have ordered tickets in the above Lottery, will please '-nil and receive them at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE! Sept 28 REMOVAL. ~ T HE subscribers have removed to John ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low Si Co. where they are New- York State Literature 0 > >e “ n * a hand8omo . ! ^ ortIU<;n / t ° r Lottery, Class 3, for 1826. 1 Prize of $100,000 is $100,000 1 do 50,000 50,000 1 do 20,000 20,000 1 do 10,500 10,500 2 do 5,000 10,000 4 do 2,500 10,000 10 do 2.000 20.000 39 do 1,000 39,000 78 do 500 39,000 488 do 100 46,000 4446 do 50 222,300 5051 Prizes, 9139 Blanks. $567,600 C. W ROCKWELL $ CO H AVE received by ship Emily, from Liverpool, and other late arrivals from New-York, a large and general as- ■ortment of Staple and fancy Dry Goodst, which they oflbr for sale on the most favor- J able terms. Also, 300piece* 42 inch Cotton Bagging, | For sale by nd an Invoice of Castings. Sap t 27 201. Hubbard S Marshall*? JefforBon Zipperer GEORGE SCHLEY, P. M. Oct 1 21 Bagging, Nails, c5c. OAA PIECES 42 inch Cotton Bigging 190 Casks Cut Nails 9 Hogsheads & 1 Philadelphia 37 Barrels ( Whiskey 1 Hogshead Tobacco H. EORD& CO. MongirtWhstf 3- -Off. Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizes payable forty davs after the drawing, but the cash may be had instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole::::: 450 I Quarter! ; : 41* 50 Half: : : : : : : 25 | Eighth : : : : 6 25 This is the most magnificent scheme that has ever been offered for the patronage of the friend* of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca, The small number of Tickets, and tbe unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will not be a chance left, for week* before the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Ticket* Vill shortly rise to $60. p* Gentlemen are therefore requeeted to be early in tbeir application, a* all orders actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled to be supplied at the present rates, V Notes or the Bank of the U. States I 44 and its Branches, and, generally, tbe Notes I For sale by i>f all Banks that pay specie, received at 1 ‘ T " par. t H'- Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, I in addition to their former stock. W.&H.ROSE. April 5 10 O’ The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, I Millndgeville, will give thn above four in- | sertions, and forward their accounts to thia I office. I The Rev. A. CARTER, W ILL receive into his family and per sonally instruct, from four-to sis Young Ladies who may wish to complete their course of literary education. In ad dition to the above, a few day scholars of a similar description will be received, to com mence on the first of November. For particulars, application may be mad, personally or by letter. Sept 17 15f London Mustard. A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London Mustard, suitable for medicinal and other purposes, just received and for rata by LAY Si HENDRICKSON, Oct V . Shsd’s Buildings. Fulton Market Ueef, Ac. Just received per eehr. Mary and Margaret 5 HALF BBLS. Fulton Market Beef 10 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers Do No. 1,2 and 3, Mackerel Also, Mercantile^Drafts at sight, bn any of the large cities, and Prise Tickets receiv ed freely m payment. All letters tc be poet paid. Tbe mails mav be relied on as being per-1 fectly safe for all remittances. YATESJs M’lMIR] 7' ’ * ‘ * J ■ Sept 20 BRADLEY, CLAGHORN Si WOOD, Oct 1 AnciauVa Whsjf. % Found. T HREE boxes Green Vials, were found in the marsh on 8avannnh River, about fifteen miles above this city., Tf * owner cap have, them by proving-property giving- a gratuity to the negro who, Ajplyto . ■ . GEQ. RYERSON- ft i