Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 04, 1825, Image 4
: rauo MM , M,«!|TWn,nr Sheriff’s Sale. On Uujtr* Tuesday in October nett. CffPlLu be*” ’ tbe Oonrt House,in the W tow I of JsfVeraon, Camden County, between the kgal hour* of tele, A tract of land, altuats on Welker Swamp le Oarndan County, containing wren hundred and fifty tores, more or lex, with the improve. att-aia thomm-aod Sea aafroca vie Aat on. SiMa, Rose, Stephan and Potapey, levmd on aa the property of John Hardie, uncer aua dr, executions, ta favor of the State of Geor gia, against Joseph Crew* Tam Colleetor, and John Harder and Bdwtrd Shearman, aoeun- ttea—property pointed out by John Hardie Aleo, A tract of land lying in t’amden Coun ty, containing two hundred and ninety aorta, more oe leva, and the improvemreta thereon, levied OB' aa the property of Siohartah Ro berta, under an paecution ha fcr'W of Thomas H. Miller tor the uae of Andrew Low fif Co. proaecty pointed oatbv the defendent. r ’ Q. W. THOMAS, 0. a. e.c. ' Soft 3 "9 Nheritf s Sales. the firat Saturday after theftrst Tuetday - JLf.n October next,* 41 bo aold at the Market 'Houae in the town «< St. Mary’a between the uaual hours, fifty newt of land, together with the improvement! thereon, I) iug and being in (he County of Camden, on the Poit Road leading from Jeffeis/n to Bt Marya, levied on ae the property of H A Nums, to aatief aundry oaecutiooa in ftvo- of Eiekiel Weeita. Property levied on tod turned over to me by a coMtable, M.H.HEBBARD, S C-C- 8t. Marya, 96th Auguat, 1935. ScntS ^ , Sheriff s Sales On the first Tuetday in October next. tlWiuL ,e aoid at mo Court-*! use n t h -' AJJ town of Jefferaon, between the usual hours, part of Lot No 4, containing fifty feet in front and fifty in depth, lying in the town of St. Marya, levied on at the property of George W Martin tositis’ynn execution >n favor of B A. Copp. •M. H HEBBABD, S. C. C. St Marya, August 26, 1835 Sen- ' 09 ■*.he!'iff’s ii.le On the Jirtt Tuetday in November next, tistil L be said j lore die Court House i" MJ h-: city of Savannah, between the ua uat houra of tale, Two Stagey, lour Horsea, and four aeta of Hat-ness, belonging tothia end of th- Augus U Line, levied on onler e forclosure ol a Mortgage from Joaeph I. Thompson, to Jo seph Cunindng, assigned to Alexander T Dopaon. A D'LYON. o a c e - 8 . Notice. t N INE MONTHS after the date of this notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinanr of Liber tv County, for permission to self a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, • Administrator, dec 1R SI SWAIM’S PANACEA. rr«J3 medicine is offered os a remedy for 1 Scrofula,' King’s Evil, Ulcerated Sort Notice. T HIRTY DAYS after date, I ahall ap- ply to the Honorable the Juatices of the Inferior Court, when setting for ordin ary purposes, for leave to sell a negro man,, a good jobbing carpenter, and would make a good driver on a plantation, he being a to>erahIe good planter, for the benefit of Mery Leby and children. CHRIT’N. D. LEBEY. August 23. *Mf- Sarat ga Congress Spring Wal ters. F IFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh bottled by Messrs. Lynoh Si Clark, of N-.-u- York, and direct from the Springs, just received per ship Augusta. Persons going to sea would do well to supply them selves, as they are offered at reduced prices by LAY*, HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 25 AN OriDINANtta To prevent before or Parsons of Colour from pan /S' with -ickats after *0 o'clock, P Jti and for other pu piece. B -dained n, the Mayor ind Aide-men if i e Oi-y „f S.vannidi and hamlets the-e -f, that from and after the piatage nf tha Ordinance, no tfenrral tieke shall pass - negro or person of colour after 10 o’clock, P M —« id no ticket which may be given ska I protect 'he hearer thereof from being anr re bended by the City Guard after ihfc said hour, Unless the place where he or she is going, ind the purpose for whi b they are given b ; •pe-eli -d therein, and he same shall not bt of fori: after one n cht \ Paued I it September. 1825, in Council V DANIEL?., Jtfoysr. A»’e«t. l* ms, C C. Georgia—Bryan County. ByJ h -to doth, Stork of uie Court »f Ordi nary if tl-e Gnuntv aforesa-d. TO ILL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN, iBLBAS, Phtllta Manly has applied for tetter* of administration oo the estate of iti-litn) Manly, late of aaid county, dee. in behalf of the heirs and creditors: these ■re therefore to cite an 1 admuuu h all and sin- gular the k.ndred »rd creiiitora of said -le tofi’e their objections (ifanylhey have) in my Jffice within thirty days Irom this dat. otiie-wise letters of administration will be greed the applicant. Given under my hand end seal tbia 33d of Sept, one tbouaand eight hundred and twc. • ty-five. »’'?HUA SMITH, C. C 0 tent ’9 ' ” + i Georgia— ainden county. TO ALL .y UOM IT A AT 00.-YI ERN EKEaS Jo.iu H, tem A t "imsirator art* of the Estate of David G. Jonea, late •r*ud e.;.uoiy, deceased, applies to theCou’, ef Ordinary ef (aid county, for letters dit- ■ueory oo mid Ito-otei ' **htrao are. therefore to cite end admonish tn and smgulsr, the heirs end creditor* of Mid deeeseed. tafle tboir objections (if any they -have) in my office, n or before the firat Mon- day in March oext, otherwise letters will be granted th. applicant Witness the Hon. William Gibaon, oneof ft, "I,J t ho Justices of said Court, tbia Sfti August, 1815. JOHN BAILEY, CIk. C, 0 ft 9ept3 Threat, long sta-iing Rheumatic Affec tions, Cutaneous Diaaaaea, White Swelling and Disease*'of the Bone*, and all can t- generally of aa uloeroua eharteter, and chfonio diseases, arising in debilitated consti j tiitions, but more especially fur Syphilis, or | .ffeetioUs arising therefrom, Utters of the Larynx, Nodes, he., ind that dicadful dis ease occaslonodby along and eaeewive use ,aT Mercury, ho. he.—It has otso been found uettol in BinaseVof tho Liver. Ina l disorders arising from an impure or contaminated state of the Blood, it will bo found a powerful and an effectual remedy.— Tlte discovery of this med-cme has been _ the effect of long and attentive studv, and it is now made publie from tbo moat decided con viction, founded o,t ample experience, of its rtUr medicine hao %ited. It extnut, however, be supposed, that this Paxacsa will Invariablv cure—th* moet ea- teemed medieines, employed by the Faculty, will often fail in the very diaeaves for which they are conaidered specifies i but if the use of it be petaeveredin, it will radically remove el-' meat every eause|of the diiordera spectfi d, Thouaandtare lingering under those euqt- plaints, in tome form, sinking to the grave, without a remedy, whom thia medicine would certainly restore to perfect health and vigour, Iti safety and innoeence have been fully team ed, so that it may be administered to the ten- -lerest inferr The moat distinguished physi cian* in the United States recommend it, and -droit, that a more importaut dtacovery in me dical icienee ha*, not been madei and to use the language Of on-: of the most em-nent Pro- r easors -if the age, it it a triumph in the healing art. To the present and rising g-ncra-ions, tne beiiefit must prove incalculable, nut only by aaving many many valuable lives, but m parting strength and soundness t dchilitaed anti'corrupted constitutions -thereby p'eeerv- ing their offtpnng from hereditary d,senses These then, tnge .t.-rwtih the nutne ous cures mide, form irretibleproof nf the h r h value - this remedy, Nu one, however, is sdr sed •o tike it, without first fully convincing him self of the truth of wha- is here slated, and the rectitude of the Pt p ietnr’e intentions. The cures perlormrd in this city alone, e . tsblish its superior virtue on a basis (no solid to be affected by the malignity of the envious. I is worthy of remark, that the greater part nf the patients who have been permanently cured, had, previous to the proprietor’* un dertaxing them, received the shiest assistance and several were r anduned by their Physi cians, a* being beyond the reach if 1 uman skill Such io the f et and to extraordinary mere many of licence, that an ex hi b don vans marie of rh nt i. the Univntl y ef Pcimeylv n in. by the Pi ofenor of Sarger , b fare u ci outd edaudime: of Mudena who pronounced ,hem wondert in the healing art. It ..aa beet- mu need into the Ph iadelphia Aims H-ms at d Pennsylvania and New-Yurk H js.iital, and such were its surprising effects—its success r.fier a.I other medicines had failed, tha- tne Surgeon of the Pennsylvanis|Hopital, Ur. Wm Price, was induced to abandon his highly respectable ufBc , from the laudable design of benefitting ,t s fellow creatures, bv carry ing the Panacea to England ; where it has al ready superseded the use of the genuine Preach Hob of Lafecteur in a number of in- -tttnoei, tn disease* for which that ta intended, and its virtues are publicly acknowledge b> some of the moat eminent aur.-eons there in all complicated esse* of Scofulu and Sy phitie, and where the Syphilitic Virus nf the parent causes a developement of Scrofula in ibe child, thie ia the only remedy upon which a ting e hone of r envery can be reasonably founded i there bat been no instance of its failure, where properly used It imparts vi gour to the wh -le system while the cure it going on—on operation to long looked for in vain by the medical world i at t ie -ame l ine tut- i atient it eu.bieu to take nourishing food, which under the common modes of practice, is usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma ny initanoet wlier; the hurt tide ravages of ul ceration had laid bare ligament anti bone, and where, to *11 appearance, no human tneana bu amputation could have saved life : in cases extreme even as here described, have pa- tients been Hutched from the grave and re stored to good health and the devouring div- nase completely eradicated- The ditcove.'y of a remedy tike thie. now offered for tile, hoe been a om time immemorial, The P.-Ojinetur doe, no- uppuse his bare assertion will convince : ne will therefore give references to such as have been cured, and thoie uttd r his care among whom are many highly i espe-c-tele cilizes, that ahall satisfy the most incredulous of its superior efficacy in the 'tiaoide; s for which i- is here recummen ted. Every member of society should aid in ilfiut- " g inf rm.tion uf this discovery—human ity alone maket it a duly. Geiti&cttteB- ”1 hive within the Inst two years had an op portunity of seeing several cases of very mve iorate ulcers, which having previously resist ed the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swrim’s Panacea and I do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in aero, luloua, venereal and mercurial diseases. •’N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and praette, of Phyaic, in the University of Penn ■ylvani* Cits k. “Philadelphia, February 16, 1823.” ”1 uave employed -. do r a.ucca of Mr.Swaim in. numerous instances, within the last thre, year*, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especially in aec-ondt.-v syphilis and mercurial diseases. I have no hesitatio in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. «W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the Uni'ty of Pen- Surgeon ind Clinical Lecturer to the Alms House Infirmity, bo* « February 17,1823.” ’■ I have icfteaicdly used Swains’), Panacra, both in the Hospital and in private practice. *vd have found it to be a valuable medicine in eh' ouic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints, and in obttinate cutaneous affections. “VALENTINE MOTT, II- D. Profess jr -if Surgery in the University of New York, 8urge inofthe New-York ‘fi.srital, ye, "Nw Tork. It I mo 5th, 1824.” Caution to PuTcYvaEtrs. f ne great demand and wonderful success ik (his medicine, have induced a number ol persona to imitate it in various ways—Some -ire selling Sanspariila and other syrups, im- pusing them on the ignoraut for the Panacea s others are mixing the genuine medicine with molsaaea, Ac., making three bottle* out of one, time retailing some of its virtue* Th-ise im. itabonisnd andadulterstoine have in many in- tssc * prot'aeted the «-iff.-ring* of patients in caeca where the genuine medicine would have proved inatantly efficacious. I therefore d.emits duty I owe the the publie, to ac quaint them, that it is impossible, from the very nature of its constituents, to be discover, rdby chemical analysis j and conseqnentl ., that all other mixtures represented to be mine sad sold as suob, are fraudulent and bate im- positions, calculated to deceive the ignorant sad unwary,—The genuine medicine haa mv Communieatitma, poet paid, and oHenftMb any. pan of tha world, will Motive Immediate attention. Ocjr Printed directions accompany th* Me- dicint. WM. SWA1M, . No 13, South Ninth Strent, opposite thi University <>f Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February, 1835 Thenubscrlbern have juit received a fresh upply of the above VALUABLE JINE, and have made auph arrangement* with- the inventor Jdr.-Wm. Swaitn, as will enable them to offer to thepublio a pure and unadulterated article, Druggiata and otben who purchase to sell agtin, can have it at the original price nstablished by the proprietor. LAY * HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. A Treatise on Bwaim’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying aa above. June 20 POL A DKLPHIS, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain Enel India Cure/or the Rheu matism, King's Evil, tfc. Extract of a letter from the Rev. James E Jiih, dated at Bengal, to Dr. P- Bedwe London. Dsaa s im: A GREEABLY to y-mr request, I have with diffl -lilt' procured and now send you by the ship Tat n. Copt. Rubinson, a few pound: f the Pol delnVa, or what generally goes by the name f I Hitt Ext> act, a Medicine un. iveraally esteemed imnng the people of Indian .« a ce’ am cute fur the Rheumatism. Was 11-> inform vou of the number of people wh -ire daily relieved and cured'by thia valuable •i d'-cine, it wou d require mare paper than 1 am ■ >ie tn pttreha-e srd more lime that. 1 am able to bevtow. Indeed, the tlft-ct uf this Medicine ia ■ > im-n d ate, that in Rheumatism vnu would suppose it anted ,eac!ia m ngiv in" r<li"fan1 r-m v;mf hit painful di-eue- It the King’t Evil thus !> ten used with grea' aucr.eas.aud who e Mercury has been giver or used to eaco ss, th a Med cine has proved s perfect cure. The .great difficulty, however -il procuring the Extract, w.ll for many yram to come, prevent its general circulation, it be ing obtained from a Shrub growing on th mountain! of Thibet, in the II -rnvin Kmpir of Indio, and held lo secret, by the natives that to part with it is like patting with tbeii existence.” Letter t.- Dr- BedweR, dated Jan. 7, 18:3. Dear Doctor—I have been v-olent y affect--, vitti a It . u'italic complain’ f -r maru- vests ,- eve- m fingers were «n contracted that I tan d neilhc dress or undress myself, or give the least onsistance to nv fa tiily—I huve used only one hnx of the ind i Ex’ract, a'-d I am perfectly restored? Youi’s truly, R, RALSTON, Philadelphia Letter from Tobias Jennings, Stews d ol St Thumsr 1 Hosptal Loudon, Feb 1, 18:3 Dear Sir—I think it my duty tn inform you, thai after trying every thing that cuu’d he pointed out by the most respectable physi cians and aurgeon-i for the relief of my Sun, without any success, who you know, has for many years been laboring under severe Roeu -native), I Was induced to try the Potadelp h i < with a g.immering hope, that it might g re !um some relief from the excessive pain hr -adore.1, which rendered hi n x useless mem- her of society, and a burthen to hi ifsclf. Tn my utter astnnish.ment the relief was ina’s-i tanroui, lid by persevering in the use of the Estrart, his joints have returned to their pro per places, and he fts in per act health. Up wards of sixty respectable nersnns have cal led t see my son, ss all who knew him though it im n- 1 M- that h'- o il 1 .- cove- FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, Druggist, where additional certificates of the efficacy of the above medicine may be seen. May 20 Georgia—Camden Count) TO ALL M HO M TV .ri.tIt COACH,UA. 1BHBAS Ale*. micr aVilun«or. t Atl .tin* \## itrgtop on the Eitite uf John Atk.*:• su», deceased, ar plies u the Court o' Ordin :»rv of said County, fur letters diam ssory m s i l estate :^ are, thortf^re, to c te R’ d • dmonisli ali ht d ainguUr, the heirs end ere*’ i*.or8 vf said d.:c;a»ed, to fi e their object/' n (if Hny they have) in myoflise, on o. b^f the'fir->t iionday in Janumy neift, or lettt r •v. '1 hti cfr,.ntetl to the sppHcunt. Witness the Hon WiUtiim Gibsoi., i Je 6' j| one nf tbo. J'.stiC’s of siud Coup. J ‘ th>«25hJuni' 18.5 JOHN BAILJbY. c c o. c. r June 30 8i TveMTtri Dc^«crtm«Et, > March, 14, 1825 > lRTHBNEAS an the 3d or Mareh, 1825. a v v law Was pasted by the Congress of (be United States, of which the 3d, 4th. and 5th lotions ire in the words following, via , * Sea. 3. And be ii further enacted. That a •ubscription in the amount of twelve milloa* ■if dollars, of the six p r eent. stack of the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and tlie same it hereby proposed i for which pur pose books shall be opened at the Treasury of the United State* end at th; several loan uffi eat, on the first day of April neat, te continue open until the firat day of October thereafter, for such parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock ea ahall, un the day of tub soription, stand on the books of the Treasury, and on those of the teveral loan offices, re •pectirely: which subocripbon shall be effect ed by a transfer to the United Stttee, In the manner provided bylaw for such transfers,of the credit or credits rtanding on the laid books, and by a surrender of the certificates of the etoek to subscribed t Provided, That all aubicriptjon by such transfer uf stock tliall be consider ad as part of the laid twelve mil lions of dollar! authorised to be borrowed by the fi’Jt aecti n of bia ac>. * ” See. 4. And be it further enacted', That for the whole or any part of any sum.which ahall be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respective subscribers, who shall be entt- tied to a certificate or certificate* purporting that the United States owe to the holier or holders thereof, bia, her, or their assigns, a sum to be eapreased therein, equal to the amount of the principal Stock thus subscribed, hearing sn interest a-1 exceeding four and one half per centum per annum, payable quarterly, from the thiriy-fii-st day of Decem ber,one thousand eight hundred and twenty fire ; transferable in the same manner aa i« provided by law fur the transfer of the atock subscribed, and subject to redemption at tbe pleasure of the United State*, ai follows : one half at any time after tbe thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine: Provided, That no reimburaement shall be made except for the whole amount of such new certificate,- nor until after at least six months publie notice of such intended reim bursement. And it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Treasury to cause iu be trans ferred to the respective subscribers the aever- al soma by them subscribed beyond the amount nf the certificates of ftiur and one half per cent, stock issued to them respectively “ See. 5. And be il further enacted. That he same f iiida which have heretofore been, »nd now are pledged by law for the payment of die interest, end for the redemption and ' ‘ imbursement of the stock which may be rc- -ietm-d or reimburied by virtue of the pro- vhioiis of this act, ahall remain pledged manner fur the payment of the interest accru ing on the stock created by reason of such subscrip'ion, and fnr the redemption or reim bursement of the principal of the lame. Ai d it ahaii be the duty of the commirsioners of the sinking fund tn Cause to be applied and paid, out of tlie said fun h yearly and every year, such sum and sums aa may be annually requir ed to discharge the interest accruing on the s-.ock which may be created by virtue of this act. The said coramisaioiuirs are, also, here by authorised (p apply, from time to time, inch sum and aiima out of the laid fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchaae, or by reTmbursemeut, in con* formity with the proyiaiuna of tbia act, the p 'incipa| of the laid atock : and such part ol the annual aum of ten millions of dollars, vest ed by law in the said commissioner!, as may be necessary and required for the above pur- poses,shall be and continue appropriated to the payment of interest anJ redemption oi the public debt,until the whole nf tlie atock which may be created under the proviaions of this act, ahall have been redeemed or reim bursei.” Now, tlierrfbre, n -tice is hereby given, that n-.oks w ill be opened at the Tresr’iry of the United State*, aud it the several loan offices, on tbe first day of Anril next, and continue ■ pen until tlte find da of October, thereaf- ■r, for receiving subscrintions in conformity vlih he proviaions of the said law. The subscriptions may be made by the pro- pr etors of the slock, either in person or by heir attorneys duly sulhorixod to subacrib and.transfer it to the Uailed States. Sh >uld subscriptions of said stack be made tn ah amount exceeding twelve millions of t- liars, t distribution of lire said au-n of t welv- million* of dollars will be msde among 'he subscribers, iu proportion to the sums subscri bed by them respectively, s SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, A-t'mr Secrc’iryof the t>- asurv" Georgia— ainden Gounty TO ALL WHO M IT.UAT CON.EUN 1RTHE”EA3 Lotus D ifuur. Administiau. Tv of the Estate of Ba;ilc Pelletier, dec’, applies to the Court uf Ordinsry of said coun- fur letters dismiaso.y on said estate:— (li ise are, therefor-:, to cite and admonish ..! nd singular, the heirs and creditor! of t-.d deceased to file their objections (if any tin -j»e) in my office, un or before' he first Mon ay in January next, or letters will be gran'.r e ipplicant. r ,1 VYitnesa the Hon. William Gibiu || L y.,1 one of the Juatlc-m uf raid Cou L— I tbit 35-h tune, 18 5 JOIN DAILY,c.c.0. c e. June 30 R2 Georgia—Chatham County In the O u-t of Or-Unary. Mi-. Term. I8j:i | |N tbepe'itiunof Henry Champion, admin- If iatratnr of J hn Street, ;l -c -ased, praying an order Nisi o be mad-- absolute on his con. plying witn ihe law, lor n-.i -ale of a Lot p- Uround, number four, (4] -ecnnd Tythim- Heyfiulds Ward—Also, p rtuf a l.ot, numb, •ix. Tower Tything, Decker W .id being th- real estate of the aaiu Uec. tor tbe benefit ul (he heirs and creditor*:—U ia ordered, tost t, notine be published nine months, in one oi the Public Gaaetta of tlx: City of Savannah, requiring!)! persona interested, to show cau--' if any they have, why tbe prayer ’-/the peti tioner should not be granted. S M. BOND, e c. o. May 14 44; Georgia—Chatham County. I;- the Coun of Ordinary—May Term, 1825. O N the petition of Rob- rt Hoy, Eae-umr of John Wacker!-;, deo. prayii g an order Md to be made absolute, on hie complying with the taw, to tell Two Tracts of Land in Laureoa County, being the real eat He of tbe raid deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors: It is ordered, lhat s notice he published, nine months in one of the G.,- xvttes of the city of Savannah, requiring a.’ persons interested, to show cause, if any tbe\ can, why (he prayer of the petitioner should H( bo grjntod* s. M. BQND/ 0. c^o. VALUABLE MEDICINE. yotemva Vegetable Catholicon. ^ HE subscriber teepeetftiily solicits the at tention of every friend ofauffering hu inanity, to to the shove new ted invaluable remedy, whole unequal powera in eliminating from the ayatem the very seeds of disease, and in restating the deranged and morbid condition of the organs of life to 1 free and healthy eiercise of their functions, has exci ted tbe art'inlahmeui, end completely alien cad the objection! of the most incredulous— Facte ere the bed argumenle. In order to put the virtue* of tne Csiholieon to aa severe a scrutiny a* possible, it was offered by adver tisement, together with the attendance of« physician, gratuitously to any -xinun whe would apply for it, Mi whose cause might seem ta cogie within tbe range of iu healing power—numben ofaeverecaaeaoflongstnd- ing, and tome of them seemingly de.pcrate ones, pro ented themselves, nil gf which have been cured, or so moch relieredtt' to warrant the asaettiun that a little pereevermitce will do 10. In fact, auch ia tbe conndeoce of the pbyii cian under whose cere these patients were placed, in thia remedy, a confide ,ce resut ing from the irresistible conviction that bal been forced upon hit mind by tocutar demon stration, and a personal trial of it on himsel! that he permits me to declare it as his deci M olice. N INE MONTHS date. Application v *r t»c made to the Inferior CSourt of Chatham bounty, fitting for ordinary purpo ses, for le*ve sell all the re-l estate of the iaie Thomas Savage, of B'yan County, vi*: Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred ;«nd eighty acres Rice Ltnd, <»n the O *»echee t ver, four miles below the F rry, udj >nmj< tie plantation cf Joseph Habersham ai d Ste her» El iott Also, two hundred and fifK cres, more or less, uf Pine Land, appertain- • g thereto. Also a Tract of Land call'd 'latino, emit ui ting fif y *cre>* t on Me<lway Riv r, ’djoimng the lancis of J J Maxwell MARY SAV GE, Adm’rx. Tune 5 71 ftJuMwkik te be, WHfc my thanks, obliged bumble icrvaStt, fro. ,,M City ef Philadelphia, s,, 6 " 0868 KAN *- George Kine, of the District of South. being dl ■won, doth dealer* sad say tint the »h„/ •tatement it in all reaped, correct wd in and that tbo signature to Utota aS*?’ writing of thll'deponent " “** Philadelphia, M^' 98, IB2L*' AWenM »' TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon it pesuli.H. adapted to tboee diseases which arenre*.!.. tmeng the coloured population or the lolih In that diaeaae which fa called yawJK aure remedy, e single trial of It. will plant era of itraapenor efficacy to any dy of a similar nature in the United Stater NOTICE* The advantages of this medicine i r . confining the patient unneeenarily 10 n, bouae.or keeping him from bis bminen With one solitary exception, that of intritn. ous liquors, it does not lay any rtelrleUoti uL Ido appetite It isso gentle in it, ZS that the putient finds himself getting cannot tell how. Aa it it naUhe Jeh' J? proprietor to take nny thing (o, which Z ennnot give n consideration equal ia ,,1“ penons at a distance who may »ib to t™ uis medicine, but who are not certain ir;, dTdop'inTnVbVt'ffi^SuM^nir; % ZSSgftg' c “»P l * i 1 n, i^ perfectly .ate and innocent, but a most pow- ?Im *: I »T™ ™ ertUland’invaluable remedy in certainV NOriGE. N INE months after date, application will be mide to the Hon. the Judge?of the Court Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to <ei< all the real estate of the late William Craig, deceased, for the benefit of the beirsaudered- • iu roof said estate. JOHN M’NISH. Executor iS olice. A LL persons having demands against the 9. estate of Ganstant Freeman, Esq late of the city of Washington, deceased, are re quired to hand them in, legally attested, within the time prescribed .by law ': andtboae indebted to said estate, ere required to make immediate payment, to JAME3 HUNTER, Adm’r* Jan U 42px Georgia—Camden Coumy. TO Au.L WHOM 11 M AY CON ERN. |N7liEHBASJ B>rhlntt Jun. administrator Tv 01. >he estates of DavidTueker and David M’-Tredie, applies ta the Court of Ordinsry of ar.d Gounty, for Letters dismirsary on the »tates of said deceased persons: These ere, therefore, to oite and admonish the heirs and creditors of said deceased persona, to file their objections (if any they hive) ia ity of Ace, on or before tbe first Monday In January next, or letters will be granted to the appli cant, ^ Pj-s-, Witness the Hon. William Gibaon, |ILS il oneof thcJnttieea of etid Court. In iisJ this 25th Jtue, 1825. ^ JOHN BAILEY, e-e.o. c-c June 30 e g remedy eaaea and atatea of the ayatem, auch aa the fol owing:— Debility resulting from intempennee etui dissipation 1 Old and inveterate Ulcers. Pains in the bones attended with swellings of the joint! 1 Indigestion, Blotches nn the face, pimple), Ac. 1 All complaint! of the Lirer 1 Tetter.- Yaws; Syphilis / Cutaneous diseases generally 1 Mercurial and scrofulous cum. plainta. The Catholicon (Which the proprieter sol emnly pledges h'« word consists exclusively of vegetable matter) with (he exception of a slight determi ixtion to the bowels, which it preserves in t soluble state, acts insensibly, is pleasant ta the taste, and requires no particu lar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous li quors always excepted,) nr confinement. As a gentle, sole and agreeable cathartic medi cine, improving the appetite and realuring the general tune of the system, it is confidently recommended to iadics in a delicate situa tion. W. W. PO TTER, 66 Cbesimt-itreet, Philadelphia, May 31, 1824. At the request of Mr. W. W Potter, f hav.. lately exhibited, in several instances, a medi. cnteil sirup, colled Potter’s Vegetable Cstho. iiaoa, with the must decided advantage. It has, as 1 et, never foiled effecting a cure in every case in which I hare thought proper ta employ it. H. M’MURTHIH, M I). Phi'adelphia, July 28th, 1334. Mr. W-W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that 1 would gives concise statement of my auffer ings, from' the napeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of my disease ’ About five years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, I was seixed with t violent fever. Having no medical at tendants on board, I was compelled to bear it, ss I might for two weeks, when on my ar rival at Cnarleston, s. C. it was trested as Typhus. Th" skill of my Phyaieian subdued the fever, but Pluanix-lixe, tlie termination of thia gave rise to a diseote equally diatieas ing, and which, till now, I had thought incut- able. Various abaeeisee made thei> unwel come appearance, particularly on the jointa, v !,ich were awpilcd to an enormous liae.— These gradually subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, I suffered the most excruciating pains in my joints that man ever experienced. Every thing that was administered either gsve me no reliefer ser ved to aggravate the Jiseaie, tlie severity of which increased with every succeeding year. Such was my painful si'.uauon that I despaire of ever being reatored to my health 1 Iliad not only tried the regular means of relief, but used, though in vain, every popular rem edy 1 could hear of- It was in this awful ond desponding condition,'list I was persuaded to ..ommence a course of your Vegetable Oiuhil -con, anil the happy result is, ”/ om the use of the tw* bottles, my -whole system has under gonca complete rn,oution. my pains huve fo sc ke,-. met” the discharge from my knee oegji 10 dimmish, and soon ceaied altogether, the ulcei from whence it proceeded being com pletcly healed. The tumors, for the removal nf which I hare tried io vain more remedies tiian 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing; my appetite, which wsa gone, has returned—I aa in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will make me perfectly 10. Your obliged friend? THOMAS BllOWN, JR. Philadelphia, July "6, 1824. My confidence in the vegetable catholicon is undiminishod, and ss fresh in-tances of its powers aru daily occurring, in my own prsc- 'ice, 1 have no hesitation in recommending it, in the peculiar disease! to which it it applica ble, as superior to any reme-lv I am acquaint ed with. M. M’MUIt TRIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Sit—In consequence of imprudent expos lire four vears ago. I bod the misfortune to be- coinn i-ffl’Cted with a disease, the punful re suite ut which induced me to ipply in suc cession to several reapectable physicians ol thia city> from whom, however, I received either no relief? or from whoee remedies I re ceived another complaint quite aa distressing ■a tbe former. My whole system became af fected. I could get no rest at night 00 ac count of the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body / the weakness and' cnacia tion of which waa such that I could scarcely walk. In tbia state I fortunately heard of your vegetable' catholicon—four bottle* of which, haa completely reatored me, I have now no pain i my lppetite is good 1 and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medicine hu given me, I am your obliged friend, fee. WILUAM WILSON. Sworn Mdiubeenbed to before me, May 28, 1834 JOHN BlNNo, Alderman. PhilsuUphid, May 98,1824. Sin—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty mat Fnr nearly aix yean I have been a martyr to a disease, whoee ravage* threat ened, if not toon stopped, te put a period to mv existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my eompkunt at last got to auch ■ height that I mold not swallow Without great pain and difficulty. Turnon foamed Indifferent parts of my body, and I begat to tldak myrituafion almost drop*™,. T he >T# hottioa of the Catholicon whieh I have taken have, com pletely cured me, and I «m now u wall u I in letter will be immediately plZd hTfoS uo ly .5°,? pe,en ‘i 0 dc,!idi ,hs queation— Should the remedy not seam to suit the d.v eaae, they will be frankly told,,,, CAUTION. To jprevent disappointment it we « . state that it take* in ordinary cans from 3 to J bottles to effect a cure so that peitji.a «h a are labouring under snv serious uiurmi'.t must make up their mind to paievtre to ihii extent it least—if they do nm, they might at well save themselves the trouble aitdciLtnu ■f usings smaller quainiiv. Alt orders post-paid end encloeing the mm immediately attended to, ami the meditnle packed and dcliveted with diiectim.i fur me, tunny place in the cUy, and forwarded u fr rented N. B. To prevent the possibility of dl i m . position, it w ill be sold in the city of Philadet- ohia, *t the office in Fifth near Kact-Slr et, oral the dwelling of tlie proprir tot, No, (4 ihesmit street, only, and abroad by his su- tluirixed agents. W. W I’OTIBtt, 66 Chesnut Street, Philaile'p/iiv I hsve appointed GEORGE RYE ISON, Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. gista wanting the above valuable mediciitt, will beeupplied by him for cash, at the nine rate, aa if ordered direct from me—v i. $30 per desen, or three dollar# a single boulu. W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. Any person on application to the suliocrihet will be. furnished with certificate* of iht effi. cacy of Ihe above medicine, sufficient 10 on- vince the mind uf tbe moat aceptical, although too numerous and lengthy for newspaper>d. sertion. . GEO. HYBHSON, Druggut, Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streets, dec 13 IN EQUI TY. Between W. Davies, Administrator, Complain■ Old, and John Camoclum, Administrator, Je bonis ne , wth the will annexed of Geor-t Richardson and others, Dejemhnts 1, equity, Chatham Superior Court~ Chancery, 20th August, 1824, I T appearing that John Hurray Carnochan, one of the defendant! in the aaid bill of complaint named, reaidea without the itat- tf Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms oi Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotlard: It is ordered that the laid John Murray'Cu- nochan, do appear and answer tn the cant- piainanl’s said bill, within nine month) free the date of thia order, otherwise tint tbe said bill, as to him, be takeu pro confesvi ■ and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be publish: d once ■ week, in one of the public Gazettes of this state, until the ex piration of the time within which the iwt de fendant ia required to appear anil aimer u aforesaid. True copy from tbe Minute), this Slst diy August, 1824. A- B.FANNIS, Clerk, august 34 56f Georgia Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CO.N'f.Effl. W HEREAS Sarah Brown, lur.iar, irnlof, applies to lie Court of Ordinary of aid Gounty, for Letters of Administration on tlie rotate of John Brown, late of said county, de ceased, tr neat of kin: These ste, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, 'oh* their objections, if any they hive, in fj <«• ficc, on or before the firat i” J |lsc next, "therwise Letters will be granted tin if- pltcnnt. Witness the Honorable Britton R. Bunk- ley. one of the Justice) of said Cowl thia sisteemn day of April, cighiet* hundred s’dtvventy-five. [L S. JOHN BAILEY C. C. 0 C. C, Anril 21 » Geoi'gia -Camden County. Y THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOB S AID COUN IY. WHEREAS John Chevalier, butppM YY to said Court, fnr Letieri Djiron’d nn the estates of Samuel Oozena end a duck, deceased. These are, therefore, W ;ite Slid admonish, all and lingular, the )«• dred and creditors ol the said deceued P«fr lor), to 6le their objection), if any they hire, in my office, on or before the firat ■a'™!* January next, or Letters will be granted ua applicant. Witness tbe Honorable Jamel Scott, oN of the Justices of raid Court, thia air ten th day of April, eighteta huodKH and twenty-five. , . [L.S.] -JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0.6-" Apr I 21 Georgia—Camden County- BY THE COURT OP OBDINAKY r’d SAID GOUNTY. , . iTVHBREAS Lewu Bachlott, ippto to “ W# Court of Ordinary of aaid Coontyt” l-ettera Diamiatory on the eatate of Rosolupe: These are, therefore, to ote admonish, all and singular, the kindred creditors of said deceased, to file then wte ,PPU WuUa» the Honorable S.sinel Clsrt» one of the Justice* of sstd Court, sixteenth day of April, eighteen dred tnd twenty-five. . „ fL.8.1 JOHN BAILEY, C. C. ft ® April 21 74 ^ H A*V* CA BUNDLES PRIME HAY.Ite®"* DU from Brig Phesesnt, foraaJebf April 19 C. C. GBWWOLD’