Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 08, 1825, Image 3
I I i.ta l>e lie gWf* “J for yeeri ,‘ry iu.tly obseryed linen Ue W*l CourtiUrtiou «,* Cotton.—Borne cottnnbfthq pre- •.nicrop «U brought to market this week, 17* fSPU. It isahpnored, Ihi wry little, if »ny. of the <rtletato«n •hiVmrmth or the nest, will be ehipped to iw. U it may be wanted £ our & meaufiioturew. Jhe Pittrtur, Intellitfettcor etotwa eleo, thet the promt crop, M fer »»>» h “ bMB ^kNd la that Lrket haa taken the aame direction. The current price in Petersburg ie from 14* to it cente. We trust that the Northern manufacturer will *Uo find our cotton to be m jood quality ; andj that the experiment of our preeent crop will correspond with the wishes of the planwr. Preeent eucceae will induce future exertions. Some of the fibre we hate seen n remarkably finer cal* enlated as we believe, for the finest Europe an fabric*. Indeed, the further we go north the animal fure become finer j and it ie pro bable, that the same thirjia true of vege table production.—If an; tolerable portion of Virginia can bo profitably turned to Cot ton, it will animate the dinners to new ef fort*, relieve in eome measure our tobteen |»nde, and our field labourers.—Much will depend on the present crop—We know of one planter, who hopea to gather about 15,000 Ibt from hi* fields. Compiler. portatio'n, add at*- accommodation for Ira-: vallara. : ■ ^he Committe* will complete the collec- will tioll of their subscriptions ie th# courts of < abort time, that thd auparintpndant and la- buurera may he paid o#. And it i* alippoa* ed th* inatallmenta will be IVebiy paid, ibat th* Committee may discharge Ha obliga tions. Which being accomplished, a statement of receipts end expenditures will he pub- liehed (or the information of tho subscribers arid the public. Sarannah. tlh Ocinher, 1 $tl, For Providence. Iveta Cotton.—The following is an ex tract from t letter received in Boston, dat ed in Calcutta, April 8, 18*5.—•’ The po pulation of Western India has so miicli in crossed since the termination of the Maha- roita War in 1818, that the cotton now pro duced in Hindoston is not more than suffi cient for the wants of the country; in proof oftliis, we may stats, that twenty years ago cotton was procurable in the interior ao os to make it cost, landed in Calcutta, 8 to 9 rupees per basard maund; whereas of late, though the cultivation has been estima ted by the high prices of 1817 and 18)9, the article could never be had at less than 13 rupees, delivered in Calcutta. We are in clined to think, theretora, that the article in future will seldom be exportod from the JJonghly." The article which we copied yesterday from the Democratic Press respecting the intended examination ofthe coast of Florida for (he aeloclion ofa site for a navy yard, was, we are informed, incorrect in some par ticulars. The facts, we undrestand from an authentic source, to be these : Commo dore Brinbridge, Commodore Warrington, and Captain Biddle, have been appointed to proceed to the coast of Florida for the pur pose of selecting a suitable site for a navy ysrd and depot, with authority to enter into conditional engagements for the pochnee of such situ. It Is uncertain what placo the Commissioners will decide upon for this ve ry important establishment, but it must be somewhere “ onjthe coast of Florida, in the OulfofMoxi - ” The act ofthe 3d March last, appropriates 100,000 dollars tor the purchase of the grodnds. end the erection of such buildings and improvomenta as may bujoilged necessary for the accommodation and supply ofthe United Staten’ vessels of war in that quarter. The ground will, it it presumed, be hut a very small portion bf - the expense. It is said that the Commission ers will.take their passage in the sloop Hor net. Captain Woodhoune, which vessel will sail early in October for hor station in the West Indies—Wat,' ltd. Boston, Sept 44.—Count Viihtt of Tu tin. has returned t to this city from his tour in Now Hampshire and Maine, and has vis ited our Public Schools and other Institu tions, accompanied by the.< Mayor. It is mentioned, that he' has purchased upwards of 500 volumes On the Institutions, dec. of ourcuuntry. With the infor mation collect ed by sjcb intelligent trayellerg, in addition to :lie immense fund accumulated by Gen. Lafayette, tiro gross ignorance ofthe Euro pean world respecting the Stato of Society, &c. in the United Slates, must become era dicated, and the new world be allowed to . take her duo rank in the family of nations. The Seaton The drought lias prevailed so long in parts of Vermont and N. Hamp shire, that many of the farmers have for some weeks been compelled to foed their wmm mmsLL The fast sailing schooner •' APOLLO, Cfoweli, Matter, having moat of her cargo engaged, 1 immediate Dispatch. For bal- f 'rvight 6r passage, apply to Ctpl uoatd at Jouva’ upper wharf, or to octft ♦ HALL & HOYT. * nhVo snee of frail C. on For Sale. I T H /YNB iundred and sitteen tiers** of fresh | VF (tea RICE, and 18 tleross of th* pra* 1 •ALIO,.- : a .,. ‘ of Guadeloupe Molasses fit (hi I JO * OR T or IAVANVAB. ARRIVED, Pole-boat Wild Air, from Augusta, with 351 bag* new crop Cotton, to G. B. Lamar, E. Bliss, J. Cumining, and P. Hill.. Brig Enterprise, —, Providence. Schr. Hero, Spangler, Norfolk. Sloop Rosetta, Vernard, Darien. Revenue Cutter Crawford, Paine, on e cruise to the South. ARRIVED rilOM THII SORT, At New-York, 46th uit. brig Pheasant, JkrvH, today*. At Charleston, 4ih instant, sloop James Monroe, Luddingtnn. 10 hours. At Darien, schr. Experiment, Porquet j sloop Albert, Nicholas. CI.R VRtl, FOR THIS FORT, At New-York, 37th ult. i • p Oglethorpe, Teubner. ■ TO TUB. EDITORS. Weie-York, Sept. 48. Tho Panthes, is op to sail the 30th, but will hardly go before the id or 3d*-aU the births taken. The Oglethorpe sails to-mor row—full of passengers! The Louisa Ms tilda sails next week—two settees only left. The sloqp Elixa-Nicbll sails on Saturday also full. The brig Osprey is shortly to sail—thirty steerage passengers. Up for Savannah, at Boston 33d inst. schr Modom- ack; schr. Celer, Robinson ; ship Chnriot, Pratt—all with desnscch. Up at New- Haven, brig Splendid. , Freight* hem are plenty for Savannah, but owing to the number oT vessels up, ami others expected to be up in a few daye.they. do not fill so fast as they might otherwise. Captain Jarvis, ofthe brig Pheasant.from Savannah, died yesterday, and the vessel lias to he m-4* aded at Quarantine. 'vYIliLI PAT1I/H8ON, H AS removed to the brick store, one door east of hia briner stand., where he is now 01 sortment ol a large and general as- (hjxdids. just received from New-York by the Augus ta, Savanpah, and other recent arrivals. among which are, v Cloths nnd Cassitneres Plains and Blankots Satinetta and Sagathas Coloured and white Flannels Do Domestics Bleached and unbleached domestic sheet ings and shirtings. Dark and light Calicoes ' Linens, Lawns and Linen Cambric* Plalillaa, Russia aud Irish Diapers Russia Sheetings Cambrics and Muslins Nankin and Canton Crapes Bombazctts, Bombszeens, and Dimities Black and col. Italian Crapes Clark dt Paisley’s spool cotton Hosiery and darning Yarn White and colored C « vats Bolivar do Hunter’s Cord Ladies hurse skin and kid gloves Gentlemen's do anil braver do And a variety of fancy artieles. Sic. Sic. Also, a large supply of 43 inch Cotton Bagging. Which he offers for sale ai reduced prices oct 6 DismunoN. gitlle on liny. In most parts of this state . . . , „ the (all feed is good. From all quarters we 1 rnHE Copartnership heretofore existing I .c.P ...„ X under ihe firm of HENRY & TUR NER. of Savannah, and D. HENRY di Co. in AuguBta, is this day dissolved by learn that the important growth of potatoes will turn nut scanty, and in many places not worth digging. The corn crop also will be light. EXCURSION TO TYBEE IN TH* ft! earn- \oat aroUna TO-MORROW MOR NING, 8th instant, at 8 o’clock, the Steam-Boat ■ 7:— I Carolina will leave the wharf in Savannah for'Tyhee, and return, th* after part ofthe day. so at to arrive be- 1 rare night, Passage down endup fifty cents—chil dren and servants half ' Dinner will lie pi cents for as many at net,* RICE, and 18 tiaroaa of th* pra* 1 A GBBBABLEto’Si nrterWWnad from ini I A the honorable tb# Courtof Ordwry for tba County «f Camden, l*h*ll **poa« f»i sate „n Saturday, the Bth of October next, at the Harkrt-HouM, ia the Town *f 8U kluy'% the ' ''■'"•loop ‘ 1 . ■ aoLb, rogethtr with htr Furniture, Tmesis and AppardL helonuing to ie ' of Jamei VecemA, late d eeaa •d— For the benefit of the hairs aod au con cernad. CornUt-oas cash. M. H. HBHBARD, Tam’s Ada. fit. Mary*, Sept. 34, 182*. oet.t n .'WILLIAMSON, Factor ut4 James Andet-son & Co novMy's buildups, H ARENecaived by the ship Emily; from Liverpool, their usual supply of the intention of goin^ by signing a paper Ip, of tho City Hotel;, the part of such a* of the necessity of parture how toprU' Blankets and. Bag- and by recent trrivala from the North,' an elegant and extensive assortment of rd at 50 hr* H dining, a'Mhe Bar metir '.al on^jkt uuse ing prevtbpa to de 'V ' Fancy and Staple Articles, HITS! HATS!! HAI’S!!! Bntltx & Betantony which thoy offer for eale on accommodating. terms. j Oct t tit | M Tim boat will defter* punctually at eight o’clock. a • A ' oct8 * ■ • *4 ■ -v-v. -zg* Augusta Sta^e Office f TO PLANT BUS. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AYING made a considerable purchase of last season’s imported PLAINS, which they offer for sale at the tail ycar'e 1 priree, for cash or drafts on their factor*, payable any time before the 1st of.April]- noxt; which must be, at least,.30 to 45 per cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation can be sold at. W. &. H. ROSE. I P ERSONS wishing seat* in the Shvan- nah and Augusta Lina of Stages, .are igusta utnaot stages, ere rezuosted to tpply at the Bar of the City- Hotel. until the first of October, and send the bill to this office. June 7 83 oct 8 34 Im Boots and Shoes. JUST RP.CEIVF.D, Per brig Index, 72 packag es BOOTS and SHOES, consisting ofthe following kind, via: ' Cases Gentlemen’s fine Calfskin Boots 4 do do , do Senlbkin do 4 do do. common do do 2 do do stout bo’d oeg’d Shoes 1 do do unbound do do 1 do d« fine danc. Pumps do 3 do do com. do do do 3 do' women’s Iso (her walking do 4 do do do pumpe do 3 do Boys lined and bound do 2 .do do thick do 4 do Children’s Leather Bootees 1 do do Morocco do For sale low by the package or dozen by T. S. LUTHER. oct 8 GRAND LODGE. A N Extra Communi cation of the Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia will be held on MONDAY EVENING. 10th inst at 7 o'clock. P, M. of which its members will take due notice. By order ofthe M. W. Grand Master. L. H. FURTH. Grand Secretary, G. L. S. G. oct 8 34 LOST, TJETWEEN Johnston Si Market squares JO a double string of CORAL BEADS. Tho finder will be rewarded by leaving them at fhis Office. oct 8 {4 Tuskaf’ingee No. 666 TO THE EDITORS OF THU GEORGIAN. As we have got over our election bustle, I now Keg leave tocatl the attention of our Corporation to a growing evil that prevails in our market, of a few individuate who purchase up all the butter,.egge, and poul try to the injury of the citizens in ge.oeral. and you must pay them ao advance on the same if you wish to obtain thnin. It has been carried on so successfully that colour ed people are engaging in the same prac tices, and if not checked the evil will assur edly increase. If the Corporation have not the power (which every city in the union possess) they'will soon have an opportunity to obtain it by one of their body who is fully ailcqdate ahd who wRl represent us in the Legislature, and, no doubt, will be able to obtain a remedy for so growing an evil. JUSTICE. trThe Dublin Road Committe is author- nd to inform their fellow-citizens, and the public, that the Road from Dublin to this City, is now passable for waggons. The bridges have been repaired or built, at re quired, and the Road generally, is in very good order. After crossing Blaok Creek, the direction e( the Road is to Tillman’s, on the Canou- chee, which is crosised by a Ferry—thence to Collins’, from which point the track is on the northern aide ofthe Greet Ohoopee to Maclimore’s Ferry on that River,'and there the Road intersects the old Road, ao (tiled, six miles from Dublin. The Committee is assured, by Mr. Wil liam Slater, its agent and superintendent, that the Road is m equally good condition with the other ordinary Road* of the coun- »the other ordinary __ , ttv. and that waggons will not b* impeded; Bat tho Committee feel* no hesitation in tssuringthe public that the Road la hotter than it has been for many years—and it is fupposed that it will be the cause of a di version of a portion of the trade of the •uuthweqtern section of the State, to this tWr mutual consent.. Those indebted to or hav ing unsettled business with the firm in Sa vannah will call on A. Turner, and those iu Augusta on D. Henry. . . ANTHONYTURNER, DEXTER HENRY. .Oct 8 p33 T HE members of the Tusksfungee So ciety No.666,are requested to attend a regular meeting to be held This Evening at their Green Room, at seventeen minutes of twelve.—Punctual attendance ia requir ed,as business of Importance will be brought before them. Also come prepared to pay your annual contribution. By order of the Chief. X. Y. V. Secretary, oct 8 “4 Fly Market Beef S% fi HALF Barrels just received by £i I. schr. Mary dt Margaret, from Ni schr. Mary & Margaret, from York, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Oct 4 the ew- Hams and Flour, fs'e. 200 KUPERIOR HAMSin ^ For sale by 30 Barrels Superfine New Flour 10 Pipes Holland Gin 3 do Cognac Brandy ognac Brandy HALL Si HOYT. DRAWING OF THE ’ LITERATURE LOTTERY. T HE drawjng of the Literature Lottery Clasa 3 for 1835 took place at New York on the 30th ult. according to appoint ment. The following are the numbers drawn:— 59,54,39,10,62 5, 40,47,21, According to which the following are the capitalizes above 1000 dollars. Register Comb’n Drawn Nos. 44764 8248 31236 ...9441 17885 ,9426 39 54 69 5 10 62 21 40 47 5 40 64 10 39 62 5 40 47 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 8.9, 6,6,7, 3,4.'5, 6, 7, 8, Prizes of £25,000 10,000 10,000 6,696 5,000 6,000 Holders of prizes will receive the cash or may renew for orders in the Graad State Lottery of R. I. No. 3. to be drawn the pre sent month. Highest Frizes 45.000 dollars. 10,000,5000. die. die. Ac. on application to W. ROBERTSON, ' Georgian Office. HALL & liOYi, OFFER FOB SALS, 3000 Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 25 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 5 do Cognac Brandy (Seignette**) 10 rusks Cheese 20 bids mess Beef 100 boxes smoked Herring (fresh) 10 bbls Cranbcrrmt 200 Hams in bags for family use. oct 8 Notice. T HE Subscriber (late of Savqnnali) lias established himself in this City for the transaction of COMMISSION BUST NESS, and begs leave to tender his scrvic- as to hi* friends and the public in Georgia. II B. GWATHMEY. New-York, Sept. 1825. Re/ermcee in Savmnah—Mr. Jos. Cbm ming. Meters. John Cvmmino & Son, and Mr. Wm. Gaston. oct 8 l33 Citf T. zasurer’s Office. ) 6th Oct. 1835. $ Assize of Bread . Have received per brig Draco, and schooner Mary and Marga ret, 100 cases of FASHIONABLE HATS, comprising a general assortment for the city nnd country market, which they, offer for sale on accommodating terms, at their Ware-House, Market-Square. , N. B —Ten 'Cases GENTLEMEN’S BEAVERS, extra fine. Oct I 41 To Rent,. The house and- two lota in ■ Broughton-st. belonging to the subscriber. Apply to Wm. Da- .Ti^hra 0 ’*"" 0 " Wi “ b * The Darien Gazette will insert the above! K * u CBII J - *. NEW-YORK, I NCORPORATED by the LegisUlurfr . of the state of .New-York, for the pur- -, pus* of inuring HOUSES and OTWSR » BUILDINGS, VESSELS IN PORT and - their CARGOES, MERCHANDISE and other PERSONAL PROPERTY, against liOSA ov D«mog«\>3 Vito, < and also to insure VEBSRLB and MER CHANDISE .gainst the HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANSr Imputation. ^; Capital ^tockl800,900,' which has all been paid in CASH, nnd th* public may rely with, -capfidenc* upon t Ilf whole sum. being always available W mebX. its engagements. R. HAVENS! Prest, Y The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Compaay. will insure against Loss by Fire, and Hasard of Inland - Navigation, .as set forth in the preceding proposals, on a* favorable terms a» can be done In this city. 8. C. DUNNING, Agent for Howard Insurance Comjtamj. N. B-—Persons living in the country, can have insurance effected by addressing ,, fhe Agent, giving a description of the prem* - ises to be insured, post paid . Sept 40 16 IWfflh B j-iK G. CO. C. GrtisWOLD Oj OFFER FOR SALE, 30 H 50 D bhl.* nd (Philad.Whi.key 30 do Non hern Gin 4 30 do N E Rum 70 kegs manufactured Tobacco 15 hhds Leaf do 100 bags Coffee 60 kegs Lard 22 do Vcnligns Mesa and prime Pork, N. Y. City Inap’n. opt 6 33 J. M. BERRIEN, oct 6 23 « Possession c November n jflfc To Rent. A Brick Tenement DWEL LING-HOUSE, on the north side Market-Square, at present occupied by Mr. H. D. Greene. Poeaeesion can be had on the first day of November next. Also, the STORE formerly occupied by Mr. John B. Wick, as a shoe store. Pilesession giv en immediately. Apply to CHARLES ROE. Oct l 21 Joseph Kopman Sl Co.) JJAVB received by the recent arrivals, large and general assortment of Staple & Eanc^ uoods, 1 next among which are— London Duffle Blankets Rose and Point de. Plains and Baizes, Flannels Si Hosiery Sup. Blue and Black Clothe. Do. Mixt do. Do. Blue and Black Cassimeres Do. White and Buff dif Vallntia and Swansdown Vesting Camlet and Plaid Cloaks Black and Colored Bombazetta Bombszeens, Caroliua Plaids Parisian Prints, Furniture Calico Cambrics and Jaconet Muslina India Swiss and Mull do. J.-.cnnet and Swiss Muslin Robes Bobbinet and Swiss Muslin Collereta Bobbinot Lace Veils Ladies Blk. Si ass. Horsekin Glove* Men’s Buck, Beaver, and Horsekin do. Silk Stockings and Gloves Nankin'and Canton Crapes Do. do. do. do. Robea Crape Less., Barege, Shawls Si Handkerchiefs Ombre Fig’d Silks, new style Barege and Vestalene Silk and Barege Rubes Sarsnetts, Levantine, Brown, Black and Colored Sattins Blk. and CnlM Merino Scarves Black and Mixl Sattinette Plaids, Brown and Blenched Shirtings and Sheutinge Irish and Russia Sheetings Liuene and Long Lawns, die. die. ALSO. 100 pcs. 43 inch Inverness Hemp Bagging. Oct 4 22i. Ml To Rent, That large and commodious Brick Tenement Building in York Street, near Jeffersnn-St. Possession given first November Also, two Stores on Jcfferson-St. adjoining Mr k E. Jcncka’. Rent will be moderate. Apply to THO’S. R. PRICE. Augusts 97rp Fresh Boots 8g *>1ioes. NT) The subscriber has receiv- . 1 I ^^ed by recent arrivals a gen eral assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, which he of fers for sale-on reasonable terms. GEO. NEWHALL. Young’s Building, acts lni23 TICKETS RECEIVED IN GRAND STATE LOTTERY Of RHODE ISLAND, ' tbihd class—new stmts. T O be drawn in Providence, on th* Four FOURTEENTH of OCTOBER. ize of 25,000 • ol a a. . Prize ot Doilare. ' Prize of 5,000 Doila’8. : Pr zesof 1,000 Dollars. Presentprice of Tickets £5, Halves £4k - Quarters£l{ Eighths62 cents. Those wlio hsve ordered tickets in tbe above Lottery, will please "all nnd receive them at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Sept 29 ' IVUM.OV.Ua. T T HE subscribers have removed to John 1 * ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low Si Co. where thqs a're opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry . Goods, * in addition to thoir former stock. W. di H. ROSE. April 6 • Ifi / ST The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgeville, will give the above lour ill* Sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. The Rev. A. CARTER, W ILL receive into hia family and per- i Found T HREE boxes Green Vials, were found in the marsh on Savannah' River, about fifteen miles above this city. The owner can have them by proving property and giving a gratuity to the negro who founothem. Apply to Sept 14 GEO. RVERSON. London Mustard. A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London Mustard, suitable tor medicinal and other purposes, just received and fnr sale by LAY di HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Shad’s Buildings. 0. W. ROCKWELL 05 CO H AVE received by ship Emily, from t.iser|iool, and other Inte errivals large and general as* from New-York. a Wirtmcnt of Staple and fmey Dry Goods. which they offer for sale ou tbe most favor able terms. Also, 300 pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging, and *u Invoice of Coatings, gept 37 20r, Fulton Mark* t Reef, fcc. Just received per eclir■ Mary and Margaret 5 HALF BBLS. Fulton Market Beef 10 Bnrrela Sargent’s Crackers 44 Do No. 1,2 and 3, Mackarel For aale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN Si WOOD, Oct 1 Anciaux’a Wharf. A CARD. T nE subscriber, admitted to practice in the several Courts of Law and Equity n this State, offers to the public his pro fessional services in the Cdtirts of Bi/16, I Henry, I Jones, | Crawford, Monroe, Jasper, Twiggt, , Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon. Bibb County, (Ga.) .Inly '7 84, Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for eale by p. e.braBsinne, March 49 Oppqsite the Exchange. K * 9 Dm .MAY RE OBTAINED FOR FIFE DOLLARS. T HE Grand State Lottery No. in. draws during tbe present month, when the following brilliant prizes will be award ed to to adventurers—viz: B. ft. "London "Porter, t otton Bagging, &c- A FEW casks, containing eight and a half dozen each of London Porter, im- K rted in the ship Georgia, on 48th June it, are yet on hand and for sale; also, Cotton Bagging, errtea of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, and a variety of Seasonable *Dry Goods, Apply to ANDREW LOW St. CO. July 16 88 T HE average price of Flour being £555 per bbl. 196 lbs. weight; thd weight of Bread for the present month must bn 12j cents Loaf 3 lbs. 1 ox. 6} •• “ 1 84 Of which all Baker* and Sellers or Bread will take due notice. M. W. STEWART, c. t. nct8 44 25 000 Dollar* 10,000 Dollars 5,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars And a large amount of smaller prize#, a- mourning in iko whole to only received by WILLIAM ROBERTSON. Georgian Officv Tickets 6 00 I Quarter* 1 45 Halves 4 501 Eight* 621 Oct 6 Uni'ui Society A QUARTERLY meeting will be held on MONDAY EVENING, joth inst. at 7 o’clock, at the Sunday School Room. Academy. L. MASON, Secretary. oct4 24 Ranaway from the Subscriber, o N Wednesday, 44th nil a large yellow negro man, named FREDERICK.— He in generally known in the adjoining counties as a fiddler. He waa seen in Spar ta on Friday last It is believed he will go to Augusta. He may have a forged past, aa he can read and write. A suitable reward will be given for his apprehension and confinement in any jail in tho state, ao that I can get him. JAMESCAMAK. MilledgeviUe, August 48 Sept 37 19 Where a number of prize* in this and other Lotteries have been recently ordered, and paid. Mt 6 *3 Young Ladies who may wish to complete their course of literary education. In ; ad* dition to the above, a few dny scholars of a similar description will be received, to coin* mence on the first of November. , . For particulars, application may be and* personally or by letter. Sept 17. .16 f MAMAQS&S’ OFFXOH. ■X AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW-FORE, SPLENDID LOTTERY, To be drawn in the city nf New-York, on the 4th of January, 1826, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTER 45 Numbers—6 Ballots to be drawn. EACH TICEET HAVING THREE NUMBERS lit COMBINATION. J. D. Yales $ A. M'huire, Managers. SCHEME OF THE New-York State Liteiatwe lottery, Class 3, for 1826. 1 Prize of £100,060 is £100,000 1 do 60,000 50.000 i do 40,000 30,000 i do 10,600 10.500 4' do 5.000 10,000 4 do 4.500 .10,000 10 do 2,000 30.000 39 do 1,000 39,000 78 do 500 39,000 468 do 100 46,000 4446 do 50 332,300 5051 9139 Prizes, Jlnoks. £567,600 Less thautwo blanks to n prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, but the cash may be had instantly, subject to the asual deduction of fifteau per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS; Whole: : : £50 I Quarter* : : £l? SO Half: : : : : : : 25 | Eighth i : : : 6 35 This ia the most, magnificent scheme that has ever been offered lb* the patronage of the friends of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca. The small number of Tickets, and the unexampled demand for them, is t sufficient warrant that there wiH not be a chance left, for weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to £60. ID* Gentlemen are therefore requested t» be early in their application, an all order* actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled to be aupnlied at the present-rates. *.* Notes of tbe Bank of the U. States and its Branches, snd^ynerelly, the Note* nf all Banka that pay specie, received at par. 'Also, Mercintiie Drafts at sight, en any ofthe large cities, and Prize Ticket* racair* cd freely in payment. All lettera to be post paid. The mails may be relied on aa being per fectly safe for all remittances. YATES $ M’HkTIRE, Washington City. Sent 40 Ififlt dec 'S' *'■ . • i ■-» TBfc LYBB.&UX id "betted on Mondays, Wedi| ,s diys, ant PL FtUsyeJkm* antiU o’clock. 1