Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 18, 1825, Image 3
Jo, I ho finer powaiaofDiaonminaliou »• niltble, wlieu exercised «|»oi» *i»y subject (..•iuir the lee*' telalwm to politic*) mUtotl NVwlhiWji* » »«* Grange,tbit hi* I'eel J„pi of common propriety did i I not admonish ih« individual. »li»t I ahum WM.couipi.teot to determine upon the Htlieaa, the tiuie. thp nmniter■ *nd the extent of the publiqytum. J, l,.. however disregarded all eiuih 0011- •*, ril ioo«; and ho* doaceoded aol'ar below :! level of all true dignity, *a to have ap- o iL'd an epithet, incorrect and cenauru- P. L | 0 PeurF.iro* EvrOcrT . a diatiu* oiiiihod name! which, if it be not alto- Jother sufficient to awe auepicinn, ha* yet Within itself virtue enough to elide abuse; anti 1 might have remained satisfied with thin' conviction, wore it not that Silence would luve attached an improper dogreeof tmirojch 'o myself, or to mine other parson, Oinud of the title end inaloua of the chut- r , r of a Georgian. In abort, tliia ebtilli- tlon of an over heated at hM given mo much pain* * n<l ' on ma,, y * ,! ®°'"i t *l a» I think it won 1 - 1 1° any oni * el98 ' 1101 already alflicled with aotno obliquity of the moral itoiiCi or ill hii other percupliona of right an I W The correspondence wan partly .invited by myselfi if there woe any uffictousnosa or other fault, it was all my own, and the blame should attach entirely to me. The . hole truth is thisI was at Milledgeville. when the Documents concerning the late Indian transactions, where published; and, as there appeared to be many misconceits upon the so'.ject, nt the norlh.l sent a copy to Mr.Ev- eretl; wi'h whom I wus alrendy acquainted —and with whom, I hail before intqrchnn- gnlletle civilities of the kind. Shortly af terwards. lie acknowledged the receipt of the Pamphlet; anil in so doing, requested of me. some information, t hat lie could noi gather from the documents. Indeed, it is but sheer justice, to say, that I felt much pleas t >;, nay honored, by the candid and friendly character of liis letter; and, it wiib in this spirit, tlint I communicated its contents too Ihers, as I wrote in him that I would, with a view to tho interchange of opinion,iipnn the nmneroua matters embraced in it. To con clude. his enquiries were just those, which one would naturally expect from the Phi lo ophcr, the Historian, the eminent Politi cian, and enlightened Gentleman: they are perfectly innocent, as to any party question or views, at least, so far as I can judge;— and. unquestionably, his sentiments upon the various subjects contained in the letter, are altogether liberal and impartial, wiih respect to every thing materially affecting the interests of the State of Georgia. JOSEPH VALLENCE BEVAN Savannah: 13th Otdtdier, 18*25. oommdroiax.. London Markets, Aug. 23 — Colton T ore was a fair demand for export in on< c ,1100 market last week, taking off about 15.10 hslre, viz : 200 Pennies I4d; 303 Su- rais 7J-4!o8 l-2d, and 100 Bengiila 8 1-4 to 6 1-2d, all in bond; 12 1-2d wai offered and refused fur 600 Egyptians. There are no lutes uf Cotton (hie forenoon, and only 50 bags Bengals were yesterday disposed of. It is now staled the 500 Egyptians, forced ulf Iasi week privately, were toil) at 12 I-2d. Colton Trade.—It gives us much pleasure to state, that in consequence of the price of cotton, the cotton works and power loom fac tories aruuud Glasgow are now working lull time. TIm new workmen are become quite evert in all the various manufacturing de panments In Messrs. Dunlop’s mill the n ’,v spinners earn every fortnight 41. 4s. Out o this is deducted t f. 8s. paid to ttiree pieeers; I aviog a oi ■ ir surplus of H. 15s. for twelve d y« labour. To stimulate them to bo indus- t ious, a small fine is levied if they do not r anh that Mi'll. Most of these hands were f ,-iiaeiTy weavers, and the contrast witlitlieir f - mar circumstances is sufficiently obvious.— Oh., axe Journal. 8«,-llr public sale oo Friday. 265 bags E .st India Kich, Patna 23s, taken in; the a.rgu Kiee sold at 15s. Thurot.—The purchases of Tobacco con tinnei confined to smalt parcels to the trade, ai very fell prices; one cargo of Maryland Tobacco is the uuly large parcel in llicjmar- Is t; it i* not yet disposed of. MilN L eo. T. Camming, T Butler ti co. 1 Gumming, Bailor fit, Bqraqton,. B Blit*, fit M. Prendergait, C. W. Rockwell fit, 1 eo. Jno Bradley. J. W. Long, G. B. La mar, J. U. Herbert fit ca. O. Taft, it Campbell,, W. Gaston, W. Patterson, J Rea,_S. C. fit J Schenk,; A., fit E. Wend, | U, Burroughs, H. Tuppcr,, ponce fit Mac keniie. Dull hum fit Camplield; Z. Day fit co; G. Gordon, F. M. Stone, H. Lord fit ca. R. Ketrhim, atid J P. Force. Put<cn- gere, J. Houry, lady, child and servant. K Campflold, lady, t children and aervant, it Lora, lady and aervant, R; Ketchum. lady end 5 children, E. Olisa and Indy, C, II. Higgins, lady and aervant, J. P. Force sad lady, Mr*. Shellmant daughter and servant, Mr*. \Vylly, Mrs, -Walker, Miss- "uwell, Campflold, Crowell. Mi.lor 98, Baldwin, Ificsara. J. P. Henry, J. Wilcox, Isaac Norton, A. G. Miller. B. W, Deli mater, C. Hoyt, T. 8. Luther J. H. Oldershaw. F. I. Lay, C Carter, N B. Weed, A> Mitchell, Thorp. Crime, Men chant, Keeler, Clark, Beman, Howard. Brig Osprev, Dorsey, New-Yurk. 9 dav-. to Bradley, Claghorn fit Wood—with a full cargo, to B. W. Dolamater, H. Cleland, C. Corley, I. W. Morrel, G. Gordon, O. Ten ney, Jno. Bradley, J. Baulard, A, fit E. Wend, N. B. Weed, Hazard fir Denslnw, Piiilbrick fit Scranton, Butler fit Scranton, Moore fit Lyman, A Parsons. Lay fit Hen drickson, W. Lippitt fit co. D. fit B. Foley, Hall fit Hoyt, and T. Butler fit co. Paeeen- gm, Messrs. A. Norton, J. Jones, L. Pres, ton, M. Day, O. Johnston, H. Bliss, A. Row, R. Thompson, and IT in the steerage Schr. Medcimac, Smalley, Boston, 12 days, to Cohen fit Miller—full cargo, to A. fit E. Wood. E- Reid, Geo. Newhall, R Ca-nphell, H Topper, G, B. Lamar. Otis Johnston, W. T. Williams, H. Lord fit co T. 8. Luther, 0. Toft. R. S. Gaif, J. B. Herbert fit co. and B. W. Dnlamater. Sloop Gold Huntress, Curry, Providence. 6 days, to Cuhen fit Miller, consignees—,U. Tati. P. Hill. H. Lord fit co. Shaw fir Dean Whitney fit Turner. O. H. Metcalf, J. Felt, S. Henry, J. S. Simmous. Pattengert. J. S. Simmons, lady anil 4 children, O. Mann. J. F. Dean, J C. Whiting, 8. Henry. G. II. Metcalf, J. Kimball, E Jencks, Jr, and J. Lawrence. Sleep Knsutta, Vernard. from Darien, to the master. Bust Rebecca, from Augusta, with 290 bales of Cotton, to G. B. Lamar, O. Tafi. and others. Anmvtn moss this port. At Now-York, 1th ult. schr. Olive, Mof fitt, 12 days At Charleston, 13t h inst. sloop John Chevalier, Sisson, 2 days. At Nastiu. Sept. 14. sloop Bnb, Hall. UF FUR THIS PORT, At New-York, 6th inst. ship Augusta. White, to sail 13th ; schooner Soplironia, Stewart, 9th.—11th, schr. General Marion. Chadwick, to anil 16th ; sleep Huntress. Hart,2 or 3 days; sloop Good Return, Bites, 13th. At Phluhelphia. 6th inst. schr Resolu tion, Curtis, to sail 8th. apply to Oct 18 For Augusta. Tliu Pule-Boat a WILD AIK and ROB BOY, will kp freight low if applied or immediate! , for winch G. U. LAMAR, Bolton*! Central Wharf. 28r DIED, On Thursday last, Jobn Ltiuov, Esq. a na tits of Lnugliray, County of Galivay, Ire la id, ,o tu 56ih year of Ilia age It is net no- cszif) in tliH community to eulogise tho. C'uractcr of one an well ktiuvrn and no highly inspected as Mr. Dillon. For upwards o! thi ty tw.) years ha wa» an inhabitant of this 0:(>iiJ it iiunly necessary to say that during t/iat period up to the day of’ bin death, ho deser ved and received, the respect of the citizens of liis adopted country and tho warmest ailec- tionoi t oar t.f b:ao»rn, who like himself had hore chosen their residence and. hnd iodenii- fi *d themselves with this community. In r faience to the poorer among the latter, it rimy truly be said he was their friend an counsellor. In the affair* of life, ami by tin bed side of death, his efforts were equally di reeled to their welfare and happiness, and to the aEsungement of the sufferings o; disease and penury. The various public of fiecs which he has filled during a long life, testify the public estimation in which liis character has been held—the unobtrusive virtues of liis private life, will long be re tnnnbored in the deepest recesses of the bo I un of the widow aud the orphan. His mortal remains were attended to the grave by the Hibernian Society, and a large con course of sorrowing citizens. At Augusta* Ga. on the — instant. Lieu tenant Holland, lute'of the U- S. Army. MW residence in Scrivon County, the Imn inst. Mr. Thomas H. Gibbons. Af Neir.york, on the 5th instant, Mr. Jt)l,N &MNUOK, first officer of the ship Em peror. The steam boat Edgefield, Sassard, 36 hours from Charleston, with freight and passengers for Augusta and Hamburg,pass* d up the river on Saturday morning. The following notification is of impor ance to Merchants aud Captains of ves sels It is ascertained from Mrjor Barney, supcriiitendant. of Light Houses, that the riiomas Point Light in the Chesap> ake is completed, and only awaits the supply of »il to go into operation, which it is cal- ulated will be from the 15th to the 20ili inst. The light will be diseerliable 60 miles Norfolk* Ort. 5.—VVii.louohbv Point Light.—The Light Vesssel, heretofore -inHoned off Willoughby’s Spit, at the en trance to Hampton Roads, was yesterday owed up to this port by the Revenue Cut er, to undergo repairs, consequently m iig/U will be exhibited there until further lotice, in conformity with the Superinteu lint’s notice, which has recently been pub lished in this paper. Chnrlett'in. Od. 14.—Arrived* U. L. schr. .Spy, Perry, New-York, ft days. Oct. 15.—Arrived, line ship Empress, Sin clair, New-York, 7 days. Ship Finnan, Harrison, Philadelphia, 7 days, and 4 from the Capes. Schr. Reuben Ross. Navy, Baltimore and 48 l ours from tho Cnpcs. Went to tea, line ship Coin Perrv, Thorp New-York ; schr..Susan, Budd, W. ludi kauri mmsM* »ORT OP SATARMAU. . ARRIVED, “nip Louisa Matilda, Wood, New-York „ s !' a ' W lh a full cargo, to Hall fit. Hoyt, “ttvtKnses—O. Johnson, J. Innlis & co. i *y. Morrell, Hogan fit. Wolsh, T. Clark, M, t?' y AnderBon fit co. H. Cleland, R kcelcr, Uhen fit Miller. P. Hill, E. Reed W. H. Crane, A C 4 mp L-ltambnriain, L. Lard,in, Jos. A. G. Miller, Wiltbergnrft J An B '*» u fiellet. P. P. Tltomasaon. L Pole /' W- T. Williams, brick i'a" *■ C0, J - Kopmao fit co. Phil- “ * Scranton, Wm. Tiglte, Johnaton, OLIVEH TUNNY, orFEss tor isle, Q K MUDS. St. Croix and N. O. Sugar Ov 25 Bags and 3 Hogsliead. Coffee 5 Hogshead* 4tli proof Rum 2 do do Jamaica do 4 Pipe. Holland Gin 2 do Brandy 20 Quarter Cask, Wine 5 do do Cordial 15 Boxes No. 10 Colton Card* 150 do Yellow Soap 60 do Tran,parent do 100 do Began 2 do Milliard 12 Dozen Stoughton’s Bitter, 231X1 Yarils Sheetings and Shining, Straw Bonnets, An. Andcrtnn't Wharf. Ocl 18 28 STOCKS. 8Cc. FOli SALE. S HARES Planters' Bank, do Bunk Slate of Georgia do Murine &. Fire Insurance Co. do Steain-Bnul Company do Union Road Company. ALSO. A young negro woman, an excellent cook and w isher A young mu'a to woman, good house ser vant, &.C. A negro girl shout 11 years old A nepro man about 30, boat-builder and ahipwright A negro girl about 16, house servant and seamstress A negro woman. 18, field hand A number of prime field bands, men and women Several negro nien accustomed to work in tbi city. A negro men, first rate cooper. — vlso. •evernl valuable improved lots in the city Tracts of Land in Irwin, Early, Baldwin, j Houston, Walton, Henry, Effingham, Bulloch and Camden counties. W untfcA DARIEN & N. CAROLINA MONEY. I JAMES EPPIMGER. oct 18 28b Butter, Beer, ^c. Jutl received per brig Otprey. KEGS GOSIIFN BUTTER III tibia Beer, first quality 30 do Prime Pork 20 do Mess do 15 do Sargent’s Cracker* 50 Boxes Sperm Candles 15000 Flint’s Sugars 12 Kitts soused Salmon 5 Boxes Salmon 12 Tierces winter strained Oil 2" Half bbln. No. 1 Mackerel 40 Barrels No. 1,2, fit. 3 do 1 Bag Noi megs 10 Boxes Lo. d m Mustard 40 Boxes Soup 40 do slid 2 hlids. Codfish 10 Halt' barrels Fly-Market Beef IK STORE, A general assortment of GROCERIES fir SHIP CHANDLERY which will be sold low hy BRADLEY. CLAGHORN fit WOOD, oct18 2» GARDNER., ffAVlNG taken the BAKERY formerly |-SiR occupied by Mr. P. Brass in read) ‘u.kprve hi, former ouatomer* ami all others »hp m*y please to favor him with their cu; ran- He intend, keeping a constant nupply if | PILOT AND NAVY BREAD. in My quantity that may be wanted, and on ft. food term, a, can he procured at the h - lh. Country Store, .upplied with all kind* |>! BREAD, on the hot term.. Oct 18 28ru* '-- - . • PIANO FORTES TUNED AM) REPAIRED ON THE MOST APPROVED PLAN. AND AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. A LL order, left at Mr. Morrell*. Cabinet Ware-House, will lie punctually attend- SAM’L. L. SPEISSEGGER. N. B,—PIANO FORTES to hire by the mnnth nr year. Oct ID 28 For New-York. ESTA 3LISHEH LINE. The regular packet ,hip LOU IS A MATILDA, i. daily expected, and .bavini' partuf b«r cargo engaged, wit, lie imuirdiately di.palclied. For babmcc uf freight ur pu.aige. having vuperior aecommu- dutiuoi, apply to HALL fc HOYT. oct 15 For Providence. The fast sailing schooner APOLLO. Crowell, Mutter, ihnving most nf her cargo engaged will have immeniste-.Dispatch. For hal ance of freight or passage, apply to Capt C. on board at Joues’ upper wharf, ortu HALL fit HOYT oct 8 FOR SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, C ONTAINING Two Hundred and Two and Half Acres, No. 118. in 12th Dis trict. Dooly. O’ Penon. are forbid Ire. passing on .aid land under the penalties uf the law. Fur particulars apply to JOHN DENNIS, Savannah. Ont 18 26p W atcli Lost. A SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCH, tnade by Wiirmarsli, London, number 2 i>t recollected, with the name »*T. E. White" r T. Whit* only, within the cap, with a seal attached, was left in the rear jof the City-Hotel. The finder will be re- [warded by leaving it at this office. Oct Itt 28 Mew-Kngland Rum, < < 20 Hogshead, N. E. Rum v 60 Ba rrols Sugar 30 Darrels Whiskey 40 Bui rels Pilot Bread 5 Barrels Crnnberriot 10 Bags Coffee For sale by H. BLAIR, Ex«'hange Dock Oct 11 25i. % BY J. U. HERBERT tf ‘ CO. Un IV EDN E8DAY; 19th inat. ill be sold before our store, at 11 o’clocl^ A general aeior,pien{ of GROCERIES. un, 2 large rise Venetian Carpel* 1 Bruuel. • do 1 Clothe, Pres, and Drawn* 2 Grale. J '' i 3 1 oiling Ola.,ea I Hedit,-ad I Bureau 1 feather Bed—Term. Cash. ALIO, * 10 Boxefi Sj-ertn Candles 10 Baryeb Beef. No. I net 15 BY CALVIN BAKER, TO-MORROW, 19th instant,' At XI o’clock, in front of lo. Auction Sidra, 25 Pieces Colton Bagging—Terms cash. 0.1,18 Fresh Boots and >hoes Tiie subscriber has rocciv ed by recent arrivals a gen eral assortment of BOOTS akd SHOES, which he of fers for sale on reasonable terms, GEO. NEWHALL, Young’s Building, oct 6 1m23 i i, rail in JE-: An Election S hereby ordered to be held at the Geor gia Hotel on SATURDAY, the fifth of I November next, for a Justice of the Peace.-to I I To Rent, The houae and Broughton-st. subscriber. Apply to vies. Esq. Possession OOC D V,i ,, :^„i y I Ifivvu early in November two lots ir to the m. Da will be John Dillon, E,q. Poll to open at ten o’clk. A. M Oct 18 WM. 0. MILLS, J. P, GEORGE SHICK, JAMES ROUERTS IIENKY HAUPT, tg } Freehol-1 • J 28 oct 6 M. BERRIEN. 23 20 NEW FALL GOODS. Pilotage A T a meeting of the Board of Commission ers on the 15th instant, it was ordered that John Robbins, be suspended from acting as a Pilot, for one month. By order, JNO. G. HOLCOMBE, SecVy. C. P. Oct 18 28uf ON Tuesday Evening Next. I T HE Drawing of the Grand State Lottery, No. 3, which was finished on Friday | Inst, will be received. The following are among the many Brilliant Prizes in this Scheme, viz 25 ooo Dollars 10,000 Dtilla s 5,000 D - lars 1,000 Dollars 1,000 Dollars D llara l,ooo Doliars 1,000 Dollars And a large amount, of smaller prizes, mounting in the whole to i 0 A few shares of tickets remain uncalled for. To Rent. A Brick Tenement DWEL LING-HOUSE, on the north side Market-Square, at present ioccupied by Mr. II. D. Greene. Poesession can be had on the first day <>■ November next. Also, the STORE formerly occupied by Mr. John B. Wick as a shoe store. Possession giv i en immedinielv. Apply to CHARLES ROE. Oct 1 21 W ILLIAM PATTK.R80N, AS removed to the brick store, om ill! Possession c November n A: H by the I a very SliBAY IF&8IOT AND MILLENARY Si OR: JIBS. E. BEAU LARD. H AVING removed to the store former I v | occupied by Mrs. Judah, Joimston*- Square, begs leave to inform the Ladies of] Savannah and its vicinity, that she has receiv ed hy the brig Pnnthea. from New-York, he* NEW PATTERNS FOR THE SEASON, | with a handsome assortment of FANCY GOODS. Leghorn and Straw lints, Feathers Artificial Flowers and a large assortment of Ribbons, by tbe box or dozen Also, Band Boxes of all sizes, by nest or buudles, at New-York prices. Oct 15 27u R ECEIVED hy the Mihscriben, late*arrivals from New-York, .'fenaral assortment of WOOLEN, COTTON LINEN AND\ SILK GOODS. Country Merchant**. Planters and others, are invited to call and examine them, as tiny are li<*po«*rd to sell at a small profit, for cash or on ihe usual credit, to responsible persons J. 1NGL1S&CO. Ocl 18 ^8re Mackarel., fc -4 BARRELS No. 2 and 3 Mackarel L JU 10 Hhds. Prime St. Croix Sugar 100 Barrels Whiskey 50 do New-Eoghnd Gio 5 Pipes Otard’s Brandy 5 do Holland Gin 5 llngsli ads Jamaiea Rum 50 Bags Coffee 20 Kegs Tobacco 30 Barrels Loaf Sugar 5 00 I Quarters i 25 2 50 I Eights 62j Tickets Halves Ordors received bv WILLIAM ROBF.RTSON. Oct 18 Georgian Office Lottery Notice. T HOSE who ordered Tickets in GRAND STATE LOTTERY For sale bv Or W. DEL A MATER. »Rf. Sugar, otlee and ageing, ) leans, (‘u ( & St. Croix Sugar. rpilE undersigned has taken the lease of| X. the north-western Tenements of Messrs. A. Low & Co’s, new Fire-Proof Stores, where | he continues to devote all his time to FACTORAGE * CONMISSIONl BUSINESS. He will make liberal advances on the deposit I of produce consigned to him for sale. The | birth for boats is always accessible and per fectly safe, and the irou crane is the moat east and safest in the port; and they are constant ly attended by au intelligent and correct sworn Wharfinger, who attends also to the| stowing and weighing of produce. PETIT DE VILLERS, Factor, Savannah, 15th October, 1825 27rc I Q HOGSHEADS ) New-Orleans, Cub | O # 10 Barrels ( k Si 80 Bags Green Coffee 200 Pieces 42 inch best Inverness Cot ton Bagging For sol by GEO. GORDON. Op-tft * \>bn i o tin e A GOOD COOK, WASHER and IRON-I ER. Wages loir. Apply at this office. | Die 01 RHODE ISLAND, which ilr,-w in Pruvi- ilence on the Mill inst. are rc-quclcil to cal immediately and receive llicm, and secure | their chances for the fullowiug CAPITAL PRIZES, viz #83 000—$10 OOO—$5,000 fitO LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Oct 18 SHERIFF'S SALES— OONTLNLED. On the Jiret Tuetduy in November next. W ILL be sold at the Court House in the City of Savannah, between the uonrs of 10 and 4o’clock. All the right title and interest of Andrew Knox, in Rice’s Wharf, being one undivi (led eighth of two undivided thirds and on undivided sevonth ufone undivided eighth of two undivided thirds, levied on ah th oroperty of Andrew Knox, to satisfy an ex ‘notion in favour of Williamson fit D Villers. ISAAC D’LYON, S. C. C. Oet 18 28 Ocl 18 28|i For Sale, A NEGRO WOMAN—a Cook, Washer| and Ironer. Apply at this office. Oct 18 28 I Copartnership. HE Subscriber having taken into co- JL partnership Mr. Euw’O Padelvoud. tiie business will in future he conducteiLun- dor the firm of TAFT If PADELFORD. ORRAY TAFT. Oct 11 25 tf PAWOIKQ ACADEMY. MR- JOHN C. LEGE, R ESECTFULLY inform). Die public, that hi* DANCING SCHOOL will be open oir ihe season, a.usual, at hi. Assembly-Hall,' on MONDAY, the 10th inst. Days of Tuition—Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, at five o’clock. Mr. L. will also attend in private dwellings and seminaries , The Class for Gentlemen, will also be open on the same evening, al seven o’clock. \* For terms, which will bo low, call at liis residence, three doors east of Mr James Morrison’s, BroughUm-Street. Oct lfi 28p WELLS, MERCHANT TAILOR ONE DOOR EAST OF THE CITY- HOTEL, ON THE BAY, S now opening a large assortment of| CLOTHS, CASSI.MERES, VESTINGS, of the most fashionable pattorns, and some of them of a very superior quality, which he will make up in tbe newest and neatest style—he having a number of first rate workmen in his employ, which he has brought out from the North. AMO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FASMIONAELB ReatYj Made C\mV\ng, comprising every article in his line, which were made in the best manner, uuder his owu superintendance, expressly for this market.— Alsu, a large assortment of LADIES’ CLOAKS. wine uf a Very superior quality. Orders of | his former customers are Solicited. Ocl 15 27 door east of his former stand, where is now opening a large and general a. ortinent of mm (BDGMDSft just received from New-York by the Augu; a, tiavannah. mid other recent arrivals. AMUKG WHICH ARE, Cloths and Cassimeres Plains aud Biankuia Satinet's and Sagathns Coloured and white Flannels Do Domestics Bleached anti unbleached domestic sheet ings ami shirtings. Dark and light Calicoes Linens. Lawns and Linen Cambrics Plutillas. Russia and Irish Diaper. Russia tilted ings Cambrics and Muslins Nankin and Canton Crapes Buiiihazetts. Bumhazcens, and Dimities Black and cn|. Italian Crapes Clark fit. Paisley’s spool cutlun Hosiery and darning Yarn W bite and colored Cravat, Bolivar do Hunter’s Cord Ladies horse skin and kid glnves Gentlemen’s do and beaver do Aud a variety of fancy articles, file. fitc. Also, a large supply of 42 inch Cotton Bagging. Which he offers for sale at reduced prices, oct 6 LANDING FROM THE BRIG PANTHEA, | k KEGS first quality Goshen Butter 1. J 40 Half barrels fresh Flour 10 do do Beef fngetlier with a general assortment GROCERIES,constantly on hand, and w . sold hy WM. TIGHE. Market Square. Oet It 25i. Mig ir. W ine, <!vc. P RIME MUSCOVADO SUGARS B irrc a fit. Hogsheads Sweet Malaga A ine Whiskey, Gin, Apple Brandy Pepper I For sale by - J. E. BURRILL, Mongin’s Wharf. Oet 15 27p COTTON BAGGING. BY CALVIN BAKER, On THURSDAY. 20th instant. At XI n’eVick. m Hull fit Hoi Ps Wh -f 18 Piece* Prime 42 Inch COTTON It/ fh ■ ING, received per ship Oglhlborpt. Trems et time of sale. Oet 18 HOWARD INSUUANCE COMPANY NEW-YORK, I NCORPORATED by the Legislature of the state of New York, lor the pur* 1 pose of insuring HOUSES and OTHER oUILDINGH. VESSELS IN PORT and heir CARGOES. MERCHANDISE and •ther PERSONAL PROPERTY, against Loss ot Vainagp.'h’j iim, and also to insure VESSELS and MER CHANDISE against the HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANS PORTATION. Capital Hock 8300.000, which has ell been paid in CASH, and th* ■Iiiblic inny rely with confidence upon the whole sunt, being always available to meet * engagements. R. HAVENS, Pves’L The suhseriber having been appointed \gent for thn above Company, will insure gainst Loss hy Fire, ami Hazard of Inland Navigation, as set forth in the 1 preceding iroposals, on as favnrab|n terms as can b* one in this qity. S C. DUNNING, Agent for Howard Insurants Company. N. B—Persons living in the country, can have insurance effected by addressing lie Agent, giving a description of the prem ises to be insured, post paid. Sept 20 )6 A CARD. ~ T HE subscriber, admitted to practice in the several Courts of Law and Equity it this Statu, offers to the public his pro- essional services in the Courts of <Hbb, ’onroe, | Henry, I Jones, Jatper, Twiggs, — SHINGTC | Crawford, Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon Bibb County, (Ga.) J dv 7 <14 MANAGERS’ OFFIC&. IV AUTHORITV or THK STATE Or NEW : >0I)K. SPLENDID LOTTERY, To be drawn in the city nf New-York, on the 4th of January. 1826, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTEA 45 Numbers—6 Ballots to be drawn. ACII TICKET HAVING THREE NUMBER* IN COM Ul NATION. J. B. Yatee If A. M'lntire, Managers, SCHEME OF THE Ncw-Y'/rk State Literature Cl.Ass 3, koh 1826. 1 Prize of 4'00,000 is 4100,000 | do 60,000 r 50.000 1 do 2O.U0O 20,000 1 1 do 10,600 10.600 2 do 5.000 10,000 4 do 2.600 10 do 2,000 20.000 39 do 1,000 39,000 78 do 600 39.000 468 do 100 46.000 I446 do 60 ■ 222,300 i05l H39 Prizes, Blanks. £567,600 3LANKE I'S and BAGGING W finTillofifi, H AVE received by the ship Emily, from Liverpool, 300 Piecea Best Quality 42 inch Dundee Ciitton Bagging Grundy's White; Blue and Mixt Plains Point and London DutBe Blanketa .vhich with'lhnse already oo hand, of last .ear’s importation, will enable them to supply their customers on very moderate terms. —- Their assortment of STAPLE AM) FAN CY GOODS, will be very complete, in a few days. V ’ Oit 13 26 Oranges. 5000® RA 1 NGESi F0R 8ALE ’— WILTB^RGER fit CORNWELL, Exchange Dock. -Oct 13 ttp Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizes .ayablc forty dai s after the drawing, but lie cash may be had instantly, subject to I lie usual deduction uf fifteen per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS. I Whole trit* 460 I Quarters : r 412 50 [ Half26 I Eighth : : : : 6 26 This is the most magnificent scheme that has over been offered for the patronage of he friends of Lottery adventure In Ameri ca. The small number nf Ticket!, and the inexampled domand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will not be a chance eft, for weeks before the day 6xbd for the drawing,'and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to JBO. ET Gentlemen are therefore requested to he early in their application, as all order* irtuslly mailed before the rise, will be en- illod to be supplied at the present rales. *** Notes of tho Bank nf the U. States and its Branches, and. generally, the Note* | all Banka that pay spuoie, received at .oar. Also. Mercantile Drafts at Bight, on any of the large cities, and’Prize Tickets receiv ed freely in payment. All letters to' be post paid, The mails may be relied on as being per fectly safe for elj remittance*. YATKS ^ M’JNTIRE, Sept 20 Wsuhingion City . l«j|l dee