Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 20, 1825, Image 4

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    Sheriff’s Sale.
Om m*ia» Tuetdtty ta Jfovmhtrneei.
wiriLLwerid before the 8iu(t Howe In
" OMte. County. tbu «-*»», bM ^ especially
AU that eertetatyeet erpetoriuf Muff •-» j
* *ud t* of ch^iw »»d £f: u -
Georgia M the edit between tb* liii dlS!!!!??:?. 1 "
saSiattBfiKJtsfflftjs saniar
ef three ddforeet **d originally
I but adjoining each other, tbvfirri ef
which era* arif^MlIy granted to Mielttl Hit
tor for et* hundred tend, theteopnd df whin* 1
|Wr lip* PMWPI ■■! — i-_•
ortgteaRy nato to Jno. BUi for «ty a-
, tad tha third **d lari of which.
itaahr granted rf Mlebrel Ritter fur fifty mm.
whieh 5re* tract* efleadooMalxin tba whole
(act Preluding Redoubt Mud) two Hundred
j't ivUTvIpartttt
rbMtt,1diS *Undl*5 Rbeuoitie
generally of ta utotroui character, tne
chrorie dietaees, erring ta daWtytted eoaitl
tujlona, but more espeyldly for SypUHa, *r
.ffdcatoaa erring thsryftow, OJeert of the
Larynx, Nodes, Ire. tad that dreadful dta
tt > . .. -. — tri (ieMa iva UM
.apoweifol and an effectual raaaady.—
tUecovaiy of this mcdcre* hns beta »b«
of tone end attentive ttudv, and It ta
tade pubKi ftom the tRoat de otdad oon.
... foupdad oi» ample experience, of it a
purer In erallrtlSng thoae diseiaea^/ter aoarjf
altar medicine hae failed.
It cannot, however, be supposed, that tbta
fiiuu MB Invariably cure—the moat es-
'eeaaed medicine*, employed by tba Faeulty,
‘ •fun fail in tba very diaaaaM for which
W¥. fiwgJM,
Ho. 13, Booth Ninth Street,
... . opposite I
Unlveralty of feniiaylvanla.
Philadelphia, February, IBM.
e jutt tooeiynd a 1 tah
with the ioventor.Mr. Wm. 8w*im,,«f jviU
enable theip to offer to the public a putt
and rngduttinted ertWe.. Druggists and
supply of the above \
CINE, tod hive made
with the ioventor.Mr. Wm. jriU
othere who purchase to aett araih, can have
It at the original price established by the
Chemiets and Drureiata, Shad*a Buildings-
A Treatise on Swaim'l Panacea, with
caeca illustrating ita aueceaa, will be loaned
to thoae interested, by applying as above.
June 28
brrisdeifth*witUr^tia W pia Bneia^B»nI , 'ot^h*' >bay attoonddeted specific, t but if the use or
against JohaW.Blirk
Oct 4
a e e.
| moat ovary eauaa|of the dritedert specified.
Van lings ‘
' sheriff's o«le...
On the jtot Tueeday in Ahaemfiar next. eoid before (be Court House i
w the eity of Savanneh, between the ua
tui Min of otto.
Two Stages, loot Rones, end four nets of
Barnoaa, belonging to thie end of the Angus
to Lin^ levied on under e forelosur* ot a
Mortgage from Joespb t Thompson, to Jo.
•nph Cunning, tastgned tdAibkander T
Depeon. A D’LYON, a. a o o.
Thousands art Hngaring under tboaa com
plaint,, in some form, linking to the grave,
•lihcut a rattody. whom thla medicine would
eerttinly roatere to perfect health and vigour.
Ita aefoty end innooence hive been fully rett
ed, ao thet it mey be adminiatered to the ten*
doreat lnfo”t- The meet dietinguiahed phyai-
eitne in the United Stetet recommend it, nod
-dmlt, tbit t more Imporuut discovery in me*
dical science bet not benn made i end to uae
the hinguaxt of one of the most eminent Pru
ts of the tgn, it is a triwspA in rto ,Asa8y
To the prelent end rising generation.,
* incalculable,
the benefit mutt prove incaleuVebTe, not only
by laving many many valuable livee, but im
parting strength end soundness to deHSiaed
lendesrruptwi constitutions,-lAere&y prtttrv
intthtir if tying frim hereditary dteeaeee.-
I ifeto' facu, together with the numeroua cures
•nude, form irrttlihlepretf of the high velne
TCINB MONTHS nfter the dete. of
I-v notice, application will be made to the
honorable the Court of Ordinarrof Liber
tjr County, ibr permission to sell.opart of |
the reel estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
tho benefit of the helm and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec' 18 il
self of the truth of what is here stai
the rectitude of the Prrprietor'e intentisna.
The cures performed in this city alone, es
tabUih lta superior virtue on a ba.U'tn# solid
ta be affected by the malignity of the envious.
It is worthy of remark, that the greater pert
of the patients who have been permanently
cured, had, previous to the proprietor’s un
dertaking them, received the shiest usisttnea
and several were abandoned by their Phyai
elans, ae being beyond the retch of human
skill' Such uthe //cl, and as extraordinary
wrrt winy ./ .Ar c 1MT, that an exhitaien neat
tfotk ef them fit the Ueiveretty <f Pemuylvun
Eitrsetnf k letter from the Bev. Jsmes ■
liih, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F Bed.we
Dram Rn:
A GBBBAilt.Y to y-ur request, I have with
jR. diffl'ulty procured and new send you by
the ship Jasm, Capt, Robinson, a few pound,
of the Pokdelpliia, or wbat generally goes
by the name of Indie Extract, e Medicine un
iversally esteemed among the people of Irtdieo
si t certain cure for the Rheumatism. Was
1 to inform you of the number of people wb
are daily relieved end cured by title valuable
Medicine, it wou'd require more paper then
I 'em tble to purebtim end more time than 1
urn able to bestow. Indeed, thet fleet of thii
Medicine is ea immediate, that in Rheumatic*
vou would suppose it aeted si a charm in giv
ing relief end removing th.t painful disease-.
In the King'e BvU, it has been used with greet
success, end where Mercury has been given
or used to excess this Medicine bas proved a
Saratoga Congress Spring Wa
F IFTY DOZEN of thaw Waters, fresh #
bottled by Meaere. Lynch Si Clerk, of,I Ip, 6y the P.gfeeeer ef Surgery, before a acted
New-York, end direct from the Bpringe, ladeudlance ef Studente. whe preneunccd.tkem
just received per ehipAogUitk. Pereons I wanders In the heating urt. It has been intro-
going to see would do well to supply them-1 uced into the Philadelphia Alma House ai d
selves, eg they are offered at reduced prices I Pennsylvania and New-York Hospital, end
by LAY fc HENDRICKSON, suck erere its
Druggiete, ShacKi Buildings. ^ k'i other medioioei bkd foiled, that toe
Surgeon of the Penniylvenis,HupiUl, Dr. Wm
Price, wm Induced to abandon hie highly
respectable offic , from the laudable design
of benefitting ha fellow creatures, by cerry
Te prevent A egree, sr Pereene efCelmr Jrem mg the Penseet to England i where it baa al-
pveing with ticket, tfrer >0 fcleck, PM ready wperrededtbe use of the genume
end ter ether tne hieee | Preoah Hob of Lafocteur in a number of In-
B and for mherpup-mee. Msnoe% in diseases for which that <a intended,
* L* °*dmi»eM by the Mayor end Aldermen . ndile virtues ere publicly acknowledge by
pf tte City of Ssyminah end hamlet* I r | t j, e eminent eurgeont there.
Ufmg^Abwt fbmam Bnd efier the PMttgt of Lgln ell oomplica*ed eaeee of ^(u and Sg
»«>• Ordtatnt*, no general ticke rtvall peas a 12^ >ad d,r5yphilitic Virus of the
onto or person of wlour afterTO <Pclock,P l^ llt , developement of Bcrefole in
M^iMaotieketnbidimt|r be given n*D I the child, tbit ia the only remedy upon which
protect ibe nearer thereof from being ant-re-1 ( single hope of recovery can be reeeonebty
bended hy the City Guard after the laid hour, | f^nSed, there baa been no instance of its
nhtett tba place wbere he or aha is going, f uhl re, where propeily used it Imps-ts vi
and the purpose foe which they ere given, bs Lpu the whole system while the cure is
specified therein, and the.aeme shell net be I .gjng on—ni» eperatien as leng loeked for in
ei force emr one night Ivalnhy the medical verld i at tbe «me time
Patecattil September. 182J, fo Council I t ), e pstient it enabled to take nourishing food,
W C. DANIEL!-, Mayor. I wrliieh under the common mud os of practice,
Attest, M- Mgana, PC. fog mually withheld from the sufferer. In ma-
I ny instances where the horrible ranges of ul-
Btale of Georffin Chatham I « r »‘‘ 01 ' h »d UM bare ligament end Eune, end
® ' where, to all appearance, no human mesne bui
aTVHERBAt Daniel Carney, Jr. hae appli-
W ad to.the Honorable the Court of Or-
dinary of Chatham County for letter* of ad
toiniatretionon theesta'e and effects, of Wil
liam Woodbridge.lete < f Savannah, merchant,
deed, on behalf of the heira end ereditora,
amputation could htve saved life : in rues
extreme even >■ bare described, bsve pa
tients been snatched from tbe grave and re
stored to good health, end the devouring d'n-
esse completely eradicated The ditenery ef
a remedy like thie tune offered for tale, Aha
teen a deeideratumfrom woe immemorial,
The Proprietor doea no. uppute hit bore
amettion will convince: he will therefore give
»nd by req ieW of 'he, relatives. These are I referencea tu such as have been Cured, end
therefore to cite end admonish all and lingular I those und :r his eafe among whom ere many
the WnditiLend creditors of the said deceaa
ed,to file their objections (if sny they have)
to tbe granting of the adminiityaltibn of <b
estate ol'the deceased to the applicant in the
Clerks Ofloe of the Mid Cdort, on or before
the third day of November neat i otherwise
tetters of tdminietietion will be g anted
Witness the Honorehle Elias Fort one of
the Justices of,tbe laid Court, the fourth
day of October, A. D, one
hundred end twenty fire.
BAM L. M. BOND, C. C. 0.
Oct. 4 39fu
Truumn TteftffVnuk, >
March, 14, 4825 $
U7HEBB At en the 3d of March, 1P?S. a
I* law wtepaiied by the Congress of the
Un'tafi 8tate«,of whieh tbe 3d. 4th, and Itli
Morions are in the worda following, via ■
f* lee. 3. And he 0 further enacted, That a
snbscriptios to tbe amount of twelve mlHoea
ofdoliaie, of the ala por cent, stock of the
rear eighteen hundred and thirteee, ,be, aad
A certain Eaet India Cure for the IUteu-
matiem, King', Evil, fire.
Vegetable Cat helicon.
iQ^HB aubscribi r reapcetfoUy admits the at
tentton ef every friend ofaoffwtlng bu
ind invaluable
l same la hf retry proposed i for which pur-
1, to to the above _
iy, whose unequal powan meHmlossiog
framithe system the very seed* of disease,
endla reaturiag tbe deranged tad ttoabid
could with take. With my thanks, aaiyoui
obliged bumble servant, tfe. 1 '
CltyofPhl<ndel*hta. at-
Ity if Philadelphia.
Gaorge Kme, of the Diatllet eg Bomb.
*»rb, personally appeared, and, being duly
sworn, doth declare end ay that the above
statement !! in til respects entreat end true,
and that tbe ilgnatart to it It ta the baud!
writing ofthie deponent. -
JOH'BINNB, Aldermen.
Philadelphia, May SB, 18J4-
pqae book* opened at tbe Treasury ofi condition or the organs of life to a free and
the United States, and at tbs several loop ofil I healthy exercise of (heir fonetiona, baa exci-
oes.on the firpt dty of April negt, to continue | ted the esl-miehment, end completely ailen
open until the first day of Oetober thereafter,
for such parti of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as shell, on the day of tub
•eriptlon, atand on tbn bouka of the Treieury,
end on these ef tbe several loan offices, re
apeclively / whieh eubisriptiun shell be effect
ed by a transfer to the United States, in the
meaner provided by law for. such trsasfors, of
tbe credit or standing on the mid
hooka, und by a surrender ofi the certificates
of tbe stock ao subscribed i Provided, That
all subscription>y such transfer of stock shell
he cnntiderrdu part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars authorised to b« borrowed by
the first secti-n nf his set.
•' See. 4. And be It further enacted. That for
tha whole or any part of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
the respective subscribers, who shall be enti
tled to a certificate or certificate* purporting
that the United States owe to the holder or
holder* thereof, hie, her, or their aesigna, a
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal stock thus subscribed,
bearing an interest not exceeding four end
one half per eentum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of UeCem-
it hi
her, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
eed the objections of the most incredulous —
facte are the heel orfwmntt. In ordor to put
the virtues of the fiathoKcon to as severe t
Mtotlny as possible, it wm offered
tisement, together with the attendance
pbysielan, gratuitously to any eersne who
would apply font, and whose ceuae might
teemti come within the range of ita healing
power—number* of severe cases nf long staid-
ing, end some of them seemingly de-prr.-te
once, pre rented themselves, all ef which have
been cured, or ah much relieved m to warrant
the assertion that a little peteevtianee wittdn
In fact, such is the confidence of the physi
cltn under whose care these patient* 7 were
placed, in thie remedy, a confifie .ee reau.t
tag ftom the irresistible conviction that has
been forced upon Ilia mind by oeuler demon
stration, and a personal trial nf it on himseli
that he permits me to declare it M hie deri
ded opinion,, that die Catholicon ia not only a
perfectly safe and innocent, but n matt pow
erful am) invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases arid states of tbe •) stem, such a* the fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dimipation I Old and inveteraf" Ulcert. Pains
in the bonee attended with swelUnge of the
The Vegetable Cttholieon it peculiarly
adapted to that* dieettee whieh ere prevalent
iineng the coloured population of the south-
In that disease wham (acalled yaw*. It tea
.".i,,, sure remedy; a single trial of h, W® convince
. ?’* nt * r * of it* superior efficacy tn any rente-
!°" “[* dy oft similar nature In the United Stater
five / trenaferable in the erne u-tnner M i« I join t i Indigestion t Blotrhe* on the. face,
provided by law for the trsnafer of the atook
subscribed, and subject to redemption st the
pleasure of the United States, at follow* i one
naif at toy time after tbe thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred end
twenty-eight: end the remainder et any time
after the thirty-first day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-ntne t
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
mad* except for the whole amount of such
new certificate / nor Until after et least six
months public notice of tuck intended reim
bursement. And it ehnll be the duty of the
r tract
perfeot cure. The grettdifliculty, however, i M .
procuring th.Extrect.will.form.ny I S7the^^ U ew, e .ever-
?° I a> mm b y the ® «ubicribed beyond the •mount
ing ?J r ““ E™*' * 2" vjl I of the certificates of four and one half per
ipoutttoint of Thibet, in the, Berman Empire I gn| , |toc | I issued to them respectively
of India, and held ao aacred by tbe nstivei,
that to part with it ii like parting with their
existence.” 1 '
Letter to Dr- BedweB, dated Jin. Y, 1823.
Dear Doctor— I have been violently effected
with t Rheumatic complain* for many years ,
“ gee. 5. Mid be it further enacted. That |
the tame finds which have heretofore been,
pimplen, he. i All complaints of the Lirer i
Tatter.- Yawai Syphilis / Cutaneous diseases
generally i Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Cathnlienn (whieh the proprieter sol
emnly pledges Ins word coniist* exclusively
nf vegetable mailer) with the exception of t
slight determi tation to the bowel*, whieh it
preserves in a soluble state, acta insensibly, is
pleasant to tbe taste, and require* no particu
lar regimen, (abstinence ftom spirtunua li
quors always excepted.) or confinement. As
a gentle, eafe end agreeable cathartic medi
Cine, improving tbe appetite end reetonng the
general tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to iadiet in a delicate situa
tion. W. W. POTTEB,
The tdtrtnttges ef this medicine ire, net
confining tbe patient anneeeeserily to the
house, or keeping him from his buaineu.—
With one soUta'y exception, that ofspiritu-
on* liquors. It doe, net lay any reetrlctiont upon
hit appetite It Use gentle in its operation
that the p'-Uent finds himself gettfog well he
cannot tell bow. At it is not the wish of the
proprietor to take ury thing lor which he
cannot give s oPtiiidenUon equal in value,
peraona at a diaunee who may wish to try
ni* medicine, but who ere not certain if it
be tppliooble to tlteir complaint, ere request
ed to deieribe their cue and symptoms in
s letter, nort.paid, end directed to him—this
letter will bo immediately placed in h-ntlt
fully competent to decide the question.—
Should ihe remedy not seem to suit the ilia
ease, they will be frankly told eo.
To prevent disappointment it ie well to
state that it takes in ordinary esiee from 3 to
i bottles to effect a cure so that persons vim
are labouring under any ser.oua iniirniiiy,
must Alike up their mind to persevere tn Hist
extent et least—if they do not, they might u
well save themselves the trouble and expense
-f usings tmaller qum'ity.
All order, poet-paid and encleting the money,
immediately attended to, end die mruioine
packed and delivered with directiatu fur use,
*<• any place in the eity, end forwarded si di
N. B. To prevent the possibility nf nil im
position, it will Ik Sol-1 In tbe city of Philadel
phia, at the office in Filth near,
nr at the dwelling of the pjttfti tor, No. (6
Ihesnui street, only, and attoad hy his au
thorised agents. W. W Pimfili,
66 Ckeenut Street, Phi/ade'p/Utr
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of tbe interest, and for the redemption and
reimbursement of the stock whieh may be re-
- _ - -.. . .. deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro-
foeleMtueiatenceto mv f *. u *^ ing on the etock crested by rerann of euri.
oidy one hoa .rf thelndi* Bjrart, md I nm ^ Kr , p , ion> tnd filt t(l , re de m p„ ori or retm-
peifectly restored. Yojtr** tru^j.^ j i, une n,ent of tbe principal of the same. Aral
Philadelphia, May 31,1834.
At the request of Mr. W, W Potter, I hav»
lately exhibited, in several instaueea, a medi
eatea sirup, called Potler’e Vegetable Cetho
Kcoo, with the moat decided advantage- I
has, si-et, never failed effecting teure in I
every cate in which I bare tbongiit proper tn
employ it H. M’MUBTHIS, M D
I have appointed UEOUGR RYE .ISON,
Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug-
,fists wanting the above valuable medicine,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Steward ef St
Thomas* Hosptsl. London, Feb I, 1823.
Dear Sir—l think il M) duty to inform you,
that after trying every thing that could be
pointed out by the most respectable physi
cians anff surgeons for the relief of my son,
without any auoceas, who you know, hae for
many year* been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I wsa induced to try the Poladetphia,
it shall he the duty of the commissioners of the
sinking fond to cause to be applied and paid,
him some
endured, which rendered hi ns useless mem
ber of soriety, and a burthen to himself. To
my uttov astonishment the relief was insttn
taneous, and by persevering in tbe use of tbe
Extract, Iff* joints hare returned to tbeir pro
per places, and hois in perleet health. Up
wards of rixty respectable nersons have eal
led to see my son, a* all who knew him thought
it impossible that he eon 1 1 recover.
out of Ihe said fond, yearly and every year,
such sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge tbe interest accruing on the
amok which may be created by virtue of this
act The said commissioner* are, also, here
by ^authorised tu apply, from time to tim*,
such sum and sums out of tbe said fond, u
they may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or by reimburse meut, in con-
^ ■—r , . . , r . i oy purcnascp or ny rcmiuiiricmrui,
n gummeringbope, that It might yve | thc ^ nyMoal uf , hil
mme relief from tbe excessive pain he j of tbe Hid atook t and such
the ei&cacy of the shore medicine may be
Mey 30
set, thf
principal of tbe Mid atook r and such part oi
the annual sum often million* ofdullan, vest
ed by lew in tbe Mid commissioners, ss m«y
be necoaaary and required for the above pur-
1, ahsd oe and continnn appropriated tn
the payment of interest and redemption oi
the public debt, until tbe whole of the slock
which may be created under the provisions of
thie cot, shall have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice ie hereby given, that
Philadelphia, July 2StA, 1834.
Mr. IT- W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed e with that 1
would give a eoneite statement of my tuffer-
ingt, from * tbe nopelem commencement, ti
the present propitious stage of my disease.’
About five years ago, on my pMMgc from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I wm seised
with n violent fever. Having no medial at
tendant* on beard, I wm compelled to beer
it, es I might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, 8. C. it wm treated m
Typhus. Tbe skid of my Pbyaieum subdued
the fever, but Phmoia-like, the termination
of this gave rise to* disease equally distress
ing, and trbich, till now, I bad thought incur
able. Various abscesses made their unwel-
*ill be supplied by him for cash, at the s.roe
rate, as if ordered direct from me—via. £30
per dusen, or three dollars a a ngle Untile.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the suhscrilirr
will be furnished with certificitea of the tffi,
cscy of tbe above medicine, sufficient to run,
vince the mind of tbe moat sceptical, although
too numerous and lc ngthy for newspaper -n-
tertion. GEO- RYERSON, Druggist,
Corner of Bay and Whittsker Slrceti.
dec 13
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to an enormous aixe.—
These gradually subsided into bard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—sn inoiaion wm now made and ■ large
wherd additional certificate* of book( ^ op enrd at tbe Treasury nf the evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone „ w bi ji „ to hilTli ^ ttkeH pro confess,..-
■ — T»1, — sUama mniliAina tnan rid I .. « . • - .i . . _■ a _ A I IaaIt rtlsda IA fiillltftilfft tH IhlA I IllffiPfPft ttlfr I as- _ r ■ s _ ■ I -1. - . - .T , U!-
Georgia—Camden Count) .
\4 wfiHEREAS Alexander Atkinson, Ad nin-
*## istrator on tbe Estate of John Atk n-
.oa, deeeMed, applies to the Court of Ordin
sry of said County, for letters disrissory on
highly rupee‘sole citiaes, that ahall satisfy the
meet of its superior efficacy in the
disorder* tor vfoich j: ie here recommended.
Every member ofsocie'.y should aid in diffus
ing inf rmstion of this discovery—Auman-
fly alone make, ii a duty
“1 here within tbe last two years bid an op-
I lubscribsre, ia proportion to the sums subacri-
id estate t These ere, therefore, to e;te end
admonish all arid singular, the heira snd cred
iron of arid decerned, to fi^ their objection* ...
(if any they have) in my office, on or before I bed b , hem mpecnvely.
tbe first Monday in January neat, or leUt-r I SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD,
will he granted to the appliunt.
7J (« Witneu tbe Hon William Gibaen,
i L S || one of the Juetieee of Mid Court,
boI- thie 35ih June, 1815.
JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o, e.e
June 30 83
United Statee, tnd at tbe several loan offices,
on tbe first day of April u-.-xt, and cunitnue
open until the first da-' of October, thereaf-
•er, for reneiring subscriptions in conformity
with the prevalent of ibe Mid law.
The ■ubecriptiont mey be made by the pro-, -—. , , , , .■
prietorsef the stock, ehher m person or by 8ueh wsimy
their ettorneya duly authorised to subscribe of *»«-being rertored to my beabh, Ihml
and transfer ft to the United Slates. ra *. ukr
Should subscription, of Mid stock be made but used, ffioogh in *¥»> *»«.?,
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of 1 edy 1 cocld kjeer of- in this awful and
lollsra, a distribution ofthe Mid sum of twelve 1 despond-ng e»ndition,thst 1 was penuadcu to
million, of dollar, will be made among the I commence a courae ot your Vegetable Cstli-.l
took plaee. In addition t* this, I auffered the Jnd it j,' f urtheI . 0 r de red, that a copy of this
noit eiciiiciilinf pilniin my ipintsthat min be publifhfd once • week* in one of
ever experienced. Every thing that wm I ,^ e pyblic Gnseitei of (hi* state, uniil
•dministered either g»ve me no relief or •cr* I piifhtion ofthe time within which the suiiliie*
ved to •ggnivite the disease, tne severity of I f cnt ^ Rn t ig required to appesr tnd •nswt rm
which incruased with every succeeding year. | a f orcfi i ( | 1
True copy from the Mhuite*, thi-i 21st diy
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Gh-ik.
•ii{Tiist 24
Cumden County.
e thousand eigh- I portunity of seeing several case* of very rave
I terete ulcers, which baring previously resist
Georgia—-Bryan County.
By Joshua Smith, Clerk of the Caurt of Ordi
nary of the County aforeMid.
{¥9 HERE AS, Phillis Manly bM applied for
V# letters of administration on the estate
ef Wiffiam Manly, late of Mid county, dee.
In behalf of the heirs and creditors: Tbeae
•re therefore to cite tnd admoni- b ell end aiti-
gnlar the kindred tnd ereditora of Mid de--.
to file their objection, (If any they have) in
myoffite within thirty days ftom thie ante
otherwise letters of admiaiatntioo will be
gnn’ed tbe applicant.
Given under my hawd eed seal thletsd of
Sept, ene thousand eight hundred and twen.
sent »9 t-iin
Georgia—Camden oounty.
VCW HERE AS John Ha-dee, A-lminie(rater
vl ofthe Britt* of David G Jones, late
of Mid eouaty, deceased, applirs to, the Cou* i
ef Ordioaiy of said county, for letter* dia-
■imocy oOMid Briates
These ate therefore to elie and admonish
nil and angular, tbe heira and creditors of said
dacesaed, to file, tbeir objections (if any they
bare) in my office, on or before the first Mon
day in March next, otherwise letters will '
Siaated the applicant.
Witnessi the Hoo.Wilffam Gibson, one of |*thersar* miking the genu-
(L. S.) the JuattceJof Mid Court, this I triMeeA, kfo, tuking tkrea
37tb August, 18JJ. | hu< retailing a<pM or ita vi
* Enpr. 3 909
Swaim’s Panacea.
FRESH SUPPLY of this Valuable |
ed the regular modes uf treatment, were
healed by the use of- Mr. Swrim’a Panacea
and I do believe, from what 1 have seen,
that it wilWprovc en important remedy in aero,
fulous, venereal and mercurial diseases.
Professor ofthe Instttdtes and pneticc
of Pbysie, io the University ot Penn
sylvsnia. CPs. A.
"Philadelphia, February 16,1823.”
“lhave employed tbe Psnscea ofMr.Swsim
in numeroiia instances, within the last three
years, and have always found it extremely
efficacious, especially in see-ondsiy syphilis
and riiercuriei diseases. I have no heriutio
in pronouncing it * medicine of inestimable
value. “W. GIBSON, U D.
Professor of Sprgery in tbe Uni’ty of Pent.
Burgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the
Alma House Infirmity, fee-
« Fviruary tf, t839.”
”1 have repeaiedly used Swaim’s, Panacea,
bath in the Hospital and in private pnetioe,
and have found it to be ■ valuable medicine in
eb- onie, syphilitic end acrofolpua. complaints,
tod in obstinate eutnneoua affections,
Profess ir of Surgery in tlie University of
New York, Surgeon of tbe New-York
Hospital, tie,
•Jfew York, letme 5(5,1824.”
CautVon to. Uuicjh^EBTE.
, The great demand and wonderful auoeeM
ef this medietas, have induced e cumber of
persons to imitate it in various ways—Some
re selling 8amparill* and other eylrupe, im-
losing them on th-s ignoraut for the Pknaeea t
begeooioe modidne with
, , mg three bottles out of one,
htu retailing some tff ita virtues. Tbeae im-
iMiuna.cnd andedulteratrin* hare in many in-
•aeea, pruffneted tb* aufferinga of patient*
n eases where Hi* genuine medicine would
are proved blatantly efficacious. I therefore
< [remits duty I etc* the the pdblic, to ae-
juaint them, tba( It la liripoaaible, from the
erg nature of It* constituents, to be discover-
Medicine, hu just been received di
act ftom tbe inventor, Mr. 8weim, of Pbff-1 Ad by cbemieel •nglyals i and eonaequenUy,
delphia- Druggiataand others who pur-1 that all other mfxluresrepreaented tobe min*
baa* to aejl egem, can have it ct the ori-1 tad sold m such, ire fraudulent and here im-
find price established by the proprietor. I position*, calculated tojdeceire tbe ignorant
LAY fo HENDRICKSON, I tad unwaay.-Thi ret&n* medicmelaa my
Druggiat^ Shedte Buil^ngip
Oct I
Acting Secretary of the Trosurv;
rh fi tn-'f-/:
N INE MONTHS after date, tpplieation
-vill he made to the Inferior Court of
Georgia—Camden County
I Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo-
lMTHEDEAS Louis Dufour. Administrator
If of the Estate of Buile Pelletier, dec*
applies to the Court of Ordinary of raid eoun
ty, ibr letters diamiasory on said esute:—
These ere, therefore, to cite and admonish al
and singular, the heirs and eredito-s of sa d
deceased to file their ohjec ions (if any the;,
rave) in my office, on or before the first Mon
lay in January next, or letter* will be graote,
*o t- e applicant.
BV-gw Witness the Hon. William Gibao
| L- -V. j I one of the Justices of laid Cou
--- —'f this 25th tune, 18 5.
jt) IN BAILY, c. e. o, c* c.
June 30 83
| *ea, for leave *o sell all the rest estate of the
:ate Thomas Savage, of Btytn County, via:
Point Plantation, eonaistingoftwo hundred
I and eighty acres Rice Land, on the Oveeehee
River, four miles below the F rry, sdj-ining
he plantotinn if Joseph Habersham and Ste
[ phen Elliott Also, two hundred and fifty
seres, more or less, of Pine Land, appertain-
I ng thereto. Alio, e Tract of Laud celled
| -Sarnia, e-mtalnmg fifty ecrer, on Medway Riv
r, adjoining tbe lends of J. J. Maxwell.
June '5 FI
con, end the happy result is *’/ «<a the. tue
if the toe bottlee, my whole tye'em hat umler
gene a complete revolution, my plum huvoforeu-
ken methe discharge from my knee oegan
to diminish, tnd soon cessed altogether, the
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. Tbe tumors, for the removal
of which I have tried io vein more > s nedies
then 1 can name, are rapidly dectexsi-.r -, my
appetite, whiolt was gone, haa returned—I an.
in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a
few bottlea more of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me perlectly eo.
Your obliged fnond,
Philadelphia, July 96, 1834.
My confidence in the veget tble. catholicon I
ii undiminiehed, and M freah in-tancet of ita I
powers are daily occurring,™ my own prac
tice. I have no heaitation in recommending it, |
Georgia -
■Camden County.
in the peculiar diaesae* to which it ia applica
ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed With. M. M’MUHTBIE, M. D.
N INE months afterdate, application will be
made to the Hon- the Judges of the Court
Georgia—Chatham County
In the Court of Ordinary, May Term. 1825
tho petition of Henry ChvnpioOg Admin-
U istrator of John Street, deceased, praying
tn order JVTii to be made abeetute on hia com
plying wltn the law, tor 'he sale of a Lot oi
Ground, number four, [4] second Tythimr
Reynolds Ward—Also, p.-rtof ■ Lot,numbe
sis. Tower Tithing, L' jcker Waid being the
real estate of the Mid dee. lor the benefit of
the heira and ereditora i—It ia ordered, that s
notice be published nine months, in one ol
the Public Gasetts of tbe City of Savannah,
requiring all pet sorts interested, to abow cause.
if any they lure, why the prayer of the peti-
tloner should not be granted.
S. M. BOND.e e. o.
H« M 44«
Philadelphia, May 28,18 (4
— - mr- — 8m—In oonrrquenee of imprudent expoe-, —
bl Ordinary if Chatham couniy, for leave to I ure tour years ago, I had the misfortune to be-1 «>'•*« *: file their objection*, if any titty here,
-.1) all the real estate nf the late william Cral v < con , e sfflicted with s disease, the painfal re Ln my office, on or before the first doridayin
suits of which induced me to apply in sue. January next, or Letters will be granted tne
cession to several respectable physicians of | applicant,
this city, from whom, however, I-received
either no relief; or from those remedies I re.
eeived another complaint quite as distressing
ae the former. My whole system became s'-
fected. I eoold get ao rest s» night on sc-
sell *11 the real estate ofthe late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs tnd cred
iton of mid estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor.
It 19 Y1
4 LL persons having demands against the I
■ —- ■ n . - r _ | count of the violent pain that I Io b,.,,
-A eatateof Conriaut Freeman, 8*9 Into ° r I of my body/ the weakness and emaeia
the city of Weahjngton, deeeMed, are re srhieh was such that I could scarcely
i every
WitneM the Honorable Jtmes Scott, om
of the JuMIom of saidCmirt, this nx- dty of April, eighteen hundred
and twenty-five.
[L.8.] JOHN BAILEY, C.C. ft C.C.
Anri 91 U
quired to hand them in, legally sttsried,
within the time prescribed by-lawt nod three
indebted to Mid estate, ere required to make
imanediate payment, te
Jen 14 43nx
Georgia*—Camden, County.
Georgia-ChathomOomty. WSSS—t!SlSSStvSi
walk. In thie Mate I fortunately beard of |
your vegetable entholieoo—four bottles of
which, bait completely restored me, f htve
Downopplnt my appetite is goods tnd. my
Strength restored With many thank* for
the relief your medicine hat given lie, I am
your obliged friend, ke.
Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28,
1834 JOHN BINNS, Aldermen.
Georgia—Camden County.
In the Court of Ordinary—May Ten*, 1835.
/|N tbe petition of Robert Hoy, Eaerator
of John Wackeriy, dee. praylrg an order
AM to be mafie abaqluta, on hi# -complying
with the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land in
Laurep* Cauaty, bring the rent estate of tbe
laid deceased, for the benefit of the -heira aod
ereditora t It ie ordered, that a notice be
publiabpd, nine month*, ln one of the Gs,
aette* of tbe city of Savanneh/ requiring, ai)
peraona Interested, to abow cause, ir any they
M’Credie, applire to the Court of Ordinary I
miitione, ealcul*tpd to deceive the Ignoe rj n
Ind unwary.—The genbia* medicine ua my oan, why the prayer of th* petitioner ehould
Ignatuieof a label representing Herculee and not be granted. \ S. M. BOND. e. c. o.
r ‘ ontbeaeaT l| May 24 J sr
im. * - 'tori
_ Philadelphia, Alay 38,48*4.
asri County, for Lettendwmistaryon the! Hr—I am eew, thanks to yout raadfclee.»
MW of arid deceased personal these are, I hearty mar. Tor nearly six yean 1 bay* been
— to dteand admonish the heira aad I a martyr to a diseases where, ravage* threat-
. of mm dewtwd perm no, to file ] ened, if not toon (topped, to put:* period to
objections (if any- they have) ie my of-1 my exlateaee. Maviug bad ao regular Medi-
on or before the first -Monday in Jaeuary I cal advice ftom the commencemeet, au
or lettaff wiUbe -gaaoted to the eppli-|eomt>lrintatlaetgottoaueh a. bright , that I
P*nt I could not swallMr. without. grant- pant' aad
Wihtott.tbe.Roe.WHIU*> Gihaen. difficulty. T^forntodl?diSfc*rp*!S
t hydro, and 1
-y-* w*kj;--
Gourt, of my body, and | began to thi nk my aituafom I
,hu **th Jane, 18?J- ahnwt desperate. The five bottlea of the
JOHN BAILEY, *■ o. o- e. c I Catholicon whieh I hake taken bare sow
83 1 pletely eared me>aad lea now a* wwili
Between W, Dmiee. Admiidetraler, Complain
ant, and John Came chan Adminietmtor. de
bmie n* , tenth the will annexed of Oeor je
Rlchardeen and othere. Defendant /•
equity, Chatham Superior Court - Chancery,
fiOth August, 1824.
I T apprsring that John Murray Carnochan,
one of tbe defendants in the aaid bill of
complaint named, resides without the state of
Gcoigia, in that ptrt ofthe United Kingdoms
nf Great Britain aou Ireland, called Sontlard i
It ia ordered tint the said John Murray Cbn
nochan, do sppear and answer to Ihe com-
plainsnt'a Mid bill, within nine month* from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
nrHEHEAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow,
y y applies to ihe Court of Ordinary of -aid
'lounty, for Letter* of Adminiatration on the
-slate of John Brown, late of Mid county, de.
I ceased, sr neat nf kin i These are, therefore,
to cite end admonish, all and singular, the
kindred tnd creditors of Mid deceased, to file
I their objections, if any they h-ve, in m- of-
| lice, on or before the first Mondiy in June
neat,otherwise Letters will be granted the ap
Witneu the Honorable Britian R Btink-
ley, one of the Justice# of skid Court,
this sixteenth day nf April, eiglneei
hundred ai d twenty -five.
[L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C.
April 31 ' 24
W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied
to said Court, fir Letters Diimisti'iy
on the 1 estates of Samuel Coxenr. and Em E.
Muck, deceased. There ere, thereforr, t»
Wte tnd admoniab, all and sing-ilsr, the kin
dred and creditors ot tbe Mid deccued per-
\VVHERBAS Lewi* Baeblott, sppfiM to tba
JJ Court of Oidinaiy of Mid Countyi f<*
letters Domiawry os the eatateof Fr.acri
Roaotapc > There ere- therefore, to cite are
admeriak- aU and .aingaha, the kiadredI ere
creditars of Hid deeeMed, to file then- ohjec
’ions, if Any they base, in my office, on or to-
forei tbe A- at Monday in January next, other-
wire Utters Diauusaory will** granted tbp
the Honorable Samuel Ckrta.
*ne uf the Jitatieea of said Court, the
•ixteentbday of April, eigbteea bur
dred end twenty-five.
(L.8.1 JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. 0-"
April-31- 74
from Brig Phettant, for sale it
itU 19 0. C. GRISWOLD.