Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 22, 1825, Image 4

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- I ' I rlgbUitle kinl interest of Andrew in Rico's W'hkff, being one undivi «A the Knox, to aatiify an ««- Of WiBUtflioo - " ^ A Da > t18 " I ■ | l‘r$ ISAAC D’LYQN,S. C. C. k.'.Sl *® -teuiimfrwaAtK. ■' ■ onto* Aral YVaadsytoiWflwiflieriMwf, * 'Wtril.L b« aoM in frttnt oi' theCour Tf Uuuan in Bryan County, betwaientl „ Court*) Bryan County, between the IMUkl lour* of Mint ,f . A TRACT OF LAND, In raid County, known br ibe name at" Palermo," contain ing eight hundred acre*, more 6r lesa, bound) ■d 'N7& ky Sweat’a landa) 8. W. by a aalt : marah—other boundariea ant known : Lot-' ltd open aa tbe property of R. Tt Keating, r an execution in Ikvor oftbe admiu- of Benjamin Slilee, deceased. THOMAS HARN, S. B. C. Oot is. f- ■ • «a to f^wkMxotaV s Ik debilitated' dally for gypi . ifrom, OlnWk of the and that drtadfnl die-.- fisaffia- egRb si-*A am an Impure of Bhift R will b* an effectual remedy.— - discovery of thiaraedicinoh** been the effect of feng aid attentive, aiudy, and It ia now maiU publie from the moat decided con- fiction, (bunded On ample experience, of ita. ^-■-•ingtoolm every ■ It cannot, hwwevS, be auppceed, that this •'PaW/ckx will Invariably cure—the *>oat es-, teemed medicine*, employed by the Faculty/ wilte/enftifin.tbd. vet*-diteetee for which (bar are oenaideredjpesidea t but if fee uae nt it be persevered ln,Hwiliriaically remove ai- moat .every cautefiof the'disorder* specified. Thousands are huge ring under tboaa com- plaint*, in some form, sinking to the grave, Without a remedv, whom tbja medicine would ; nly restore to perfect health and vigour, ety and inqqgfcace have been fully tea'- M- ■A so that it may, Salts* ; ' On' Me Jiref Tuition iuNinetnler new!,' WWTIJkij IK anlil b -'orirSe C uft Mouse in f'Y: • Chatham. Couuty.hetween the usual U'lBtt* Ait that eertaia traei hr parcel of hud a t. uatf-d inthe County of Chat ab and ol ffeorgix on the asha between the Island* pi bkidaway and Burnaidea and known by the nameof Bedoulis Wan 1 containing aixiy three acres More or lesay also alffibat other tract or parrel of land ti uited andtaaeioe on Skid* in the County aw|Kald. eompoaed U throe Afferent tnd origfeaUy distinct L> cl of Mud Jiui adjoining cook, ether, the fi at of which fean originally granud'to Michel Bit tdir fetiddhididredacrea, theaeeofld of which waa orfgiaally grantod to Joo, KIIL for fi tf a- oret,, gaff the third and I til of which was or- ginatygrantei kf Michael Hitter for fifty acrea, whiobilhiiee traete ef land contain in the. whole (dot including Redoubt Island) two Hundred and thirty seven acrea with the apoitrtenanoet, levied on to aatiafy the Planter* Bank of til etflie o(. Georgia, on fireotoaure of Motguage agaiaat John W, *tirk. ISAAC D’LYON. e. c c. . Oiit 4 . ) • If-:) OVJ .-r- ' • 1 i. 1 . 1 ■ ■■- ■■■ r - isheriiTs sale. _ I Tuetday in Noeembtrnezl, solo before the Court Rouse in f 'heofty of Savannah, between the us uat houra of eeie. Two Stagey four Horses, and four sets ol Harness, beionaiag totbia end of tbr Augua- tp Lioey levied on unler a fordosure ol a Mortgage from Joseph I, Thompson, to Jo. •Ppb Cumtniag, aaaigntd to Alfxmder T' Dopaon. A H'LYON, a • o o. * P' fi : ■ ■; '■ 1 ,ii!if Administrator’s 8a’e. TK71LL be sold at public auction on T" MONDAY, 3letinat. at eleven o’clk. A- M. at the late residence of John Dillon, chad, the HOUSEHOLD AND 1EN FURNITURE * WEAR ING APPAREL of the uid deceased— Sold by order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary, for the henefit of the heire end creditore. JOHN GUILMARTIN, Administrator Co). Oel.'iO ?9 HOWARD iNSUltANCE COMPANY NEWYORK, I NCORPORATED by the Legislature oftbe state of New York, for the pur pose of insuring HOUSES and' OTHER BUILDINGS. VESSELS IN PORT and their CARGOES, MERCHANDISE and other PERSONAL PROPERTY, against lm&a or DamageBte, and alaA to insure VESSELS and MER CHANDISE against the HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, of TRANS PORTATION. Capitaf Stock 8300,000, which has all' been paid in CASH, and the public may rely with confidence upon the wliole sum. being always available to meet ifejjngsgomenta. R. HAVENS, Prest. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, will insure ogainst Loss by Fire, anil Hazard of Inland Navigation', as set forth in the preceding proposals, on as favorahje terms a* can be dune in thia city. 8. C. DUNNING,' Agent far Howard Ineuranre Company. N. B —Persons living in the country, can have insurance effected by addressing thd Agent, giving a description of the preim iscs tu be insured, post paid Sept SO yg ¥0«l &ALE, A Valuable Tract / Land, /IONTAJNINQ twA hundred two and V/ half acres, situate in the First Dis trict, in the County of Houston, Number IS. Persona are forbid trespassing on said land, Under the Penaltiea of the Law. For particulars and terms, which are lib. eral, apply tothweditoiia. IT The Editor tifthe MilJedgaiille Jour- nsl witt inaan the above three’ times and orwsrd their account to this Office. Oct 13 ‘ - X IStf. nted directions accei «K ' PUtaitfaHh, Mrwiry, f’ufria *•«*• v ■ ?*’"««- Theiubacribert havelust raoalvvdt supply of tbit above vALUABLEM, dnabie them to nffisr to the While M p«ri ami unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to selt iii—Chatham liuiitered to (he tea TOALL WHOM IT MA O' CONCERN. '**““BAfi DsdttftfroljtiW spiil,.. - the Honorable the (Jourf of O . ham gourTiy Pir icttera nr *d? YAhjMU’e and sfiheta ef Wil- .-,r J /' | iPPe' f Savannah, merehaiit, idfictt. on behaf'of the 1 heirs till Creditors, «l i ir r,q n,*t of *h. relatives, Thule are i tard-i p oitvaed admorri atvsfl and dnguisr and in re at.: VAIaUAatRIA^mCINE. F^tiaJiiieJ&iholkon. the >mdn d.alin credUora of the said dsioaaa ail, tb.fUd their ul'j unions (if any they have) ty the granting of iha. administration of .the htiiers whoOmiT;wff4 it at the original price est Altahed -by the I t |fe third dayof November next) otherwise nrormnlnr. nr ; 'J lxttcrs,wf adminjatiation will be g, anted , W Ideas ihe Hnoorehle Bilte Fort one of the Justices of the aaid Cnuf t, the. fourth niluity, remedy, whose ui from the system awi ■rdbrietor. ,. ... LAY & HENPRtCjvpwii, Chemists end Druggihfa. Shil’a Buildings. A Treetise on Swxim’x >aoncee,;Trith Canos Illustrating its aucceii.WlU be loaned to those, interested, by applyiW at above, June *8 at Octitber, A’ D one tfaouaaad eigtc POLVDBlrPHlS, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain Eael tnilia Curefor f|t« Rheu- de'rest inlh't . The moat dlatinguiahcd phyaT- cisna in the United States recommend it, and &ssssitomsssiyz the language pf ona of thj mp« l enfineiit .Pro-' feaioie i f the age. U it d .ti iumpk in tie healing <trj.: To the present and rising' gsnerauuns,, tbebemfit mus> prove incalculable, not only by saving many many valuable,livi a, but im parting strength and soundnesr to dehiHtaei ami corrupted ctinalititiooa,—(Aeteiy preierv i.—f ram hereditary lUeatei. i ... ngetper with the nume on, curei )od*t ferm irrcelihlr p e r tf of the Uy.h Tabus of this remedy. No uftc, however, is . dr ied to take it, without Brat fully convincing http* self of the truth of wliar is here Hated. »nu Ihe rectitude .of'the Pr* prietdr’a intentions. . ‘rhe cures performed in tlfis city alone, tabliib its superior rir'ue on a bavia t«o aoiid to be affected by the . 'ignity of the envious. I; is worthy of reroa.x, that the greater part of The patients who hare been permanently I'.q;cd. tia i, pterions to the Proprietor's un dertaking them, received, the > blent t.ilitnnce aiidsevertl were abindonetl by their pbyti ciani, as being beyond the reach of human akitl Svch'itht f d. and as ex'rasvdinary W. rr m<ivy of htc ici that an txh b.litn ieae madegf .him in the Uiiiveretiy ef Pfimegv ». ia, ty the P. efeuer ef Surfer,, btfere a r stetf idawlieiiee ef Stuilente, who p.onexiced.ihem ■nor,tier, m the healing art. it as beciif tnvr, • i ucel into the Philadelphia Aln-a HuiiS" aid I 'ennhyjvinii and New-York Hospital, and such were its turpriiing tflVois—ita success after all other tn-dicinea had faded, that the burgeon of the PennsylvantajH'ipita), Dr.Wm P' ice, was induced to abandon hit highly respectable effic , from thn, laudable-design of benefittieg in fellow creelures, bv oirry tiig the Panncee to England t where it hts si iteady supeiseded the uae of tbe genuine French Hob of Lefecteur in a number of in- i tances, m disokses for which that is intende J, “id it* virtues are publicly acknowledge by ifee if the moat eminent surgeons there, lit all complicated ease* of Scefulu and Yj- . r iifit, and where the Syphilitic Virus of toe patent caunca a dcvelopement «f Scrofula in thcchiiih U)ia ia the only remedy upon which e hope of reeorery can be reasonably t there has been no instance of ita there propeity the whole ayate br'fla matiim, Kirig*t Eeit, drd. Extract of n fetier from the Rev. James E i Sept, one tbouiind eight hundred and teen- ty-ftve, - - , ia, | vuoo-. wiae letters of administration will be hf the name if India Extract, a Medicine uni •»agaagag8g^!i| r ,,, „ “»«»■•«»•»«► I to'inform ycu of the number of people wh j I . ' p ' ate daily relieved and odred by thia valunhliT . , ■ . ilrdicine, it won d rfquire more paper than] VxPOrglR—v RfHUen OUDty lam abletorputetas'-kaid more time that lj po ALL WHOM 11' MAY JONIEHN am able to be-tow. Indeed, the tffet of t h] '-v» iERRAS JoHn Ha dee, Ad«iniaiext«t Medicine iaaoifemi diite, that in Rheumatiem I JJ 0 f th> Estate ot Dt'idG. Jones/ lafr vou would suppoae it acted f.a a chant in ,d» I of sudonmty, deceased, applies to tpe Coir' tn, 1 bundled and twenty fi,e. SAM E. M. BOND, C ft. 0. Dct.4 ' 2Tt '■ ,11,1, . n'.iiiiii'i' -f-——.j,.-i-i.,, .,14.-1 (ieoYgia—Triton County. By Jjsbua imith, Oiei k :<i the Court jt Ordi nary of the 'liiunt'’ yfo'esa-d. to All whom it may concern, xfi IKitBAS, Phi,Its M«nly has applied fey ,Vw > tetters of administration on, the estate of WilHitp Mmly, Isle «f said county* fieC. in behalf of the neits and ereditoH i These I are therefore to cite an.t admoni- h all and ain- -j n- ». u-p_, <'.I.a™ mereiore to cue »n . aiimoni-n ail ana sin- lt»h, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F BedwS ,J I ^„| ar the k.ndred and creditor* of aaid ile UuitPni- 'Id to file their objections (if any they huge) in * have him ^ '.** * Mm ^ 'A diffi uhv procured and " fNlHE oubacribur, admitted to practice In JR Jfe several Cpufts of Law and Equity 0 this Statp, offierk la the public hi* pro- fessional servloen in the Courts of SSL, |tei&; !gp’ Washington for. ^f^»n, Blbh CooMf.lGa.) > ‘ ^ used It impart* vi cm while the cure is i,n—an operation to bug looked fee in vainly Ike meditat world 1 at toe mme time (he patient ia enah-eil to take nourishing food,, Which under the common nudes of practice, ia uauaily uithheld from the aufiercr. In mi- oy in.tances where tbe horrible ravages of uu Oeraiion had laid bare ligament anil bone, and Where, to all appears,tee, no human meant hu dmputatiun Cuu.d have laved life 1 in cases exti erne even aa here described, have pa tienta been snatcbnl from the g,ave and re stored to good health, and the- ilevou ng dit- :ue completely eradicated The dticove. y if a remedy like thit new offered for tale. Inn Seen a deiiderutumfi om time immemorial, j The Proprietor does hot up,,use hit bare assertion will convince t -,0 will therefore give references to Such as have been cured, ani those ui d r lua care among whom are many ' lighly respec acie citiaea, that ahall satisfy the ost iucr iiul.-Us ol ita superior efficacy in tilt isordcra iur which it is here (ecommen-*t-d. Every member of soq-.e'y should aid in diffus ing ini' rm-riiun of thit, discovery—human ity alone muket it a duly ^etti&caten. “I have within, the last two years had an-op portunity of seeing several cases of very mve terate ulcers, which hading previously resist ed the regular mode* of treatment, were healed by the uae of Mr. Swrim'a Panacea and 1 do believe, from what 1 bnve seen, that it will prove an important remedy in aero, fuloui, venereal and mercurial diseases. “N. CHAPM AN, M. D. Professor of lu« Institutes and practtei of Phya'c, in the Univemity of Penn sylvania. Uo k. " Philadelphia, February 16,1813.” : “luave employed the Panacea of Mr.Swaim ia numeruus imtancca, within the last three years, and hkve always found it extreme)} efficacious, eapecLHy'iU sec-ondary sypUili- tnd mercurial diseases.'t hare oe heaitatio ip pronouncing it a. medicine of inostinmbh value, . - “W. GIBSON, U D. Professor of 8urgery in' the Uni'ty oi Pern , Surgeon end Chnietl Lecturer to’the , ■ Alms House Infirmity, tie- ".Fittruary 17,18M." / ■** I have repea edly used Bwaita's, Panacea, both in the Huapiul and in private prpcticr. at d have fotp-.d ft to bef» valuable medjcineTu eb omc, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints, a|ul in obstinate cutaneous affections. »v iLBN-riNR Mott, * d. Profess if of Surgery ia the- Uuivertily ef t New York, Berjteoa of the- NeW-Tork I - HnepUal,it«i’ K r.r*, U»amJ<Al«*.« . ■ v. CwuUon to ?usc\M«m. ■ The great demand aud wonderful auceakb hf this medicine, have induced e number of parson, to imitate it iu pkAoup ways—Some An sailing gampxrnK and other syrups, ■*>• poslof themun th- ignoraut for.tbe Paneeee p of her* are fluxing (IM genuine medicine with ing relief and rem -ving h t painful disease- lathe Xing's Evil W h*» been used with gre*' suceeas, and ja'he- c Mercury hu been' giver or used to c»c<x«, his Medicine has proved s perfect cure. The great difficulty, however, id procuring the Extract, Will for many yearr to come, prt vi nt it« general circulation, it he mg’obtnine.l from a Shrub on lh' mountains <if Thibet, in the B -rmen Empire ■f India,and held so sacred by (be’natives, that to part with if is like parting with thei: existence.” , Letter to Or, Redwe'V dated Jin. 7, t8-3 Dear Doctor— 1 hsi’r >-een v olcilt'-y aftiictni ■vitb a R 'cumaiic complain' fwiaanv yeafx t .even mt finger* acre so contract'd that I cou.d iieiibn, dress or o'dress myself, or give The least sssialence to nv, fa nHv—1 have used only one ho* hf thelrd'a Es'rac.t, fd I am perfectly restored, Youi’s truly- r r, Ralston, Phiisdeluhin Letter from Tobiss Jennings, Mewa d id St Th^lma'■ , Hnaptal. l,ondon,Pub I, 1843 Dear Sir—l think it my duty t'. infc that after trying every thing th;it cou'd be pnmted out by the must respectable, physi cians and sui t;eons for the relief of my Son, without any success, who you know, hns foi many years been laboring under severe Rbeu rnatimn, I wu induced to try the Poladelphis with a g immtricg hope, tkat it might g vr him some rellnf from the exoesaive pain hr endure I, which rendered bin a useless mem ber of society, and s burthen to hi nself. To ray utter astonishment ; the relief wu install tarn ouv, nd by peraevering in the use of the Extract, his joints hove returned to their pro- perhla-es, and heis in per.ect health. Up wnrds.vf sixty respectable persona have cal led la ace my son,« al! who knew.him though 1 it fipnov bt- that he f m 1 ’ r.-rovc— if Oftl-nary of said cnuniy, for. letters dis- niwory on uidBs'ktei t'hfse ore therefore to cite snd admoni,I' ill and singular, the heirs and credltei* ofsait' dapeosed, to fie their objeetipns ( f any they hove) in my office,"» nr before the first Mon- ,'ay in March next, olberwue letters will bi dr-nted tin 1 applicant. »Vitnu« the Hpn. William Gibson, one o' (L S.J he Justices of said Court, tb' ZTtb Aunxiat, 18 J JOHN BAfLEY, Ctk. C. O C. C. fl-r.t 3 f'',9 Gi urgiu—Camde n County. 10 ALL TO WHOM 11 MAY OONTETN. ,.re,.EitE*8 William W. Seals, appliestr he Court of Ordinary of win countv ,fnr ettera of Adminuti ation on the estate of Ev< Wi ght, late lit said county, deceased > t ...-It .-ret eref re tociteend dinamih, >-11 and UI>- guiai-, the heire and credit na of slid deceued, inform you, I to hi,: their obl.ictiuna, if any they hkve, ip tile Clerk’s Om,:e of uid Court, on or bi fori the thud M mdiy in October next, otherwise Letters'tv ill,be granted the applicant. Witness ine Honorable Samuel Clarke one L.S.] of-the Justices of said Court, this l$ b eepeinber, 1823 JOHN BAILEY,-C. C. 0 C C S Pt 31 14 Georgia—Camden County. ‘ L . O W HOM 1. it.aY COitL. U r N EHRAS M H. Hebbard applies to f jouit of Ordinary of uid county, fti La,t.eri of Admiriistratian on 'ho estate 01 ■;apt. J mes Vincent, late of aaid pounty, de . .cessed: These are therefore to cite am FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, I admonish, all and singular, the heirs and errd Druggist, where additional certificates ofl itnra ofsaid deceued, tofile their oSjictii,ns, the efficacy of the ebove medicine muy be | if any they have, in the Clerk's Cffl.:e . f and seen. May 20 Geoigia—l amden County. TO ILL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN W^UKllR.13 Alexander Atkmson, Ad .tin- v# ist dtur on the Edtaie of Jbhn Atfc t»- roii, deceased, to the Court of O dm ury of i^id County, for letter* dl?iri ; ssory of f H estate: Tn»jd., iw, then f-jre. to c.te ri d rdmoniah »H nr d s'nj;ular, the heirs »nd cred itors of uid deceased, to fi e the.r ohjochf rv (it tiny they hive) in n>y-ffice, on oi bf fiir'r, ihe fir. t iiondky in JanuMry next, or icttt r wil be *rr»nted to the applicant. Witness he 4on Wilfiam Gibton, one of the J:i«tic>a of §aid Court, this 25 li June. 18 5. JOitiN HAILEY, o. c o. e. c June 30 .82 Court, on oi before tbe third Monday in O: loier next, otherwise letters will be gran e the applicant Witnesn the Hnnnrab'e Wit|ia v : Gibson, '•? iht juitice df aaid Coun, t : 'ir i8i Stt^tember I8?5 JOUN BAILEY, C C. 0 C. C^ Sept t'5 t-i jy, deceiaeo, roi dcrWUotedfteid j a -Ue duty l oWfl .the this public, to ac- Themythat R ie impossible, from the ahjra of lu conteituuts, ter he discover- s^gpsr L A Georgia—Camden County TO A1.L WHOM IT MAY LON.EHN ilJHE'lEAS I .cult D four, Adminiit-ia'or If of the Estate of tliuiic Pelletier,-dec', ipplies to 'k? Court of Ordinary of uid coun ‘y, for tetters diamine- y on said estate:— t hese are, therefore, te c e and aduuiuib al: md singular, tbo heirs and credilnrt of sa-d -leceaxed to file their okjec inns (if any ihv, | "ve) in my office, ,,n m before Tie first Mon Ifly in January next, or letters will be graute, m t > applicai.t, Witness the Hon. William Gibso L V.;[ one of the Justices of ^t-d Cou S-J this 25'h tune, 18 J. jD‘IN BaILY, e. e. o, c. c. June 30 H'2 Georgia, Chatham County ,Hy the H nnreiile the Just cej of th'- 1 I-nor Court of Ci.i,(him County, altting for or- dmnrv. pin p'limi TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. MERXA8 Jount.’ian Mt-iga, dministra tor of the eviate of iraiiiu-T tlenghton, d, ceased, has )>eliti ned the Coin t of Ordioa ry, to be diam.s&rd from bit said administra tion i New these are there tore, te cite and adm inish all persons interested in the said es ste to file their objections.if any they have to the granting of thk nrajar aft he petitioner in the Clerk’- Office ot the Said Court, on or before the tenth day bf Mr-eh next, other, wise Letters Disminury w'll be granted the Setitioney- ■'itnevs tbn Itonorabte Anthony Porter, one of the saiii duatices, this teotlr d»v of September, eighteen hundred ai d twen ty-five. SAMUEL M BOND, Cbrk Court Ordinary Sept 10 13 Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap plication will he made to the Hon-.ret ‘ n<: Court of Ordinary far the County of cb nant, for leave to sell the whole or a part, of ,'trtt of a tract of land,- lying and being if) . , . tire eo rnty of Effingham, containing bj re Georgia—Chatham CoUutlL I ) ?nt survey, nine hundred and eighlv-fi a In -he Court of Orthnary, Ma, Term,Agfa fLmLte'lh.^uBertf 'at O^ateiU^nTrh^S^w^de^T^’nV*"'" ' Cl " s * n ^ Hotchkiu, now Itetonging to the plying witn the !ew, tor he »«le of a Lot o • ben * at " - ° ,p Ground, number fuur, (41 tenoitd Ty thine Toyi oids Ward—Also, Part of a Lot, numb-: sla. Tower Tything, D-- ker Waid being tin real estate of the aria Ucp. for the benefit of the heire end ereditors t—It is ordered,' that't publiatvtd nine etontko, inone-oi the Public Oeaetts of tbe City, of Bavannab, requiring all penoni interested, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer ef the peti tioner ahouid trot be granted. 8 M. BOND.c e. o. «»y 14 44» July ’4 WILLIAM MOREL. Guardian A- 8. Roe's Orphans. sr Georgia—oChathamCvtmty; In the Court,of Onllpary—Mav Tevin'18J3. '' N the-petition of Rolurt Hoy,' - of John Weoheriy^ dec. praying Noi to be made ahaolnte, on hi* complying w in thefcw, to sell Two Traoteof (j[nd in Loureoa County .-being the real ea»«te of the atkl deceased, for tbcbeneHt of the heirs and creditors r It i* ordered, that a flbtioe he publish ad, ffide menth^ in one iff the Qa- tjoner *ho r iNOyc-c. o. i ,v«K Notice, N INE MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, Sitting for ordinary purpo ses, fer leave to sell all the real eatate of the lateTkomaa Savage, of Bryan County, vlat. i Point Pfamtatibn, consisting of two hnmteg | and eighty acres Rice Land, on the Of [. fl yer, four milOa below thi n-jwn low the FcW. adj -tltUg the pMntetiow of Joseph Habersham and-Ste pfieo jtl'lott Alta, two hundred s " “ acres, store or leap, of Pine Land, ap Ing thereto. Also, a Tract of loarii Selina, ojutalning fifty acres. on Medway Uiv adjoining the ha ’s of J J. Maxwell. MAHY 8AV GE, Adm*rx: • .'"ST er, Tn-- 5 Upor iVAi^Ls nequal powers in cKmiustir>g the Very Mods of discs'. , “ nged and morbid ^ ^ rtfe/4«rsi(i| oonditiun of ttiemgan* prhfe to a free and healthy •xereiso orthrir functions, hu exci ted % sT'nishmen', end completely alien ced the oMeMiotia nf the moat incredulous — Facto are the hoot nrgumentt. In Order tb put the virtues of too Oiihoficoo to aa aevere a ten-liny as possible, it was offered byadver- tiaament. together wtii the attendance of a ’ HiBian,. gratuitously to any -eraun who did apply for it, and /whoa« eauaa might mt'' cume witbiaihe range of itphealing power—numberaofaevere caatabf longsia d- nig, and some orthem seemingly deapct ite nnoa, pre ented thcmaelves. ail of which have been cured, or so miioh relieved as to warrant ihe assertion that a little perseverance will do sn In fket, such is the confidence bf the physi cian under whose uaje these patients were placed, in thia remedy, a confideice re tut ng from tbe irrcyistible eonvi tiun (hat his been fluxed upon his mind by ocular demon- stratiun, and a peraonal trial Of it on himacil that he perpida me to declars! it as his deci ded opinionl that 'hpOaihollciin is got only a perfectly safe and innocent, but n .most pow crful and invtlua)ile remedy in certain dia- teasca and states of' tjie I) Item, stick as f be fol owing•,)- ■' '.- iv- k\ Debility resulting from intemperance snd •slpktion t Old and inveterate Uicc-rx. Pnins i the bone* attended with awcUing* >-f the joints j Indigration, Bk't hei oh-the face, pimpiea, Ste. i All complain :a of the Livsrt Tetter; Yawsi Syphilli ; Cutaneous diseases generally i Mcrcurisl end scrufuloua com plaints. The Ctthnfieon (which the proprietor sol emnly pledges h a word consiats exclusive!} -if vegetable matter) with the exception of a slight dutermi intlon to the bowelq. which it titeservei in a soluble ataie. CCtt insensibly, n- plvaunt to the taste, and requires no psrticu- ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous li quor:: always excepted,) or confinement. As Hgi nile, safe snd agreeable cathartic medi ci .e. improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of ihe system, it is confidtntly recommended to iedies In'■ delicate aitua on. W W. POTTRR, 66- Chesnut-atreet. Philadelphia, May 31, 1824. At therequest of Mr. W. W. Poit-r, Iha«< lately exhibited, in several instances, a metli anted sirup, called Po-ter’a Vegetable Catho. icon, with the most deeded advantage. 1 oka, as' et, never failed effecting a cure is. every citte in which I have thoug .l proper to employ it. H. M’MURTRJB, M D Phi'atlelphia, July 28th, 1624. Mr, W W. Potter, Deer Sib—You expressed a wish that I would give a concise atatement of my suffer- nga, from ' the nopeleu commencement to t)e present prupitioua stage of my disease ’ About five years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on dock, I was neixec with a violent fever. Having no medical at- endantx on board, I ws» compelled to beat t, as I in-glit for two weeko, when oh my ar- rival xt Charleston, 8.0. it was treated or .k'yphua. The abill of my Physician aubdui d the fever, but P: mn'-x-like, the termination of this gave tit r ton disease equally ifistreai- og, and which, till now, I had thought incui- .ble. Various ihscessca mails their unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were aweded to an enormbus sixe.— These gradually subsided into hxvd tumors, me of whioh on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone look place. In addition to this, I suffered the moat etcruciatiog psiniin my jinnti that man ever experienced. Every tnhig that was administered either gave me no relief or aer- ved to aggravate the lisrsie, the Severity of which Increased with every succeeding year. Such was my painful situation that 1 -ieipairc" ofeverbeiug restored to my heal'hi l had not O'dy tried the regular means of relief, but used, though in vain, every popular rem edy 1 could hear of- It was in this awful and despond'Dg condition,that 1 was persuaded to .ummence a course of your Vegetable rt.-ih I con, and the happy result is, ••f om the me •f Ihe two bottlco, my whole system hat under gone a complete revo ution my piano h .VC fo -su ite me/” the discharge from my xnce begin 10 dimmioh, and sooo ceased altogether, the ulnei from whence it proceeded being coin pletely healed. The turnon, for the removal of which I have tried in vain more remedies toon 1 can name, are rapidly decreadiig i my appetite, which was gone, hat returned—tan in fact, ncar-'y wall, and feel cnnfidnit that s few bottles inure uf your, (to mo) invaluable medicine, will make me pencctly so. Your obliged I'ngml, THOMAS BROWN. JR- could wbh' tobio. With my think, . obtigad humble servant, tie. ^ out : *"»“«*»•- WtlWhlitenh il i# .*• hM4 ' J')«N BINNS,Alderman. Philadelphia, M*y 18/ t«2v , . *0 SOUTHfciitH-ANTBUS. Th« Vegetable ntlhqlicop il neculinriv adapted to diaw diMkaea which are preval^t Ihe hotnufwd population of the south- In that dianase wbioh is called yaw*, it l(l sure remedy t» Mngle trial of it, will convmra ''inter*, «f Its sjpsrmr efficacy to any r-„,-. J of * stmdar dilute in the United States- • NOTICE, 1 J« ad-ten tsges ef this medicine are, not conHnmg.the pa'feflt unnecessarily to the wn!.* ,ar i*.- plnK him feln bi * businesi;— With one filitxiy exception, that of ipiritn, ’ tte" ,a) ™*c«om upon toe appetite. It iaio gentle n in oDerai.nn that the patient finds liiraself getting well be oamiat tell |iow. As it is not the ,*,h * ,he any thing for whi"h he cannot give i consideration equal in value persons nt a distance who may with to trv ms medicine, but who are not certain if it be appbcohle to their complaint, are requeit. ed to describe their esse and symptom* it *, nd directed tu nim—tha letter wilt be immediately placed in htnos fully competent to decide the question.'— Should tlte remedy not seem to tint the dis ente, they will be frankly told to. CAUTION- ■ To prevent dioappotiitm-nl it is well to date that it take* in ordinary cates from 3 to S bottles to effeot a.cure «o that pc, ions who are labouring under any act,out inlirm.iy, mint make up their mind to persevere in that extent at least- iffihey do not, they might as ycft a tve themselves the ttotiblt and uxpune f "dng'a smaller qiismitv. Alt orde-i poet paid Imd encloilng Ihe ntom,,, immediately attended to, snd the meili.ine packed end delivered with directions for use, tv any piece in the city, and forwarded os di rected N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im. position, it will be laid in the city of Philadel phia, at the office in Tilth near Uacr-S'.r et, or at the dwelling of the propri- tor, No. 06 Jheanut street, only, and abroad by ins su- -horixed agents. W. WfMTTEh, 66 Chemut Street, Philadepfi.a- I have appointed GEORGE RYE ISDN, Druggist of Savannah, my sole agent. Ding, gists wanting the above Valuable medicine, tv ill be supplied by him for cash, at flu- shins rat,-, as tf ordered direct from mo—v-x. jjjJO per d. ten, or three doliir- a single bottle. W. W. 1‘Ori EH, Piitladelpiiia. Any pcaonon application to the •ubscrili-r will be fiirniahed with certificates of the t fll« cacy of the above medicine, sufficient in nut* vinee the mind of the most sceptical, although too numeroua and I ngtliy for newspaper a- scrlion, GEO. KYERsON, ttru»;go-t, Cvner ol Bay and Whittaker-Streets, dec 13 IN EQUITY. Between W Davice. Admmiilniier, Complain ant and John < aniechun Adimnlotralrr, ,lt honio no . with the will annexed of (leone Htekardton and othero, Defendant! In equity, Chatham Superior Court - Chancery, 20/4 Augnol, 1624- r T appearing that John Murray Carnochsn, one nf the defendant* in the said bill of complaint named, resides without the state nf Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms if Great Britain ami Ireland, called Scoilavd t (til ordered that the laid Juhh Murray Car- ooehan, do a|/pcai and answer to the com plainant's said bill, within nine months from the date of tilt* order, otherwise that t e said billy aa tn him, be taken pro cor.hsw-1 Mid i' -a futtliet ordered, tiut a copy of this order be publish,d once a week, in one of he public Gmeitea nf 'hi* state, until the ex piration of the time within which the saidue- iendant it required to appear and' answer us aforesaid. frue eopv from the Minuter, thj» 21st d'J August, 1624. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk, augiisf V4 SOf Philadelphia, Jnfj "6,1824. My confidence in the Vf get tble catholic it nndiminialr.d, and u fresh in tancea uf its powera aro daily occurri; g, in my own prac- '.ice I have no hesitation in recommending il, inthe peculiar diseases to which it it applica ble, its superior to toy remedy I am acquaint ed with. ' '■ M.M’MUB'IRIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 .4 Sn—In consequence of imprudent expo* urefom come a: suits of . _ .. . cetaion to several respectable phykioiana of tliii elty, from Whom, however, I received either no reliefe or from whose remedies I re. ceived another cnfnpUaBquft* *a distresaing ,a tbe former. My whole ajEtom became fectod. I oould get no test at night on count of the violent pain that I'felt in every part of my body / the weakness aid (macia tiooof which was auoh-thet I could tea real) walk,, In thin aisle I fartuaetely heard of Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM irMY cON-KItV. (VTHBHE4S J. B-elilntt lull, adminirtia or TY oi h-teelateevf DaVidTtickernodll-.v '1 M’Gredie, applies tn the Cum* i f Ordma * jf a, d ifnunty, for Letters dis ni: airy on the s' t'ca of said de e* ted print'*: These arc, hevefore, to ci'etnd admonish the heirs ai.d ■red to:* nf. said deceased pel sons, to fie heir objections (if *nv they have) in my nf- lice, on or bnfnre'the first *inndiy in January test, or letters willbe grsr.t. d to the api'lo -.ant, ■»»* Wilnet, the Hun, William Gibson, ;fL S j “ne of the,Justice* o) stud Court, ^ this 23th June, f 8 3. JO IN BAILEY,c-c o.c.e. June S'* your vegetable cathoBoou—four bottle* which, hie completely restored me, I have aownqpaim my appetite i» good/and my strength restored With many thanks for thv.relief your medicine hu giveu me, lam your obliged Griend, tie, WILUAM WILSON. Sworn and aubaertbed to before me, May 3% 1134 JOHN BINN8, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 38, tfifA Bit—I am flow, think* to your medicine, a hearty mar. For nearly six yecnl have been O'martyr to a disease, whole ritvigea threat ened, tf not anon stopped, to put a period to my exigence. Having hid no tegular medi cal advice from' the eetmflencemect, fltt comolaint atlaatget toeusfl e height IT could not awcUaw without great pain difficulty. Turnon fenced to different i Georgia ■ •iY THB -Camden County. 24 I S a. COURT OP ORDINARY FOB BUD COUNIY- W HERE4S «ohn Chevalier, hw applied utaid Court, f>r Letter* Diimisaury ■in the estates ef Samuel Omens snd Erin fi. Jock, deceased. Thete are, therefore, to cite and adlfloniib, all and sing'ilsr, the t.n- dred and creditor* ot the laid deceued prt* jons, *;■ file their objection*, if any they b' v *» in my office, on or before the first Monday m January next, or Letter* will be granted the applicant. 'Witness the Honorable James Scott, ope • of the Jesttoe* of said Court, this six- dayjif April, eighteen hundred and twenty-five. [L.S.J JOHN BAILEY, C, C. 0, C. 0 Anr i Jl 24 Georgia—Camden County. BY -THE COURT OP ORDINAUY r‘0 ' SAID OQUNTY. ‘T#HBRE4S Lewis Bechlott, ipphei to tfe Court of Ordinary of said Counlyt f'-r l etter* Sismimory on the estate of Pi.eetJ Ruaokipe i Theae ere, tfljrerore. to cite tad <4R0i)iiH, «H ti'd fiiHfoUr, tN kiftdred ina cfeOiton of Mia drteiied, to Ale r pbj f na, if any th»y h*»e, to fey office, on or «- ,„e tfiefi at Momfey in Jknukry neat, otberv wite Letter* Diamiamry willbe granted tbe * Wi *Wl«de* the Honorable 8*mur! Clarke* ohn oftbe Juaticeaof said Court, It'd sixteenth day of April, eighteen hue* dred end twenty-five. (L.8-1 JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O.C C i.AmJSt I*— HAY. wA BUNDLES PRIME HAY.lendirf iJsssa*. - «