Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 25, 1825, Image 3

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• * " ’ i ntfiMlItm***** ***** yZ£d* mr-fct W(tan bare ftvwadhy Oaplato »*• Tf _bat. ftooataiaaootawtagoere. W« * toftfcw* ftCifftil Whit*, of thy RtoAu*u'ta*^* ,8 ^j fc ' tat ream w ft* »W» IKKm l*cM*y. flgfll.lMf fcffll* «• ^ MU j - ettab willhefooed Mow. t, j, eeeaoeaaary for aa to cafl tk« attm* ^ofMr readsretojheRipuahfte <mtto four ok oMTMf Mft. Mr MM»."jhyabl* ■woflO^Mta ft- aAlalftlkUN^JU^ * mA iL» OHiMAOlO^k Mm mmwiMP n up jwmiv Mr it after fita Hit *f Deoombar, IW», tad ‘ if M any Uom altar tha Slit of Morgan, Doddiogtoa, l**t. Wo proposal tor stare lyk, Dsy,Barrow, sad 0,000 will bo rewired, nor will - - 107 eflbr (tayooaired at tail thas far. It JTLot of tba Creek Natiao, Which fills oar 'JJU** ootamac. It will comiaaad their lSSm. It ta a production, highly bone- nOriotheutaat sad reMarehafitiaathor, i„j is reference to ibequretioBeitemMa. 1 perfectly conclusive. We oonaMw this „ .Jwnkitioa oT reek importance at thta * ZLd. that Wo hope every editor ta the U ST»ot Miadedhy prejudice, will give ii Jitl*rtliii, : ai iWaot hi' justice. Tbiirw JJ - fta uofurtuuatoly eecSosiry Worn the uH/wruu* coene pursued by amt of the uu in other date*, which pare without no pe, doceineoti oonoeeted with our. cOUtru.' «.ny, (storable to the Mate, and give every jjipirtiice to tkoel of a contrary charao- M . wutlst the insidiou* statements of da- iiMiii( politiciini ire trainpelted' forth it Um itoguige of wisdom and truth. Tm Uilledgeville papers eoataia return* fans *|| the couiuiee ii the elate but Hve, md 1 letter from Meant. Clink * Rag- hid, editor* of\bo Journal, to the editor* if thie piper, give* the reminder of the townie*, with the aaeoptioO of Wire, lu ib* mieawnt, the majority io Decatur ta |i*eo iw'i for Troup, in pilot nf86 for Olirki vuich with other verietioM from our esti- Bate, make* the majority for Troop, eaclud. hr Ware, Sid—and allowing 0 majority of « for Clark in lhalcouuty, leaven a major ity of TM. Fame Tmmrsonb latino — Capt. Mut ter, of the Colombian armed lehr. Polly Hampton, who irrived hire ou Saturday lutlroin Key Weat, which pltce he left m the 8lh inst. informs us, that the blind it that date win healthy. Mr. Miller. Charge d’Affhiras of the 0. S. to Uuiiiuiala died on the 10th inet. intmudietely alter hi* ■Trial in the Decoy, Mr. L. Stuinseclc tiding Puner of theitation, «u atau deed, Loft *t Key WMt, the brig Herculea of N Vurh, tu be eold, with her cargo, on the lldi inet. The brig Venue of Baltimore, with 1 cargo ol lumuer and flour, and aeve- nl other veeseta. name* unknown, wire kit M Absco diiriigjhe same gall, tbe 0. 1 ft- ildnp Vagabond, and the Caloinhiin privateer Coluuihiano, were tl- • left it Key Weit 1' the litter vessel hid 1 ibort time previous an teCtoo with two l-misli eloupa aadtwopiroguea, and bait thtaoff, by that mean* saving her priae, ‘ IftaiaU felucca, then in company. . Capt. Nutter nutated in extricating the big Maaaachuqetta, IVoaN. York lor N Orielni, flora inside the Indian Key reef, •u the coast of Pluridi, where she bed Crack, The MiaaachuieUi had on board 1 part of the passengers of the ahip Craw fittd, of cad from N. York for N. Orleans The Crawfnrd wont ashore during the Sep, trebergdeon the Bahama Bank, and area got off ny cutting away her manta, anil throwing a part of the cargo (about £*0,000 worth) overboard. The ahip had hailed for Hitania* under jury inaata. Th* Iowa of OfoaMborough (capital of Oraao* oonaaty) waa Ulumiaatad oh there oaipt of lb* latattigaada of tha re-a)action of Georg* M. Troop,. whitat tha it rant* war* prauwaadod by tha inhabitant* of tha ptaoa, meta attl Ibmata, and tboaeaae was rendered more irapreaaiva by muiio from a band, and diwkiiyii of oMtaioQa la thin eity, aa Ba- thrday afternoon, a aalnte of rwaaty-fbar gum waa trad by tha Chatham Light ArtUtary, of which oorpa Governor Troup ta ha honorary mombfr, in ookhrailoa ol Iho loom ovont. wlHeh wai fullowod by toolbar from the ol- A. DepiO- H. Topper, r»K- PinuMiY V. ft “-Wood, J Stovwoe, C. W. BockweBft fomtty aod eeretol, Mr. Cetlio aad tato^ A. (S » T A 8 Lit H I l*<bi ti t ) .AK TW "Ctar pecket ahip ■W It f» alid that the Secretary of the ITavyhaa paid ajmt tribut* to IM Asrticea of (Doii: W*n«inoToh, by aipraaaing odletally to that oMaer, bii'bigh gritiftaation forhta pail 00a duct ta aabduing tha Wait IM* pirate*. Com. Wuxi no Ton ta u able, galliot aa ceeand deaarving of all that may b* aaid in htaprataaw But are not tbe SecrotaryH 00m pHmenta, tendered el the eapeoce of the la hp«r, antorpriae, aod oooraga of Commodore f^tavax the yhaorjl*V WWm»* foo'noi that t.? tho Seoretxry of lb* Wavy.—M K*U Partfr <ka fWwfcaa, except a law who do not like hi* caodor. U appaaredfromlaUletan, that Cot*. WuxiNOTOit and hia fleet aew oo piratea wbilat on that Station, if ae. who taMdrove them at and aitaocad lhair gam, peralned lhair murderoua and blaody band* and frightenedtbeir Poxnrdo Alltaa, out aure ly tho mare Mfltataf arrival of Waxwiro too.—tietaa be jolt to tho aiarifload and in , ured Puxtkx whiiat iva are genarom to hi* be rule Sacomanr. Tha Secretary hei mimad hi* aim in thin care—it ta frequently the fata of molioo.—CaoietnntaMid. aaenay ano aervaoi. or. uxwa 000 Mata ami lady, W. 0. Bailor ood Scranton and lady, Mr*. Merrill Mami*. T. Yoang, ft W Hnb* W. Tea ByaK. J. Sbtfer, Barker, tea, Davie, GoakjS. .. . tadBooaatt Oottbe rath taat. oxpertaaoad a aavar* gale, la whieh, torn • honee \yerboard. _Bahr. S'lphrtmia, Startovaot, • daj<t Sum WtW.York, ta (he taxater—Cdailgwaai. L BaMwia A Co. K, B. Weed, WmJk MHIer Buttar A Screntoe, Ley A Hbndrioboo, I.B Herbert ft Qo. G. Nawhell, Hpll A Hoyt, J H Oldomtew, Q. C. Coat, A. A E. Wood, A- Barnett, PMIbriek ASoreoteo, 1W. Mor. roll, H. BhthfleM. Paurngort, J. Gould and daughter, Mra. Btono and oliild, Meaan. A. Boaaatt, G. Newball, W. D. la-tab. G. 0 Call, W. Coroell, H. Blaahteld, H. Allen, P. P. Rockwell, and J. B. Moore. Bailed ill 00. with ache. More*, for thin port. On 1 halltt ta>t apoko lehr. Spry, to hoar* from 3hark»t*n, for fiow-York- Balir. Hatta, Britt, Nenvilaa, 11 daya, with ■igar. hhlaa. Ae. to 1. B. Herbert A co. The Im. ache. Boa, with har orew io excellent metth, we. craixiBg off Neuritax Tim Bri- Mraolir. LkAfwei alao cruixiog off Cabo. Heard of 00 piraoiee. “ " OOBCMEBftGtAX. liotrpool, lttah Sap. 1814—Tb* Cotton Market continue* dull,and we here to notion a decline of 1-Sd a 3-<d per lb. 00 ell deacrip- lion*. Tbe public aeie* yeaterday were well attended with buyer*, and went off better itmo waa generally expected.—The total buaineea for the week emonobi to M, T8I huge (of which 15410 Braail, end tOOO A- inerican were taken on apeculatioo, and >., 400 ol' tho latter deacription for exportation), via 4098 Upland,48 at «id a • 4>8d,46S0 at TdaTU, IMS at Til a 1(d, 48* at T)d a 8d, 384 at 8(d a 8id, 169at 8)da 9d, 406 at 9} a 9td. 134 at 6{d *9 Id, 19 at I0d, III at 0^, 40 at lid | t063Naw-Ortaana. 740 at jmbhiw acta. TrJfiBKES®;, f - . Hr Isankfl to . ,. . for hta poUu attention to >£*,.. „ ■w.. - - The bat aafliag aoppar flwtaood packet ahip M * T, aw, .ij-.. —. a>^.ji—. ___ UnwVV oftwrlt J*McTt Will meet with deapatok. For freight or paaaago, having good aeonmowdoltatia, apply HOWAHD-at. PLOUft, BUTTER, Aa. 30 Keg* Bat tar | IMMIBW, Tha mw IhM telling aioop 10,000 Brickt 1 6 Barrel* Hem* in iTOtta SO Kegi No I Teheooo SO KeftCaaendkh da U) Hogakeada Mot. Soger 40 piece* Colton Bagging 10 Hnagihaadi Cegoiao Brandy 10 do Holland Gin. f8wam Brand) to Hngaheada Jamaica Ram 40 Cnaka B. B. 8. Porter SO M.. rlint Began 100 Bp*** Soap S.OflO fc Baooo. a atoned 8«l«djn 00. with p w tale by J. B. HERBERTS CO. Oct 14 >1 Litiit vxom England—By tho arri I Hlit Now Vur* of the ahip American, on I li« 1 Sin inaunt, Liverpool date* to tlm 10th 1 Bqiteraber, xud Loudun to tho 8th iuclu. tire, have been received, f The aituatiuu of Spain U (aid to occu py ibeittentiun of the Cabinet* of Europe, mil the Loudon Courier aeya, that aume im purtaTit reanlutiona, connected ont only with Ilia Peuinaula, but with the SouthAm .-rtcli) 1 fouea. an about tu be determined, in con* curnnee probably with tbe views of tiie I yriacipal Eumpeau' power*.—The party xiw oppoatd tu Fcidinand, it 1 bat of the ultra Huyuliate, the army Cl 1 the Faith having re. vulted ogainat the king, and two conaiiler- ■liaua arc said, to present tlicmeelves to the Vrench government—the first that they I tbould withdrawn ell their troop* from I the Peniniula, end leave the parties in Spent I in Kttle their diapulee among theeweiyes Ivith ell the fury of aivil wart—and the lecund, to march the troupe which tell | Spain back again, aud support tho Kiug J ainat the parly nuw oppoaed to him, a* ey detended him egainat that iu 18*3. Uaaeieres. a Spanish royalist chief,in ho*. I '.iity to tits government, had boon shut, and I lie Einpecanadta, a chief of tha opposite M* party had alio been executed. A ae* 'ere decree had recently been issued egainat He free M sauna, and three of tbit body and [ Wea taken, end ordered fdr execution in ihree-day*. Minoiaughi hie not beeh yet txken by Die Turki—00 the coutrefy, it ta stated |k*t* Grecian army bad coma to iu rei lief. _ The Turk* had beeo repuleed with coniiderebleloM in three attache. On tho tail) July, Mieolie, it ta esid, appeared with <8 veisela beCire Mieeolorghi, and obliged the Qaptxin Pacha to raise the blockade by ***• Ope part of tbe Ottoman aqohdroota 'qorted to have ratroMod to Falreat tho •tar io the Gulf of Corinth." . itaakim Pacha wboaidad by tho treason ■a Greek named Scbilitsi, and tha arcki- haadrate of tb* town had marcked to Nepo- 8d a 8 Id. 314 at 8id a 8|. *83 at Bd *' Bid *37 at Bid, 3l4at lUd a lOjd, 104 at 10{ a lojd,30at lid,3*at ltd; 914 Tenoeeaee Ac. 689 at 7d a 7jd, It* at 7{d a 7ld, *13 at 9d a BJd, 60 at Ud; 40 Boa-Ieland, Iff at I7d,*0 at tod a *ld, 30 at (*d 106 Blaiued ditto, 88 at 8Jd, 19 at 9d, 10 at 40Jd, *0«t I lid. At aoction. Upland *816 offered. *618 sold —Alabama H37 offered. 7*7 eold; New-OT leans8*4 offered, 676 sold. There has bom little done io caake Carolina have been sc ordinary, and **a a S3s lor fair London, Stpt. 6—Cotton.— laat. week haa been chiefly ccle for export, Ac. holders 1 cd tot reduction of I-8d to l-4i Bengali have been taken freely at lor ordinary to good fair, and Sura. •, — — 7) fur ordinary to good fair, and a few good at 8d. Bowed ana Pernam* have been in Arm reqnoat, but little hoe been done, the stock, of the former in thip market offering no clmice of quality; holders have refused l*j tn 12fd, in bd. for Pernahu. Thegreat difficulty experienced in obtain* ing diacounts in the market* of the metropo lis, in consequence of the scarcity of mo usy has inducad the E. I. E. to extend their limit* of credit lor the cotton they have sold on receiving an additional proportion of ilepou.a, oohr, Rtahmond Packet, for New York- Left American aehr. Torch, uf Philadelphia. The Hells, in a gale from N ■ E. on Saturday last, pat iota Tylica*tlior, and run on the Oyster bad*, where aha unahippad her rudder, with some other damage, and came op to town for repair*^ Bohr. Moses, March, New-York, 6 days, ta tha mauler, A. Bueetf, Coban A Miller, B. W. Delamatrr, 0. B. Lamer. Geo. F- Pelmet, A. A J.CMunpion. Taft A Padleford, W, Dawson, C. C^'Ortawold A eo: Par awatar, J. Scegfeji?' Bohr. Raanlapu, Cortia, Philadelphia, 6 daya, Io R. Dwnis. Pauongtrt, E. 8. Roe* J. Thompwo, W. Pot nor. Let. 31, 60. apoka ship Orta, 6 day* out from Darien for New York—oot of provtataUa, and Captain aiek—supplied her. Sloop Bulivar, Howland, 4 dap from N> York, with an assorted cargo, to N, Thomas, R. Pease. C E.C*ndeo. Candor fc Warland, Bradley, Clegliorofc Wood. Bryan, Feck fc Pordee, W. Rthn.and T. Tompkins, Pa* aangera, W. Rtlin, lady sod child, R. Paste, and lady, Meaan. Thom**, Mix, Dunning, G. Thomas, Werland, Thompaon. Finch, Can* Joe, Gilbert, Farunm, Yale, Welti, Perdoe, M. Hathaway, E. Hathaway, Palmer, Temp- kina, Pual, Maxfield, Hilt, P. Hathaway, and Mansfield—Who return Iheir aincere tbaoko to Capt. Hnwlaod, forggia gentlemanly con* duct during the petalPawed ship Meo- tor, from Liverpool tMUo'tlae Hook. Bailed io co. with pilottamt Richard Nelaoo, for this Left oloopHarcy, BoUaa, to tail ini 1 3 daya. . LANDING FROM SCHOONER RES Sloop Leopard, Taber, 6 days from Now. OLUTION, York, wilhap aseorted cargo, to H. Lord fc A PIPES fine flavored fourth proof Cbam- co. N. F. Stephen*, and others. Pautngori, I ^ pt |. g Brandy R. Buel, N. F. Stephen*, J. Peck, J. C. 7 Toot Sweedh Iroa Redfield. W.P. Wilkie. J. W. Rent, T s do Share Mould, Hogan, J. Heggaobotbam, 8. M’Faddin, G. ns Kegs Nail*, assorted Hall, and eight io tbe ateereg*. Sailed ioco. I too Bags Freeh Oata with achr. Franklin. Weekt, for Darien. | 50 Do do Rye BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORNED BEEF, fcc. t A Half bbla Beef IU 10 do Buck-Wheat Flour 40 bbtaMeaaind Prime Pork 16 do do and do. Beef *00 bundles Hay, genuina *000 buahele Corn, fit- for common or fa mily use 100 kegs Crackers tu do Lard 1600 bnihela Turk's Island Balt bbta Liverpool do 30 do Whiskey *0 do No. 3. Mackerel—Apply to G. F. PALMES. Oct *5 g|p C. GRISWOLD * CO. R for ails, now boding, I f fft Midi and-4 bbla Rum A few cleka Prime Cheeaa. IK STOXt. 100 bags Coffee *0 lihda A 48 bbla Philadelphia Whiskey 30 bbla Gin It hhda Leef Tobacco 10 kegs manufactured do 40 do Lard Mow and prime Pork, New-York eity inspection 1 Verdigris bouvar, h Rutland, A fbr tha above port with .Utah. For freight or passage, Ipaviag handsome aoeommodations, imply ta the meeter ou hoard, at TalfbjrS Wharf. FOR CHARLESTON, Fh* regular packet afoep JOHN CHEVALIER N. B.Sinon. Miller, Will tail THIS DAT. For| I freight or passage, having good ocoommoda tioo*. apply to the ouster an board, at An- | citux’a Wharf, or to JOHN W. LONG. Oct *6 r FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, The feet sailing sloop HUNTRESS, Hart, Matter, _____ Burthen ninety toon—now in readiness to receive a outgo. Apply to the ■wester eo board, at Mongin’s Wharf or to COHEN fc MlLLEB. Oct 96 Sir *OR FRi ik SBUSi fir J. B. HERBERT TO MORROW, Mthl Win ka laid kalbrU our t' heads Prtata Mosoovado Bo I do, do. da. ood agaaeral asseatment iff MRj. •artas. AUo. oo iatosca of Furniture, 000- • dsibgaf Bedetoods, Cotta, Portable Dpaks, Mthogxny Crib and Cradle, WmdsorChiir*; Mantle sod Dwestag Olewes, An. Oot *6 ■ttaaiMNNHpMARiMihilRiHir; For Providence, aHHCWiB meet with deepatch. For /■ freigi.torpu'aio.ppplyoo board atliaoreVc; Zl 4 1 **’** ' Foi* New-York, The oopporad aad ooppor fbateoed obPbat, ‘ J .—. „ , Doreip, Matter, Hemw half bar caita. eagaged wlll meet with deepateh. For fretabt or ptaiage, an- J ply to the maoter 00 board, or to COHEN A MILLER. Oct *0 g(p For St Thomas, W. u The fast sailing Pilot boat aehr. ANN MARIA, Will positively sail for tho shove port oaths (tfthiaet. for freight «t passage apply to master on hoarder ta J. B. HERBERT A CO. act tt go ' ^4 4, 1 ^ A lHlMl form, JMNIM and 1 TO RENT, *‘’ re i, h Bo ® ts ? nB 'hoe*- formerly aocopied by II. Amber. I h® aoheenber haa recoir- and adjoining Meatra. L Baldwin I rec * nt errtvata a gen. A Co. on tbe Bey. , Alio, the dwelling pan I e, * t uf BOOTR of the new tenement orer the atore now occu- , , *® D “HOEB, which he of» piedbyMsaara W.UpphtACo. For term, I far * for “*• on M ^, n * bl ® , apply to O l <6 HALL fc HOYT. oct 8 Oct *5 TO RENT, Bollock Upper Wharf and] tea. Apply to ROBERT HABERSHAM. 31 jo GEO. NEWHALta, Young’s Building Im* Kega' Oct *6 31 Sloop Hu'oirea*. Hart, 3) days from New t p or bo fojshaa ta said to ba more praflarioua oh an- the prevatanoo of Um plague at ^*kMdModoo.aad has spread ImMg "Jta Brittah fund, continaed to imp rove, 1, »»r!y recovered from their late 14 ■ *-rft Cunhraee aad hh lady hire stalled " , * 1 * **"**> ”**’ tJ^J. Ustarcosflw stats* that the yV***hs Ilslhtnoompany ia Luodoa, ttrnp- "®»iflo*otoffer of Mr. Prion, the [&,g4&xaasgtsi: KA&BZCS, Io Philadelphifi, on the 8th mat, Dnct. Wat. R. VViRino. uf Savannah, >0 MLa, Ann M. JounsTON, daughter of the late Col. James Johnston, of tbit city. 9X89, At Providence, on the 7(h inst. Me. Joan Ganointx, of 8a?ammah io the 62tl year of hit age. anatirs of Ireland, bnl for 33 years e respectable inhabitant of Georgia. He had bean travelling for the benefit of hit health, which had been teriously impaired for more than a rear. Hit remaiat were respaotfoly interred hy hit Muonic Brethren. ft SMfflSf mWAIb. roar or livaavai U MIWH HW HlIVHtni ma sawjre Romani, bad been disappointed and "•Ned to retreat upon TripbUtaa, where, •tadbaan attacked more than mmo by Padleford, Peace fc Macketmie, G. Gmdop, Ypailaoti, with aooeaaa, Hta ”” ARRIVED, Ship Comet, Moon, New-York, 4 days, to C. C, Griswold fc co.—Cooaigneeaa, W. C. Bdtlar, P. E. Braaaioo, T. BuUerfcco, I. W Morrrell, J. Auoe, B. Burrougba, J. B Her bert A 00. W. Bowers, P. Hill, W. Lippitt* W. Peltersoo, Dunham It CtmpfleM, O Taft, A. Dofkoro, W. AH. Huso, C. Baker, I, ?. Setae, M.AH. Smith, R. WateimsaAoo. J. W. Loog.N- Camteld, E, Cuppas. Hall A Hoyt, H. Cassidy A co. I. Norton, Cohen A Milller, D. A B, Foley. P. Hill, Taft A O. Tennay, L. Baldwin A eo. Paetengm, T. Ctarh. lady and child, Mr. Lufbarrow.ta- dy and * children, J. Vallotoo, lady, fl oliil dreo, and servant. Mr. Halt, lady aad ff ohil dno. Mrs. Coe, child junT servant, Mis* Clark, Meows. Roff. Hoff, and Nsah. Ship Aogoat*. Whit*. N*w-York, 6 days, to Hall A. Hoyt —Cooargnseo, Danham A Csmpfleld, Z. Day Aco. J. Kopmao A co. J Meigs, P. Hill, L ft Oeorge. R. Campbell. J. A M. Peodsrgtast, T. BattarAca W. T- Willi sow, Poooe A Mac kens in, J. B. Her bert A oe. J. W, Long, Q.Nowhril, John, •too, HiltaA 00. May an A Hamiltao. L. York, to F. Dernier, T. Bailor fc co. Wm. VV, Johoson. Poncj fc Mackenxie. *A. Day, Butler A Sersnlon, I. Norton, H. B Hath- assay, Philbrick fc Soraoloo, and the master. Pautngert, Mr, Juhntnn and lady. Meaara. J. W. Atwater, Bynim, French, Wetmorc, lortist, Horton, Clark, Baker, Choodtar, uniat, Davis. Clark, and Baker. Sloop Three Brother*, Dean, Providence, 5 days, to the Captain and passengers on board. Pattmgtre. Meaan. Smith, Dvao, * Winslow's, Brown, t Turner’*, Hal* tod Wocd. Sloop Good Return, Betas, New-York, 6 daya. to H. Harford, Darien, and the 'manor. Peutenger, Mr. Dodge and family. Sloop John Chevalier-. Sisson. Charleston, 10 hours, to J. W. Long. R. Habersham, C. C. GrifaoU fc co. K. Sorell. J. E. Bnrrill C. W. Rockwell A co. Bradley. Cltghom A Wood. J. P. Williamson, end P. De Villen. Sloop Rising Sun, Chase, 9 days from Newport. R. I. snorted cargo, to W. Bow en. Paumger, W. Rowers. Sloop Eagta, Hill 6 days from St. Marys, with Oranges, be. to Bradley, Claghorn fc Wood, and the muter. Patteengtre. Meaan J. Bachiot, L. Bachlot, J. Debroat, and Mr. Maeilonnell, from St. Marya, and Midiliip- man Fatio, U. ft N. Mr. Lansing, L. Bird. B. Fitspatrick, and S. Flood, from Key West, pot on board off St. Cathtrioe’a Sound by the Colombian privateer Polly Hampton. Steam-boat Pendleton. Bracken, from Charleston, bound to Augusta. Steam-boat Georgia, Bowman, AngUata, * daya, with boats No. 2 and 3 in low—with 300 balm Cotton, to Steani-Boxt eo. J. Cuin HUNCH 80R11ELL. OFFERS FOR SALE, Landing near the Brig Ctariwe-Ano -g AA Barrala WhitekGia fco. 1UU 60 Boaea superior quality Bocoa. Oct *5 ' 31 p CHARLES E. CANDEE, MERCHANT TAILOR, xicaaoaocon. lioxx*v couktt, Georgia. R espectfully informs the public tbit be baa just returned from tbe North with X general and handsome aaaoitment of BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Ac. Alio, a great variety of tha beat and FA8HIONABLE WORK, NEW FLOUR, SUOAR, tu. I oonatantly for sale, aa cheap aa cao b* per- UST received, per brig Cnariwa-Aon ^• n “ h ® r ® ,, ®" 1, ! r ®; - and ship Louisa Matilda, IT w °; k executed by the first rats Naw- ■ ■ e- - -- — 1 York workmen. Oct 25 31 To Kent, The hocae toll taro lota iu Broughton-at. belonging to 'the I subscriber. Apply to W«. Da- inti. Esq. Possession will h« given early in November. J. M. BERRIEN, oct6 *3 H: WILTBERGER fc CORNWELL, Jonea’ Upper Wharf. Odt *6 Sip M ! c Posaeaaion c November n 160 bbla Freeh Baltimore Family Floui *8 hhda very prime 8t. Croix Stigare 76 boxes 1st tnd 2d sort Herrings 100 Baltimore Hams for family ore 10 pipes Holland Giu 10 bbls Boston Mess Beef 6 pipe* Brandy 6000 lbs Baltimore prime Bacon, assorted Fur sale on good terma bv HALL fc HOYT. Oct *4 31 LANDING. HHDS. N. E. Rum ..bbla do do 0 qr. caelt* Teneriffe Wine ' 10 cask* Cbeeae 60 bbta. Polatoee 100 bushels do . *0 bundles Hay 10 bbta Prime Beef *0 boxes 8 by 10 Window Glare 30. do Negro Pipe*. For isle by COHEN fc MILLER. Oct *6 31 p To Rent. A Brick Tenement DWEIw LING-HOUSE, on the north aide Market-Square, at preaent 1 occupied by Mr. H. D. Greene. Poeaereion can be had on the first day of November next. Also, tho STORE formerly occupied by Mr. John B. Wick, as a shoe store, P near noon glv* 1 on immediately. Apply to CHARLES ROE. Oct I *1 mw © mm* MBkOBAXT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EABT OF THE CITY- HOTEL, ON THE BAY, I S now opening a large assaortment of ClaOTHS. CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, I fco. of the most fashionable pattorna, sod H AVE received by the ship Emily, from home of them of a vary superior quality, Liverpool, I "hich be will make op in tbe nkwxst ano 300 Pieces Best Quality 4* inch Dundee | neatest stilc—be baring a number of first Cotton Bagging at* workmen in his employ, which be ha* Grundyk While, Blue and Mix! Plains | brought out from the North. Point aud London Duffle Blanket* | which with those already on band, of Iasi | yeark importation, will enable tliem to supply | their customers on very moderate terms. | Their assortment of CT GOODS, will | few days. Ocl IS - *8 tPHa&HHBj, BLANKIS IT* and BAGGING "W. and 4 Host, ALSO, A laABOS AftSORTWNT Of HSW AMD rA»*lONA»LE n tery modertte lei mf| Read] Made C\oCh\ng f of STAPLE AND fA I oompriain^ every article in Ms line, which ill be very complete 10 a | >vera mt j e j n ,he beat SMnner. noder his own .upsrintendsnee, expressly for this market— Vlso, a large assortment of y LADIES' CLOAKS. •ome of a very superior quality. Orders of iiis former customers an solicited. Oot 15 *7 DIVIDEND, «U XV. BANK STATE OF GEORGIA. ) Satannau, list October, 18*6. f T HE Board of Directors having tbii day declared a dividend ofsixper cent, per | annum or £3 per share, on the Capital Stock I ..F aL.n Da I. £as sIia • Lai Mere imamiI,* a I... WHITE and BROWN HAVANA SU GARS, SEGARS. HIDES, TOR■ nw trewa vwittin, w monin-mfii onn «• WUUC I TOISE SJHEIaL) SfC, I C «.* n ok " , . I miDf, C. W. Rockwell k co. R. CempbeU* I TOST received, per tchouacr HetU, from I°* "*“*» .J , 'J 1 * 4 P 00 a* ^ I - r !■ Nuiviu# r same will bo paid to the respective Stock f 30 Boxes' Brown and White Her. Sags' ll ? lde, i the J® of - 01 to ,U ® ir ord ® r « 00 tad I 10.000 80 Pounds Tortoise Shell I B V < mUr V **• j*^L 100 Hides 16 Barrels Limes, fcc. fco. for sale by 0. J.'W. end J R. Aboro. Coning uv last Evxnuta. Br. ship Arabian, from Liverpool, to Wm. Gaston. SAILED, Ship Louisa Matilda, Wood, New-York. Sloop Gold Huntress, Currit, Proridwao. Oct *t A. PORTER, Caihicr. 30p Oct *6 J. B. HERBERT* CC I. B, HERBERT ft CO. H AVE jast received end offer foyr-reloan accommodating terms, • Pipes Hollaed Gio “ Swan Brand" 4 do Cognan Brandy, **Seignettk"do ported in the ebip Georgia, ou *8th June The sloop Deliphl, Cooper, for Charleston, hta pul hook on oocuunt of head winds. The sloop EXpwsa, Htminett, for Charles ton, is lying at the what f wind bound. The Ofaariestoo Culler Gallatin,Matthews, came upjto town ou Saturday for a harbor and intnaftw. I Thu Colombieosebr. Polly Hampton, Hot ter, from Kay Weal, anchored below 00 Sa turday—and yesterday sailed for Baltimore. Tha brig TreyeUar, for Ibis port, tailed from Dahlia, Sept. 1st. The skin Georgia, Varnum, entered for loading at Liverpool, fd Sept j Paaaengsr ia fit Canada, at Now-York, from Liverpool, Chas, WastfeldL Tha stoop Marov Bolls*, lorfthi* port, from Naw.Bedibrd, arr. *1 New-York 00 the' 18th hist. ‘ Tb* ahip* Jto*. Tucksr, tod Taroortaoe, Johnson, arr, at Wiacassetl, from Liverpool m the 13<b lot Axxirao vaou this roxT, *' At New-York, 18th luet skip 8athoooh,t , J l* fre&h liMK ^Jfi^^^S^^^ llr .ANDINO. aad for reta at Moorakl^ ft ft. B. Lou&on ¥uttar, 1 Uoiton ftwgg\ng, &e, A FEW caek*. containing eight and* half doaen each of London Porter, im- 81 Ksga Carendith Tobaoeo 40 Kep Batter Oct fit ENGLISH CHEESF.. ^ ^Hamper* first quality English Cheese. BRADLEY, CLAGHORN A. W<H)D. Ancieuxk Wharf. et*6 31 ORANGES. rUBT motived 33 bbta. Orange*, put op by capt. John Chevalier,, sod warrant last, are yet 00 hand and for sale; also Cfitton Bagging, errtee of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, tod o variety of Seasonable Dry Go lds, Appfy to ANDREW LOW ft CO. 16 86 PIANO FORTES OLIVKK TEN NY, orrxxa vox aaLX, O fL HHDS. St. Croix and N. 0. Sugar OttJ 16 Bag* aud 3 Hogalieeds Coflao 6 Hog.head* 4th proof Rum t do do Jamaica do 4 Pipes Holland Gio * do Brandy *0 Quarter Casks Wire 6 do do Cofdfoi 16 Boxes No. IQ Cotton Cord* 160 do Ynllow Soap 60 do Transparent do 100 do Segmra t do ' Muatard 1* Dnoen Stooglitook Bittora *300 Yarda Sheetings and Shirtings Strew Bonnets, fcc. Anderson’* Wharf. Oct 18 ' -»■ Stolen, O N or about Thursday, 0< mbor 13th. Inst from the apartment of iho anbaeriber.* SMALL TRUNK; aboot 14 iaehre bog, 10 ‘ broad, and 6 high, covered with light brown . hair akin, Imvieg no tb* top a brmai haadl*. TUNED AAD REPAIRED ON THE (t ooniainod* atotre ftoarals ta twelve MOST APPROVED PLAN, AND I pfooea «f stiver. *»d * of papete, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, wrote Soaoish Dollar*, Preach Crowns, and Mi 18th, brig Samuel Smith, Ferry. 6 days. At Liverpool, I Oth nit. brigOxford,Port*r. 31st Aug. ship Ajax, Nicoll. ' ethamxprox tint mm, At Boafoo, lltbuHt schr. Bangor Packet, Tofc*y. , At Ckartastoo, «td, Soap Jowl Ckotaltar, JLd wharf, by set tt I. DAVENPORT. 3lp At Naw-Turk, 13th, rehr. M< At Newrf)ita8M, I7tk nft ; a t Tkiayitre fftHE Northern ft doted oh Sdnday Mark. [ inataad of Moods ore 9 | St. Croix Sugar and Cotton Cotton Baggiog 3K SCHLEY, v.« j paid for any informetfoo wbmbwill lead to the anpreheoeioo of the fotaf. sod the rwov- ety or tha praprety. k-~ To Hire, " A NBOftO MAN. wdlehtartjtadfor; renraat ia a atore- Htatharedre ren , m- OctflD 'VXi