Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 25, 1825, Image 4

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> ' ' t. "• V. .LEO—CONTINU tl tfci' dwit; moaji, mtwjM’ I interact of Adi ia—% • r v * t . ••••'*• r- -.t,' v . ^*5'Vi Printed direction! accompany fob M»- •m Andrew tutlona» tat ... . , effbcthmiL'ftitnj thsrefroj, 118 .. oooaii third*, Mv _ ibMq Drt)VQN;s.<xc. • *« <i-i, 11,mi ,..iii• .-T- .oft Mid that dread viaHBHJPTOSA^IiBi ■' &» IheforMTHeedag , Hftyrm Mid ;tf front,.# u»tKiH- W Hbore hi BryinCoanty, between thi Ad^OP LAND,V reld Coqnty known fifth* n>ms of** Palermo,” contain m *a.^p»SS2f* Th* dlaoovcry of fois m /wu*. tat affect *< long aid attentive etudjr, !JKSW»»5SSir5 SjgatS"**^ It cannot. bo*e*«». MeoppeeCd, that, foil Paaaeaa wtt Wrai^mtreretii*, teemed medieieea employed by the ■ vm _____ .ra certainly restore to perfect health and vigour, (ta atfety lad innocence bare been folly teat, ed, to that It may be odaiaiatoie J to " ^ dereat lnfe-T- The moat a*tinfuith. T dani hi the United Statet reeowmefid id tod tV b« irmunnijiroiwciiui. fkvor oftta Admin istrator* of Benjamin Stilee, deceased. THOMAS HARM, S. B.C. ' Oe% 19. ■;• ; ■ S ? ' Sheriff's Sale. O” OeefWet IWq fit JVboemier next. \Em.tibe aold before the fourt Houtein Vf Chatham County, between tbe utual fioerf. ... All that eertehstract or parcel of land a t* mated in the Couoty of Chatham and AUte of Georgia oa the aallabetween the labodsof I and corrupted eonatitut Skidtenrmid BunjlMei end known tat.foe I ing their qfipnng from heredUory dtoeoem^- Medicine. ft wen d require more paper than name of Redooto Man. Weiring oratytota These {bets, together with tta nnmtremeuMf i ira it,|«to purcba>e;ind more time thin! aertomojwor ient aiao all that o«her tmet or | wade, farm ineoMepregf at the high value tm ^iobeatow. Indeed, theeffeotorthia pend of land ntustod end being on Bfildc>i of tgis remedy. So one, however, it adrtaed way bland in tbe County afbreaaid, composed I to take it, withoot firat fUlly convincing him* of three different and arigiwally diatinct tract I K |f of the truth of what iahere stated, and ofbnd bat adjoining each other, the firat of I the rectitude of the Proprietor 1 ! intentiona. which wap originally granted to Miebel Hit* I The euree performed in thia city alone, ea ter for ewe hundred acres, theeeeoed of which I twbliob ite auperior virtue on ■ bene tno asiU wteeaiginaSy granted to Jao, Elli, for filty e* 11 0 be affected by the malignity of tbe ant Iona, ores, and the third and loot of which wet or* I ] t ^ worthy of remark, that for greater part —Med of Michael Ritter for fifty acre*, I rf the patients who hare been permoneatly I cuyed. pad, preriouato the proprietor 1 * un- I dertaking them, received tbe ableet eMiitaece I and oeveralwere abandoned by their Pbyei I admit, that a merataMMitent dhcoverei* < |dicalaeienee fire net been madei ahd to i I the language ofoee of the moat eminent Pro* I reecore nf the age.-il-fr a triumph la *Ae Ardttey ham. To the pretett end riling generations, I tbe benefit muit prove incalculable, not only I by earing many many valuable lives, but I parting strength end eeundneaa to 1 constitution*,—thereby hereditary r (rente ... , ... It three tracts of tend contain Indie while (not iacluding Redoubt bland) two Handrail and thirty aeren acrea with the apourtenanees, levied on tp ntiafy tbe PlanUra Bank of th | Mete of Ceorgii, on f ireotoeure of Merguagc againat Jeha W, firirk. ■ ISAAC D’LYON. a. e. o. <M4' osa .iwi'. other* who purnhue to it wt the original proprietor. LAY A H ATreati*c m.Hw Mini illuatratlng it* th thoae intereated, by Jum *8 POL VDKLPHI8, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain Bait India Cute for the Rhea- malum, ATifig** Evil, tf.c. Rxtract of a letter from the Rev. Jameo B. litb, dated at Bengali' to Dr. F- Bedwe Linden. Duatiai A (5RMABLY to yiiUr iwqueat, I have with A. difficulty procured and now eend yon by the chip Jaa m, Cept Robiraon, a few pounds of the Pohdclphie, or what getieraHy goea by the name of Indie Rat net, a Htd.cineun, teembd amimg the people of Indiao i eyre for the Rbeumatiam. Wan yah of tbe number of people wb daily reneved tad cured by tine valuable *h*lM*hai%lbeOcuit wl^jbr. efOhaiham Otomyf for lettein of ad on the attain and effneta nf WU irii)gc.latefgitMnah, merchant, ha ssssasasaj .their objection* (if any they have) ting of the adminletretien of ih« ! deCetebd to ibe applicant in the .. . . _ae of tbe aaid Court, on or before tMfAday ef November next i othervlae eraeftderiiiietratieii will beg’anted W.tneaa the BMorehle Bifoe Port one of the Jnatleei drum mid Ooutt, tbe fahrth day ef October, A. p. one tbouaend nigh huadfod and twaniy fire, ■> BAH L. II. BOND, C. C 0. Pot. 4 i ' H-iV GF.ORGE g AN g Gem'gia—tirijari Uounty. By J mhnl Imitb, Clerk uf the Caurt ot OrdW y of the Coimn aforeaaid. wiry-....-..— j„. . . TO ALL WHOM IT MAT COWDXRM'- Xff IK11BA8, Pbifha Manly haaljfctdfor vJ Irttera of adminiatraiion od. WwNffiHe of William Manly, late of acid eemkf, debt in behalf of the heir! end ertditMY lbeee are therefore to Bite and admoui b all and rin* gulartho kindred end creditor! ;pf aaid de; to file their objeetiena (if any U*ey have) in my office within .thirty day, irem thia date otberwiae loiter* vf adminiatratfoe will be granted the applicant. Given under my band and aeal thin 52d of Sept, enetboueand eiglit hundred andtwen ty-five. JOSHUA SMITH, C. C . 0 rept ip t ;>9 1 aioaoio am *)Het ------ Medicine ie to Immediate, t vpU>would auppote n actor ie# relief end remjivin# th Sheriff’s sale, On He Jure! Tnudag in Mavemher next, \(WILL be aold before the Court Home in M# the dty ef Savannah, between Urn ut- Two Staged four .Horae*, end fonr tett of Haroem, boonging to thia end of tbe Augu*. ta Lise, levied on under a fordoanre of a Mortgage from Joaeph L Thom peon, to Jn> aeph Gumming, aaalgned to Alexander T' Dppeetw A. ITLY V to|>*» . D’LYON, a. a. *,0. : Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be anld at public auction on MONDAY, Statioit. at eleven o’clk. A- M. at tbe late reaidence of John Dillon. Eaq deceaaed, the HOUSEHOLD AMD KITCHEN FURNITURE * WEAR- .made ef them iii the Univereuf if Pemuytven ia, hf the Prtfeuer rf Surgery t before a #**4 td audience if Student*, whe pnmauMad,ihrin teendere in the heating art. It baa been Intro duced into the Philadelphia Alma Bouae ar d Pennaylvania and New-York Hoapital, and aucb were'ita aurnriebig effecfa^-ha auccear after all other medicinee had failed, that the Surgeon of the Penneylvanla,Hopital, Dr.Wm Price, wu induoed t* abandon hie highly reapectable offlo , pom tbe laudable deaign of bonefitting h.a fellow creatur*a,.by carry ing tbe Panacea to Baglind i where it bu al ready auperteded the nee of tbe genuine Preach Rob of-Lafeoteur in a number of in. (tancea, in dioetaea for which that ia intended, and ha virtue* ere publicly acknowltdgt by eome rf the moet eminent aurgeone there. ■In ill complicated caul of Scefuiu and Sy phiHe, and where the Syphilitic Virus of the parent cause* a developement of Scrofula In the child, this is the only remedy upon which • ringie hop* of recovery can b* reasonably founded i there bu been no instance of ite foilore, where property need It impart! vi INO APPAREL of the aaid deceaaed. . ._. r . .„ r tMd by order of the Honorable the Court I gour to the whole system while the cure ia of Ordinary, for the benefit of the heirs and I going on—on eperatien » teng leaked for in cteditors.' JOHN GUILMART1N, Administrator Col. Oct »0 89 > HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY NEW-YORK, I NCORPORATED by tbe Legislature of the state of New-York, for the pur pose of insuring HOUSES and OTHER BUILDINGS, VESSELS IN PORT and their CARGOES, MERCHANDISE and other PERSONAL PROPERTY, againat lioas or Damage Vs tire, and alao to insure VESSELS and MER CHANDISE against the HAZARDS OP INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANS PORTATION. Capital Stock 8300,000, which has all beta paid in CASH, and the whole eum^bofna olw.m'iofI'm ? "f 01 I " l °” e w,ulln <nc mat two yetre nau an op- iVMnJLu, 0 / iTh * vp va * D rt8 n l I P ortunl 'y uf seeing aeveral cues of very mve ^uiff*£?u 1 S n -\fl k HAVENS, Pres 1.1 , e rate ulcers, which having previously reeiaf The aubacnW having been appointed ed the regular modes of treatment, were Agent for the stave Company, will insure healed by the use of Mr. Swrim's Panacea. against Lon by Fire, and Hakard of Inland and I do believe, from what 1 have teen, Navigation, aa set forth in the preceding! that it will prove an important remedy in aero. vain iy the medical world i at tbe same lime the patient ta enabled to take nourishing food, which under the common modes of practice, is usually withheld from the sufferer. In ma ny instances where the horrible ravages of ui- oeralion had laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to ill appearance, no human means hi) 1 amputation could have laved lifh t iu eases extieme even as bare described, have pa tients been snatched from tbe gi are end re stored to good health, and the devouring dis ease completely eradicated - The diecevei y of a remedy like thie new offered for tale, hue teen a tletideratumfrom time immemorial. The Proprietor doe* not mppoae nil bare assertion will convince: be will therefore give reforences to such as hare been cured, and those uud-r bit care among whom are many highly respect sole eitiaes, that shall satisfy the most inoredulouaofiti superior efficacy in the disorders lor which it is here recommended. Every member ofioctaiy ahtiUlJ aid iu didiu- ing information of this discovery—human ity alette maket it a duty. Certificates. *1 have within the lost two years had an op- . irtunhy of seeing aeveral cases of very tnve terete ulcers, which having previously resist’ Indeed, the effect of this ite, that in Rkeumadtm acted a* * charm fu gle- is# relief ana removing thst painful disease- Iii the JBng’eiBult. it has been need with grew success, and wtate Mercury has been given or used to excess ibis Medicine bee proved a perfect ear*. • The greet difficulty, however, al procuring the Extract, will for many years to cbtae,. prevent its general eirculatioa, it be- tag'obtained from a Shrub growing nn the mounl*ina,vf Thibet, in the Berman Empire ef lodU, and held so sacred by the nstivea, dial to part with it is like parting wiih'tMt* exietenee.** Letter to Dr- Bedwell, dated Jan. T, 1813. Dear Decter—I have been v olcntly effected with a Rlyenmatie complain' for many years t even my fingers were ao contracted that could neither dress or undress myaelt', or give the least samstance to my fa wily—I have used only one box of the India Extract, and I am perfectly restored. Youtfa truly, B. RALSTON, Philadelphia Letter from Tobies Jennings, Stews d of St Thomas’ Hoaptsl. London, Feb. t, 1813. Dear Sir—I think it my duty tu inform you, that after trying every thing that could b« pointed out by the most reipectible physi cian* and surgeons for the relief of my eon, without tity success, who you know, bss fb< many years been laboring under aeyere Bheu msllan, I was induced to try the Poladelpbit, with a glimmering hope, that it might give him aorne relief from the eiceisive pein he endured, which rendered bin a useless mem her of society, end a burthen to himself. To my utter astonishment the relief we* insta'n. taneous, -nd by peraoverieg in the ua* ef the Extmc(, hie joint* have returned to their pro. per nieces, and tail in perieet health. Up wards cf sixty respectable Demons have esl led to see my son, aa ell who knew him thought it impassible that he eonl. 1 recover. FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON M ist, where additional certificates of cacy of the above medicine may be seen. - May 20 Georgia—Camden county TO ALL AHOM IT MAT CONCERN \VW.1KKEA9 John Ha. dee, Administrator V# of ihe Estate of D»vid 6 Junes, late of asid county, deceased, the Coun of Ordinary of add county, for latteradia' mitsory on said Brate: - These are therefore to cit* end admonish all end inogolsr. tbe heirs and creditor* of said dccessed, tofi'e their objections (if any they have) in my office, nn or before the fint Mon- Jay in March next, otherwise letter* will hr granted the applicant. Witness the Hon. William Gibion, on* of (L. 8.) (ta Justices Of mid Court, this ifTth August, 18 J. JOHN BAILEY, Clk. C. O C. C. Sent. 3 809 Georgia—‘ amden County TO ALL WHOM IT MAM CONCERJS. TCVHEitEAS Alexander Atkinson, -Ad nin W istrator on Ihe Estate of John Atk-n ,on, deceased, applies tu the Court of Ordin urv of said County, for letters dlsmissory on s-i.-t estate: Jliese are, therefore, toc.te »r,d admonish allMAriogular, the heim snd cred itors of siicfaBtaed, to fi'e their objections (if any they nYMph my office, on or bef the find Monday Hi January neat, , or letl will he granted to the applicant. ■ Witnesa the Hon William Gibson, ' L S (1 one o( the Justicei of aaid Court, I tbit 35 b June, 18IS. JOHN DAILEY, o. e.o. e.e June 30 83 proposals, on is ihvorah|e terms a> can be done in this city. S. C. DUNNING, A gent for Howard Insurance Company. N. B—Persona living in the country; can have insurance effected by addressing the Agent, giving ■ description of the prem ises to be insured, post paid. Sept 30 18 YOB. SALE, 4 Valuable Tract yf Land, C ONTAINING two hundred two and a half acres, situate in the First Dis trict. im the County ot Houston, Number 13. Persona are forbid trespassing on said land, under the Penalties of the Law. For particular* and tartns, which are lib eral, apply to the editors. LT The Editor oftta Milledgeville Jour nal will insert the above three times and orwerd their aceount to thia Office. OoM3 12i,j A CARD. '»*—7—'' . FTTHE nbcctitar, admitted to practice in i the eevefol Court, of Lew and Equity, . 5 . .**•’ °'" n to the public his pro- Iperaoiis to imitate it in various wan Iimiflftnl aosninao mao *1.A —A.. I :—. —lit m 111. n .a. ° feasionai services in the Court* of DHL, I Henry, I Janet, 1 Crawford, Monroe, \ Jaeper, iTwigge, , Pike. ' Washington poe. ,, Mwo». Btbb Coeoty, (Ga.) , July T 84 •" 1 ■ ■ ■ Notice* TWINE MONTHS after the date of this Am • notice, apUtaktion will be made to the Honorable the — “ fuloua, venereal and mercurial diaeaaea. "N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Profemor of tbe Institutes and practice of Physic, in tiib Uuiveraity of Penn sylvania (let k “Philadelphia, February 16^1813.” . “lhave employed the Panaoea ot Mr.Smim, in numerous inatancei, within tbe tut three year*, and have always found it .extremely effioseiona, especially in sec-ondarv syphilis and mercurial diseases. I have no heaitstio In pruoeuncing Ua medicine of inetafuable value. «W. GIBSON. M. D. Prafoaeor of Surgery in tbc Unrty of Pent. BurgeonendOHnical Lecturer to the Alms Houae Infirmity, he* •• February If, 1833/* “ I have repeatedly used Swtim’a, Panacea, both in the Hoapital end in private practice, and have found it to be * valuable medicine in ehrouie, syphilitic »nd scrofulous complaints, tad in obstinate ontaneoua affections.' , “VALENTINE MOTT, M- D. Profess >r of 8nrgery in the University of New York. Sargeeuef the New.Yotk Hospital, &c. Forks lot mo 5th, 1824.” Caution'to YvaefiasoTB. The greet demand end wonderful success ofthis medicine, have induoed e nemberol -Some Georgia—I ainden Gounty. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. W HEREAS Louis Dufour, Administrator of the Estate ef Basile Pelletier, der.V applies to the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty. for fetters dismissaly on said estate!— These aie, therefore, to cite and admonish alt •nd singular, the heirs and creditor* of wid deceased to file their objec'ions (if any they nave) in my affine, ou or before the first Mon. day in January nett, or letters will ta grauteu to the applicwit. * ““71 WitneN the Hon. William Gibao | /*•■*). if one of the Justices of aaid Con liTTiT J tout 35lh Tune, t8 5. JOHN BAILY, b.c.0. e. e. June 30 82 VOaelKngSeneparilia and other syrnpe, im* Ptotac ttam on the Igooraut for ttaPaneoea» othemar* mixing the genuine medicine with ■ultoMfchc. making three hot tie* out of one, ttae.totmeg wnaeofiti virtues. These im. it*NsiM« MM sduherstoins hits in ibsqv in* lane**, prottaetad the aufftriaga of patieota ta ease* why* the genuine medicine Would have prevad instantly efficaeioos. I therefore daem it i duty 1 own the the public, to ~ Georgia—Chatham County, In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1835 |~|N tbe petition of Henry Champion, admin VF iatrator of John Street, deceased, preying tn order JWti to be made abtohitt on hit com* plying witn the lew, tor the ule of e Lot ot Ground, number four, [4] second Tythinr Reynold! Ward—Also, part i f a Lot, numbei •is. Tower Tytbing. Decker Ward, being the real estate oftta said deo. fur tbe bentat of Rat tain and creditors i—It ia ordered, thafa notine be pubhehed nin* montbe, in owe ef tta Public Gasotts of the City of la van fob, requiring ail pmaona intereated, te*how cauae if any they have, why tta prayer ef the port, ilooer should not be granted. S. M.HOND, *■ e. o, lh»» U| toon, , eehtae the at „ £ -,... v „—ofeuffering ku to t# abet* new find invaluable y. wboe* unequal powers In eliariDating tta iyetom tta very eeede ef dlaoue, and In M*torlac~tta deranged end morbid condition cf the o«*na of life ton free end healthy exereito of their function*, baa each tad tta attoaUbmem, and completely alien, eed the abjections ef the meet incredulous — Facte are'ihe beet arguments. In order to put the virtue* of tli* Ceibotieon to ■* severe a seftiny aa potable, it wee offered by eivor- tiaement,tujfetlier with the attendance of* pbyaioUn, gntuitoutly to any netoon whu would apply for it* sod whose Cauad might •sain to eom* Wilton tta range of its heeling yower—number* of severe cure of long ^ad. ng, and *»tat of Jtam teeming Iy do-p.r.te ones, pre entod themaelvaa, alt ef which have been cured, at to much relieved aa tu Warrant iihe aaaemnh that a little neraeverane* wiU do *o. Infict, auchi*tha confidence oftta phyai dan under whole cart there patienu were ilaced, in thia remedy, a'confidence reauit ng from the Irresistible conviction that has been forced upon Ida mind by ocular demon* >Uttaqo>ande pereoual trial nf it on himaeU tfialfito permit* me to declare It a* hi* deet- ded Officios, that’he Cttholicon i* not only a perfectly safe and innooeot, but a most pow> erftil and invpluabie remedy-in certain die- ease, and state* of the lysteau each ia ibe fol owing!— - “■ from iniemperenee apt! ,. inveterat -UIcnra. Pamu in the holies attended with swellings vf the , uiu'.ii Indigeation, Blotches on the face,' pimplea, kc. i'All complaints of the Liver i' Tetter, Yaws j Syphilis, Cutaneous diaearea generally i Mercurial and scrofulous com plaints. 1 The Catholieon (which tta proprieter sol emnly pledge* h<a word eonaiats eaoluaively of vegetable matter) with the exception of e •light determi ation to the bowels, which it preserves in a soluble state, acta insensibly, ia pleasant to tta lute, and requires no particu lar regimen, (abstinence from apirtuoua li quors always excepted,) or confinement. As a gentle, safe and agreeable, cathartic medi the wpwt, tf. ieorge E,n*,of the, District of Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN. TTVHEIIBAS William Yf- Seala, applies tu >#7 the Court of Ordinary uf aaid ctiunty.for Letters pf Adminlatiation on tbs eatate of Eve Wi gbt, late uf aaid county, deceased i I - re .ire t ertfore to/citc and Hdmonub, all and am- gular, the heirs andcredituraof aaid deceased, to file their obieetiuna, if fitly they have, in kite Clerk’s Office of aaid Court, on or htfbre the third Hondiy in Octobfif- neat, otberwiae Letter* will tagrauted the applicant. Witneasthe Honorable Samuel Clarke one L.S.J uf tta Justices,of aaid Court, thia 18(1 bepember, 1835. JOHN BaILEY, C. C. 0. C C. S’pttt U Georgia—Camden County, O ALL ,.U WHOM M HAY CONCfcKN rre-lElJEAS M. H. Hebbard applies to Court; of Ordinary of aaid county. Letters of Adminiit ration on tbe estate of Capt.Jrmea Vincent, late of said county, de~ ceaaedt These are therefore o cue and admuniah, *11 and singular, the heir* and cred- Hot! of laid deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in the Clerk’s Offiue vf said Court, on or. before the third Monday in Oc tober nest, otherwise letters will be granted tbe applicant Witnesa the Honorable Williair. Gibson,one [L.S.] - f the Justices of aaid Court, toil '8th September 1825. JOHN BAILEY, C C. 0 C. C. Sept 15 14 Georgia, Chatham County Dy the U .norahle tbe Juit cea of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for or dinary purpnrea TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. CVD.iKitKAS Jonathan Meigs, .dminiitra 'gj tor of the estate of bamuel Haugbton, deceaaed, has petitioned tta Cnu<t ol Ordin* ry, to be diamiasyd from hia said adminiatra- tion i Now these are therefore, to cite snd admonish II persons interested in tbe said es- .ate, to file their objection!, tf any they have, to the glinting uf the prayer of the petitioner tn the Clerk*-. Office of tne amd Court, on or before the tenth day of March neat, other, wire Letters Distniseory w'll be granted the petitioner- Witness tbs Honorable Anthony Porter, one of the saiu Justices, this tenth day of September, eighteen hundred a d twen ty-five. SAMURl. M B'lND, Clerk Court Ordinary. Sept 10 Id tion. W. W.POrTER, 66 chaeunt-atreet. Philadelphia, May 31,1824. At the request of Hr. W. W. Potter, lhav? lately exhibited, inreveialinktancei,t medi ented atrup,celled Po'ler’i Vegetable Catho. Hcon, with the most decided advantage. It has, re yet, never failed effecting eeure in every ease in Which I have thought proper to employ it. H. M’MURTKIB, H D. Phi’atlelphia, July 28«*, 1824. JMr. W- W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed e wiih that I would give a cuncire statement of my auffer- ing*. from * the hopelem commencement, to tbe present propitious stage of my diaeaae.’ About five years ago, on my peraege from Oordeeua, during the month of January,from imprudent exposure on deck, I wee retied with a violent fever. Baring no medical at- tendantson board, I wu compelled to beer it, aa I might for two weeke, when on my ar rival at Charleston, S.Ctit ara* treated as typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued tta fever, hut Phtenia-like, tbe terminatinn ofthis gave lire toa disease equally dillrear ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur, able. Various abscesses made (heir unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which.were ewelled to an enormous aiae.— These gradually subsided into- herd tumors, one of which on my left knee affected the bone—an incision wu now made and a large evacuation of piia, miaed with pieces of bone took place, la addition to foil, I suffered the most eieruolnling painsin my juinta that man ever experienced. Every thing that wu administered either gave me no relief or (er red to aggravate the diaeaie, foe severity of which increased with every succeeding year, Such wu my painful li uition font I de .ptire of ever being reatoreJ to my heil-h) Ihed not only trim! the tegular means of relief, but used, though in vain, every papular rent* edy 1 cojld beer of- It wu in foil awful and desponding conditiomlhat I was persuaded to commence e course of your Vegetable Cath.l icon, end the happy result ia, ”/ »m the uee of tire two bettlet, my whole eyitem hat under gone a complete rem ’alien my paint have fit so ften me /” foe discharge from my knee began to diminish, and enon ceased altogether, the ulcer from whence it proceeded being com plctely healed. The tu> - irs, for the removal of whieb I have tried ia vain mot W remedies then Icon name, are rapidly decreasing i my appetite, which was gone, has returned—1 am in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that * few botllea mure of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will make me perlectiy so. Your obliged friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap plication will be made to tta Honorable die Court pf Ordinary for tta County ef Chat ham, for leave to sell the whole era parti or part* of e tract of lend, lying and being in the eo inty of Effingham, containing by, re cent survey, nine hundred. and eightr-fi.e teres, and known by tbe name of the Tuck- -.seeching Tract, formerly the property of King and Hotchkiss, now belonging to tta estate of Alexander S. Roe’* orphan!, for tta benefit of laid orphans. WILLIAM MOREL, Guardian A- S. Boa's Orphans. July 14 SY tfiSiSSS AM to ta made absolute, on with tta law, Lauren* Cou ^ ii ^ )> •Mend, Skat *'notice Notice. N INE MONTHS after date, application will be made to tta Inhriwr Court of Chatham County, eitllng for erdinary purpo se!, for leave to sell all foe reel estate oftta iateTbomu 8avsge, of Bryan County, via: p. Point Plantation, eonaiMingof two hundred and eighty acre* Rice Land, onfoe Oxeecbee ILver, four mites below tta p .rry,. adj.iining pMntetUn ef Joseph Habersham and Sto Bffihtt Alan, two kuodred and fifty nufr* or less, vf Pm* Lan ‘ Also, a Tract of appon Druggist, of Savannah, my sole ageut. D u). gists wanting the above valuable medicine, will be supplied by him for cash, at the sine rate, a, if ordered direct from me—vi.&'t) per dcaen, or three dollars a single bottle. W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. Any person on application to the luitscriln will be forniahed with certificate! uf tlte cti» escy of the above medicine, sufficient to rut,, vinoe the mind nf the most sceptical, .Ithouyk too numerous and lengthy for newspaper a. serlion. GKO. RYKItbON, Drupfr’ut. Corner of Day and Whittaker Street!, dee 13 Philadelphia, July "6, 1824. By confidence in tta vegetable catholieon it undiminieb'.-di and a* fresh in-tenees of its powers ere duly occurring, in my own prac tice. I have no hesitation in recommending il, in the peculiar diaeaaea to which it il applica ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint ed with. M. M’MURTBIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18'4 Bin—In consequence of imp. tdent expo* ■ire four veers ago, I bad foe misfortune to be come afflicted with • disease, tta painful re sults of which induced me to apply in me- cession to several respectable physician* of, thia city, from whom, however, I received either no relief or from whore remedies! re ceived another complaint quite es distressing as tta former. My whole system became af fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ’ac count of tta violent pain that I felt in every part of my body; the weakness and emaci* tloo of which was such that I could scarcely walk, hi this state I fortunately heard of your vegetable esfoohcoo— four bottle* of which, ha* completely restored me, I have now no prim my appetite ia good 1 and nay strength restored With many thanks for foe relief your medicine has given me, I am your obliged friend, fee. WILUAM WILSON. Sworn kod subscribed to before ric, May 28, 1134 JOHN BINNS, Aldermen. asstcr r containing fifynerefe On Midway Riv afoing the lamia of J J. Maxwell MARY SAVAGE, Adm’rx. . ‘ Yt Door Mats. IWT received by the William Waliuce PhOMphia, Mag U, 104. Hr—I am now, thanks to yen* medicine, * hereto mar. Fnrnearly six years lhave bean a martyr toadiareae, whose ravage! threat ened, if not *o«o stopped; to put n period tn ■MPWffitl a period t> Having bed no regular medi at the commencement, mJ ■Matlamgot tettofr a height foatl not Xwafinw WItjmiit greet pain and MSMBggHSB ia dtSeraat part. ' »f for token bn* com- I fit wngrel June 3D JOHN BAILEY, e. e o e e- SI 34 rarb.persmm^ .pp^,^ bei ^ ' swsaagsttSt; PUNTERg. . Tl * ye#«ebie Catholieon la peeu|i lH , * d * pt * d J* „?** d i*«»*ea whieh are preu!,; HJ C ^ oor ? 1 tal’U'Mioo ef the toufo. I In that disease which la called yawa, it ,, •*•& tsuirfqwin^ planters af Ha auperter efficacy to any rent* ay of a similar natpratofoe United Sutra _ , NOTICE. •ffi , * t w«*rine are, ndt P“H* “"'meemarily to tin Mm from bit businen.- WifoonesoUUTr esceptioo, fott of spirit,. 21 ItUre'^SItfo 1 , g*S4tmCs«L f 'aR cannot give a consideration equal in value person* at a diitence ifoo may with to tn nia medicine, but who are not certain If ft be eppheoblete their complaint; are rreuew. ed to deicribe their ease and aymptomi j. a letter, post-paid, and directed to bim-ths tetter will be immediatriy plMttl in bande dully Competent to decide tta uueition.- Should tta remedy notreem to suit the dit- tie, they will bafrankiy told ao. CAUTI''N- To prevent disappointment it is well to Stito that it take! in ordinary ewe front j $ bottle* to effect s cure eothatpeisoni who are labouring under any acr ous infinnitv, muit make up their aitod to pci-twere t» (Imi extent at le«at-if they do not, they might u well save themselves the trouble and txpttnie f uaingnsmaller qunntity. All trdert poet-paid and encteting the minify, immediately - uttendtHl to, ami tne tin (tic. e pttekej and delivered with directicma forui», to any plree in she city, and forwarded aa tli. rei-ted ■ N. B. To prevent the poiaibility of ,11 to pnaition, it will ta sold in the ei’y of Phi', phis, at the office in Fifth near Rac-.-Sir orat tlte dwelling of the nrepri tot, N i, t.5 Ghesnut street, only, an t abroad by >,is ttt . thvriaed agenta. W W POT! EK, 66 Chctnul Sl eet, Philntle'pfia' IN EQUITY. Between W. Datiee, Athnimetrater, Complain ant, and John Camtchim Atlmmiitralnr, it I benie no . with the will unnrxed ef tieern I Hichardetn and ethert, Dcjtntlunlt. h | equity, Chatham Superior Court— Chancey 20fA Augutl, 1825 I T appearing that' John Murrey Cirneeban, one of tta defendants in therteid hill of complaint named, reridea without tbe auie uf George, in tbst part of the UnitciLKingdoms ot Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland: It i* ordered that the said John Murray Can noehan, do appear and answer to the euro. plainant’e laid bill, within nine rnnalba from the date of this order, otberwiae that the laid bill, a* to him, be takeo pro contest0 .- and it it further oiderml, llut a copy of (hit order be pobliabi d once a week, in one of the public Gazettes of this state, until the ci. piration uf tbe time within which tlte will dr- iendentis required to appear and answer u aforesaid. True copy from tta Minutes, thia Slat day August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk, august 24 J 11 ! Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM II' MAY CON EHN. W HEREAS J B icMott Jun. adm'tnirtra'tr on the estates of D.vidTuckur and ford M’tiredie, applies to tta Court of Ordinty , of aid County, for Letteisdismirsary on the estates of arid deceared ptisans-. These «r, therefore, to cite and admonish foe heira and creditors of said deceased peraoni, lo Bk their objeetinn»:(if any they have) in ray of fice, on or he#M* foe firtt Monday in Jan»»’! next.orlettefnwillta granted to tbeap,l’ ■ —WitturMNie Hon. William flibsnn, IL S.I| one nf the Juaticra of laid Cour', thia 25th June, t8M Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT «F ORDINARY YOU SAID COUNTY. W HEREAS JobnGhevahet, hM ipplri to arid Court, fur Letter! Diieureff on the eatates of Samuel Coaani and Eraa g. Hock, deceaaed. Theta ere, tbertftre, » -.ite and admoniah, all and aingibr. tired and Creditors ot the aaid dcMriF* ,ons te fileigtarir objections, if aay they ham, tn my office, oror before the firtt "oomf' n January next, or Letteia will be granted tn* applicant. .... Witness foe Honorable Janie* Scott, w* of the Jnkticea of aaidiCourt, thi* ara* day of April, e’ghieea huaoreo and twenty-five. , (L. 8.) JOHN BAILEY, C.C. at/’ Apr I 31 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COUHT OF ORDINARY fl> SAID BOUNTY. „ . vTWHEBEAS Lewi* Bschlott, applies tent Court of Ordinary nf arid CouatfifJ tatters Diamireery on the edit! of Ff«*«* tions, if any ttay have, in my office, on late the fi at Monday in January neat, *»»• 1 | wise Letters Diamtsiory will be graoidd ‘^Wtaeglri^Honorahle Samorl Ckfob onefigfta Jnaticea of aaid Co B ’<- (iateeafo day of April, *igl«e*» •“* dred and twenty rise. ^ x « [L.8.J JOHN BAILEY, C. ft * Apnl3t M l HAY. EA BUNDLES P*IMK HAY,ta*»f ®SbsFwsasfc-t