Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 03, 1825, Image 2

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    Milr fArUiki iti n
'ewmi vagus, i.iii:
ti*iw iiouaia,
:nva noi.LAM-
;V :v
t«W(PAY MQRWINp. NOV.a .ifo,
OaorfUTrtui.—The ordinal ton of the Her
H.O. Vm, (eke* piece at the Bapibt
Chinch,-on Smdity nnuf mat,' at tie
afelock, to the citieena generally ere
tavited to attend.
. {• m| | ■
O’, We are raquaeted to tap that Dak
taa R. Ronrc hae declined being a candi
. date for Hayittrate in the Firat Peat.
Bv. Domimto 8urreaems.-»The Consul
, General of France, haa publiahed in Ball;
more, an advertisement to the old inhabi
*' tante of St. Domingo, claimants under the
late treaty with Hnyti, in relation to thane
claims. Those in this dtp eridatale sliouM
immediately pat their dppuments in proper
ihrm, and send thorn to Mi AthUte le Prince,
Three deaths by email pox, occuired in
.- J „ (Charleston last week.
A dinner and ball woe given to the Vice'
President of the United Slates, by the citi
sens of Colombia, 8> C. on the 83d ult. on
hie way to Waahingtnn.
The Nationin Intelligence^ state* that
private letter haa been receivedfroro Capt.
Morris, dated, on .board the Brandywine,
•8th September, 1825, let. 47, long. 37. All
- well, and Gen. Lafayette had suffered.leva
from aed •icknete than he anticipated.
The. Grand Canal Ball at New^York, it
■ to take place in the Lafayette Circus, and
• large building adjoining.
* 1 9SBKB
ft is stated in the National Gazette, that
the debts of five of the mercantile houses.
. which have' recently failed in New-York.
Were estimated at. two millions and a half
- of dollars, and that the available Innds would
not exceed seven hundred and filly thousand.
The Magistrates , of the city of Perth.
Scotland, have presented to David Wal
ks*. Gap. thi American Consul fdr Scot.
Iqpd, the freedom of the city.
The editor ofthe American Farmer, Bal
timore, saye-s-It was the desire of. General
Lafevette. to be supplied with a sample of
. alj the.varietie. of our. India!! Corn, in the
: sor. He reqnerta, therefore, the favor of
> one or two ears, suob as may be deemed: in
any particular, curious or uncommon.
By a recent census, it appears that the
„, villuge of Rochester, Now-York, has an in-
aroaae of population of more than one thou
. Wind, since February last. It now con-,
’ tains five thousand two hundred and soVen-
. ty-ftne inhabitants. This very rapid in
crease of population is entirely owing to'the
Erie Crjial, which passes through it, add
haa caused the business of the place to in
crease in proportion. -u t ■
_ There,are 103 canals in Great Britain’,
the tot al extent of them 1682} miles, about
the length from the east to the west of the
whole continent of Europe ; thirty millions
sterling is the valuation of the cost. In
' the various canals there are 48 subterrane
ous passages, 40 of which extant of
88 mites. None of these-works, important
M they are, Were projected pr or'to 1775.
, It appears that Madam Johnaon, ivho re
eontly ascended in a balloon at New-York.
' received hut $100 as a compensation for
her intrepidity, while Mr< Robertson, neith
or of whose accents equalled this, .was paid
$1300 for each. The aympathy of the citi
zen! of New-York haa been aroused in
conaequenoe, and,her employer, the owner
of the balloon, (for which he paid $700) ac
cused of want of liberality, Which haa cauaw
ed him to publish.a statement of hia expen-
ass, showing a lose of more than $800, the
• epat being $1778 and the receipts $436,
The New-York Courier says, under the
’ * head of “ Further Particulars," “When she
descended in the salt water marsh, there was
no.ane present but -a young man, Mr. Rap
nlyq, who had not left his mowing. The
pond in which the basket fell, was deep, and
Madame Johnson was-up to her nock in
water. 8be was much exhausted. Mr. R
assisted, bar out, and after some minutes
she was abb to talk. The first words she
tittered were, •• wbere is my hat ?"•—“ismy
• hat safe f" vShe theo expreesed her desire
, that no iojnry should be done to flu bal
, loon. Two black-man who had come to
■ hoy assistance, had, however, torn a boll)
asd “squeexed out the damn’d stuff," tx
. they termed k, or words 'to that effect,—
. Madame Johnson was completely wet, hot
after aha bad changed , her drew at Mr.
. WyokoffVaho talked with groat vivacity,
'J shewed the note for $300 which she carried
’ if® 1 heir, 1 and told them She had throe phil-
s ♦rea.'tlte aldwt of which waahlind." • .
j. ,
Slgteen fota fkclng M the Wary hi
city of NoWrYork, wort) sold on- the 1
nit. to,a company of ganllaman^for $1
•oo; for the pnrpoqa. br eraotiag * aplowlM
theatre. Meaty*. Cooper «n(l Cbaway, are
performing together at the Path Theatre
The New-York Courier okaerrest-it is coo.
fidsntly talked of In private eircleh, that
Koan will nOt'eome bui ld this country —
He, la said |o be in.ia very bad sUti of health.
Gonibmen who sasr him in Liverpool, 1 im
mediately preceding the jpto arrivals, make. from Fort Wbyne to LawreooehSrg, denom
inated the “ White Water Canal" Several
meetings had boon held and committee* ap
pointed for the purpose of having a inrvey
mqda. sad subscriptions are at this tlmOopec
in the several counties through whiob the ca
nal will past for Ibo’purpet* of .effecting the
above Object. '-’1
Missouri.—A reward of $1000 has hi
offered for the apprbheatioO of William'HllI,
who stands ffitarged, by the verdict ofthe Cl
roiHir’s Jury, with the murder of VVltlianj IV ,
Perry, at.Potosi, id (he county, of Washington
iff this State. Hill is described as near,6 feel
3 inohes high, honey, about 50 years of age.
walking a Tints stooped, athletic for his years,
eyes believed to lie grey, hair originally dark,
biit now tinged with grey, of. smooth address,
and plausible manner, teeth good, addicted tu
chewing tobacco,gaming, drinking, and eve
ry vice. He, was fortnerly a bouse joiner nod
mill wright. * ... YVT ,.
' Micbioais.—Carpenters, 1 masons. - and
brickmnjkers, are much wanted at Detroit.
“ Every fhdualriuul inuchaolu (sly, the Her
ald) ia a valuable acquisition, and is of more
immediate utility than a ship load of lawyers
and doctors,’’
Florida.— 1 The Receiver of Fublio Mo
neys at .; Talahassee, received sistructions
from Mr. Southard, while acting Secretary of
the Treasury, dated July 15, to receive in pay-’
ments to tin United State* the notes of those
Incorporated Banks of South Carolina and
Georgia which pay their notes in.sp cie, on
demand, and which are otherwise in good
tliia statement.
. An action of blander, in whii^ a lady was
plaintiff, was lately trind in, the Superior
Court of Buckingham 'County, Virginia.—
The Jury broaght in n verdiet of $5,$0.1
The following Item* wa have extracted
from the ” State Epitome" published weak, the Natiohal Journal.
. Maire.—The drought hia been very se
vere and tbu crop* of wheat and potatoes
have suffered extremely. The late Area ran
hi pome placet, withsuch rapidity, on clear
ed lands u well u in tile foros'.s, that the
mbiibitanta were in great danger of loviiig
their lives, and some were obliged la wade
into the Peoobscot river as far at they eouhJ
holding their Children in their arms, toes
cape the fury of the raging element.
Stewart’s Rotary Saw is in successful ex
periment in Calais in thia State. It is 3U
feel in circumference, performs. 500 revolu
lions in a minute, and cute three times more
lumber, end much more even, than the beat
wws now in general use, .
Ate meeting of the Cumberland Baptist
Association, held at Bath during the first
week ofthis month,it appears thal.lhe addi
tinu to the' churches during, the last yeai
was about 1,000. Forty years ago. then
were but 3 Baptist churches in tne State ;
and now there are five asae'ciatioua, 184
churches, and about 11,000 nieinbers.' '
Massacxuslts—JVatiof.—One of the oew
sloop of war. authorized by Congre s, and
built at the Navv Yard, Charleston, was
launched on Saturday,at half past one o'clock
with complete success. She is a beautiful
ships upon (he French model, qf about 000
tone, and has an eiipitical stern, upon th- ,
plan of Mr. Beppings—she is coppered over
a cheating of felt, and her beams are placed
so close together, that they are tightly cam
ked both inside and ouh These three cir
cumstances render the vessel peculiar in he
construction. She will probably be called
either the Lexington of Concord.
The Norwich Courier says the lawyers
complain greatly of a decline of business—
nfa firevaiiing dislike to the law, and of an
alarmjngdisposition among those involved in
its intricacies to make their escape.
Rhode-Island.—A cotton factory is a
hout to be established in Newport. int<
which the n'esy Engine ofMr. Babcock will
be mtroduoed. The expense of the engine
is calculated at $1,000'; and an accurate e«-
timato has been made of the.expehie of boil'-
•lings, wages of labour, cost of stock, die .
Mines afcoalars on the Island, which have
been hitherto neglected for wapt of capital;
bat which are now about to be 'ojMiied by
rhoNew-York Company. A meeting of the
peMnav-trho-vTn abmiv iu Decurne TrUrrCH
ted in the unuertnking, wn« held tt New-
P9 rt on Wednesday, the 13th inst, i '
Vehmont.—An Eagle,' measuring about
7 feat, from one extremity of hut- wings tn
ihe other, was lately taken in a trophy Mr.
Jonathan Chase of Cornish, who having had
a lamb killed, and left dead in the pasture,
with a view to detect the murderer, baited
led the trap with the remains.
Nsw-Yohk -—The population of Albany ib
estimated at 14,000 making it the Till city in
ajze in the United States. There are abnui
400 sloop! and schooners that trade regular
ly to tlia city; the Cumber of canal boats
Visiting the oily weekly ia about 300 ; and
the number of steamboats plying between it
and New-York is 10.
. The completion of the Black Rook harbor
and pier was celebrated, in a Novel but ap
propriate marfner, bytJie artificer* and la
jorers, on the 7tli inst. - .This great work
forms no lass an apt, than it is believed to be
a durable, accemplishmeut to the extended
plan of improvement of which it is a pnrt.
Among the recent nominations for officers
in the State, we notice the namns or Mr.
Droum for Coroner, and of Mr. Hcmgmor
tor Sheriff.
Governor Clinton-has appointed the 24th
day of Novembe to be observed throughout
the State as a day of prayer and thaksgi
vmg. .
Perbvlvania.—The present 4 ascertained
majority agaiust a cooventiun ia about 27
000 votes. ’
Martland.—The wheat.crops on the
border* of the Chesapeake have fallen very
short of the estimates formed at harvest.^
The grain has proved vefy light and defec-
tice, and the weave! attacked it voracinnsh
an the stocks soon after cutting. The crop
of tobacco will be a fairrone, from all the
accounts we hyve received.
•Colonel. Albert end bis Englneersara en
gftged io cxtitiinjingr tho Monococy, - whk-j*
enjptief into the Potoinnc, 19 miles below
. Ite a. a foeder to the Ohio, and Cheia
peake Canal. . ,
Virginia—Thequantity 0 r superfine flnu
ns|tected at the Manchester Mills for the
last quarter, is slated in the Richmond Com
ptler at 0020 barrels, and 507 half htr
The various-counties ofthis Stete are e
lecung Delegates to the Intend Improve-
ment Convention which will be held at Fin-
caetk. on the 16th ofNovamber next. ■
The amenut uf cotton brought into Potera-
kjjrgh, is estimated at 150 bales per day >-
The street* are crowded with almost every
description of vehicle well loaded. Owinn
however, to tfie northern ntarketa being
tJcenteonV ^
• ,hich
nmoy of the inhabitants of Natchez fied
™ » l »™ we. given that tha yyitow fo-
If' •PP“™’ 0 ». *■ represented
.f^ h F Mi " h,, PP“’»* Hie 21st ult.
KentOT^kfo^teg^riXS^ kSiiS;!
and Ibousaodsr tint k, by removal tq the
wastsrard. fastafthaD she ha* acquired tlfcf
from the eastward for some ytars. Itism^.
in tab days. w v .
ft... .a-ilintaa 1 km UP—A ff.U. ** *' **•' “OH.
Oniow— 1 Two candidates' in West Union,
AdanH county, bsvn pledged themsclvsa. ir
sleeted to thn 8tate Lsfislslufs, toen*toai the
system of edooalioa, and to Inwtr wfiey ol
the members. The reason assigned ft, ihqt
“Isbonr of every kind, both a tnrqlMd meo-
tal, are comparatively low"' Thai Western
Patriot justly adds, ttat •’ if ot t o*at Ugota- midq up Of tnqq mss, bo^aoe
will; hesitate ip saying that •' thair wage*
«hould t>s1owered." ''' ' ' >
Indiana.—A Canal ft in eoatsmptalion
From Greece.—Tha Boston Centinel
publishes the following extracts nf letters
from Smyrna to a gentleman in Boston :—
Smyrna, 30M July, 1824.—A vessel has
just arrived from Napoli di Romania, with
fetters to thh evopiog of the 27lhinet. which
state that I he Egyptian arniy hadv-en tbai
day, orrived before that place to besiege it.
and that there was little hope of its being
I hie to bold out many days. This is.the last
remfiart of the Greek Cause. It is much
lobe regretted that the Greeks have re
cently. mmai rtd alt their Egyptian prison-
ert—.they have, thus rewarded Ihe extreme
humanity of the Egyptian Commander in
Chief. We fear shortly to hear of horrid
Smyrna,. Aug. 1—1 am sorry to say the
Greek affairs sre very bad. A letter from
Napoli ofthe 27th ult. says, “ While writ
ing, the Egyptian troops are making their
appearance under tlie Mills. If they are
a bio to lake poaketsion of them, the Greeks
will lose this.fortress." Should thia occur,
ihe rovolutiun will be finished, and thesp
unfortunate. people doomed to a slavery
greater than ever At Miasnloiighi the
Turks were repulsed with the less of 2000
men. The Greeks displayed the. greatest
coil rage. The Turks had even got into the
Mrrreis, when Cnejr were repulsed with
muoh scyeru loss. Colocntroni, it appears,
lealroyed Tripolitxa, and it was then taken
t>y Ibrahim Pacha, who afterwards massa-
■red 3000 men,-women, and children, pri,
‘.oners, who, on phimise of quarter, had re
entered the cjty. . We momently expect
o.hear further fromNapbli: I tremble for
tin- Greeks.
Upon these the. Editor ofthe Daily Adver
tiser, after remarking that the. merchynts
>f Smyrna have never had any faith in the
success of the Greek' cause, makes the fol
lowing observations, which somewhat re-
mvethe-itombre complexion of these let
From the tenor of these letters, On, 4
would, at firat view, he apt to consider the
Greek cause at an end. But it ia not ex
actly so. To conquer every town in Gree.e
is net to conquer and subjugate tile Greeks
They can only be conquered hy exterminn-
tioo, and to root out a population of several
hundred thousand porsons from surit a
ountry as Greece, is no easy matter. The
enemy may occupy any part ofthe cduntry
with an armed force, but only : the part so
occupied can be considered as conqitered—
Oil the other hand, the Greeks can make
no progress in establishing a regular go
vernment, as irj cultivating the arts of life.
These views are-confirmed by a lette-r which
we have seen from a gentleman in Greece,
who.had taken much pains, and had ample
opportunities, tq inform himself of the state
ot things there. This letter is dated at
Napoli di Romania, as late as the 26th of
July. This letter does not give any detail
i>f military events, bitt it conclude* with the
billowing encouraging assurance.
“Although an Egyptian army is in the
mart ofthe Mdrea, the Greeks are strong
—unconquerable, and will attain te the lulj
measure of their ancient glory."
ill be recollected that, at the time the
Harper’s Ferry, with a view of aicertainins- r f ° e " er ® ‘PT'T’W '"Congress
its utility as a feeder to the Ohio and rS 'protection, hey promtseiT the sgricultu-
ral interest. Which would be evidently ipjur
ed by iniponing further taxes on clotlu an a.
r quel protection by a tax on imported wool.
The farmers were told that tlie. deraaiia fer
wool wonld then more-then compensate them
for their other losses, and Jbatin faot,vasi pro-
nta would aebrne to thora* by eonVerlinr a
portion of their farm* Into sheep* walks* A
tax pf twenty per cent, «ml after the lapse of
a year, of Iweyity-fiye per cent on tlie foreign
unmanufactured wool WM accordingly Impo
sed; this satisfied, all parties at the" time, but-
tlie mnaufeclnren have sizes discovered by
experience, that cloth made of Sazan wooi,
even at the immense advance of ole fourth
All IKa nai sK.a.Ml.l .. . . ’
on the raw material, meet* a readier >»le ih*-
cloth madeof American wool Under thexi
circumstances, it is said they intend at the at/
preaching session of Congreaa to andeaver’tto
gel tha tax o" foreign Woofrepealed. .A' ve-
ry-ekeeileot sod praise wortby miention, if
it did not violate the conditions op which the
farmers permiled a further duly of 16 par ct.
on imported cloth, amounting altogether to
35 per cent. Now. aa advocates of free Bede
and pahlio good, we should dbdeutMolty wisli
tn see th^ 1st on wqol removed or redneed;
hot as advocatav of justice, weeanirot wish to
see eontraets avoided by one party to suit
their own convenience, witlieirt the consent, the injury ofthefether. On tha whole:
therefore, we hope the formers wifi: hold the
- to tbe tanaa of .agree-
LiTiaotrerqut or the Scorch —The
fleoteft paper* every now and then contsih
aooqunta of case* which exhibit in a striking
mtinner the pertinacity of Scotch litigants.
The following is an instance in point, from
the Aberdeen CliroAicK. Tie case whs
tried at the Juitioe of Peacr Small Debt
Tatty * Tut.—The pertiee in thiaoaen
were two old women, and" no wonder it was
a “ tale of z fife." but no •• Swift" ont, for
it wzzof 31 years’duration. The feet* lire
lhM ? : T? u f‘ ** y e » r » "ago; iha pursuer left
a tub with th* defender, telling her that a
peraon would call for it, and leave da.—this
person did not caU; but 14 yean after the
pursuer called, and found that the person
bed not then celled, and Hist the tub wps in
use by the'defender t, from whom now. end.
At the end. of other seven years,and on hear
ing that the person had not'yet called, shn
demanded the 6e. .The dofonder resisted
the claim—she had never boupbt the tub—
-■-it w*» always forth coming when waoted.
The Court decerned 3a. without copte.—
Neither ofthe partite eeemed pleased with
l his decision; the pursuer asked whateht-
could say if the person were to call for the
tub s and the defender observed, that; in
stead of paying for it, she wax entitled to
“ house-room."
SiROVLAa Law Suit —It will be recoUso-
ted by our readers, that at thoJifiy term
of the court of common pleas,* suit was pro-
sc-cuted by I. Danfurth against Licuteaaut J.
Di Baltics, to obtain payment fur the powder
used in firing a salute on Ihe receipt uf tha in
telligence ofthe election uf President,—and
that tlie jury could nut agree upon a verdict.
The case was again tried at Ihe October term,
and a verdict obtaioed for the defendant
The Patriot of yesterday contains a full re
port ofthe trial, which as soon at circunr
■lances will admit we shall lay before onr rea
ders. ’We do not pretend.tu doubt tho in
tegrity of the jury; but it seems to be a hard
case, that neither Jacksonilcs nor Adamites
will pay, and.that Mr. Danforth must lose ihe
expense ofthe powder. The proverb, More
who dance must pay the piper, seems in this
case: to be reversud.
Bod. Courier.
SrANisn Amiss —We believe Spain is
at thia moment, tho most unfortunate conn,
try on earth. From a file of English papers
before us, we gather the most conclusive
evidence, that a frightful anarchy exilis
in that kingdom, together with a ruined
commerce, an empty treasury 4r a starving
p mple. The circumstances of a whole
lodge of freemasons being condemned to
death, carries us back to the bloody pgee o
the inquisition, and makes us doubt wiiethor
we have arrived at the 19th century. What
good haa France done in restoring the an
cient order of things ? Spain, under a mild
ccnrtitutiqn. was recovering from the shock
of former misgovern ment; but the restore
tion of tho absTdute king, and the revival of
ecleeiestioal power have reduced that coun
try to a deplorable state, tag it seems, that
a dreadful revolution is at .hand. This is
one of the serious evils of legitimacy, which
subjects the people to a depotism, which no
thing but anarchy can shake. The surest
guarantee fort he just gnvermweet of kings,
is a dependence on public will.—hV K- Ad
rivzd zt Wtlmiattoa, N. €. en the ttat uh.
in distress, having sprung aleak, m a gale,
on 'her passage from Thompfton’i Island.—
The. vessel fizz boon examined and pro-
nonneed unketworthy.
Tha Revenue Cutter Mzrion, Captain
Dnana. prrived at Charleston on Monday in
Ha/tinuire, Oct. 24.—Four During the
past week has heen in but moderate demand.
Sales of standard quality, City Mills, have
been effected at $4 87J on short credit.—
thujeceipt of Howard street has been rather
limited, end sales have been made from the
wagone at $5 37{. Infection' for tho last
week amounts 10 4163 whole, 42 half bar
rels. Howard street—8905 whole.-794 half
barrels of .City Mills and oilier Flour > We
quote. ■'
Superfine Howard Street, per bbl. $5 37J
*5 50; City Mills, extra quality per bbl 5
25 ; do. do. standord quality per bbl. 4 87}
a 5 ; do. Susquehanna, per barrel none.
Cotton.—There is no importation this week.
Bv the arrival of the ship James Cropper, we
hare later advices from Liverpool—the im
ports still continue to exceed Ihe actual con
sumption, hut the market was assisted by'an
export demand, and prices had improved al
most a cent per lb. We continue our quo
tations. Upland, fair quality, per lb. 18 a
18; Louisiana, 20 a 23; Tennessee, per lb.
15 a 17; Alabama, 15 a 17.
. Rice.*—Nit import—fresh brings 3 a 3 1-2
cents per lb.—it is difficult to quote correct
ly those lots which the weivel lies made its
ravages upon—they vary from 1 to 2 1-2 cents >
per ih.—we quote accordingly—fresh. 1st
quality. 1Q0 lbs. $3 4 3 50; old. t a 2 1-2.
Whiekty—is dull at 29 cents in hbh. Ap-
pie Brandy continues scarce, and there is ve
ry hlle or none io marker. Tlie inspection
of '.Vhisksy for Ihe week amounts tn 1180
barrels, an;) hhds. We quote in hhds. 1st
proof, tfi I -2 cts.; in bbla. 1st proof, 29 ets.,
Cotton exported from Alexandria, Egypt,
during the year. 1824 s
To the- Archipelago, Constantinople; &c
675 bales of220lbs.
Genoa, Malta, See. ‘43906 do. do.
France, 58938 do. do.
England, . 40507 dn. do.
Holism) 4. Baltic, 1297 do. do.
' . 0X60, '
At Robertaviile,' South Carolina,.pn the
I4tli ult. Cearlzs Miller, Esq. Attorney
at Law,- aged 27 years, a native of Nor
walk, Connecticut. / - '
/At Robertaviile, 8. C. on the 29th ult.
jtev. Robert B. Brooks, aged 22 years,
Pastor of the Baptist Church of that piece.
■ t'jr
No srrivtle since our lath
Sloop Fslcon, Delano, for Darien.
arrived raOHTBis sort,
At New-York, 34th ult. brig Panthem.
Bradley. .
At Providence, 3l(t ult. brjg-Enterprise.
.» ur roa this sort,
At New-York, 34th uh. ship Savannah,
Babes, to sail op Sunday last.
ThaiLft tariff. Tamar, U C«tte, w
4 days from Baltimore, is an elegant vesael
of Imr t-lase. She la a schooner of about
lOOious burthen, pierr/d for 4 gnus, com
plete in every particular, and a remarkably
fast sailer. She was built at Baltimore, aad
is to eruise,frnm Charleeten to Urn extreme
poiut ofthe Florida coast.
Lou of tchooner Equality; ef B.tHon, Capt.
M/e.from JCatfaik. bound to Charleston.—
The Equality, having ea board fifteen pas
sengers, left Norfolk for Charleston, on
Sunday, the 33d ult. While in the Gul:
stream, scudding,before the wind, and en
deavoring to make the Cape* ofVirgihia. in
t hewy wi« the matter, wu carried twty
—were obliged to take in mil sail except the
main jib* and «tejer her by fcoiiting tnd low-
ering the foresail, which we contrived to do
until to ("clock it night.whenavioleot squall
from the N. R split the eailr into pieces,
end we were.obhged to lay a hull upon the
water—endeavored to make a substitute for
a redder, but as neon it was shipped, it was
carried away—tried to steer by nutting tbu
Cable* over the Bteni, but failed—a heavv
eaa running, 1 and the veaael rolling and
pitching constantly—hoisted signals of dis
tress. At 5, P. M. spoke e sloop, bound to
Charleston, from the'Northward, and re
quested the Captain to'Vaketlie passengers
on board—be said hia boat was stove—we
then begged him to lay by us until morning
—answered that his vessel was just insured,
and he was afraid nf losingrihe Insurance—
that if we came on board we must take our
provisions with ua. This .we could not do,
for our boat was very atnell and unsafe in
snch a sen. Ho left us witlmut any asafe-
tance. within a few miles of the land, and:
jest as a tremendous 'squill was arising,
which split our jib into rags, and filled all on
board with consternation end dismay.
On the morning of the 38th ult. fVeah
gules from the N.E. the schr. driftihg at
the mercy oftheeee. At. A. M. saw aahip
standing toward* us, (one signal of distress
flying.) which on nearing ns, proved to be
the ship Milo. Capt. Wnodberry, from-Bos
ton for Charleston. The echr. being tfn
manageable, the rudder gone,.the sails lorn
and aplit, and a high aea and strong gales
momenthr endangering the lives of all on
board—the chance being inevitable either
of poriihing in the Gulf or stranding on Hat-
teras—it became necessary to abandon the
»chr. We were all of us then kindly re
ceived on board the Milo; the roughness of
the sea. however, rendered the transporta
tion of the females and children in particu
lar very difficult end embarrassing, and Hie
crew and the passengers saved oething but
their clothes.
The Equality was only io ballast. The fol
lowing is a list of the persons on boerd. in res
moving whom, the Milo waa detained under
double reef d topsails upwards uf threo hours,
during which time it blew very heavily the
sea ran vqry high, and the'boat oo her-return
the last trip waa much injured and bulwarks
Mr.Tholker, the owner; Mr. and Mrs.
Baber, and three small children; Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Gordon, and an infant child: Mr.
Wm. W. Wilbur, and sister; Mr. Wm. Nel-
*on Hill. 3U.9 soldier*, and a female servant
of Col. Ennis, U. S A. The crew consisted
of Capt. Nve, and two leamen—the owner
acting as mate.
?be above named paaaengere and crew
rescued from great dfetresa and peril by the
extremely kind amjttaaeeofCapt. Woodber-
ry. and entertained on board ofhia vessel with
the must humane attention, return him tbelr
bast and cordial (banks, and wish bim the
happiness he so'justl) merits.
The fest sailing coppered tad
e °PPA r ‘A’'« , *«l French .hir
WiliteWTreight and ps^STfor
port. Apply te the Cuptsln^n hoard,
tSt n f Th « n b0V<l ? m ' 1,nd8r "fo charn
JlfiLof a Miller, not an ossrsfer is resdvi!
8 per pent, the mill taking all a ’’
Apply to Amos Baker, at the mill, or in Ss.
vanoab to the subioriber. 51
At J. P. Williamson's Counting Boia
Nov 3
- ■" ' a
R ECEIVED by the subscribers, b y til
late arrivals from New-York, a very
gi-noral assortment of
Country Merchants, Planters and others, are
invited to call and examine them, as they are
disposed to sell at X small profit, for cash or o*
the, la responsible persons.
/. INGU8&C O.
Oct 18 28re
H AVING taken the BAKERY formerly
occupied by Mr. P. Basse, is ready
to serve his, former customers and all others
whs may please to favor him with'their cus
tom. He ialtut ls keeping a constant supply ot
in’any quantity that .may be wanted,-and on
at goo|l terms as can be proenred at the
north. Country Stores supplied with all kiuds
of BREAD,pn the beat terms.
Oct 18 38rn*
W ILL positively commence running on
the fourth instant, and will lear° a,,
"""fy FRIDAY. SUNDAY and
WLDNE8DAY; at four o’clock, A; M to
August* the day after,at five oVlk
, , N--For seats epply at the Georgia Ho.
tel, Or to Col. Sltallman'i Mansion House
Horxes and stages in the best order.
skiii So - ! fi " e . drovo « f HORSES and
Stables^ **' ** le ‘V th ® Georgia Hotel
Not 3 ' ' 36
' *\8 FOR SALK)
4000 • Carolina Corn. ^ ^
8000 Bushels Liverpool Ground Balt
500-BWs. No. 1, 3. A 3, Mutkaisl
30 Half barrels No. t, d 0
60 Barrels Whiskey
, 30 Barrels Northern Gin
60 Bundles Hay
10 Barrels Mess Pork
10 Do Mess Beef
50 Boxes 1 and 3 best. Herrings
50 Demijohns Old Brandy
9A HOGSHEADS St. Croix Sugar
O Vf 20 Barrels Cider Vinegar .
10 Quarter Casks Currant Wine
60 Bags Coffee
, 12 Cases Negro Shoes
2 Do high quartered Calf Skin do
20 Boxes Sperm Candles
100 Pieces Cotton Bagging
For sale low by TAFT it PADELFORD.
Nov 3 , 36p '
OllAA BUSHELS Liverpool Ground
fZyJ>Ilr Salt Afloat, for sale in lots U
suit purchasers, by
Nov 3 36e
D R. FURTH has removed to' the tens*
ment on the south side of Warren-
Square, in front of the late residence of
James Wallace, deceased.
Nov 3 36
O F very superior quality, suitable for ti-
ble use, just -received end for sale by
Nov 3 . Druggists, Shad’s Building!.
A SUPPLY of Genuine Sulpliute Qui
nine, just received per schooner Mag
nolia, and for sale by
Nov 3 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
t LL orders left at Mr. Morrell’s Cabinet
V Ware-House, will be punctually attend
ed to SAM’L. L. SPEigSEGGER.
N. B.—PIANO FORTES to bin by the
month or year.
Oot 18 28
An Election
I S hereby ordered to be hetd at the Geor- thpm at this Office.
gia Hotel eo SATURDAY, the fifth of no* 8
November next, for a Justice ofthe Peace, lo
till the vacancy occasioned by the death of
John Dillon, Esq. Poll to open at tep ofolk.
A;M. WM. C. MILLS, J. P.
GEORGE 8f)ICK, ) „ . .
JAMES ROBERTS t /* e#h »l»
. HENBYHAUPT, S der *' "
Oct 18 28’
- Butter, Beer, ^c.
V <1 Just received per brig Otfnp
dSU 10 Bbls. Beer, first quality
• 30 do Prime Pork
20' do Mess do
IS do BergentVCraekefl-
60 Boxes Sperm Candfte -
16000 Flint* Regan
13 Kitta soused Saimaa '
6 Boxes Balaton '.
13 Tlercae.winter »traioao Qjl.
*T- Half bbla. No. 1 Mackerel '
40 Barrels-No. 1,3, A 3 d»
1 Bag Nutmegs
10 Boxes London Mustard
- 40 Boxes Soap
40 d$i aeds hhd*. (,
10 HalfbarreleFly-Market!
- *4 ■ H»I« T*,
fillHE Subscriber having takei) into eo-
X partnership Mr. Edw’d Padxlvord,
the buaineea will In future be conducted un
der the firm of TAFT tf PADELFORD.
Oct n 4 • - 2stf
T HE tabaeriben iateading to alaae their
bustaess io thia place, request all -tboaa
who have ohima agaioat them, to present
their acoountx; aad thaw-indebted, to call
aad sattla the same arithout, delay, at allao'-
eouats nnxettlad. after the 4th iostaot, will
lie nnl ah« IiwmJ. j.# -j,s.'.j. P—
T WO half barrcW of Beef, belongfog tu
the subscriber, marked J. B. are mim
ing from on board the brig Pheasant, sup
posed tobe taken by mistake. Also a in-
rel of pork, same mark, from on board tame
vessel, on her previous trip. Any person ia
pnssessinu or haviop.kny knowledge of tbu
abevp articles, will please inform
Giocer, Wbilakur-Sirent.
Nov 3 36
T HERE will lie a regular mcUius of
your Board on 8ATURDAY NEXT,
at your usual piece, at seven o’clock, P- M-
By order,
Nov 3 ’ 35cJ _
A PERSON of good steedy habits, i»
sirotu of obtaining a situation in a utore
or conntiiig roonto, The salary will not be
the objeot. A letter addressed to H. «nd
left at this office, will be eltended to.
NovJt- . '
T> ET WEEN Johnston A Market nqiisre,
AJ a double Hiring of CORAL BEA1)°-
The finder will be rearavded by ftavwfi