Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 10, 1825, Image 2

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u A — -iV.'s >N . "A I ....
^ poxLisithx* 42 frax tfekf 0R ;
Iiailt saZxA,'; ' >
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i| U “
: t, xioiit uollar*.
nm ngntiAM.'
• NothiogbnH ysttreospired, teudibg it
th* slightest degres to solve the mystery of
Mr. Jiao. McKinnon’* KbpMtee—theooaA
couotbsie disappearance of whom, «<xnen
tiongd yesterday- The opinion that he h*«
• kee* murdered ie universal, end .the p»i-
M excitement prevails among Quv ci(i-
sens; yet me pen hardly suppose that the
wretch exist* who could commit *o fouj end
cold blooded e cringe. - Cikcumstances, how-
' *»or, ere strong in ferar of inch e canclu-
- Sion—for, from Mr. MoKinnOn’* known he-
biti hie absence cannot be voidntary, end
was it caused by ecciderit it i*^impossible
. that we should remain .'until this tinge in
eoch complete igoorepoe of hi* fetp. .'A
• person was examined respecting this traas-
ection before Justice -Russell yesterday,
but nothing elicited- The City Council
' yesterday issued a proclamation offering a
reward of $500 for the conviction of Iho
murderer. Thu-Smn is hardly sufficient,
and it bee been euggested to us tbst the ei-
. tixens should aubseribn so additional amount
asm further inducement for discovery. The
search still continues. .
Poetic Meetinq.—At a meeting of .the
Grocers and others concerned, in .the late
ordinance of Council, ai regards. the use of
brass weights, held yesterday, Mr. A. G.
. Oimlxe, was called to. the Chair, end
Thomas Punax, ‘was appointed Secretary.
The Chairman stated" the object pf the
meeting, and after a few preliminary re-
marks, the Allowing preamble and resolu-
tions were proposed and adopted:
Whereak, the Grocers an^ other Store-
Keepers in tbit city, who have ever been in
thehabit of using iron or lend weights,oannot
MB^the necessity or the propriety of ex
changing them for any other 1 metal; nor
can they find' in any of our sister* cities
‘such a law existing or enforced,.therefore,
Retolvei, Thst the Grocers and Store-
Keepers iq this city deem that part of the
present ordinance reguialihg weight! and
measures, which compels them to substitute
brtss'weigh.ts, for the iron or lead ones now
A gnnerxrMe throughout tli.nrnion. ns ob
jectionable, arbitrary and unconstitutional.
’ Retolvcd, That a committee of five bq,ap
pointed to draft a petition and present it .to
the Grocers and others interested, to be
presented to. Council this day, requesting
the repeal of the law, requiring brass
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be published in the Gazettes of the
qjty. AUGUST G. OEMLER. Chair’n
years, preveatl||t aomrtWiig;1ijS
to promote ft. Tl)e Dry Culture'S,
tho(|h)stin (1* infancy, has fcad'*-*
M toflxuw*.' 0*f asapWyal Mthbritiwt
that eouid'ba tWv&d fot the eWeiaroeet. *f
that object. A Board of Health has been
ihititttmdfor the pu rposs of Mdiog'tbo cor-
peJatioh Idinejiaraiihgitte doBffitidq-nfibe
people of Savannah- Obaervatloh alone ha»'
enabled that body to trace out catties of
disease that could not have heed discover
ed at this early period. Savannah is some
what peculiarly situated, it being on an em
menca, the lands around are low and eon
tain great majptura, particularly ao until the
wet culture of rice wcipAtially abandoned;
this has taken place aince the year 18IT—
since that tjme, the Dry Culture contracts
have more or leas been <earried ioto effect.
It may be said that it is to be lamoyed thdr
a mote rigid course haa’not been .pursued
by that authority, whose djjtyit was to car
ry into effect the Dry Culture .Contracts.—
|f the wet culture of rice could he prevent-
ed within a certain distance of Savannah,
there cannot boa shadow of doubt but what
Savannah, would be considered as one of tiio
moat healthy mkriline cities in the United
States, Wb have- witnessed, with, much
sorrow, the cultivation of, rice by wet cul
ture yet, in the vicinity of this city,'and the
baneful effect it has had upon the person*
residing near it. It is hoped thatour dele
gation in the Legislature^will make, some
effort to prevent, if potsible, the wet cultim'
of rice Within a certain distance. The ex
tension qfthajDry Culture System, is whttt
is still jo be desired, and it is expected; >-
no distent, day, it will, be extended, and 3*
vtnnah become a place of resort for health.
i to say t
modt-of death should Dot pass against him r
Say!’ rsplid he, 1 why; I think the joke lAs
been carried far enougk already, tad the less
that is laid But' better; id if you
please! my Lord, we sill drop tlrajpubject, 1
Theeubjecl WAV drop’ repliedhis Lcwlthip.
A man in Silesia wu lately arrafgqed far
the crime of bigamy, Oti the tnalja pnfear-
ed that he had successively' married nine
wives,. *11 of whom were io opUrt, fhejudg-
di decreed that the best iiuniihinentwould be.
to nukaJttm live,"hereafter % with he whole
nine. The unhappy prisoner plead d the cap,
ital punishment on hearing their decision, bit’
without efTefct. The Court was Inexorable.
Schism in the Bulk SociETti—We u»
rterst ind, the disapprobation which, some of
the Subsoribere to the British anil foreign
Bible Society' have expressed wilt regard to
the circulation of. the Apocrypha, in those
parts ofthe continent where the Inhabitants
are umrjlllog to receive the Holy Scriptures
Without that appendage, is by no means uni-
,renal among the fneqdi df the Ins.tilntion
Many peraoaa . who ara tliemselres most
thoroughly satrined that no divice-authoriiy
ttachpc itself to itha writings in qiifMion. yet.
Foom Lpt^.—The Baltimore Gazette in
publishing the eeoqunt of the reception of
the Captains of tiw^fitilh frigates Tartar,
and Brittpn at 0flp> by tbs Spanish Gen
era! Rodiit aaya !-r
Thua far the information might induce
the belief that General Rodil Was capable ut
Buatainii.g the siege for a long time, but we
have private letters dated the 3d of August.
from respectable and intelligent sources,
which represent the situation of affairs-iu a
very different light. The display made by
the commander of the garrison to the Bri
tish officers was, without doubt, intended to.
make an impreasiou that the place was a-
boodantly supplied . with every necessary,
but we shall here accouqt for the manner iu
which this pompous parade.Wap’gut up.
Immediately preceding4he aiaifOTthe Eug.
)i«h frigates, a gntu/W'/ half tlarvei women
and ihftdren, amounting to nSatly sixty,
HT Hichcoce, of Alabama, to be Attorney
s of the, United States for th* Southern Dis
trim of Aiabqma. in place of Wm. CaAwroao,
. gesigaed.
considering that the prinei;.IS,
is not to .determine for etiy peaplh What books
are canonical but (p circulate oho scripture*
in every nation, in the fortn ip winch.each na
tiop baa Hoeq 1 aocustOoied* to receive diem,
are of opinion, that whatever may be said nf
Jtbe propriety of the measure, it is at least niit
iocanaistent with the cuts*.esJhe Inatitutioo
to allow foheign churchea-to conpeot thp Apo-
orypha apth the Bible, if fbar aee fit so to do.
We are further informedolhat the considers
t ion of the whole subject has been intrusted
to.a Special Committee, mnsisting of some of
the most respectable Members of the 8nciety.
from whose/piety add-judgement there' is rea
soo to hope, that such a decision wi)| ere long
emanate as wilt be. generally satitfactory.
Olouceeter Journal.
were permitted to leave the fortress, as the
presence or an uaetesa moutni would take
Isaac H. Williamson has been re-elected
Governor of the State of New Jersey for the
year ensuing.
The New' York- Courier .states that Mr.
Kean will come out first-oh the Park boards,
but not until after ten daya. it also stys,
.that the first tier of.boxes lias been already
engaged, and that there have been many ma
ny applications for the second;
It has lately been discovered, say* a Lon
don paper, by Mr. Roger? Microscope, that
the morbid secretions in the'Woman subject,
as the' phi of consumption, of cancer. Ac. are
actually moires of animUculae'.
Apart of the mail which, has h4eo, missing
PM year and eeten month*, between Newbern
and Fayetteville, has arrived at this former
pjapeaafe and sound ; it contained a consider,
able amottat ef money. It Was fnuo<d laid a-.
way aqugly in a pdst office on the route ;
much gratitude, is expressed by tbe'editor of
tbsNewbern Seotinel, to the oareful post-
master, that he preserved the paakige from
ibo depredations of tbe rati.
off rtfyeh front the effect to be produoed ai
tbe entertainment—arid the rich inhabitants
were fqrced to obtain their soppliee of tbr
neccaaariet oflife from the commander at
Callao, behaving taken every thing in that
way under hit special protection. Those
who wanted bread were compelled to pay
one dollar and My cenle a pound for it, and
the moderate price of one dollar per pound
for Rice expected in. every instance,
untiljhe presence’ of the expected English
guests relieved the people, by producing a
alight. relaxation in the extortion of the
commander—To heighten £ho effect of pre
viously concerted arrangement, the Maga
sines were thrown open to inspection, when
they presented-the appeardnee of being ful
ly adequate to maihta in tiie troops for some
time, Which led the British officers to ima
gine the supply was abundant and that all
the inhabitants were, partidipating 1 in the
enjoyment af plenty. On tfwylanding of the
British officers they were saluted by a dis
charge of one hundred gone from tho .Can
ties, and on the return ofthe frigates a simi
lar number was fired in honor of thb occa
sion, and ak a proof that there was qo dofi
ciency of ammunition. _. •
A cannonading was sippet inoeasantly
kept up, between the fortresses and Patriot
army, who.had advanced a battery, within
less than point blank shot of the Castles,
say about half a mile, and had got a mortar
from Gnayaquil which they had mounted
and had in full operation.
General Bolivar Was still in Upper Pern,
hut was expected to return to Lima soon
On the44th of June he was met by the mu
nicipal officeniof Cuzco, four leagues from
the city, and the following day made his
entry undertrinmphal arches and amid eve
ry demonstration of joy which an effection
ate people could bestow on the deliverer of
their country.
The following is an extract from a letter
3d August *-s.
“ Tho Castle* at Clllao continue to hold
out, but they are reduced to. the greatest
extremities by disease and approachinjbfam,
in«4 number* are daily dying with scurvy.
They must, in the course of. p. very few
iks, surrender this the last of the Spanish
possessions in Peru.’*
It u one sign of the aesreity of current mo
ney. caused by the wapt of confidence arising
from thefetnm df so mauy protested bill*.
from England, that the V. 8. Hank Stock htu
within a fow wsslw declined 3 or 4 per oent;
|g the market. , v -
. Health U. a blessing that has been be.
-slowed upon man by ait oll-wiaaAJ fester.
_ It then Miove* man not' ta bo-unmindful of
R. The pity of Sevenooh, it ha* been said,
>, . has seen ite deyef prosperity, as well u ad-
-esraity,. Health, tbs greatest of'ill Met-
’; sings; is the first that .ought to ^occupy the
' 'gttanUqis ^pd labor of man: observetioo sod
i f ' axpenenc* is what i* required<n prove it—
• Cbd htalthof Mvaoimh, for tbe last'few
A storm-sail fof a tlouji of war is now ma
king by Mr. Browning, of Barnstaple tailma-
ber, nnder the-su|>erientendence of Lieuten
ant Lawrence, R. N. This tail ia made of lea
(bar, which, from its tightness, strength, and
pliability, it expectqd to weathers tforin
when canvass would bo of aa'avaii
. The number of vessel! captured by the
British Navy between they sere 1803 sod >8.
14, wat t772, via:
" Spanish
* 87
V T«»l 1772 ...
Lord Nelson wss (oath to inflict punish
ment pod. when he Was obliged, as its called
it, “to endure tbe torture pf seeing moo flog-
gsd," be came out of his cabin with hmiried
step*—rap into the gangway—made kit bow
to the Marine General, and resiling the arti
cles oTwpr,tlW culprit bail hifriuged, said.
“ BbaUwato, do your duty.**’ Tka lisit ws*
instutlf sppiied r and coaaequsaUg tbo suf-
forem axeWmed, “forgitm <M, Adi
rive die 1* he would look ftiund
adsiety, anti, at all the officers ki
(riWothafelto* really merited
mentJ he Would tsy, “ Whatl oque of ymi
ipeak foa him—avast—cast him off—Jack,
iq tit* dsy«f battle remember me. andhO
fonJ follow Ut filtura* A pbUKdtrd »-
■out tube flwtged; fie wait laodtiflao. and
few pitied him. Hi* offenoe wu drunlMMta.
As bu wm tying up, a,
to all rotei, rushed tbropgb the eflfeMMM
falling on bar. knees, olaapsd NeisotS hands
in which were the articles of wav. “Fray,
forgive him, your honor, and be shall oarer
offend agOln." ’ “ Your face," paid ha. “ it a'
-acurity for hia good bobavionr.» Let hitA go;
the follow cannot, be bad wlto hat itrph a love
ly creature io bit care " yTbe mlp ma to
be a Lieutenkut; nil dame was William Fyn.
Loro NonsvHt.4-Aman having beeu capi
tally convicted before hi* Lordsntp, Was, a*
ftsW-fAM, (Motor M.i
Tlie imbortsot 1 rojnet ofktni
of.lbo Gulf of Mexico wkh c
dro»* tbs js'hmua of Flortdi
.'eiiewtaiska- suiUl. ..
ihg tho Waters
' Atlant c, 4-
. - _%gj>tiniiea to
occupy public attentiiio4jahd the' rqcaot
psytoent of nearly.^fiO.MO*d(il)klU, for ship;
wreebq iqnthe Florida ftof ;*nd th’i'Bkha-
•''•.'banka, ia-a saitmia admonition of the
ueoeeeity of, affording. Meh relief es mar
to within the tpealis .of Oovenimeat.-—
We learn that .the iftlMubt will pe touched
upon in the Preeideoi'a niestage, and X f»
commendation to Ciiitgrea* to ittjtke the ne-
ceasaty appropriation to out tho caual, which
can b*i done for k less stim' than odr inau-
ranca office*, have bppa compelled to pay
during the corrertt year, for luaeet in that
neighbourhood, > Not only will gush appm-
piistions to weihrecsived, bat it krill obtain
xlmpst.lbe Unanimous Oohaaql df Goncreaa,
av 1 fihrda immediate xod effoetuai relief to
our merchants.
Ofthe two routes prOpd*e$, Uii! survey,
■ora will quickly deteripina >hieli is most
expedient. Neither rpnniVes 30 milcu of
oanslling—andI the value of public and pri
vata property'm Fluriba w : |l ha greatly en-
huneed by the underftkiug, in addition to
its commercial adv* tit ages.--JVboA’v Ada.
CumotW>~The New York Advocate sta
ted, that’(ha Ekecntors of Gen. Hamilton
had sued Mr. Rufus King in Chancery, for
tlie surrender of certain important papers,
which Gen. H. had entrusted to .his care, on
tho eVh of fighting h\s final duel with Colonel
Burr; sod Which Mi. K- had refused to sur-
render to the proper authorities; .but admits,
thqt for their enfejeeming. in ease any acci
dent befall, he has placed them jn the hands
of his son. Charlte .King Mr, C. King, (ed-
tor of the New-York American) positively
t iiniea tbe statement—he says tl ie not true.
I vat the Etecetors had commenced suit, or
that any papers were entrusted by Gen. H-
to Mr. R. K.—but adds: “Qf what haa oc
curred, I do not feel myself now cplled on to
give any account. Jt is a topic which I will
not he thp first to-bring into newspaper dis-
oussion, but wiiich, if it shall be eo made by
others,”1 will not fisil to apeak of aa I think it
The Evening Post says, that “James A
Hamilton tolOlr. Noah,4hat a suit had been
inatiiitleij (for the purpose of reoorering cer-
tnio papers) by hie motherAll this is mys
terious enough—Time must explain it.—
Richmond Enquirer..
New Haven Earle Bake.—Tlie exposi
tion of the affhifs of this bank lias at lengll
made ila appearance, nmi brings to light-a
more iniquitious stale of vnism.insgetnnnt than
could have been anticipated. That a bank may
Ipse the greater part of jit capital, and yet
continue solvent, is well known, tot how an
institution with a capital of $600,000 should
contrive to sink nearly two miHioos is a pro-
blem not so eaiily solved. To make up this
vast Sum, an item, is inserted of one million
six hundred and four thousand dolhtrt, and
-w—syw if row-oue me otna. vrtmi
here •• douhtfnl debts* are or bor they come
tu he'incuVrod We have no mew» of .ascer
taining at present; but in the abuoye of more
certain information, we may state that r port
Bays that the relnrns of a large cntluu specu
lation must be made before a precise account
uf the' *• doubtful debts" can he Tendered.
Report likewise says. that another reason for
the suppression of tire-names of Hid “ doabt-
ful debtors," ia that they are principally di
rectors of the Institution, in one jnstanc'p
wears assured that the sum. of $tH)j).000, tho
amoubt-of the w hole capital, was lent to one
house ; and again nearly aB much te another.
—.What opinion' ought to be entertained of
the President and Directors, who have thus
managed the affairs ofihit Batik.
"We s are informed that.ttie^pvornmrnt
of France and England, have- lately applied
to the government of thelyp .4t-|o obtain
from it the models of new frigates of a very
superior construction. The American go
vernment did not . think proper to comply
with the request of England,, hut in the case
of, France, answered tnal i^would embrace
with pleasure, any opportunity pfacknowl
edging the services of .its apbientand gener
ous friend, and immediately ordered models
asked for to he prepfred. It-is further said
that the Brandewine frigate, herself a bwtu
tiful axatnple of the new construction, and
cans haye with such a good grace, and so
tnuch.cordiality, granted to us."
The above yery apochryphal paragraph
ia from the J^uf.nal du Commerce.
Wo 1ia’ , e,tfl(ce penning bur observations
on the Journal’aiiicle concerning the Bran-
dywine, learnt that it is by no menus unconi
tnoq for a vnssel'^o take is water at her
seams above tlie coppering, and that Buch
was thp case with the Brandywine, to a
very inbnnvenlent extent, though hot so as
■to be «by cam e of apprehension Tor her safe
ty. Thu information has, ws understand,
been ’communic.ated m.private lettersreceh
ved from officers oe heard that vessel, The
following additional paragraph’on the sub
ject ia from the Demnyretc Prase. in which
the annunciation of tile disputed intelligence
originally appeared, and ia published'as' an
act nfjustice tothe Bditorofthat print :
u The Daily Advertiser doubts tlie acca
racy of the iufofrtatioa we puhh'Rxd,relative
to the condition of, the Frigate Brandyieihi.
Sad the American' declares it to be wholly
without fobndatioo. We have no disposition
to enlarge upon the' statement, we pnb
lished, bat we are ealled^upori to iay that i
ie true, and time wilt prove.H to be,true
The letter ofthe first laeutenaDt, * written
15dsyioirt, says rsotkirtgof thb facta,’ and
therefore they are riot qovrect, This; eve
ry school bojr will protfourice'S non ecquitur.
The first Lieutetlantt iGfogei^h was silent
on those sobjecta, because appre
hensive the puMioation of tbsm. on' hjs a is
ifority, might bring himjn coilisidn’ with
th* N4vy Department. Wken the Frigate
shall arrive at Hawpanffhadargo necessa
ft repRira and the billsrer thoeo rej aire shall
find their way apt here, every ope will be
qoitb satisfied that what we have stated, ia
Wtreet in pvery particular; The consulta
tion whether the Frigate should' or- sbonld
•• A- 1 •
solace from (bn refiretofo ttot IterMfo wo*
vlrnipus, and her end traaqsiTtnd happy.
May thaytearn to imitiiia hor vjrtuva. aod
thus prepare ^to meat her it* that uhchetige-
ito,'. -ify/ f§
“Death wbun^Aitordi wefoll, are ripe,
wo reign! •” nv , , ■,
Spring frotfi brfr fftlers, fasten, in the skies.
Where MqomingjWoo WtRytra iooorjpight.
Death give* tin more than was b Eden lost ;■
This Ktng.of Terrors it ths Frinee of pttfe.”
Colton.—On the whole, we can entertain
very little doubt that the crop in the United
States will be lees than the average. More
land ie probably turn'd into cotton'; but on
account ofthe caterpillars and rot, the pro
duct will be in a-great proportion reduced —
In Virginia, indeed tho quantity hpth of land
and.of cotton is increased in a large ratio,
The Petersburg papers says, 1 that it con
tiltueetto be brnugh in very freely, notwith
"standing the reduction in prices.
The quantily is increasing in our own
market. Evidences nf the rapidity of tlie
trade are multiplying around us. New
warehouses are onened 1 new commission
merchants tender their services. It begins
th be publiekly auctioned, like tobaceo; and
a gentleman finds it to bin interest to adver
tise hia services as-an auctioneer of the ar
ticle—At City Point, wrunderstand two or
three veasejs are loading with Cotton-; des
tined to the foreign mnrkht— The Amethyst
■ movtpOKmtrurvPreci roriiierj^a Wow York
ticket ia taking in her cargo at City Point.
Ke understand also that the Virginia cotton
begins to bo enquired after in the Liverpool
market, on account of the excellence of itis
We have every inducement as yet to per
severe in its cultivation. It can aenrecly
admit of a question, that our land which is
fit for col ton, is more profitably employed
in its production, than of wheat, or any
ither article. 1
"A meeting ofthe foonument committee,
was heM yesterday 1—present, th* Chair
man,. Messrs. Wit. B. Bollock, Rv W.
Haseriham, J. B. Reap,' J. P. Sceevek,
i, Shellmak, and A. T*l»aih.—
Tho report of the. Treasurer having been
read,'the following iSVolntione Were there*
upon adopted 1— *
1.—That the Secretary b* snthorized to
advertise, during thn space of 3 months, for
designs ofthe monuments, proposed to be
erected in Johnson and'Cfiippvwa Squares
in memory of GskiIral Gxekfiea'nd Count
PpLAsatlike wise,"'that he should offer
premiums, not exceeding fifty; dollar* each,
for thoae two, Which'would; most exactly
combine simplicity With neatness, and econo
my with durability;— ' ;,i 1
2d.That, at tlie tod of such time, the
Secretary shall call b meeting of the Sub
scribers, in' ordeV thit this committee may
then and there make a full ’exposition of
3.>—That, be shad also request all persons
holding ''papers of s'obicriptinn, in their
hands, throughout the' state, to make re
ports of their success respectively. .
The Committee then adjourned.
JNO STEVENS, Chairman,
Joseph V. Bevak, Secretary.
JCT Editnn is this state, will please insert
the above in their respective poo-rs. ‘ -
Sloop Candidate, Sydlotpan, New-Lon
don, via Charleston, to the master, A. Bas
salt, Bradley, Claghorn ti Wood, W. Lip-
pit. Paeeenger, C. Buzwell. '
us ron THIS PORT,
At New-York 31st ult. ship George Clin
ton, RaWson. to sail 2d iust ship Vulcan
Taylor, to sail lOlh inst.
We are informed that the steam boat
Enterprise, with tier tow boat bound fo
Macon, arrived safe at Darien on Monday
189,000 SOLXdfe
ESTERD AT the Grand Stale Lottnv <r
X Maryland, Mj the odd and even system
wo* drawn, gad thp destination of fo, foil,, ’
ng handsome prises ascertained:
10,000 DOLLARS.
5,000 dollars;
1,000 DOLLARS.
.. . to DOLLARS.
^Ai the drawing will be received hem 01
Wednesday evening nept, adventurers should
call immediately for tbeiijcliances.
ICT Adventtirera are informed that their
tickets pro received. s .
Whole Ticket, ......’ on
Halves, 5Q
Georgian Office.
*** Prizes in other'Lotteries, received as
ctah, and cash given for prizes as soon 01
drawn. . tq nv 1ft
■a-mi 2 do Plough Mouldi '
Plough Moulds
200 Barrels and half barrels No 1,2
and.3, Mackerel
IOO Boxes 10 by 12 Window Glam
100 Barrels N. E. Gin and Whi.key
5 Hogsheads Old Jamaica Ruin
10 Pipes Holland Gin and Cog-Braoili
10 Hogsheads Prime St.Croia Sugar
90 Kegs Tobacco
20 Barrels Loaf Sugar'
1 -4 and I -8 Boxes Uvson Tea.
With a general assortment of GROCERIES.
Nov lu 41k ’■
AAA BUSHELS first quality Potatoes
flUv iO Barrels do do
20 Casks Cheese
300 Gallon Stone Jitga
Which will be sold low if.taken from the whfi
Nov 10
200® A - REr -'- 8 RYE WHISKEY
The new enbicription room to the North
and South American Coffee Honae wa* *>
lietied nn the 16th, arid presents; in point ol‘
style and accommodations, opn of tbe best
ilnces nf resort of its kind in London. It
informed dut .oftwotiouseainTbreadneedlp
Street, formerly the New-England and An-
tigallicap Coffee Houses. The leading fea
ture ofthe the subscription
room, which ie intend. A to servo'all the pur-
noses of a place of general meeting and
sort for morehants and (ithers connected with
Nnrth'and South America. It in the ob
ject of the proprietor, Mr.' Davies, to cniloct
for the use qf his subscribers the most com'
pli’te inforniation nf every description from
that part ofthe world “-Hii undertaking is
patronized by nil the. lesdinginerchants con
nected by Commerce with- that quarter ot
the globe, and has every promise of bepom
ing a successful one.
Police Office Cm of Savannah.
W HEREAS at .a special meeting
Council held this day, a Resolution
has passed requiring the Mayor to issue
a proclamation,,offering .a reward fqr such
information in relation to the supposed mur
der of’JOHN M'KINNO^, Eeq. as will en-
-vi* Stttir »• pnMcgte to conviction »“;■
person or |>erson8 emieerned in the act.
NOW jin pursuance of the said Reeolu-.
tion, nnd in the absence'of the mayor, I do
issue this mv Proclamation, declaring that
will be given from the Treasury-of the City
of Savannah, to any person, whomsoever,
who*khall give such information or testimo
ny ns,aforesaid; and I do hereby call upon,
and charge all civil officers, and do invite
and request thn good people of this city, to
6e active in their exertiona to ascertain the
cause of the disappearance of our old and
respectable Fellow Citizen ; and to report
any intelligence they may receive immedi
ately to thin Office-.
Given undeitmy hand and the seal ottlie
City on this ninth day of November, in
the year one- thousand eight hundred
and twcntv'five.
Chairman of Council
Attest—Solomon Cohen, C. C. pro Um.
Bag* Havana Coffoe
100 Q,r. Boxes American Began , I
12 Boxes Cotton Cards *
For sale by S. B. PARKMAN.
Nov 10 42 n
An important decision was made lastMon-
day in the Admiralty Court of this District
Judge Smith presiding, apainet Ihe wrecking
laws of thit Territory in the case of the claim
ants agninst the salvors of certain property
saved front the Brig, .Revenge, wrecked on
the coast of Florida. "Ws shill endeavpr to
obtain a Report of this ease for our next
paper.— E. Florida Herald.
Died, on the afternoon of tfie 2d Nov.
inet. aged 67 years, Mrs, Mart, relict of
the late John C/Gugel, a . native of this
State, and long a respectable resident Of
this city. , . . .
The deceased was born of exemplarv pa
rents, who, at an early period, instilled into
her youthful mind the principles df that re
ligion which, being, received frith avidity
and imbibed in sincerity, enabled her in af
ter-life io rear a numerous family in the
fear of God. When her intellect became
matured; and qualified her to. decide for her
self, she attached herself to the 'communion
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church—in
whose faith aha. died. Custom has long
suggested the propriety, nef, the necessity,
of funeral eulogy; jiut without submitting
to its fotsssh in this instance, tt may justly
be recorded of this lsdy, that’ in her. char
acter were Mended piety without hypocrisy,
and goodness free'from oMSAtation. The
writer of thfa obituary was intimately ac
quainted with, and attended on her during
the whole f ontinuanc* of her sickness. He
eaft trulyeayy she wain.mother in the lsia-
sl ofGod. The all-wise PravidenceofHea-
ven saw-fit to visit her with the protracted
and peinfuMUetse, which eventually termi
nated her mortal existence; hilt its severity
wss moire than equalled tbiqitthont by her
patient resighetion to tbo infliction of bar
Maker’s rod. -As the had lived, so she died
-• faithful diseipieof her Redeemer, sad
. confidepfly expecting to raa^ Iq the world
left her."—Wat. .to eerae a disciple’* reword. • •
i • > Hot diaoonaolsto- family abottlA derive
G/b BBLS. first quality Oranges, it l
mt\J good order. Fnrsslehy I
j rRcrhjuiee Dork.
I*ov IO 4?e
m BARRELS of No. 3, Mackerel,
for sale on board the ship CJinri. I
ot, from Breton, Apply to Captsin Prill, I
on hoard*
Nov 10
T m Pews iu thi» Church, will be rentri
on Tueedny Afternoon Next, al 3 oVIl.
4 BALES Heavy London Duffle Blank'll; |
large size, just received and for -sir hf
TV 11 * — I V mi.
O N Monday evening, from* dray, brtvrt I
t " ' '
the ship Savannah and Columbia-Sqm, I
a small box, addressed to John Fraser,. Cf I
A reward of five dollars will he paid oa ki" |
ing it at (lie office of the Georgian.
NoV 10 «
T HE odd and even system, by which
this Lottery is to be drawn, was at
first popular, sod growing etill more eo
everyday. Thedrswiogwill take placoon
tho ninth of this month, and be complotfed
in one day. Highest prize
1 Prize of
1 Prize of
1 Prize of
10 Prizes of
10 Prizes of
30 Prizea of
6ff PriZBBof
100 Pri/.esof
200 Prizeiof
400 Prizes of
■20006 Prized of
4:10,000 ia
10,000 is
5,000 is
- 1,000 is
500 is
100 is
*0 IS
90 is
10 is
6 is
. .4 !»■
20813 Prizes.
■X w - s- - •
40000 Tickets. Not one Blaq^to t
VVlude#; 00
Halvfia, . •••••■* 50
Quarters, ••••••si 25
oRuyna LEST AT
where in'the last State Lotteries were sold
th# 20,000—tbo 10,000—apd the 6,000 dol
lar ptkpgd, and paid thn 20,000, and- the
l0,00®-»nd where haVeliqeo add prizes of
iqc.000—25,000-^20,000-8 oflO.OOOr-S df
6,000—iO of 1,009 dollars. See. die. which
reall drawn in one flay, amdnnti
were all drawn in one ■dny, amoonting to
ICTOrdera enclosing cub or priae tickets,
post paid, from any, port of tfin Union
promptly attended te. . Address ,.
Novi (Savannah.;'
F I aasocialed in boslnassjfflrith the etihanri*
ben, under the firm of DUNHAMB fe
•' "• CHAS. DUNHAM, #
SUPPLY of Spermaceti Lump Of, I
L very pure and light, colored, anitakle I
for families, jitat received and for solo Tow by I
Nov 18 Druggists, Shad's Btiildt*
B V a young man from Neiv-Yerk whs I
intends to remain in Savannah these*' I
non. He hte served his limn ia a rooren-1
tile honae, and is Capable nf taking chirp I
nf books, or will act as clerk in a wbnlwwl
nr retail Btnre, or io*hny capacity wherrfrl
can be useful. Suitable refforenro ran fr I
given. Presee address F. S, J. it the *rv |
of the Georgian.
Nov 10
A A BALES London Dofflo Blsoketi
4:U 10,' do 2 U* to 4 Point d"
5 do 10M to 14-4 Rose da
6 dp Saddle . _
20' do r white Plains
20 do Mixed do
10. do Blue, do .
5 do 3-4 ti 4 4 Liniej Wook<J|
do Fearnoughts '
.- ,do Red nnd White n>D" l “
10(4 Dozen Kilmarriock Cspi I
sale by C. VY. RfCKWEbb*^.I
For sale
Nov 9
Landing from ehip S'""""* '
A FEW kegs prime Gothea Butta
«A 6 casks Cheese
SO boxes do
A govnl urortmen. o^Grocenre wj ^l
l A qnaotily'of Steel was left j" Sd*
early part cflaet winter, and, ifnotmsw
/ part011*11 w'ii‘v.,l,-»
in a fe# it Will be eold
ism . —
hwpwr Lrlflf? ».'• S5ja
log from on hoprd the bn« phe A ^,
above articles, willj
■;< . Gw«*r, Wbtt*ta! rJM jl