Newspaper Page Text
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.. . ftyrit MibUDOamt*,—By to* West-
«• M*ta,#f»hkieiu#i*f, «*4w# woeivedf
Chs Oovaaho*’* Mtaaaos, oemplsts—which'
'W;'.^wK' to , »r hefcrecnrvHdpn. '$$■
■ •■'' '■ ■ :‘
•. a. ; ,:/■ •.;)
'•' ■ XL
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*V.i t v; ,ty“!-.' r ■'■ ■ i’ -, 1 '■ -' ■ .'".I'.... /C Vm
.til*' apt#. 1 1&r
add steamed. On th*
Uobm of JUpresentatives, . , -v ..
8pssri#vfr#*>-Thom«s W. Murrey, 07-,
Hud*oa,< *4 t Ccmpbali; t, Mr.;C««*pbeU
|ad declinedat ocaodidata.. _> ,
The vote far Clerk was—Uawsoe (for
mer clerk) *4! Bunch H. . . . v
The fortnet<Daor-Kssper andMoBssngsr
.Jh»iW..iVfy# *“(<««, few*#
eleime were pressedupoq the General (Jo-
- i -ntasa£*s *u*w*redthat ^ "
i #SI' •
lone tnaatfrfv lb* g
IndtauWiaatd nothing ahoald he
Ari Mirer *qn|tetoirih|**»ron» end
»Wf ultorlMittva^ht, <4 abandon or
w*a vaininfot the
' Os the 8th in*. the Senate *qt, fahnri
the rote for Ptaehtoat fri
dh-ewrf^? •-■
Fur Sec.retn'ry—J Smilh.bO; 'W'.T. Han-
fell. (former 8ocrtt*ry)*l9
The reted; 16t Governor, were expected
to be cououij on Theredkf Ust. We bite
oottmtatef. further porticoUre.
' • lJxKCOTiv*A*»anf tirihT, Ggu, l
jiilMgmtle, A JWe. I8i». j
JPtWmCUiapu ifikt Smalt,.
end i/ttr &*" tfJUprumlalmt,
The politicql year JuH dosed hrt not
been whh<mq btp**io|a, pr witaoot triale—
* Abundant teehf'ulne** iavloa for the fifrmSr
to'the Giver ui#i ary good and perfect gift,
frot low far exempt i»o from war, pcatilMice
ettd famine. thin forthe enjoymi nt ol Wore
than oWinkfy' health, prophioun kmdi
and an ampft harveat. Pof the latter; M
they belong to mffrule, it fa oit holy duty,
in the apirit ql'ejbrfatiao reeignation, to bow
with reveirintial submission, aud io Implore
the Omnipotent, who orders all for the beat.'
to convert them'into blessings. The year
baa been rendered-memorable too by the so
journ of the' (feat and amiable - Lafayette;
the universal, joy difflued by it a too display
of all thd nharittes afid fracoa of life ip the
ovortewlnga ef-ftotetuT haarta, inaeperrble
from bin ptoeence. bud by the tebre of itpHli-
ana. arben, alter giving to our oourftry bin
but beniedivtinn, ho re-embathed far Ida na
tive land. - " .. -• ,
■ : The recapltnladon of the .eypa'te ,of the
leaf two yrtre—the renulfa of ourintprcourae
and odrteapondanCe'pith thh wheral fio-
rnn.mnnt. pninful aait may be, ip a duty too
eaeted to be omiiied, Id petfatming it, no
apology Indue tor thepren* detail, ao mcon
^ afatoot with the character of i
Hate paper like tbfa. The variety of topica.
the maltltdda df facta, justify a departure
marrey, as the eontepiptetion of. the whole
ground will enable rouao to apply i
•' wutouf of your wisdom and patriotism -10
mis. exigency, a a, with th* assistance of Di-
rine. Pwwideaee, to avail, tho mischiefs
which threaten, majte otfrowii waya righte
ous hi ear own sight end in tho sight of til
otliera, and bring bock to n sense uf justice
tliuae who, in.tbrir.aberrations frMuit, Have
done ua wrong.
I had far the firm time came into office
when a subject, of peculiar delicacy presen
ted itaelf, -tod being intimately connected
with the ludepebdenqe df the elective frau-
'cliiast without which it would be vain for’
Georgia to claim for heraolf tfia: attributes
of a sovereign state, it was made known to
tbs Prosident that on the occasion ofnlie
election iust then terminated, an oficer in
bid employ, beanug a high and dignified
commisSMm, and being a citixeu of another
state, had abandoned his pest to mingiu in
the ijtrifas of that election; had espoused
the^ cause of-oov of tlie partias to th( pro-
jiidtcc-of the other, and by the weight nud
uiflnsnce of his office united with the moat
enthusiastic ardour, bad rendered himself so
Signally contpkiout that the Chief Magie
trntednuld not conscisntipualyjbfbear.amiing
bfa first nets to complain to lho Executive
Uovernmanf of the Onion df this outrage
upon the moat sacred of, ail the rigbta of so
vereignty,. -An occaaion o&Mdal tpe mo
ment to give weight to tho preeejfa''
and-il wag embreced. The beadoftne
sionary ettabliahmsnt in tho Creek Nation
matoa aod fi>r thanwelvot, ftoil- that tig' tbs
oelobratsd treaty -of 1814, If the United
StateeWboea ihiadfuidf thbit aungameaU
they could as easily have aognirsdths whole
treated,sop couqoorsd poopfa, whom
- sat h I'jJ' pf - ,
„ kafo marked by th# m»ord,
bu( charity.' whjbh hugioi at hoqm, more
potent than any stipulptlons of the artislfa
thy the (Madly eh** »**»►
Sid.wiiayo .^•jui-sa ;a . ...
gad Asnerioaos hava to far raweeted i| changadaad tba dhaogs immadiataly Map-;
aa te make oorapsstaiian far lbs rabafipiab- muotestad te ths TmJlaab . > fifaid,. .
»«»t of claim nr saatjfoomsot at Mr. Ufa • U asouidhe aqaaadM. fallow, cipinMa to Iwoomtlfanoowlih (ho NgaisMpMfd Jh#
true that with regard to this right stwm'fao disgnfaf that but.far th# pwpossd .lyfaroMt, samo townUoas I iraosnrittad without dsfay
Uuitsd states, ia tboir oww territory, m%bl to Cp#gr#sa, th# purvey woald ba*o. .b#sfa ;a «qpysf«lfainaaMrfal adirsmsd hy th# U-
., . _ baVsgivpa U to spy Islitndi whbib pfa«todi #0»mapoosd and prosecuted. Bs' loWg ss ghfatur# taUwPrsstfmil, sappslnglia oiotoy
atate of Gdorgia to % fham, Ucause tbs soil aodjsritdiousq befasg- tbeuootrovsrsy.w«»confi#od tptpeBxscu- oftb# digaot far Indiaa AAdm •ndrsfiusstmg
' ‘ ‘ thsi# t .hut with tegwrd to tps tamtory lira of dip Union, and tb# Exeootivs af hfa pamwl.ftomofacn- ThaPrebidsnt fatal#
‘ wbare the soil and jhriadisliua ara Georgia, ibcrecooIdkowo hasHatiou as io M fat ovary otesr oaw to whichtha authorities
t ben, .this rigtit.uf use fas only b# Ufa moaauren wfach it bona* lh<; fattor td 1 of (Jsorgfa barooomplainua of too oouduetsf
ounstrusd to moan irbat in aU.tb# irtatfas It ndrytt*. Butwaeootataaeqiully tedbysso- kfaagpWI»,.h>t dot armload to rsfaf tin state
- ‘ - —
didmban.tiie right ofuvs forbuottag. _ .
tborafars, the United dtatsa, by pbMCtot the ts tbssuoagsr, bsoaose tkfa Would,
mods of Ufa uftiw aborigitnaTapos the isod of ttiag cootroveraioa by tka nfa of "
Georgia, ohangpd e^eulfahy this rifite, and by ths rule of fight, andbalwsan
oaaiod her laodp to be separately approprfat- (hs'waakpr fa'd'laily ‘
■ t lfaimtf f a matter Jsyibs Bmsidesa-who
it; lands to be asparatsl
(hoy rioialeflho tre.tis.ta .
Spirit, and did wwt to Opoffiifr •[» (a tot
lew strange tliab true, that of. all the rariw>
df t.m»i acquired fipr tea United;, BiPtefitlfaw of aborntta«»,d^p«rtod
very large extenlant of rich country within J booafay wilhiftfae limits qf the, tjiutjd ptajas
the liitiiM of Alabama, whilst Iwuaty mil
lions uf acres prithin *hs limits of Geoign
ware reserved and guarantied te the In,li
ens, and this gunrsnu subsequently produ
ced against up to defeat our cl Si (ns to the
samo territory. Georgia could out ate in
all this tept scrupulous fidelity in the - fulfil
ment cf engagement* asaertad,far the Uni
ted Stktaa.
When'at teat tee way abemed opened to
a farther acquisitiondTterritory t and Com-
miseh.ners were appointed to odgooibte witfi
the Creeks at,Broken Arrow, Georgia found
agents' of the |T,tited States 'arreyud a-
„ ikt her to defeststresty, so that it, Was
dHfienltta nodetaxsod whether , the whole
movement was a“ mockery to sport with
Georgia, or ■ perfidious betrayal by thr.b-
geqtsftf the trust reposed ut them.- - The
treaty was defeated, and by. their agency,
the principal agent appearedto rise in the
esteem ’and confidence of hi* government,
and tens terminated this mopt disgusting
cene. * • •, , ”
. Th* rehearsal of what happened Immediate-
ty after at the Indian Spring, would oKlyre-
vixp recollections i^tlie same odious practi-
ess of the same sgentfrnot less 'disgraceful,
bbcauae tliev Were more oontsft audhsas ano
odtafal. Frefa Ibis period fa to be dated, all
the mfaohMh, disorders aod btmt-bnnring-
whtah fonotrsid, produced chiefij, by the con-
ddet of the ’ sf.nta ofikisr- Uufin justice to
btai if atgnrtd beaaid that frotn 'this period Ik,
he ia to he considered rafanf a) a# inatrumeni.
than a principal,' as tut own guieromeni.
hashing back npob the history of the ptit, hsd
seemed to approve hit aoiiiigt and dditea ii>
tlw grin*, and bad given every token at u
dimiuialied. uunfitjeocs-in Irim, to that dram 1
tiiat day tiieoucfarth, wlulsverwu taxi,don,
qr wrutpo tty him Seumed.good io ha aiglit.
Nosvd'roportafhh*.would be Uatoosd to;,
the word of no mao take# .against him—u’
testimops in hi* favor eagerly received—.,
against him prampily
, iwo'pf tham Wittap tba limits of Guoigi*. bar*
hash specially selected aa moat it aopjecta far
the.oparatioa of tepf great «chem#..of(aefama-
on and that the partial aacceaa oftkjfaubeide
, foonded m wrong to GedigiS. ap# eteUmied
in wrenc) should be held up to to nSju* a
mirror u which we are infjtud w ^te # totel
opr own dafarinily aod the moral beauty of iu
aatlwah hbd Uiat this original aod topliaimd
wrong should be ait up io barofoui hpAmU
lie Stale of Geprgl* contendi that (lit ju
risdiction ever the coopt ry in qutbliou. ia ah-
ablute* in Ur*»|t-Bb* ptoreMt by *JI,0i* |i-
tlea-lhsungn whioii.»h« derived herufalm from
tea beginning; by the qlwrier* and proqlama-
lions orthp mother country; by the .repeated
ecknowledgementa pf the United State* fjium-.
selves, and by their aoleknnl; expressed .re,
cognition in'the first sod aoeond articloa of
IN agreement aod cqatiod df l*0i— Ifwsa
shewn that if Georgia bad tpp j#ris^kjio*, ;
Georgia had ncrer ported, with, it i add that
if te<-‘ tiudil not, the can ocaerhavf 1> m vir
tue of any aolhority of any pof« r Mfaffato-
■ier. Yet Georgia hat beet) denied te* r(gbt
>f survey of her own toft within fan 1 awn ju
risdiction, a fight at inseparable from fait ju-
-isdiution and as innocent as a right jit way,
nd'tlifa potwithstandiog the consent to that
urrey. as ia verily buliured, freely given by
\i6cf Chief within the UimlsV the territory,
wlio could by any poaibiniy aufer baita or da-
frimeot from it—Nay more, it > coofideotly
Selieradihal if the United Statea goreromeut
preatad will-of the oonatiluied SUtfasriu a yfl ■y-' fli'drei.'
She atate wliiot, denounced bint aa an ewnrnv * Wft*. 1 ,he - *«v*ge Wtoid hava
he state wtnu^i denounced him as an
toitainterestc, duirugarded by his government
end cooiemoed by himself,; io short, hit tin-
glu declaration in the faoe of truth, inade by
that goremmeut the basis of lb* modi offiw-
tive measure* against Uiia, even to th* ex
treme one,of threatening pa srilb plats sword
arid autiially drawiug opt a regular fame fra:
tu exuoution.
The history of the treaty of 1015, aod the
character of the'event* which fallowed, .will
be beat fasrued-'by -Pita documents and B **
deuce ■ heretofore pttlilUbed aod those now
laid before' you. The epitome ia. that the
1 treaty was as uiitainlud With fraud aa Oiuet
atlier iadian treaties!—was made with an au-
.tliority loog since recognized by the United
State* as couipeteut to niahe it—was acqiii
esced in at Drat by tlie great body of the ua-
tioo, aod would have beetsobecrfully submit
ted the Whole-tribe, *• (be hostile Gbiufa ia
Council indicated to Cql. I,amar, -if the A-
gent lied not .returned from bit mission to
Wtahingtoo'and‘ifrared it—la tret thiaom-
inooa return from bit defeat before (lie Preai-
deal and.Sooale, in winch MctatuPh foresaw
the ruio Wbichan infuriated maw would bring
upon him tod his generation—“ We are out.
muoy danger retd lie comes home himself
and. comineooe* hostility tc urges it
upoq ns,
'ationj *•>'• Mclotoab—If ratified (tnea.nof- the
jjif? treaty,)-it>may'produce* bbrrid state of things
among those unfortunate Indmot,’’ Mve. the
had been provoked by the ill usage and Uw- J ." , b** lbe'penetrating sagacity of
lute conduct of the tame officer to prefar Ilie ooe fbrotoM to-m ewne to |Wa—Mein-
- Ibtb waa no (nere, and tliua the evil gennla of
tb* other, .winch predicted the tooting of the
whirlwind, which rode in it and‘directed the
Storm, taw in th# one fell swoop,the triumph of
hit machinations and (lie fnlfilhnant of Ms pro
phecy. McIntosh and hit Ghicft. bad giran
their assent to (heaucvfy.of the country, tnd
tbiaasaeqlwas aeixmlby the Agciat to divert
the publio odium from. famself, and to fasten
itonthp CijpIJMagistrate of Gtergia, who
hadpoogbt *PB obtained that Satanl. "The
naked jfanfatatetapf ijhe Agent to,(hie effect,
uoqoppofted by p little of proolj was sufficient
to oommaod the absolote credence of Ida gov-
erumswt, aqd contrary to all opposing teati
many oftb#: moat conclusive character, to
*arr*aUt ia charging tea oatamiliaaof the
nation opoc tba tame magialrpto at the an-
thdr of-teptn all—to forbid the purvey anduo
embody a corps of regular* to, prevent H, and
to Cootioua both its ogaoaive orders and ita
ofieoaitb armadfaot even after toolbar of Ht
•*#W» ,W f »is* taslinttey, bad psovaa to ita
aalisfactinpt'mt oo'puohs asaeol was avargiv
.0 9*
cerlaincharges against him, wfaclb if sup
ported by tenth couhl not faU, it vu belicr-
ed, to bring upon him the aoVcfapt ttiiiuod-
version ol' hisoqm government, sind it was
hoped that the remonstrance W ths Govern
or of Georgia, thrown into'the scale, would
. acbofapHsh whatsecmed to him un important
Object^ fa# removal front office of a taan who
by hit prmudica* tod passions would'preseat
the most Su-pwtobfa obstacles to ihs sstis-
factidfi ofwpjost claim* of Georg'* against
the' goheraV government,at least so long aa a
certain peraon- fllled the fifat office of-that
stale —They faiMoftheiriatont, and what
ever aente'nce might haye been! passed on
the mamorialcftbe Missioniry tile rsmon-
itranr* of the Goverwniof Georgiawas on-
hisdad. The taferreace wu luev.itabta,
that in ffirtoe either of poaitiv* ioatructioa
or of implied consent, the Agent of Indian
Attain beijig npittaen of anotimr atate arid
resident in tb# Nation, would at any time
consult both duty aid insulation l«Jfa»r.
t«g W* stafioD tp huid himself with hfa.insig-
bia'ofqffics, to anrpairty fa the state, whose
n ~ ~ IfemiaWNat af-hia
views it might.b* tin tatarsat sf himsslf *r
ofbisgovemmsol |o promote.
The atate of Georgia had elaimt npeh tee:
Genevai Goverqmpnt pf great mcgnti
her territorial open had beep re hlug
lectad that tima warned to b* furinli
* psrmaneocy of faoteold. wader tb* dfasCl
encouragement often OfalAil fefale# fahfeh
•obiarivajthito.l^ thnfr fixtures to tfat
tofi fnrever, and H «u rem }h*t* d**#r rite
antctoflim'tationsarighthaf, upaptiwar-
W 01 ** fo ri**' power.
Wheq, therdfare, in s tamper npt diaote..
ih*intorsat- and . rr „
wa* hot of teal vital -tatpmteae* tahfah
would justify ogbnsiva nteadfraado' execute
it; But the abandonment of a right, not cau-
aidared doubtful by th* oaly power oomp*- pfaaounoe upon it, jear*noteur arid
very dtffareut m alter. Tim cmieewrion taf
“itrrrsrAi. 5K; i*—
elpoeiagth* .farmer t* inj*riaa*ump*torio«t N fafr*
and waTafarny* be fallowed ;bg cUMhawed
after, wuncaaviod, tb usauat dasabud* «qtij
oothmg.ratnamatn be remaAdadba tfapfafa
aide, ter conceded ton thb.ooe afau, dr ####*•
dad oetee oUnr- ,Wh*n thassfaredbufara, ,(
stdeatafte* Unfapd ritato* e*wm>«Mtad tba '
OoeasnorofCtaoigia lolfatfatar tep rerwaj 1
and-whan that coasmtnd wn* fafaMPed'-by fa '
dfatinct:*onunciatina of, ihecpanaky’whicfr
awaited the duohedtaMfa toil, thu ffixfaiu-
ttaa-of Georgia, would not merely have tor-'
rendered * right already declared ta b# be,
by the supreme 'power of ebp BMM. but
would has* mad* a diabonosahta auivabdcv
to.* strongappnwar, frith thanwoUdanupan-
ddd ober his head. Whilst, "tbarefaidv toe
tb*fasudatssf th*PreaUtantan wnfawfa*, be
did aot lissitath as site* as lha mattsafpiutad
ksfareacsof tb* treaty do Congress fab slfafiad
tatrigus and irraeimry, was nfficr
to tem to pmtpou# tba mivay
inf to tha legfalaiorei afatbre
aooafaas-faiKui, fastfetmt Ms.
I frlity waaaot ao .appraprisauly a aumtaao
sis daefaiqn ** far that of Mm fagiafalaifr. Bo
that whilst th* Govarnamoter Gedrgta. de
nied tea powei of rim Exaputfaamhlrerity to
tfia United States to nroueore* ape* hm'
. . . , rigfaa. fa might #to sefaffi p, th# aatSttibfad
r ^JP , V ^ B8< ?"*; ope por ' State* of,lh*‘Unfap'.lhs opptaritRiiy to imraati-
«m of iha Indmre Wfariclufae to Ufa'“W gslfag toiffimn tofaria, to-dMtfrfaB <mMta
Ifarufaoaid noribavjtemUtKU tmgfa indi., nrestfan'wte,oatorevsmy, oopriaaSTwilbj'lhfa
■ idq.! .who wonid riiftr* tnoegh ufanutrumwr Hm*.■*'**#** awn to.amotsr ato-aoo-
my, and h^ 'timU not escape yreriw' ai dnctfareUttap.tR.fa. So far re tadtetefaw.
? ® rok f n Ar ™!*' «*«*>'* to?#-- wr andjrepdirpifrare.ta w m****r'ta*ott##
nlsaiojie'sdr Georgia ware pretsat, tba aidi- intka. nswocislioo ur eonslosioo of tbaTrefr-
«#d'r fa* tytoriolLesrenls which .grrepsded andfei-
aiy dfficer of tit* United Stales, older, tea
instruction!!, made known to Ibe Cbif fs that
His government had' resolved not to psftpit tea
.urvsy, -»that if a apirit *('f.oy rips#, from
say CHyiv.'had animated th*Indian to hosyili.
■ivailej 1|im*e!f ol the surrey aa a pretax' 1»
'alt upon oar people, add with '.he more fero-
:ity because assured that b* wouldbesits-
tsined bjr tlie arm* of the United States, i
The last pretext of the President far re-
afatance tifthe survey, is (he obkgatfan to
uxucute the 8th article of the treaty, 'which
guaranties protection to tho friendly Indi
ans- Under that guaranty the U. Statea
passively suffer McIntosh and hit fiienda to
be murdered; in the hour of peril no arm
ia Hftedto .tare or to protect—the danger
past—tho Chief* mataaored—their'property
destroyed or' disponed—th* turvivor* in
Georgia asking blood and 'protection *f their
lived, after abandoning, to their enemies ev
ery thing valuable at home—the U. States
step forth with- theii armad power to de
fend, under the 8th article of the treaty,'
these tame Indiana against, all' theit ene
mies, arid mors particularly the Georgian!,
their only friend* arid protectors.
McIntosh having fallen in the cause of th*
U. States by the hand of treachery—the U.
States were bdund jp honor under the 8th
article, tri bring to pun ahmniit his uiurder-.
era—to restore to hit frienas their, rgnh,
power-and property lost in tife same cause,
and to have cod reed the execution of the
treaty—rill which could sadly have' been
accomplished, hut the Agents oft^e United
States indulging more ol'sy mpathy for the
hostile than for the friendly. Indians, pre
scribe to the latter tee term* on wh|ch they
oliall make peace with their enemies—the
blond of, McIntosh unwashed from their
hands, th* plundered property unreatered ;
tee Agent unremoved; tb# hostile party
are to be received into the bond of commu
nion and fellowship with a forgiveness of
sins, as if these natives, of tee Wilderness at
Dime the nobte and fallen of their species,
should, in the darknws of beathnbifrn. do
more than.the philosophy of ilia heathen or
th* fu-tiiude of the Christian ever did—the
tnnnoy stipulated to be paid to them exchi-
•ively. and by the Commissioner* of tee fj
#f» PPdtlfad;apai)oao*d to H moreover what all afhleh fa, that jutfaing 1 thb ootiVea and gia ripoii.rifa iaeataraa naesafary tote* sue
1-7“.?^^ 5** •“ Wa asthorify it objetoaofhutaan- actfori bythe resblta, the caaafal proSMulioa to tea mission, whgn. Ihn
famtically bftiuvad to ba ths fact, that th* pa* agent* of th* United Bratea, whether coin.. Garsrour qf Georgia appointed noimriimhm-.
emoatipa of tb* Indian* bad.bsen cuwclacted, mrekmad. for t hto ptirpM*, far Hot, niriat srotorio uparata with him In tho task to fa-
and ofopory* order .and trangdifily perm*, have bpeh Intent en vindicating the conduct reatigarioa, at w*|i xt to guard the infareataof
ffiw fa*}°red>. oarartbeUaa.te# effimsire of thaagefir for Indian Affair*, ahd opening Gsorgia, tN act ofappotatnmat faproononead
... . . 1 jPWfrdp^lt dpreyohed and.rim pared* ofbay- th* way for the nrpture of tea! treaty—far p uaorreOQo—the cnmmiasinimra treated**
"St *?”* ^ fatataiftwteMteAvTh* Ipdm# right ofoocu- that conduct ban And* oiaAnM and -up- pyfra!te peraooa-^rary.ohstroctioo oppnred
gatnat then)—Th* Indian* *r#rw tofatWng Nn#y fate* only oht achoowtedged*y th* proved by theib onri all teemxteriiia at.iiia totWproodremeatbf tattumay—intaromrito
Europtoo; pufrate Irem i th* hreumiag—Uie nndefatoedtolltoted far that nretfav.-friiifit >itl\ lha lodiarit’dMtad team ■ tea premia**
onfato# tofawfafadtod far •0 (6* ptodks in- tbplndfanrremain aoreoancil^ aithdr to givaatoa adpamri aduaMtatfatt oftb* Indiana
i lhroagb wUch Gaosgiadaajvedher ane another or to the treaty, and a large vioUl*d--te#'.w*jdnf ** I^faa*W*f reoalv-
►.••If te*Iadj*na portipn of them more embiuertol arid|ex*»- edV lroa mnfaiffth# '
_ tie allh#rtresthfr with lham front panted against thssuthoreof it thtrieVdr.
.jfatlspiant to th* aoutory, *fri they 'v*u- J -*cn.r=r...^. - . ..
fare nasgpimd hy .tbe Uetted faates
l#to ' h"
mfaitotoetat* ita WU rf
ever it,
fa##io «wr Ifrrittr upsutetomewid jostie*
might freely,be caovaafad before tee whole
world.:'-,Tba*frnqeh faaa .lonoadod for Pur
own taps, until tb* maetifapto Urn - tegfalatuta
—tba right* qf-»« fitatai were,paved by prri-
teatafam, aiql.tbe Iqgiidsnmeie yet fred ha.aot
Upon Uip •u.bjeot at if oq. umpriK#. had boa*
taken by )he,Bxef pliva ipjglfijiua to ritef re-
fere/ice—The Iqgsuty
sorted, the power to in
nied, and the absolute I
toll sod juriadiofwn viudh
The- veryJtaikad fatov. _
tory bf the Crsek fribea poateseed by —
people of friu United atate* and tba mia-
concepliuns and niiarepresentatioai Which
could riot fait to entiw, iodaced tee Execu-
ti e to* attuntion.of l„ V. Sevan,
Esq- fairerilf aaeiduoaily occupied undhr
year appointment, to collect the 1 materials
tor a history of,Georgia,) to the’ illustration
of that part of tb* Creek story which had
more'inimodtat* referrenn* to the point*
involved In tee disGiisgip#- of the Treaty.—
Tberespltofliia diligent research ia submit-
•ed to th* paper marked. You will find*
tliere the -ground assumed by the Execu
tive of Georgia in 'maintenance of th* Trea
ty : vip. that tb*concent of Coweta Was of
itoelf aufficieot, independently of alV otear
oonsideratioqa, to give force: and efficacy
to that taatrument fa fully sustained, aod by
evidence derived from such authentic sources
to leave nothing td,card or to subterfuge.
I a obedience to the will of tbe kgiahtara
expressed in IbeirTeatoulions of the iltb day
uf, June fast, I proceeded to tb* .appoiotuieal
of Commiaaionen to carry the objscta of-them
tato'eShct.—Id telectiog the member* oftbis
cominfatioii, I endeavored to liar* regard to
4 i quahfieatiooa of tmrigbtosw, integnty and
mtelligeoce. ft was believed that the as lec
tion would be,approved by tbs moral and ea-
jigblooad ofour own community. Smcefoows-
rer, lha cenfatahfa uf tb* Uoitsd States A-
ge«ia fata naaaed them in review, tb# Execu
tive is mfqnoed .by tboaq Agents' -that, he was
miataken'aod deceived, and accordingly you
frill,a*e io sundry documeptt acaompaoyipg
lltit owaaagt tba characters of .these commit-
aionera aopourtrayad that jt wouta hove been-
difficult to reat.iifacbeiiof \fan by a at range
... . r-,,fatality they liad been cbptep from the fatal
States, ordered to be pa*d ro part to (heii 1 fruriby apJ eatimable of society, if tbe cha-
enemieuqind hy the band* jf other agent* rzctsra oftb* nsrvsai* ffilinr Ibebtobsat affine*
than thus* sppointedby the treaty; Uede to^afo bote C^tiv. L ExtcuavT^
wroiigB 4ono W iht fridodi Bf Moultocbire not pr^viouily bfecn •ubjecied to tin hijmi
adverted tp tnerely Imcaoae they carinottp. acroiioy aod shared tb* *Sm* into-—;
overlooked in the caialogiie.of wrong* done Titter Beport wih irifartn yoa to-the treat-
to Georgia, and to ahew that-the frieridly’ meat they received, and qf- the obtdeist
Indmn* may have bflllhreir far indnlgbig thrown In tbejA r— A — ■ =SH3:
friandly aeritimenta towarifa Georgia, Arid til invsstinlfao
Georgia tor indulging lik* sentiments to* pvincTpali
wsrfrthe friendly.' Indians. The result #f Prdahtont
all frWk^fa, that judging' the motive* and gia omm
. military_ on*, to
- ^ - *“ trial, whilst th* Coagrem
. „_ Uoitad Statea bat #6 tarih powtf Th*
olmovt lbe Coogreaa can do, io an extrema
•aa* ita* impeaph tlteofficar, 4f imp#soh*bk>,
if aot, repeal thp l*fr creating tjto offica, and
ffatia jnffinctiyriamnMng tlm incumhaut, but
.arltbout baviDg any aeeurity that he would not
,i-**frrii*t*iy b* *ppo»tto to aaothsr , office,
” tbe tarns-office if k should b*
hitofr.' -„
anbmittad iri datail a figrrarivs of
to frbich aor retetioot with lha
-‘- bay* given risa, ami -eapuaed
- *rtooipiea_»htph bay* gar-
ICt «ftba Exsuutivs tbrough-
. dur piadom to gopide apoo
upyytaary, arid proper tq apatain
defan Jtb*.right* amltadapcfr-
&V.-M jf riaifaoa, frill justify »o
bnigatMp. of tba Trefry, aod it -fa. tfcom-
ta you, therefor* fa any gad ffitrey *•
cooiidsr as bsretofar* Ih* lodiao
the territory te affacteally extinguith-
tefa wlmihsrtba auryay ha *4-
.,W.rifa?-to rifaiw tb* oocupatwnef it
4ay,ttlppfi«tod !* th»t instrument, 4.
Wfa to you wqpld hart duo* if,
ty. had pto how questioned.
* yahmittad to the Gq>
extraordinary teuton,
.... } abiodoa tee territory.
, out limits. , This reaolu-
satisfactory to the government of
lited Stoics—if cannot N ' to to yon.
laBhn (baits, it remain* for yoo to
Ira, ta ilbirfg to Do time ia tofae'luat,
early andeper-
freptoied to.thc *er-
uodar (he powar
regnlato Commerc#
By tba aecood articte
J yod. frill find tS
our Cdmmitatoto
ton—Th* United
cf Georgia wbafr
S;kbey may. hare to
UMtstobda,** Noth-
therefore, but tb*
- for. hafttio*;,'
“ , Hberi,H jV
nt having bean ioatructad tor tb*
dvito with Dm Governor of Gytr.
. groorida la oaofinrid «p,
tbe IhdUna exclusively, and designed for theif
Me and benefit ooly. The .adil add jurfauiee
Aon being in Georgia, it frai no mors lawftfe
for the United Stats* to irilrdduoa other per.
SOM there, thin it would h*vs bssn for tbenk
n> hare introduced within tbe retried limits df
Geergia acoluny oTfre* pertooa of color, of
todiaos, or of white people. Tbe utmost ab
lowabl* tojhe United ’ Statea iotliia hispoct
wu the seitleritanf within the territory of
snob of their own officers, as were oecosaary
tn Carry into effect their Mkriow lodged power
to regJlate commerce with the Indians. Th*’
United State* hire hererthqteaa by -pemiii-
sion. tolerattoo, oh eoCOoregepient, iotroduo*
ed there from time to time, whit* peptoot arid
other* who hare made retUemeota, sxeroitej
owharship over the toil, and cultivated it to
tlte aamepiaaoer u if tb* Vnit»d..'tale*,.an4
not Georgia, poaaetfCd the right of toil and
jarfadietton; aod thee* very tarn* peraooa,aa
it it confidahtly beKavad, have been chiefly
instrumental to preventing thq Indians from
ItaViog (ti* country | all tueb pcraooe there
fore are to be cootto*red ta tralpatrert and
and intrndan upon the toil qf Georgia oqd
treated accordingly. This fa the theory Cofe.
practice of tbe United State* gov#rotn#et it*.
Self with regard to it* towo taodi. to every >
iettane* wber* tbe United Stale* bar* claim
ed tb* toil and jurfadfolibo; whether (he lo- .
diaoa be ip th* occupetioo oi not, .the guverifr
mdorhaa exerotaed the powW to treat all each ,
perSooi aa trtapaucra arid intruder*, apd aa
act of Congrtai SHthoria** tha President to
Xxpel (bi ifi at |b* point of ufa bayooet It iq.,'’ •
eqarilly coaipefent to tee goverowiedt oftlHa
atate ta adrift like'roe** ore* far tb*' removal
qftreepriasrir* on bar own toil, rind' far tide
jjarpoe* havtog iriade te* oaceatary afatutary
pravhtoot; Ita recqotoMqdM toyo# to axteod
tb* liwtdif Geargtaqvsr Uw eonnf ry.
Thu bar* Men how oar right* of vovereigor
iy—thrito of tbe Cleetiy'x, franchise, of territo
ry, and juriadictioo, have beeo infringed—
Tot' wilTaaC the rem* right* vtoistsd, in thh ,
inderiendeneet character and dtooity qf ifi*
cOotututed aothoritiee oecupiad-iu |ha man- r *
aggMbtofafa-‘affair*. - - -<
A special officer frfrupommlmtonad N «h>
Prsaident to enquire into the ooadpet pf tew
Agent fur Indian Afihirt, who ofi preaent-
inn himeetf here; wan received Ut tea meat
friendly tq lap av.tnd With aaaurqacs# that
■vary aesistane* woaM baTaadarad ja pM>
■top (he qhi**t ofhfamtreioe—wot deafaiag.
that (h* osjaet. as b* repeatedly profeared,
was jpstios-to alt the parties aoocsrwad. to
.th# priUi#, i# bia own govern mint, to Geor-
gto, to teeI»giiMm,an3tetheoaoer UripM-
qetsd.—Any deportmeot whieh etight Ire.
'•p ' 4 V^.