Newspaper Page Text
numiM or last* eg w* union
ttiifftnk, » t J, :*i. i
*—■' mm^.i rrnrk'ilnon-A**'
AY MORNING, NOV.,ft. I***'
CP Pcnr-Orrtci—T^tie Poat-Offioe Mi
ywtorday removed from the Cky-Hotel,to
the western end of the Exchange. We *r«
reqoevtadto **y» foat the tax. fo* the recap-
‘Ikon of let ton, when the/ office is closed^
will he found »t the wnlera door.
An inquest tu yeaterdsy held on the
body of Roncnr E»», formerly a pilot of
this port. After a patter# investigation by
thejury, and an’examination oftbe hodyby
Die. B«ar«ALi. and Fuwrw, the verdiot who
.a* follow*:—That the deceased “ came’ to
hit death' by a blow, received from a atone,
thrown by the hand of J acob, Ya'nde«* ilt.
between the 28th of October, and the lit ol
November." It appeared by tjie teitimonj
received, that Keya and Vanderbilt, both of
, whom followed the oystering business, in a
drinking froll« about two weeks ago, agreed
to bdu tholr hate, the motfoh being made
by Vanderbilt. The latter having rescued
■ hie hat from the flame*, was reproached by
Key*, who threw a (tone at him, which wa*
^returned and.Keys was struck senseless by
a blew oo the head-, which finally earned
hisdelth. Vanderbilt hit been committeP
to jail. •• .
flimi Mihedovillx.—A gentleman who
,llft Milledgville oo -Friday, Informs us on thal
day Unotawoos had hoeb elected Judge for
the Northern Diitriot, by *7 rotei, over the
''present incumbent Judge Clayton. When
the mail left on Friday, the Legislature wan
proceeding iira second ballot for Judge of the
Oomolgee Circuit; the reiolt of (lie firat be
ing for 0. H. KcNhoa, 78; Shorter, 4# ;
CaAwrORD, 44; RocxW*ll,14. It it ex-
pocted that Mr. Kesnon it elected. We
art told that T. 17. P.ChaiW,ton, Eaqr. was
4o be brought forward ia opposition to judge
to TH* CDiTona or thi oaeaoiAB..
Milledoevillb, No?. 11, 1845.—On
tVedneeday, pursuant to the amendment of
ti)e esqathution,.providing for the’ election
; 0f Governor by the people, the election re-
_ V;tartie were opened in the pretence of both
branches of the. Legislature, aod counted
out. The votea of the different counties
, differ h little from those which have been
’ - published. that it ie not necessarytn repeat
them. The following ia the result from the
official returns. With the exception of Ra-
bun, the return from which was not recetv-
mT, and'counting eight blanks, the whole
Humber “of vote* given In was 40410—of
which Troup received 20,515 and Clark
19,857—majority 688. Thua remits the
•Ibctteu whteh bat agitated the state for
fo long a period, and oniisted so great a
sfiltp of public feeling.
The appointment of .the standing Com-'
, mittees wae this day made in both branches
of the Legislature. They are as follows s—
Committees or. Sen ate.—On the -State
of the Republic.—Messrs, Wooster, Harde
man, Burney, Stocks, Welbum of Monroe,
jfontell', and Anderson.
On Finance—Messrs. Brown of Hancock,
MiicheJI, ‘ Crawfold, Liddle, Coffee, Law-
eon and Beall.
, On the Judiciary—Messrs, rforris, Wil
kibson,'Alston, Bird, Jlrotdoax, Branham,
and-Weiborn of Honstofi,
. On BsntM—Messrs. Harmon,. Atkinron,
Button,Brown of Camden,Tenhillo,Worthy;
and Matthews.
On,’ Agriculture and Internal Improve-
fnent—Messrs. Walker, Power!, Johnson of
(PeJCilk, Brown Of De -Kalb, Browo of De
catur, JJriffih. Hardeman, and Swilbey.
On Public Educhttou and Free Schools—
Mewra. Cleveland, Baker of Warren, Crit
tenden, Swain, Gibaon, Fort'and Johnson of
' Tatjnell.'
; Military—Messrs. Jonas, Tenille, Clove-
land, Harris, Miller, Coffee and Danieli.
, On the Pdffilphtlary—Messrs. Groves,
Stocks, Sellers, Bryan; Lockhart,- Spann,
and Baker ofLiberty. ■'
Qn Enrolment—Mean. Scarlett, Young,'
1 tnd Phillips.
On Printing—Meaars.. Mitchell, Bred-
" bam, and Cleveland. , ■
" Committees of the House of Representa-
, tivea:—
Oh tkp state of the Republic—Messrs.
Bffiir, Lumpkiu, Fort, Thomas Of WerreO,
f, I onrferetand to Waaltfo|te* oft
aeBa coitibdlM wtlh the late Treaty.
Military—Meat r*. Hardsa, WatsnmTu.
tie, Wolford, Liwaou, Wilcox,. Wyn*
ffiehqla, Ryae, Qrftnft, Hntphibge of Jones,
.Wood ofYpyalto, Hteie. . . y N ,-
On Agriaulteve and Intamiil Improve,!
mem— Messrs. Turner, Mending;'Birdsong,
Collins, Hull, fait,, Clayton, M^tohall of
Sapp, Roberts-ofBurks
On iha Psnitsoilary—Memra, Clapton of
futnam, Strioklaord, Watea.PreetoiU, Mit
chell of Pulaski, M’Call, Bturges, Moncrief,
Glopjon ofPike.King of Crawford,-Roberts
pfHall,.Cine ofCafndtn. ' .
On PUbiio Education—Ifeatra. Campbell,
HoTcey, Hay, Lumpkin, Harris, Btailaford
Willie, Randolpb, Smith of Bibb, Wilson
Blackburn, Holt, Hioklaud.
On Printing—Mbeara. Fort, Wood Of
Early; Gilder, Kenon, Robinson of Jasper,
Watson. To thil oommittpe wore after
Wards added—Messrs. Hull, :■ M’Clendon
Strictland, and Robertson of Chatham.
On Banka—Meaars. Hudson, Gtiffeo.
Way; Heard, Perry, Hutohina,of
^Gwinnett, Harden, Phillips, Horne, Clifton.
On petition*—Messrs- Ash, Flemming.
Lester, Scarbrough. Jones, Leggett, Mar
tin of Franklin, Leonard, SteWart, ‘Smith
of Bryan.
On Enrolments-Messrs) Merpney, Park,
Paris, Burton, M’Dougald, .Mitchell,. Mon :
roe, Brail.'
fo examine the Journals—Messrs. Has-
sard, Bryan,Wiggina, Thomas of M’Intosh
Bird, Stapleton, Sapp, Juhnaon. Gilbert.
In the House on the same day Mr. Hud
son, from the committe appointed at the last
session, (Messrs. Wm. Davies, f hoe. "Stocks.
W. W. Holt end Irby Hudson,) to enquire
into the condition of the Beaks, in which the
state is a stcekhoIdcr, made a report, which
was referred to the committee on Bunks,
and two hundred Copies ordered to be prin
ted. . '
In the Senate, the message of the Gover
nor and tba accompanying Documents, were
In the Senate, yesterday, 500 copies oT
the message of the Governor and the accom
panying Documents, were ordered to be
printed, after some delute.
In the saipe body, Mr. Daniel! gave no
tice for the appointment of a. oommitteo 1 to
prepare a bill .to incorporate a company to
ha called the Mexico-Atlantic Company of
the Mate of Georgia,with power topenalrue.
canals or railways, between the -Atlantic
Ocean nnd th* water* that flow iato the
Gulph of Mexico.
In tba same, body, Mr. Jones offered a re
solution, that tjie; Jpiht-Committee on In
ternal Improvarbeot, he instructed to en
quire into the expediency of opening the
Ockmutgse river f>om Macon, to tho mouth
oftheUleof*luchM,aad report by bill or otli
In the house, on the same, day, in pur-
suanea of the notice given the preceding
day by Mr. Myera, a committee was appoint
tod to prepare a bill to authorise l({nited
partnerships. / ", ,
A committee waa also appointed to pre
pare a bill to allow compensation to Petit
The Committee appointed yesterday, to
wait on the Gov amor, and inform him of his
re-election as Governor of the state ql'Gcor-
gia, by their cliairinan, informed the House
that they bad performed the duty assigned
them, and that the Governor would' attend,
at l|p>’olo'cli. this day, to take the oath of
office. •
At jglavon o’cldck, butinesi waa auspen
ded, and arrangements made to receive
the 8en*te<Bnd the Governor and'those
invited to bo present at the ceremony oftbe-
Inauguration. The Senate soon after »r
rived, and the President took 'hi* place at
the right of the Speaker of the House,.
- At twelve o’clock, the Governor entered
the Representative Hall, supported by the
Hon. Wm. H- Crawford, and took hie seat
between the President of the Senate and
the Speaker of the Houee. Ho. then dfijiv<
ered an address to (be General Assembly,
which weelietenod to with deep attention,
and waa raceivad, as it deserved, with evi
dent gratification. It was precisely'what
such ,»n address should be, concise, cm'
phatic end delivered in a solemn aod impres
five manner. The oath of office was then
admietered by the Praiideot of the Senate.
Who thereupon proclaimed George M.Troup
Governor of the State of Georgia for thb
twoensuing years.' Amoag those invited
to be present oil the adddition to
Mr. Crawford, were Mr. Cobb, Senator in
Congress, Judge# Dooly, Rend, Weyite, aod
numerous other distinguished gentlemen.
The lobby aqd gallery ware otowded to exr
case, and tho lattek was graced by the pro
sense of many lpdiee. .Mr. Crawford ia in
eg over puf New 7
i va rioMf
hahfc tliat (hieappbesUon wilt be rcffrired:a|
th* next ssMlOu. *Yhcihor, T how<^er, tM'
iadividusl appiicatiaoi of States will be sue-
MMVJ i or wheiher, by tho enactment of the
morel, hill whieb Was .introduced bv Mr.
*Mriktt.i. at the Close of tho lest Aoriioe, t
sufficiently. . The multitude ariembfod, sup,
posing th|meoivqt hoaxed, broke through *U
reitrWotJeedas wolearn, destroyed the bal-
toon and many trees and shrub* ill the gar
den.” ■ • ■' ” • ' ■■j;;
The grand canal celebration took place
on tho 4th inet. Tho Amoricau »«yf—'The
celebration of jtatordaJi -wae every thing
that the heart cCuld Desire. The heaven*,
too smiled on the hadpinesa yf man. A
more beautiful 1 day nW downed.” Be
aides .tUOO persons wh(^ walked In proces
sion, thb spectator* *4 estimated kt Ipo,-
000. Th iBuciot'e*. Nochanics, Firemen
with their engines, &c.&o. made a most
splendid exhibition, many of the trades
wore busily it work a* they paaased, and
among others, the priofeu struck off copies
ofapode fortho apeetatora. The Aquatic
procession presented a spectacle “Which not
only has never been equalled, but no other
place lip the world h«s the mean* of'equal
ling." There were 22 stoam boat*, 4 pilot
boats, a ship-end the watermens barges, tho
whole gaily decorated. Having published
the ordbr of the celebr&tiou' last week, we
defer further notice of it at present, to give
place for more important matter.
Augusta, 12 Nov.—1825.—<W Cotton
market is rather fiat to-day, and it ia difficult
to effect sales at the rates current at the be
ginning of the week; prime will command
13 t-2, from tho small' quantity offering, but
the middling qualities drag at 12 1-2 Cts.
There has not been much done daring the
week, as the'river continues so vtfrylow it is
impossible to ship it off. except iery slowly,
and at high rates of freight. Freight to Sa-
vannab $2 a 2 SO—to Charleston 3-4, per
lb, The loWneM of tho river operates also
upon (lie Dry good trade aod Gtocers, whose
goods take Such' ao unusual length of time to
get tu their destination, that the assortments
are very limited, although there may be an
abundance on the wav; the consequencei*
that onreity has rtot h^eo so dull at this sea
son of the year for many yean past, as at pre
sent. ' ' - - ,
i»r* wm hindoptid. authorising and pro-
Iwfoy R gfaod system of internal tmpr
mto^Wrytt donhtfnl. CouM we, from what
r Wf hat* aedn of tfie’receht disposilioo of
CbbgVeds, On sUbjorts of'iM* eharyter, and
whi^f stvory pudl conveys to ns of the (row
ing seal of the people In Avery part of the Un
ion, to weilitate foe intercourse between
State* and seotioni-af (be Union; form any
probable eoojectnre. it Would be in favour
of-tb* latter supposition.—Ahf. /utirnof.
WrecxiIrs in Florida—We learn from
a letter contained io.tho Mercantile Adverti
ser, 'that under n law Of Florida, the wreak
ert offtnat coast, have been allowed an enor
mous salvage oo the' praperty saved from
wrecks. lo one iotence. tfuder this infa
mous law, a captain JacobHouseman.who hpd
been much engaged in' wrecking business,
took into St. Augustihe a part of thewiargo.of
the Frohch brig Revenge, which was wreck
ed on Florida Reef, ami wit allowed by a jnr
ry of five cilir.ens ofSb Adgostine, ninetyjiet
percent for salvage ! It it presumed, howev.
er, (bat Capt. H. wilFbe obliged to disgorge,
at the French Consul of Charleston, who
was at that ;(imo at St< Augustine, hasem
ployed counael to libel the goods. The quet
lion will turnon the constitutionality oftbe
Florida wreck law, wtiich, we learn, haa re
cently been overruled by Judge Lee, in the
Admirably Court of the South Carolina dim-
trjet. .
We are informed by a gentleman from Pen
sacola, that in coining ontpf tlio Bay, ontlie
24th hist. Ik met the IJ. S. Ship Hornet going
in, having oo hoard the Coininitsivnera for
a Nsiyy Yard, which is supposed, will be loca
cated somewhere in Pensacola Bay- We
understand it was sickly oo board the Govern
moot vessels in that Port.
Mobile Reg. Oct. 28.
JVcte-DWeotw, Od. 22—Codon.—We haVe
no enquiry, sales or clea rnncea to report thija
week, and as to nominal prices »tr value, our
friends all the impropriety of ven
turing an opinion. It is supposed that the
first purchases will be made for the northern
maniifa r.toriea, which are ssi'd to be in want
of good qualities : next for the French' mar
ket, and last)/' for the F.tiplish Arrived
since our last' from Miasiaaippi and the inter!
or 280 bales.
^ “ p NWyw^ffNw-*eeese|»/
i« iff alar packet brig
i v 4v ;
. Jliamot Croft, Maker,
(Will h* despatched immediately.—
fir mtt, landimf from Mid Bi
rbl* ) Superior Fhmr nia,
160 Hair Barrels v from new. wheat /
280 Barrel* Rye Whiskey and y■>
20 B*frels'LoafSugar
AUo, landing from brig Helen, from Speton,
12 Hogsheads hfuacovado Sugar
40 B<#m Mould Candida
|M|i#ilCTf pCi-Y inform the citire ni 4
U 8**ann»h and ita vioinlty *■— - "
Nov 15
A N adjourned communication of Sevan-
£1 nah Council, No. t, will be held at
O’CLOCK, when the regular election for
Officer* forthe ensuing year Will take place.
By order of the ihirice illuitriou* Grand
JHarier. L. SCRANTON, Berorder.
. Nov. 16 - '< . 4fi
160,000 UOJULM.
take* a«
oppmit* wsiwivu-nuuie, when u„;
intend tb-«arry on the TAILORtjfQ Bt f
SIMESS inallits variooii branches-
tvet orraa roa (ale,
Superfine Blue and 01ack‘Clotha
FJoey Colon a,.
Blue and Black Castimere*
Figured Bilk and Valencia Vetliim
,Gr*ciqu Velvet do. very elegant
Do. .dp. Wonted Striped
Gentlemen’s Blue add Black Coati
Bluo. Browo and Steele Mist Frock
Do. do. Coatees . *
Blue ahd Black Pantaloons
Satlioetts and Bangup Cords do.
Grecian Velvet, Valeucia tad Fim—
SilkVeata pn *
Striped do.
Blue Cambist Cloaks, very
Scotch Plaid • do. various colors
»Gentlemen’s Fancy Cravats
Suspenders, Gloves, Black Stocks
Cravat Stiffcnors, tic. kc.
Together with n general assortment of Trie,
ming* used in their line of buslnes. - ]
Cf All orders executed at tlie shortest poi.
tible notice, and in a manner wai ranidd u
give aatisfaction. Work done by the fir*
New-York Workmen, and according to lU
latest and most approved fashions.
N. B.—One of the partners residing at the
North, the business will be conducted by
Oct 27 - 32pw
■ *3
QN' Wednesday last tb* Grand Stale Lot
tery of Maryland. wae drawn. *»y the
oiid and even system, and the destination of
the following handsome prises ascertained i
1 PRIZE OF 30.000. DOLL A RS.
■ do
PelerJhurgh, Nw. 8—Cotton.—The arti
cle ia a ahade lo.wcr. Sales yesterday were
at 13j a 14 Cts. The last Letters from New-
York represent that but -5 Cents could bn
obtained in thub-Market forthe best Uplands,
and that only from American Manufacturers,
os Shippers generally decline purchasing
at existing rates! 1 /
Tbe City Council of Augusts, have ap
pointed Thursday next, 17th inst. as n day
of public thanksgiving and prayer.
Preparations ace making in Augusta, by
those concerned, for celebrating theaoni-
veraary ofSt. Andrew, on (he 30th inst‘
Bo»ton. 31 §t Oct.—Cotton. —Steady, though
small demand from the manufacturers—'Two
or three lots of new Upland, good, at 19 a 20
cts.; a few balsa of N. Orleans at; 20 ets.;
and 10 balea of N. Orleans, superior, at 25}
eta. 6 ms. The article must inevitably be
much lower at the South at a period not far
distant, according to the opinion of many
of our best informed merchants
hue.—per,lb. 4ms.—Carolina. 3 a3J.
The Macon' Messenger says, that the
steam-boats which have beeu expected at
that'place, cannot arrive until a rise of the
water takes place.
Petit, Fostef.'Campbell, Abercrombie, Pol-
hill, Hsxurd, Martin of Jackson, King! Mob bettor hdnMktban'l hid ant!
ofMohMif c.-,x. i
OoffmoaoBriMemta. Sailbid, Mjrere,'
DayyBreekmsn, Cone, ofGrenoe, Rendar;
i Bama, Moore, Jaurdan^Primraao,
J ;■ vjFh.JW'jBdteiMy-rtBurgaide, Poqghorty,
W&'.W =*.5 ...
he walks firmly,-MR (lis spseeb is ttill fo
some degree nfibitod. . . ■ ■
Thn etoctfoe- of Judge* and BMioitori
eutnee on tfrAayu i I wifi fbrward yputiwre-
anlt by n*xt mail
Roily M’la)oth iaat praseut in t£js-ei*y v
»iiA»n*eflf «th«. friendly Phieft on
Philadelphia, Noe. 6 —Cotton,—Slow
sales-r-Sea-Isiands, none.; Louisiana If) a
17 ; Alabama, 13 a 15}; Upland. 12 a 15). .
Cotton Bogging, scarce ; Dundee, yd. 25;
Domestic, 24.
Flour—Wheat, S. F. bbl. sales 5 a 5 12£.
Illinois Lanijs.—Several thousand tract*
of land in the state oflllinois, arc advortiacd
to be sold in the towi' of Vandalism an th#
first Monday in January iKXt, /or taxes.—
These lands are all military bounty lands,
granted to the goldiem of tlm late war.
CaNal.—During the mouth of October
twenty five thousand nirto hundred and (for
ty six dollars-were received-by tl» Celtec
tor at Albany on account of toll on eight
hundred boats that departed form, there laden
with four thousand thnw hundred and nine
teen tons of Merchandise.
The Mobile Register of the 1st Instant,
says Cast week we had a hard rain; succe-
ded by a few days of cold weather, and pret
ty sharp frost; since when no new eases of
malignant fever have occured, and it is now
thought our absent citizens may return with
safety to their hontes-
It it- stated in Ihe St. Louis (Missouri)
Republican, thkt, Gehoral Wuxiam H. Asa-
LEI passed Frankho, on hit way down, with
a very valuable cargo of beaver. It jestatod
(hat heJiad from (10 to 100 packs, w*m from
{40,000 to {50,000. He was expeclod *at
St. Louis, a* .alto were the Coinniistiouer*
from foe Miaamiri Expedition, early in the
present month.
A traveller has recently made-the Journey
from New Orleans to New York, through il|y
interior of the country, in twenty »ivf. (ra-
etlling days, for {02ouly I His route was
up tlf* Mi/sissippi and Ohio riven to Pitts
burg in 17 days—tlieni to Erie (90 miles)
in one day—thence to Buffalo, in two daya—
thence to New.York in i more-—Tbe whole
dialanoe, nearly; 3000' miles, with only 90
mils* travelling ip a •fo*i having been ,per-
formedby Canal tad steam-boat navigation-
I the-suMpct ofis Canal'comi
Hop between foe Tennessee river arid the At-
iantic, has excited some attention, not with
out a mixture of oaturaLnntfety for m m*
o*«»id the neighbouring 8tate. of Alabama
Tba unfownf foe Tenaaam* and Alabama ri:
vert lias bean, for-adna rime past, a ftvoui
tofthhafotoiand aq, application, w*
• - r *> ; .fgd« t#. C*ngr«t, ou tbs
tifimi «f aw*•
nr pH«« riMgjT ialduffiMA It .is pw-
10.000 DOLLARS.
1,000 1)01.LARS.
' 500 DOLLARS.
As tbe drawing will be received here
TOi-MtHtROW EVENING, adventurers
must cull immediately fur their chances.
ID* Adventurers are informed'that their
tickets are received.
Whole Ticket, *••••,*,,•••••••{-5.00
Halves, ^»,»■ ,,*,.;..... .2 50
Quarters, ' .....I 26
■ Georgian Office.
V, Prizes in other Lotteries, received as
qash; and cash, given for prizes as soon as
drawn. ’. Nbv 15
On the 2d inst. at the rvt-idence of Albert
G. Beckham, near Milledgevile, Captain
Samuel Beckwam, ngol 95 years. He tvse
a Revolutionary soldier and was in actual
service from tho commencement of that glo
rious struggle until the close, with the ex
ception of a few mhnths, whnn ho was cun-
fined by a wound ho received at the siege of
Augusta. ■ He commanded a Rifle Compa
ny during the greater part of tbe war under
Gen. Elijah Clark, and was' always ready
to serve ins country in aqy shape - tliat pre
vented itself. His goodness of heart, will be
long remembered ; but alas, bis benevolence
reduced him to poverty. His remains were
interrod with military honors; by the Lafay
ette Volunteers, under Gapt. Lamar.. -
Near E-itonton, Putnam county, Mrs.
Reuecca N asiEr, consort of Thos. T. Na
pier, Esq- besides numerous friends and con
nections, , Mrs. Napier left an affectionate
husband and four small children, to mouro
her loss.
m mn&NMi9
days, to J. Cummins A Sot), Consignees.—
j. B. Herbert dr co. Ponce &
flill,C/K. Davis.- '
Brig Francis, Crafts 4 days from Philadel
phia, fo S. B. Packman—assorted cargo to
J. B- Gander, G. B. Lamer, Johnson Hills
A Co. 8. B. Parkman, P. Hill, E. Gelliberi,
W. Gaston, W, T- Williams, D- A. Jones,
Wiltbergcr fit Cornwall, R. Campbell,J.
Anze, A. G. Oeinbler, 1. W. Morrell, Cohen,
dt Milter, Ponoe dr M’Kenzie, B. W’. Dele-
mater. Pateengere, J.. Anze ahd family,
Mrs. Bryan tnd Min Bryan.
Schr. Flora, Torqertun, 3 days from Rice-
borough, with cotton, to Bnlloob A Dun-
Sloop Delight, Cooper, 1 day from Charles
ton to the master.' «
Sloop Matthews, from Riceboro, with cot
ton to Bolbwh dt Dunwody. .
Sloop Falcon, Delano, t day from Darien
Cotton, to E'’Fqrt. Paeeettgere, Mrs- Laf’
titan, Mias Boisguenay and servant.
Sloop Eliza Nieoll, BlanUeo*hi(>> from O-
geeobee, w’ith 2160 hothela rough rioe, toR,
8team boat Alatamaha, Harford, reported
yasturday front Augusta,, witlfibmts Not- 9 A
IBiutow, tp8toam BoatCo—with UOOfoaiea
Cotton, to Jim. Commiar, H, Lord '4k co. B.
Burrouefot, & .C. Danniag.W. Castoo, G. B.
Lamar, P. HUI, O. Taft, fo & Parkrhaa,
John Camming fo Boo, and W. Gala,
Steam Boat Eotavgran, Kirkpatrick, Dari*
an, 1 da>, to Q. B. Lamar. .Th* E. .waa
.hound to Maouo, but owing to the low State
of foe riven could gat hot 70 miles above
m-. '
BrigJolutMtoaha^ foe BUfilfo U .
1 ,VO-‘ >V . . . ' • ... ’Tli,’-*’ /’''(v*.!
.-..I 'fefi’-i
H A8 jitst received, per ship < hsriot. i
choice supply of fresh and ivarrentid
From ship Hazard nnd brig Pnnthen.
1AA KEGS TOBACCO, approved
IUU Brand.
26 Quarter Casks and half quarter
casks Marseilles Wine
60 Barrels Mnrgsn’a beat Gin
20 Bartels New Rum
S Pipeb Holland Gin
40 Barrels No. 2 and 3 Mackerel
25 Kegs Lard
5 Kegs.Bntter
. 10. Cases and balsa Plaida and Brown
’ 2 Cases Boots and Shoo*
25 Boxes Snap
20 BarrelvCrnb Apple Cidor
20 do Quions and-Buts
For salehy W. L1PPITT.
Nov 45. 4Gp
prepared and put op t>y John Williamson A
Co. of Boston, among which are
Castor Oil, aiqierior quality
. ..Magnesia, calcined
Epsom Salts. Camomile Flowers
Flaxseed, Salts, Senna, Menus
Sweet Oil of a very superior quality
Essential Oil Spruce
Pearl Barley, Oatmeal
Opodeldoc, Race Water
Sods, Seidlitz and Rochelle PowJpr*
Sulphur. Cream of Tartar
Silt Petre, Alum, Castile Snap.
Rose Soap, English Spice Bitters
Calomel, Jalap, Mint Lozenge 1 -
Cologne ”Water.Otto of Roses
Tootli Brushes, Rhubarb, Paregori;
Tincture Bark, Camphor
v Ant-mony Wine, Indelibln Ink
Essences, Spices, Sealing Wax
With a variety of other nrticles-ih HienhovB
line, all of which are offered for sale mu,-a
below the usual prices.
Nov 5 , 3'Jre
J UST received by brig Panthez, and oth
er iate arrivals, 1
10 Kegs Goshen Butter, first quality
20 Half and qr.bbls. Bhqkwheat. Meal
10 do Rye do
150 Barrels Potatoes
' 10 do Onions •
10 do Beets,
3 do Burlington Hams
5 Half Barrels Puckled Totigues t
10 Barrel* Apples . \
2000 Aagustiue Oranges
For sale by A. BA&SETT.
Nov,14 ,4 fl Pll
K ffb CASKS NAILS, assorted sizes
JU 20 Quarter Casks Malaga Wine
Landing from b>ig Frmthea, and for sale by
No# 15 - 46
4 GOOD CARPENTER, to be perma
nently employed in a heathy part of the
country. Apply at this office.
Nov 15, •- 45
T HE subscriber having acted as one df
the Receivers of Names fo* Chbtbsm
County, begs leave to inibrm the inhabi
tants of Said county, who may have been
absent on lawful hStinett or deprived by other
causes, contemplated by tbe act, from regis
tering their names, tiiat he will attend to
making out the necessary affidavits,, to be
forwarded to the executive .in ample and
legal form. - My office ii in the Custom-
House. JOS. 8. PELOT.
Nov 15 461-11-
H AS removed to the brick store, ooe
door east of bis former stand, wlint
Ini Is now opening a large and general as
H>3i5r (BDGHDSs
Savannah, Utb Nov. 1825, |
T HURSDAY'next, the- 17th irist hiving
.been set apart by the City Council as
n day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, ttiia Bank
will he shut i tfitrefora, all bills-and notes
day must be taken ap
oo Wednaadfiy, tha 16th inat. and all papem
intended fo* discount on Friday, mult bu
offered on Wsdnstday. .
• A. POLTER, CariUtr.
no* IS ' a . 46
rnHE copartuarahtp bareUrfitre existisg
A under foe filrwa of Thompson fir Oosmsy.
ia thisdsy diapdlead .by mbtuglboppant.—
Alt pataona hiring dainandb, are-bequested
to present tbata, and thase who arkindebt
ed, are respeotftdlr iarited to mikeOayment
without delay, tq 9)fo C.- tkmwth *»•
authorised to arttt* tha «atrie,. - si, .■. •*'
just received from New- York by the Augus
ta, Savannah, and other recent arrivals.
Cfoths and Caseiiqgfoa
Plains and Blanltotir
Salinetts and Sagutha*
Coloured and wliifo Flannels
Do Domestics
' Bleached and unbleached domestic sheet*
lugs and shirtings.
Ddrk and light Calicoes
Linens, Lawn* end Linon Cambrics
Plstillus. Russia and IrisJy Diapers
Russia SlieminCT
Cambrics and Muslins
Nunkiu and Canton Crapes
Bnmbazetts, Bombazeens,' and Dimitira
Black and col. Italian Crepea
Clark A Paisley’s spool cotton
Hosiery and datniiig Yarn
, W liite and colored C revets
Bolivar do
■ Hunter’s Cord ,
Ladies horse skin and kid gloves
Gentlemen’s do and beaver do
And a variety of fancy articles. Ac. Sit.
Also, * large supply of 42 inch
Cotton Bagging.
W Inch he offers for sale at reduced prices-
pet 6
A LL orders left at Mr. Morrell’) Cabinet
Ware-Houw* trill be punctually anew
N. B—PIANO FORTE8 to hire by lb*
month or year.
Oct 18 *»
UeJ 10 Quarter Caslm Malaga (Vine
20 Boxes Cotton and Wool Cards
10 PackagesJ)ome*tio Cotton Good*
Wrapping land Writing Paper
20 Pipes Old Rutentrurg Gia .
10 Hogtlwada do I
10 dp Northern Rum
- 20 Bags Coffee' ‘
)50 Pieces Bagging
200 Barrels Navy aod Pilot Bread
SaUioetl’s Axes, Ac.- ,
For isle by ' FABIS HJLI/'
Nnvl . ■ - 34l dL
r A VINO tifoto tb* BAKERY formerfy
to serve hi* former customers sad all others
•he may pleas* tp fovoe him with tbeir cti-
tom- He intends keeping s constant anpply «
to any quantity that joey be wanted, and o*
*f BREAD, on fowbaK forms.
Oot 18