Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 15, 1825, Image 4
SHERIFF'S BALE, s thejtret Tsteetbty in fitcmbtr next, ILL b* noUat the Court-House fa the fj ■ cllr of St ruin tit, betwosatha houie «fts* end four o'clock; . Afithat let of lend, known )>* the latter P.Heatkoeta Ward, (bring keif of a Mua* Mud Improvement*. f ‘Meet lot and improvement* No. I, Ogle- tbofpi WiH> •flSrornagre girl Chariot; levied on as the property of tba eetete of John Oribbla, to •etUy two oeeeutiODi in ftror of the Bank of the United Staton and Naoroe Stanton. Alee, the tenement on the south half of « lot No. 8, Trustee* Garden, in the City of Jjfearanaah i loried on aa the proparty of ^SKorgo .Carter, to eatiafy an execution in fhvdr of oMentor of Ann Middleton, loried on and tnraod oror by a constable. \ I. D’LYON, a. o. norT 38 SHERIFF’S' SALE. On thejtret Tuesday u\ Jan. next, W ILL bo told before the Court Houie in the City of Savannah between the heart of 10 and 4 o’clock, ■ . All that tract or parcel of land contain ing 887 acres, more or leee, together with 100 aeree of mirth land eallad Oakland, ai- tOated,lying and being in Little Ogeec|iie District in the County of Chatham; bound ed on the north by lands of Flemming Akin, ogthe east by loads of .Doct. Parker, and oollTe tooth by lands of B. Walborger, and oh the West by nortbeait branch of Little Ovneehie River, together with all and tin- gultr, edifices snd improvements; levied on nndbr a A fa or foreclosure from George L. Cope, to John SPNith, Peter Mitcbel and Robert Mitchel. I. D’LtoN, t. c. c. nor 7 38 i Jrrter j mlu A: SHERIFF’S SALE—CoittiNircn. On thefrst Tuesday tn Decipher next, mETILL be told at the Court House, in Vr the City of Savannah, between the nluat hours of tale, .Two Stages, four Horse*, and four sets of Harness, belonging to this end of the Au gusta Line; levied on under a foreclosure of .a Mortgage from Joseph I. Thompson, to Joseph Hamming, assigned to Alps. T. Dobson. A. D’LYON, o. s. c. c. nor7 3R •*> PLANTERS?HOTEL, WARRENTON. THE Subscribers baring inter- ed into co-partnership in the PLANTERS’ HOTEL, take this _____ method of informing their friends and tbe public that thoy continue to keep op that well koowo establishment, ou the east side of the pobiic square'in Warrentoo, and return their sincere thanks to those who have favored them with their custom, and wish for continuance of that support from tha public hich their attention to business will merit. Tpeir table will be supplied with every thing the country and season afford.. Their Bar will be supplied with tbe choicest kind ufli- qeors—Stables provided with good provendor and,attended by faithful add careful ostlert. ASA CHAPMAN,. MARTHA EVANS. October 18. 87 The Editors of tbt Augusta Chronicle and Savannah Georgian, are requested to phb- Itsh tbe above opoa a week for. 8 weeks, aad,' forward their aooOUnts to the subscribers in Warrington. , A. C. A M. A. Oct. 27 32 SHERIFF’S 8ALE. On lAs Jirri Tuesday m December next, W ILL be sold at the Court House in the Citv of Savannah, between the uau- dFBOura of sale, All that tract of land aituqte and being in the District of White Bluff, known as the Form Plantation, containing (750) seven hundred and fifty acres, more or less; levi ed on as the property of the estate of Thus. Rice, tor satisfy a judgement in favor of tbe White Bluff Congregation. (. D’LYON, s. c. i nor 7 38 SHERIFF’S SALES—coutikukd. . On the Jint Tuesday in December next, W ILL bo sold before tbe Court House in Chatham County, between tbe usual hoars, All that certain tract or parcel of land si tuated in tbe County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on tba salts between the Islands Of Skideway aod Burnsides and known by the name of Redoubt Island, containing sixty three acres more or less. Alio, all that oth er tract or pared of laud situated and being oa Skideway' Island, in the County afore said', composed of three different and origin- aUg-distiuct tracts of land but adjoining each Other, the first of which was originally grant ed to Michael Ritter for one hundred acres, tbe second of wliiob was originally granted to Jno. Ellis/or fifty acres, aid the third and jest of which was originally granted to Mi .chad Bitter for fifty acre*, which three tracts of land contain in the whole (not including Redoubt Island) two hundred sod thirty-sev en acres with the appurtenances; levied on to satisfy the Planters Bank of the State of Georgia on foreclosure of a mortgage, (dost John W. Stirk. I. D’LYON, a.«. c. noy-7 ,38 NOTICE. O N the first Monday of January next, I shall expose to pale at the Market of St. Marys, between the usual hours, seven SLAVES, the property of the estate of Aa rep Tyson, by virtue of sn order of the Cgurt of'Ordintrry for Camden County- Conditions cash. MARTHA TISON, Adm’rx. Nov* 35ft* ri-ri 1 r- - ■ . ■ . -EXECUTOR’S SALE. On Thursday the 150 Decanter next, W ILL be sold at the plantation of the late Ool. Nicholas Ware, on Little River, ip Columbia county, the corn and fodder and other provisions made there tbe present son, and dl tbe farming utensils belonging to the plant,’ the stock of horses aod mules, amoag which are some valuable brood mares aod fine coifs of tbs bkat blood—the stock, o cattle, some full, aod some half blood of the English breed—tbe stock Of hogs, and the Plantation—There sre about fifteen hundred aores of land,and. enoughjjleared, and incul tiration to giro employment, to twenty-fire or thirty hands- Much of this land is of good quality, and the rest vary valuable for its timber. ’ - • ALSO, 4* tbe same time and place, will beaold the Grist and Spw-Mi|ls on Little River, and Use Bridge aoross it, known as Waves, with about forty acres of laod att ached thereto. Aod on Thursday, the 22d December, there will be sold, at the Plantation op Savan nah River, in Colombia county, at tha mouth of the Kfokes Creek, tbe whole of thq corn aod fodder, farming utensils, stock, tic. be longing to that place, and also the plantation Itself, moludiog about ait hundred acres of laod of very excellent quality. And oo Thursday the«8fe December, will be sold attbemarkst-hoose, in tba City o' AUgusta, about FORTY-vary likely NE. URGES, Including mechanics, house sop Tapis, aod field bands. Tha Sales at each jMeowjU commence at ten o’clock, A. M. . ffihffotaae nt 4 efofoek, P. M. and beoontinn- •d from day to dar. until tha property is sM ; Tjvelva months credit wilLbe giron for all mass over Too Dollars, and notes with good •county required, baforo the property will bo RoUfored. 1 | \ SUSAN 8. WARE, Extra. -1; WM. W. HOLT, Ex'r •ptohurSk QT!hf WMtf N.Wars !< • 9 ■M HflHHHK ■ I MANSION HOUSE. IVaubacriber bega leave fo inform his friends and the public, IHiHpthat ho baa completed his large iggMBkand eommedious .house, in (he beat and moat comfortable manner, and tan- dors his thanks to those who htro heretofore favored' kin with their, calls, aad flatten himself that by kip UnreqilttedaReatiouto please, ho brill abate a part of tho pllbU* atronage. Hip house will at all ti'ibw bo hroishod with tbe beat'the country affords, his bar with choice liqubre, and his stable* with good com and provender,- together with a faithful and experienced oetler. The Maosion Home it situated on the east bid* of t|io public square, in the tobrn of Clinton, directly on tha road leading from Milledge- rlllo to Macon, and naarir opposite the Clinton Hotel. H. H. BLATTER. Clinton, August *3. 07+re N. B.—Families enn be accommodated with private rooms, which are comfortable. .87 The editors of the Augusta Chroni cle and Savannah Georgian, are requested Id publish the above advertisement once n week for three months and forward their •ccoonta to this office for settlement. jcoWyMup INSURANCE COMPANY NBW.yoRK, / I NCORPORATED by the Legislature of thestalaof New-York, for the pur pose of insuring HOUSES and OTHER BUILDINGB, VESSELS IN PORT npd tbair CARGOES. MERCHANDISE and other PERSONAL PROPERTY, against liofifi or Damage^ ¥ite, and also to insure VESSELS and 1 MER CHANDISE against Ike HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANS PORTATION. Coital Stock 88Q0,000, which hits all been paid in CASH, and the publio may roly with confitlcnco upon the whole sum. being always its engagements. R. H The subscriber baying Agent for tho above Compi against Loss by Fire, and 1 Navigation, an set forth ii proposals, on as favorab[e tlrms a* can be done in thin city. S. C. DUNNING, Agent for Howard Insutance Company. N. B.—Persona living in tha country, oan have insurance cffocted by addressing tbe Agent, giving a description of the prem ises to be insured,-post-paid. - Sept 8(1 • 16 North American Review. no. xux. CONTENTS. Claims of tbe United States on Naples • and Holland. 1. Messsage of tbe President of H. III. IV. V. VI. Representatives, relative to the claim on Naples. S Message of the President of the United States, transmitting thb cor respondenee relating to the qlaimn of the citizen* of the United Statu* up on tbe Government of the Jlotlierj lands. Lord Byron’s Character and Wri tings- . t. Recollections of the life’of By- jon. By tbn late R. C; Dallas. Esq, S. Correapondspce of Lord Byron with n Friend; including hi* Letters to his Mother i jn 18h9, 18W, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation of Lord Byron. By Thomas Medwin, Esq. Waylandb Discourses on the Doties ofsn American Citiaen, ' . The Duties of an American Citi zen; two Discourses delivered 1 in the First Baptist Meeting House ib Bos ton. By Francis Waylaod. jr. . Pinkney’s Poems. Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney, English Common Law Reports. Reports of Cases, argued and de termined >n the English Courts of Common Law.- Edited by Thomas Rcreehnt and John C. Lowber, Ssqts Orphic Poetry. Orpheus Poelarum Grmcorum An. tiquiisimus.—Auctore tioorgio Hen. • rieo Bode. VII. Columbue. Codice diplnmatico Colombo-Ame ricano, oasia Raccolta di Documenti originali e inediti, spettanti a Cristo. torn Colombo, tba. Genova, 1823. ;VIII. Gold and Silver in Mexico. A report on the Expediency of Augmenting the Doties on tbe'Ex- pnrtation r f Gold and Silver, presen ted to tho General Constituent Con gress of Mexico, by the Committee df Finance .and Mines, August 9, 1824: ? Critical Notices. 1. Palfrey’s Historical Dis course. *. Perkins’s History of the Late War. • 3. Wrifford’s Mercantile Pen. manBhip. 4. Summary View of America 453 5. Addresses before the New- York Acaderpv of Fine Arts 459 6. Bacon’s PJea for Africa. 462 7. Barnard's Polyglot Gram mar. - 474 8. Crafta’ Address before the Palmetto Society. 484 9. Blanco White’! Spanish Varieties. . > ' 467 Quarterly List of New PubR- cations. ;• . i- ' -488 Index. . 483 Jpst received by - W. T. WILLIAMS.. Oct 20 *8 liable to meet ENS, Presh. in appointed if, will insure card of Inland the preceding WARE-HOUSE fit OOaCNDMXOH BVBXXrSBB, MACON- fjallE undersigned has rented of Farish arter, Esq. his Ware-Houses at this place, and tenders his services to his friends nod the public, in the above line of Inkiness, with assurances that any business confided to his oars, shall receive bis personal and undivided attention, and that his best exer tions will be used to give satisfaction to bis customer*. .The Ware-Houses are new, extensive, sate, and very conveniently ar- ranged and situated for the transaction of business. He intends running two good eng sub stantial- boats during the booting season which will be expedited in their passages up and down, by (he aid df one of thy Stem ■ Boat Company's Sleam-Boate. Insurance on merchandise and produce shipped by bis bests, can be effected in a responsible office on ns favorable terms as by soy other boats that will run the river; and reasonable adj vahbes will be made by him on produce hipped by them fo the consignment of Mb 1 -1.. la. Oamm n Dak klin llaaf llAfltn nA the'United States to the House of’ friends in Savannah. By the first boats he will, receive a good supply of GROCERIES, which he.wiil sal) on moderate terms. He now offers for Sale, tOO Pieces first quality Cotton Bagging 1000 Bushels Liverpool Salt. JOHN T. ROWLAND. Macon, October 12, 1825. Oct 20 S9fe* NEW-YOBK. STATS LITERATURE MJinmRU'a CLASS NO. m, FOR IMS, W HICH will he drawn on the fourth day of January, 1826, and finished in n few minute*. REARDWdhRB. - T E subscriber has received by (he lata arrival!, a large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, JAP ANN ED AND FANCY GOOS, ■ AMONO WHICB ABIt; . Ivory and Balance Handle Knives and J Forks uck and Sons Handle ,> do do azurs in casts and dot. in great va riety Pan, Pocket, two blade and Sportmen’a ■ Knives - Rodger’s Knives and Scissors Shoe, Bread, Butchers’ and Cooks' Knives Chizzels, Plano Irons, and Gouges of all kinds Drawing Knives broad and narrow Axes Plated, Brittania, and Iron, tea and ta ble Spoona Brittannia tea and Coffee -Pots, Compo- silion, copper and iron Tea-kettles Composition Saucepans aad Digesters Brass, iron and Japanned Candlestick* and Lamp* Waffle and Wal Per Irons Gilt, plated, pearl, bone and japanned Buttons Coat, vest and suspender Moulds Padlocks, chest, trunk, till and cup board bran and iron Box Locks Knob and Mortice Locks Stook locks Files and Rasps of alt kinds ' Morocco pocket-book's and wallets ' Note cases and work boxes dressing cases Brssa curtain, cloak and curtain Pins Brass and iron butt Hinges Wood aod bed acrews Hook and Plate Hinges Sledges and Hand Hammers Anvusartd Vices 1 Iron wedges, Shoe and nail Hammers Brass commude Knobs Brass, iron and wood Castor* Coal-lcoops and coal-hoods Coal-sifters, and Dust pans, Spit-boxes Whittemore’s cotton and wool Cards. Block Tin, Fewcets, Ivory and Horn Combs Fine tootbvcrambo and dressing Combs Tuck and side Combs Spectacles and cases Plated stirrup irons, bridle bitts St spurs Brass Andirons, shovel and tongs Brass and wire Fenders ^ Iron and Steel knitting pins Needles, Fish-hooks and fishing tackle Cast iron Pots, ovens, dogs, Spiders Si skillets 8ad-irons, Trace-chains & sere a- plates German, English, Blister and CaBtsteel Hand, pannelf, mill, pit, cross cut, back and keyhole Saws Brace and Bitts Round snd fist Bolts Suiith’i and small Bellows Waggon and Cart boxes Bed Keys. Hide whipe, Tacks & Brads Copper Boat-nails, Spelling Books and Writing Paper, slates and slate pencil* Shovels, spades and hoes Together with almpet every other article ip the line, which are offered for sale on ac commodating term* by NATH. B. WEED. Oct 29 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range, 45 Balloti to ac Drawn SELLING SCHEME. I Prize of $100,000 is $100,000 . 1 do 50,000 50,000 ' 1 do 20,000 20,000 1 do 10,500 10,500 2 do 5,000 10,000 4 do 2,500 10,000 . 10 do 2,000 20.000 39 do 1,000 39,000 7$ do 500 39,000 46B do 100 46,800 4446 do 50 222,300 IX. 444 443 451 5051 Prizes, . $587,600 ’In this Scheme composed of 45 numbers by combination, with six, drawn ballots, -there will be 20 prizes, each .with three pf the drawn numbers On ; 585. each with two of the drawn numbers on; aud 4448, each with one of the drawn numbers an : those tickets having non* of the drawn ballots on them being blanks. ‘ To determine tbe fate of the>14,190 tiok- 9ts in the scheme, the 45 numbers, from to 45, inclusive, will be severally placed ic a wheel on (lie day of drawiug, and six of them be drawn; and that ticket haling on it as a combination tho 1st, 2d and 3d druwn number, will be entitled to tbe prize of $100,000 That having on it the 4th, 5th and 6th, 50,000 That having on it the 2d, 3d and 4th, 20,OQO That having on it the 3d, 4th, aad 5th, 18,500 , Those two tickets having on them the 2d, 4th and 5th, or tbe 2d, 4th tnd 6th, each . 5,000 Those four, having on them the 2d, 3d, and 6th, the 2d, 5th and 8th, the 3d, 4th'and 6 th, or the 3d, 5th and 6th, each ......2,300 Those ten tickets, having on them the 1st, 2d Snd 4tK, l8t, 3 (l and 6th, 1st, 4b and 5th, 1st, 'sth and 6th, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ANVK OYER AND TERMINER FO CITY OF SAVANNAH, OC1 TERM, 1826. NTHEBEA8 William C. Wayna, Fyoder- ink Herb, Charles Dunham amf Wil-' llpm loor, were drawn and summoned tp at- tend ns Gj-aod Jurors nt this term ,af tbs Court and have made default, Ordered; font they-be severally tided in the eutn <4 forty dpU*re, unless good aod sufficient cause of ex- case be llied an oath with the clerk of this wort on or before tbe fint day of tha nut form. • JAod wherros Hugh Cjusidy, George F. Pahnee sold Matthaw.Lnffborougfa, were also dtitwo and aummooed to attend oa Petit Jn- rare, and mad* default. Ordered, that they bpknvonlly fined in the ram nf twenty dollars ohleei good and sufficient aauae of excuse be filod en oath with the clerk of this court, on or before tba first day of (be next teno. True extract from tbe minults. ... ROBERT W. POOLER, Clark. 1st, 2d and 5fh, 1st, 2d and 6th, 1st, 3d and 4lh, 1st, 3d and 6th, tit, 5th and 6th, 2 d, 3 d and 5th, 1 each 2,000 VTboee 39 tickets liaving on them two of . thq drawn numbers, imd three two the 3d -•Ski 81b, such V A •••«»«« ,1,000 , • Tbeeo‘78 ticket* hating two of the drawn ■(umbers on them, and those two the 4th and 8th, or the Slh and 6th each 500 ! All other*, (being 416) with any other two pf the drawn outqbfreon.eacli ,'s. f IOO 'And nil. tickets, (being 4446) hnviog hot .nine of the drawn numbttann, each. .. ...50 . Nofiicket which ehall bare drawn * prise of a superior deoomiaatkra can bs tnutled to an inferior prize. . , ,Vnr ' ^ Prizes .payable forty day* aftaa the draw ing, and sskjact to the usual deduction of Steen ppt cent, TICKETS aa*«atiteet*Mi*ii»e«.l50 SHARES *atMbtiaa*t|l) prOpOltlOO. 87 N. B—Orders for tickets or shares in the above Lottary, will bo received fit POLICE OFFICE, Savannah, Oct. 28,1828. *NMBAfcRA88MENTS having occurred JU4 in relation to tioketn, notice it hereby given, that agreeably to tho ordinance piss ed tint September, 1825, Ho general ticket will pan he bearer after ten o’clock at night, aad that no special ticket will avail after (he ■Sine hour " unless the‘place where he or she ie going and the pterpoee for'Which said ticket it gieen, be specified therein." Such epeaal ticket-will be effectusl for one night only. Joseph w.. Jackson, Oot 29 Chairman cf Counoil. HAY. en BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing w" from BrigFheraant, for sale by April 18 C. C GRISWOLD, PIANO FORTES. E XTRACT from the report of the Com- mittee Of Premiums tnd Exhibitions of tbe Franklin Institute of the State of Peiin- sylvsnia, for fiie promotion of the Mechanic Arts, for 1825. PaniuiuK No 47—to tha maker of the best horizontsl piano, is adjudged to A. Babcock, of Boston, for specimen No. 327, which is a horizontal piano, made for A. Mackey, of Boston. It has received tbe high approbation of the judges. Every part of its interior mechanism ban - the highest finish, and its tone and touch are excellent. The strings are all of steel wire, tbe lowett octave being covered with flattened wire. It entitles its maker to the Silvxr Medal, having been considered of tbe four square pianos, which are'all veryjjoncl. PIANO FORTES from the Fsctory"of A. Babcock, answering to the above de scription, and warranted to be of his very best make, for sale by I. W. MORRELL, Savannah. Oct 29 33fu GENERAL DRUG, CHEMICAL and FAMILY MEDICINE VAX! HOUSE. LAY Si HENDRICKSON,- and Retail Druggute, comer of Congress hnd Whittaker Streets, sHa.d’s buildings, savannah, H AVE received by the late arrivals from Boston, New,York and Philadelphia, the remainder of Ibeir Full and Winter supply of GOODS, .consisting, of a very tensive snd well selected asrartment of bugs and Medicines, Perfumery and Fa Articles, Brushes, Dye-Stujfs, Sgc. ' A great variety of Apothecary uud Phy sician’s Glass Ware Ointment and Pill Pots Composition and Glass Mortars Glass Lamps and Lamp Glasses Elegant Cut Glass Smelling Bottles Glass Funnels, Graduated Measures White and Green Vials, assorted, Sic. SURGEON’S INSTRUMENTS. Pocket Sets Turnkeys Trusses Spring snd Thumb Lancets Forceps, Spatulas, Bougies, Catheters Apothecaries Scales and Weights, &.C PATENT MEDICINES, Or EVERY DESCRIPTION, VIZ ! Seidlitz and Soda Powders Balm of Quito Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Genuine Lee’s, Anderson’s and Hooper’s Pills Swtim’s celebrated Panacea , James'Anti-Dyspeptic Pills Balsam Honey, Church’s Cough Drop* Itch Ointment, 4zc. All of which are offered for sale on the moat liberal terms, for cash or credit. L. Si H. having made such arrangements h| with the principw Drug-Houses in the Uni- led States, as to be continually supplied with fresh snd genuine articles, flatter them selves that no establishment of the kind in this state, can offer greater inducements to dealers. The merchant, the planter, end the phys cian, can here be supplied with al most every article in the drdg fine, and may depend upon having their orders executed with neatness, accuracy and despatch. Nov 5 Pilotage. A T a meeting of tha Board of Commission- sn oo the IStb instant, it was ordered that John jtobbias, be suspended from acting as n Pilot, for one month. By order, JNO. G. HOLCOMBE, Secfly-C. P. Oot 18 , « 28uf i . A A CARD. EXCHANGE 01 'Wl ON THE BAY. mHE subscriber, admitted to practice in X the several Courta of Law and Equity Q this State, offer* to the public fain pro- fessional services in the Courts of . k Bibb, \ Henry, f femes, I Crawford, Monroe, | Jasper,’ I Twiggt, Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) July 7 ' 84 FRESH SWEET OIL, rvf vary uperior quality, suitable for ta- Vrblo tie, fust'received andforsole by ' . LAY A HENDRICKSON, No** Georgifo—Cwntjen Cauntv. TO ALL WHOM ITMAt CONCERN, WWW Alenander Atkiaaoa, Ad.ia- W istrstar on the Kitate of John Atkm. on, deeeaaed, applies to the Court ol Ordin- *nr of said Couaty, for lettsre dtmiareryon ssld estate t Theft are, therefore, toe, testa “boorish all and alngular, the hairs rad cred itors of said daoeasod, to file their objects,m (Jf "I they hare) In my office, oa or before the Ant Monday la January ntit, gi latter, will bn (rented to tho applicant, r—- I Witnesa the Ron:. WiUisai Gibson, l[A$ II on* cf the Justices nf mid Court! kssfi thisSJth June, 182*. JOHN BAILEY. fe.c.o.c.c. Jime 30 jj NOTICE. CTINE months after date, application will be Nl made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an order, absolute, to sell lota Net- four anu five. (4 and $) in Carpenter’! Row, and lot No. one, (1) Gree'n Ward, in tbt city of Savannah, oeing thereat eatate Of Francis Jaiineaii, dec. for the benefit of the bein'and creditors of aid estate WILLIAM GASTON, QuaMed Executor Notice. . je.«.. L v be made to the Honorable inferior Court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the ret! and personal estate of the late Mrs- Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs sndcred-totinf said estate, WORTHING TON GALE, Ezecuton March 10 a Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONcEHX W HEREAS Louis Dufouf, AdminisUato. of tbe Batata of Batile PoUatiar, dat’d applies to the Court of Ordinary of uid cool ty, for letter* diamiasory on laid estate Thera are, tberfforo,- to me and adaonab ,fl and singular, tha bain and or editor, of Hid deceased, to file their oblections (if any u,-. have) in my affine, on or Wore the fint Boa- day la January neat, or letters will be mutt to the applicant. It ilness the Hon. Willism Gibsot one of the Justice! of uid Cuuv this 25th June, 18"J. JOHN BA1LY, e. c. o. c. c June 30' Georgia.—Chatham County, ‘In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1825. I AN the pelition of Henry Champion, admin. VF istrstpr of John Street, decraaed, praying sn order Nisi to be myde absolute on his com plying witu the law, tor the isle of a Lot of Ground, number four, (4) second Tything, Reynold* Ward—Alsu, p..rt ,.f a Lot, number tix. Tower Tything, Decker Wa d, being the real eatate nf the wid uec. for the benefit „f the heira tnd creditorsIt is ordered, tfiat a notice be published nine mnntlis, in br,c uf the Public Gasetts of the City uf 3,var,:.,li, < requiring a’.l persani interea'.ed, to show ctnse, if sny they have, why the prayer tif the peti- i loner should not be giantcd. 8 M. HONG, c c. o, Mav 14 446 Notice.. A GREEABLB to leave obtained firm the' 1%. Honorable the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, for Camden County, I shall on the fint Tuesday in December next, expoaa io public sale, tt the Court-Hqpse at Jefferson, in arid county, o let of land in the Tenth District of Monroe County, No. 91, fo the benefit of the orphans of Levi Johngdec r JOHN LEE, Guardian. Rent 15 14 Georgia■—Chatham County. If,' the Court of Ordinary— Mav Term, i82J. O N the petition of Robert Hoy, fcxc u. r of John Wuckerlj-j dec- prsyir g an order Airito be mode abiuliite, on his complying with the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land in Laurens' County, being tbe-real estzte of the (ai l deceased, for the benefit uf the heirs ai d creditors: It is ordered, that a notice be published, nine months, in one of the Gj- settea of the city of Savannah, requiring a l persons interested, to show cause, if sny they Can, why tbe pnyer ol .the petitioner should not be grant'd. 8. M. ROND, c. c. o. W«v ">6 17 Notice. VTINE MONTHS after date of this notice, 31 application will be made to the Honora. ule the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun ty, for permission to sell all the real estate of John Wtkerly, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors nf said decesoed* ROB8RT HOY, Executor. Feb 24 67 Georgia—Camden Loamy. TO -ALL WHOM IT M AY CONCERN. W HEREAS J. B ichlutt fun. administrator on the estates of DavidTucker snd David M’Credie, applies' to the Court of Ordinary of said County, for Letter* dism'tteary on tbt - states of said deceased persons: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the hrirs and creditors of said deceased persons, to file their objections (if any they have) in my of* lice, on or hefore the first Mouthy in Jar.uuy next, or letters will he grafted to the spyil- cant, riesiil Witness the Hon, William Gibsns, j; L. S. II one of the Jaatieea of reid Court, b 1 this 25th June, >8?5. JOHN HAILEY,o.c o.e.e, June 30 S' 1 Notice. vNjflNE months after date, application will be t£\| made to the Honorable th-s Inferior Goan of Camden County, when sitting for ordinary purpo-es, for leave to sell 350 acres of land belonging to the estate of John Brown, de ceased, for the benefit of the heira and credi tors of said estate. SARAH BROWN, AdmUtratrix. Jefferson, 18th Juoe, l p 25. June 27 ,78 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF OUD1NAUY FOB SAID COUNIY. W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied tq said Court, for Letters Dimiiuory on the estates of Samuel Coxena and Evtn E. Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, t» cite and admonish, all and aing-ihr, the kin dred and creditors ot the said deceased per. sops, to file their objections, if toy they hive, in my office, sn or before Ibc first Monday is January next, or Letters will be granted tbe applicant. Witness the Honorable James Scott, une of the Justices of aaitHlourt, th a six- day nf April, e glitecn hundred ind twenty-five. (L.S.) JOHN HAILEY, C.C.O.C.G Apr I 21 34 Notice. N ine MONTHS slier the dste hereof, afi* plication will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary for the County of Chat ham, for leave to rail the whole or a part, or parts of * tract of laird, lying snd being in tbe county of Effingham, containing by re- cent surrey, nine hundred and eighty-five acrea, and known by the name of the Tuck- asraeking Tract, formerly the property of King and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the estate of Alexander 8.. Roe’s orphans, for tbe benefit of said orphans. WILLIAM MOREL, Gusrdian A. S. Roe's Orphsnr, July 14 87 Notice. N INE MONTHS tfter date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell all tba real estate of the late Thomas Savage, of Bryan County, yii: Faint Plantation, eonaisting of two hundred and eighty acres Rice Land, on the Ogeechee River, four miles below the Ferry, adjoining the plantation uf Joseph Haberahtm and Ste phen Eliott. . Also, twp hundred and fifty acrea, more at less, uf Pine Land, appertain ing thereto. Also, a Tract of Land called Sauna, containing fifty acre?, on Medway Riv er, adjoining the lands of J. J. MaawrlL MARY SAVAGE, Adm’rx. June 18 71 btaie of Georgia—Chatham County. . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. TViiEREAS Daniel Carney, Jr. has appli- VM ed to the Honorable the Court of Or dinary of Obttham County for letters of ad- ministration on the estate and effect* of Wil liam Wood bridge,late cf Savannah, merchant, deed, ea behalf of tho heir* and creditors, and W request of the relatives. These are therefore to dtetadadafoniah all aMdslagifiar eatate of the daeaaaad to the appUcaat la tha Clerk’s Office of the said Coart sn or before the third day cf November next ; etba letters of administratioa will ho greeted Witnesa tho Honorable Elisa Port ore of tk« Justices of the said Court, tho fourth d» sf October, A.D. ooclhowmad eight hdadred aad twenty five. BAM UR. BOND. QC. ft Ort.4 rejia Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF OnDINAUY t'O SAID COUNTY. (TWHSRE AS Le vis Bacblott, applies to tba W# Court of Ordinary of said County; lot Letter* Dismissory- on the estate of Fr.iters Kosolupei These are, therefore, to cite snd admonish, all snd lingular, the kindred snd creditors of uid deceued, to file their obji-c- lions, if any they have, in my office, on or be- fore tbe first Monday in January nest, other, wise Letters Dismissory will be granted tbe applicant- Witness the Honorable Samuel Clarkfi one of the Justices of said Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen bum . dred and twenty-five, f L. S.j JOHN BAILEY, C, C. S. C. C April 21;24 Georgia—Camden county. TO ALL WHOM TT MAY CONCEItN \fVHEIIEA8 John Hardee, Adminiunlof W of tbe Estate of bavld G. Jones, We of uid county, deceased, applies to the Court of Ordinary of said eoOnty, for letter! dis- mitsory oa said Estate! These are therefore to Cite snd admomm all and singular, the heirs and creditors of wd deceived, to fi’e their objections (if sny tbry have) in my office, «n or before the first Mow day in March next, otherwise letters wifi " Srantrd the applicant; — Witness the Hon. William Gibson, ob*w .. (L.S.jthe Justices of arid Court, the 27th August, t815, , JOHN BAILEY, Clk. C. 0 C. ft Sent. 3 ' 222— Georgia, Chatham County. By tbe Honorable tbe Jui ces of the Inferior Court of Cbatbim County, sitting fM «• toaljFwbom it may foNcesN CTVUBRSAS Jonathan Meigs, adimnixua* v#J iof t»r tbe estate ot MmmI Hwgbto^ tiont Now them are therefore, to d» admonish aU peraona interested in the teU» in the OKvk’s Office of tho said Court, oe* t or before before the tenth day of March ngt, offi; Othprwiao$ wist Latter* Dumiamry w>d bo gnolad tra ^yitnom*the HonarableAatbony of tba bald Justices; Thui tenth Seg* y Clerk Ceuitot***