Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 16, 1825, Image 1
Ktv RerUwWIJii tai ft EDITED Aff.D PUB f*t& BED IK TU orrtorsAVAJfirA*, jV GE 0. A W M, ROBERTSON',* B Y the ship Et*peter, the subscriber* have received thirty-five package* of Xf E^>)LI<4M PW ArtlCii VAYAHVB IK ADVANCE. @6< fgwrfifcm FOR Tl£B country, is published to meet the arranXpnept of |lw mill, three timet» week, (Tuesday-Tbum- dar, end Saturday,) *1 tUe Ofltee of the.Dai- i, Georgian, end qooUioe til Ibe intelligence. Volumercial. Politic»l»od Misoellaooom, ip- eluJiug sJrertiseqteuU, puhluhoU in the Dsi- Paper* * The Country Paper ia aent to *11 parts of ■{ho Slaw end ’Union, or debeered in the city, lL five duilara pet *Boura, payable iu adraooe. Genuine DrUgt,Medicines,Per- fumery, fancy Articles, t^c.- eblectod by pno of t|e. partners now *t thb north, which added t*their for mer Stock on hand, comprises ah paeertment, vory extenaire. and parjtieuiarly edited for tliia market, and well worthy the attention of dealers. Merchant*,’ Phyeieiane, Plan ter* *#d\F*mifie*, would do Wallto forward eld', at our thmr.btdere, ye they wiA Bwiiiny ** >. ^ , » . - ' . LAY A HBNDRlOKSON,, Druggiete, SheiP* Building*. July Id . Adrortieemeate ure inserted in both neper* at 75 cent* per s epuare, v ■’ |r,l ioreHioa, tad 314 for every eUoceedmg of 14 line*, for the ^Commuuidntiona by Meit, euut 6* Poet- *"sale8 oflted tnfl nogToe* by Adminiitrt- t,ir>. Executors ut Guardian*, are required bv law, to be Held oq the first Tueeday in the moiilli between the boors of.len in the fore noon. and three in the afternoon, *t the Court House of the County in which the property is situate. Notice of these seine must be jrireo in a public Gillette sixty day* previ ous lo the day of stile. Notice of Use tale of peroneal property must be giv.en io like manner, forty days previous to lb* day of •ale. Notice to Ibu debteraand creditors of an •state, must'be puhlisbedtor forty daye. Notice Dial appbcatioo will be mado to Use Court of Oidiiuny for leave lo sell laud, must bu publiabed nine month*. L EE’S BILIOUS Pills An demon's .do do Coit’e do do Anderson's Cough Dropo American do do Church’* do do Essence Mustard Worm Loienges , Black Drop . Henry** True. Cal cined Magnesia A udler’eAsistic Len itive Roger’* Pulmonic' etergent Dalby's C* tminative A com isn't sui CVALUABLE DISC0VEHY.X1 A tax the EUm rpHE Medicine now offered to the public JL is one which ha* been fully subjected to the infallible test of experience, and in every instance where it has been fairly tri ed, it he* been attended with the meet com plete success. In eeum of the cases, the puienu had been labouring under the dis- ease for yean, and during that period, had •eceived vh« boss'modicai sdvMw,-aud bad even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It ia not (like those usually advertised) offered as a certain cure fur a long catalogue of dis- eases,but those afflicted with tile complaint, for which slope it isirecuniuionded, may re ly with confidence upon obtuiuing relief, even in its worst, forum in a shurt time; and thetueelves are the best judges of the im portance of such a. remedy. Price 50 cents per hex, with directions signed by the pro prietor. Prepared and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, 273 North Third Bt. above callowliill. Philadelphia, The proprietor has appointed Lai It HtKDBicasoK, corner of Congress and - Wliitaker atreets, Shad’s Building*, ante a gums for the sale of this medicine iu Savan- Bsh, Geo. Oct # 53 Notice, T HE subscriber bags leave to inform his friends and customers, that he has token JOHN PALLS WALKER intopnrt- ftership, arid that in future tbe FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS Will be carried on under firm of Hubert MatUn & Co They will be much obliged to their friends for a share of their custom, end will use their best exertions -to merit the same.— Reasonable advances will be made on all property sent to their address. ROBERT MARTIN, No. 7, Riddell's Wharf, Charleston. Sept 57 1#tc Notice. N INE MONTHS after the. date of this notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part Of Mota, SAVftfrAR, '"fefe. PERFUMERY,Ao. APPROVED Patent Fam\Vj Medicines. Turlington’* Balaam . Of Life Opial for the cleans ing of the teeth A gums .... Rolf’s AsthmaticPil Is Do Botanical Drops Austen’s Remedy for the Piles Hinckley’s . do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water- Thompson^ Teeth Paste -Squire’s Grand Ellx- Jeauite Drops Tooth Ache de-Ac. of the above useful Putent Family Medicines, together with a funeral assortment of Drugs,.Chemicals, ’sriuinery, Fancy Articles, Dye Staffs, Cut Glass Lamps,' Lamp Gileses, Lamp Oil, Ac- Ac. can be obtained at the atore of LAY A HENDRICKSON, May 36 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. omo&. .•■* BYZUtUOSITV Of THB STATS Of NEW-JORS. =5= vw. iv?.* j , -6PLEND1B LOTTERY, To be drawn in Now-Yorlt, be the 4lU of. janusfy, 18*6, and FINISHED IN. FIVE MINUTE?. 45 Number*—6 Ballot* to be drawn. EACH TICKET BATIKS THREE HtgJSSERX -IK - conaiKATioB. J. B. Yatee Sf A. Jd'Intire, Jtanagcrt, Scheme of the . NcvuYutk' State Literature ■ buttery, NEXT RCItBMI. BY SPECIAL ACT OF ■'ASSEMBLY■ GRAND • STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND; NDER UiaqppcriK tendance of the com- r— mirsionets appointed by the Governor and Council, anrhy the improved mode of drawing, cscurdd by Letters patent under the seal of the Usited State*—the whole to be completed in ow day, and will positively take place -hr th) city of Baltimore on WEDNESDAY, the 9th November nes-t HVghost Trite ' - SdHEME. I Prise of £30,000 is $30,000 Dollar*. 1 I 1 5 4 10 39 70 46fi 4446 Class 3, rDH 1056. t Prise of $100,000 is $100,000 do do .do do do do do do dog 60,000 50,000 to.40# 5.000 2,500 5,000 1,000 500 100 50 50.000 50,000 10,500 10,000 10,000 50,000 39,000 . 39,000 46,000 225,300 1 li st) 60 too 200 400 20000 20013 Pritoe. 6051 Prises, #139 Blanks. $567,600 lies* than.two blanks to a prise. Priie* payable forty dava after the drawing, but the cesh may be had instantly, Subject to the usual deduction Of fifteen per ceuL Bricks. T HE SubsAiber has at prieent on hand a large aleck of Bricks of auperlorqua lity, which he offers in auch quantities as may be wan*ed, at the lowest passible price for auhio.’y, Fur the convenience of hie Town .Custo mers, he intends iu future to keep'always a considerable supply in town; those in im- mediute want of the article-will )aa( supplied by appMeatioa taMr, James ItaheHa. either' at hie residence iu West Broad Street, or at Myers' Wharf. ' HENRY M'ALPIN. June 34 79 ‘ PRICE OF TICKETS- Whole i : : : : $50 i Quarters : i $13 56 Half’: : : : : : :'2S j Eighth : : i : 6 35 This ia the moat Magnificent scheme that hafever been offered for the .patronage of the friends of Lottery atWcnture in Ameri ca. The siMall number of Tickets, and the unesampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will- not be a chance left, for weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to $60. D* Gentlemen aretherefort requested to be early in their application, as all orders actually mailed before tbe rise, will be en -titled to be supplied at the present rates. %* Notes of the Bank of the U. States and its Branches, and, generally, the Notes of all Banka that pay specie, received at par. Also, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on any of the large cities, and Prise Tickets receiv ed finely in payment. • All Jertets to bo poet paid.. The mails may be relied on as being per- foctly safe for alPreaUtanCea. ’ YATKS ^ M’INTIRB, WathingLm City. Sent 30 ~ > 16||t dec 40000 Tickets—Not one blank to a prise- Tbe bolder of (wo tickets, will be pertain of obtaining at least one prise, and may draw three. Mob* or Daswino.—The numbers will be put into <ooe wheel ae usual—and in the other whea) will be put tbe pritea above the denomination of $4. add the drawing to prc^resehi the ueual manner. The 30,000 prise* of!$4, will be awarded to the odd or even npufoevi in the Lottery, (as* the case may bey dependant on the drawing of thn CapitalPrise rf THIRTY THOUSAND LLA$$—that ie to aSy, if the $30,000 priie aliould conte out to an ohb number, then every odd number io the scheme will hi entitled to a $4 prise : if the $30,000 prise aeould come out to in ever number, FRESH Drugs and Medicines J UST received per shin Savannah, an additional supply of FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES, such as— Calomel. Suphate Quinine 1 . Pulverized Ipicacuanah Pulverized Colombo. White Wax Quassia, tsinglase, Culc’d Magnesia Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb Hair Powder, die.- Alio, in aroRZ, 500 Bottles Caator Oil, cold pressed, very superior ’ 500 do do do do Sd quality 300 do do low priced for plan tation use 3D Barrels Glauher Salts' ’id do Green Copperas 20 Half Barrels and Kegs df> 3 Barrels English Refined Salts, &c. All of whirh’will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit, 17* North Carolina Bills ta ken at paf, and Darien Bills -at a small dis conut. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. • August 27 Epsom HALL & HOYT, foe resl estate of John Stacy, deceased, for foe benefit of the heirs end creditors of said deceased. JOHNW.. STACY, Administrator. V ip <?t T UH-tWAti RECEIFLD. HE following - are (he numbers drawn from the wheels of the RHODE 18- LANDGRAND STATE LOTTERY, NO. "I, on the 14th instant: 45—46—11—330.17—28—59—16 of Prises are requested to call and mceive the cash, or leave order for tioketa ill tha Grand Stnti Lottery of Maryland, to draw on the ninth efscat month. Jl"t37 W ROBERTSON. LlUtriXQ RECEIVED. G rand state lottery R OF rRHODE.ISLAND, third dais.—Tbe aawwmg wen tbe oumheri drawn . 45 -46-11-33—17-38-69—15 . PRIZES will be cashed or invested io oth- • LoUeriu a* tha Holden slay with,—at .. •cl. 37 „ LUTHERS LXCRANGE OFFICE. 31 CAPtRS. A »*»]/ of Freeh Caper* jnat recalled and for sale, by the gallon, by ’ • /«»» LAY At HENDRICKSON orraa von sale, BUSHELS Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon,-assorted 25 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pines Holland Gin 5 do Cognac Brandy (Beigncttes) 10 casks Cheese 30 bbia mesa Beef 100 boxes smoked Herring (fresh) > 10 bbia Cranberries 300 Hamiin bags for family use. ocf'8 l\i« ttubacTibe* HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP .BMPS ROR,AJiTD OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dust Pane end Spit-Boxes • Htirynd Wist Brooms Club end Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes, A L*0, A few doien PocketHghta . *' n. b. Weed. Jl’ls 51 91* Notice. N INE mouth* after date, application will he rnade to th* Honorable'the Cdnrt of Ordinary of Camden' Comity, for leave to sell all the real estate of the late Randol M’Gilfid, deceased, for the' benefit of thl hairi and creditor* of laid estate/ ■ HANNAH M’GJLLfS, Administratis. G. M’DONALD, Adminutratof. St. Miryt,J\oie‘iath, 1936. dune 38 78 then all tho even 'numbers in the scheipe will be each entitled to $4. Odd are those onding With 1,3*, 7, or 9.... 1 Even numbers arc thoce Onding with 2, 4,6, 8, qt; 0, This mode of drawing not only enables the Commissioner* to complete the whole Lottery, iu one drawing, but baa the great advantage, of distributing the smell prise* regularly to every alternate number in the scheme, so that the bolder.of two tickets or twb shares of tickets, one odd and one even number, will be certain nfiobtaiding at least one prize, and in the. same ratio for any greater quantity. rasaaNT prick or ?i :SCT*. Wholes $5, Halves $2 50, Qu*)ters$t 25 AJ1 orders promptly ar - — Upholstery Store. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has opened an exten sive establishment in the above lipq, next door south of his Cabinet Furniture. Ware House, in Whittaker-Street, and will at ail seasons offer for sale a general assortment of FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY,con- siffing of Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows Mattresses made from pure curled hair Dil prepared moss Dp, for ship’s births Do. children* cribs Do. Cots Easy Chairs, Beadsteade, Cotta, Door Mate, and a large and extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description. All of which, will he sold very low for cash ifr approved Credit. I. W. MORRELL. N. B. Old Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, Ea sy Chairs, and Hair Mstresses, corded and restiiffed in the best manner- July 21 William C. Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY & BA KER, SAVANNAH, GEO. O FFERS hiB services to his friends and the publje, in the General Com,mission Business, in this-place, and solicits their patronage. References to Messrs. A. Lpw & Co. Sa vannah, Geo.; G. Breittmayer Si Co. Air gusta, Georgia. Auguata, Sept. 6, 1835. Oct 6 , ■ / IRfb Runaway from the Subscriber, O" Wednesday, 34th ult. a large yellow negro man, named FREDERICK.— He' is generally known in the adjoining counties as a fiddler. He Was seen in Spar- ta on Friday last. It is believed he win go to Augusta.- He may have a forged pass, as he can read and write. A suitable reward will be given for his apprehension and confinement in any jail in tho state, so that I can get him. - JAMES CAMAK. .MilledgeviBe, August 38 He t 37 19 Notice. INS months after date application will N ini be made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham. County, for leave to sell a tract of land, known aa number eight, 8th District, Pike (formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit if the heirs and creditors of the' estate pf if N. S. Bayard, N. J. BAYARD, ^ Administrator estate Ni S. Bayird. Jan 6 TAB hlUJIMX I S opened on Mondays, Wednesday*, and Friday*, from 3 until 5'o'clock. oct4 Mk& P! R. BRA88INNK, R ESPECTFUU.Y informs hi. friends andthe public, thetheha* pnrehasod the eatablish'ment in tho above huaineee, be longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange; where he offers for sale at low prices, a latge assortment of Ytob\\ UlMLltltwt, : CUem\eo\«, .1,000 600 - 100 50 30 10 6 4 10,000 S.obo 10,000 6,000 . 3,000 3,000 3,000. , 3,000 3,000 8o,ooa 153,000 Dollar*, EXCHAMjE office. VALUABLE MEDICINE. .AnU-biapepttc TiWa PREPAniD BV HEHRT JAMF.I. A N approved renfcily ^>r Dyspepsia, or Indigwtien, Habitual Cottivenees, and Pile*. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is in dicated in different patients by various symptom*, of which tbe most remarkable are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate eas- tiyeness, heodach; commonly called nervous or sickly headach, yellowness of the eye* and skin, acidity of the stomach after eat- ng, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on,the stomach, bitter taste in the tnonth- jn the morning,. fraud breath, drotv sines* after dinner, debility,, lassitude, ema ciatlon, depression of spirits^ 6cc. Piles being connected with indigestion and costivenen, are certainty and speedily removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the above valuable me dicine has just been received, and for sale by LAY dt HENDRICKSON, oct 8 . 23 NltmT SCHOOL. T HE subscriber will open his Night Scbool for thoTustruction of Youth at his residence near the Catholic Church on MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein will bn taught Reading, Writing. Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Goography and Buok ketping, in a methodical way. not iu - V - PETER HYNES. 8ept|a ' vijudra Frtsh Teas and Cassia. ivvi aacr.irsD psit ship shperor, 1 CATTY BOXES GunpowdeaTer X OD 129 do do Imperial do . 100 do do Hyson do 10 Chesti Hyson do 3 Half Chests Pouclioug do 300 Mats Cassia For sale-by J. & HERBERT Si CO. July 14 ■4- Saratoga Congress Spring Wu •V TNIFTY DOZEN of these Water*, fresh 4? bottled by Messrs. Lynch dt, Clark, of Hew-York, ahd direct from the Springs, just , received per ship August*. Persons going* would do well to aupply.them- selvce, a* they are oflhred at reduced prices bp LAY dt HENDRICKSON," Druggists,'Shadt Buildings. May 35 Fulton Market : £$c, JuH received per eehr. Mdry and • Margaret pj HALF BBI-S. Fulton Marked Beef aJ Ip Barrels Sargent’s, Cracker* 44 Do No. 1,3 a mb 3, Mackarel. ^VrAdLsY, CLAGHORN ftWOOD Octl Anoiaun’n Wfhajf. : . tm* . .. • . - American, farmer, (' 1, L pybHIfM tawssk/yawmbera tfeigM QtaTu HY J S. 8K1NRNR, koSTivaster or fas cItt or baltimor)*, At jke dtiUare pee annum, to be paid msoH‘ ably ta advance. A BOKO WHICH ARE THE SOILOWIRO 1— . Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimon* AryOyt Root, Borax,Jfrrgateoi - ■ Brimstone, Barley, Bkkam JJsmvi, do Peru, do Fola “ ' 'V . Cathphor, Oantbarldeei Cinnamon American beat and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar.Calomel, Copper** Colombo, Fmery, Giim Assafmtida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum QAiacum, Gum Opium IsingUst, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Mantra,Chitmoibile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmeg* Nux Vomica,'Oxyd of BTamuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do ClOyea Do Cinnamon, Bweet Oil. PeaVlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epiom and Rochelle Salta Tartar Emetic, Spirit* of Turpentine PIN HIS JOURNAL is handsomely print- tl. ed. With'* great bumber' of engravings ' to illuetrat# the subjects treated of. Fifty- two numbers, a title page, and aft ample in- dex, makes volume. It i* written fork* the most intelligent and distinguished brat- ', tical Farmers in (every state {of th* Union, and Is peyoted to the sokjecta nf Agrtcid. rat#. InteraU improsementa aodHnral and Domestic Economy, Eaeb rnimhrr oT tbe Pamer glretlU meat exact state of tbe m’S rkvlt, Hi Uk rtbpeet jo all <*e rAiy article* tbrt Karmdrt hake id ? « or 5«t^ supported by refofthce to par* Not tnore than six set* iff th* pMkiottl volume* aid dh hand. . - • PerAftis wishing 10 subscribe m*y inefodk a $5 bote, directed to the editor, and at .his risk, by the mail) or pay it at tbe offied taf r the Georgian « . Novi ’ • Pa\nt» Bt] a»d in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prusaion Bind, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Blank, Patent Yellow . Venetian Red! Vermillion, Smalts ' Japan and Copal Varnish.. VtTfutt&Y). Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses i Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines oTevery kind, the whole of' warranted' quality. Jan 30 4* Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. 3 A PIPES fourth primf Cognac Brandy XV* warranted pure as imported, Grape .Brand • 10 Kegs Goshen Butter - , fi Boxes Smoked Salmon Just received and for sale bv 8«Ht8 J. B, HERBERT St. CO. . /'3 ■ - •.« c ,'V’N 1 W. Bouts and !%hues. JOST akcEITEt), Per brig Iudek, 38 psched- ee BOOTS and 8H08B, consisting of the foifovvihg kind, via: . 3 Cases Gontlelnen’s fine Calfskin Bbbl* -Sr do do do do do. do 3. do 3 do j do 3 do 3 do I do do do I d* do do Sealskin' Common do do . stout bo’d pos'd Shyki unbound do fid fine dank. Pumps dtt com, do do do Women’s leather walking do do do pump* do Boys lined ahd hound d* • do thick - it Children’s Leather BnotkeS do Morocco do Fob sale tow by the package or dnseA kb , • T. 6. LUTHER: i octfl r ~ ii~— -Tr-rr-m YOU feALEt A Valuable Iract tf Lind, riwarui’s Panacea. A fresH supply of thu Vatmfflie Medicine, has just been received di- ect from the inventor, Mr. Swaim. of Phil- delphia. Druggists and others who pur- base to sell again, can have it at thA.bri- giual price established by the proprietor. LAV A. HENDRICKSON, Oct t Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. City Treasurer's OrricE, I . 6th Oct. 1826. ( Assize of Bread rtIHE average price of Fleur being $5 75 X per bbl. 196 lbs. weight; the weight of Bread for the preeebt month must be I2j cents Lo*f 3 lbs. 1 oa. 6j •• “ 1 8i Of which all Baken and Sellera dt Bread will fake due notice. ■ M. W. STEWART, fc. t. oct 8 . . 24 /CONTAINING two hubdVed tWb kh4« V/ half acres, situate in the Yirat DW. Oli trict, in the Cnuhty n( Houston, Number i|. Person* era forbid treaparaibg ob sklfi land, under the Ponaltiesofthe Law. For particular* sad term*, which aim lib- ’ . . Jilledgtvnie^.^ nal will insert th* above 'three time* 4Mi orward their account tb this Offiue. Oct ii FullocH 6s BdnWody^ I NFORM their friend*, and tbe publM, that for nwre conveniencb, kbd also bfiv ' curily against fire, they have removed Id those commodious and fire-proof huildifijft on Scott and Andrew Low Si Co's.WharVH; where they caiitinuwthe Yftcloragft & i'tntttulsBiOft tttisinXsB. Thfeir beet exerlibna will be used tb Merit h continuance of former patronage. - ThBfi have, tn supply their customers, best COT" TON BAGGING, PLAINS AND BLAn- ets. Art 1 ?*4,. .1- ii .. Y 'll' I I IW Castor Oil. FRESH STlBPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family am] plantation useyfor sale by P.E. BRASSINNE, March 39 Opposite the Exchange. Coffee, Pork and Lard. KA BAGS COFFEE (XV* 15 Bbia Mess Pork, N.Y. city inepec. -do do 50 do Prime do 60 Kegs Ltrd For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD A CO. Sept 3 ' Hams and Flour, &c. 200• SUPERI °? HAM8 in bigs For sale by 30 Barrels Superfine New Flour 10 Pipes Holland Gin 3 . do Cognac Brandy HALL A HOYT. London Mustard. A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London Mustard, suitable for medicinal and other purposes, just received and for sale by LAV A HENDRtOKSON, Oct t Shad’s Buildidgs. Fly Market Beef Q |.HALF Barrels just-received by the Ml l ichr. Mery A Margaret, from New eehr, , _ York, sbd for tale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Ort 4 Black Ink and Ink Powder. ^ FRESH SUPPLY of these sujieHor article*F4kisnuhctured by Mayfiard A Neyes. of Bnalon, l-s» just been teceiVed’ per brig Index, end for tele by LAY A HENDRICKSON, Oct It Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Negro Man, i Man, about 36 yeafs of JnaeUf, CALVIN BA 16 C. C. GitlftWt LD CO. OFFER FOR SALE, 30^^' { Philad. Whiskbg 30 do Northern Gin- .30 do. N E Rum 70 kdgs manufactured Tobmicd 15 hhds Lbaf . db 100 bags Coffeb 60 kegs Lard . ,32 db Verdigris Me** ihd prim* Pork, N. Y. City lusp'ni net 6 • . ft ‘ MK8. L1MRERT, I NFORMS her friends, ahti tha plihiie, that hef SEMINARY is renmred 18 Broufleun-Btteet, second Hook from Bkf> naM-Btreet, and Opposite the ahnp of Hit M. Sheftall. As her number is limited, *m will be enabled tp pay every attention those intrusted to her cere. Terms Mbdd* rate, and may be known ob application Iff aboVb, Oct3ft 39n • - - i «'.y'H'i"iW«ja R-sy.-M-iVf i sum FOR SALE) A TRACT OF LAJfDi v C ontaining Two Hundred and f*e end Half Aores, No. i.18, in tith Dm. trict, Dooly. fTPersdii* are forbid* tf«* pawing on .aid land, under' the peiiaitiei fir the law. Fey particulars apply to JOHN DEN Nth, SaVIrihilt- Oct is - sag \Vante4) ■riMPTY WINE BOTtLfcS. ApfrlV Uf Ju. May It RVKR8QN . New Floui*. 100 ® ARR ^ I,i<Rkhn,ond Flour, from hew wheat, jbst f*' ceived abd for aale by Oct it C.c. GrisIYoldA.Ctt, 9- i/i. i.W'i-t - ti l t t ,r unWt, Hardware,Cutlery,Japanned if Fancy Goods. A fUlLAnh coMplEtE AssdR’f MENT of thb abate articles, feotobW'' ing a great variety, teceivkd bj* ike lat* if: Oat-Ib ;iV ’