Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 28, 1825, Image 1
' TIJB . #«i(8 *«*«¥*» I 4,4 EDITED A .YD published in tit, «• 1 'i OmT or SAVAXWAH, • .J v 0E0. 4i WM, ROBERTSON, XT jciunf .DOI.LAhs per Annum, iai.ibu in advance. nusror, have received thirty-five package! of Genuine Drugs, Medicines, Per fumery, Fancy Articles, eye. ■careftilly /elected k< fou Thu copyrikyj IB published io meet the arrangement o he mail, three llrnea* week, (Tueiiiaj ,Tlurr«. lay, And Saturday,) aj the Office of the Dai- femrnt of the mail. day, And .... . 1* Georgian, and contains atl theinleltigence, Cianmeroial, Politics) aud Mjsoellancuna, in eluding idreiUMineaU, published jn lbs £)»i-' |yPaper, , vb The Country Paper .it lent to .all parti oi (U state and Union, or delivered in the city, at£vo dollar! pur uuuum, payable in advance. Advertisement* aye inserted in both paper! .i y', ot nU per square, of. 14 linen for the Jr,, insertion. end4J»;for every, Succeeding ‘'i’^nmunicaliooe by Mail, muet be Poet- ^ lM nf land and ncgtoei by Adininistrn- , y,,editors or Guardian!, are required . v * i.a UM mi lli«*iSrikt TiimuIav in 4li« ■b, la*, to be held no thefirst Tuesday in the nijitb, beteeen twi hours of ten in the fate-, n.iup, and three in the afternoon, at the Couri I loose of the C'olirtty in which the property is niteatK. Notice- of these sales niuiit be glmi in a public Gaaetttrjixfy day! previ ous to the day of sale. Notice of the »ale of personal property must be given.ibdike manner, forty days preymu- toltie day of-sale- '• ' ‘ , , Notice to Wo debtor! aud creditor! of siu, estate,"must be publi.ued fan forty days. . Notice thal application svui'be made to tin Court of Ordinary for, leave,to sell laud, roue- bl published 'nine months. " —fTTt—— »«*" T EE’S BILIOUS JUPILLS Andorson’s • do do Coifs do do Anderson'!, Cough Drupe • American - do do. Church’s do do Essence Mustard Worth Lozenges Black Drop . Hcitty’a True Cal cined i.’a<yiesia •A (idler's Asiutic Len itive . . Rngerb * Pulmonic Detergent Dolby’b Carminative A constant aupi Turlington's Balsam of Lite - ' Opial fur the cleans log of the teeth 6k- gttmp' . • ... RelPsAslbmaticPills Do Botanical Drims Austen’a Remedy for the Piles i Hinckley’s' do dp Thompson’s Celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’! Teeth .Paste Squire’s Gran)i Elix ir • ' Jesuit! Drops- V Tooth Ache do, Ac. the above Useful i, together with a eneral assortmnnt of Drugs, ..Chemicals, leriutnery, Faufcy Articles, Dye Stuffk, Cot Glass Lamps, Lamp, Glasses, Lamp Oil, Ate, Ate, can be obtained at the store -of LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 26 , Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. trVAi,UABLEDiSC0Ve,ltY.A3 A tis? ttwi Piles • rjj HUB Medicine nmwnfiered to the public J.i -ianeo which has boon fully .Subjected ta 'ilie mfolltbm leai’ ot experience, aud io en tj maubce Whbrh tl has beau fairly tri ed, it had bbeh attended with Hie most com- . . ti' CMl a, Aal/.wn -a*-.h- —— »!■«' jf iha aa lienta hsd been laRjufltif 1 under®? oku for yearn, aud durii% thw punad, K< Biveihlhe best insthc*! advice, and hpd evi.m underghue a pzinltfl aorgical opera- tiu a. permanent advantage, it id oi . (like those usually, advertised) offered as a cerlaiucure for a long cataloguezit die- cu'ips.hut tlioso afflicted with the complaint, furl Which alone it is recommended, may re ly 101111 confidence upon obtaimijg relief, e ,t -n iu its worst forms in a short lime; and tlx usulves are thb best judge's of the im ps tance of such a remedy. Price 50 cents pi a box, wkh directions signed by the pro- pr| -nor. Prepared and sold at V JAMES A. AUSTIN’S ug and Chemical Store, 273 NorthThird St' above calloV. liiU, Philadelphia. The proprietor Baa appointed Lav ti CNoaicKSoN, corner of Cungress end fiiitnker-Btroels, Shad's Builditigs, sole a p' puts for the sale of this mediciue uiSavan- eieli, Geo. Oct 6 23 Di Notice. qHE subscriber begs leaye to inform hi* f» . _ . X. friends end customers, that lie has tiki "" tpklen JOHN FALLS WALKER into.psft tier ship, and that in future the FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, will he carried an under firm of Mbit Martin 8c Co. They will be much obliged to their friends for.a alinre of their; custom, and will use their best exertions to niprit the same.— Reasonable advances will, be made ou all property sent to their address. ROBERT MARTIN. No. 7. Kiddeil’e Wharf, Charleston.' . Sixpt 27. - n|e Notice. N i r; _ notice, aiqmcation will be muds to the Honorable-the Court of Ordinary of Liber ’, for permission to' sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the-henefit of the heirs and creditors of said -deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. d»c Wt. «(' .■D$Atn*a. jtECfiiyty. 1 T irr. following are the'numbors drawn from the wheels of the RHODE J8- LAND GRAN D STATE LOTTERY, No' ill, on dim 14th iuitant i 4S-1462-I l-Sji-n—^*8—56-15 HulU,*.ia of Prizes are requested to call and receive the cash, dr leave order for tiekets in the Grot id State Lottery of Maryland, to . (raw on !foe ninth ef next month. > Oct 27 W ROBERTSON. •dm Harm received. G RA’JD STATE. LOTTERY OF RHODE ISLAND, third clau,—The ’ folhiwing aiare the cumbecs drawn i— 45—4B—11—33—17-28—59—15 JTiUZES will be cashed Or Invested in oth- «r Latteriea as the Holders may wish,—at LUTHERS. EXCHANGE OFFICE. . Oot.'27 . ■ 3t CAPERS. A aupatly of Fresh Capers, ' just received and' for sale, by the gallon, by , ih " ■ rajaut drug*, PERFUMERY, (fee. jgV th« skip Emparor. the tnhaoribers. . lected by one of the partners now qt the north, which added-to their tor- nftrr stack on hahd, cenipftees an assortment very exteilsive, and particularly suited for ’h'B market, an'd weU worthy the attention of dealetai ' of dealers; Merchant!, physicians. Plan ted and Famines, tivould do well to Aywdrd flieir ofdSnii as Chey- will lie aSld at ouT usual low rates, ' n LAY & HENDRICKSON. - - 1 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. July Id- J! ‘ , SCHEME OF THE 'Nexo-totk /StateJ4tetature. Lottery Class 3, roa 182*. APPROVED fftteutTamUy MtdicineB- ply of-thi Patent Family Medicines, i Bricks*. T HE Subscriber has at present on hand a-large stock of Bricks of auperi'orqua iity, which he otters in such quantities sb may-be'wanted, at tlm lowest possible price for cath only. ■ Pot the convenience of his Town Custo- ■nera, he intends in future to keep always ni Hfoaiiilfclht fh tl " l * l> T IPll -CkU| Slig Hite want of the. article will be supplied' by appilcatiou to Mr. James Roberts, either n,t his rosjdence iu West Broad Street, or at lljcrs’ Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN. June 14 79 FRESH Drugs-arid Medicines J UST received per ship Suimnnsh, an additional supply of FRESH DRUGS aud MEDICINES, sucli-ae— • Calomel. Suphate Quinine Pulverised Ipicacuaiiuh Pulverized Colombo. White Wax, Qmisnia, Isingluss, C-iic’d Magnesia - Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb . * Hair Powder, die. _ . . also, in aTona, 500 Bottles Castor Oil,'cold- pressed, very superior 500 do do do do 2d quality 300 do db low priced for plan tation use 30 Barrels Glauber Salts 10 do Green Copperas 20 Half Barrels and Kegs do 3 Barrels English Refined Epsom - Suits, dtc. . . All of which will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit- lfj“ North Carolina Bills ta ken at par, and Darien Bills at a small dis count. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. August 27 ; HALL & HOYT, oKrrn rem ffAr.R, 3000 BUSHELS Baltimore prime 10,000 wi. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 25 lihds St Crojx Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 5 do Cognac Brandy (SeignettesV 10 casks Cheese 20 bbls mess- Beef I OU boxes • inoked Herring (fresh) 10 bbls Cranberries 200 Hams in bags Ibf family use. ’ oct 8 T\\e HwbscrVbeT . HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EJUPE- / ROR,AJYD I'fHERLATE X,- - ARRIVALS. W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Duet Pans and Spit-Boxes Hair and Wist Broom’s - Clahvabd Broad Axes. Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brashes, A L SO, A f«w dosen Pocketlightq- N.-B. WEED. fill a *3. ' v •bis. N otice, N INE month! after jate, application will be fhlble to the Honorable) the Coart of Ordinary of Catndeii County, for leave tp sell all (he real estate; of (lie late Randolph M’Gillia. deceased, fur the banefitof the heirs and bfedltora of said estate. H AN N 4R I^UI LLIS; Administratix. G. M'Dl D, Administrator. Si. Mary*, Jane 13(4,18«5., June-28 - 78 omos. »f AUXHOWTr Or TM* iTATX Or NKW-VOB*. ' ■ . * -e ’ V * • , "T ’ ' . SPLENDID LOTl'ERY, To be drawn lb the city or Ne.w-York, oi. Die 4th of January, 1825, AND FINISHED IN -FIVE MINUTES- 45 Numberx—0 Ballots tube drawn,' CACn, TICKXT BATISO ISU! NCMBERS tn . COMUINATION. ' ■ J. B. Yates lr A. JI'lntire, Managers, NEXT’SCHEME. by SPECIAL ACT t)F ASSEMBLY GRAND STATE: LOTTERY dF. MARYLAND; ¥TN PER, the abperiotendaoee of the com- V miaaioaem appeinted by the Govhmor abd Council, and by,the improvod -mode of •drawinir,' mcured' by Lel'efa Patent iiuder the seal of the United States—the whole to be completed in oaie day, and will positively take plaoi in 4bf City of Bahinwro on WEDNESDAY, -the 9th November neX'r lllgkMt ftize ^30,000. SCHEME. l.Rrjzeof-.JDMOO i. 430,000 Dollars. •»y - >0,800 -10,000 P: K. BBA88IJOTH, 3SPECTFULLY informa his fliends and the public, 1 that he has purchased the establishment ib the above business, be- longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers.for sale At low jiricea.’a large assortment of 1 -1 1 2 4 10 39 7<f 468 4446 1 Prize of do do. Z do do do do do do {100,000 uj100,000 50,000 20,000 10,500 5;000 2,500 2,000 1,000 500 i bo 50 60.000 20,000 10,500 10.000 10,000 20,000 39.000 38,000 40,000 222,301) 30 60 100 200 400 20000 20813 Prizes.' 6051 Prizes, 9139 Blauka. £567,600 40000 Tickets—Not one blank to a.pripe The holder of two tiekets, will be certain of bbtaining at least; oue/prize, and may Less than two blanks to -a prize. Prizes psyable forty davs after the drawing, but thecaah may be had inatanlly, subject to idti ‘ the ubusI deduotion of fifteen per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS. £50 | Quarters : i £12 50 Whole Half: : I i :^26 | Eighth i : f 6 25 . This is the most magnificent scheme thal has ever been offered for the patronage of the friends’of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca. Tfie small number of Tickets, and the! unexampled dcnia nd for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will not be a ciianoe left, for weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, slid that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to £fiO. Ef Gentlemen are therefore requested to be early, in their application, as all orders actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled to be aupplie’d -at the prenut rateb. • \* Notes of the Bank of the U. States and its Branches, and. generally, the NoteB of all Banka that pay specie, received at. par. • Also, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on sny of the large cities, aud Prize Tickets receiv ed freely' in. payment. All letters to be poet paid. 1 The mails may be relied on aa being per- lismlHancea. YATESfyM’INTIRE, tCaehiogton City. S-nt ?n 16|lt dec draw three: * Mens or Drawino.—The numbers will be put into one wheel as neual—and in the other wheel will be put the prises above the denomination of £4. and the drawing to p'rogresa in the uaual manner. . The 20,000 prizes of £4, will be awarded to the mid or even numbers in the Lottery, (as the case may bej dependant on the drawing of the Capital Priza of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS—that is to say, if the £30,000 pHae should Come, out to an our> number, theft every odil number iu the acheifae will be entitled to a. £4 prize : if the. £30,000 prizeeeould ebine out to an even number, then all the even uumber* in the .scheme Will be each entitled to £4. Odd numbers are those ending with 1; 3, 5,7. or 9; Even numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6, 0, or 0. This mode of drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery iu onn drawing, but has the greet advantage of distributing the smell prizes regularly to every Alternate number in .the scheme, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd and one even number, will be certain of obtaining qt least one prize, and in the same ratio for any greater quantity. , FREAENT PRICE OF Tl gCTS. Wholes £5, Halves £2 50.Qu*rtcrs£l 25 AIT orders promptly ittendmUu, «t NOVEMBER TERM. (Ti meeting of.the Justices of the In fix ferior Court of Chatham County, for ordinary purposes, at the Court-House m Savannah, nu Monday the aeveath day of November, I82lf— From the failure of very many executnrs, administrators and guardians, to settle their, respective accounts in this Court, within the period designated by law, viz. on the first Monday in January next, after the data nf their rmpective letters, to settle a first serriunt, end another account on (the first Monday in every succeeding January, until their 'respective executorships, adftiin- (Strationi or guardianships shall be confilud ed or cease It is therefore ordered by the Court, th at sum menace be 'issited to and served on all deliequentx who ahull fail to appear before thnClerk of this Court, at bis Office, and settle their respective ac counts, on or before the Arst Monday in January next, as it is the determination ((f the Court to enforce strjctly the injunc linns nf the law in all such esses. It is furthor directed, that this order be inserted in all the papers printed in the city nfSnvsnnah. twice a mon’h, nnlil the first day of January next, anil that a copy bt posted at the deer of'the Court-House. 1 Extract from the Minutes, v S. M. BOND, Clerk. Nov 17 48}l William (V Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY & BA KER, SAVANNAH. GEO. O FFERS his services to his friends and tfie public, in the General Commission Business, in this place, and solicits their patronage. References to Messrs. A. Low 6k Co. Sa vaanalt, Geo.; G. Breittmayer & Co. Au gusta, Georgia. - Augusta, Sept. 0,1825. Ort 6 - !8fh llanaway from Hie Subscriljer, Wednesday. 24th Jjrgft v^J nw _ negro man, named FREDERICK.— He is generally known in tbe adjoining counties as a fiddler. He was seen in Spar ta on Friday last. It is believed he will go to Augusta. He may have a forged' pass, as he can read and write. . A suitable reward will be given for his apprehension and ; confinement in any jail in-tho state, so that I can get him- JAMES CAHAK. Milledgeville, August 28 - Sei-t'27 . *9 TO ttS’Kw,}* 10 m • vj 500 152,UOQ Dollars . UPS ,... V)U13 ft «n& .MV UkClXL ¥te»A\ rugd, MeiiciHfcB, Mil CVifcuAcuAa, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWINO l hqua Forjis, Alum, Antimony / * oW'Reot, Borax, Bergamot ’ Perutdo roia Camphor, Caatharidex, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tqrtar, Calomel, Copperas Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assaftetida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal , -Gum Guiucum, Gum Opium -Isinglass, Indigo’, Lancets, Liquerice Miigneoia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphuy., Senna,Nulmegg. . Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizniuth Oil of Aniseed,dff Ppppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhebub, Saltpetre, Balt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Balts -Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine dex, make a. volume. It ii written for ( X the most intelligent and diytingulihed prag- ticsl Farmers in every state of (he.Uniee; . and is devoted to the subjects of Agricul- tnrx. IntaimeUstsKwidBemB and BBrakattd » ny.. js, « •' v>. •. .. ujfoete- F»F«a« th» J ’ ll ‘*with respect ■to all the c/iiy articles tha Fanners have to I’aints Bt) anA in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead ' Prussion Blue, Verdigris .Ivory, tad Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan abd Copal Varnish. YevfumetY - Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil 1 Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water ptto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med ioidesef every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 • 47 . 'TH*-. . AMERICAN FARMER; l* publishes! i* teedcti^mmbyrs of eight Quag* BY J 8. SKiNeNR, ’ FOSTMA1TER OF TUE Cltrov SALTIHOar, . At fate dollnrtpei nnnam, to be paid isuari- ' ' ably in advance. - . ■ T HIS JOURNAL is htsdsnmely print- ed. with a greet oumbrroftsngraviags to- illustrate the subjccta treated otl -Fifty- two numbers, a title P»*e, and an aiqple' in- Not more than six,sets of the previou* '■ volume! are ou band. -. Persons wishing to subscribe may inelosa a #5 note, directed to the editor, aud at hit rtskrhy.ti e mail, or pay it at the office of the Georgian Nov I " '•JIH 34 Boots and shoes. LUTHER’S EXCHAJfOE OFFICE. Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. f A PIPES fourth proof Cognac Brandy. X'Vr warranted pure as imported, Qlape Brand 10 Kegs Goafien Butter 6 Boses Sinohed fWroon Ju«t'received and for'sale by ' Sept 8 J. B. HERBERT & CO. hwai'n’s Panacea. ^ FRESH. SUPPLY of this Valuable Medicine, has juat been received di ed from the inventor, Mr. Swaim, of Phil- YOU SALE, A Valuable Iract if Land, C ONTAINING two hundrqd two and a Jia|f acres, situate in the First -Die- ti jct, ip the County ol Houston, Number 1*.' Persons - are forbid tscepieaiDg on aaid' Ja»d, under foe Pcnajtbeof (he Law. ; , For particulars and terms.,which tre lib* er»l„anpl)r,To t|ie editors. . The Editor ofthe Mllledgevills Jour nal wul' insert the above three times su'd orwai'rd their- account te this Office, Pet 13 12i:f, VALUABLE MEDICINE. . AntY-Li\8\£e$Uc I’iWa. FREPAREI) BV HENRY JAMES. A N approved remedy, for Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Habitual Costivenese, and Piles. Jt is well knnwn that Dyspepsia is one of n,e most frequent ind, formidable diseases of our cauutry. Its conimencejneut is in dicuted in different pstienls by various symptoms, of which the must remarkable Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate cos- tiyenesa, headnch, commonly called nervous or sickly heiidach, yellowness, of tbe eyeB and skill.' acidity of the stnmacb after eat ing. often called heart kWrii, flatulence or wind on the Bti>i)iach, bitter taste in the mouth in the morning, foetid breath, drow siness after dinner, debility, lassitude, eiua ciatimi, depression of spirits, 6kc. Piles being connected with .indigestion and coetiveness, are certainly and speedily removed by the Pills.' A fresh supply of the above valuable me dicine has just been received, and for sale by LAY 6k HENDRICKSON. oct 8 , 23 .VIGUT SOttOuw; T HE subscriber will open his Night School for the Instruction ol'Yputh at his residence near the Catholic Church on MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein taught Reading, Writing, Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Geography and Book keoping, in a methodical way not^su PETER Wpt 6. 17}i.t6ks Fresh Tens arid Cassia. jtfaT , RECEIVF.D PER SHIP EMPEROR, 4 re e CATTY BOXBS GunpowdeitTer xOtJ 129 do do Imperial do * . 100 do do Hyson do TO Chests Hyson do 3H do alfCheSIs Pouchong 200 Mats Cassis For sale by J.' B. HERBERT 6k CO. - July 14 . a - Notice.- . N INE months after date application will .be made to the Honorable the Just tices of the Inferior Coort of Chatham County, for leave, to sell a tract of land, known as number eight, 8th District, Pike ’formerly Monroe) County, for. the benefit' if the heirs and creditors of the estate of if N. S. Bayard. ‘ , N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. {' Jan 5 . Saratoga Congress Spring Wa- : - tors. JpIFTY DOZEN-if these Waters, fresh bottled by Messrs. Lynch 6k Clark, of New-York, and direct from tbe Springs, just teceived per ship Augusta. Persons going to sea would'do well to .supply, them sdlves, sa they are offered at reduced pricei by LAY (k HENDR1CK80N,. Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Fulton Bfsrkpt, Beef, 85c; Juet received per ithr. Mary arid Mari K HALF BBLS. Fulton Market Br- 10 Barrels Sargent's Crocker* , , -»4 Do . No. 1,2 and 3, Mtckarbl F ° r BRAD^EY, CLAGHOlWdkWOOD, y o« vT'whajc delphis. Druggists and others who pur- base to sell again, can have it at the ori ' ' A! , , have 1 ginal price-estshlished hv the proprietor. LAY 6k HENDRICKSON, 0e( I Druggists,- Shad’s Buildings. CiTr Tbeasurer’S Office. I 6th Oct. 1826. j Assize of Bread T HE average price of Flour being £5 75 perbbl. 196lbs. weight; the weight of Bread for the present mqnth must be 12T cents Loaf 3 lbs. I oz. 6} “' “ l' 8J Of which tU Bakers and Sellers of Broad will take due notice. M. W. STEWART, c. t. act 8 24 Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by P.E.BRA8SINNE, March 29 ' Opposite the Exchange. Coffee, Pork and Lard Kjf\BAGS COFFEE JUT5 Bbls Mesa Pork, N.Y, city inspec. 50 do Prinie do db do 60 Kegs,Lard For sale by *C. C. GRISWOLD 6k CO ‘ Sopt 3 Hams and.Flour, ^?c 2oo kui>er " >rham ‘ s in b *i " ,20 Btrrels Superfine New 1 10 Pipes Holland Gin 2 ’do Cognac Brandy 'lour 2 ’do Cognac Brandy - For sale by HALL 4. HOYT. London Mustard,/ A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London Mustard, suitable for medicinal and other purposes, just received tnd for sale by lay dt Hendrickson, * Oct 1 _ Sh|d’s Buildinge. Just received, Per brig Index, »D packag es -ROOTS and SHOES; consisting ofthe following _ _ kind, vis:, ( V* Cases Genllemeo’s fine Cilfokln Boots . .*»V -ft do do do do do do do do do do do do do da. do do Settlakio- -do coriimon do. do *ltotit bo’d peff’d Shoe# unbound do dd fine dune. Pftinp# do com. do do do womeiP# leather walkiof do do pump# Boys lined'and bound do Ihirl6 do Childrens Leather Bootee# do do Morprcp do For sale low by the package or dosen b 1 T* S. LUTHEH oct 8 do do. do" do HtJLLOi H If DUNWODY, I NFORM thoir friende and the publktg that for more convenience, tnd tlao so-. curily against fire, they’ have removed to those commodious and fire-proof buildings on Scott anfi Andrew Low 6k Co’s. Wharves, where they contuiuc the Fallot ago Hi UoTamUsiaa . Huslnass. Their beat exertions will be.used' to merit.a continuance of. former patronage. They hsve, to supply their customers, best COT TON BAGGING, PLAINS AND ULAN- ETS. , V ' ' *l,nt QA IIHDS: end OU 50 bbls, U, C. liiiliiWl LD iy t/O. OFFER FOR SALE, M Philad. Whiskey 3(J do Northern Gij - 30 do N E Rum 70 kegs manufactured Tobacco • 15 bhda Leaf. , do 100 bags Coffee 60 kegs Lard 22 do Vctdigrif Mess and prims Pork, N. Y. City Insp’n. oer 6 23 Mils. LIMBEHT, nard Street, and opposite the shop of Dr- M. Sheftall. As her number is limited, ehe will be enabled to pay every attention to ' * ' Ten (hole intrusted to her cere. Terms* mode rate, aud may bp kuown on application above. ' . ' * Oct 20 ,29n * Fly Market Beef. n | HALF Barrels just received by <43 I. schr. Mary St Margaret, from N< the' lew-' York, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT 6k CO. Oct hr ' . Block Ink and Ink Powder. A FRESH (SUPPLY of these superior articles, manufactured by Maynard 6k Noyee, of Boston, has jnst bee, received per brig Index, and for sale by LAY 6k HENDRICKSON. - , Oct II Druggists, Shed’s Buildings. * A Negro Man. A PRIME Negro Man, about 35- yeti , age,,'good field hand. For sale cADviN Sake June 24f »( Foil SALE, ' . A TRACT OF LAM’D, C ONTAINING Two Hundred aud Two ■nd Half Acres, No. 118, in I2lh Dis trict, Dimly. ItT Persons are forbid ties- passing on said land under, the penalties of the law. For particulars apply to JOHN DENNIS, Savannah. Oct 18 28p Wanted, TNMPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply to 16 Mav it GEO RVERSON. New Flour. * AA BARREIjS Richmond Superfine A vf" Flour, from hew wheat, ceived and for sale by . . ' ,* > Oct 11 C. C. GRISWOLD * CO ■ rf{ Hardware,<Jutleiy,JqpaaHed tf Fincy Goods. A FULL A VP COMPLETE ASSORT am. MENT ofthe above article*; compns- Wtl tag t greet' vqfiety, received by (he rivals, end for sale on sepommod by NATHANIEL B; 0«t*0 ' I, t> ’■C!: IBBI 'AKt