Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 28, 1825, Image 4
SHERIFF* SALE. tkefrd Vss*mtaji in Amalwucl, UiW sold kV theCourt-Hourain tl 1.1 T ‘ntT-lLL he sold ti lit* Court-House in the. ” (RjfyfSarepaUh between tha hour* ' Of ton andfour nVIOch, Att ttslhrt of (spd. known hj tho letter > P- H**>booie YVsrd, (being keif of « troyt /V - "aEo, negro girl Chariot ( levied oh as the :" 1 jdopertij.oF t)n Witt* of John Gribbin. to DttwV tire.executions In favor of the Btnl of the United States and Naume 8untoo. ’■ XWo, the tmjnent on. the booth hilf of lot No- 8, Tfustes* Garden, - io the City of: Savannah; levied on a* the proper*; of George Carter, to satisfy, an execution in favor of executor Of Ann Middleton, levied an and turned oitkf by a eonaUble. . t L D’LYON, ».o. ' ,no» T—.38 MAN3ION HOUSE. * ' The euhecriber bega lea*# to inform hi* friend# and thepdbJtp- that he baa completed bia large md Oommodiima hoitwC io Mi beat and rooet comfoiaabje manner, »no ten dera hi*, th#nk* to those whohavo heretofon favored him'with their ealta,' and flatter, htanfclf that by ilia tihreuiitiod attention to >, he will (hare a part .of the public INSURANCE COMPANY f’j Iffw-YorK, f KCORPOUATED by the LfgMatnw JL of the atate.of New-York, 'fbr.lhe uur> woe. of insuring HOBBES and OTHER HUIliDIN GS. VKBSELS IN MR? ami f K r SHERIFF'S SALE. , .< On Iks fret Tuesday in Jon. swict, J^^flLL be told before the Court Houae in the City ofSavasnah between the heur. of JO and 4 o'clock, . All that tract'or pateei of land contain ing 58T acres, more or Ires, together. with 109 aerator march land oaRod Oakland, sl- toated, lying end being in Little Ogeeciiie Dietriet.ln the County or Chatham; .'bound ed on>Se north by land* of Flemming Akin, 00 the Cast by land* of Duet. ParkeiV and r oa the'aooth by lands of 8 Walburger, and ' on tba west by northeast branch of Little Qgeechie Raver, together with all and eio- gwar, edifice* and linprqvemqnti 1 levied on odder * fi fa or foreclosure (Void George L. Cope, to .John M*Ni*h, Peter MltcbeT and BOneri lilitehel. s I, D’LYON, s. c. o. anv i 38 patronage. Hi* Itoosmwinat .all ttmns.oo tarnished with the beat the country awards, hi* bar with choice liquor*, *nd hi* (table* with good cord add provender, together With efiitbful end experiencedoetler. The Mansion House i* situated on the neat tide of the public, iqiiare: in thetpwn of Clinton, directly on the road leading (Vom Milledge- villo to MscoRt-'and nearly Vipposite the ,Cliptoi» Hotel II. H. BLATTER. Clinton, August t3. •, OWrp ; N. B.—Families can be sccommodiiod With private roopisi which ere comfortable, ID* The editore-of the AugustdChroni cle end Savannah Gedrgjtn, *re requested tp publish the above advertisement once S Week for three nMtths and forward their accounts to this office for settlement. A ■ - SHERIFF’S SALE—Com-mued. On Ike fird Tucetlity in December next, ■f/ylLL be sold at the- Court House, in tbd City of Savannah, between the usual hours ot sate. Two Stages, four Horse*, and four sets of Harness, beboging to this end of the Au gusta Lide |- levied on under a foreclosure of a Mortgage from Joseph I. Thompson, to Joseph Camming, assigned to Alex. T Dopson. A. DtLYON, 0.1. c.' c.. • 00V 7 3R v- SHERIFF'S SALE. . , ' On thefird Tuesday in December next, • W ILL he sold tt the Court House in the City of Ssvaaoab, between the usu- *1 hours or-sale. All that tract of land eituate and being in . the District of White Bluffi known as the Farm Plantation, obtaining (750) seven hundred and fifty acres, more or loss ; levi ed on as the properly of the estate of Thoa. Rice, to satisfy a judgement in favor of the White Bluff Congregation. 1. D’LYON, a. c. c. nor 7 38 SHERIFF’S SALES—coutinukd. On the first Tuesday in December next, ■ffR/lLL be auld before the Court Home in ' TT Chatham County, between the usual hour-,’“ • All that certain tract or parcel of lend si- tdaied in the County of Chatham, and State of Gboifla. 00 the talU between the Islands cL Skids way and Burnsides and known, biy Ana Paine of Redoubt Island, containing sixty three acres mqre or leu. Also, all that oth er tract or pared of land situated and being on Bkidaway Island, in the County afore •aid, composed of three different and origin •Uy distinct tracts of land but adjoining each other, the first of which Was originally grant ed to Micliad Ritter fbr one hundred acres, the second of which was originally granted to JPo. KHis for fifty acres, and the tliird and •last Of which was originally granted to Mi cbael Ritter for fifty acres.whict. three tracts Of land contain in the whole (pot including Redoubt Island) two hundred and thirty-sev en acres with the. appurtenance*; levied on to satisfy the Planters Bank of the State of Georgia on foreclosure of a mortgage, a gaiost John W. Stirk. I. D’LYON, a. c. c. nnv 7 38 NOTICE. O N the first Monday, of January next, I shell expose to sole at the Market of r l}t. Marys, between the usual hours, seven SLAVES, the property of the estate of Aa ron'fj-on; by virtue of an order of the . Court of Ordinary for Camden County— Conditions mull ' " MARTHA TISON. Adm’rx. Nova 35ft* as iheir CARGOKB, MERCHANDISE and Other PERSONAL PROPERTY, against PLANTERS'HOTEL, WARRENTON. THE Subscribers having tsatek- II -eil into co-paiMnrrship in the l'LANTKKB’ HOTct.. ttxs om method of informing tlieir friends and tlie public that they continue to keep up that well known establishment, on the east sideofthe public square io Warreuton. and return tlieir sincere thanks to those wlio liave favored them with tlieir custom, and wish fur a continuance of that support from the public which their -attention. In business will merit. Their table Will be supplied with every thing the country and. seaauo afford. Their Bari will be supplied with the choicest kind of li* qours—Stables provided with good' proveudor and attended by faithful and careful ostlers. ABA CHAPMAN, ‘ MARTHA EVAN8. October 18. O’ The Editors of the Augusta Clutooicle and SavanonbOeergian, ace requested Its pub lish tlie above once -a week for 8 weeks, #qd forward their acduunts to the subscribers iu Warrington. A. C. RJifyJi, Oct. 87 • JSorth American NO. XLIX. CONTENT nr*. on Naples U. Claims ofthe-Uoited and Holland, , v . I-' Messssge .of the President of the United Stntca to the: House of Jlepresentstiviw, relative to the clirni oq Ntplde.' ' 2 Message of the President of the UnitodBtates,''transmitting the cor respondence relating to the claims of the citizens of the United States up on the Government of the Nether lands. Lord Byron’s Character and Wri tings. l; Recollections of the life of By ron. By the late R. C. Dellas. Esq. 2. Correspondence bf-Lord Byron- With a Friend; including his Letters to his Mother; in 1808, 1810, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation of Lord Byron. By Tbomu Medwin. J. Carter, Esq. bis' Ware-HouBes at this place, and tenders his services to his friends aud the public, in t he above line of business, with essqrances that soy business confided to Ids cure, shall receive his personal and undivided attention, and that his bust exer tions-,will be used fo give satisfaction on his customers. The Ware-Houses ere new, extensive, safe, end very conveniently ar ranged end situated for the transaction of business. ■ , ,. He intends running two good end sub stantial boils during the boating season, which, wilt be expedited in their passages up and down, by the aid of ore of the Siam Boat Company'e Steam-Boats. Insurance. 00 merchandise and produce shipped by. tug boats, can be effected in a responsible office on as favorable terms as by iny other boats that will run the river; and reasonable adj vunces will be made by him on produce (hipped by them to the consignment of bis friumls in Savannah. • By The first boats he will receive a good supply of GROCERIES, which he will sell on moderate terms. He noio offers for Sale, COO Pieces first quality Colton Bagging 1000 Buabeli Liverpool Salt. JOHN T. ROWLAND. Macon, October Id, 1826. ' Oct 20 29H EXECUTOR’S SALE. On Thursday the 15lb December next, 'CknLL be told at the plantation jof the late v v Ci), Nicholas Ware, on Little River,, in Columbia county, the corn and fodder and other provisions made there tlie pi event sea son, and all t tiefarming utensils belonging to the place, the stock of horses sod tdules, among which are some valuable bniod mares, and fine colts of the best blodd—the stuck of cattle, sbjg.r full, antksume half blood of the English breed—the stock of hogs, and the Plantation—There are about fifteen hundred acres of land, and eAougtt-cleared, and in cul tivation,to^ive employment to twenty-five or thirty hauls. Much of this land is of goud quality, and thereat very valuable fur its timber/ T ■ ■ . ■fxJ . ALSO, At the same time and tflacey will be sold the Grist and Saw-Mills on Little River, and the- Bridge across it, known as Warps, with about forty sera* of land attached thereto. And on Tfmrsday, the 2*d December, .; there sold at the,Plantation nn Savan- nab, River, ip Columbia eoa'iity, at tlie mouth of the Kiokee Creek, the whole of ike corn and fadderw farming utensils, stock. Re. be* loqflbig to that place, and alio the plantation k . itself? including about six hundred acres of lend of very excellent quality. * '. Athlon Thursday |lieC3tb December, will .be sola at tlte market-houae, iu the City of Augusta, about FORTY very -likely NE GROES, including mechanics, liouse ser vant*, and field bands.. The sales si each place will-commence a| ten o'clock, A. M. andtdase at 4 o’clock, f. .M. and be continu-' edfrom day today) ftntfl the property it aU - Twelve month* credit will be given for all sums over Ten Dollars, and notes with good - security reqdired, before the property will be' ■' delivered. ■ SUSAN B. WARE, ExHrx, - WM. W. JKW/T, Ex'r ’ Getobertl Qf Ike WiUsf N. Wars --v - OctST ^ ' .* ■ la An ♦ • • ‘ r ex. T'-m •. ni. Way land’s Discourses on the Duties of a n American Citizen. The Duties of-an American Citi zen ; two Discourses delivered in the First Baptist Mecting'Hnuse in Bos ton. By Francis Waylaud, jr. ' IV. Pinkney's Poepis Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney: V. English Cnriunon Law Reports. Ri pe.-ts of Cases argued and de termined in the English Courts of Cnmimm Law. Edited by Thomas Bi-rgeant end John C. Lowber, Esqrs VI. Orphio Poetry. Orpheus Poetnvum Grscorum An- tiquissimus—Auctore Georgio Hen- ■ riro Bode. . VII- Columbus.;^ Codice diplomatlco Colombo-Ame ricano, oasis Raccolts di Doctimenti original! e inediti, spettanti a Cristo- foro Colombo, Sic. Genova, 1823; VIII. Gold and Silver in Moxino. A retxirt oil the Expediency of Augmenting the Doties on else Ex portation ot Gold and Silver, presen ted to the General' Constituent Con gress of Mexico, by the Committee of Finance and Mines, AugitBt 9, 1824. IX. Critical Notieea. 1. Palfrey’a Historical Dia- - course. 444 2. Perkins’s History of the Late War. 443 1 3. Wrifford’s Mercantile Pen- . manship. 451 4. Summary View of America 453 5. Addresses before the New- York Aciidemu of Fine Arte 459 (.-Bacon’s Plea for Africa. ' 462 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Gram ''.johr." ' - g»n 8. Crafts’ Address before tho Palmetto Society. . ' 464 9. Blanco White's Spanish Varietiea. 487 . Quarterly List qf Nqw Publi cations. 469 Index. 403 Just received by W.'T. WILLIAMS. Oct 20 -29 COURT OP COMMON PLEAS AND O YER . IND TERMINER FOR THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, OC1VRER TERM, 1825, MTHEREAB William C. Wayns, Freder- * 7 ’ ick Herb. Charles Dunham and Wil liam lour, were drawn and'summoned to at tend at Grand Juror* at ibis (arm of th( < 'otirt and have made default. Ordered, that Uiey be' severally fined in the sum of forty dollars, unless good and sufficient Cause of ex cuse be filed on oath with the clerk of this court on or before the firat day of the next term. ; And whereas Hugh. Cassidy, Georg* F. Patinas and Matthew Luffbornugh, were aim drttwnepd summoned to attend as Petit Jit'-' kora, bud made default,‘Ordered, that they be severally flood in the auitinf lwent/ dullard unless good and sufficient cause of- excuse be filod .ou path with tbs clerk of this court, 00 *'before the first day of lt>* aeat tarn. True attract from the mjiibtw. - ROBERT W. POOLER, Clerk. Savannah, 2$ Opt P»90 Loss ot I'antagftb^ V'itft, and aim to insure VESSELS snd MER CHANDISE against the HAZARDS OF inland Navigation, or trans portation. Capital t-'tock 8800,000, whfch lias til' been paid in CASH, find the public may rely with confidence upon the whole autq. being always tvatlsble to meet its engagements. R.' HAVENS, Prest. Tlie subscriber having bsen appointed Agent for tho above Company, will insure against Lbs* by Fire, and Hassrd of Inland Ntvigafton, as set forth in the preceding proposals, on is ftvorabie terms s« can be done in ihiselty. 8 ( C. DUNNING, - Agent for Howard Insurance Company. N. R —Persons tiring in thn cimntry, ctn have insurance effected )>y addressing the-Agent. giving a description df the ptnm- tsea to be Insured, post paid, Sept 20 *••"&, • V* WAHK-HOUSE flt OOBKBCSSZOir 8USZHHS8, • MACON. rnilE undersigned bus ranted of Firish - IARBWAU . FflHE yubscribef has receivbil by thn lute arrivals, (darn tssortm«ni of HARDWARE, ClTLERY. J^PANN j- EO AND FANVY OOOS, *MDno wuicn tit, Ivory and Ball nee Handle Knives snd * Forks ;/ Buck stnl Bone Handla . do dq Rkaora in case* snd do*, in great va riety ; l> ■ , t ■ Pen, Poukui, two blade and Sportmeo’s Knives , Rodger’s Koives anffSeissbrs - Bboe, Bread, Butchers' and 'Coqks’ Knives , Chjszely.lhane Irons, and Gouges of brewing Reives, brpsd and narrow . A**P , ; . Plated.Brittinia, add Tran, tea and ta- ,ble Spoons , Britjannin ten and coffee Pots, Compo sition, copper and iron Tea-fcetiloi Composition Spucepnns and Digesters Bran, iron and Jepannod Camlicsticks su'd Lamps Waffle slid -Wafer Irons - ■ - Gilt, plated, pearl, bone end japanned Buttons Cost, vest and suspender Moulds POLICE OFFICE, , - ■ V SarjtnnsH,'Oct. 28, IM5- TN MBARRA88MENTS having occurred 111 in TCl*tiuli’ln' tickets, notice it hereby given, that sgroetbljr to thrordinance pats- *d, first'Sflptetnber; f825, ne generclt ticket •fill patsYtt bearer after ton o'clock ait' eight, snd Uist no special liClnt Will avail after the' •>tS0# hour •• unltsetki -.piM’iekere he or skg is tOtnf nnii the fwruoeefor which said ticket is risen, besifecinid th*mn. n Such special ticket will be effectual for one nigbt only. : JOSEPH, W. JACKcWJN, ’ Oct'29 Chairman'of'Council.' Padlocks, chert, trunk, till' sod cup- ' - board brsii end iron Box Locks paxz.x.xFS’ AATRi PftlLLIPfl respectfully inform* IvJL. the public, that he hsa a vacancy for u io* more pupils of both box- He leatiies the tbifowing branches of an Editcaiion English Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, ' Geography, Projecting of Maps, Astro nomy, History, Composition, Polite Literature aad Rhetoric. ALSO,- LATIN AND FRENCH. ET A separate room is proivded for the Young-Ladies Miss Phillips under hip superintendence, instructs s few children in Spelling, Read ing. Writing and Arithmetic., From four io six Young Gentlemen may be accommodated with board, Sic. in , his family. Every attention will be paid to their comfort end morals. •in fWen\ug ; ehot»\, for the instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng lish Grammar, Arithmetic, Book Keeping by Double Entry, Navigation, and the Lit liar jUbservations; also, the method of as certaining and of measuring the distance of the Heavenly Bodies, is open every evening from seven until nine o’clock For terms, which are moderate, pUtasu to apply by letter or personally, at, his Acade my, in State-Street, opposite Mrs. Maxs well’s Boarding-House, corner of Boltou’- Square. NEXT LOTTERY. A LL to be brawn in a FEW MOMENTS on the 4th of January next. 8CHCMG or THE 1 NEW-YORK STATE LITERATURE LOTTERY, l ‘CLASS III, FOR 1826, 1 1 Pri*e of do $100,000 50,000 iS $100,000 50,000 1 d 9 *20,000 20,000 l do . 10,500 fO.SOd 2 .. do 6,000i v" TOjOOv "- 4 do ’ 2,500 . lOiifiti 10 do 2.000 20.000 39 do 1,000 39,0 0 78 do 600 , 39,000 468 do ' 100 40.000 4440 do 50 2p,300 5051 Prizes. $557,600 9130 Blanks. ;! . payable forty days after-the draiiji the cosh may be haffi instantly, sub the usual deduction of'fiftecn per con VOICE or TICLETS* Wholes $50 I Quarters $12 $0 - Halves ' 25 j Eighths 6 »5 ID* Orders for the above Tickets: - receiv ed st ALLEN’S OFFICE, N, B>,Uncurrent Bank Note* and P/ixe TickeG taken without'discount. Nov It 43 X? TO FRUITERS. ' , r|3HOMAS AVERV,» Printed fwnierly JL of Groton, in Connecticut, baa long been absent from his frieltd*. and whether he hesliveor notj is not known to them When last heard from,' he was in distress. Property has lately been bequeathed to him sufficient to mkke him comfortable through hie, if he if living. Information ta requested to be given him, if alive, as an act bf human ity, from thn brethren of the 'New-London Oqt-28> . ’ ' .... - - V ^ •'it,-' -■. > Knob end Mortice Locks Stosk locks Files end fUsps of all kinds Morocco pocket-books and wallet* Note cases snd work boxes dressing esses Brass curtain, cloak and curtain Pine Brass and iron butt Hinges Wood and bed screws Hook and Piste Hingee Sledges aud Hand Hammers Anvils and Vices Iron wedges. Shoe end nail Hammers Brass commode Knobs Brass, iron snd wood Castors Coal-scoops and coal-hebds Coal-sifters snd Dust pan#, Spit-boxes Whittemorc’s cotton and wool Cards. Block Tin, Fawcets, Ivory ahd Horn Combs Fine-tooth, crambo and dressing Combs Tuck end side Combs Spectacles and cases Plated stirrup irons, bridle bills k spurs Brass Andirons, shovel and tongs Brass and wire Fenders ’ Iron and Steel knitting pins Needles, Fish-hooks and fishing tackle Cast iron Pots, ovens, dogs, Spiders & skillets Bad-irons, Trace-chains, & screw plates German, Eoglisli, Blister and Cast steel Hand, panned, mill, pit, croas cut,back and keyhole Raws Brace anJ Bitts Round and flat Bolts Smith’s snd small Bellows W aggdn and Cart boxes Bed Keys. Hide whips, Tacks Si Brads Copper, Bo it-nails.Bpelliog Books and Writing Puper. slates aud sidle pencils Shovels spades and hoes Together with almost every other article in tlie line, which are offered for sale on uc enmmodating terms by- NATH. B. WEED, Oet.29 No. 6. Gibbons 1 Range. GENERAL DRUG. . CHEMICAL and FAMILY MEDICINE ■ WAXE HOUSE. ' 50 HA t. Georgia—CAmden Countr. concern wsytafSB; is* •on, decst.Cd, applies to the Court ol'Ordin- Sty of lam 6njutty, for toHsv* dismissonr on •48 estata i> T’l-se fry, tbetralbre, to c-te*i6 dmonish ill and singular, the belli and ered- AOI* of said deceived, tn,fl'e their object (if any ihey have) in my nllcs, on or b-for* ths flrrt Holiday in January next, or .clun will be grtnfbil't* tho applicant. r-L-,1 Witness the Hoa WilHsm G'*an, one of tlie Justices of raid Court. t|ut 25 h June, 1025. ^ JOmNBAILKV, c.c O.C.C. ' ‘ ' 8’ BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing Horn Brig Pheasant, for ssle by • Anvtttn O f GH?H\pf>LD, LAY dt HENDRICKSON, Wholes'ile arul Retail Druggists, comer of Congress and Whittaker Streets, ' 8 H A D’S BUILDINGS, I A V A M It A H, H AVE received by the late arrivuU from Boston, New-York snd Philadelphia,, the remainder of Iheir Full and Waiter supply of GOODS, consisting of a very ex tensive and well-selected assortment of Drugs and Medirines, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Brushes, Dye-Stuffs, Sgc. A great variety of Apothecary and Phy sician's Glass Ware Ointment and Pill Pots Composition end Glass Mortars Glass Lamps and Lamp Glasses , • Elegant Cut G.lass Smelliug Buttles Glass Funnels, Graduated Muasitrea White and Green Vials, assorted, &c. SURGEON'S INSTRUMENTS. Pocket Sets Turnkeys Trusses Spring and Thumb Lancets - Forceps, SpatulsB, Boogies, Catheters Apothecaries Scales and Weights, Sit. PATENT MEDICINES, Or EVERY DESCRIPTION, VIZ I Seidliiz and Soda Powdera Balm of Quito Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Genuine Lee’s, Anderson's and Hooper’s Pills , - , Swaim’a celebrated Panacea Jnmee’Anti-Dyeppplic Pills - Bulaam Honey, Church’s Gough Drops Itch Ointment, Sic. All of which are offered for sale on the moat liberal terms, lor cask or credit, . L. A-.H- having'made eucb arrangements witlijhe principal Drug-Houses in the Uni ted States, as to be continually supplied with' freylt and genuine articles, flatter them* Pelves flint no establishment of the kind til this state, can offer' greater inducements to dealers. The merchant, the planter, 1 sand the |>hyscntn, can’here be supplied with al most every article in the drug line, and may depend upon having their orders c.-ecuted with neatness, accuracy.'and despatch. NovS .• Pilotage. A T a meeting of the BoaVd of 1>piilroiuioa- sr» on the 15th iattant, it was ordered that John Robbins, be suspended from sqliog as a Pilot,, for one month.' By order. ' JN'O- G. HOLCOMBE, StcOy.C. P. Oe(18 28uf A CARD. ' PIANO FORTES. E XTR ACT from the report of the Com ■nitteS of Preiniums'and Exhibitions of the Franklin Ihsfilute of the State of Penn sylvania, for the promotiob of the Mechanic Art«v fori 1825. ' , Premium No 47—to the maker of the beat horizontal piano, is adjudged to A. Babcock, of Boston, for specimen. No. 327, which is a horiaontel piano," made for A. Mackey, of Boston. It he* received the high approbation ofthe judge*. Every part of its interior mechanism .lias tho highest finish, snd ita tone and toacb tre excellent. Tho strings are ell of stnof mire, the lowest octave being,, covered with flattened wire. It entitl e its maker to the Silvio Medal, having been considered the best of the four square pianoa. which are ell very good, PIANO FORTES from the Factory'of A. Babaock, answering to the above de scription, . and warranted to be of his very best make, for sale by I. W. MORRELL, Savannah. Oct 29 . 3;tfu Georgia—l aimlen County. TO All, WHOM IT MAY CONcKliN. lAf iiK ’BAS Lows D-ifour. admiitiht-tio, YW cf tlic Estate ef Ua/ite Pelletier, didd applies b'. -lit -urt of Ordissry of said cam. for Vet er* -lismiaso'y on raid etiate i- are, therefore, to cite and admonish til and singular, the heirs and crcdhoi ■ of a> j deceased fit file their oMee folia (if any ih e , have) in my (-(fide, on or before the first lion day Io January next, nr latter* will be grants Io tt.e vpplirant, jrtitU'l Witness the Hon. William Gibson (J-X.jl on* of tb* Justices of raid Uuun- L_. J lhis35th tune, 18 J. JOHN BAll.Y.e.c.o. c.c. Ju.«30 gg T HE subscriber, admitted to pfactiqe in the eeveral Court* of Law and Equity n this State, offeri to the public bia pro fessional services in the Court* of ■; ■ Bibb, I Henry, \ Jonye, | CraMtford, Monroe, \ Jasper, J Twiggs, \ PU(e. WASHH&fTO’N POE. Macon, ^ibbQounty, (G#.) July 7 84 : • IDjlSH SWEET OIL, g\Y Very superior quality, suitable for ta*' U ble nee, juit received and for sale by LAY* HENDRICKSON, NovS Druggists, Shadts Bvildings, NOTICK V INE months after date, spnliestioo will be made to the.Inferior Cnurt of'Chatham' fount/, silting for ordinary purposes for an irder, gbsnlute, toaeliloisNoa- four am five, 4 aud 5) in Carpenter's - Bow, and lot No. ine, (t ) Green Ward, in tht oiiyof Savannah, icing the real estate ef Francis dec ->C the benefit of the heirs an-' creditors ol' /id estate WILLIAM GAS TON. OHUlitted Kxecuter Notice. VflNB M.ONTHS after dateu. pplication will iN he made To the Honorable inferior Court >f Chatham county, for leave to sell the real met personal estate of the late Mm Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heir-, ndored-ioiS'jf said estate, WOitTHING I ON GAI.E, Etecutor. Mr-:'- in , a J '-i- :’0 Notice. A CREEABI K to *esve obtained fr- m tkc fk. Honorable the'erhir Court, fitting fi r m-dinary purju-ieo, for Caimtcn County, 1 -hall on the fi at Tuesday in DJcembrr next, x.ioas to nubile iJe, st the Court-Home i t tefferson, in raid county, a h t of land in the Tenth District of M innie Cuunty> No 91, for 1 be benefit of the orphans of Levi Johns dec- JOHN LBB, Guardian. Sent I* 14 Notice.' CTINE MONTHS after date of tbi* notice, 3i' application will be made to. the Honnraa >le the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Conn, y, for perm aiion to sell all tho real estate of fnhn Wskerlv, dee. "for the benefit of itn heirs sod .creditors »f raid deceased- ROBERT HOY, Bieentor. Peb 24 *7 N otice. j^JINE months after dale, application will he iiad* to the Honorable h; Inferior Uoui - of Camden County, when ritt'-ng for ordinal) purpo-er, for leave to aeil 250 sores of land ■elongi.ig to the estate of Ji'hu Brown, d< - ;ea»d. for the benefit ofthe heirs snd cron- on ofsaiI estate. 8 ARAH BROWN, Admlatrstrix. Jefferson, 18th June, T 21. June 23 .78 Notice. N ine month's after the date hereof, ap plication will be made tb ibe Honorable toe Court of Ordinary for the County i f Ctuil- ham, for leave to sell the whole or s part, or. parts of s tract of land, lying and being in the comty of Eliiiipliain, containing by re cent survey, nine hundred *ud etghtv-fi c acres, snd known by the name of the Tuck* /•seeking Tract, formerly the property of i ng end Hotchkiss, now belonging to the state of Alexander s. Roe’s orphans, for the benefit of said orphans. - WILT UM MOREL, Guardian A- 8. Roe's Orphlns, Jnlv 14 87 Notice. N INE MONTH3-,v.P..-r date, appliptlin, will be made to (he Inferior Jburt o'. Chatban,'tounty, sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave *o Sell ell the rpil estate .of the late Thomas Savage, of Brytn County, vis i Point Plantation. • oftwo hundrt-0 and elgtitysprea Rice Lind, an the Oaeeehee River, four miles below the F.-rry, - uU-'inpip the pisnlstion ef Joseph Habersham and Ste phen Elliott. Also,' two hundred snd -fifty acre!, more or.less, of Pine Land, appertain ing thereto. Also, s Tract of Law! called (slim, containing.fifty screr, on Medwty Riv er, adjoining the lands of I J. Maxwell MARY SAVAGE, Adm’rx. Jtinc if , 71 jtaie of Georgia—Cbathaiii County. to All whom it /jay concern. . CVHERBAS Daniel Carney, Jr. hra anplW W ral to toe Honorable the Court of Or dinary dfCbathsei County for tetters of ad- ministration on the eats:e'sad effects *f Wil liam Woodbridgejate > f Savannah, merchant, deed, on behalf of the beira aud creditor*, and by request of ’be reburies. Ttueea are therefore to cite and •dmoni#b al|and alngular the Madrid ana ereditera of lb* aid deceaS ed, to file Ifieir objections (if any they have) to tha granting of Ibe adainritration of th;- eslate ofthe deceased to the afipBesM in the. Clerk'* C Boe of the laid Court, •enor before the third day of Noyother next i othpVwlse lettet* ef adntinisttatioR will be granted . Witness the Hooonhle Elits Fort one ef the Juitioes,*fthe aid Court, the fourth day of October, A. D. Me tkboasad night hundred andtwenty five. i. OeorgUL—Chathavf County, In the Court of OrUinsiy, May-Term, 18M. 4"kN thepe'ilion of Henry Champion, admin, U istrator of John 8trect.deoi:ased, praying an order Nui to be made absolute on hit coni- plying witn tha law, the milt- of a Lot of Grcuud, number four, (4) second Tytliir.g Reyiioldi Wnd-i-Alio, p.rtiif a Lot, number fix. Tower Tythmg, Decker w. d: being the real eaule ef the *»iU uee. lor the benefit of tlie beira and ereititors.i—Iti( ordered, that i notice he pnh’ slied nine mnnthi. in him uf the Public Uatttll of the City of Savam.ali, requiring all peisont into, eated, to show cauie. t any they Irate, why the prayer of the p,tj. tlontr should not tie granted. S M. IIONH, c c. o, May 14' 44( JUeorgia—C'huthum County. fti the Court of Ordinary—Mav t'e- :UJ5. O N thd petition uf Hoy, En.-u.-ir of John Wsekcrl^ de> . prayii g anuntrr Msi tu be made absolute, on his complying witn tile law, tu oell 'I wo lVaeta of I at II it ui L.uieosCeunty, being the real satire ofthe '-*14 deceased, for the benefit' uf tlie heir* n-d creditors t It ist ordered, that s notice be ubJiahr ifiiine months, in one of the Gw i. ties of the city of fiavau • h, requiring a I persons interested, to shnw caure, if any they c m, wliy the prayer uf the petitioner aheutd not he g'Biiti-d. 8 M. BOND, c e. o. >' '* ■ y 17 Ueorgtu—Camden iou/t y. TO Aj.L W HOM 11 M tY CONGER./. W iiEitEAS J. Hicblitt ftiii admiintiraiur on lb; estates of. DavidTuoker and David d'Crt-du, t-.pplibs to 'the Couit of Ordinary f w d County, for Letter- diambury on the -stales of i*id detes.ed persmiai These are, heref’ire, to cite ulid admonish the tieirs snd creditois of raid deceased persons, tu file - heir objections (ti any they have) ill rsy ,nf- lice, on or before the firat Monday in Js.-iu.iry next. Or letters will b* granted ta the tpyh- cent. • . Witness tlie Hnn. William Gitn-m, IL S i| one of the Justices Of said Court,. d.i.sJ. this '25th June, t&’5. JOHN HAILEY, C-C 0-c.e. Inns 30 «* Georgia. - Camden Couniy. BY mu COURT’ op ORDINAkY FOB SAID COUNIY. iffif HEREAS tohn Chevalier, has applied rt to said Court, for Letters Uirmissery hi tho estates of Ssmuel Cosens snd Evan E, 'tuck, deceased. These are, therefore, to ' ire and admonish, ail snd siiig'ilnr, the kin dred and creditors ol the sent deceased per, aims, tu fi'e their objections, if any they have, in my office, an or before the firat Monday in January next,, or Lettets will be granted the applicant. ,' Witness the Honerable James Scott, one ofthe Justicestif raid-Court, tMs six- ton th -isy of .April, e ghleen hundred ' snd twenty-fire. • [L.S.] JO.lNBAILEY,C.C.O.f.. C. Apr I 71 21 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF OhDlNAliY FO SAID COUNTY. TDHBREA3 Lewis Bschiott, applies to the ’ll# Court of Ordinary of said County/ fir i.ettert Dismrmsory on the estate of Fr -n x It siilupel These ere, therefore, to cite and uimonith, (II end singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to fite their o >jce- tioni, if any th-y h a.-, in my office, on ir be- fare the fi-’t Monday in January neit,vtlicr- wise Letters Dusnssory will be granted the applicant- -• Witness the Honorehle Ssmuel Cisrke, one of the Justices of raid Cnu this sixteenth day nf April;'eigbieen. hun dred' end twenty-five. [L. 6.] JOHN BAtLBY, C. C, 6. C.C April 91 24 Georgia—Camden county. TO ALL HiiOM IP MAY CONCEUM Af fta Johnyl«,-due, A-iv.iiiistrstiir VJhr.oftha Bsiete ol DavidG Janes, late t i-l o-iunty, deceased, applies to the Court >f Ordinary of s>id cuuniy, for letten dri >ni socyonssid Bsistet' These ere therefore to cite end admonish all and nngulsr, the heirs snd creditors ofssid lece .,ed, Io fi e (heir objeetinns (,f soy they hate) iri my-otfien.-vn or before the first Mon- -in March next, otherwise le ten will b* Sranted tlie appheanL Witness the Hon. William Gibson, one of rV„ s.j ike Justices of skid Court, tlx STth August, 18"A. JOHN BAILEY, CUc. C. 0 C. C. 8-nt. 3 309 Georgia, Chatham County. ByNi* HJoorshle tb* Justecn.of the Inferior Court of Chitbsm Couniy, sitliog fo» «► tq'mlwuom IT MAT concern. \lf$Pii SHEAS Jsmthan Meigs, sdmiBiitn- lU tof of the estate sf Samuel Hsugbtotb deceased, bn petitfoaed the Court ^Oi^»- ry, Co he dismissed from >1* dfid sdramistrs- trek r Row these ere ihirefore, « admonish att peraoda interested ta tt* mod ra- rate to file thslr objection*, if aw they have, t* Chegranttng sf lb* prayer of the petitmaff in the Clerk's Office of tb* said Coart, on es before the tenth day ot fii»reb ^nekt otber- ire Letters Di«aimory wdl be granted tne tiuSSTShe'Honorable Antheny P“ r, * , ' < *J of the raid Jiutioea thit Sentember, *ighte##i hundred V-WLM B'IND. (