Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 29, 1825, Image 3
—■ ;r, 1 r ; .1-■.'*■> a.- hew anitt*d.--U only «ml U>' make foesuperior uld mere jading Itot that w« treated wHfei duly a* eembledand properly orgamaad, which might in the exercise of it* legitimate power* hhve ceded tk*' entire territory of the Muecogeo W* know of bo exception W the nile.thatvi* 4 deliberative dody the majority govern*. Ib *n Indian council euch tale Sway* prevails. All chief* of the nation bad bean >nrUbd lb .i«twd, (141 ho- dreda did allend. By and With Ik* adfio* and content of tbe Goreremeatfe A want, nod their own Agent. aU chiefs, all (nSiane present, except eightaeteowd to, and wblw willing to eign a treaty. It mat poeeibly be' insisted by eome, that the Curtetuha ■ItouUI be 8lrikendwm the estimate. .Geo. (ieinna it terr confident •• that an Indian ul Council never lie*.* These Indian* in coun cil agree toaceeston.andw* are equally odnffiW fbet an Indian baring once “ lakm MefoUf nerer retracte. We include the Cusseluhe, ae rightfully aa fee do the la mented M’lnteeh- . They bad doneonted a* solemnly and a« boldly a* lie—they wore aa ^ • ' •**■ * Indian <• intercom**. Molntoth interpose d I Brig Condor, (nTMiddletowa) (loodrieh, dare bond* for the appearanoe ,of Stineoo at u day* from At. Croix, bound to New-York the Federal Chart, *od io . the end completely I —put into thin port in distress. harihg prevailed, ' [sprang aftfek wheit 4 day. out. ' The cron* TtteM proceedings produced ,a hostility be, had hot began to come in when theC. left, tween the parti**, which deltber aflhotbd to America* produc* was bringing a jhir price, conceal. Tlioae who radollect the diviaion Left no Atnerian *ccmI there. . among the Gr*eke iu the late war will re*-1 Sohoonqr Columbia. Bolen, 4 day* from dily apprehend how thi* quarrel attached PrbVlden&e, with a lull cargo, to 8. A, Con- the Alabama portion of the trib.a to Crowell, dy. M. A. Smith, P.Hill, Taft ft Padteford, They had been opposed to the Americana. I and (>. Taft. 8puite a schooner frora'Bos- and M’lntosli th* firm adherent of our canac ton for this port, by bi* ralorand nbUity, hed greatly contri Revenue Cutter Ore,wford, Capt. Paine, bated to their subjugation. Atthe-cloee of I dey from Charleitou. Spoke yesterday the w*r they were io diagfaCa, tolerated aa morning 1$ miles sooth of Charleston Bar, ihhabifenta, rather then recognlxod a* maa- aliipOphelia, lb days I'romjBoaton bound to tera of the aoil they oocupiqd. The com- Charleston. ■' , . rnon feeliugc of huinad nature made them I Sloop Bolivar,' Howland. Darien, * -deye, inimical to Mm who lied been the iostrumeat with Syrbp aud Rough Rice, to N. J. Bay of their defeat apd degradation, and ii ia not I ard, and Bollooh & Donwody. Passengers, wonderful that with them, the ordinary I Mr*. Scarbrough and family, Mean. J reepect for an Agent, we* booverted into a Walburg, end D. Morel). ■ decided partiality for Crowell the prtolaltn- Steam,boat Edgefield, Seeeerd, from An ed enemy oftheir conqueror. Minicab wae I gusta, bound to Charleston, with TOO bile* too sagacious not to appreciate this state of Cotton. Pined yeiterdqy. 00 mile* from affuiro, and |to perceive clear indications of j Savannah, ateam-boat Pendleton, bound up. AHBivap vaoM Tina port, obnoxious to assassination as he, but neither, the danger* with whieh ha wu menaced— were guilty of higher crime* than “ ateining The talks of Tookabatchee and Pole Cat a torrent of corruption disgraceful'* to thoee Spring! which denounced death to him who who had long and earnoatTy held them iu should advocate * 'cession Of lands, were cruel delusion I ’ the acts ofa pert of the Alabama chief* and We are ieosiblh that the statements and had not the force of national law*; Whqn Aolijirit furqiahe4, W>H hateto. und ergo a it waa -prnuntod -to confirm the former id cumpaiisun with come of thin* reroiabed by qne, 18*4, at Broken Arrow io general cumpansun Cen. Guinea upon the tame subject. We deaptir of convincing the General himieif that he has been deceived toil betrayed into error, for ilia probahle that he would rely up on the evidence which ho. haa acquired, not only'against, us, but > against the congre- wort-'-* One coowlatipn . ia atilt left us, that the trial end condemnation tp grhicb he haa subjected the treaty and our selves, has been under .uxurped authority.nml that before a legitimate tribunal we shall be content with what we have a right to, tlte a- ward of jiistio*. We protest against the mockery uf ioree igatiun which theae special agent! have conducted. With * due portion ofltrojuilioe themselves, end furnished will every weapait ofdetraclinn which the arsenal of Indian profligacy containud. or its lieepors could invent, we may perhaps esteem it good fortune that we have nut been compelled to mikus visit to Washington under the' escort ofa military, or Indian chief, We itad a right to expect, that in the exercise of that ' high sense of honor to which,the General lay* Claim,those who “stand high as honorable man,’' would have ascajwd an attack, by mys- Is intis allusions and covert insinuatiuna. Iu the highest time of indignation, he ia prompt to repel tits slightest insinuation of improprie ty io him-elf—the Clwistian precept, or if he disregards that, then his own etude of ahivalry ought to (each him “ to do nnto others as be W'.uld tpey should do unto'hfra." Bui the General’s hostility to us is not less porspiedauy than his maoifested hostility to the treaty. He certainly must he apprized of thegreat humane policy of the late adinio , fstralion, of oonopntruting tbe varioug Indian tribe* on an appropriate tern lory beytipd the Mississippi! i policy, worthy df the diatin gu.isUed benefactor with whutn it originated andof those of bit cabinet who. ao zealuutiy labnhed to carry it into pffect. This .policy ahooldmeet universal advocacy, tending as it does, to the preservation, and reform ot the ■ “ nooi of the forest," and to tbe grow th proa- ferity and safety of the Union. Nor cap he he ignorant of the solemn obligations of the United Statea to remove tbe Indiana from the 1 limits nf Georgia, ■ Still less can he be igno rant of the repeated, ensuocosaful efforts of the Federal Government to acquit itself of this obligation. The cause* of failure must also,be known to him- They are principally to be found in the subtle devicu of the ttlfin trrtilnl, and in the uniting! qf morbid phitan thrajiy oner the condition of" untutored nine, Whether th* policy which, his been recom mended, will, or ought to be pursuodby tbc present administration need not now be in quired. Thus fkr we ate satisfied, that the . course of the new administration will not be the dtWirfe of Gen. Gaines,' and that “ tehut has been done" will not •• be undone"e» it though the consequence may be, that “ imtu tored man" may be deprived of an opporlu nity of dying" among the tombs of his futli era." It is 'possible that Hie General may possets the ability to give a proper explwou lion nf his conduct to those under whose au thority he has acted) but he must be sensible that it will require froiu him a very difierenl I ,course, to satisfy tha people uf Georgia that conventions Ike proposition was successfully I The sloop John Ghevalier, Sieaon. from reeiMetl by M’lntoeh. Yet afterwards, when | this port bound to Charleston out 15 hours, nur confnrenoes comtaonosd at the same I put iutu Beaufort, 8*' G.'on the S4th owing place ihDsoeinber, at the principal seat of I to heed winds. ibe AgeoCs influence, this chief who was at- The ship Lycurgua, Haley, Ceiled from ways favndrable Io a Camion, seemed less | Portsmouth for this port 16th inst. ardent in.promotHig it then we had 1 xpect. The Cxuae wait inquired, and ho nnawered substantially, That he knew that the talks of .Tookabatchee and Pole Cat dpring were not law*, and that he should fear no tri*nbr anting in opposition to-them, but there are aome who would be glad for a iretoxtto have me murdered. Many of Upper Town chief* are hostile to 'me, and many am still lividg who I helped 'to clias- At Baltimore, 19th inst. brig Clarissa Ann. At Providence, ITthinst. schr. Suphrunia Stutevant. - cr rim this roST, _ At New York, **d iqst. line ship Augus- ia, .alt uuannaay tasi. VM SMLItmh ■ATAinriH, Mot, rb, xbobj THrRB COMPANY) BABYtON THE GREAT. O RD E RtBs I ■ Jf%ui floninirf. j W*, 'jfW-iMl 9f TROUBADOUR, ebd other Pheme,bjX» ' • : „„?!!' | E-1*-' aulhnr of the fmproviaitraee, Jt*i. TREMAINE, or the Man of Kafloemenl, 3 vols. 43 3T 1-t. THE FORESTERS, - by the author of Lights and Shadow* of Scottish Life, |l. THE STORY OF A LIFE, by the author vice'Martin Hathaway, pro- ! noted,- Poll to \e open at | ..ten o'clock,'A. M. By order of ' C.H. HAYDEN. Captain 3d Comp. 60th Bat. G. M. I of Recolleotinna of the Peninsula. jl 60. Nov It ' 4 ] And a few more Commodore PORTER'S PRIM* TRIAL,together with a veris'y.of other WORKS. W. T. WILUAMS. Nov 49 • 4p NEGRO SHOES. Just received by tlieeub-. ribor*. nor brig William ltd Emelina, and achoonersI __ LOOK AT THIS) dams and Columbia P11HE- pubtio ere reapeotfnlly informed, lOOO PAIR PIIME NEGRO SHOES. J. (list ins Line of Stages are now in ope- Alsb, Womens. Mnn’e. Missfee'Boy*e and ration; and adopt* this method to acquaint .l- Children’i Boot* end Sltoes, pawengera that the l,eghlature gave which with thoirptock on hand, make* their him the exclusive right of rnnniiig.x line of ' mue sAUu,' » .-i.." ' .i ii.y ii."b BT J. B. HEHBSRT ft CO. TOMORROW, 30th initatrt, ' Will bfi sold bM''.r*'ou» aihra, at JUnlpIk. e general assortment of GROCEHIES; &c. Teim.caib. Norsk BY CALEIJf BAKER. On thmJlrM Tuesday in JMtmher uti, ■ At,XI d'elOck, will be told in f>pnt of tbe Court-Hnuto in this chy,-3 Prime Negra , Fellow*, good field handf^Terai* cash. Nor It . , ,1N| assortment very Nov 49 omplete. A. HE. WOOD. • 4 DOMESTIC' ARTICLES, Cotton.—Upland, prime,' I3J a 14 ; fair to good, 13; Sea Island, none; do, Slaiued tise. and whose relation! I had to kill; in the I 7 - & 3 late war, a. the enetiliee df the wbitev-Tbal ftour , -Iphiladolphie.B.ltimbre, Riftimood, Crowell and Welkfir were tleo against him a Aluxlndri P J5? u g. -Tt'etmany wen. present willing to a tree- Cwn ._ iu , 60 ceu ' < or buabd . ty, bat fdr tbe fear of aeoro-injury and the 0aU _ ce - Blg ^ displeasure of the Agent. If the apprehen Pettl _^ 0 cellU , d0 sionsor * gallant warripr could ko ‘h'.s ex- _p tiine Notlheru , 90 a 100, first qua-l citod, it ib easy to inter how tnucU.iiitiintaB-1 .5 I tloo WO..M be ptoduced »™ n “F .“J U>^._Pi no ,yl VM ia, *8 a 30 cents, men. The nation knew that their Agent ) fW i ldim—41 » 43. werfhoppof^d to a cewion, and it requires •Engiiitid l I Northern Gin.—34 a 36* more magqatumity than ther poraeseed, or jv^^Ke'ntucky, Georgia, &c. 8 1-8 a wit h a general astortment of dare to eaerciH at tokllw g, Mauufectured do. 13 * i5. fur s,leby such circumstanae* to resist the opposition H^nce the mdjuurnwent te somher Rew end ^^^4^ rs ■ p r ri„ e , 10 }« 11. difforent flats. But as theae Agenta have ju ickurel _^No. I 461 a 61; No. i, 44 a 61 dieclalined thir opposition, we eball now take m 0 3 3 40 «3ito'* * * iszstt&Ei tsj? as a-j-w. «> “»»■ • •«. 30 trumphiintlf pronotincdd <0 be. Thwt , e / ' ^ we may the mure .satiafaclorily pprsne the shea(in _ .mumsuil nvomihatinn / wsi UfriaiM nVimian. a |' LfWnf-tnfl _ . , Jt praeased examination.''we would pkomise • a a few words by way of history. 7b be Continued. 13 to 15; I 5.4, 17 a 19; 3-4 Shirting fO a 14 ; 7-8, 14 a 14;- Bleached 1 to 4 cent* advance ; I Plaids,Indigo blues, 14 to IT ; Stripes 14 to 16; 3 4 Chocks, 14 to 16: 4-4,16 to [ 18 ; 1-8 Bed Ticking, 26 to 30- ' BUTTER. BEANS. Ac. .-Just received per ship SbtliM, g K KF.GB first, quality GoSh*n Butter 13 io-ksrreli Whlto Bean*, new 10 ttalf hbla Fig Pork, do 5 Rslf barrels Pickled ’ftngtieB 10 loses Fresh Raisins 10 leg* Gurranls, fresh 40 loxes Sperm Candles - 4 Barrels Smoked Beef 5 do- Beets 15 Kegs Pickles, two gallons each in iToax, • 40 Barrels Prime Pork 16 do Mete do 30 do Prime Beef % 40 do Mess do SO do No. 3, Mackerel 30 do No.$, do 40 Hf hbls. No. 1, do 150 Barrels Potatoes 50 1)0 Flour loo do Pilot and Navy Bread T6 Boxos Herrings, 10 Half and 10 quarter barrels Buck wheat Flour 50 Biixcs Soap 20 do •'Starch 45 do Chocolate 20 Half harrels family Flour Cordage, Dock, Pitch, Rosin,Var nish other articles, BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN ti WOOD, Nov 49 BUTTER. SMOKED-BEEP, Ac, Received by ships Slntira' and Louisa Mn tilda. * | |"k FIRKINS. BUTTER J." 3 Barrels Smoked Beef 3 do' Heme 12 Half barrels Mess Beef 14 Boxes Raisins, new 6 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers 1 Pipe Melheglin * Bags Almonds 10 Halfbbls. Buckwheat Flour stage* from this plaos to Augusta—he there fore recommends to thoee who might wish to go through without diftculty or stoppage on the way, to apply at Col. Shellmao's Man aioo House for teats. a STEPHEN PEARCE. - Ncr-te 4;- ANDIRONS, SHOVELSdi TONGS, B RASS find Wire Fenders, Fancy' Ja panned Bellows and Hearth Brushes received per ihip Stetirs, end fur sale by ” - N V B. WEED. Nov 49' BLANKETS and BAGGING. Mf.tniil Bam, H AVE received by tbe sliip Emily, from Liverpool, kite. 300 Pieces Best Quality 44 (fell Dundee Cotton Bagging Grundy-V White, Bluh tad Mixt Phtin* 1 Puitr aml'London LuffloBlankeu . which with those already on hand, of last ear's importation, will enable limn to supply heir Customers on very moderate te> ms.—- Their amort moot nf STAPLE AND FAN*. CY GOODS, will b* very aomplete hi a few days, , 1 ' Oct 13 *8 PASSfiUE FOR HA ERE. The feet sailing coppered ship GARONNE, D L. Porter, Master, > Will sail for the above port in feqr days, and cxn hxndsomel? accommodate j several passengers. For terms, apply to C*pt. P. Cn board, at Jones' Upper Wharf. I or to HALL di HOYT Nov25 • FOR MBIT YORK, ESTABLISHED LINE J The eiegant new regular packet ship 8T.4TIBA, . ' Thomas Wood\ Master, .Will have quiek despatch- Fni I freight or passage, having handsome accom I modal ions, apply to captain W. on board, at Jones’ Upper Whajf, or to Nov 28 HALL ft HOYT. Ii Q 1 ft sEBOb* 4, CHRIST CHORCH. . r |THE Ppws in Christ Chnroh. will' he let R for one year, on Thursday Nsxt, theJii-A of December, at ten o'cloek. A. M. 1 The ring- " ing of the bell will enpoumv; the hour. ' All perpone who now hold pewe, will be permitted to retain them at the tent which will be- made known at the hour nf sale, for which purpose they wilMw- required to at tend, otherwise their pews will be rented to there. W. T. WILLIAMS, Tree**!. NriV f« * .i FOR BOSTON, The fast sailuig brig SAMUEL SMITH, S. ty, fFest, Master, \ .Having thq greater pert, of tier cargo engaged, will meet with despatch. For re mainder of freight or passage, having hand some accommodations, apply al the cuunling room of SAMUEL WRIGHT, Hunter’s Buildings. Nov 28 . 3p 1 ' Upward* of500 persons -were present in the Museum on Wednesday evouing.drawn there principally, no doubt, on aocountnf the Chieftains of (be Creek Indians and their followers being present. These Indi ans sro very tall, robust men, and were dressed,,partly in nor manner, and partly in their own. M’lutoah who appeared to be their head is among man' apparently, a-1 . Bwi r n a.-Uundee and Inverness, 42 inch; I m KEGS GOSHEN BUTTER boutJT i mild in his demcaiior. and speaks | | 0 4 a | 4 |/ in rsuks Cheese Lumber.—Yellow Pine Ringing Timber. 41 which together with, their general assert- a 6 ; do. Ship Plank, 15 u<40; do. Scaut-i H5Sflt, '£he subacrikers offer on reasonable ling and'Boards, 14 a 14 ; do. Flooring I terms. . A. ft. J. CHAMPION. Boards, clear, $5 a 20 ; River Boarde and I Nov 49 ' {4u Scantling, 12; White Oak Hogshead I - — ■ , <"" - - Staves, 15 a 17; Red Oak do. 10 a 14. BUTTER, CHEESE. LARD. ftc. FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS. li.ANniNa.raqM sail* i.oum matilda, be. TO RENT. The house end two lote in Broughton-sf. belonging to the I subscriber. Apply to, Wm. DA- , ivies, E*q. Possession will be given early in November. - - J. M. BERRIEN. ' OCtfi . 43 A FINAL NOTICE. 1 xHOSE persons indebted to the late ecu* . cernof Sliefiall ft. Delamoila. aye noti fied that unless tbe same be paid or liquida ted, op or before the first of January, next, 'heir accounts -will be placed in the hands “f an attorney -for suit; Any demand* tgsinst either of the late firm, wifi be (** V reived in payment. MOSES SHKFT ALL; Nov 28 2rn SITUATION tranted. 4 MAN with a small family, is desirou* of obtaining a situation. On a rice or a cotton and provision plantation, would b* preferred, for a term of one or two yearn. Satisfactory vouchers Will be produced. A line addressed to C. W. bud left at till*, of fice'. Will be attended to. Nov 24 63p ... - ■■■- . - ■ .... ' 1 , | NOTICE. 4 LL pereotis are hereby forewarned against crediting any person oil my so- count, or by toy orders where my name may sppoar as connected, or need with stiothef, as I am Hdtffrimned not To pay any debts that may be contracted, without nt^ei^ua- the English language quiie fluently. Aware 0 ?' ,« of hi, being the. object of interest in. the . room; he took his sest near the musicians, I ao,l remained there the gresier part of the fIolla ,rf 0 f n '_w a95 , time; he and his friends called in *t the Mu 1 130 cent! per gal. yqum twice during the evening.—CAor/w- hm Cimrier. OOMKBBOXAXb lie has not been inflnsneed hy a feeling ad- verse to their policy and best interests. In recurriog more minutely to the state of the Crock nation, and in analyzing tlte ele ments of which it is composed, we are ebon- dimly supplied: with the mean, of accounting fur diflhuiltias, or explaining many of the paei- tioos which have been taken, end of solving seeming mysteries concerning Hie late treaty. Thule who are conversant with Indian affairs. <>V evrr reflect on the present constitution uf them, will easdy preceive how great fluence Hie agents of the United States inust possess over the tribes among which they re side. An agent desives consequence from, (lie very fact, that he is a man of a superior race, sufficiently important among Ida fallows to receive the appointment. His official pow-- cr enables him in a thousand ways to make Ilia favor desirable; end this consideration dues not more forcibly affect (lie Indians than the wlti'e meO settled in their lurritory. Whatever (ratio or lucrative oin|lliiymeiit the l itter may pursue, is materially affected by the agent's patronage or discouragement, and they become his ready and efficient initre hunts of operation on their savage neighbors, whenever he decins it expedient to withhold bh direct interference. These remarks-tre st least as much verified in the Creek nation m among any other aboriginal community in tlie United 8tat'es. U will not be doubted by men of competent information but that in this tribe a great if not predominant power is at present exercised b; John Crowell tbe Agent, Thomas Triplett the 8ub Ajfenl, Hamhly the Interpreter, Welker the Sub-A gent lately removed, and Hl'bry and Thom s'Crowell, brothers of John engaged in In- ci-sc trade. The influence of all, the. Agent . concentrates in bi* own person by bis *up*ri- ertty of station, which randere tb* others sub- serrient. To what degree this haa extended feay be inferred from its' effect upon the chief I # 10 Casks Cheese 26 Kegs Lard 10 Canisters do. for family use^ 2 Pipes Gin 40 Barrels Whirkey 60 M. Alexandria Scgafl 25 Boxes •'Hulle" Soap 50 Barrels No. 3 Macknrel For sale low from the wharf, by H-B. HATHAWAY. Nov 29 4p FURNITURE WAX. T HIS (VAX is recommended to tbe pub lie solely on .its own merit—experi- ... ence has established.its superiority over all Louisiana and Mississippi of common and I Molasses.—West India, 35 * 38 ; New-Or-1 others yet discovered. The largeandex- good qualities, at 15, 151, 16, 101, IT xud loans, 37 a 38. ' I tensive Cabinet Furniture ^Manufactories 174 criits per pfiund j the principal part otl British Dry Goods.—-55 1 85 per cent. adv. jin the northern states, use thtx composition which, viz 142, new crop) were at 15 and CrocfN-ry.—-30 a 35 per cent do. Ion their \y°rk to produce an elegnnt polish. 46^cfints, cash. From the samples we have I London. Porter.—3 a 3 25 per dozen. I A supply of tbe above wax, just received seen, slid the opinion of holders, we believe Iron.—Swedes 115 per ton; English none; I and for file by M „. TnnI „„ OA „ that 10 cenis would purchase the best in I American 115 •, Sheet, per cwt. 10 a 12.1 LAY ft HENDRICKSON, - ' 1 STOCKS. I Nov 29 Shad's Buildings. United States Rank.*-No sales. do do Salt.—Liverpool, coarse, In bulk, 50 by car go. Sugar.—Havana White, 13 a 15, nominal Brown, IOJ a 11; Muscovado, 101 a) 14|; St, Croix, prime, llfa 12; Now-Orieaus 11 ; Refined Loaf, 18' a 41, dull. New-Orleans, Noe. 1—Cotton Alter an I Uyffee—Havana green, 18 a 19; St. Domin- entire suspension of ssIob for uieveii weeks, go, from good to green, 17 a 18. hearing of a tew transactions since our last. 1 Hyson Tea—-108 a 115 ednts per Ib. we mode mure inquiry ihan, and found Rum.—-Jamaica, 90 a 100 ceuta, dull; West that there lies been sold in all 178 bales India, 65, nominal FOR SALE OR .TO RENT, For sale or to- rent, with or | without furniture, the house be- ig to Ihe subscriber, cor ner of Hahershim-Street and I Columbia-Square. For terms, apply . to | N obert Habersham, Esq. nr to JAMES BROWN, Nov 11 43 ryn A lure ia aiNOLT attached, EZRA Nov 24 630 Copartnership. ffft.HE Subscribe,- having taken into CO- A partnership Mr, Edw'd PAuatrosd, he business will in future be conducted un der the firm of TAFT If PADELFORD. ORRAY TAFT. Oct 11 *8tf n TO RENT, The STORE formerly occu-.i »-«• pled by Mr. John B. Wick, as I jJ. Nov; 8 a shoe store. Possession given immediately. Apply to CHARLES ROE. 40 THE SUBSCRIBERS AVING entered into copartnership ud der thejirm of market, although some appear very anxious to obtain better prices. We do lint wish onr country readers, interested in this mar ket, to consider prices as fairly established ; on the contrary, we can assure them that the expectations of purchasers for foreign ] Darien Bank.—Nn sales, market, are much below Ihe above rates.— Steam-Boat Coropony.—.155 to 160. Arrivcd.tliis week from tbe Interior and Mia- Marine and Fire lnsur. Company.—,10 to 17, sissippi 301 bales, Tunnetsee and North - EXCHANGE. Alabama 4, across the Lake 16; in all 340 On England.—None aiiherof the Stewards, Messrs. Wm. Ro United Stales Hank.—No sales. I —_ . , w R 3'anknf the Stale ofGeorgia.—87 a 99Tov I BRUSSELS, INGRAIN ft VENETIAN! JOHN BALFOUR, Sec’ry. 100 paid in Planters' Bank.—64 for 80 paid in, bales. Cleared in tho same (inin, for Liver pool 361. New-York 116; together 477. Arrived since 1st inst, Arrived in same time last year, Arrived in SBsne'tiiqe year before. Arrived in the same time iu 1822, Export since 1st inst', . Export m same time last year. Export in tlie same time year before, 2333 Export iothe same time in 1822, "— Stock on hsnd to-day, including *11 on ship-board not cleared, Stock nn hand same time last season. Stock on liafid same time season before. Stock On hand same time in 1822, 1573 5537 2962 1394 1821 149 2811 3489 3498 France.— do. Boston 60 days, 1 i His.; sight, 1 pre mium, • New York.—60 days do; sight i Philadelphia —Do. do., Baltimore.— Do. do. Charleston—Sight l prem. Darien Bank Notes.—17 a 20. N. Carolina S. Bank Notes —3. - Cape Fear and Newbem.—Dd. 5 di*. N. B.—State Biipk of Georgia, payable in Savannah; and Augusta Branchs Plan ter*’ Bnak, and Bank of Augusta, notes re ceived at United States Bank in deposin' and in payment foe bonds. CARPETING J UST received per ship Louisa Matilda. a furthor supply of the above articles, which witH his former stock, comprises a | verv complete assortment. For sale by ISAAC W. MORRELL. N.B. Alsi an assortment of Hearth Rugs. Nov 29 > 4l|1 .{ LANDING, From shin lowed M‘itihla. from Ns is- York, St A BOXES FRESH RAISINS J)U lOOOjPoiuids Now.Burlington Hams, and for & SCRANTON, % ' Market-Square. IN STORK, 10 Half hbls. frrali Buckwheat Meal 10 Quarter Io do RoC 29 , Nov 22 JAUDON ft HUGUENIN, tor the purpose of transacting Factorage Business, offer their services to their friend* in that line, JAMES B. JAUDON, JAMES D. HUGUENIN. Nov 2d 8 - X . NAILS AND WtNE. KA CASKS NAILS, assorted size# JU 20 Quarter Caslu Malaga'Wme Lauding from brig Paothea. and for sale by OUVERTENNY. No" IS '46 obtained bv applying to I INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. T HE Pews in the Independent Presbyte-, run Church, belonging to the Trustees will bis dented oo-THURSDAY, Urn first of December. The' terms will be declared oe 1 be day of renting. T|»e Trustee* will com- insure offering them at 12 o’clock, and an- nuuce it by the ringing of the bell. By order of the Board if Trustees, ' JOS. GUMMING, Chairmen Nor 23 bi SFaTIVAL OF ST. ANDREW; The Annivenary Meet ing of the Savannah St. Andrew’s Socioty, will be bgld at the City-Hotel, on tVifuNKsDar.tbe 30ih inst. at twelve o’clock. Din ner on the table at four o’clock. Tickets majrbt 61 ALBANY AND VASSAR’S ALE, NEVV ARK CIDER. GQSHEN BUTTER, BEEF; ftc. landino. rnoM ship statira, m K BARRELS Fidler’a supr, Albany • U 20 do Vnlaar’t double do 10 do Ne'wark Cider 15 Firkins first quality Goshen Batter 10 Barrels New Prime Beef and 20 do- ’ Pilot Bread For sale by JOHN BENTLEY, Telfair’s Wharf. also m iToax, 15 Hogsheads New-England Rum ,20 Barrels “ CaUkill Mountain" Gin 40 Barrels No. 2 and 3 Mnckarel 5 Pipes Brandy Psriieipation.—McIntosh having deter- • mined 10 ingage in commerce, a white mao asroedStinson, who had m«rried'his sister, yrtwnse tlie conductor of the business, eitlieV '"'““PWhy of partner or olerk. Theee- '•oMhment was so produetireas matefially “ ,h e profits of tha Crowells. Whetll- «,LL ,C '. re " m,, * r,c ® eperafed on' the Agent "“13 is certain he caused Stjpson te be •rtcstedu a nolstor of lha law, regulatii* FREIGHTS. 10533 I To England—Id. France.—1J 2 cts. • liiMS a/miL I ^ ^"remarks. “ COTTON—The stqchofUplandCplton in markot Is light, and but little doing. We ^1 quote it from 13 to 14. Se* Islands—A* yet ARRIVED, there have been no sales and the quan- Ship Louisa Matilda, D.- Wood, New-1 tity arrived is trifling. The Planters still York, 4 days, to Hall ft Hoyt, owners—C. hold back, waiting lor advice respecting pri- NE^- PORT OP lAYAXHAH. W. Rockwell ft 00.' J. B, Herbert dl eo. J. Wagner, A. Pareone, Gaudry ft- Herbert, T. Butlor ft co. W. Gaston, RrH. Hunt, BAGGING.—We .hardly dare venture 1 * quotation of 'this article, 'tho stock | McIntosh the strongest and boldest opponent' N. B. Weed, Day ft 00. J. Penfteld, Mayer* Cs •fill* designs of hta Agent. An extensive * Hamilton. J. Bradley. a^While, &'Cae- tn •”6 profitable trafic had been for some time ,s*ily, R. Hehereheoi, J. D. Bute*, P. E. | prosecuted by the brothers of the Agent, io which he himself however asserts' (bat he had YORK STATE LITERATURE | LOTTERY. i Class N*. 3, kor 1825. \*tlLL ho drawi 4th January, 1828, and | VYt finished in a few minutes. 45)Numbcfs—6 Ballots to be Drawn. \ SPLENDID SCHEMEt ' I Prixe of 100,000 Dollar*. .60,000 Dollars. 20.000 Dollars. 10.000 Dollars. ’ 6,000 Dollars. 2,500 Dollars. 2,000 Dollars. 1,000 Dolltre. 500 Dollars. 100 Dollars.. , 60 Dollars. DISSOLUTION. T HE co-pniloerxbipof Juudon ft Crowell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent . The business will be settled by either of the Isle firm. JAMES B JaGDQN, NATH. P. CROWELL.' , Nn» 28 . , THE SUBSCRIBER O FFERS his services in the COMMIS SION BUSINESS, particularly for 10 Half barrel* Fulton w»rx#i P""'[ihe sale of produce, aud for the receiving, and .a lew kegs of sapertor pick* | sad forwarding gooda, ootton, Ac. beiween Nov 48 lei, fit fur immediate use 3p \\ do ' 1\ do- 1 do *x do 4 do ' 10 do 30 do 78 468 do t t 1 i • : Ft Sorrel, G. Gordon, F. Densler.'E. Blue, Ion hand ia large,.and it is tolling at all pri-| k Ice* between 40 and 25 eta. Large qnanti-1 i. ties may be had below our lowest quotation. sj. oiiws, r. fe. DOMESTIC GOODS.—For aome time, . mj,, kltl Braseipe, 8. B' Parkman, J. ftnxo.T.Purse, I past, the different articles under thia deno- 5051 Priahe—9139 Blahks^-1A1»0 Iicxei*. A. Day. Cohen ft Miller; O. Tali, J.Lewii, imitation have told well atour prices, The I 6*7.®?® Oo'“™'. A. Barclay, G.Newhell, P. Morio, I. W. efoek remainmgin not largo. I noirw. nv TinKbTa. Morrell, J. Camming, S. C. Dunning, T. l GROCERIES—-The aaaortmente in the I Whole Clark, J. Rea, Wm: Lappet, Philnrick & hande of the dealer* are in general good. Half ; Scranton, A. ft.E. Wood, P. Hill, A. G. and meet * eteady demand, as the price* of Qnertor* Mallei', A. Besaett, W. Patterson, Gno. F. tnoat airticleiqre considered low whnn com- Eighth* Palmes, A ft J..' Chsmpinn, G. H. Johnson, paired with northerh prices current. 1 Sixteenths t Ponce* Mac^enxio, W. T. Williams, H. h RICE —Wd quote Rice at to 3; . . . . ■ , B. Hathaway, an* R. Campbell.' Perrin- some loU ofgood quaUty have been «1 Q, will to werivedat - J ■ere. Mr. Ogden ofAngflita, J. Kopman, I g« 87L Not muph haa yetcoma to market! . LUTHER’S EXCHANGE Ur* 1 1 ahd l; Po{t*. " j —stock coqeeqaently small. * «dvm * 1 4446 -tor. raKStorTtqma . . . , : : 25 00 ... , , , 14,50 : : | 6 45 i t : : i. L J 3 >4 ETOrderefor tickeUin the*&>»•»Lotte-.I 1, , BU1NKETS, PfjAINS. ftc. a A BALES Lendon Duffle Blankets 4U 10 .do 4 1-4 to4Point do & dp 10-4 to 14-4 Rose do - 6 do ' Saddle do 20 do White Plains . 20 do Mixed do 10 do Blue" *do 6 do 3-4 ft 4-4 Linaey. Wtoleeys 2 do' Fearnought* i do Red and White Flannel* 100 Doxeu Kilmarnock Cap* • For aele by C. W. ROQKWELL ft CO; NovO 41 - t AhAh KEGS Nitre Hall Powder, Rifg- J.vr\x er 1 * Brand - 54 Cases Red Stone Mill* do. For sale JE p, cgES> Market-Square. Noy-46 3 POWDER. * KEGS BOSTON POWDER, * Lew/ * m the interior nisi the northern ettie*. H« lisa been appointed agent for the aterm- hoata Edgefield and Pendleton, and will af ford every facility in despatching freight by thoee boats. Their ownsr* having -spared no expenhe in providing sale *na expedi tious lighterage during * U>w"river, shippero j may confide in haring their, good*' forward* ed to Augusta sad Hamburgh, feithwu -de tention. _ The tutocriber’s office ia kepi B Jih* Oounting-HoureofMr. G. B. Leroar. ' . JAMES GiMJEDT," Nov. 25 Wf I ■ ■ > j( I ■ ' r; if CHARLES K. CANDEE, . M E ROHANT.TA Ft (fir, Bicuoaocoa. Lianiv couaiv,' Georgia, ■ ‘ i R espectfully inform*, the puhRo that be.has just returned from the Norik |rith» yn^s^ojso^agrortmgt & Also,* | general and nanOaome assort mens oi adcloths.cassiMEres,ftf. ; , grast variety of the tou and meat VasHionable work. Jtfevtl constantly^foe. «fle,a*nli«^toea* to| foe first JrT 1 ' e-Jt, -