Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 30, 1825, Image 4

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' ’ SHSRirfrlJ *ALfc On DfofSrri Tusstksy Hi IMhM, W ILL be *old at the Court-House in the city of Savannah, between the hour* of ten end fouwolock, AH that lot of land, known by tht letter t. Heat hoots Ward, (boiug half of a truat lot) endimprovmneiiw. AIjo, lot and iinprosemeuta No. I, Ogle* thorpd Ward. • Also, negro girl Chariot | levied on aathe property of the eetete of John Gribbin. to ■ttUy two executions in (kvor of the Bank if the United Statea and Neome Stanton. Alto, the tenement on the south half of lA'No. 8. Trustees Oardon, in the City of Savannah | lovied on aa the property of George Carter,.to aatiafy an execution in (kvor of executor of Ann Middlotou. lovied ea and turned over by a oonatable. I. D’LYON; e. e. nov 7 3d SHERIFF'S SALE. » On flu first Tuesday in Jim. next, W ILL'be aold before the Court House in the City of Savannah between the heure of 10 and 4 o'clock. All that tract or parcel of land contain ing 587 acres, more or lees, together with tOO acreeof marab land called Oakland, ai- tnated. lying and being in Little Ogeechie Dietrict in the Comity of Chatham; bound ed on the north by lands of Flemming Akin, on the ehat by landa of Doct. Parker, and on the aoutll by landa of B. Walbiirger, and on the weat by northeaHt branch or Little Ogeechie River- together with all and sin gular, edifice* and improvementa; levied on under a fi fa or foreclosure from George L. Cope, to John lVPNiah, Peter Mitchel and Rooert Mitchel. I. D’LYON. a. c. c. nov 7 3D mansion house, Thd eubacribnr bona leave to inform hie friends anujM public, that he .haa completed. .b|e large Jahd commodious houid, in the ... . inoetcomfortable manner, aud ten dera hit thinfta to thoee whnhave herclolor> favored him'with their calls,' and flatter himself that-by hie unremitted attention to plusao, he will ahare a part of the public patronage. Hie -houae will at all tipiea he fnrniebed with ihe beat the Country aft’orda, ilia bar with choice liquora, and bin atablea with good corn and provendor, together with a fa|thAil and experienced oatlet. Tjie Manaion Houae i» •Rusted on the east aide of the publicpquare, in the town of Clinton, directly on the road leading from Milledgc- ville to Macon, and nearly Opposite the Clinton Hotel H. H. BLATTER. Clinton, Auguat 83. Olfre N. B-—Familica jrsn be accommodated with private rooms, which are comtbrlnble. U’The editor* nf the Augusta Chyoni- olo and Savannah Georgian, are requested to publish the above advertisement unco a week for three months and 1 forward their accounts to this office for Settlement. SHERIFF'S SALE—Goa riauBD. On the fir* Tuesday m December next, W ILL be aold at the Court Hoiiae, in the City of Savannah, between the naual hour* of sale. Two Stages, four Iloraeo, and four seta of Harneae, belonging to-tbi* end of the Au gusts Lins; levied on under a foreclosure of a Mortgage from Joseph I. Thompson, to Joseph Cumming, assigned to Alex. T Dopson. A. D’LYON, d. a. c. c. nov 7 3ft SHERIFF’S SALE. On thefirtt^Tuesday m December next, W ILL be aold at the Court House in the City of Savannah, between the usu al hours of sale. All that tract of land situate and being in the District "of White Bluff, known as the Farm Plantation, containing (750) seven hundred and fifty acres, more or lew; levi ed on aa the properly of tht estate of Thot. Rice, to satisfy a judgement in favor of the White Bluff Congregation. I. D’LYON, a. c. c. nov7 38 SHERIFF’S SALES—contivuid. On the firet Tuesday in December next, W ILL be sold before the Court Home in Chatham County, between the usual hours. All that certain tract or parcel of land si tuated in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on the aalta between tbo Islands of Skidaway and Burnsides and known by the name of Redoubt Island, containing sixty three acres more or less. Also, all that utli er tract or parcel of land ailnated and being on Skidaway Island, in the County afore said, composed of three different and origin ally distinct tracts of land hut adjoining each other, the first of which was originally grant ed to Michael Ritter for one hundred acres, the second of which was originally granted to Jno. Ellis fir fifty acres, and the third and last of which was originally granted to Mi qhaol Hitter for fifty acres,which three tracts , of land contain in the whole (not including Redoubt Island) two hundred and thirty-sev en acres with the appurtenances; levied on to satisfy the Planters Bank of the State of Georgia on foreclosure of a mortgage, a- gainst John W. Slirk. I. D’LYON, i. c. c. nov 7 3B motive: O N the first Monday of January next, I shall expose to sale at the Market of St. Marys, between the usual hours, seven SLAVES, the property of the estate of Aa ron Tyson, by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary for Camden County— Conditions cash- MARTHA TISON. Adtn’rx. Nov2 3f>ti.* pjAafters'hotel, warrem-tom-. THE Subscribers having enter ed into co-partnership, in the PLANTERS’ HOTEL, take this method of informing their friends and the public that they continue tu keep up. that well known establishment, on tlie east aide of Ihe publio square in Warren Inn. and return their sincere thanks to those who hare favored them with tlieir custom, and wish for a continuance of that support from the public which their attention. to business will merit. Their table will he supplied with every thing the country and season afford. Their Bar will be supplied with the choicest kind of li- qenrs—Stables provided with good provender and attended by faithful and careful ostlers. ASA CHAPMAN, MARTHA EVANS. October 18. * ID" The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and Savannah Georgian, are requested to pub lish the above once a week for 8 weeks, and forward their accounts to the subscribers in Warrington, A. C. Si M- A. Oct. <7 32 EXECUTOR'S SALE. On Tlmreday the 1SIA December next. W ILL be sBM at the plantation of the late Col. Nicholas Ware, on Little Rirer, in Columbia county, the corn and fodder and Other provisions made there thepicsenl sea- ion, and all the farming utensils belonging to the plan', the stock of horses and mules, among which aroeome valuable brood mares, and fitte colls of tlie best blood—the stock of cattle, some full, and some half blood uf the English breed --the "stock of hogs, anil Ihe Plantation—There are about fifteen hundred acres nf'land, and enough cleared, anti in cul tivation to give employment to twenty-five or thirty bands. Much uf this land is of good quality, and tbe rest very valuable for its timber. ALSO. At tbe same time and place, will be sold the Grist and Saw-Mills on Little River, and the Bridge across it. known as Wares, with about forty acres of land attached thereto. And on Thursday, the 22d December, there will be sold at tbe Plantation an Savan nah River, in Columbia county, at the mouth of the Kiukee Creek, the whole of tbe corn and fodder. farming utensils, stock. Sic. be longing to that place,-and also the plantation itself, including about six hundred acres of land of very exoellent quality. Ami on Thursday tli»29tb December, will be aold at the market-house, in the City of Augusta, about FORTY very likely NE GROES, including mechanics, house ser- Tents, end field bends. The sties at each place will commence at ten o’clock, A. M. and close at 4 o’clock, P. M. and be Continu ed from day to day, until tbe property is all gold. „ Twelve months credit will be given for all OUms over Ten Dollars, and notes with good •eourity required. More the property will be delivered. ’ SUSAN B. WARE. Extrx. wm. w. holt, js*v October 81 Of Uu WMcf AT. Ware Oot. (I 98 Worth American Review. JVO. XL1X. CONTENTS. 1 Claims of the Unit ed Stales on Naples * and Holland. ,, I. Meessage of tbe President of the United States to the House of Representatives, relative to the claim on Naples. , 2 Message of the President of the United States, transmitting the cor respondence relating to the claims of the citizens of the United Ststes up on the Government, of tlie Nether lands. II. Lord Byron's Character and Wri tings. 1. Recollectipns of the life of By ron. By the late U- C. Dallas. Esq. 2. Correspondence of Lord Byron with a Friend; including ilia Letters to his Mother; in 1809, 1810, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation "of Lord Byron. By Tbomaa Modwin Esq. III. VVayland’s Discourses on, the Duties of an American Citizen. The Duties of an American Citi zen ; two Discourses delivered in the First Baptist-Meeting House in Bos ton. By Francis Wnyland, jr. IV. Pinkney’s Poems. Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney, V. English Common Law Reports. Reports of Cases argued and dc lormined in the English Courts of Common Law. Edited by Thomas Sergeant ahd John C. Lowber, Esqrs VI. Urphic Poetry. Orpheus Poeiarum Grtecorum Ap- tiquisaimus Auctore Georgia Hen rico node. VII. Culunihus.' Codice diplnmnticn Cnlnmbo-Amc ricano, ossia Raccolta di Docbmenti originsli e inediti, spettenti a’Cristo- fore Colombo, Sic. Genova, 1823. VIII. Gold and Silver in Mexico. A report on tlie Expediency of Augmenting the Duties on the Ex purtalhm of Gold and Silver, presen ted to the Genernl Constiliient Con gress of Mexico, by the Committee of Finance and Mines, August 9, 1824. IX. Critical Notices. 1. Palfrey's Historical Dis course. 444 2. Perkins’s History of the -Late War. 443 3. Wrifford’s Mercantile Pen- msnahip. 451 4. Summary View of America 453 5. Addresses before the New- York Academy of Fine Arts' 459 6. Bacon’s Plen for Africa. 462 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Gram mar. - 474 8. Crafts’ Address before the Palmetto Society. 464 9. Blanco Wbite’a Spanish Varieties. \ 467 Quarterly List of New Publi cations, ' 469 Index. 483 Just received by W. T. WILLIAMS. Oct 20 29 - -■ ■— ■ . . HOWJklU) i INSURANCE COMPANY jf EW-YORK, , ' I NCORPORATED by the Legislator of the'eteta at' New- York, for the pur nose of'lnsuring HOUSES and OTHBI BUILDINGS, VESSELS IN PORT am -heir CARGOES, MERCHANDISE am other PERSONAL PROPERTY, agajnsl Iiosa oy flu, and also to insure VESSELS nnd MER CHANDISE against the HAZARDS OF INLAND NAVIGATION, or TRANS PORTATION. Capital tock B300,000, which hte all been paid in CASH, and the public may rely with confidence upon tho whole aunt, being always available tu meot its engagements. R. HAVENS, Print. Tlie subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, will insure sgainst Loss by Fire, snd Hazard nf Inland Navigation, as set forth in the preceding proposals, on as favnrab|e terms a* cau be dune in this city. S. C. DUNNING, Agent fair Howard Ineuranre Ccmptiny. N. H — Persons living in tho country, nan Imvn insurance effected by addressing the Agent, giving a description of the prem ises to be insured, post paid. Sept 20 16 WARE-HOUSE At OOBCIMXSSZON BUSINESS, MACON.. HE undersigned lias rented of Parish JL Curter, Esq. his Ware-Houses at this place, and lenders his service* to Ins friends and tlie public, in the above line of business, with assurances that any business confidud to his care, shall receive his personal amt undivided attention, and that Ins best exer tions will be used to give, ‘isfacliou to ins customers. Tbe Ware-Ho s are new, extensive, safe, anil very co mielilly ar ranged and situated for the tru action of business. ■* Ho intends running two good d sub stantial boats during the boating season, which will be expedited in their passages up end down, by the aid of ore ol tbe titcim Boat Company's Steam-Boats. Insurance on merchandise nnd produce shipped bv his boats, cun be effected iu a responsible office on as favorable terms as by any other bouts that will run the river-; and reasonable sib vqiiccs will be made by him on produce shipped by them to the consignment of bis frit nils in Savannah. By the first boats lie will receive a good supply uf GROCERIES, which he will sell on moderate terms. lit note offere for Sale, 200 Pieces first-qnalky Cotton Bagging 1000 Bushels Livi rponl Balt. Jt'HJV T. ROWLAND. Macon, October 12,' 1825. Oct 20 29fe| ,COURT OF COMAUAf PLEAS A WD OYER AMD TERMIYER FOR THE CITY OF SAPAATMAH, OCTOBER TEH At, 1825. W HEREAS William C. Wayne, Freder ick Herb. Charles Dnnhain sod Wil liam lour, were drawn and summoned to at tend as Grind Jurors at this term of the Court and have made default, Ordered, that they be severally fiord in tlie earn of forty dollars, unless (food and sufficient cause of ex cuse be filed on oath with (lie clerk of this court on or before the first day of the next term. And whereas Hugh Cassidy, Goorge F. Palmes and Matthew Luffborough, were also idrawn and summoned to attend as Petit Ju rors, and made default, Ordered, that they he severally fined in the sum of twenty dollars unless good and sufficient cause of excuse be filod on oath with the clerk of this court, on or before tbe first day of Ihe next term. True extract from the minutes. ROBERTRV. POOLER, Clerk. Savannah, 21st Out. 1885- ootSt pf30 F :iZ,X.iPiS’ M R. PHILLIPS respectfully informs the public, that he has a vacancy tor u tew more pupils of bolh-sex. He teaches i.lie following branches of an Education .— English Qrammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Projecting of Maps, Astro nomy, History, Composition, Polite Literature oast Rhetoric. ALSO, L ATI AT A ATI) FREATCH. O’ A separate room is proivdod tor the Young Ladies M iss Pmi.i.irs under his superintendanco, instructs a lew children in Spelling, Read ing. Writing and Arithmetic. From four lo six Young Gentlemen may be accommodated with board. &c. in his family. Every attention will be paid to their comfort and murals. din Evening School, for the instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng lish Grammar. Arithmetic, Rook Keeping by Double Entry. Navigation, and the Lu nnr Observations; also, the method of as certaining ami of measuring the distance ol lleavunly Bodies, is open every evening from seven until nii.c o’clock For terms, which are moderate, please to apply by letter or p. reonaily, at his Acade my. in Slate-Street, opposite Mrs. Muxs well’s Boarding-House, corner of Bollon’- Square. NEXT LOTTERY. A LL to be brawn in a FEW MOMENTS on the 4lti of January ucxr. SCHEME OF THE .YEIF-YORK STATE LITERATURE LOTTERY, Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, but the cash may be had instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent, rmc* or TICI.ETS. Wholes $50 | Quarters $12 50 Halves 25 | Eighths 6 25 IT Order* for the above Tickets, receiv ed at ' ALLEN’S OFFICE. N. B- Uncurrent Bank Notes and Prize TieketB taken without discount. Nov II 43 ID- TO PHtATTERS. T HOMAS A VERY, a Printer, formerly uf Groton, in Connecticut, has, long been absent from his friends, and whether he be alive or not, is not known to them— When last heard from, he was in distress. Property hsa lately been bequeathed to him sufficient to make him comfortable through life, if he is living. v Information is re quested to be given him, if alive, as an act of human ity, from tbe brethren of the type. 8. GREEN. New-London Oct. 13. Nov tl . . aAKPWAML T HE subscriber has received by'the late ■ arrivals, a Urge assortment of hardware, cutlery, japaatat ED AMD FAMVY GOOS, , AMONO WHICH A HZ,. ,’ Ivory 4nd Balance Handle Knives and Forka i Bitch sudBono Handle do do - Rszors iu o4sus and dox. in great va riety Pen, Pocket, iwp blade and Sportmen’s ' Knives Rodger’s Knives snd Scissors Shoe, Bread, Butchers’ and Cooks’- Knives Chiazels, Plane Irons, and Gouges of silk mis Drawing Knives, broad and narrow Axes Plated, Brittania. and Iron, tea add ta ble Spoons Brittannin tea and coffee Pots, Compo sition, copper and iron Tea-kettles Composition Saucepans snd Digesters Brass, iron and Japanned Candlesticks and Lamps. Waffle and Wafer Irons Gilt, plated, pearirhotto-and japanned Buttons , Coat, vest and suspetfder Moulds Padlocks, chest, trunk, till and cup board brass and iron Box Lucks Knob and Mortice Locks Stock locks Files and Raapa.of all- kinds Morocco pocket-book* and wallets Note cases and work, boxes dressing esses Brass curtain, ctoah and curtain Pins Brass snd iron butt Hinges Wood and bod screws Hook snd Plate Hingos Sledges and Hand flummere Anvils und Vices Iron wedges, Shoe aud nail Hammers Brass commode Knobs Brasa, iron and wood Castors Coal-scoops and coal-hoods Coal-sifters and Dust punB, Spit-boxes WiiiUemore’i cotton and wool Card,. Block Tin, Fuwcets, Ivory and Horn Combs Fine tooth, crambo nnd dressing Combs Turk and side Combs Spectacles and cases Piiucd stirrup irons, bridle Jiitts & spurs Biass Andirons, shovel and tongs Brass and wire Fenders Iron and Steel knit ling pins Noodles, Fish-hooks ami fishing tackle Cast iron Puts, ovens, dogs, Spiders & skillets Sad irons, Trnce-chsins & screw plates German, English, Blister and Cast steel Hand panned, mill, pit, cross aul, back and keyhole Saws Brace and Bitts Round and Hot Bolts Smith’s and small Bellows Waggnn and Cart boxes Bed Keys. Hide whips. Tacks & Brads Copper I,'oit-nails, Spelling Books and Writing Puper. slates and slate pencils Shovels spades and hoes Together with almost every other article in the line, which are offered for sale on ac coinmudating terms by NATH. B. WEED, Get 29 No. 8, Gibbons’ Rnnge, *mm*.*,. T77 MBARRA88MENT8 havfflgoccurred J-J in (elation to tickets, notice Is hereby given, thatogrmbly to the ordinance pass ed first September, 1816, no general ticket will pas* It* bearer after ten o’clock ht night, and .that pa tpecial ticket will avail after tlie samo hoitr “ unless the place where he or ehe is going and the ptir/Htte for which saiil ticket is risen, be syeci jicd therein." Snell tpecial ticket will ke effectual for one night only. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Oct 29 Chairman of Council. CLASS Ill, FOR 1826. 1 Prize of $i 00,000 is $100,000 1 do 50,000 50,000 1 do 20.000 20,000 1 do 10,500 10,500 2 do 5,000 10,000 4 do 2,500 lO.'OO 10 do 2.000 20.000 34 do 1,000 30,0 0 78 do 500 39,001. 468 do 100 40,000 4446 do 5» 222,300 5051 Prizes. $557,600 9139 Blanks. GENERAL DRUG. CHEMICAL and FAMILY MEDICIATE WARE HOUSE. LAY Si HENDRICKSON, Wholes tie and Retail Druggists, corner of Congress nnd WhiltaJeer Strcels, 8 H A n’s B U I I. D 1 N O S, • A V A N H A U, H AVE received by the late arrivals from Boston, New-York and Philadelphia Die remainder nf their Fail and Winter supply of GOODS, consisting of a very ex tensive and well selected assortment of Drugs and Aledicines, Perfumery end Fancy Articles, Brushes, IJyt-SluJfs, SfC. A great variety of A|ioihecary and Phy sician’s Glass Ware Ointment and Pill Pms Composition and Glass Mortars Glass Lamps and Lamp Glasses Elegant Cut Glass Smelling Bottles Glass Funnels. Graduated Measures White and Green Vials, assorted, &c. SURGEON’S INSTRUMENTS. Po- ket Sets Turnkeys Trusses Spring and Thumb Lancets Forceps. Spatulas, Bougies, Catheters Apothecaries Scales and Weights, &c- PATENT MEDICINES, OP EVERV DESCR1PTIOX, VIZ : Seidiil z and Soda Powders Balm of Quito Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Genuine Lee’s, Anderson’s nnd Hooper’s Pills Swaim’s celebrated Panacea James’Anti-Dyspeptic Pills Balsam Honey, Church’s Cough Drops Itch Ointment, Sic. All of which are offered for sale on (he most liberal terms, tor cash or credit. L. Si H having made such arrangements with the principal Drug-Houses in the Uni tod Slates, as to be continually supplied with fresh nnd genuine articles, Hatter them selves that no establishment of the kind iu this state, can otter greater inducements to dealers. The merchant, the planter, and the phys cian, can hero be supplied with al most every article in the drug line, and may depend upon having their orders e ecuted with neatness, accuracy and despatch. Nov 5 Tilotage. A T a meeting of Ihe Board of Commission era on the 15th instant, it was ordered that John Robbins, be suspended from acting aa a Pilot, for one mouth. By order. JNO. G. HOLCOMBE, SecVy.C. P. Oot 18 88uf A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice itr the several Courts of Law and Equity n this State, offers to the public his pro fessional'services in the Courts of Bibb, I Henry, I Jones, \ Crawford, Monroe, Jasper, 1 Twiggs, , Pike. WA8HINOTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ge.) - July 7 84 FRESH SWEET OIL, O F very superibr quality, suitable for ta ble use, just received apd for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Nov 3 Druggist*, Shad’s Buddings. HAY. Kfl BUNDLES'PRIME HAY, landing aJ V ironi Brig Phmwmnt, for sale by —fI * *s re re /infniern| tojUil Q0MCR&, \\WdEBHAS A lea. oder Atkinson, Adnin. w-strstuv an the EiUte ef John AtW -on, deceased appfie, to the Court of 0-dio. |tu for litter* dl«m!Kory 0 n diminish sit and urngnUr, tae heirs and ersu- J' f " ld deceased, tu file their objeotiim. $!' *jr h ‘ ,e ) in my office, on Or bafjr* the first Monday in January next, or letur, will be yr,«T*ted te the ■ppSicuut, With** the Hon William GW L A I one of tlie Juiticra of tavd court. —i-iJ tbia 3Fh June, 18'J. ^ „„ JOHN BAILEY, o.e o.e.«. Jilne 30 ' g. Anril to G C GRTHWOl PIAMX) FORTES. E XTRACT from the report of the Com mittee nf Premiums and Exhibitions of tho Franklin Institute nf the State of Penn sylvania, for the promotion of the Mecbinio Arts, for 1825. Pkcmium No 47—to 'tlie maker of the best horizontal piano, is adjudged to A. Babcock, of Boston, for specimen No. 327, which is ■ horizontal piano, made for A. Mackfiy, of Boston. It has received the high approbation of Ihe judges. Every part of its interior mechanism has the highest •.nisli, and its tone and touch are excellent. The strings are all of steel wire, the lowest octave ht-iiig covered with flattened wire. It entitles its maker to tho Silver Medal, having bean considered the best nf the tbur square pianos, which are all very good. PIANO FORTES from tho Factory^of A. Babcock, answering to the above de- scrifi'inn, and warranted to be of his very best mske, for tali' hy I. W. MORRELL, Savannah. Oct 29 33fn Georgia—Lauiden County. ♦O AU. WHO H IT MAY C OYt, fi a# W 'dE”EAS Louis D'll'our, Adaiini.t-aL of the Estate of iiatile Pelletier, d-c’d applies tn the Court of Ordinary of said con,,. 'v, for letters ditmisva-y on said eilutc These ere, therefore, to cite and admonish' t || snd singular, the heirs and creditors of lr j deceased to file (heir ol jee Iona (if any i|, cv tiave) in ipy office, on or before.ihe first u 0 q- day in January next, or letters will be grin,, to ti e applicant. “sssn Witness the Hon. William Gibeow L- V. i I. one uf the Justices of said Coun. I this 25i h (une, 18 S. JOHN DAILY, c.c.o. c o. -In '• 30 on NOTICE VHNE months after d .te, application.will be X mule to the Inferior Court nfchiihsoi Jounty, sitting fur ordinary purposes for an ■rder, nbruluto, to aetl lots N <a- four am five, i4-and 5) in Catpcntei'a How, and loi N-.. ote, (l) Green Ward, in tht ci y of Savannah, wing the real estate ef grands Jalineau. dee or the benefit of the heira snd creditor* of aid estate ■ WILLIAM GAS i OV, (lualiHed Executor Notice. VTINE MONTHS after date,, application wilt LX be made to the Honorable Inferior Conn >f Chatham county, for leave to aeil the ren: tod personal estate of the late Mrs. Ann Ham ilton, deceaaed, for the benefit of the heirs ndcredouraaf said estate, WORTHINGTON GALE, Executor. SSrreh 111 * Notice. 4 GREEABI E to leave obtained fc m the A. Honorable tbe Inferior Court, uti'ng fi r ordinary purposes, for Camd.n County, I -hall on the. first Tuesday in December neat, -xinae. to nublic a le, at the Court Houae at leffemon. in said c -unty, a I-1 of land in ife- Tenth Diatrict uf Monroe County, No 91, fui the benefit of tho orphans of Levi John, dec JOHN LEE, Guardian, Sept 15 14 Notice. X 1NR MONTHS after date of tbit notice application wih be made to the Honora. >le the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun- ■ y. for permieaion to tell all the real -stste uf ■ohn Wakerlv, dec. for Ihe benefit of th ieiri and creditors of said deceased- ROBERT HOY, Executor. F«.h 2J W N otice. ,gJBl 'IF mnnlhi after tiaie, application will be TJ aide to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Camden County, when -itt-ng fur ordma'j purpu e-i, for leave in sell 250 acrea of lain! helongi.igto the estate of John Brown, d.- leased, f ir the benefit of Ills heirs and credo ora of sat 1 estate. SARAH BROWN, Admistratrix. Jefferson, 18th Juno. 1’25. Iu— 2 78 Georgia—Chatham County, In the Court of Urdinary, May.Term, 1825. t thepe iiicn of Henry Champion, aumin- X~F istratur of John Street, deceased, proving -o oruer Afisi »o be made absolute on his cuae plying witn ihe law, tor die .ale of a Lot of Ground, number four, [4] second'Tything Hey (Olds Ward—Ala-, p.rtuf a Lot, number li*. Tower Tytbing, Darker W.ud. being die real estate of the ». i.l dec. lor the benefit of the heir* slid creditors s—It is ordered, that a nutb-e be puM al.ed nine mootlii. m one of :he Public Gase'.tl of the City of Savannah, .equiringailpenom iui«ic-*t«ii,toahew cao-e, f any they lure, why tlie pr.yvr of the pclj. tinner abuuld not be granted. S M. UONtl.c c. c. May 14 4.5 N otice. N ine MONTHS after the date hereof, ap plication will be made to die Honorable the Court of Ordinary for tlie County uf Chat, ham, for leave to sell the whole or a part, or parti of e tract of land, lying mid being in the co rnty of Effingham, containing hi re cent survey, nine hundred Mad eighti-.fio icrea, and known by the name of the Tuck- .•‘seeking Tract, formerly the property of Kmg and HotchVias, now belonging to the -slate of Alexapder 3.,Hoc’s orphans, for the benefit ufauid orphans. WILT I AM MOREL, Guardian A- 9- Roe's Orphans, •liilv !4 87 Notice. N ine MONTHS rf;-r date, application will be maur tu the Inferior Court at tmatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo ses, fur leave ‘ o aetl ail the real palate of the late Thomas Savage, of Rt ysn County, vixi Point Plantation, cousi.tingoftwn hundred md eighty acres Rice Land, on the Oreechec River, four milea below tbe F rrv, idj lining the plantation tf Joseph Haborsham und Ste phen El iott Also, two hundred and fifty icrei, more or lest, of Pine Land, appertain ing thereto. Also, a Trent of laird called ialina, ooittal'iing fifty aerer, on Medway Uiv er, atUatning the landa of J. 1. Maxwell MARY SAVAGE, Adtn’rx. ’ June *5 7t ta e of lieorgiti—Chatham County TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COATCERM. TVHERBAS Daniel Carney, Jr. has appli- ed to toe Honorable the Court of Or dinary of Chatham County for letters of ad ministration on the estate and effects of Wil liam Wuodb idge.lste i f Savannah, merchant, deed, oo behalf of the heira end creditors, snd ay request of 'he rcla'.ivea. These ire therefore to cite end admonish all aed singular tbe kindnd snd creditors of the said dedeas ed, to file their obj-ctiona (if any they have) tn the granting uf the administration of thr eitate of ilir deceased to the applmsnt in tbd Clerk's Office of the mid Court, on or before ihe third day of November next t otherwise letters of adnunistietioe will be granted Witness the Honorable Bliss Part one of the Justices of the said Court, the fourth day of October, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty five. ■AM L. ML BOND) C. C. 0. Oct* Uju Georgia—Chatham County. t-i (he Court of Jriiiuary—May Teiih, 18JJ. O N the petition of Rob.-rl lljv, Exc u: -f of John WackrrL^ dec. pravi: g an order A isi to be m-nle aaeolute, on his complying with the law, to tell t wo Tucti uf I,ami in L-uiens County, being the teal t-,iuu ui ihe ■aid deceased, for the benefit nt the h.-in.i.d crediiors: It is or.ler d, ;hat a noiiur he ntdiahed, nine montha, in one of ihe Gi- z- ttea of the city of Savannah, requiring .1,1 peraoiis interested, tn show cause, if unj they Can, why t!ir prayerof the p> ntioner shi old notLe granted. S M. BOND, c r. n. a >i„ "« v* Georgia—Camden coun y, TO Ai.L WHOM I f M 1Y GONliERN. AlTiSEUE lS J H^ht.jU fun. mimingr»*of ▼ ▼ ou th«; estate* Dn-idTucktr mirj D.vid U^rvdic, npplies to the Court of Ordinary >.f up id County* fur Letter* diSMi-ikry on tbe : s>*e* of said decea ed persons: These are, .hureforc, tu cue and sd nomsh the heirn and ci-editois of said decensed persons, to hie •heir objection* (ii anv they have Jin my of lice, on nr before the first Monday in Janu ry iext. or letter* will be granted to tbe applt* cant. •**-*?! Witness the Hon. William Gibi io, n. S | one of the Justices uf feid Court (ki«9Crk lasnsw. ime 3, n tbia25ih June, 18’5. JO IN RAII.RY, c. e o.c.c. Georgiu Camden County, BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY 101 SAID COUN • Y. AlTHEliF.AS <ohn Chevalier, has applied Tf to said Court, fir Letters Dii-i-n-ry on the r.amtes nf Samuel Coiens and F.vnr r, duck, deceased. These are, therefore, i« no aid ndnionish, all and aingnlar, die kin- ilrcd anil creditor* nl the said deceased per. imps, t file lllcir ohj.-ctiorn, if shy they, ! n my office, on or before the tirsi Monday is January next, or Letters will be granted the applicant. Witness the Hono'able James Scott, one of Itic Juattcea of saitkCourl, Ura nt- lav nf April, e gbteen huodred kiid twenty-five. [L. 9 ] JOnN BAILEY, C. C.O.C C, April! 2* Georgia—Camden County. BY IHE oOUItr OF O-UHNAnY FO SAID OUN1Y. YWHEHRA8 Lewis Bachlctt, applies ta the JJ Court of Ordinary of raid' County; f» I.alters Dismissory on tbe e-tste of Fr.n el Rosolupo 1 t'hcsrr sre, therefore, to cite * Imocish, all and singular, the k'ndred and creditors of laid deceased, lo fi c tlieir o \jcB- tions, if any they have, in my office, on or be fore the fi el Monday in January next, jlier- wize Letter* Diamiasory will be granted ihe applicant- Witiiees the Honorable Samuel Clarke, one ol' the Justice* of said Cou f, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred and tweinty-five. [L. 8 ] JOH BAILEY, c: C. 0. C. C April 21 24 - Georgia—Camden county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT COjYI'EHM r» »EREA9 John Hardee, Admint.-rater t## of the Eit*te ol UiviilG. Jones, hte >1 • id c >uaty, deceased, appl es to the Court A Ordinary uf t-id county, for- letter) di** niisoryon. M .iiiktet These ire tuerefore to cite and ademni* all snd singular, tbe heirs snd creditors efuiil leeC.bed, to fi t- their objections ( f *sy <bV bate; in my office, on or before tlie first Hem v.y in March oexi, otherwise letters be Granted the applicant. Witness the Hon. William Gibsoa, one of [1,. S.) the Justices of laid Court, tbn 27th August, 1815. JOHN BAILEY, Ctk. C. 0 C. C. ■ent. 3 M Georgia, Chatham County. By the HonorshietbeJiist ceaof tbe lnfcrka Court of Chatbem County, sitting fix <* dmery purp'Se*. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT VOMCEBH. :n> IERF.A3 Jonathan Meigs, adminutrt' tor of the eatete uf 8*muel Haugbtoa, deceased, hss petitioned the Court of 9™**' ry, to be dismnacd fern hit said idministrs’ -ion > Now these ere therefore, to cite •*“ idmoomh all person* ieterened in the isid » -.ste, to file their objectious, if any they b*“' to the granting uf the prayer of the pentioset m the Clerk*. Office of the said Court, before the tenth day of March next. otM*. wise Letter* Disrpusory W’U be glinted IM ^yUMM > Sbn Honorable Anthony Porter. 0 "* of the saiu Jiutices, thil1 tenth * ■eptemher, eighteen hundred *«‘ wer ti-ove. SAMUEL M BCNB, Clerk Csurt Oriieen-