Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 05, 1825, Image 3
. *• Oft: ssssssc ■* ' ~ T([ vulshiUi **Rew-roa«, ' ritreoot, Oct. 14.—W«*M« hid * fill demand for Cotton this week. chiefly the trade i and Auwrwao dereiiptwos Kv.aced »bout Jdp~ Lrtitbire i» filth, viriitioo. The publlo .lai to-day «erc will Wnfad j »od of, Too Suriti, *100 Egyptian, 1000 Cab*, Carthagee*. *0 offered i 1550 Hint and 1100 Cuba were sold *t Ihirprioea; Ura Mat were withdrew!.' AboutdOCO bagsof Amdr- iem bare been taken on epeculation, and 1000 American. 500 Ptroama, 500 Burat, fur oiport. Sale* Irorn 8lh met. to tbn day inclusive. 370 Sca-l’Und, at 10 a to Sd; B0 suincd,7Sa l*» W«u Uphold 15 a loll ejlO Alabama and Mobile, 7| a I0| i ■ 4590 New-Orleaiia, OJ » '*• Import., Sea Is land atained aud Upland, 4517 bags t Now- Orleans 3538, . Debitor 81.—The demand for Cotton has coo tin nod. gbod throughout «he put Wert jVum all classes of buyers. and prices are generally at f d pgr lb higher. Ot the sales, 6000 Egyptian! and 2000 American and Braait have been taken on speculation, aud (000 for export. Balm from 15th inat. to this day Incluaive, 300 Sea-Islands, 18 to 2a. 3d; 5600 Upload, 7$ toll i *830 Alabama and Mobile, 7| a 11; 15*0 Now-Orloans 8} a 1*1, Import!, Sea-Island, stained aui Upland, 11*5 bags; New-Orleans, 000. • October, — We have again to day a u.kl demand—nut much leaa than 3000 Sags have boon sold, although we cannitt quote American Cotton any higher than yesterday. Brazils have'advanced a little. On tin) whole,the tooling in the market eon- tinues favorable. For Tobacco of the new crop, there is it fair demand, and the prices generally are steady. The sales of Cotton at Liverpool, for the two weeks ending on the 22d Oct. amounted to 45 »C't bales, at an improvement nf about halt a penny on Upluuds and Louisianas,' and 3d on Sea Islands. " Meut-York, M-v. 28.—Bngging.—Sales continue to bo made by private contract at, II and 22 cets. Cotton.—r-Imnortarion, 63 bales from Charleston- The demand-for this article tinee our last. has .coutined brisk, and pri ces within a day dr two, have again ndvan eed a trifle, sales of the new crop have a- tnimnted to about 800 bales, at 15 to ,6 cents, cash, and on time The snpply is c; i|| short of the wsrfls nf our northern man ufacturers. and they have generally taken parcels is fast as they arrived: about. 160 bales old crop have been sold at 10} to 1V cents We quote m-before. Uplands, old. 91 a I*; do. new, 15 a 16 Bice—Importation 183 tiercos 15 hslfdn. Some prime lota of new Rice brought 3 62} cents. Quantity arrived however is very small. Old fresh best commands from 3 to J 50 according to quality, while the in ferior lots nf old are entirely neglected. But very little is doing in the article' generally Wedonot vary quotations, and the smsll quantity ef new hardly authorize ns In quote it. yet is it has brought from 3 62 a 4, we gave these orices as the fair range. fVet'^AI# There appears to bo no con- Silence in the European markets. Ship ments of Cotton pat ticularly nfe estremely limited, and but little of any other goods go ing forward. To Liverpool—Cotton, yd llmling; tathe Continent, 1} cents. EicMnge remains the same ns our last, quotations. Bills on London, 60 days, 9 a 10 pro.; do. Francs, 5 20 a 5 25. U. S. Bank Stock. H»s It*}, BOLIVAR, ' «f' Howland. Muter, Will stU; to morrow. it'or paatoge, apply to the master on board, at Bolton’s Wharf. Nov* 9 PoR DARI EM AMD SAT1LLA, Ttar fast tailing sloop FALCON. , , Delemi. Muter, Will tail on Wednesday next, t or passage, apply to the maatar t RiaeV wlutrf, or to BRADLEY, CLAGHORN fe WOOD, dec 5 9 „ .CHARLES B.'&NIIWS, . M ■ B C UA/CT TA) UOR MCEIOROUGH. lltllTI ceUMTV, t t, Q F.8PECTFULLY informs the puhhcl Xl» that h« hat just returned fram the North [ with a general aud handsome assortment of BHOADCLOTHS. QASSIMSRES, fee. Alto, i ‘great Variety of the lent and moat FASHIONABLE WORK, donatantly for aale, at ehrap as oan be pur chased in Savannah or elsewhere. ID* Work executed by the firat role New* I York wurkmeo, Oet *5 31 NOTICE. All persons having demands against the ttoop boat SKIN NER, are requested to present them to the subscriber immedi ately for payment C. H- MIDDLETON, dee 5 r9 MACKAREL A POTATOES. lAkdiwg vmm acnooNta nkwcomi, mom I BUSTOS, N O. 9 and 3 Mackerel and *0 tierces Po- tntpea, and a new aupply of Tooth! Ache Drape. ns stona, 1 Kegs Printer’s Ink. I case Family Bibles For sale by JOHN CANDLER, Junes’Buildings. Dec 1 1 6 JOSEPH CUMMINS - Omni roa ist.z 9 AA KEGS man. Tobacco, Jambs Sis- l"” pie's brand, no. 1. It * and s few kegs fibred of a very superior quality. 10ft kegs Anderson, Blair A M’Keny’s brand 100 bales leaf Tobacco, weighing eaclmbnve 100 lbs Cotton Bagging. 4t inches wide, dec 5 1 u9 NOTICE. ft T HE member* of the Fire Company are requested to meet at the Exchange on TUESDAY next, at -7 o’clock P. M. for Vise purpose nf nominating a member tiiConn. ell. The application of persona desirous of membership imv be handed to the Clerk, or any member ofthe company, pserioua to tliat time. JOHN HAUPT, Clerk, decs eB Era. u<sm®as<9 PORT or SAVANNAH. ARRIVED, Sloop Eagle, Hill, SI. Mary’s ria St. Si tnmts, 14 hours from the latter, with hides, oranges, fee. to the master. Putingert, Mr. M.iller and Isdv, Miss Mntthewe, Miss Bevit, Messrs. Coldon, Ward, Rudolf. Rux. aud Rjriutt. The brig Lidia. Davis, for N Vork, suiled jtteo. The sehr. Juo. Box- tun, of Philadelphia, was to sail same tiny fur St. Augustine. Left brig Hero, of N Yurk, loading for the w. Indies. SloopBupport.Bnggs, I day from Darien found to Charleston—put in on eecount of brad wiuds. Pole-hoai Edward Rowell, and lighter with 700 bales Cotton from Augusts. Box-boat irhut Augusta, with 300 bales colfuu, to ti. B. Lamar, and P. Hul. cum i no up last kvexing, Schoouur Spartan, Hatch, from Charles- tun. MOM THIS POHT, At Charleston, 2d tust. sloop Three Bro 1 tbers, Dean. CLFARF.p FUR THU PORT, At New-York, 26th ultimo. ship Augusta, White; and brig Pheasant, Bailey. UP roa THIS SORT, At Boston. Nuv. 22, sehr Enterprise^ Me Iniyre, with despatch; and sehr. Diana, do, Liit of veesele in the Port nf Savannah. December 5, 1825.—-17 ships, 4 brigH, 7 schooners, 14 sloops—2 ships at Five Fa* thorn. Total 44. We understood last evening, that owing to a rise of t he river.sleam bouts could reach Augusts. The sloop Trader, 8 days from N. .York (or this port, put into Charleston on the 2d inti, for a harbor. The Norfolk muilofyesterday, furnishei no Duller particulara afllie loss of the sehr. Harvest, the Baliimore American says, “ we tore made enquiry of the consignees of the Harvest in this city, and learn that there *er« four passengers from Baltimore, whose names are not known. Arrived al Charleston, Dec. tit, hrig Ma ll, Meiserrey, Havana, 14 day*. Two 9|9hn- Hh Frigates and two transports, with troops, provisions, tic. returned to Havana on the 16th alt having failed in their attempt to K>cl) the Castle of St. Juan de Ulloe The or. frigate Dartmouth from Vera Crux err. *' Havaaa on the 12th tilt. The U. 8. aloop J|,**r Hornet, and brig Spark, were off the Havaaa on the I6lb. V JUST RECEIVED. OAAA BUNCHES ONIONS, fm iUlltl by J.B. HERBERT*. Dm 5 real CO. ( ii < Ca .t.tur,.t. ^ On the firet Tueeday in January next, W l LL lie void in front of the Court-House between the usual hour* of ton and four o’clock, One negro woman, named Bens, levied on to «n'iafy two executions from the Court of Common Pleat and Oyer and Terminer, for the city of Savannah. Isaac Norton, ys. G. Johnston. C. G. Johnston, and Jsne F. John ston, and Petty * Green, vs. Lewis Jo|iu- aton and Catharine Johnston. A. I. D’LYON, C. S. DecS 9 r SHERIFF'S SALES, On the fir ti Tvttdny in Jan. next, W i LL be sold before the court house in the City of Savannah, between the hours of 10ai)d 4 o’clock, All that lot nfground and improvements.nn Wilmington Tything,Ctarby Ward.known as the City Hotnl; levied nn to satiafy an ex edition in favor of A. A J. Scudder, against Elruxer Early. All llifit wharf lot no. 8; and improvement' In the City of Savannah, commonly known as Rice’s wharf; levied on to satisfy two execu lions against the administrators of Thomas Rice, deceased, one in favor of Geo, Wood* riilf. the other of Thmnns ’Wright—property pointed ant by the plaintiffs attorney. Two (jales of stained Sea Island Cotton; levied on as the property nf John M’Nish, to •ntisfy an execution in favor of G. W, Coe, against John M’Nish, Alexander Hunter and Alfred Wade. A. D’LYON, n. a. c. c. dee 5 9 ®r XI 95 Barrels Northern Gin * Hogsheads New Orleans Ru» M00 Quarter Baxes Begtrs 10 Bale* Sheetings - 4 Jo Shirtinga to qronski MaTsgt Wine 60 kqgs Butter 4 pifes Cojnsc Brandy 9a M. Ffinl’s Sugars 109 half kbls Flour 10 pipes H. Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy 9ft bills white Havana Sngu 40 casks B. B. S. Porter 50 kegs No. I and 9 Tobacco An asKirtment of Teat 50 boxei Snap 10 bbla 6th proof Monongaheln Whig key, 4m. fee. Fnrsale on aeuommodating terms, nov *9 51 *,* THE SUBSCRIBER O FFERS his snrvieea to his friends end the public, in the General Commission Business, al Augusta, Georgia. L. C. CAI2TELGU. Nor 25. t'et FOB LIVERPOOL, The ship . B A L TIC, Cnp*. Bunker. ■ — Hu comaisncad loading ami wilt meet With Immediate dea iatch. Thru- hundred bales cotton can be takon on IVeislii if applied for snrly SAMUEL W RIGHT. Ddbl - e g PASSAGE fOft HAP RE. The fast sailing coppered ahii GARONNE, D L. Porter, Muter, . Will Mil’ for the above port in ,a few days, and can handsomely accummodati several passengers. For terms, apply t, Capt. P. on board, at Jonoi’ Upper wliari. or to HALL* HOYT. .Nov 26 i ’ A MU* MBkh THW DAY, t|*HE drawing of the Grand State Lotte- X ry, Highest Prize lOOOO DOLII, takes place, and will be rereived here in s lew days afterwards. Those who wish chance must apply immcitiaiely—The 'Tick et* are received —Whn\n Tickets 43 50. WM, ROBERTSON. Nov 27 Georgian Office. SCALES AMD WEIGHTS. O NE large, beam and scales, with a com plete act of weights—say about one on, consiating of 50, 30 and 20, for sale by WM. TAYLOR. Nov 23 • 52n g AA KEGS Nitre Hall Powder, Rog- 1UU cr’s Brand 54 Cases Rod Stone Mills do. For sale low hv EBENEZER JENCKES, Market-Square. Nov 28 3 THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING entered into copartnership un der the firm of JAUDON fe HUGUBNIN, for the purpose' of transacting Factorage Business, offer their services to their friends in tbit line. JAMES B. JAUDON. JAMES D. HUGUENIN. Nov *6 2 HAY AND BUTTER. 1 A/Y BALES prime Hay X V9 firkins Goshen Butter—Land ing and for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD & Co. nov 14 *' 75 SUGARS. FLOUR, COHM, WHISKEY Ift. Igc. Ct K HHDS. Prime Santa Crux Sugars UeJ'M Hogsheads second qualify do 50 Barrels Fresh Baltimore Fleur 2500 Bushels Maryland While Corn 5ii0 Bags do do 2 hash, each 103 Barrels Ralfimore Whiskey 30 Ho Gin, branded “ Pholps” 1* Pipes Old Canary Wine, “Cogs well” Brand 8 Half Pipes da da do ,10'Pipce Holland Gin 150 Barrels Nn. 3 Mackarel * 10 do Mess Beef 10 Boxes Baltimore Bacon, aaeorted 35 Kegs Butler 16 Bags Trace Chains For sale. Apply to HALL fe HOYT. Nov *5 . PAMt.Y BRUSHES, T HE subscribers have lately received from Benjamin Taylor’s Factory of Philadel- pnia, a supply of the following •„ Cloth Broshes, new pattern and elegantly gilt and plain Hair • Crumb Hearth • Nail and Comb Shaving | Bottle i do Shoe 4t Furniture do silver Wired Teeth’Brushes, very enperinr, I with turned, plain and fluted handles [ Sweeping and Deak Brushes, fee. all of which are offered very low. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Nov 30 Druggists, Shad’s Bnildgp. s* 9 I n 1 flfcl FOB MEW YORK. ESTABLISHED LINE, The elegant new regular packet •hip BT.tTIKA, Thmeuu Wood, Muter, Will hare quick despatch. For freight or passage, having handsome accnm tnodsliens, apply to captain W. on board, ui Jones’ Upper Whajf, or to Niov28 HALL fc HOYT. FOR LIVERPOOL, To sail the 15th inst. the first rate new British copper bot tomed ship ARABIAN, Robert AM ns. Muter. For freight of 300 bales, apply to WM. GASTON, dec* 7 / BY J. B. it HUBERT fi CO. On,TUESDAY,*6th imk. ._■ , Will ho told at t|u Conrt House. Mvvena ihp knurs of ten and two oVtOL-k a Prime Negro Wench, about 36 years pf Bge. a mld hand an* house servant. Alto, out nair Carriage Hsnea.—Terms at. Luna at ’if- , ’ : m ■ lllM ■ ■ ■•«!. . \ "■■.Vi.ll-Vi I • BY Cjil.PUY RAK-iitt, ' MQN DAY, 6th Dee. at XI sAlock, , 'ta front at tin Atfciiun Start*, a general si rortment of GROCERIES-, and iMtalfpust I eleven o'clock, at lus auction store, a valua ble assortment pf DRYGOODS; among, which are. Heavy London Duffle piankhtT •j. I 2 and 4 Point Blankets,plain nni Stripe* Blue and Mixed Sxtrinrtta, 7 8 and £4 1 5r n Figured and Salsbury Flannel, Double Chain Black Lf. amines. Cambric Prints. Fine WhitdPlatiUgs Apma Chscjts. White Ribbed Silk Ho-e, Bl.-.chud Miiriings sndiKhemings, Guernsey Frocks o*! v ^ ° luTO »> w 'Shington Stripes. Cotfoi ’ Bed Ticks. Plaid Ginghams. Rdk Umbrellas «in« ra.vapfilH, &r, Sic, D«»r t BY CALPIM B.iBhli: On MONDAY, 5)h instant,' ' At XI o’clock, in front of his Anelioq Store, 3 Bates 3 1 -9 aud 4 Point RUiikpts. 1 Terms at ttmn of sale, Dn.-1~ ■u*a ■ : w '*K. -*r ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALPfMBAKER, On the firu Tueeday m February next,' PRIME NEGRO WHOES I At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of «hq Just received by the sub-1 Cpurt-Hmwe in this city, that tract of UoJ scribere, per-..brig William I -f 0 ' ,s " ,lle Thin) District, Habersham and Emetine, and schooners I County, 8pld hy parinjuiop pf the Court pf Ordinary, sod by order of the administratrix, T'rms at time of sale. Nor 30 ‘ ' • ~ 1 1 . isiA do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ID great variety Adams and Columbia , PRIME NEGRO SHOES. Also, Women’s. Men’s, Misses’ BoyV and Children’s Boot* and Shoes, with their stock on baud, ntnkes their assortment very complete. - A.feE. WOOD. Nov 29 4 TO BEMT. The house tnd tytn lots in Broughlon-st. belonging to the lauhseriber.. Apply to Wm- Da ivirs, E»q. Possessinn will bi given early in November. J. M. BERRIEN, oet 6 • *3 BY CALPIM BAKED, On the fir* Tuftday fa December next, At XI o’olack, wlH bp sold in fVqnt pf ||kf Court-House in this city, 3 Prime Negro Fellows, good field hinds,— 1 Terms pash, Nov 1* - CHAMPA1GNE. GA BASKETS sparkling Cliampaige.just dSvr received and for sale by JOSEPH AUZE. dec 2*■ pi ’ 10 5 5 90 20 10 5 2 5 FOR SALE OR TO REMT. Far sale or to rent, with or without furniture, the house be longing to the subscriber, cor 1 ner nf Habersham-Street and Columbia Square. For terms, apply to Robert Habersham, Esq. nr to JAMES BROWN. Nov 11 43 I WANTED F ROM SO to loo lbs first quality Georgia Arrow Root. Apply lo Geo. ryerson. do,- 2 7 BLAMKETS, PLA1MS, fee. A A HALES Loudon Dttffiu Blankets Hcvf 10 do 2 1-2to4Point do do 10-4 to 14-4 Rose do do Saddle do do While Plains do Mixed do Do Blue do do 3-4 fe 4-4 Linsey Woolseys do Fearnoughts 1 do Red and White Flannels 100 Dozen Kilmarnock Caps For sale by C. W. ROCK WELL fe CO. Nuv 9 41 LANDING, ~ T ! From ‘hip Louiea Motilda. from Meu> York, I of the new tenement over the store now occu 5()FRESH RAISINS ^I P»ed bsr Mew W. Wppht^Co. Forterms 10Q0 Pounds N«w Burlington Hums, I apply to R 1 JsYMY d WSAsItS,. MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR E AST OF THE CITY-HOTEL, ESPECTFULLY infurme hie friends aud cfMomers, that he has just return ed from the North, and has brought with him an elegant selection from the latest im portations of tell goods tnd fashions, among which are— Super Blue, Black, Olive, Green. Ox ford Mixt, and London Smoke Vel vet Cloths Do. Blue, Black and a variety of Fancy Colonel Csssimeres An elegant assortment, of figured and striped Velveteen Vestings Do. Black Sill;, and a variety of Fancy Colours All of which will be made to measure on a short notice, aud in the neatest aud most fashionable style. Also, a large and extensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, comprising overy article in his line for Gen tinmen's Dress, and made expressly for this market, under his own superintendence. Also, a complete assortment of FANCY ARTICLES in his line, consisting in part as follows: Patent Leather Storks, do Bolivar Patent Roller Suspenders c Best Woodstock Gloves Do. Black Horan Skin do. Colored Elastic Tops do. Do. Fashionable Bolivar Cravats Russian Belts, Flog Handkerchiefs Nov 17 48|| BALT. BUSHELS LIVERPOOL ©. UUUU SALT, on bosrtj -hip Aiax, •M for sale by HALL* HOYT, B N»>* m <No, mhjV ;,JJ4 fa Tua U8>, RASsand Wire Fenders, Ftncy Ja- .fsnned Bellows and Hearth Brushes, 'Vl'ir •hip St»tin, *nd for itla by ft- B. WEED, j\AU^S AMD WIJYE. K A CASKii NAILS, assorted sizes •jnJ 20 Quarter Casks Malaga Wine Landing from brig Panllien. and for sale by , OLIVER TEN NY. Nov 15 1 46 Copartnership. HE Subscriber having taken into co X partnership Mr. Euw’n Padelvoki), 'he business Will infnture be conducted uh ler the firm of TAFT fe PADELFORD. ORRAY TAFT. Oe» 11 - 25t.f •OLD CANARY WINE. 9 O PIPES aud 6 half pijtet old Canary I- ui Wine, landing and for aale low from the wharf by HALL fe HOYT. and for Sale by PHILBRICK & SCRANTON, Markut Square. IN STORE, 10 Half bbls. fresh Buckwheat Meal 10 Quarter do do Nov 29 MISSING. L ANDED from the hrig Panthea.atTel fair’s Wharf, one keg of manufacture! tobacco, branded J. Staples. Any informa tion respecting said keg nf tobacco, will be thaukfully received by P, E. BRASSINNE, Opposite the Exchange. Nov 25 ,1 — LARD. F a ble for family use. for sale bv TO REMT, Am* The BTOHE formerly occu* pied by Mr. John B. Wick, || 3]iH » shoe store* Possession given* iminodiptely. Apply to CMAfaUW BOB. Nov. X 4Q ~ ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ‘ is g'mw WANTED, Two young, well broke Mules, . f-r which a fair price will bp given—r-A nply a| the ofiicp qf the Georgiaq, Nov 28 <, foi,| 7*> REJcr, , A Brick Tenement, consisting! . . *** . . • . nfa STORE and DWELLING. 'XlHE undersigned has taken tbs lew* «f formerly seeupted by H. Arphur * ‘he north.western Tenement, uf Mesp*, «n<) adjoining Messrs. L Baldwin I ^° w ^ G° *-new Fire-Prqof Stores, WltS.f* ftCn ontheBsv. Also, the dwelling part I l,e ««"•>"»« '« derote all his time to FACTORAGE If COMMISSIQ m B US I MESS- He will make liberal tdyaqpet op tbp dwwll •if produce consigned to him for sale, Tjyg birth for hosts it always accessible and peri fcclly safe, and the irou crane is the mwt etjiy and safest in tbe port; and they ar« oonatqqf, ly attended by an intelligent and correct sworn Wharfinger, who attends also tq |hq stowing and weighing of produce. PETIT DB VILLERS, Fa«t^ Savannah, 15th October. 1825. l7pR ftll? Oct 24 HALL fe HOYT. Gel 25 — i TO RE.YT, Bolton’s Upper Wharf and Stores. Apply to ROBERT HABERSHAM. 31tl> TOLL- noy 14 45 nly t 1 PHILBRICK fe SCRANTON. Dec I Markot-Snnare. Savannah. TICKETS RECEIVED. In Grand Slate Lottery if Rhode Dland, Class Mo. IF, W HICH drew iu Providence on Saturday, 26tb inst. Those who have ordered T ickets in the above Lottery, are requested lo call immediately and take them, as the drawing will be received in a few day«, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Nov 30 Missmi. O NE box hats, marked A G.Seromcs.from I ship Augusta Also, one box mprehan-1 dize marked diamond M Nil.53. supposed to j hove been shipped Irons New York, by mis take, in some vessel bound to this place.— Any' information respecting them, will be I thankfully received by Nov t* HALL fe HOYT. BILLS OM MEW. YORK AMD PHIL-1 ADELPHIA, I N auma and at sights, to suit purchasers, I for sale by S. fe. M. ALLEN fe CO Nov 7 39 B STEEL AND SHEET IRON. LISTER German and Cast Steel and Sheet Iron. Received and for sale hy N. B. WEED, noy8 40 BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. A NVILS, Vices. Screw Plates, Ham mers, Files, Bellows and Bellows Pipes, for sale by N. B. WEED. Nov 9 CORKS' y N assortment of very superior end com mon Velvet Corks, just received and for sale by LAY fe H Nov 9 Drugoists Shnd’s Rnilding AMCRUM'S LAUREL-HILL MILL. This Mill is now in fine order for the rece|ition uf Rice on Toll under (he direction of a trust.wor thy miller, at the customary rates Those who will send Rice to the mill, may re ly un strict attention to their interest. Apply at the mill to Tslomas Rvaq, or to the uudersiguod, Factor, in Savaiiuah. PETIT DE VILLERS. October *6, 1825. Svtljao TO RENT, THREE stores in the building op-- posite Penfieldts Range, VVhilaker Street. Also, three tenements a ■ bove said store, suitable for dwel ling or boarding booses. Possession giver immediately. Apply to U. fc C. BONNJ2Y, On the premises, Nov 4 ’ 37Jtf IPMUmSa BLANKETS Md BAUfilNO, ‘ * ' - mW9S'..e W. and il Ho»9, H AVFj receired by (be Stitp gtiptty, ffgiq Liao-pool, 300 Pieces Rest Quality 49 jack DwilUl Cotton Bagging Grundy’s While, Blue and Mist P|ainy Point and London Puffin Blankets vhich with those already on hand, of |g|t ear’s importation, will enable |hpm tq supply heir customers on very moderate terms.-.*-v Their assortment of STAPLE AMD PAM- cy GOODS, fasti he very eompietp jq q '«w days. Oct 13 M ‘BUTTER. SMOKED BEEF, fee. Received by thipe Statira and Louiea Ma tilda, lAFlRKINff BUTTER Xvf 3 Barrels Smoked Beef 3 do. Hams * 12 H»)f barrels Mess Beef 12 Bnxos Raisins, new 6 Barrels Sargent’s Crackera 1 Pipe Metbeglin 2 Pngs Almonds 10 Half bbls. Buckwheat Flour which together with their general assort, mept, the subscribers offer on reasonable terms. A. fe J. CHAMPION. Nov *9 }4u FIMAL MOT1CK. r HOSE persons Indebted to the late con cern of ShefttU fe Delamotta, are noti fied that unless (he same be paid or liquida ted, on or before the first of January next their accounts Will be placed in the bands •if an attorney for suit. Any demands against either of the late firm, will b4 re ceived in payment. V, MOSES SHEET ALL. Nos 29 • sre P L A N K. T HIRTY THOUSAND FEET of very superior one and a half and two inch PLANK, from thirty-five to fifty feet long. and one foot wide, for sale at the Saw-Mill ^ of the subscriber. Orders may be left with | njto Messrs. Low fe Wallace. HENRY M’ALPIN Nov 11 43 HAM) FORTES TUMED AMD REPAIRED OM THE! MOST APPROVED PI.AM, AMD AT TDK SHORTEST MOTIVE. A LL orders loft at Mr. Morrejl’s Cabinet Ware-House, will be punctually sUeod- to - HAM’L. L. 8PEISSEGGER. N. B—PIANO FORTES to hire by tbe ] month or year. Oct 18 THIRD COMPANY ORDERS. An election is hereby or dered to be held at the office of Justice Russel), on SAT URDAY, the tenth dny ot December next, for Ensign vice Martin Hathaway, pro motrd. Poll to be open’ si ten o'clock, A. M. By ordor of C. H- HAYDEN, Captain 3d Camp, 60th Rit- G, M. Nov *9 4 *8 EMERSON’S RAZOR STRAPS. 4 SUPPLY of these celebrated STRAPS, I just received per ship Chariot, frotn| Boston, and fur sale by HI LAY fe Novi IENDRICKSON, Druggists. ENGLISH POTATOES. A A BUSHELS English Potatoes, just re- ceived end for sale bv , BRADLEY, CLAGHORN fe WOOD. Nov 21 > FACTORAGE and COMMISSIOM BU- SIMF-SS. r iE undersigned offers hjs services to hi* friends and the' public, in the FAC- 1 TORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSI NESS. He will be found at thrtcounting- room of Messrs. Johnston, Hills fe Co. John- rt ° n1 ' f“'^aSbXANDER J- PRATT. Peel « NOTICE. FOR SALE OR TO HIRE, MPiHEopce s STRONG and healthy Noro Women, h I Court t- ------- * who is x good etiok, washes, fee. She I open o* the firat M n ndxy I* every month would be particularly useful n » s plantation ( between the (mure of nine A Enquire at tbe office ofthe Georgian. Nov *5 1 THE SUBSCRIBER O FFERS his services in theCOMM’.A> ■ SION BUSINESB, parlkolnriy dtp He salt’ of prudpee, and fpr tlip rprciyiiq} tnd forwarding goods, cotton, fee. bptyyesg the interior tnd the northern cities.. Hfi - hat been appointed agent for the steam* hosts Edgefield and Pendleton, tnd tyili lift ford every facility in despatching freight Ilf those boats. Their owners having aparpq no expense in providing safe and eypp^i lions lighterage during a low river, shipped may confide in having their goods fbrwiirdt ed to Augusta and H#mbu(gh, wKhpiit d#> 'notion. The subscriber's office In kept at (111 Counting-House of Mr. G. B. I,emit. /AMES GQL’feim Nov. 25 hi ' nr— ,-ti-i .*.r*vr L- jo . — m—ms NOTICE. rnHE undersigned, having heap appfljf), ■4. ted by Messrs ANDREW 1*0WA-CO OF SAVANNAH through IR TWIHTVHX HODXS. I ISAAC, LOW fe CQ OF L1YERPQ0U T HE public are respectfully informed, I Assignees for the eqpa) benefit nf jiU titgjy that the proprietors of the above line, I creditor!, hereby notify and reypeet gll |tqpv feeling every dieposition to reader it the I sans having spy claim or deptand whshst* f most desirable, have determined to run I ever againrt either uf thfetoid Anus, qy tfig through from Ravannah to Aqgusta, in I tndivjdnals composing the same, to seiilio* TWENTY-SIX HOURS, leaving Bavao-I der them in to the assigneee/ortk#i*b I >ht) nah at five o'clock, A.*M. and Augusts at I those preditfors who reside out of SqytniiqH eight o’clock, A. M. They are' provided I are requested, at the lime they reqdwf with the most careful and experienced -dri J -nch itatemerit, to appoint an sttospos ^jq. ABiuuroBMLxrr SBSTATOH, AUGUSTA AND savannah STAGE, MAIL qOSHEN BUTTER, SPANISH SE- GAH8. fee. just xtcityta, AG KEGS Primp Qosheo Butler 400 15,000 '• Cah»ns»” Segsrs IQ Tons Logwood, for .sale tor Nor** J. Re HERBERT fe CO. __ __ M. and one P. M. for the entry of alt rules or orders, which mav be obtained it rules—and no rule or order swill he entered after office hours. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. ■ Dec I B P WANTED dec 9 7 . of the Clerk of the Circuit teis, the stage* copfortabte, And the horses this City with authority to Lr .1,1 TT«i».d a.tM will be I superiorto short.the whole arrangeipflitt l claim*. to fllerr month! I" hPticipfee UuiverwSTto lit: J *- ■— n, wallach, Au* 1 " 1 *GILBERT LONGSTREET; j erTh® Editors of the Neyr-YnfT^tilta < WMiSHANNON. Augusta. I mercisl Advertiser the Boslqq Ga»eUl, tirtfe ; GEOROB MILLE v , Savsnnsh. T Cbarlatpe Courier, the MiUedgeyilto Jayy, 1 N)B—To meet the views of the mereqn- nil, Augusta Chronfofo, andDfripu Q«spfH tile cpromueity, fp the fbUeet e*lent, yhe are requtstiw to pubbh toe aho*9 nplfew * time of arrisal Mid departure iesuch.-^qtl foy «j«ty days ftoftt S»W - letteracanbeaqMtetod^ftm»WP#dhf- . ‘Il<n>9f«flQQ«9ft*. NpM ' ‘ % I BfH.