Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 06, 1825, Image 1
mi IS EDITED AMD PUBLISHED IH T«* err» or bavahwa*, BY GEO.A wtf. HOBERTSON, ifllOIT MLL4M F*fc ASMJM, fAVABLB IN ADFANOB# 7 ®t« FOU the country, is pabliMwd (o mMt the amazement of If* mail, three time* a week, (Tueaday ,Tlimv dar, and Saturday,) at tbe Office of Hie Dai- lv Oeorffiti»» atW c*>imo»*ltib*U»telli§e*ce, Commercial, Political and Miwellaneoua, in cluding aJverliaemsot*, published in the Dai- } y Paper. The Country Paper ie lent to all parta of the State and Union, or daltrered io tlw city, at lire dollar* per annum, payable in advance. Advartiaement* are inierted in both paper, attt cent* per «tjnare,^)f 14 line*, for the frsl in.ertioO, and 37) for every .ucceeding '"'cdminunicatlooB by Mail, atari be Poet- y 's»l«e of land and nrgioe* by Administra tor- Executor* or Guardian*, are require,! hv law, to be held bn the first Tooeday in Ibe Sooth' between tlsc houra of ten in Ibe fore noon. amUhrce in the afternoon, at the Court House of the County in which tire properly is situate. Notice of these eales must be (iron in a public Gaaette Italy day* previ ous to the day of ante. Notice of the Sale of peraoesi property must be given iu like manner, /brig day* previous to the day of *ale. ' ... . Notice to the debtor* and creditor* of an estate, mast be published tor forty day a. • Notice that application wui be made to tbe Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, mual be published nine nuaithe. i ■ n*m 1 saffiaaa®aHiEB 8 PERFUMERY,Ac. B Y tha ship Emperor, tin aubacribere have received tuny-five package* of Genuine Drugs, Medicines, Per fumery, Fancy Articlet, &e carefully aajected by one of the partner* dtow it the north, which added to their for mer itock on band, compriaea an uaortment very extensive, and pirtieolnriy suited lor this market, and well worthy the attention of dealer*.' Merchants, 'Physicians, Plan- ten and Families, would do well to forward their orders, as they will be sold at our usual low rates. LAY It HENDRICKSON. ..... Druggists, Shad’* Buildings. Jufylfi ID VALUABLE DISCO VEKV’-XB A Vtoiue&9 for tYve T HE Medicine now offered to the public is one which has been fully subjected tome infallible test o» experience, and in every instance Tellers tt bus been fairly tn ed, it baa been attended with tbe moat com eleie success. In some of the cases, the pilienu had been labouring uuder the dis ease for years, end during that period, had received the best medical advice, sod bad even undergone a puiulid surgical opera tion, wuuoi.i permaiieul advantuge. It is not (like those usually advertised) offered as a ceilain euro.tor a long catalogue ofuis- eases.bul uiose nifficled with the eumpluint, forwhicli alone it is recomtuunded. may re ly with coiitideuce upon obtaining relief, even in it. worst forms in a short tiffin j and themselves are the best judges ol the im portance ol such a remedy. Price 60 cents per box, .with directions signed by the pro prietor, Prepared and suld at P JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, *73 North Third St above callowhill, Philadelphia. The proprietor has appointed Lsv fc IIxNoatcspoa, corner of Congress and Whitaker-streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole a gents for tbe sale Of this medicine in Savan nah, Geo. Oct « *3 Notice. T HE subscriber begs leave to inform bib friends and customers* that he has taken JOHN FALLS WALKER into part nership. and tlmt in future the-FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will be carried on under tirra of cMatlin & Co They will be much obliged to their friends for a share of their custom, and will use. their best exertions to innrit the same.- Reasonable advances will be made on al properly sent to their address. ROBERT MARTIN, No. 7, Kiddell’s Wharf, Charleston. Sept 27 into Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date of this notice, application will be made to tin Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber tv County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. APPROVED latent Family Medicines- L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson's do do Colt’s do do Anderson’s Cough Drops American do do Church’s do do Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal- cined Magneais Andler’sAsiaticLen- itive r’s Pulmonic etargent Dolby’s Carminative A constant stipi' Turlington’s Balsam ot Lite Opial for the cleans ing of the teeth A gums ftelPsAithmiticPiUs Do Botanical Drops Austen's Remedy for the Piles Hinckley 1 ! do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson's Teeth Paste Squired Grand Elix- Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. Ac. of th* above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, Ac. dec. can be obtained at the (tore of LAY A HENDRICKSON,' May *8 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Bilks. T HE Subscriber'has at present on band a largo stock of Bricks of auperiorqua lity, which he offers iu such quantities as may be wan'ed, at the lowest possible prife for cash only. For tbs convenience of his Town Custo mers, be intends in future to keep always a considerable supply in town ; those in im mediate Want of the article will b* supplied by application to Mr. James Roberts, either nt his residence in West- Broad Street, or »t Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN. June 24 79 FRESH Drugs and Medicines J UST 1 received per ship Savannah, an additional supply of FRESH. DRUGS and MEDICINES, such as— Calomel. Suphate Quinine .Pulverised Ipicacuanah Pulverized Colombo. White Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Calc’d Magnesia Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb* Hair Powder, he., in iToaa, 600 Bottles Castor Oil, cold pressed, very superior 600 do do do do td quality 300 do do low priced for' plan tation use 30 Barrels Glauber Salts 10 do Green Copperas SO Half Barrels and Kegs do 3 Barrels English Refiued Epsom Salts, die. All of which will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit. O’ North Carolina Bills ta ken at par, and Darien Bills at a small dis count. LAY h HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, August 27 oh.I.V' a RECc.tVii.lJ. T il E following are the numbers drawn from the wheel, of (he RHODE 13- UNDGRANf.l STATE LOTTERY, NO 111, on the I4lh instant : 45—48—11—33—17—*8—59—IS Hnlitej. of Prizes are requested to csll and wceive the caeli. or leave order for tickets in the Grand Stale Lottery mf Maryland, to draw on Pin ninth efnezl month.-. O-i 7 \V ROBERTSON UltAWIMQ RECEIVED. G rand state LOl*rERY of RHODE ISLAND, third clsu The hUuwmg were the number, drawn i— • 46—48—1l—33—I7-t98—69—16 PRIZES will M ca.lied or invested in otb * “***•'•• as tha Holder, may with,—at LUTHERS „ 'KCHANGE OFFICE. Oct. 47 3| CAPERis>.. HaLL & "HOYT, orrzR vo* sai.z, 3000 BUSHELS Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 26 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 6 do Cognac Brandy (Seignettes) 10 casks Cheese 20 bbls mess Beef '100 boxes smoked Herring (fresh) 10 bbls Cranberries 200 Hams in bags for family uae. oct 8 V \\6 '-.vhsMfteT HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR, AMD OTHERLATE jtontrr atjs W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dost Paos and Spit-Boxes Hair and Wi.t Broom* Club and Broad Axes 8crUbbid£, Cloth,and Hair Brushes, ALSO, A few dozen Pocketlights N. B. WEED. Jnlc»7 2 Pin' Notice. orrsOB. „ zr AOTBORITZ or TUB STATE ov ezw-Tsak SPl.E" DIDLOTTERY, Te bs drawn in the city of New-York, eh the 4th of January, 1828, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 48 Numbers—8 Ballots to be drawn. EACB TICEET HAVING THREE HUMBER! IN COMBINATIOR. J. B. Yates dr A. M'Intire, Managers. SCHEME OF THE New-York :jState Liteiature Lottery, Clau 3, for 1828. t Prize of 4100,000 is fit 00,000 1 do 60.000 60,000 1 do 20,000 90,000/ 1 do ' 10,600 10.600 9 do 6,000 10,000 4 do 9,600 10,000 tO do 9,000 90,000 39 do 1,000 -- 39,000 78 do 600 39,000 488 do 100 48,000 4448 do , 50 922,300 6051 Prizen, snn 9139 Blanks. fStlfiOO Less than two blinks to a prise. Prizes payable Turly .data after the drawing, but the cash may be had instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cept, .PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole: : : : s 450 I Quarters : : 412 60 Half: it::: : 26 | Eighth .-it: 8 25 This is the most magnificent scheme that has ever beqp offered tor the patronage of tha friends of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca. The small number of Tickets, and the unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will not be n chance left, for weeks betore the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to £60. ET Gentlemen are therefore requested to be early In thoir application, as all orders actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled tp be supplied at the present rates. Notes or the Bank of the U, States and its Branches, and, generally, tho Note* of aft Banks that pay specie, received *t per. Also, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on tny of the large cities, and Prize Tickets receiv. e<l freely in payment. All letters to be post paid. The mails may be relied on an being per fectly safe for all remittance*. * ‘ 1ATES $ M’INTIRE, Workington City. Sept tO IAI|l a der NEXT SCHEME. BY SPECIAL ACT OP ASSEMBLY GRAND STATP LOTTERY OF MARYLAND) T TNDKR the Mperinlendancft of tin* com- U misskmers appointed by the Governor and Council, and by the improved mode of drawing, secured by Letters Patent under the seal of tha United States—^he whole to be completed in one day, and will positively lake place in the city of Baltimore an WEDNESDAY, the 9th November nex-j Highest Ftliffi $80,000. SCHEME 1 Prize of 430.000 it 430,000 Dollsn. 1 10,006 10,000 1 6,000 5,000 10 1,000 10 39 SO . - 100 900 400 20000 20813 Prizes. NOVEMBER TERM. A T s meeting of the Justices of the In ferior Court of Chatham County, for ordinary purposes, it the Court-House in Savannah, on Monday the seventh day of November, 1825— From the failure of very many executors, administrators snd guardians, to settle their respective accounts in this Court, within the period designated by law, viz. on the first Monday in January next, after the date of their respective letters,, to settle a first account, snd another account on the first Monday in every succeeding January until their respective executorship*, admin- titration, or guardianships shall be conclud ed or cease;—It is therefore ordered by the Court, that summonses be inroad to and served on all delinquents who shaft fail to appear before the Clerk of-this Court, at his Office, and settle their respective ac counts. on or before the first Monday in January next, as it is the determination of the Court to enforce strictly the injunc lions of the law in all such cate*. Itie further directed, that this order be inserted in all the papers printed in the city of Savaunali. twice a month, until the first day of January next, and that a copy be posted at the door of the Court-House. Extract from the Minutes. S. M. BOND, Clerk. Nov 17 „ 48 J* 40000 Tickets—Not one blank-to a prise. The hulder of two tickets, will be certain of obtaining at least one prise, and may draw three. Hods or Dnawina.—The number* will bs put into one wheel as usual—snd in the otbsr wheel will be put the prises above the denomination of £4. and the* drawing to progress in the usual manner. Tbe 20,000 prizes of £4, will be awarded to the editor even numbers in the Lottery, (as the case may bej dependant on the drawing of the Capital Prize of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS—that is to say, if the £30,000 prize abould come out to sq odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will b> entitled to a £4 prise : if tbe £30,000 prize seould come out to an even number, then all the even numbers in the scheme will be each entitled to £4, Odd numbers are those ending with 1,3, 6,7, or 9. Even numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6,8, or 0. This mode ot drawing not only enables tbs Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery iu one drawing, but has the great advantage of distributing the small prizes regularly to every alternate number in the scheme, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd and one even number, will be certain of obtaining at leaat one prize, and in tbe same ratio for any greater quantity. niEicNT rntcE or Ti ect*. Wholes £5, Halves £2 SO, Quaitar*4l 96 All orders promptly attended to, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE William C. Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY h BA KER, SAVANNAH. GEO. O FFERS his services to his friends and the public, in the General Commission Business, iu this place, and solicits their patronage References to Messrs. A. Low h Co. Sa yaiiuali. Geo.; G. Breittmayer h Co. Au gusts, Georgia, Augusta, Sept. 8, 1825. O^t 8 l«fh Hanaway from the Subscriber, O N Wednesday. 24th ult. a large yellow. negro man, named FREDERICK.— He is generally known in the adjoining counties ** a fiddler. He was seen in Spar ta on Friday Inst. It is believed he will go to Augusts. He may have a forged pass, as he can read and write. Aanitable reward will be given for his approbation and confinement in any jail in tho state, so that I can get him. JAMES CAMA.K. Milledgeville, August 28 8e t 27 19 N INE month* after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Camden Coqnty, for leave to sell sit the real etliie of the late Randolph IWGillis. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. HANNAH M’GlLLIS, Admtnistratix. Q. M’DO.N ALD, A4mi*«tntor. RCAfaryz, Jane 1344, 78 Notice. . N INE months after date application will be made to the Honorable tha Jua- icea of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract of land, known as number eight, 8th District, Pikd (formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit jf the heirs and creditors of the estate of if N. S.'Bayard. ' N.J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. 8. Bayard. Jan 6 i >60 6,0 100 , 3,000 50 3,000 20 2,000 10 2,000 5 2,000 4 80,000 152,000 Dollar*. Mid MVDuyuftt fittWKIBo P E. BRAS8INNE, RESPECTFULLY informs bin friends •Ito and the public, that he has purchased the establishment inthe above business, be- fonging to Dr. A. Delaroehe, opposite thn Exchange, where ha offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of FtMih t* Tug*, Mfodiolnos, and CY\fcu-\ca\s, AMONG WHICH ABE THE FOLLOWING I— Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony * Arrow, Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivl, do Peru, do Fols " . -Camphor, Cantbaridsa, Cinnamon ’ American beat .ahd common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery, Gum Assaftstida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gnm Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancet*, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna, ChamomileFlowerr . Sulphur, 8cnna, Nutmegs , . Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bismuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Clover Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlaah,'Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Saltp Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Paints Br) and in Oil. White, Redbud Black Lead Pruaaion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yelloa Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. - Petfurnwy Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icinen of every kind, the whole of warranted quaUty. Jan 90 47 VALUABLE MEDICINE. - Anti-bUfeftie Pitta. PREPARED SI HENRY JAKE*. A N approved remedy lor Dyspepsia, or Indignation, Habitual Custiveuess, and Piles. li is weft known that Dyspepsia is one of the most froqueni and formidable diaussss of our country. Its coiuinonceim-nt is in dinted in different patient* hy various symptoms, of which the-most remarkable •ire— Irregulsrity of the bowels, obstinate cos tiyenuss, headach, commonly called nervous or sickly headach, yellowness of. the eyes and skin, acidity of tbe stomach after eat ing, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitter taste in th<- mouth in the morning, listid breath, drew sines* after dinner, debility, lassitude, ema cintion, depression of spirits, Ac. Piles being connected with indigestion and costivenesa. are certainly and speedily removed by tlpe Pills. A fresh supply of the above valuable me dicine bas just been received, and for sale hy LAY A HENDRICKSON, oct 8 23 JtlQUT aOttttWL. T HE subscriber will open his Night School for the Instruction of Youth, nt his residence near the Catholic Church on MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein will bn taught Reading. Writing, Vulgar snd Decimal Arithmetic, Geography sod Book keeping, in a methodical wav not. au PETER HYNES. 'Sept 8 nti.lAs * Fresh Teas and Cassia. rjUST SECXIVED PER SHIP EMPEROR, | k CATTY BOXES GunpowdeiTer lO*J 129 do do Imperial do too do do Hyson do 10 Chests Hyson do 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 200 Mats Cassis . For sale by J. B. HERBERT A CO. July 14 - . BY J S SKINEftJt. . POSTMASTER or mot Cltr or BALTIMORE, Atfredattarepee eemmn, to Ais paid heari. ably in advance. 1T1HI8 JOURNAL is btndsosiPly print- X ed. With a gnu number ot engravings to illus'rsie the eubjecU treated of. Fifty- two Dumber*, * till* page, sad in ample io- dex, make a votjirte. ft 1* written for by the most intelligeut and diitinguUlu-d nrnc- '“J 1 . Y»rmers m everjf state of the Unions ton is devoted to the (Object* of Agriclil. tore. Interna) improvement* and Rural end Domestic Economy. , , r .” Eu& number V th« F.rmrr glm the mostexacl atsteoftbemerket, with re* pea jo uUthcchitf articles tin t Farmers have t# tell or isy, supported by reference to par- ticular sales. w - • Not more then six set* of the previeut volumes ue on hand, Persoi#wishing to subscribe mey inclose i £5 note, directed to the editor, and at hi* j**'hf ti a mall, or puy it at the office o- the Georginn Ni’V't 34 Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. | A PIPES fourth proof Cogkac Brandy, 1” warranted pure as imported, Grape Bread ' 10 Kegs Goshen Butter 8 Boxes Smoked Salmon Just received-snd for sals by Sept 8 J. B. HERBERT A CO. AMERICAN FARMEB, i I. published is heetl^nambete if eight Qua* Bouts and f h .es. toST RECEIVED, ffl Per brig Index, 79 psektg- _..'U,-/a. w BOOTS and BUOEB, consisting of the following . kind, viz: 3 Coses Gentlemen’s fine Calfskin Bent* 2 do do do Seslrkin do 4 do do common do do 2 do do stout bo*d peer’d Slies* 1 do dn unbound do - do > 1 do da fine dine. Pumps Os 3 do do com. dn do do 3 do women’s leather walking da 2 dn do do pump* do 3 do Boys lined snd bound do 2 do do, thick do 2 do Children’s Leather Bootees I do do - Morocco do ” For sale low by the peekagqor dozen b£ oct 8 fiwaini’s Panacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this Valuable Medicine, has just been received di ed from the inventor, Mr. Swsim, of Phil delphia. Druggists and other* Oho pur- hose to sell again, can have it at the ori ginal price established hy the proprietor. LAY A HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Druggists. Shad’s Buildings. ¥OU feALB, A Valw ble 'tract <f Land, /CONTAINING two hundred tw# snd * V/ half teres, situate in the First -DiaJ trict, in the County of Houston^Numbsr». • Persons are forbid trespassing op ttid land, under the Penalties of the Law, ' • > For particular* and ter*)*, which art BN eral, apply to the adiu-rs. tT The Editor oft he M’illedgeville jour nal will insert (lie above three rime* aim’ orward their account to this Office. . Oct 13 12i,f . Saratoga Congress Spr/ng fVu ters ’ F IFT Y DOZEN of these Waters, fresh bottled by Mean. Lynch A Clark.'ol' NeW-Ynrk, and direct from the Springs, jsst. received per ship Augusts. Persons going to sen would do wall to supply them selves, a* they trie offered at reduced pricer by " LAY XHKNDRtCK80N, Druggists, Shad'S Buildings. Mar 95 <, Fulton Markvt Beef, ^c. Jtset received per edsp Mary add Margaret 5 HALF BBLS;Fulton Market Beef to Barrel* Sargent's Crackers 44 Do No. 1,9 and 3, Mackerel Fo bradLey 1 claohobn a wood, Oct 1 Aneinux’* Wh4*f- Citv TrkaidrerV Orncx. I 6th Oct. 1826. $ Assize of Bread T HE arerage price of Flour being £5 75 per bbl. 198 lbs. weight; the weight -if Bread for the present month must bs 121 cents Loaf 3 lbs. 1 as. •• “ 1 81 Of which all Baker* and Sellers of Bread will take doe notice. M. W. STEWART, e. t. oct8 24 Hullo h Is Dunwouy, 'NFORM their friends ipd tbe public, — that for more convenience, and also se curity against fire, they have removed t# those commodious and fire-proof building* on Scott and Andrew Low A Cb’s.Wlurve*, where they caotioue the ¥ actoxag?) & V'omiYvl&ftiim 8ns\ne>s. Their best exertions will be used to merit a, continuance of former patronage. They have, to supply their cuntomers, best COT TON BAGGING, P ETS. Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of beat patent cohl pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for eale by , f.E.BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchtnge, Coffee, Pork and Lard BAGS COFFEE Jvr 16 Bblx Mesa Pork, N.Y. city inspec. 50 do Prime do do do SO Kegs Lard For asle by C. C- GRJSWOLD A CO Sept 3 Hams and -t lour, &c. age i Flo OAfk SUPERIOR HAMS in bai ro ” vr 20 Barrels Supertine New Flour 10 Pipes Holland Gin 9 do Cognac Brandy For ails by HALL A HOYT. London A FRESH supply of Genuine London Mustard, suitable for medicintl end other purposes, jost received snd for sale by LAY A HENDRICKSQN, Oct 1 Shad’s Buildings. i , Fly Market Beef 2 4 HALF Barrels just received bv4he schr. Mery A Margaret, from New ; York, end for toll by J. lb HERBERT A CO. OeM t Block Ink and Ink Powder A FRESH SUPPLY of these «perior l\. articles, mannfiictnred hy Maynard A- Noyes, of BoMoji. lus just been received t brig Index, end for sale for; LAY A HENDRICKSON, (Jet 11 . Druggists, 8bad% Building*. A Negro Man, A PRIME Negro Mali. alidut 36 years « tv age, a goofffield band. Fpr tale by • - CALVIN BAKER. JmlV 78 _e»t COl .PLAINSAND BLAN- ; >♦ ... 1. ti W. LD Mi . OFFER FOR SALE, 30 "S D bS,. ,nd } Philad. Whiskey 30 do Northern Gin 30 do N E Rum 70 kegs manufactured Tobacco 15 hhds Leaf do 100 bags Coffee . , 50 kegs Lard » 22 do Voidigns Mess and prime Pork, N. Y. City Insp’o. oct 8 23 Mil's. LIMBEHT, I NFORMS her friends and the public, that her SEMINARY it removed to Broughtnn-Street. second door from Bar- nurd Street, and opposite tlie shop of Dr, M. Sheftall. As her number is limited.^* will be enabled to pay every eUentiuina those intrusted to her rare. Terms mode rate. and may be known on application «4 above. Oct 29 . 29p FOR ^ALE, A TRACT OF LAM'D, C ONTAINING Two Hundred aqd Tw# end Half Acres, No. 118, in 12th Dri- trict, Dooly. CT Person* are forbid tito- peasiug oo raid food under the penalties of ‘ ' For particalar* apply to JOHN DENNIS, Savannah. *«P th* law. Oct 18 Wanted, E mpty wine bottles. Apply to M«vi< GEO BVEPSOiy iVew klour. 1 db/k BARRELS Richmond Superfine X MV Flour, flruoiaew wheat, jnat re ceived and for sale by • '• fVt 11 C r GT’tP'VolJ)* CO HartiwtLe,'UUeiy ^upau. JJ