Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 10, 1825, Image 2
. t QMtmrmv < t tnt* SATURDAfMQRNINQy DgcTToT my T yiufrrtmi ** *• v- a **' ,w ' 0 Adeem, will Mil for *«Mk -ttfc Uii -or. ■left tide. Crrr Gooiwn. —A nigalw Cmaeit wa* beldoo Thursday fart—present, dw Chatman, AMarmea Haoms, Pbil ■■tea, MiM*aisQrwm”tOviitttiio,WAv8i, Panama* end Qautmg. Rivard draymen were fined for disorder ly driving- ■ • Tfc*ordinance to amcndtbn existing ovdt- nance respecting the P*b|ie market appoint ing Commissioner* to aptrii(li«4 tko aome. was read filet time. A bill to amend the fire ordinance or March, t«6, aH A bill proviffingfor the election of a Clerk and Sherifffor the Court of Common Flea* «id Oyer and Terminer area panned. On motion of Alderman Ceiwm. it wa* Resolved, That an election be Ordered to •be held oothe 30th inet. for an Alderman in in the piece of Wm. R. Wa**ing, whose mat it vacated by t longer thee net) from the City, then the rulee of Council permit An appropriation wee granted to the Tire Company to procure the ladders naked for. On motioh of Alderman Hinmio, the Quarantine regulation redpectiog veeeel* from Charleston woe repealed. “ The propoeala of Tmmraoa i Asanir, imp the eastern part of the Exchange as a Cmtom-Houae, fbr^*SO. were accepted. Sandry eommanieotion* were received from the Fire Company, aad referred to the Committe ou .Engines, Ac. A communication was receired fco4> the Cammuaioneraof Pilotage, asking petrais- aion to institute, prosecute end' conduct le gal proceedings in the name of the City Council, against Messrs. Mouora and Scud- nan, (hr considerable encroechmente in the erection of wharres on the channel of the direr, which request wee granted—the legal Officer of tke City Coaecil to be eaeodoted with that of the Board of Commissioner*. At a sped*! meeting of Council, last quit the siege, on aoeeunt of the reioy wea ther, which ie now commenced. ' A aqoad too «f Greek* era blockading the Gulf of Arts, end . Urn Ionian OorernoMUt refuse clearances (hr Preteea. The Greek'.fleet under Mmuijo, passed here firte) Muadlqiighi towards the Levant, oo Muji^Jr" ■*- Sthiast. They are goon m MgMl.of the Turk*, who, it ia now ascertained, hare ta ken bp their q'uaHen in Port Booron, oppo site thelsle of Rhode*. . W* Mur nothing farther raapecting the Alexandian fleet.” - Eitracl of a letter doted Zeal*, Sep tembrefi, 18*6. “ Ibrahim Pacha with 6000 men, marched from Tripolitan to Narariao, about M days qgo. but finding the ptogoa there, h# came On hi* return, he waiaurreuuded by heck. week; ■ J, BBatnmpn, Chairman, pro tom. Esq. woe appointed It is expected tliet. the faoeral procession ef the late ,<Jon*. M«Dpfl&*gb, ia New York will oeeriy equal t hat farmed at the funeral of Gen' Hamilton. Com. M’Donoogh died of a pulmonary di« aeae. Tbs National Adrocate stales that •• he literally watted to the bone, not weigh- leg. when he died, more than eixty pounds!” The Pliiladelpbia Aurora says,, “lea con tenotion with some pf bis attending friend, aLortly before his death. Com. MnDonoug! 01 pressed the wish that, be the event what it might, he should be leaded at New York: ac tuated, no doubt, with a tense of gratitude towards that state, by whose jnat liberality 'be bad been particularly distinguished. Such a with, as soon at made kaown to the com fllandant of the otry yard qL this place, was esteemed sacred and imperative: and ac Oordly, immediate preparations were made fc> fulfil it" The Prsident has appointed Payton Gay ef Messeebnsetle. to be Consol of the State* for the Island of Teneriffe, in piece of John O'Sullivan, deceased. - Prom the returns received there ran be no doubt of the eiectiop of O- J. Pea*ce, as a Representative to Congress from Rhode bleed. The total of the Cotton crop of the United States, for the year ending 1st October. 18*6, is 669,249 bales Same period last year, 609,158 Increase. 60,091 The amount receired in New-York dor ing the year ending 1st Oct. 1825, wo* round numbers 135,000 bales,or nearly one third of the whole crop. the the Greeks, now collecting again under Cdloeutroni. It is expected that he cannot open hie Way without great lore. He had left at Tripolitsa o*arly three jthonaaad men one part of which wae placed'at a mill two hour* ride from the town | these were at tacked daring the eight, and all hilled ex cept a few who were taken prisoner* — Nearly *500 including meur'wotladed ami sick, are striotly closed m Tripoli tit, and If Ibrehain cannot relieve them soon, they most surrender far went of provisions. The Greek* are now in very good spirits, and ColocotrnniVarmr, when I crossed the Mo- ret, fire days ago. was between' 12 end 14,- OOOstrong.and woe daily increasing, by the Meriotts coming down from the mountains to join him. Their stfsrrs in all-quarters have assumed a favorable-' aspect. The are mors omted than they have been and this campaign may be considered as r~ preaching to a termination.” The Courier Fra ncaia gives the following intelligence, dated Sept. 24, which ia states comes from an authentic source : “IbrahimPacha has marched upon Mai no, ravaging all the country as kn passes— he has captured (he towns of Misitra and Maratonisj. The Greeks are fortifying themselves in Hydra. The Rpexziot* are sending all-the women andbhil.lren nut ol their island. The siege ot Mtsedlonghi con inoea; the besieged disMay great courage. It is hopod this town will hold out, St the Greeks ere successful in their sorties A few hundred Candintes are collecting to gether io return to their island in order to support tlie insurrection. Unhappily divis ions enutinite am mg the Greek Chiefs, each party accusing the other of mtnoevres. A misunderstanding has likewise manifested itself between Mqrrocorda ahd-Gen. Roche. The American squadron had a’fete given it by the Greeks previous to its deparlue.' It has left a corvette here to protect its com merce against piracy.” b^teffitiddhl the petferwpr*. aether suoeesmreiy *p 4b. Yerterdajr *bd Ut* day before, soles seared, were redeired with merheof great were brisk 8f I4J cent*. Some shipments enormous ntury. P hare kbewn tin iastaacr, te demand nfitm# applicant day far the loan of fltfWft tPf'teujlsy io mother case heactuetly extorted the use of $600 far ten days. Thi* m common practice,which if degied, * ceptible of proof io e Court df justice. Such ia s plain tod short statcmMt of facta, which Ism induced an tide way'tvlay 1 before the public.i* oemelianh«-with tbe re- r ut of mfeay rdepectebl* friUode, ahd os aster* end extent of my connection with the Lombard and Protection Bank,' which ho* subjected me to much censure from m*i ny person* who hare ascribed to interest end design what proceeded entirely front a too cradttkiu* belief ia the integrity of one who- I discovered too late was engaged in e sys tem of deceiving end swindling the rommu nity. ABRAHAM DUVALL (the Bettorioa Gtreit,) in tile 4th oodne. ctino forth far tlw first timo, she Was greet ed with greet sBd long continued applause, which was renewed oo the termination a the air with which she commences ns sees •nd potvfa. te whole opera wt« performed ia a stylet and with t spirit that cannot, we ore persuaded, be eurpeained at this moment on cilhet the Peri* or London boards.—Jf. ¥■ American. ■Twk- I-ovsARn Ban*.—The Elisabeth town Oatetto ststes, that the' Comttttsitener appointed by the Legislators of New- Jerect to iiiveetiga'e theeancerok of the Lambsr.: Bank, took possession of the banking liouse ,« Ssterday morning last j that tliey obteihrd potessioii of shout dlOQhin specie, end sun dry nates, smoog which were one drawn by Mr. M'Lsren. President of Urn company, far $100,000. It hubeen ascertained ghat bills of tbit bank totbeemannlof $170,000 are in circulation- Lombski>P«ot*ctio«i Bstr*—The Nets arkOntinel says, this Bauii has yielde them a fine Prolrclkm. The charter was obtained by stipulatittgtopsy a btiuui to tie school fund of New Jersey, of 25.000 doi lags.. This was paid; the President imme diately borrowed of the Commissioner*, an equal amount, on a pledge of stock, an : when payment of that loan was requ'red, the bpnk dosed.its door*. The State has thus been duped, ur well a* the public. A disease which has prerailed during the summer, tboot the vicinity of Port Gibson Mississippi, towards the close of last month, assumed a worse aspect. It is a swelling o' the eyeball, which, in some instances ha 1 - increased even tohursling,—eemetiiiies trf fecting one eye only, at othifr ’ times belli eyes. It sometimes goee through a family A wH»er in the Albany Gazette recommend the farming of ponds near the' Salt Suritigc. and to deposit Oysters in them far propagation —which lie thinks may be done, if the modi um of water be obtained and preserred. It srill be seen, flat our latest adrices from Europe are wh illy titenl on the subject of the reported movement of tbc Russian army in the direction of Turkey. It is reasonable tn conclude, therefore, that there tea* so fonn- datioo far the report, which, was probably manufactured to serve the purpose of some speculation of other oe the European Ex changes.—Ini. A short time ago a marriage wa* about to be solemnized in a village in the neighbor hood of Motz. between a man 87 years of agr and woman of 77. On reaching the church however, the lady unexpectedly refused to go through the naptial ceremony, on. tli ground that ber intended bridegroom wa-. much (oo old for her t Rhooe-Islasd.—In oo state in the Union is so great a proportion of the population and capital engaged io manufacture* as in tbit style. There are now more than 90 cotton mills, thanr of them rery extensive establish ments. There are 3l towns, the aggregate of whose population it about 83.090, averag ing 52 inhabitants to the square mile; and there are 41 banks, the property of whose di rectors is made res|ionsible for their correct management of (be respedire iestitatioos. Spams* ExpantTisn It was stated in the last London papers that the naval expe dition preparing for Havana lied not left Spain on the 20th September—bnt we learn by an arrival liere tram Cadiz, that the fleet sailed from Corunna on the 26tb of that month. It coaai*ts*fsheLe*ltad,64; Yberia. 64; brig Jason, 20 ; a sloop of war. and ten transports with 3000 troops. One thoutand ofthe troops were to he landed as Porto Rico, the residue at Havana. • At Cadix, ready tn sail for South America the Guerrero, 74, and a sloop of war. The San Pablc. 74. was ( reparing. /few-York .Vei erudite Adetrluer. The Parisians say, that ('larles X. is not La Fayette. A few days Ago, at a royal hreakfast the old ultra*, wbo compose the intimate society of the kiog.were not a little scandalised on hearing his majesty say, ■* I cannot conceive why M. de La Fay ette should excite to much alarm. He ia a rery amiable man; I bare often played at lennia with him; he was than a fine young fellow, and an excellent horseman.” The Washington Gaxette says .the keel of a 74, wea, a few days back, laid down at the Navy Yard, in that city. A writer in the New Bedford Gaxette is in fayor of estiMishing a National Cdinele- ry far tboee who tender important keftices tothe nation, tn be located at the seat ofthe General Government, and to be denominil- edthe Waskiuftou Abbey. A grave has been robbed of it* dead, in Mk- Ay,.N. Y. The grave the-, arifa-split to .pieces •ilh en axe, leaving evident mark* that (be ‘ Ifady wa* mangled in this operation. ftego. Seneca was left open. i‘ ' An application will he made te the Booth Carolina Legislature, at its ensuing lessioa, eu the sobjact-ofa caaal to unite tbe water* ofthe Savannah and Edisto rivers, tbecoslef ml which including the porchaae of* large tract a land tbroogh which it will fimi, would Amount to about t6fa000 tfaUaia. from the /fY. Ee. Pnd. , At the solicit ation of my friend* and nth era, 1 am induced tn submit the following short statement ofthe farts to the public: About/our weeks ago. Mr. M'Ltrep, the President of the Lombard and Prelection Bank, applied to me, (knowing 1 was in the commission business and cuuld materially aid- bis views), and proposed to employ me io the business of circulating the bills of the bank, which he would make profitable to me by loaning me what money I might want without interest, fur which services he would furnish me with any quantity of such bill.-, as I might need Ibrsuchpuri: • , to the amount ol) say five hundred or a thousand dollar* at a time, he taking my paper at short dates forth* same. This was to be brought ahoutb, using my exertions with captains of vessels ' rnm abroad, and people residing at a din- •-ace id the couuiry, to take the bills of this hank, either ifi exchaage tor others of the city benksrer ht diactfant far such payer as 1 would undertake to recommend to Mr. M’- Laren; and in thh way I succeed in putting into circulation about forty thousand dollars under the belief that the bank was sound and perfectly solvent, and without any aus picioo that ha affairs were not fairly and honorably conducted, for Mr. M'Larea con- stantly assured me that all the capital was paid in and that there was not cause to ap- prehead any danger. He also toid me aixiOi a week after 1 had commenced business mi ner him that be owned himself one half the thick of the bank, and that be received tbe salary of $600 * week from, the company.for hi* services; but this I confess I could with difficulty believe, as 1 could not imagine that any institution could afiiird lo give such i salary and make it. profitable tn the stock holders’. He further assured me that be bad the principal control of the fund* of the Rtnk in his own bends. Discovering that I wa* very euceeslul in aiding his projects, he particularly desired me to make a point of seeing tbe toaster* of the sloops that neyi gate the North river, and persuade them in take the bill* of this bank and thus circulate them among tbe farmers they dealt with whdwauhthiT them by. knowing, thut be ing so near N- -York, they could make use of them .to meet their fall. Ji spriur payments And whether or not, Mr, M’Laren made discount* oo cbqdks, notes au£ bonds, profi table to himself, tbe public! may 'form tome judgement when I state te them, and op letement to.kMey „ , , ..., hareR.i# ^ft®SEasSSafeS8S t&bo* *.*,*,**,.«*,, i* Ihhhraetic* of taUMfraf the distretMe'ef “ - • - appheeote, that be charged them fm- fatraie* sdrsnoed at lira oodatsr ut his bexk tl ,fi*r the eartahj rotf, pub|ie«ri<« has ddrajped eheot ( oent per hays beep ma<|* both for tbe .English oral French Markets; and at thi* time several vessels are loading jbr difiSsreot European pitta. MfiMM), On Thnrsdny evening, 8th inet. by Wm C. Barton,Esq. Mr. R. i Sim* Gaddt, both at'Chatham Coun TM Daily Advertiser tbns winds ep the oharactsr of Com. M cDonpugh. “ This excellent ofiloar was in rery feeble health when he sailed from this port in ttie frigate Constitution, for tli* Mediterranean service. Great hopes were entertained that ike voyage, end the bealthfalneas of the re gion where be was expected to cruize, would restore his health, and secure to the nation the benefit of bit skill, experience and brave ry But bis constitution had been undermin ed by long sicknei*. and eventual he wasu- hligod to resign hie command, with the hope ■f being able to retnrn to his country and friends. He embarked on board the brig Ed gar el Gibraltar, for the United States, au-i died on tbe lOtbuf November,on the passege. The vessel was under the necessity of putuug into tlie Delaware, and hia remains were yea terdav brought to this city. We believe it will not be considered as do ing injustice to the navy toasy, that t'omimi dore MaoDouougb was one of the highest or naments attached to the service. Modest aod unassuming in his manners and dispose tion, he was firm and unshaken ia the most trying emergencies, and brave and undaunt ed fo the hour of dangur. The country bad the benefit of his talesits. skill, and courage, in the memorable engagement on Laki Champlain, where under great disadvantage, iik gained a moat important aod brilliant vie lory. A* a man, fow persons were ever more res liected or esteemed hr theirHcquainlance.or more beloved by their friends. Com. MclJo wiugti was extremely amiable in hit disposi tion and manners, hind and courteous to his neighbors, strict in the performance of the 3-cial and domestic duties of life, and itrong- jy ombned with a reverence for the Christian religion, and faith ofthe Gospel ” FORT OF MAVAM*A*. ARRIVED, Sloop Trader. Luce, 14 days from New York, vie Charleston, with northern pro duce, lo the mister. Steam-bost Georgia, Bowman, Augusta *' days, 1012 hales Cotton, See. to J. Auxe. C. L. Lawrence B. Bnrrengha, S. B. Park- mad. C. G Griowold fcco. S. Wriglit, W. Gaston, J. Gumming. G. B. Lamar,Taft Si Pndrlfard. R, M. Goodwin, UunhanCafo t'aniptield, .and to order, Pauengeri. Messrs. Mallory and Lynch. Pole-boat Richmond, from Augusta, to J. Gouedv—with 582 boles Cotton, to Samuel Wright, G. B. Lamar, Joe. Ause, and E. Bliss. BAILED, Ship Chariot, Pratt, far Liverpool. Schooner Adams. Guest, for Buston. Sloop Mercy. Bollea. for Riceborotigh. CLEAaxn ro* tius ronr, At Philadelphia, 30th ,ult. aebr. Hantitf Si Sarah, Fox. At Charleston, 7th inst. sloop Harriet, Holme*. awniVEti rnow this roar. At Charlestoo, 7th inet. sloop Eagle.IIiil; steam-boat Augusta, Greene. posm. row twe ncoaoiAtt. I know not, when I’m low and sad. Of Cue kind heart to moke me glad, I know not one who would extend A hand, to save a sinking friend. I had a friend, I once belired. Experience proved I »as deceived, Tbe heart that I confided in,. Was full of guile, deceit and sin. That sparkling eye.which once My heart to hnpe and tender ' That form of grace, with movi Huge lout their power over me.’ eupl.d i 9" Id move free, O! woman’s heart ia like tbe plain On which the siroc-blest ie driven, A desert over which in vain, - We seek to find the sweets of Heaven. O. O. O. C. OOMMSRCIAL The arrival at New-York from France, brings no confirmation of the murdem said io have taken piece at Rouen, during tbe visit of Gen. Lafayette to that place. Indeed, iht National Gazelle, received yesterilay. stale- (be (act. confirming our conjectures on tlsr snhjrct.tbat the word translated “ murdered,” was actually mem-trie—that n, bruited. We bare received, from a friend in Pari- several late French papers, comaiRhig de t Ails of tlie reception ofthe Ueneriil in' France. Highly interesting to ui, is we doubt not they will lie to our reader* generally, to wlmse re ocot tnaniCestatians of kmdrie«B to 414 goon General are to be traced Die excitement cm. ed by his re-appourauce in France. W. shall endeavor to furnish Irantlation of sotn, of them io oar next.—/fit. ML In consequence ot several paragraphs hav . mg appeared in the New York papers, on the snbjcct of General Hamilton’s private papers, which syeracil to warrant a euppesi lion that the General had composed some o. the most celebrated public addresses ol'Geu- era! Washington, a correspondent personal ly and intimately acquainted with both, has banded ue the fuijowing Tetparks of fleder at Hamilton, on a former occasion, wheu u similar suggestion wa* mode:— ‘ What an idee! What nonsense !" ob served Hamilton to the present General Ma comb, then Aid-de Camp to the Major an" luepertor General, *• that I or any otfiei should beenpposedtohave written the pub Ue papers of General Washington. Hon little does the world know of that wonder ful man ! So far. my dear Sir, in surb xhsur dity from fact, that ire, the Aid-de-Campe. could not write the most unimportant note, but it roust be submitted to his correction, interlineation, die. Indeed I have pftet been at X logs to detertmuein my own jlnne whether hie services woe most pre-emincti' in tbe Cxbioet or the Field." /rational Journal. The first representation last evening of the Opera of the Barber of*8e»iil was most completely succcaeful. Nev er before within the walls of tlie Park The* tre has -ecb an audience been assembled and never before have .they- resounded h such music. By eight o’cinek (ike .heir jit' which tlie curtain rose) the pit and. boa, were filled to overflowieg— tbe lower adodiju circle* were occupied chiefly by Hegant kqil wnll-drcsaed females; aod if Otir fair Cor respondent Cinderella, was there, *♦' doubt less she wee, it mnathava gratified -her, a„ it did the hoaee at large, to perceive that no unsightly bonnets marred the view of those occupying back eeats, or detracted from the array of beeqteou* and smiling fscey, deck nd in native certs, or embelltahed -with areatha of flowers, nr tasteful turbans. When tlie * cbestra e^Sn tbe <K*t«are a moat gratifiing silence was immediately produced, end continued thrdiighdn't it* pot funaonce; which well roptidUie attention Fi-om the Jf. Y. Shipping and Commercial I.itt, JYoe.30.—^Cotton Barging—Small tales of Hemp Bagging hare been made at 21, and ■ -►me holders demand 22 centa. Hemp, yd JI u.22; Flax, 14 a 17. Colton.—Oar supplies continue very small, and tlie market was never more bare. A Vint 30O bales of new crop U pland< have been sold, since onr last publication, at 15 1-2 to IG cents, mostly for cash, aod Die principal part for exportation. Our manufacturers are not supplied, nor can they be until we have farther arrivals. A lot of 100 hales ot old orop has been sold at 11 1-2 cents.which near ly clears the market of that description. It is believed it wnuid be difficult to pick up an oth*r-IOO bales in the city. The import.since our last, has been.from N.Carolina 153 bales Providence, R. I. 121, Total, 274 Total import, since 1st inst. 3677 bales. Export, from 1st to 23d imt. 2008 hates. Upland ne*>. 15 a 16; Alabama, old, 10 a 12 1-2 ; Tennessee, do. 10 a 12. Rice.—Tbe transactions are rather limited and confined to small parcels, of which a vc rv handsome lot of new brought 4, and one of the same description not as good 3 3-8 efs. per lb. 25 tcs. old and very inferior, were sold at auction at t to 114 els. We do not •liter our quotation*. Import from N. Caro lina 18 tcs. Total, since 1st inst. 876 (cs. .’3 half tcs. Rice, lb. 2 1-4 n 3 3-4. Spirits—A public sale of 53 pipes 1st prf. Holland Gin, inferior, was made, on the26th •it 64 a 65 cents, 3 and 4 months. A lot of 5 pipes Bordeaux Brandy ha- been taken for -.Xpert at equal >d 101 cents, 4 months—a (..nail In', of Antigua Horn was told at 81 eta. 1 months—jplea of Whiskey have been made st 26 a 27 cts. Pure molasses Rum i» scarce utd migtit bring a small advance on oar -rate. tlrandy, Otard’s gallon I. 12 1-2 a 1 25 lo. Bordeaux, 95 a 1; Rum, Jam. 4th proof 65a 13; do. St. Croix, 3.1 do. 80 a 90; do .N. Eng. 1st do 34 a 38; Gin, Hol’d. Schdm 1st proof. 73; do. Swan St Weeap, do. 80 35; do. Country, 32 a 37: Sugars.—The transactions, since oar last nntVe, have been small. We base beard of o sales of sufficient magnitude to notice.— There are but few Box Bogan in market.— >Ve continue the (ame quotations. British 1-land,lb. 9*11; St. Croix,9a tl; N. Or leans, 8 a 10; Havana white, 13 14 ; do. nrowa. 10 a 10 1-2 de. Muscovado. 9 a 10 Porto Rico, 7 1-2 a 10; Lump, 17 a 18 Loaf, 19 a 20. Freight!—To Lircrpoot.—Cotton.sterling. lb. 3 8d a t-2d; Rice, tierce, 8s a 8* 6d — TblAe ContmaU— 1 1-2 a 13-4 cts. K ice, 60*. Baden, /oe. 26.—Cotton—Per lb. 6 mas Upland and Alabama. 12 1-2a 16eta; New Orleans, 10 a 23 ot*. 30 bale* of new Upland Cotton hare been sold in small parcels, at 15 a 15 1-2 eta per lb 6 mo*. * Hire—Carolina 2x3 3-4 per lb. 4 a 8 mat. The only wire of Rice worth naming are those at auction 23d Nov. Vis.—60 casks old good, 2 eta per Ik 4 months. Petenhwrg, Dec. 2—Cotton.—The last new* from Europe is more favorable, and consequently fresh anitnitina in given to o«r Market. The article since out lari PUBLIC JIOTARY Mitchell, as ■ compting-room, * 5-jw-w*. w-wcsyss'ial The ship Augusta, sailed fur this port from New-York, 29th nit. The following 1* tbe description of the wreck of a large schooner ditcovered float ing near Sspelo Island by a Darieu Piln wi'.b 00 person an board, ‘ her mast, head,. It bowsprit painted light yellow, floating along Hide, and hanging hy the lanyards; the stand rigging very large, and her wa'at wa also light yellow, about- fourteen inchm wide, and apparently a new vessel. She appeared to be broken uff hy the break of tbe quarter deck, as no stern was to he seen.” Rwhtpuia. Jf. B Oct. 14.—Arrived brio Angeliee, Capt. Corley, from Lancaster, 44 days. Extract from the Log book. On Wednesday, the 5*h Jnat. (October) nt 5 o’clock A. M. lot. 46, 40 north, long. 58, 30 west, the wind blowing hard from the S. S. W. hnsy and very dark, under close reeled topsails, running at the rate of 84 knots an hour, t vessel hove in sight; eve ry exertion made to prevent us running on hoard- of her, but in vain—we struck her on her larboard hnw with nnr starboard bow which knocked it in. She almost immedi ately sunk, apd it was with difficulty the crew, 15 in number, were anved. She N. RODERICK wq*. M’tiNNok B.-Bonds, Deeds. Certified 15 . <4her Document*, hendsomriy JM I Vellum, Parchment 0, made out, ned Book* PoeteTlor Jr° VM ' may not feel disposed^ ‘L!? - , regular clerk*. R.W^ Uw 10 Its FA/fVY COSMETIC SOApT' T HE renewing very jape^ , perfumed Soapa, of the latest i-T 1 ! I tkin. fern Lew’s Manefacior. rILy ‘ 1 Bengain Soap, Musk Saap**^'I Ekmelek Rose Violet Olive- Vegetable Ceylon Bandana 00 Vernacular fo do Ciaoamoo do VerSce do' , ssastH do Palm ^ „ ... , do Palmvrin. do Eg. Wind*™ do Transp’eat do Naples Shaving Soap i u ^ French Cremeljc Almond rod Veget ble Wash Ball. And a supply of genuine Micro, Russia and Antique Oils And very superior Cologne Wat.,. great variety " have just been received and for sale low 1. I.AV k HENDRICKSON, Urugpj fi Dec 10 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 6|7HE first regular uiecliiir for tl,,. L- A ol the •“ Georgia Airriraiiursl ro , „ --- Agricuiiurnl Swim 1 of Savannah " will hr held m tlie p„. h ‘ } i“ xi -a Dpc 10 WM. P. MARSHALL,Sc: r , tACTUHAOE 1 ml COMMISSION itr I SI/ESS. I T HE subscriber offers his services to ki I friends and the public, in the PM I forage & commission business! Mis Counting-Room is in Junes’ Dull,tins WM. COWEI.C Dor 10 I4!f htUCKaiUKL. q BARRELS No. 3 MackareLjastm I VX CP Cured uud fur -ale low. if applied f„ I Iimiieuiately, by WILLIAM CU.tVKuJ Juoe>’ Buildinn. Dec 10 Hi COFFEE. J UST received. 60 Uags, IS Barrels Cs ba Coffee. Apply to J.B HER BERT A CO. Dec lu proved to be the brig Frienda. of North I him an elegant selection from the latest ia- Shields. John Ridley, master, from Quebec. I porcatione of fell goods and feebiqae. esoag bound to Chipslow, timber laden. Next »hic.h are- day apoke the brifl Aorora, bound to South ampton—put the master, mote, and three bovs of the Friends on board.” The Agelin* injured her bowsprit end was ceoaiderably damaged by th 1 shock. FOR LIVERPOOL, The staunch fait sailing ship NIAGARA, Vcnnard, Matter. For freight, apply to the master on board, at A. Low It Co’s. Wharf.. Dec 10 I4n THIRD COMPANY ORDERS. An election is hereby or dered to be held at the office of Justice Russell, THIS DAY. the tenlh day .of December for Ensign, vine Martin Hathaway, prepmted Poll to be open atten o’clock. A. M. •By order of C. H. HAYDEN. Captain 3d Comp. 6Ulb Bat. G. M Dec 10 4 66 1001” A REGULAR meeting of “Thousand and Oue.”.wHI be held at their room THIS EVENING, at SEVEN O’CLOCK. Members are particularly requested to at tend in time', as business will be gone through with, which requires their attendance. By order of the Noble. F • 1 H, Sec’ry. pro tern. Dec. 10.(1825. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD, W ILL be paid for the apprehension and deliver)' in the jail at Abbeville Court House,South Carolina, of HENRVISHAM. formerly of New-London, Connecticut, who feloniously broke upen mv trunk,, and atole therefrom my pocket book and money to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars, in Boutl, Caroline, Darien and North Carolina mon ey. He absconded from this place on the 28th ult. haring on at the time, n very, light drafi coat, with cape*, aad dove coloured striped cassimere pantaloon*—he ie about (oar feet ten inches high, light complected, and in hie conversation is always inclined 10 smiling—he formerly resided In Augusta. He kept at bay the officers of jastice who were about to apprehend him. with leaded pistols. SAMUEL GOLDSMITH. Abbeville, C. H. No* 29, 1825. FT The Charleston Courier, the Coldm bi* Teteecope. the Milledgevills Recorder. Savannah Georgian, had the Connecticut Mirror, will give the above six interlines and forward their accounts to the office of Ihe Washington Naira, Geo. for peyment. Dec 10 1 14l NOTICE; A N election far an Aldqnnan) in the piece of Dr. Wm. R. Waring, whose seat hat become vacated by absence from the city, will be held »t th* Conrt-Hquse on the 30tb inet. Tbe Marshall and City 8bcriff, will attend tn preserve order. SOLOMON COHEN, C' torn. Dec 10 r JA.WLS WKIaLsV MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE CITY-HOTEL, R espectfully informs hi* trimb I and customers, that he has just return. •d from the North, sod lias brought will Super Bine, Black, Olive, Green. Or- ford Mixt, and London Smoke Vel vet Cloths Do. Blue. Black and 1 variety of Futy Colored Cassimeres An elegant assortment of figured aad striped Velveteen Vestings Do. Black Silk, and a variety of Fane) Colours All of which will be made tn musfure sa a short notice, sud iu the ueatrst and mud lasliioiiahle style. Also, a large and extensive assortment 0 READY MADE CLOTHING, cnmpri.-iiig every article in bis line for Gif* tleuicnG Dress, and made expressly for th* market, under hisqwu siiperiiilcndriire. Also, a complete assortment of FANd ARTICLES in his line, consisting ui put as follows: Patent Leather Stocks, do Bolivit Patent Roller Suspender* Rest W'codstock Gloves Do. Black Horse Skin do. Colored Elastic Tops do. Do. Fashionable Bolivar Crarats Rut-man Belts, Flag Handkerclur'li Nov 17 . FORTY DOLLARS REWARD. 4 BSSCONDED on the 26th of last nwntli, from the service of hisowncr Mr. jioM Pringle, a Negro Man named INA.U . # !l ° also calls hiri-self Isaac Hammond. Hr 11 about 30 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inclo is height, of a slim make, and of a very DA skin, and was boro in thi* country. Be * Waiting man, and occasionally a Tailor.»’« Coachman. He had on wlien be went»» *f • a black broad doth Coal and blue PanlaMs but carried other costs and clothes. It 11 supposed lliat the said Negro may have P 1( 8 away with a young Mulatto Mau, named J*” ry, who assume* tlie name of Jerry n™*"’ and who absented himself, on the nne ”1' It is suspected that they may try to t«»n themselves of forged passes or 0,l, ir to prevent their apprebeosioo. The,am" reward will be paid for the apprehemmo « the said Isaac, and delivery of liim »t ^ Tradd street. or at the Work-Home a Charleston, or by Petit DeViltew* Fact Savannah, on the nrgkt It*»e bring S in the Jail of that City. Nov. 21 Stof. IU- book-keeping. At . M r. PRESTON. respeclfall/ » cl l 0 “ " the Yeung Gendpmcn of this cf, that he has opened an the purpose of teaching tbe art « Keeping by Donbto Entiy. Leewjf Market, where he will be happy Orel be given every evening in ■? cc tJt'°pl^ to n the full cnoree be completed. Mr.f may be found nt nil hour* of lhodiy, *t ^ Scsnocb Boardingjputo, ^ *|r«> upon thee* deairons to pertset ^ in that important branch of ro * rc ‘"V- i , 1 ucatioB - TltSrira upon application. Reference* uoea «r« IZFORMATIOJf lYA/fTED- $ n BALES COTTON «£•$*,*, IL the 5th inst. at Smith’s ffbartW” (he boat Edwerd BcweU. froinAejW , JJJ jt , * COBPf*^ . re. which the name of th* ted in the freight fiat. The pmro»_ eeived the rams who’*’ »*<»*