Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 21, 1825, Image 2
Raw*" tSmmx, OAY MORNING. UEC. 21. Tba Mail torn* WMfctar- tba VkhiMt- did aaurrir* last araatog. vmt yteailg »• •** vMm« tba Congreasio*S| IKHrfip or Uw fcy pitta* , tMm frot#, Miltodfevitto, racaivad oa Saturday. ■lartin ~* that Governor Taous wwaartoMi| indtopoaad. baiw# are happy te toaraftom the Repobttcao of last evening, that' aaeoanta baaa aiaca bean received. Mating bieoonvaleeenee and eapeetad abfl ty la a Taw daya to attend to boaiaaao. loan Titan, haa bean elaoted Governor at the State of Virginia, by a majority of SI vote* over bia opponent Gan. Ftpro. , APT enow Have**.—Gar aerroa-faiaae wen awtertaiaod of the tra enact tea arnaaco «a mabflcoattant at H*»a*a. baa van ton* tba eab- He was apprised nf laa* danger, oaefmaadbia acw loan daatined to reim Huiaed iuUlligeaa* of the surrender af Ihi.jgum. bntmidhebadbeen&dneedtodowbal baree the five per ceatt. iato CawtooflfcJ-aa de U/faa 10 tba Ma*P»" habaddonaby tbeperanaafanaaedlbnawof tribalad to the ecarehy of money, on a* Ann. Tbiaovent efoaw tba damniaa ot Eroding. Tba perwo loirlncb ttoseoale*. aaanlaftbe grant aaatber at booma aaw Npaia mail tba ragMoaartba North Ameri Uoa waa nmdo, prwnwad oat of tendenaavta coaotractiag. lean Continent, end when tba Forum* ol Uie family, not to bacny htntaadhe left Bne- Gas*. LteSpiMt.—Ctpt ARya baa paHtoty l Callao ia reduced. wbieh resist apaeddy Jbo Ua. Changing Wo aaam, be want to Key favortd ae with tba following attract of a | theatre. then will oof boa apot oq the I Wapf, (Tbaapaonb Island.) where aotwrtb- letter Iton Goa. ItefsyeltoT which bb r*. vshoto of North aad Smith America wboca I Handing the disguise ba bad wsumad, ha waa calved oa Ibo aba af hie depnrlore, dated I tba tag of Castilla and Laoo cap wave aa alreapeeled, apprehended and broft before cap- “JteGrmvt, Oct. 38, 1826.—Hare teleign p"Boverei*»ty. The ram ant nf thaliato W«af Urn nary, than oa that ataUoo, my laat tartar, aad I steak I aoald send away 1 oaea net domistoa# of Spare in the New I and by whom be waa brought into the Cbeaw other* along with it; but tba presaaes of I World, in now made op of the Island* ol I pe*h* and mrreadarad tolha etvtl aatbonty. •vacations oa ay antral, and a hind ooa-1 Cuba end Porto Rico, over which eh* bold* I To captain Mi* ha achuowladgrd hti rael cearaa of friend*, have aornaeb aacroached | a weak aad abort-lived dominioa. I oaiae.oonfmead tba offence impaled to him, on my tiaie, that I most depend epon yoa] CoarUnm Mertary I InM charged it all to Frodiag. In Mo pocket toi%rm my New-York cetrwy.odonta that Blrt wet of, letter, dated Havana. Doe. d, I »• **•'* *** to H oor fnondc. iAjs...,. y,* will l»vn beard long era thia, | tehJZfcTdfaMterf •hat Ibopo they do act aueteton, that wa|,rf lhe failure of thoeipi.dttion.acnt hence > gg?” OK?* awinwwnlly tfcinllagrflKamiwitbheartef^w^wtbeCaatleorifc, Juan da Ullaa F.T^^lm^irT. OffiTrs far loll ofafleeboa and gratitude,” ami will More b. prepared to hoar of ft £2Trew ^ - ""™ * „ I surrender. The intelligence we received! . fl V ” vefrfUe"..te^ V rifflySi | ' he “~** ubri «£"‘' V * ^Wa^fJ*TlCprim.wla.hmn A Harrs Cuowfar af the fat, give* a owe pa rat rite statement af th* Cottas Market on the Slat af October. IH4 aad IMS. From this It appears that tba waneru thte year ere U .<30 bag* he thaa laat year, aad the slock oa band at tbeahore del* waa 8713 lea*. The adraao* withia tba amalb war estima ted at three tons, aa Geargia Upland* of ordi nary quality, wbieb were wed at t4 to 84 1-3 were taken ap readily at 37 Iq 37 I -3. loop price, and other daacriptioaa in the urn* pro Thu writer add*—** The find arrival* uf the new crop will, without lor doubt, do well in oar market, and w* calculate apou 33 far new Upland* and Alabama, nf good quality How far that price can be meintaiaed dc pendi. of course, on the shi|Hneat coming from your aide, sod the abondane* of yuar Commodores Bainhridft and Biddle, ari (Wad at Petorabnrg, Vir. on the 9th Indt. ^rjwrn a public die oar waa offered them aad Th# New-York papora aay—“General Scott took command of this district oti Thursday. Hi* drat visit to Governor’s Is laod was annooncad by a saint*. General Gaines proceed* immediately to his new post, fin. the City of Washington.*! Th# number of inhabitant* of the twelve Ward* of th* city of Nuw-York, is l<3*I9l< scenery, which muot hav* been got apt Mexicans are sanding back tlie Marneou, in at a very great aspens. Tli* Morning I two British va.sela. It connate of only 851 Herald say* the inelodramatist has takab man. fit for duty, and abut 1W sick; at pretty considerably large libertieilwitli thw 1 th*> rest, (abont J6d) die.l of the Scurvy, character* ol'lhe novelist; and ha*oontriv | .. Tire reduction oflhs fartreaa, will, no] od to exalt Old England, and it* Navy, at I doobt, have an important effect towasds tin. the expense of brother Jonathon, most un- I recoftiitiou ot that country by Spain ceremoniously. He htemsde ail the Amer | s An American eehr. the II iroillo*. det icons sneaking poltroon*, with the phrascol- etched hence, with provisione for the Ue* . c”" ogy of “Mr. Jonathan W. Donbihina ; w — i| e< arrived a few hoor* after the Capitulh- u whilst the tnpaiieet Englishman in tlie piece ,i on wu a ig m d. She was seised by tin- *?KVoffence ta a thundering, Vsnkee-dcipising hero; I Mexicans for breach of blockade, blit af oversowing at every turn with gasconade* | terwarda restored and has returned litre. Market* vary dull for American pro unquestionable invincibility of the British I duee ” Navy. This gasconading ia, or ought to he un-English ; at all event*, it ia decidedly I 8 , c. Uoisi.AToaa—Bdtract of a letter ilnp-tnp-uh, and ought to have been avoid od; but thia apart, the piece has much mt-r it. The scenery is really beautiful, panic ularly a marine view hy moonlight; and a in the spoil. The deatrncliou of property and the exposure of human life under such cirrainetate* has been thought in coinmer ci*l communities to merit capital punish ment. Without the heaviest penalties the property of the mercantile clam, and the ca pital of Inanrance Companies, would be too nucb exposed to the cupidity of individuals grounds upon which the pea i attached in the commission of t'he offence Let the case of Amedy be a warning to other* who may be, lib* him,teinpted to err. The public have been appriaed of the Inas of a packet containing money, that was nailed at Fayetteville for Newborn. N. C. on !i'd the 9thofApril,t8l4, of it. long duappear- daled Columbia. 15th Dec The debait | tnrc> lm| uf ^, recel)t rec0 ,ery. We are happy to have it in our power lo '' Respecting the confinement of the two young men, in Barclay-Street, Now-York, by theif Itther, it appears that Ibay ware actually in a state of derangement. A mod ipal . gentlemen-has assured the editor* of the American, that the degree of confine meut used, ia not more thaa ia indiapenu hie, and that th* apartment* and tho condi lion nf tbo unhappy maniacs are as clean and comfortable a* th* atreitened circmn i of their parent will admit. repreaontalion of a vcaaol endeavoring to avoid a laa shore in a storm, approaches th* sublime. A Good Dmict—A book is said to have iust appeared in London, without Hie title imgw. designation, or printer’! name, con I state, that ir* detention is ascertained to nave ATTACHMENT BALE. ■ Will b* sold on Taeslay 7th iaM. in fraat af thj £ kaage.attbehourofno’^ a* Stoop Bant, burthen ,b.- i bar aail* end rigging, a ,h, now toy* at tba tower * td of Beettb Wharf tile tons.WKb aow lays dll Attaekmaat M tba btotaaM af Thom Will «T John Robbia., ui sold hy older of Jaatie* RusaeU. •old hy Dec 31 ■MieaBaaaeU. J- A. RUCKH1LL, C.C.C *3| Thereto* far October amouated to 13,300 bag* Havre, Oct, 31.—Cottons are in good de mand; the sales of thia mooli, amount to IX.- 300 bales, and the stock Dow remaining oa: above 10.800 of all descriptions. Alabama Mobile and Tennessee, I 35 a 145; Georgia Unland, I SO a I 50 ; New Orloam, I 50 n I 70; Sea Island. 3 50 a 3 35; Klee, Caiuli na, 49*30. Tobacco uncertain; no stock on hand. The nest government eootraci will take place in March and April. Gift AJfD BAGGING. T HE Snbaeribev ofiera far lain lt y* Store No. (, Bohonb Range, the fcj. lowing article*, on reasonable terais: 40 Bbh heal Jeacbe’a Gia 30 da Whiskey do • Tun* Bweeda Iren 10 Bags Green Coffee 70 M. Spanish Began 3 Hbds Grren Copperas 300 Kearns Wrapiag Paper «0 do Writing * do 10 do Letter do UO Pieces beet 43 Inch Heme Danin* 30 Bales Pleids and Shirting * 30 M. Dutch Quill* WM. BOWERS. Gtosgow CWton Mirktt. Abe. fa—The de mand for Cotton ibis week haa bean very li milled—prices are witlmut alteration. Tin sales amount lo oaly 3d I bale! as bllowa—63 Sea Island!. 17,1 fair to 30 good ; 6 do. Bow ads ltd fair to good, 109 Bowed* 8 I il mid dling fair, Od fair, to lOd good ; 47 Orleans 83-44 ordinary, to I ' 3-td fair; 40 Demer* res 13d fair, to 13 t-4d good fair; <7 Egyo tain 13 5-8d fair, to 13 3-4d good ; 19 Sorats 7 I -8d fair, to 7 I -3d good fair. Iinjiorted from Denmrara 310 bales. nquiry were addressed, we I understand, by the Post Master General lo I all the Post Matters on the several route* I between the two places, far an answer to I one of which it appears, tbut on the remo- jvalof a Post Office desk in October laat, thr- I packet was found unopened boiween tin | desk and the wall, and that it was iannedi- We further learn that the management 1 of tine office lias always exhibited diligence I snd fidelity, and that the character of the I Post Maeter is held in high esteem by his I neighbours, and by distinguished citixeus of I his Stale.—Aid. Journal. Naw-Yona, Dse. 10,—totut from Eng Joed.—The packet ship York. Captain Bv ISH, arrived yesterday,sailed from Cowe* on hetthult We are indebted to Captain R. far the British Tnmller of the evening of the 7th. being one day later than onr advices by the Mcnchttler. hot irado not diaooversoy *aw s of qmmeut. A Cablnat Council was expected to be summoned in the course ot the week. A very emioeet City Solicitor taddeoly disappeared on the 5th alt. which oaasad Vdry geaaral cearervadoa. Hit djsappaaraiict was occa-osted hv pseualary ambsrrasMbanta. It.waa reported that a new Court of Bank ruptcy was to be eitshlidied, at the head of 1 which three Cemniinionera weald ba planed, Who were to take lhe whole of that buiioesi, from the Court uf Chancery. A Lmdon paper mentions the diicorery of U nmnW nf valuable manuscript letters, writ fan hy highly distinguished individuals, and other ropfouB documents, relating to an inter- eating period of Eugliih history. They are likely to be pnblialied under the title of the “Twywlea Paiier** The new King of Bavaria has appointsd a Committee, over which he preaidea in person the duly of wbieh » to ascertain .and to re •ommend livery poaijhle rednetion in the military eslablisliniont of the country. A toiler from C*loutta, of Mey, 30lh, says, the wand* drawing to a dose, and tlie Bur- mein are dying in all direction!. A»a. and Ummarapoare only remaie to ba token poi- •essiun of, pud Ilia initant Ilia Britiib army move! forward, they art safe to ba evacua ted,” Mr.i.iicnoi.r Shipwrick -The Ogle Casll" East Indinrntn, of' abont 600 tons, honiew ird hound, stuck on Goodwin, Bunds, on the 3d of November, in a gale of wind. When the crow and passnngars. supposed to ksi between 30 and.lO, all peril bed.. Deni boats wont tout to their assistance, Boil ap proached the wreck within one hundred yards, but the danger of going alongside becoming entry moment greater, they were compelled, after five hour* exertion, to aban don the unhappy people to their lino on their own shore, and as it ware within sight of home. We recommend the following to those in upon Mr. Prioleaab resolutions and ‘Judg Smith's amendment, occupied the Hous five this afternoon. After a long «"< I W„Vbe"*tlectafaccident oniirely. warm debate. Mr. Pnoleau’, preamble and ^ M iliqulry wer „ addressed, r<so n'ltms were etrikrn out and Judg, 1 ' 3 Smiih’i suhetitiited. A strong effort war made to repeat the proceedings of the laat ■ ~ m ■ . rear. . After near two days’debate, it win mating entirely of a list of men nt*ori»ue discovered that ihe Leg.Haiure had nothing about town for running in debt and not pay to< i 0 w jih the subject, and a motion wu ittg; or, as tho phrase among litem is, nor I M)f ,de to a.^k l-iovo tr. he dircfiar;eil f ont tli- caring isAort/rn. The first number coo- r.onsideratiuu of tho origmsl rsolutinns. n, tt , ... - it . tains 4,000 ofanch nnrooe, greatly to the an- we || „ ,| )e amendment. Dot the Bouim I fo visd l tU ,U noyance nf many, who may perhaps be thus I resolved to apt-air, and they have spoken to shamed into honesty. Il to threatened to | jng u,gH that will silancc the -• Oba .-v- r." bo continued periodically. I wiw, k0 confidently predicted, that the ori Account* hpve been received from St. » ltin i rosulutions met the views of a Isrg- Helena, to the 3d September. They rnen- „„j orl iy 0 f the House. The preamble ton that the Horslia. country brig, naptaiu I alM j rerolulioni of Mr. Smith, were in )akley t had boen blown up there and every 1,1* lroa 0 y fashioned Republicamtyle soul on board perished Capt Oakley, how-1 Upon tlie qnestiuo, “That it waatnex- tver, hilnsc-lf. was fortunately on eh,ire at I pedient at this time to act upon either of the he time, and thus escaped the dreadful fate I Resolution!,” the House decided, that it na I tcrosled. as there is no doubt that a like de- of her crew. high time to express their opinion ; end at-1 cteion would be made by our Count of Jus The Buron of Renfrew, it is asoertained. I though the vest and nays were called fa . Lttce under similar circumstances: has been driven ashore op the coast all the majority was decided, coinpreheudu I “ A cue ol some importance to manors Prance, a few miles from Caltis where she I near two thirds of the Huuse. A more dcoid-1 and mistresaea, waa recently decided in Lon- has gono to pieces. A timber merchant of | ed expression of the politics of the Stale tvs-1 don. A grocer summoned Mr. Btiles, a Calais, who haa come to England, states I nevet had, nnd it confirms tlie opinion of the rchemiet, for the payment of eight shillings, that be hud employed all the craft be could I old Republicans who always insisted, tha I fur goods had by a woman representing her- get. and several hundred people to save her 1 Ihoee who lauded (he splendour of a “ Na-1 self as being in Mr. Styles’ service, which cargo, of which, he believes, very little will I 'tonal Government," were lets numerous aad Ihefcfaaed to pay, on the ground that the be lost. He mention* that several thousand leas influential Umn they pretended. I woman bed left his service some time past, of the French people came down to the coast I sere* I and csinaeqnently the goods were not had flora curiosity tosasiuch an immense raft I —The article of cotton thf I furhimk The Court, however, decided in on they.hare. • L^^ur JuHiem JStMrM^’ol favor of th. grocr, 0. the principle, faat Mr. Radoltfie. hutbsnd of tbe late Mrs „ th , m , , 0 u, hr( , u(fh , int „ requisitmt, » P^ 0 " “ n3m R » •?"»"* • » ,,0 P for Radchlfa. author of Tha Myatortes of Udol- for , Bew nnd „| uaWe p„rpo«a. We learn t,me *° t,me ’ P»>>ng one pho, Tlie Italian. The Roman je ol the For- from , providence paper that Samuel Greene, ” boond - on , Jj»‘•« rv ® nl ,e,v,n ? h,,n - cat, tie. and who died about the year 1833,1 (lf p aw i,ixet (R. I.) hat received a preiniu-n t0 K‘ Tr notice to all his tradesmen not to lot has at length, though very reluctantly, con- „ th , exhibition of manufacturea in that 1« r haT '’ moregoodaon his account. If he aented tn publish a Romance, which this cel- MatCi f or making- cotton cod lines. It is sta I''°™ nnt do thl9 ’ , h *'* ,la,l,e ,or any account ebrated.lady left, behind her, and which, re- lel i that they outlasted the hempen line, port sutes, will be found quite worthy of j amplo ye«l for the same purpose. The inven- her fame. , I lortliinka.ibat cotton cables would he more Lord Cochrane having been accused of dui oble than hempen, piwseis more elasticity and the threads being much finer and man- thousands twined tngother, would be stronger The inventor thus speaks on the difforeuc- Extract of a letter, dated “ Havana, 9th Dec- 1835.—“We hive bad no arrivals from your port since the brig Catherine. •• A small cargo of Rice would now d< well; but were any quantity to arrive, i would cause a decline in price. Purchasers are (now that the holidays are fast apprnxi mating)disposed to he cautious how they buy. so as not lo dc caught with two large a quantity on hand laid in at high prices. “ We submit a few quotations : “ Flour $13 a 13). nominal and dull Hams. £13 a 15 per qql; Lard 15 a 16 Rico £>j a 6 far new; Wine, Bordeaux V* a 35. do. Marseille IS a f7, abundant. ■■ Export—Coffee $9 a It, as tn quality Molasw* 4 a 6reil«-, Muscovado U^ar norn brown a 6 j, - -ilte 7 a 3. Exckn.ige—On U. 8. 5 a 6, adv. : Dol lars, 5 a 6 do." , I she may run up in his name, at shop* she I had been accustomed te fetch goods front for his use. while she was in his service.” Foom Fuascr — Aits- York .December 10. Tho packet ship Cudmue, Cspt. Allyn, ar rived yesterday morning from Havre, hav ing sailed on the 4th silt. - The Mbntqbo arrived mu on tho 3d tilt from this port. A Havre paper of the 4th uU. asserts that a Convention'was signed at Paris qn the JlsIOct. lintwoen tbe French Governmont •ml the Deputies from Hsyti, by which the privilege of the half duties on imports snd French vessels, Is extended to the Whole island of St Domingo, instesd of be ing caHfinqd to the old Fronoh part.. It to *1*0 kjpehd, that the discriminating duties on the Iqiports into France, ahull extend tn all tha- products of Hayti, with the exception of sugar—that is tosay, these pro duolsons are to pay one half the duties in Frahre si are imposed on productions of tM ••’’to kind from Fretich Colonies and tether countries. W Tha Faria papers stole tint Mr. Brown, at Minister,had given s grand dinner to th< Cabinet Minister, and the Foreign Ambus •dorp. Tbit Berlin, Maritime Commercial Socie ty hbve built, equipped, nnd laden, two urge vcssslstfafth# Pfaw Status of South jkmerica. Ono.ofthsm tho Princess Lou a*. »*i|s<) from 'Bwinemundp on thn I3tb nttimo. 1 " r 1 A l.-ttor from Vienna sthtes, that the Cip- tainsnf Austrian merchant Veaasla have re- eotoad orders ffom tha Government not to allow their snipe to be visited by Greek aHharf TUlflll. Fahk,Ao». t .-'Th* five per cents have - impNveit to price. Thc thrOe per cents. ot\ tba .contrary, far the end oftlre month hav* •one down. Tbs cause of the fall ia by &RXsaid to ba th* utaotiwi of the great nap not paying some of the seamen or officers of the Ptrangu, who accompanied him to Eng land, haa addressed the fallowing note to the editor nf tbe Liverpool Mercury: -• I am not the paymaster nf the Brazilian Governmont, otherwise 1 should havo paid myself; and I can give you no information how to recover your dues not being able to get my own.” A Loudon paper asserts, that England produces more national wealth than France, Kuseia, and America put together. The produce of England u nearly 37 millions sterling. France about IA millions. Ameri- ca nearly 11 millions, and Russia between 8 and 9 millions. '’oegregor.—Letters from Paris mention that the noted Caeiquo of Pnyais haa cut and run. After a series of dexterous in trigues. his Highness tho Prince of the Mos quito Shore has succeeded in getting a vos sel at Havre, on board of which he was ve- iy-humanely shipping s number of deluded French families,to whom he lied must boun teously dealt out extensive tracts of rich luxuriant lands in Poyais. overflowing with milk and honey. The French Police, who arc not, perhaps, so delicate, on these sub jects, as the English. Adding that his -High unis was about to add to tho long list of victims hu had already made, sent to arrei-i him, together with his 8ecretari«s. Two of tbe latter were secured; but bin High- newt, being informed, by a servant, uf wnat was pasting, had the good luck to escape.— His carriages, it would seem,were seized and sold, a few daya previous to thia event. between cotton cables and those made alllom her voice nnd became completely dumb hemp:—Bull. Amer. “As to the oomparative(eoet between cord- age of hemp or cotton, there being no tar in tlie ootlon and the weight much lei! for tbe same strength of rope. 1 should think nearly half lets) it ctn in fact ho afforded at a chstip-1 a m nnth ago she embarked on board the er rate, snd from its being so in teh more do rahle will lorn out much more economical Thus if the price of a pound of cotton yarn u two shillings, one half the weight being re- one shilling; and if it will laat six times long er. this will reduce it to three cents, and il l It is astonishing to read of the increase of building in the already overgrown city of London, and half a century lieune, should the spirit of iinprnvinenl keep pace with that displayed at the present moment, jhe epee- taelo which il will present, must be the most magnificent of any in the world. A recent London paper says— ‘ “The rage far building in the vicinity ol the metropolis, continues unabated. Tlie extensive tract of ground between Milbank and Chelsea, which has long supplied the London Markets with some oftheir host snd earliest vegetables, has been lately let on u building lease, by Earl Groavenur, lo Mr Cubitt, tha builder of Gray’s Inn Lane.who has deKvured in a plan uf 5000 house* to bo here erected, The market gardeners by whom they are at. pit ont occupied, have rechived notice to quit ” It to proposed to erect's breakwater in tho Delaware Jliv. During thn last twen ty-three months. Ally-one wrecks or partial Wreck* have occurred ill the Delaware, within a few miles nf tha point whore it it proposed to erect a breakwater i and it is said tbe United States lisa, within ij law Duwntsess cirazn nr Stzsm.—Between two and three months ago, a young girl, who belongs to a respectable family in Edinburgh incomei. The moat eminent of the faculty there de dared that they could do nothing far her,— Her friends resolyed that she should take •he advice of Sir Aetley Cooper, and about Edinburgh Culls steam packet for that purpose. The machinery of the engine be- :itme deranged on her way, and an alarm was spread amongst some of the female pas- quire.] for cotton cordage, will reduce il to „ PIIgors thaUhe boiler was about to buret The fright of tho poor girl was so great as Co hav a powerful effect upon her disorder. serves yens vessel in a gale wheo hemp] ghe cried aloud, end suddenly recovered would not do it, it will be reduced compare lively to nothing. The cotton yam for cor t ege need not be finer than seven or eight, and if properly spun in the factories I cun make the cordage at g i per hundred weight I think cotton will answer belter than b- m for every kind of use. where hemp is oow ta ken—far careening falls, bolt ropes. wf|-„l warps, Ac. and if this he a fact, tbe runner it is reduced to practice the better it will tie ftn the economy and safely of vet-els and Hi -he use of her tongue, which she exercised sufficiently until her return home, no doubt in tier tho apprehension, that if she did not Dure might be danger ofarolapse- Fbkz Maionrt.—If we wore fa argue uni tbe course pursued ill despotic Europe, ..gainst the Society of Free Momne, we should judge that the establishment of a irnnd Lodge in Mexico, wit so officers are Dec 31 33s| HOWARD IjrSVRAJTCE COJtPAJYY, sre-issi. I NCORPORATED by tbe Legislature of tbe Bute of New-York. far the purpose of insuring Homeland other Bmhlmgt, Vn. eelt sis Port and their Cameo, MenKmlm and other Penonat Property, ' AGAINST LOSS or DAMAGE by FIRE, and also to insure Femtio and Mtrchmulii# again* the Hazard! of Inland Jfotigaliun or Trawportatiun. Capital Stock *00,000 BOLLS. which has all been paid iq CASH, am] tha public may rely with confidence upon the whole aum being always available to meet it-engage menu R. HAVENS, Fresh. Tho subscriber hiving been appointed Agent far the above Company, will inrun against Lore by Fire, and Haaurd ol Inlmd Navigation, as' set forth in the proceeding iropokals, mi as favorable terms as can be Jone in this city. 8. C. DUNNING. Agent far Hnoord tniuranre Ompnay. N B.—Persons living in the cauutiy c«B have insurance effected by addressing tha Agent, giving a description of the premise* to be insured, post paid. Dec 31 3 t||a. From the Nho-York Shipping nnd Com mercial LiH, Dee. 10—Cotton Bagging— The market remains without change.— Hemp. yd. 30 a 31 ; Flax, 14 a 17. Cotton—The arrivals, since our last re tort. have been pretty numerous, which has iaM the effect lo depress the market. The •ales amount to about 300 bales, coniisliDg of about ISO handaoma new crop New Or leans at 18 cents, eiah—and the remainder new Uplands, principally at I5| to 15j eta cash We continue the range of our quo tatinne far the present. Advice* from Ha vre to 4th November; received yesterday by the Cadmus, stale an advance in that mar- ket of about 3 cents. The Import,aiuce our last, has been—from PORK. GIJY, tec. QA BARRELS MESS FORK OU 50 Barreto Rutenburgb Gib 10 Hngalieada do do 30 Barrels New-Englaud Rum 15 Hogsheads do do 10 Qr. Casks Currant Win* 40 Barrels Whiskey ' 30 Barrels Northern Gin 30 Boxes Sperm Candles 5 Pipes Domestic Brandy 10 Barrels Cidar I Bale Corks 50 Boxes td quality Soap 10 M. Spanish Began 5 Boxes No. 10 Cotton Canto For sale by S. C. GRKENB.- Dee 19 3lp| New-Orleana, 364 Alabama, 56 Georgia, 311 Snuth-Carnlina, 6U3 North-Carolina, 817 Virginia, 373 Total, 3204 Tots) Import, since 1st inst. 3057 hto. Export, from 1st to 7th inst. 646 bis New Orleans, new. 18; Upland, new, 15 a 16; Upland, 15 a 16; Alabama, old, 10 a il; Tennessee, do. 10 a 12. flice—Sinn* our last report there lias been good demand for this article, and 200 tea. of old have been 'disposed uf at 3 j, 4 month, —80 tes, of old, fresh beat, at 2 j a 2i—about 100 tea. new at 3{, 4 months, aad a fow lev. as high as 4 cents per lb. Wu do not aim onr quotation*. The Import has been, from 8. Carolina 428 tea; 49 half tcs.; North Carolina 66 tcs. Total, since 1st inst. 67U tcs. snd 72 half tcs. Rice, lb. 211 3? Freighti—To Liverpool, Cotton, lb. J a id-; Rice, tierce 8s. a Ks 6d. To the Con tinent, Cotton, lb. 1 j a Ijf cents ; Rice, 60s BUTTER. SMOKED BEEF, tec. Received by thipt Statira and Ltmioa .Vs- tilda, 1 ft FIRKINS BUTTER lv 3 Barrels Smoked Beef 3 do Hama It Half barrels Meis Beef 13 Boxes Raisins, new 6 Barrels Sorgeutb Cracker* 1 Pipe Metbeglio 3 Bags Almonds I Haifbbls. Buckwheat Flour which together with tbeir general assort ment, the subscribers offer on retsonibla erms. A. Si J. CHAMPION. NnV 29 ' t 4 " crews. I have thoroughly tried it on a >»■' | the first men in the natiou, was a favorable far bolt rope, aud find it to answer every pnr- poie.“ Capt. A mi nr. t.—The Richmond Enquir er gives the following sketch of the Trial ol Capt. Amodey, who we have already slate, amen—at least it denotes a liberality ami inteUigeoce, which places Mexico already tor on the path of civilisation. Whatever may be the secrets and cere monies of this Fraternity, and that they have jauch. appears not to he doubted, we cannot Put believe that its true principles must he ' , ■ «'Ui urriwvc uiii. un tiuu iium-iuira wuni, no has beau convicted of defrauding the under- thMe „ f , Kahlim0 mor( ,l ity . It has existed writers. Sixteen witnesses from Boston and ( , on - Hr(ime than any known associa two from New York, were examined, sml » t *„, m e V ery country, and under every form variety of document, submitted to the jury Govermenl-.nd If it bad depended upon It appeared that a cargo was put on hoard uf tja , )Uicl , feer initead ofuHl pure little or no value; but that false hills of to.lmr 1 ' l)Cnevol T n ce, it woul/long since have sunk were signed for a cargo valued at ahou' I lto oblivion 4W.°°0, and insurance, effected both in Lun- 1 wh „ ^ rec0 ||ected that Wa.<™oton. 7onand ^".Ttosshippsirof thmfioi.Monk , h . ftthwo f hi. count ry, took pride in pro- ?tom* , Tta'vi*«e^ai!ed,' , tnd*when English channel within about twenty miles ol j fbter pnn ° iple * “ ■ fou ° ,an .vioudfK 0 far k Zt k m.r^«and h '’!r "j°* e therefore, to sac. that • Grand previously ^far thst purpose. and the hl< ^ C0lwlituted in Mexico, and ed to the British shore in their boat., and em I' p h * k tered the usual protest. Frodisg, who was T„!SS!to ■fo.a^kS, ? then to England, is said to have received Hrc ^Zfde^trZ^v and ri^LvitZ hre. amount uf insurance frbm HieUmdoo offices, ^Zd^ wh^.e“ZvnT Ifo? to- Charledm. Dec. 19,—Cotton.—Short Sta pie, (new) I3{ a M^.—Rice—Prime Now $2 75 a 3 12j—Inferior, £3 a 2j.—Corn— 66 I 68 cts- CoWaii —The principal sales ofUi'lnnda have been at 14 centB. and considerable done at that price—have heard of none over 14), and those iiir prime brands. The sup- piy yet continues very limited, the rivers being too low to navigate freely. In Sou- Islands, there has been nothing done the part week, and but lew btleB arrived; they would command our quotations 45 ■ 55 cts. Com—Rem ins at the prices nf laat week and no cargoes have arrived ; il is retailing from the stores at 66 a 63 cents. Groceries —The demand far city contump tion has been limited, with little variation in price, and hut few salea to country dealers and lie gave a draft ontliis oountri to th* pri-1 * . - aoner for iiOOO. Il appeared that (he cap " **,' Mqine Iq Florida, and Min and tJoseamte. wireTth. plot from tin commeni'omcnt. One of these peraons ha- *„H^Pn^vh^ ;.Tjl.n«nZ been conrieted and sent to tbe Penitentiary 0 i r« U R pab_ Massachusetts. The other, who ailed *itt,l' lcrof MeWco—Bo/t. Gas. tlie vessel in the character of mate, has beer, f sums tipw under arrest, and ip thst situation | Ptterdyurg, (F*.) Doc. 13—Cotton.—In was brought .tiefare the court here aiawiM lhis market the supply eontinuea abundoot, new. After the, destruction of tbe vessel j though pries* are still supported, 'JfaitgNtoy Asnadag want te Bnstea, whan slroofsuspi-]t»toswaran«la*tl4st41te. POET or IAVAJIHAH. ARRIVED. ’ Sloop Elisa Nicoli, Blankenship, from Ogechee, with rough rice, to R.Haberebxin ARRIVED VROM THIS TORT. At New-York- 8th inst. ship Savannah Beebe. At Chartoiton, 17th inst. sloop Delight. Cooper.—18lhinst. schr. Spartan Hatch; Pilot-beat* Georgia Ana.; and Anna Maria. CLV ABED FOR THIS SORT, At Charleston, 19th inst. sloop Good In tent, Ailen. UP FOR THIS SORT. At N«w York, 10th inst. ship Savannah, Be, ba. with despatch, Hj£i At Charleston, stoop Delight; Cooper, •til this day. The ship Nil*, sailed for this pert from Charleston on Sunday. LARD. F RESH LARD, in tin nantotere. suit*, bln for family uae, far sale by PHILBRICK fa SCRANTQ^, JAJVlLis WfcLLfe, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OP THE CITY-HOTEL, R espectfully inform* bis friend* and customers, that be has just return- ,:d from the North, and has brought with him an ulegant selection from the latest im portations uf fail goods end fashions, among kick are— Super Blue, Black, Olive, Green. Ox- ford Mixt, and London Smoke Vel vet Cloths Do. CIup, Black and s variety of Fancy Colored Caasimeres An elegant assortment of figured and striped Velveteen Vestings Do. Black Silk, and a variety of Fancy Colours ABof which will be made to inetftire on short notiae, aad in the neatest arid must fashionable style. , Also, a large and extensive sssnrlment of READY MADE CLOTHING, comprising every article in his line for Gen tlemen’s Drew, and made expressly for tba market, under his own superintendence. Also, a complete assortment of FANCY ARTICLES in his Hue, consisting in part as follows: Patent Leather Stocks, do Bolivar Patent Roller Suspenders Best Woodstock Gloves Do. Black Horse Skin do. Colored Elastic Topo do. Do. Fasliisnable Bolivar Crevata Russian Belts, Flag Htndkerchiefa Nov 17 * n l* NOTICE- A N election will be held at the Court- House in and for tbe County of Chat- ham on MONDAY, the «d day of January, ensuing, for County Officers, to wit—Clerk of the Superior, and Inferior Courts, Sheriff, Receiver of Returns of Taxable Property, Tex Collector. Coroner, and Surveyor, qf which the elector* of the said comity wt» take notice. The Sheriff will atntodtto same to keep and preserve order. JoSlN HUMMING,*hC.CC, A PORTER, * ELI'S FORT. JACOB READ. J> Dec! 10 FLOUR. BACON LARP. BUT! BE, *• Jiut landing from ichoontr Ana, -a reft BBLS. superfine flour 1.0 VP 50 do fine d« 8 trials btoon, orsortefi . M k*«* Isrd, 34 do bait# 13 bbla whiskey 36 boxa* cbooohtf 16400 red bricks 4m 14 ; ^ 'A •*>.? V A