Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 21, 1825, Image 4
• AltoiirtiifHV. ,v ' f ■' [AININO io tto Foet-Ofltoa Sevan- Jet Docawtor, TUBS, ftonUhl* tot ZaNerv. Mil Isaac Norton. v*. C. eadJamF. John- JohUl'MS.' • ■ AITFLYON, C. R . SHERirPS SAI >Obslfcs/rrt Tuesdssy «, tfLLto adMtofoiratb* court too** to th* City at hninii between the toto.oflOs.xl (sWa, 4, Wrtouagtoo Tybing, Darby' Went,known ••■tkoCKy HotelIM«W<» toratwiyMu- oootioo iofavur of A. ft J. Seoddor, against « With their .ikin -... ■ ■ --,- - if SowS$UiaRUmal to witlrtto best tbo country tflbtto. bar wtHrehnic* liquor*, ond hto ateblra ' 'food «o»i tod provesdiir, together eTelthfal and experienced oatlar. TK« Mansion House it situated on (to toot ride of tbo public aqg era, Jo»to tow# of Clinton, > directly on the rood (oodidy from Milledge- rille to Macon, and nearly opposite, tto Clinton Hotel- HHBLATTER. Clinton, ApMet <S. , ..... . 07fro N- B.—Famtlie* eon to accommodated frith private room*, which-aw eoriifortfible. ... .i.i O* Tto editor* ofthe AUguet* Chroni- 02KESM. edd Savannah Georgian, are requested to pnblirit the above advertisement once a wood for three month* and (toward .their account* to tbi* office for settlement. , ■ 5 Wwjflfftotrtok il Adame torn** Kirk tr Mia K AHan,4 ' * s ‘ fj^neet, AU that wharf lot no. Si and improvements, (a ttoGtty of Savannah, oosnnwuly koown h JUeeV wharf; lariad.ob toaaliaJVtwo e*cou. tfeeetgliast the administrator# of Thoms* - daeawsd, on* in fovor of Geo. Woud-1 toother of Tliomaa Wright—property thy the plaintiff* attorney, eaof itained Sea (aland Cotton; (tried, oaes tto property of John M’Niah, to OatMraaeaeomiooiaArorOfG. W. Coe, ■aurafnei John M’Niah, Atexandar Huntar and | A. D’LYON, d, a. c, c, • _ toto-k * , .. . ... SHERIFF'S SALE, Oh the first Tuesday injtm. nsxt, W ILL be iold before the Court (loose I io the City of Sar unit eh between the I ' tour* oflQ and 4 o'clock, Aft that tract or parcel of lend contain- Jay 58T acme, mormor leas, ‘together with | 100 sorto Of marsh land called Oakland, ai- d, lying aid being in Little Ogeechie | _ ,#* County of Chatham; bound- b .north by land* of Flemming AUn, aat by land* of Doct. Parker; and I eg tto aooth by land* of B. Wslburger, tad to toe weet by nertbeaat branch of Little J Qgmehie River, together with all and ain- guUr,edificeaand improvement*; lavied on 1 ander a ft fa or forocloaure from George L. Cope, to John M’Nieh, Peter Mitcbol aod I Botorf Mtfctoi. 1. D’LVON, i. e. t, ‘ to m 11 ..mi ... .. i ." i — # " EXECUTOR’S SALE. ‘nrTLL to arid by leave obtained from VT tto HooprablO the Inferior Court of. Ctihtham County,' on the flrat Tueaday in . February next, before the Coort-Houao in tho eity of Savannah, between the naual hoar*, (toLot with the improvement*, situ- ate in tto city of Savannah, iu tho Hid coun ty, and known to the plan of void city by the totqtor M. Brown Ward, (to the benefit of tto hrita and legatee* Of the eetate of the late Hugh M’Call, dooeaaed., ' V ; THOMAS M’CALL. Surviving Executor. ' *. if tort;''- ■ i i'-* ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. - On ike fir* Tuesday in February neat, W LLbesold before the COurt-Hooeo in th j city of Savannah, between tto I tbotl bourn of rale, a tract of Land, known a* No. 8. Eighth District, Pike (formerly |f unroe) County, for. tto benefit of tto heir* and creditor* of the eatat* of N, J, Bayard. Sold by aermiaaion of the Honorable the Jorticeaol tto Inferior Court of Chatham Gonnty. . N. J. BAYARD. ~ Adminiatrator estate N. S. Bayard. Ncv 25. . . . ■■■ ; If . a N the ftrni Monday of Janaary next, ! ahull expoac to aale at tto Markutofj St. Marya, between tto uiualto'ani,a*vea SLATES, the property of the eetate of A*- Pon Tyson, by. virtue of tn Order of the Coo A Of Ordinary for Camden County— Condition* cash. : ,X MARTHA TISON, AdmVx. Rovt SMl* SHERIFF'S SALE, O N the first Saturday after the first Tuesday in Jsnbery next, will be sold atthe Market hnuaein the town of St. Ma ry* between tan anil four o’clock—Six balea , and one pocket of cotton, levied on ae the property of Frahcii Richard, 16 satisfy an axecution in fovor of Thomas H. Miller for ' the Use of A. lyow A Co. M. H. HEBBARD, S. C. C. St. Marys, Deo. 1,1831 Doc IS IS I U. North American Review. AO- xlul CONTENTS. Claims of the Uoi tod State* on Naplea and Holland. ,• I. Meaaaago of tto Prmident of ' tho United Btatoa to the House of Representatives, relative to tbo oiaimoo Naptoe. S -Mcaaage of tho Preaidont of tto . JJqited Siatao, tranrinittiog. thy cur reapondenc* relating to the claim* of thecitiacpaof the united Stntea up on the Government Of the Nother-' ■' land*. Lord ByronV Character and Wri- tipga. f. Recollection* of the life of By ron. Hy the late R, p. Dallas, Eeq. *. Corroapnndence of Lord Byron witli a Friend t ioctoding bis Letter* to hia Mother; io 1808, 1810, and 1811. -.3, Journal ofthe Convertalion of Lord Byron, By Thomas Hedwin. Esq. tVayland’a Diteoumcs on the Duties of an American Citixert. The Duties of an American Citi- aen ; two Diacmiraea delivered in the First Baptist Meeting House to Bos ton,. By Francis W sylsod, jr. Pinkney’s Poems Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney. E.ogiish Cmnmon Law Report*. Reports of Cases argued and de termined in .the English Court* of Comnioh Law- Edited by TImmas Sergepnt and John C. Lowlier, Esqrs deb Ar<Wd 'onto Arnold . -B. Jam** Barnard Amo* Bakar, ft •aS :<■ : Ballard Patk Bradley Ailed Beasley' < Wm Bentley Lewis Byran L L Bugs Dsnl Brown WmBrookn JobT Bollen Thus 8 Bond James H Bullough Mrs M C Boyd S Bourqiiin Mrs Ann Bex Mia M £ Bullock C. Josiah H Clark Sami Carney An* J Craig Mra Corruthcre Mira Ann Crim Joint Cox ;. Mra Margaret Con don John J Colenton Mrs SAG Mdototh Messrt R Cuuk.dt Co Manns Mclleney W m Cooper Gen John McCallor' HI. IV, V- VL Orphic foelry Orphean Poeturhm Grwcorum Air (iqniuiiDui.—Auctore Georgio Hen rioo Bodei VII. Columbaa. Codice diplomatico Colombo-Amo- > ricano, oasis Raccolta di Documenti original) a iaediti, epetfanli a Cristo- foro Colombo, he. Genova, 1823. VIII. Gold and Eilvor'■ Moxico. , A report oh the Expediency of Augmenting the Duties oh the Ex portatioD of Gold and Sliver, preaen- ted to th<r General Constituent Con- grass of Mexico, by the Committee of Finsnoe and Mines, Aogntt #, 1824.. Critic*) Notice*. 1, palfreyh Historical Die IX. 444 course. 2. Perkins’s History of the Late War. 443 3. Wrilford’s Mercantile Pen- • manship. 451 4. Summary View Of America 453 51 Addresses before the New. York Academy of Fine Arts 459 8. Bacon’s Plea for Africa. 462 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Gram mar. 474 8 S Crafts’ Address before tto Palmetto Society. 464 9. Blanco White 1 * Spanith Varieties. '867 Quarterly, List of Now Publi cations. 469. Index. 483 Jurt received by W. T. WILLIAMS. Oct 20 29 James Curry R. Davison Wm Davis Stephen Davit Alex Drew 3 Miss Duffy Mrs Ann Duka Mr Dumpky EkF. Mary Evans Jacob Fahm Mra M A Fletcher * Wm A Flemming Charles Fitclielt Rev B Flournoy ft F Fuller 6. Co,^. eOMCSHX re Mary Dr Leuth Simeon Leonard L'bhrir* Lockhart Mias Ann B Boyd Capt JohhLow. .C A Mtowood, , 1 Donald. Mackcjr, I - Miss H B Mabew Capt Richard Mar- celliii Capi N W Merrall Mra^itofifiton^ , Snmuol Mill* Mra Henrietta Miller John Morell Mrs Bsrxb W Moht- iromery ornlng Henry Mnrningvlarr Mrs G C H Montgo- dount mery Mr and Mrs M ft D Mungin MaylUver, S C Edward Monroe* Editor ofth* Museum MargUretB M’Cooky Joseph, McCoy l ;N- Capt Stepheo Nye P.4.Q. Csleb Pratt Mrs Patterson Rob 8 Patten, ft N J Patterson Jos Purism James Perry Mrs Aun Pitt Lcndsay C Printer, * James' P Provost Henry J Pfiol* j W A Pollard < Wm Puck ; Monet B Qunley R. | Wm Ratekin Dr James A Gray. < Mrs Nancey Read Hilton Head, A W Redding 3 MrsLW Gardner J Maj W C Raiding Aritne Grapdinont j James C Richardson Capt W Gal*. j James Rota . Lewis Geradon f Miss BsRofiertson John Grimes, Geo T Rodgers James I Bullock County Dr ThosGoldersleave« Mrs Elia* Ross John Gill " John Gilbert James Govan, ft Mrs Estha Goldsmith Tbos M Goddard MrGotdey Peter Guerard H. John Hatcher, ft Pearaon Hardee Betty Haberaham Sami Hale James T Ross 8. Solomon 8 Shad Wm T Statliom L D Slitter Heater A Sherman John Street W-Smith Peter Stock ' Mrs Marrih Smith Mrs Elisa Smith Amory Seblay James Smith -Miss Mary E Haxard ; Min Margaret A John Hartford Charles Harper Wm B Hatolier Mr Hatchett John Heal; Rev Geo Hill 3 Peter G Hyrn Sami Hinei Miss Mary W How ard TIiosW Howell John Hover Francis F Hudgens Patrick Hughes J. John Jackson Susan Jackson 3 Miss Jackson 2 i Stoney i Thomas S Sullivan j John G Scruga | The keeper of tto | Female Asylum I T. ? Maj Jss Tavlor j Capt Thoe T Telit j James A Tippins j Ezekiel Tyson | Tfllcogbast Topkins ' Dr James Troup , Mra Eliza Thomas Miss Surah Todd Nichol Turnbull Capt John Turner C W Tin ner W. fubteriber ha* recefcrftd by the lata >■ ED JWtD FAitcr aoos, , ' amoso waie* aai, .. Ivory and Balance Handle Hairs* and : Fork* j . BilokaadBons Handle do do . Raaor* in eases awd dOs. to great va- . ’ ■ riaty • _ Pan, Pocket, two blade and Sportmeo’s Knize* , ' RodgerVKhive* and Sotoora v " Shoe, Bread, Buteheri* and 'Cook** Knivea -Cfainels, Plane Iron*, apd Gouge* of ftll kinds , . Drawing Knivaa, biMd. and ' Harrow ’I . Axe*, ,. 'Plated,Brittania, and Don,to*tod tat . bio Spoond : Brittennia tea and eoffiso Feta, Compo sition, oopper and iron Tobkettle* . Composition Saucepans and Digester* Brass, iron and. Japanned Camfiosticks »and Lamp* , - J Waffln and Wafer Iron* Gilt, plated, pearl, bone and japanned Buttons Coat, vest and suspender Moulds, Padlocks, ebeit, trunk, till and enp- bosfd brass sod iron Box Locks Knob and Mortice Lock* Stock locks Files and Rasps of all kirida Morocco pockot-books and wallet* Note oases and work boxea dressing case* Brass Curtain, cloak and curtain Pine Bias* and iron butt Hinge* Wood and bed screws Hook and Plate Hinge* Sledge* and Hand Hammers Anvils and Vico* -Jron wedges. Shoe and nail Hammara Brass coinmode Knobe Brass, iron and wood Castor* Coal-xcoopa and coal-heud* •' Coal-sifters and Dust pans, Spit-boxes Wtottemorriaoetton and wool Csrds, Block Tin, Fawoets, Ivory and Horn Combs Fine tooth, crambo and dressing Combs Tu*k and side Combi Spectacles and esses Plated stirrnp irons, bridle bit!* A spurs Brass Andirons, shovel and tooga Brass and' wire Fenders Iron and Steol knitting pins Needles, Fish-hooka and fishing tackle Cast iron Puts, oven*, dogs, Spiders Si ■' skillets ' Sad-irons, Trace-chains A screw plates German-, English, Blister end Cent steel Hand, pennell, mill, pit, cross cut, back and keyhole Suwa Brace ami Bitta Round and flat Bolts Smith’! and small Bellows ’ Waggon and-Cart boxes Bed Keys, Hide whips, Tacks Si Brads Copper Boat-nailfcSpeUiugBuqln and Writing Paper, states and slate pencils Shovels spades and hoes Together with almost every other article in tile line, which are offered for tale on ac commodating term* by- NATH. B. WEED, Oct 29 No. 6, Gibbons’ Range, POLICE OFFICE, Savannah. O-t. 26,1825. MRARftASSMENtS having occurred in relation to tickets, notice is hereby given, that agreeably to tto ordinance pass-. «d first September, lifts, no general ticket will pat* its bearer after terro’clock at night, aod that no Special ticket will avail after the same hour “ untree the 'place where he or ehe “ going and the purpose for which enid ticket gieen, be epec.jfUd therein. 1 ' Such special :ket will be effectual for one night only. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, Oct 29 Chairman of Council. ' WANTED T WO largo sized Franklin Stoves, ply to' lK t ‘ dec t ENGLISH POTATOES. J A BUSHELS EnglishPoMtoes, jost re- ~C vr ceived and for tale hr BRADLEY, CLAGHORN A WOOD. Nov 21 FRESH SPICES. FRESH aupply ofSpicea such as, Mace; Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Alspiiie sod Pepper. Also, superior Ziudt Currants, have just been received, a nd for aale low by LAY A HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Dec IB LANDING, From ship Louisa Matilda, from Jtow- Fork, 'A BOXES FRESH RAISINS •J" 1000 Pounds New Burlington Hama, and for sale by PH1LBRICK A SCRANTON. - Market-8quars. IN STOXK, 10 Half bhls. ftesli Buckwheat Meal 10 Quarter do do Nov *9 BILLS OM JfF.lT.YORK AJYD PHIL ADELPHIA, I N soma and at sights, to spit purchaaert, forsuleby 8- dr- M. ALLEN dr CO. Nov 7 SB A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice in the several Court* of Law and Eqaity n this State, offers to the publio hia pro fession*) service* to the Courts of Bibb, | Henry, I Jones, I Cravford, Monroe, I Jasper, I Twiggs, , Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) July 7 84 FRESH StfEET OIL, NOTICE. T HE undersigned, having been appoin- ted by Meears - ANDREW LOW dt CO OF SAf ANN AH-j ISAAC, LOW A COOT.LIVERPOOL, I r\F *ery superior quelity, suitable for ta < Assignees for the equal benefit of all their I X-F ble use, just Ifved and for ea |e by Creditor*, hereby notify and request all per-1 - „ LAY AlIENDRtCKSON. ton* having an/claim or demand wb*W | No * » Druggiet*. Shad's Buildings, ever against either ofth* skid firms, or tto 'todiriouals composing the same, to render (hem in to too Msignees/ortAtw'M; and those creditipra who reside nut of Savannah : pro requested, at the' t|m* they render riieh statement,to appoint' an attorney in thill City with authority to, represent their WILLIAM GASTON, BENJ. BURROUGHS, N, W ALLACE, AHfnees., i Jitora of the New-York Com- ertiaer the Boston Gstette, the ffTThel .■MKital'Ai ... Cbarldstbn Courier, thf Milledgesille tour. A ANA WAV, iTNROM the Office Of the Georgisn, on 8»t J: urdey last, THOMAS W. HOWELL, an indented apprentice to the Printing Busi- new, about eighteen yean of age. tell aod of thin visage. As'this boy has absented him, salf to consequent)* of m very moderate cor rection for tn unprovoked and brutal assault Lnpon a follow apprentice, it i* hoped that no .person of character will hprbor or trust him. Out 27 ' O. St W. ROHERTSOJf. KAN AWAY, pel Augusta Chronicle; and Darien Gasettt ITNROM thaeubeeriber, about a month ago, ate requestion to publsh the above notice I *- JOHN HOWELL, aa indented tp- ’N rr*'" - - - - ■ ■ ■ , , atov.o Cw*i ty day* Horn tM* date, tad forward Mwir sccouBta (tor payment. 2m—45 CORKS, it bf very superior and com- dvot Cerks. just received and. prentice to the Drug Buttons, about fifteen yearn of age; small tod alendar—atowa all hia front taeth : when to laagha. All per son* -arc cautioned against harboring said toy, *a tto law will to pot- to force against them. ‘ J.B. BERTHELOT Oct 29 - ■; 33p MISSIJYO. WR ' BU*jpm, SPANISH SU GARS, to. IV* V, Bolter, Ivfortal* by ERTtOQ have, been shipped flmya New-Yorii, by tots- take, to some vyrMl bound to this pipe*.— Any toformatlon raapcctiog theto WUI to Mrs Ruse Jalineau, 3 j James H Watson The Secretary of the,- Hugh Watt Ladies Jewish So-. Mrs Sarah Walburg cielv f Mrs Mary Wallace Miss M Irwin { D' Wm Waring Mrs Jane W Joyner j R G Wallace Joseph W Jones ' Geo M Waters June W Joyner iThos White * W Jordon } ThotnasA Williahis2 K.., j Min Ann H With James Kennedy ! amaon Wm Key* ; Mra Martha Wylly Mrs Sarah W Kirk I Sarah Williams R R Killer , J Master J I White J Keen JfCapt Isaac Wno.ter GEO. SCHLEY. P. M. Dec* - 7 Henry 1 WAREHOUSE * oaonssioir bvsxnsss, MACON. T HE undersigned' has rented'ef Parish Carter, Esq. his Ware Houses at this place, and tenders his Services to his friends and the public, in the above line of business, 'with assurances that any' business confided to hia cars, ahsll receive hia personal and undivided attention, sod that bis best exer tions will be used to givev ’isfactioo to his customer*. The Ware-Ho ware new extenaive. Safe, and very cn . miently ar S anged and! situated for the tn, action of lusinese. * He intends running two. good d sub stantial boats during the boating season, which will be expedited in their'passagea up and down, ,by the aid.of oiept the Steam Boat Company's Steam-Boats. Insurance on' rnerchaodise and produce shipped by hie hosts, can be effected in a responsible office on asTavorable ter mass by any other boats that will run the river; and reasonable adj vanee* will be made;hy him on produce shipped to (he consignment of I.i* GENERAL DRUG. CHEMICAL and FAMILY MEDICUfE wane Mouse. LAY A HENDRICKSON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, comer of Congress and WhiUaket-Stireete, shad’s IU1LOUOI. imsa.lH, H AFE received by the Ja|o arrivals from Boston, New-York and Pbiludelpliin, ihe remainder of their Fall end Winter supply of GOODS, cpnsistiog.of * very tensive end well selected assortment of Drags anil Medicines, Perfumery amt Fancy Articles, Brushes, Dye-Stxiffs, tfc. A greet var.e. of Apothecary and Phy sician’s Ware Ointment and Pi) 1 Pots Composition and Glass Mortars Glass Lamps and Lamp Glasses Elegant Cut Glass Smalliug Bottles Glass Funnels, Graduated Measures White end Green Vials, assorted, Ac. SURGEON'S INSTRUMENTS. Pocket Sets Turnkeys Trusses Spring and Thumb Lancets. Forceps. Spatulas, Bougies, Catheters Apothecaries Scales and Weights, Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, or Kvanr description, vis : Seidlitz and Soda Powders Balm of Quito Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Genuine Lee’s, Audcrson’i and Hooper’s Pills Swaim’s celebrated Panacea James’ Anti-Dyspeptic Pills Balsam Honey, Church’s Cough Drop* Itch Ointment, Ac. All of which are offered for sale otkthe inost liberal terms, for. cash or credit. L. A H- haring made such arrangements with the principal Drug-IIonses in the Uni ted States, as to be continually supplied with fi'esh and genuine articles, flatter (hem- eeives that no establishment of the kind in this state, can offer greater inducements tu dealers. The merchant, the planter, and the phys cian, can here be supplied with al most every article in the drilg fine, and may depend upon having their orders executed with neatness, accuracy and despatch. Nov 5 . . . ' friends irt'Savtonah. . By. the fijst boats h* willrecsive a good vufflilj oi GROCERIES, which' to. will asU.on iuoderate terms. ■ Ht nog offers far Sate, 900 Pieces first quality Cotton Bagging WOO Bushel* Liverpool Balt-, JOHJf T. ROWLAJfD. Macon, October 12, (jBffifli. ’ , OctoQ'/.. rer- rr SULPHATE qVlJYIJYB. FRESH SUPPLY of: ibis' Valuable '» Medicine, warranted genuine, just re ceived per Louies Matilda, arid for aale by Nov 30 LAVA HENDRICKSON 7*. r’..- NOTICE. ,. • KfqHE Consignee of 5 packages 3 marked X “ C-N- Case" and*marked.«D. Par kins’’is requested to call at tlwoffice of HALL A HGVT, nov 18 ' 47 LOJYDOJY DUFFLE BLAJfKETSl 4 BALES Heavy London'Duffie Blankets, large siw, juto received end for sole by 4 Nov 10 CALVIN BAKER. C C. GRISWOLD A CO offer for kele, * 10 HogthtSdi Leaf Tohtoen Meriufocturtd #' . 'offb*'-. . .. "i ■ l r - ■' WHITER STRAHYED LAMP OIL. A FlESH 9UPPLY of very light cobra* 1% Pure Winter Strained Lamp Oil, jast received sod for tela by Opt *7 : GEO. RVEB80N, Druggiet. TATS lilBBAVl sefigSSd^T ' THE Subscribers having cater ed into *p-p*rtoeTtbip io tto PLAjftTBRS’ HOTKl, take this jriewod’of 'ioibrmiBC flimr friends and tto,public that (key coaUaoe to keep up thaFkiHl totoaaatoblMimeat,.to tfc* uuM rid* of the pobto square to Warrantor, and return their siqeeto thank* to those who have .favored them with tbfor eua(om,. aod wish for a eossitotosseb'of (hat rapport from' tto pnbHe which their attmtma io Msioasa will niarit. Their table will toaappllad qnth every thing (to ermpttj and raosoq afford. Tfieir Bar will to supplied with tbe chutocst kitdofU- qeon—Stahls* provided willl good provendor and attsaded by faithful arid careful ostler*. ASA CHAPMAN, MARTHA EVANS. October 18. H The Editor* of tto Angnsta Chronicle snd Saranqsh Georgian, are requested tapbb- Ifih the tbnve once a week fur 8 weeks, and forward their accounts to the subscriber* in Warrington. A- C, k M. A, Oct. 27 32 . tadnrAikinsoa, AdjiVo. . J, . ontoeBstato of John Atkim sdmonM ril sad ri**uto, the hslrs tnd^* «• *beir object am (»i m Itohivi) m my oftse* 9% * b'fut* tlM ftrsl Moddiy ULJMamry nert. «r •iiibagta^VfovSSLrtr * l * u * JVitaes* tto Bfoa WiHisaa Gibson. ooaM tbe Juxilcei if said Court thu Uih June, 18’i, ^ • JOHN BAILEY, a. eo. eft. Georgia—»:.amden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COYt gg'v, VJhJUKuKAS Loai* Dalbcr. Administ slot V V of the Estate eif Suite Petotier, d. c*J applies to (be Court of Ordicaiy of midcoun. iy, for tellers dismisso y on aid esistt:- Theae are, therefore, to cite sad adaonuh sll ■ad ringulsr, the bah* and creditors of b * deceased ,tp rile their of lewlans (if sny ib» have) to my efieri, on or before the first Ho»- day in January neat, or IcUers will be gisute tn the applicant. p—M Witness the Hon. William Cibma | A- V. || one of the Justices of said Co«n- Lw.J this ftStMiHie, 18 5. JOIIN BaII Y, c.c.0. c. a Jun. 30 H2 , .... Ap- GEO. RYERSON. 7 Georgia—Chatham County, la the Court of Ordinary, May Terra, lfiji A|N tha petition of Ifenry Champiou,siliniii. * J tstratur of John Slreet, deceased, pravmr an order Alii o be mads absstate on his eon. plying witn tto law, tor toe sale of s Lot of Ground, number four, [4] second Tyiiiiur Heyuolds Ward—Also, p,n „f a Lot, number si*. Tower Tylhing, Decker Wild bring ilie real eaute of the arid uec. for the btncfii of the heirs and creditoras—It is ordered, tut i notice to published nine months, in one of i be Public Gauetts of the City-of 8svan>isb, requiring all persons interested, to shnw csine, if sny they hive, why the prayer of the peff. tinner should cot Oe granted. 5 M. BOND. c c. 0, M«v 1* 444 WAJfTED. N orth Carolina bank notes, by T. S. LUTHER Nov 4 . COFFEE. r UST received, 80 Bags, 15 Barrels Cu ba Coffee. Apply to Dec 10 J. B. HERBERT A CO. BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. A NVILS, Vicos, Sernw Plates, Ham mors, Files, Bellows and Bellows Pipes, for sain by N- B. WEED. Nov 9 PIANO FORTES TUJYED AJtD REPAIRED OJY THE MOST APPROVED PIMJf, AMD at the Shortest jfOTWE. A LL orders left at Mr. MofrelPt Cabinet Ware-House, will be punctually attend ed! o SAM’L. L. SPEIsSEGGER. N. B.—PIANO FORTES to hire by tbo mnnlb or year. Onl lft 2« Notice. \flNE MONTHS after date, appfieatioo will 1X1 be made to the Honorable Inferior Court .if Chatham county, for leave to tell the real and peraoml estate of th* late Mrs. Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of (be heirs rad creditor* of said estate, WORTHINGTON GALE, Bxeautor. Ilni't in ■ Notice. £Qt'IR months after dare, sppliestion will he 42 ntde to the Honorable the Inferior Court at Camden County, when sitt' ng lot ordinary lurpo-es, for leave to tell 350 acres of land >elongi ig tu the eatste of J"hn Brown, de bated. f.r the benefit of tto hein and crtdi' ora of sail estate. SARAH BROWN, Admlatratris. Jefferson, (8th Jane, 1'25. 1-inv *3 73 Notice. N INB MONTHS after the date bercof, tp 1 plicstigp will be mede to. the Huiwnblc the Oourt of Ordinary for the County of Cbst- tuua, for have to tell the whole or * pert, or psrfo of * treat of land, lying and being in iA S | Georgia—Chatham County. in the Court of Ordinary—May Term, 1821 O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Bit. of Jojrn Wscktrl)^ dec. prsyir g hi order Jhisi to be made absolute, bn his complying with the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land in f.HUreoa County, being tbe real estitc ofthe aid deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors: It ts ordered, thu a notice he ublisbed. nine month,-, in one of the Ga- zrttes of the city of fisvsnttsb, requiring all persons interested, to show c.use, if any they can, why the prayer of the petitioner sliould not be grpntea S 9. BAND, c. c. a. M-v ■’« rr Georgia—Camden County. TO A..L WHOM IT M v¥ CONCERN. W BEU8A3 J. B icblott lun. sdministrttor on toe estates of DatridTueker and D.rid A*0redie, applies to the Coart of Ordinary I raid County,, for Letters diintissary on tbs states of laid derat ed paisonss These sra borefbre, tu site aod admoniih tto hein tad rrodilors of said deceased persona, to fill hair objections (ll any they have) in my of lira, on n r before the first Mooday in Jannin neat, or letters will to granted to tbe apph cant. . •559 Witness the Hon. Wiinsm Gibsa* ILS >( one of the Justicea of said CosrL immij Ibis 25th June, I8?J. JOHN BAILKT.e-e n.e.0, tone 30 ri Georgia —Camden Count BY TIIF COURT OF ORDINARY FOB SUD COUNTY. W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied .to arid Court, for Letters Dnmimary on the estatea of Samuel Cozens and Evan E Mock, deceased. These are, therefore, ts cite and admonish, oil and singular, the iris, dred andmrediiun ol the laid draeased pen tons, to file their objection*, if any they hive, in my office, on or before tto first Monday h January next, or Letter* trill be granted'tlw applicant. * Wrtnaa the Honorable James Scott, om of the Justice* of said Court, (his sir teei.tb day of AprU, t gbteen hundred and twenty-five. (L.8.J JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. C. C. Apr I 31 24 Georgia—Camden County. HY THE COURT OF OilOlNAliY FO SAID BOUNTY. i OHEKE.vS Lewis Bachlott, spplies to tbs Dj Court of Ordinary of said Countyi for Letters Di.miwory un the estate of Fr.a-cs ll wolupei These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the ..kindred sod creditors of said deceased, to file tbeir nhji o. tions, if any (hoy have, to my offinc, on nr be fore the fi'it Monday in January ntat, nthcr* wise Letters Dismtisory will be granted tbi applicant- Witness the Hnnnrshle Ssmuel Clatae, sne of the Justices of said Court, this sixteenth day nf April, eighteen hun dred end twenty-five. (L B.) JOHN BA1LF.Y, 0- C. ft. C. C . April 21 34 j known to tpe name or in* rues- asseektog Tract, formerly tto property, oi King end Hotchkiss, now belonging to the satsteef Alexander 8. Roe’s orphans, for the benefit cf Mid orphans. WILLIAM MOREL, Guardian A- 8. Roe's Orphans. Jutrt*. *r Georgia—Camden county. TO ALL .V BOM IT MAY COM EH* TW ITKBAS Jcbn Hardee, AdminiMiW t## of the Eetate ol DrvidG- Job**, w * jf a id county, deceased, appi c* to the Caen of ordinary of *»id. eounty. for lottCf ' «•’ jii spry oo said Bralot ' These are therefor* to cite and adntnmn HI end singular, the heirs and creditor* of saw (teco.ied, to fi e their objection! (if toy they hut*/ in my office, nn or Before the first Kca* hay il Harch neat, ottortrite letters will br graa edtri^ applicant Witness the Hon. William Gibson, ooe> (L S,]ibo Justicea of said Court, tto 37tb August, 18-3. ■ JOHN HAILEY, Clk. 0. 0 O.C. »-nt. 3 209, , Notice. and Georgia, Chatham County. By tto Honorahl* tbs Just ees of the InfM" Oourt of Chatham County, silting for to to'aljl'wwSm it mat cofrcfiM nrtoHEBEA* Jaostosn Metga odrasriw turn~<rt&2s55 SSSSKkS’A’SKH; ^ftnraTtto HommMc Anthray **'*'>'} V'. - " Cierk CstR Or*ief sept I* ’