Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 22, 1825, Image 1
..I TBB 13 EDITED AND PUBLISHED. , • IK TUS mrtOVEAVJBMUAM, »Y GKO. 'it WM. ROBERTSON, AT SIGHT DOLLAR! KRR AKKCH, TArARLE IK ADVAXCB. FOR THE CO ON TRY, 19 jiahliibod to mcat the arrangemeut a the moil, three lim*« « week, (Tuesday.Tburs d»t, sud'Satufdsy,) altlio Office of the Dai ly Georgian, anil contain! all the intelligence, Commercial, Political anil Miscell.toeoua, in- chilling adrai tiiementl, .published in the Dai ly Paper. The Country Paper i» sent to all parta o the State and Union, or delivered in the city at fire dollar! per annum, payable in ad ranee. Advertisements are inserted in both papers at15 cents per square, of 14 lines, fur the first insertion, and 37| for esery succeeding publication. , , Conmiuoicstione'by Mail, muti be Poet- * dales of land and negines by' Administra tors, Bseoitora or Guardians, are required by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the Biiiptli, between the hnurs of ten in the fore, coon, and three in the afternoon, at the ttourt House of the County in which Ilia property is situate. Notice of these i«!m tnust be given in a public Gazette sixty days previ ous to the day of sale. ' Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner,/orfy day* previous to the day of sals. Notice to Urn debtors and creditors of an estate, inust he published tar forty days. Notice that application will Be made to the Court of'Ordiuary for leave to sell land,.most bo published nins months. p-VALUABLE DISCOVER Y.XJ A HawmAs lot W\t ?\Vte,a. T UB Medicine now offered to the public is one which has been fully subjected to she infallible teat of experience, and in plete success. lit aomo of the eases, the patients had boon labouring under the dia T ease for yeani, and during that period, bad received the bust medical advice, and bad even undergone a painful- surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised) offered as s certain oura tor a long cal alogue ufdis eases,but thdse afflioted with the complaint, fbr which alone it ia recommended, tnoy re ly with copfldouoe upon obtaining tpltef, avon in its worst forms in a abort lime; and tbcmaelves are the beat judged of the im portance of such a remedy. Price 50 cents per box, with,directions signed by the pro prietor. Prepared tnd sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Biore, M3 North Third St. above callowhill, Philadelphia. Tlie proprietor has appointed Lay fe Hv.ndRicbbon, -corner of Cangrqaa and W hitaker-st reels, .Hhad’e Building!, solo a- gents for the sale of this ineilioiue ia Savan nah, Geo. Oct 8 23 Notice., T HE subscriber bogs leave to-infbrm bis friends pnd customers, that ha has taken JOHN PALLS WALKER into part nership, and that in future the FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will be carried on under firm of \Wofctt Jlurtln & Co They will be much obliged to their friends for a share nf their custom, and will use their best exertions to merit the same— ResHonable advances will he made on all property sent to their address. ROBERT MARTIN, No. 7, Riddell’s Wharf, Charleston. Sept. 27 !«tc Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date of this notico, application will be made to the Honorable the Court Of Ordinary of Liber *y County, fbr permission to self apart of the real estate ef Johp Stacy, deceased, for (be benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACV, Administrator. dor 1ft "* *1 DRAtVfMO RECEIVED. T HE following are the numbera drawn from the wheels of the RHODE IS LAND GRAND STATE LOTTERY, NO HI, on the 14th instant i 45—46—11—33—17—?8—50-15 Huldexs of Priam are requested Ifl call and ••ceive (he oaali, or leave order for liokels in “>• Grand State Lottery of Maryland, to •raw on the oioth ef next month. -°w« W ROBERTSON. G DRAWINO RECEIVED. RAND STATE LOTTERY OP RHODE ISLAND, thirdohne.—Tbe “lloirrag ware the numbers drawn fiww » *1-33—17—28—68—15 PRIZES willbu cashed or invested in oth- *r Lotteries as the Holders may wish,—at LUTHERS . EXCHANGE office. . W. *7 31 BAViNNAft, PERFUMERY.fcc, ' B Y the ship Emperor, the subscribers have rfcaitrcd thirty-five packages; of Genuine Vrug$,Medicines i Pef- fumery, Fancy Jbiiclet, &c, Carefully selected by ohe of the partners now at the north, which added to their for- Whwd, copipriamap assortment rery aXlAerrs.srtd particularly suited for v* h “ ®*rkat, end weUwortby the iWantion Of dealers. Merchants, Phyaiciana, Plan te" and Families, would do well to forward their ordbrai aa they will be sold at aur usual low ratm. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Building*. July.!* APPROVED Patent Family &edlc\nes- do do Cough da do T EB* BILIOUS Li PILLS Anderoon’s do do Coil’s AndersonHi Drops Amurieen Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s Trite Cal cined Magnesia Audler’sAaiatic Len itive ' Roger’s - Pulmonic Detergent Dolby’s Carminative A constant sui Turlington’s Balsam ef Life Opiat for the cleans ing of the teeth 4 gums Rolf’eAsthmatrcPills Do Botanical Drops Aosten’a Remedy lor the Piles Hinckley’s do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson^ Teeth Paste Squire's Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. 4c. of the above useful Patent. Family Medicines, together with a general assortment- of Drugs, Chemicals,. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stulls, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, die. die. can be obtained at the store of -,<■ LAY di HENDRICKSON, May 28 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Bricks. T HE Subscriber has st present on hand a largo stock of Bricks of suporiorqda lity, which he offers in such may be wan’ed, at the lowest possible price for cook only. Fh» *4v« wflsia Tvwn ri mer*, hk iktuuiis in future to keep tiways a considerable supply in town ; those in im mediate want of the article will be supplied bv application to Mr. James Roberts, either nt his residence in West Broad-Street, or at Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN. June 24 79 FRESH Drugs and Medicines J UST receired per ship Savtnnah, an additional supply of FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES, such as—t Calnuicl, Siiphate Quinine Pulverized Ipicacnanah • Pulverized Colombo, Whito Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Calc’d Magnesia Henry’s Pulverized Rhubarb • Hair Powder, die. also, in storz, , 500 Bottles Castor Oil, cold pressed, vory superior 500 do do do do fid quality 300 do do low priced for plan tation use a 30 Barrels Glauber Salts 10 do Groun Copperas 20 Half Barrels and Kegs do » . 3 Barrels English Refined Epsom Salts, die. All of which will be sold low for cssh or ap proved credit. ID* North Carolina Bills ta ken at par, and Darina Bills at. a small dis count. LAY di HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. August 47 HALL & HOYT, orrsn roR sali, 3000BUSHELS Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 25-hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin ‘ 5 do Cognac Brandy (Seignettes) 10 casks Cheese 20 bbls mess Beef . 100 boxes smoked Herring (fVeab) 10 bbls Cranberries <00 Hams in bags for family use. ‘ oct 8 T\ve Subscribe* HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP-EMPE ROR, AM OTHER LA TE ARRIVALS. W affle and wafer irons Dust Pans and Spit-Boxea Hair and. Wist Brooms Club and Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes, ALSO, A few doaeu Pocketlights , > N- B. WEED. Jnlvfil PI a ""iv 1 ' "J> ■V AOTROklTT Of gKKITAff Of HEW-YOOX. (SPLENDIiTlOTTEBY, To be drawMa the eity ef NqW-York, ok the 4tb of January, 1838, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 45 Numbera^e Ballot* to bo dtawn. ■ACII TICKET HAV1KO TilRIC MJ Hants IK ' COMPUTATION.. J.B. flbi dr A, M’Intirs, Managers. . ■ ;r. f fmitYork Style literature Lottery, Class 3, vor Iftfifi. 1 Prise of dlOO.ObO is g180.000 1 do 60,000 50,000 1 do *0,000 20,000 1 do 10,600 10,600 2 do 5,000 10,000 4 do 2,500 10,000 10 do 2,000 20,000 39 do 1,000 39,000 78 do 600 39,000 488 do 100 46,000 4446 do 50 212.300 5051 Prizes, ds«7son 9139 Blanks. g5«7,600 Less than two blanks to a prise. Prizes payable forty dava slier the drawing, but the cash may be hail instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS. Wholo i : i : i <50 I Quarters : : gl2 50 Half: : : : : : : 25 | Eighth : : : : 6 25 This is the most magnificent scheme that baa ever been offered Tor the patronage of the friends of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca. Tho small number of Tickets, and the unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will- not be a chance left, fbr weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to g80. ID* Gentlemen arethereforn requested to be early in their application, aa all orders actually mailed before tho rise, will be en titled tn be supplied at tho present rates. *** Notes of the Bank of the U. Elates and it* Branches, and. generally, the Notes of all Banks that pay specie, received at par. Also. Mercantile Drafts at sight, on any of the Urge cities, and Prise Tickets reqeiv- Notice. TWINE months after data, aphlioailon will i.N be,made lo the Honorable the Court of OrdinaVy.fif Camden County,' for leiivo to sell ill tbs Ml estate of the fate Randolph Ills, deceased, for thebeoefitof the Wlv M’Gillis, daeetaed, forthpbeqefil and'credileraof saia etIUel: ' HANNAH M’GILLtS, Administratis. 6. MiDONALD, Admiaivtmtor. , St. Mdry.Jmo 13M, lfitK ; , June 2ft Ifi cd freely in pavmerrt. m ' ' Tho ^isiU-n—v -- , --.-ok on as being per fectly safe for all remittances.' YATES If M’INTIBE, JVYR-, Phillips respectfully informs the pohli^thst he has a vacancy fbr * townfcto pupils of balh sex. He teaches . O f »g*sw m .snnii unn s ■ KJaU WIUIIH the following hranohos of an Education BnglUt Qramnar,' Writing, Arithmetic, Qeognphy.PrafecUng ,f.Mop,,Attr0- numy, HlRory, Commotion, Polite , Literature aad Rhetoric. also, LATttr AMD FRENCH. ,4Jfas“"—y. proivdod fob the MmiM-u.ttro ahUerhls stri,*iiiiton»tiEr>. g#B|ehr» fow ehitdvewio HpeHiitg, Read* inx. Writing and Arithmetic. From four io six Young Gentlemen may be .accommodated with board, dkc. in his family. Every attention will be paid to their comfort and morals. ■ft nYWwring fte\vou\, for the instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng lish Grammar,'Arithmetic, Book Koeping by Double Entry, Navigation, and the Lu nar Observations; also, the method of as certaining and of measuring the distance of the Heavenly Bodies, is open every evening frfitn seven until nine O’clock For terms, which are mbderate, please to apply by letter or pcraohally, at hu Acade my. in State-Btreet, opposite Mrs. Maxs well’s Boarding-House, corner of Bolton’- Square. tM mwut* )g8k^m : a P K. BftASfUNNB, D BEraCTFULLY informs hU friends R-R and the public, that he has purehased the eatabliahment in tho a^iva business, be longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he oftbrs for sale at low prices, a large assortment of ¥m\i l> rag», 7(lriV\ElWb»a rviiA C\\*uiVta\s % •stwmnri THE AMERICAN FARMER, ft publtohed in weekly Humbert of eight Quar to Paget, BY J 8. SKINENR, rOSTMASTKR Or TUB CITY or BALTIMORE, At five dollart pee annum, to be paid inwiri- ably in advance. Sept 20 Waihingbin City. 16|lt dec IITIS JOURNAL is'handsomely print- —. «d, with s,greal number of engraviugs to illustrate the subjects treated of. Fifty- two numbers, a title page, and an ample in dex; make a volume. It is written for by the most intelligent and distinguished prac tical Farmers in every state of the Union, and ia devQled to the subjects of Agricul ture. Internal improvements and Rural and Domestic Economy. Each number of the Farmer give* the most exset.state of the market, with respect, pi all the thief articles tin t Farmers have to »eft or buy, supported by reference to pir- 'te^Ur"ale*. .... _ o>t wore than six seta of the previous volumes are on hand. Persons wishing to subscribe rpay inclose a $5 note, directed to the editor, and at his risk, hy ti.e mail, or pay it at the office o the Georgian Nov I 34 NOVEMBER TERM. A T a meeting of the Justices of the In ferior Court of Chatham-County, for ordinary purposes, at the Court-House in 8avannah, on Monday the seventh day of November, 1825—- From the failure of very many executors, administrators and guardians, to settle their respective accounts in this Court, within the period designated by law. viz. on the first Monday in January nuxt, after The date of their respective letters, to settle a first account, ami another account on thy first Monday in every succeeding January, until their respective executorships, idmiul wirstion* or guardianships shall be conchid! ed nr ceaseIt is therefore ordered by the Court, that summonses be issued to and served on aU delinquents who shall fail to appear before the Clerk of this Court, st his Office, and aettle their respective ac counts, on or before the first Monday in January next, as it is the determination nf the Court to enforce strictly the injunc tions of the law in all such cases. It is further directed, that this order be inserted in all the papers printed in the city of Savannah, twice a month, until .the first day of January next, an'd that a Copy be posted at the door of the Court-House. Extract from the Minutes, S. M. BOND, Clerk. Nov 17 48JI PREPARED SY HENRY JAMES, A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Habitual Coativeuess, and Piles. It is welj known that Dyspepsia ia one of tho most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is in di,taiod in different patients by various symptoms, of which the moat remarkable arc— Irregularity of the bowels, obstipate cos- tiyeness. hcadach, commonly called nervous Hllrsjskly. headnoh, yellowness of the oyes und skin, aridity of the stomach after eat ing, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind o\t the stomach, hitler taste in the mouth in the morning, foetid breath, drow siness after dinner, debility, lassitude, ema ciatien, depression of spirits, 4c. Piles being connected with indigestion and costivenesa, are certainly and speedily removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the above valuable me dicine hae just been received, and for sale by LAY 4 HENDRICKSON. OCt * .23 William C. Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY 4 BA KER, SAVANNAH, GEO. O FFERS his services to his friends and the public, in the General Commission Business, in this place, and.solicits their patronage. References to Mossrs. A. Low 4 Co. Sa vannah, Geo.; G. Brmttmayer 4 Co. Au gusta, Georgia. Augusta, Sept. 6, 1625. Oct 8 18fb Ranaway from the Subscriber, O N Wednesday. 24th Jilt. a. large yellow negro man, named FREDERICK.-r He is generally known in the adjoining counties as 'a fiddler. Ho was seen in Spar ta on Friday last. It is believed he will go to Augusta. He'inay have a forged pass, aa he Can read and'Write. A suitable reward will be given for his kpproheneien and confinement in any jail in the state, so that ! can get him., \ J.qMEBCAJilAK- j. MilledgeViRe, Augosi 28 ' Sent27 t T -iy-" ' •>«'«**% * Loifrkin Mustard; FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London Mustard,, suitable for medicinal and other purposes, just received and for sale by lAYA HENDRICKSON, Oct I . Shad’s Buildings. Wanted, E !, s£.r m ®'iS'“* . VALUABLE MEDICINE. <AnU-0\s^epUe Villa. JsTOftT SOttriOL. T HE subscriber will open his Nigltt School for the Instruction of'Youth, at his residence near the Catholic Church un MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein will bn taught Reading, Writing, Vulgar slid Decimal Arithmetic, Geography and Book keupiug, in a methodical way not su PETER HYNES. Sept 6 t 17Ji.t4a ! Fresh Teus and Cassia. JOST RXCEIVCO PER SHIP EMPEROR, 1 « PC CATTY BOXES GunpowdeaTor A vlsj 129 do do Imperial do 100 do do Hyson do 10 Chests Hyson do 3 Ifalf Chests PoUchong do 20Q Mats Castii For sale by J. B. HERBERT 4 CO. July 14 Saratoga Congress Spnng Wa ters F IFTY DOZEN of these Watere, fresh bottled by Messrs. Lydch A Clark, of New-York, and direct from the Springs, lost, received per ship Augusta. Person.- going to see would do well to, supply them. ielVe*, aa they are offered at reduced prices by LAY 4 HENDRICKSON. Druggists,'Shad's gildings. May *6 ' r .-W- . Fulton Market Beef, (gc. JuU received per echr. Mary and Margaret 5 HALF BBLS.Fulton Market Beef 10 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers 44 Do No. 1,2 and 3; Mackerel For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHOfeN 4 WOOD, Oct-t Anciaux'a Whaif. Aqua Forth., Alum, Antimony - Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam C'apivi, do Peru, doFola Camphor, Cautharidee, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Pinery,- Gum AseetbJtida . Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiscmn, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liqtterice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica. Qxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Dp Ginnaipon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of.Tartar Glauber, Epsom aad Rochelle Salta Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine leu '«!■ Act me tor an* conragnmeot of learning, hy .qosrih* thn copte* of Maps, Charts, and Boobs" to'tha authors and proprietors of such copies dti* ring the times therein mentioned.’’ And. also, to tho Act entitled >• An Art supplciiiCntarV to an Act entitled •• An Act lor 11* .-ucour- agemont of teaming, by sernring'ihe copies at Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the rimes therein mentioned," arid extending the beneflte thereof to lira art* of designing, engraving, and etching historirei and other print* GEO. GL$N. _ Clerk District of Georgia- Thealiove work is now in press, ami wttf ' published during the ensuing month, in Ordere for it received by fr. T. WILLIAMS. ' 5.rte , Paints B*3 and IrdfOri. White, Red and Black Ls£?ft digrili'O Prusaion Blue, Verdigris - ,t Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Tfitlunery. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macasaar Oil Beat English Shaving Soap Fsiu de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instrument! and Patent Med ieines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. 1 A PIPES fourth proof Cognac Brandy. £vr warranted pure as imported, Gripe Brand 10 Kegs Goeheo Butter .. .... « Boxes Smoked Salmon 4 Just received and for sale by Sept 8 J. B. HERBERT 4 CO. hwaiin’s Panacea. A fresh, supply of this valuable Medicine, ,has just been received di ed from the inventor, Mr. Swaim, of Phil- deiphia. Druggists and others who pur* base to sell again, can have it at tho ori ginal price AUabliaiied bv the proprietor. LAY 4 HENDRICKSON, Out 1 Druggists. Shad’s Buildings. Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale hv p. E. BHTASBINNE, March 26 Opposite the Exchange. Coffee, Pork, and Lard. KA BAGS COFFEE Jv 15 Bbls Mess Pork, N.Y. city inspec. . do do 50 do Prime do 5b Kegs Lard For tale by C- C. GRISWOLD 4 CO. Sept 3 Hams and Flour, &c. •)AA SUPERIOR HAMS in baga 20 Barrels Superfine New Flour 10 PipCt Holland Gin 2 do Cognac Brandv For sale bv HALT, 4 HOYT. Mew Flour. 1 A A BARRELS Richmond Superfine J."" Flour, from new wheat, just re ceired and for sale by Oct 11 ,C. C. GRISWOLD 4 CO Fly Market Beef nt HALF Barrels - just deceived by the ml I. sc hr, Mary 4 Margaret, from New- York, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT 4 CO. Oct 4 Black Ink and Ink Powder A FRESH SUPPLY of these superior articles, manufactured by Maynard 4 Noyes, of Boston, has jnst been received per brig Index, and for sale by LAY 4 HENDRICKSON, Oct II Druggists.Shad’s Buildings. A Negro Man. A PRIME Negro Manj about 35 years of ago, a good field hand. Fur sale by CALVIN BAKER. Juimtaf s...- » Hardware,Cutlery^apamied & Fancy Goods. A FULL AVD COMPLETE ASSORT MENT of the abofti articles, Comjiria. mg a great variety, received by the late 4r- rivals; and for^ssle on accommodating term* by NATHANIBL R WEED. Osf'20 28 '* B AH1EN BANK NOTES wsotfd by , T. 8- LUTHER, dee It W ,. •hv. __ district oF’Gboruia i , pE IT REMEMBERED, that ua tl« ‘ RJ twenty-sacond day 'Of October, ime thmuind eight hundred find tw»aty.flvo. and in the fiflielb yeaeof the Imlepbodc^A of the Unitod State* of Auicrioa, Wti.uxw ■ C. Dsnui.i, nf. Savannah. m said DiWr«eL hath deposited, iir IhiV office tbe t lle df a- B.aOr, the fight whereof lie claims a* author ’• the words folkiwhtg, to wit: Obse.neUlms open t „ pen t/* Aoti mtial Fevers of Savannah. By mitia* C. Dmitlf, M. D.* blE du ftlAtifltw' eaf'e inurHitwi. ny FF timn ts UftmtlL J*. JJ” “ Ee premier devbir di awdMn. in, tPogir rteprindpedc rsnrtlen —Bxausdwrnii.^ mmmmu* •'In eofiformltrfo the Actoof J5S be one volume Uvo. Nov 24 Boots and Shoes. t* JUST Mcnrxs. Per brig Index, 28>dTta{r. es BOOTS and SHOES, • consisting of the following kind, via: “ 3 Cases Gentlemen's fine Cslilkin Boot* do Sealskin do common do do stout ho’d peg’d Shoe* unbound db do 2 do do 4 do do 2 do do do 1 do do 3 do da fine dene. Pumps do do com. do do dp — -W. W” VWIWS uir UU UU 3 do women’s It a (her Walking do' 2 do J - J ■ - - do do pumps 3 do Boys lined tnd bound ' 1 do do thick 2 do Children's Leather Bootees I do do ■ Morocco do For sale low by the packege nr dozen Mr T. 8. LUTHER. oct 8 do do do FANCY BRUSHES. T HE subscribers have lately'received from Benjamin TajlorV Factory of Plijladei. phia, a supply of the fidbuvir* Brushes ; c,|a-i. n—p— . ... r ——, « v f j —" ""s. ....... — «srs wriivio , Cl“*h Brushes, new pattern and elegantly gill and plain Hair do . do do do Crumb do do do do Hearth do do do do Nail and Comb do Shaving do ia groat variety Bottle do , - Shoe 4 Furniture do Silver Wired Teeth Brushes,' very superior, with turned, plain aud fluted bandies ' Sweeping sod Desk Brushes, 4c. all of which are offered very low. „ LAY 4 HENDRICKSON. Nov 30 Druggists ShndV Builds*' STEEL AND SHEET IRON. B LISTER German and Cast Steel Sod Sheet Iron. Received and for sale Ira N- B. WEED. nor 8 .gi CORN AFLOAT. 600EKT"”“ C "*'"’“ Also, Cow Feat, for m|p hr Pto » P- M’DERMOTT. EMERSON'S RAZOR STRAPS. 4 SUPPLY of these celebrated 8TH A P8, 1 just received per ship Chariot, from and for sole by LAY 4 HENDRICKSON, Nov l Driiggjsta. GREENE 4 PULASKI MONUMENTS. Savamkap, (GtoaouJ Nov. 8; 1886, ID" Amacting of the monument cominiitee, was held yesterday :-Jpresent, tbe Chairmuo, Messrs. VVm. B. Bum.och, Rt W. Hasvn- sbam, J. B. Rfap, J. P.ScBr-vsn. J haci.i- mak, and A. TKi.rAjn. The report of the Treasurer basing been read, tbe following resolutions were thereup on adopted 1 ’ 1. That the Secretary be authorised io ad- rertise, doting the apace of three months, for designs of the monuments, proposed tv bp e ret rad in Julinsoo and Chippews Squares, lq memory of General GfiKsnxaod Count Pu- I.ASKI—likewse, that he should offer prp. miitms, not e'xcecedirg fifty dollars each, for those two, which would most exactly combine simplicity with neatness and economy with durability. 2d. That at the end of such lima, the Se cretary shall call a meeting uf the Subscri bers. io order tliat this committee nay tbutf and there make a full exposition of their pro gress. 3. That, be- sba|l also request pll persons Imlding papers nf subscription in tlieir hsnda, throughout the Mate, to mafic reports of thclf success reapeclisely.' The Committee then adjourned. . J NO. BTEVEN8, Chairman; Joscsh V- Bxvah, Secretary. t ^ , Tn compliance With th4 first readtntjon. Ihp lahscribarAeroby. advertises; Mist be trill ia- edivia designs or plans for the proposed moos' iqsaMs, nnltt the: dthday. of March next. It is partieuhrly requested however, that Ihp drawings may be epcbinpanied hy efpfimato- a gated; end iqjeed, such -remsrbi. gencr. y, as weeM bp ctlcufanpd to pot the rnig. mitteb completely in possession uf the views qf Ilia draughtsman. ' Information as to any forther psrrirfilan, will be readily afforded, qpea tpplicatioo if letter addremdd to ? JOSEVH V. REV AN, .1* ' fp- I