Newspaper Page Text
N* ft|M war* reaasdad ton N*w-Y*Ht
last night • ' _ ’
ffn'oRtF Canal.—MVare hsppy to by
enabled to stale, that D« Witt Cmiitoii;
Jaa.Bsq. employed torurvey the route for
Jenekat' Canal, mi} ba looked for d*U}—
We wire shewn a letter raoaived front him
last night dated II Ihinit. to which he tip
ha has taken passage, with the neceasary to
atruinenls, in the ship Savannah, w.lrioh would
(wee Now-York about the eod of last weak.
The Legislature ware to decide on Satur
day last, upon Mr. J one lies’ application tor
the extaoaton of hit priviledgato the Altamaha
‘By onr instructions respecting lha United
Bute* Uua, reoeirad from the Department
of Stalest Washington, we perceive that their
official printing hat been transferred to thl-
National Journal.
A motion hat been made for a new trial in
the cate of Capt. Amedy, who destroyed the
aohooner Pacific, reported In our paper yes
terday, op the ground of alledged error in an
opinion of tlfe Court, given during the trial,
pn a question of law touching the regularity
of lha evidence adduced to sustain the prole
AMetter received in New-York, states that
th* estate of A. & 8. Richards, of Liver,
pool, wid pay from Id to 15a. on the pqund.
Application ia to be made to the I,egiala
tore ef New-York, to incorporate the Prin
tore' Bank in that city, with a capital of
The New-York- Atneriean aay»—“ If wr
are correctly informed, tha French Govern
■Bent have recently come to the conclusion
absolutely to reject the claims of our mer
chants for indemnification t and (hit cnnclu
don will be, if it lua not been al ready, com-,
muoteated to Mr. Brown, whenever tic
presses again for an answer.”
Rourn Carolina Legislature.——The
resolutions of jadge Smith, have pasted foe
Bloats by a vote of 12 to 30. Both Houses
bud concurred, in a resolution to grant foe
■urn of {1°,000 to foe Medical College or
Charleston. It it probable that from 60 to
{no,000 would be appropriated for Internal
Improvement, but not more; anda largo sum
(amount unknown) for Public Buildings. A
bill has passed foe House, prohibiting all ves
sel* having free persons of color on board
from approaching within 150 yards of foe
shore, and to load and unload with lighters,
under* penalty to the captain of {.1000.
' Vessels manned by Lascars exoepted. Among
the provisions in the bill, read twice, making
appreciations for; 1826, is on merchants 75
cent* on every {IOO of commissions; good
$o. on hand 1st January neat, 15 cents
do.; Lottery Offices to pay {1000 per an-
num—-penalty {2QOO for not taking ant li
cense; the Phoenix Insurance Company of
London, to pay {4000 for privilege of doing
busineaa; Sod 10' percent.on all premium,
received by agents of Insurance Companies,
residing to South Carolina.
" Congress.—In Senate, on Monday 12th
inat. Mr. Hendricks aubinittsd the following
resolution for consideration:
Resolved, 'ghat a Select Committee of
five members be appointed on the subject of
1 Heads and Canals, with leave to report by
bills or otherwise.
The following Standing Committees were
•feoooneed tu having been appointed by the
Chair, via : *
On Foreign Relation*—Messrs, Macon,
Taxewell. Gaiilard, Mills, White.
> On Finance.—Messrs. Smith, Berrien,
tfuinsMt, Hayne, Woodbury. -r —
OtV Commerce.—Messrs. Lloyd, of.Mass.
Van Dyke, Jobustoa, of Lous. W illiams, Ed
wards. '
On Manufactures.—Messrs. Dickerson.
Boggles, Findlay, Lloyd, of Muss. Claytou.
On Agriculture.—Messrs. Fiudlayt, Lloyd,
. af Maryland, Branch, Woodbury, Bmiligny.
On. Military Affairs.—Messrs. Harrison,
Bentoo, Chandler, Headricks, Johnson, ,ol
By. t
On Naval Affair*.—Messrs. Haynes, Wil-
liams, Seymour, Robbins, Kane-
On Public lands.—Messrs, Barton, Thom.
*s, Eaton, Bing. Van Oyko,
On Indian Affairs.—Messrs. Beqton, White,
Ring, Edwards, Cobb.
On Clauns.—Messrs. Ruggles,Bell, Chase.
. Wllvaine, Clayton.
On the Jmliciaty.—Messrs. Van Buren,
Holme*, Rowan, Berrien, Mill*.
0* tWT-Post Office and Post Roads.—
Maesrs. Johnson, of Kv. Johnston, of Ldu.
' .^SsaSSctossns-i.-
Knight, Harrisoa, Bell. —
On PinsiokS.—Messrs, Noble, Chase,
derhd to lie ow th* lebto... i V,“ - if. '' ' ,
; IWk Kane sahmhtod the folUwing reaalu.
llon for oonsMerslion: ‘ V*--
, f BhsulVed, That lb* ComtifolW on the J*
dtoiafy be inatrttetea to enquire.toto.tlie ex
pediency Of sorimewWngthe mis <ff«o*gre»»
regulatiajf processes in the Cqhrtk'wC tlw
United States, ns to place thn.jMwtoaknd
property (with raasid to foenfode of proceed
ing against them) of the oHlsaoildf States ad
mitted into the t/nio* stood foe tlth day , of
September, 1788, open a footing of equal se
curity ppich the persons and property ef citi-
aene of th* original States. ; -
The Sell at a then prooaeded to elect its offl-
•mrs. whan Wsltor Lowrfowa* efodlid Sec
ratary «n the third ballot,’ attdjb* former
ij<»«r4Ctoimr and Assistant. re?|wfie(h
Mr. Stoughton was alec tad Chaplain and
the Senate adjourned. • V. , '.]>(.;. , ■:
In the Hotuo the fhllowingCpmmittet*
wore announced a* hairing keen' appointed
bv the Speaker t 1 '
*On Revolutionary Pensions—Mr. Burges.
Mr. Wood of N. Y.; Mr.-GarnpR, Mr. C*
rv, Mr. Vurnum, Mr. Thompson, of Ohio ;
and,Mr. Ilarvy.
On Petitions of RoSnlutiotiary Offi
cer*—Mr. Hemphill, Mr. Cotidict, Mr. All-
.linrann, Mr Lecnnipti Mr. Jno'Muchell,
’tlh'Maarble, and Mr. Claiborne.
The resolution Offered on Friday by Mr.
Ingham, oalfing on thn Provident for infor-
inatinn in relation to tho trials by Court
Martial of Commodore Stewart and ofL.ent
Sands, having been road, waa agreed to.
Mr Strong, of N. Y. offered tne following
resolution, proposing an amendment to tie
Rules cf the House, which lies on the table
•mo day.
Ordered, That the following he added to
the 53tl Rple: Namely—” A Committee on
the Territories—wltose duty it shill bo In
examine into their legislative, civil aud cri
minal procediugs ; and to devise and report
to tbs House such means, oh, in their spin-
inn, may be necessary to secure the rights
and privileges of residents and non-rest
On motion of Mr. MtOny, it waa
Resolved, That the-Gnmmilteo of Ways
and Means be instructed to inquire into tile
expediency of repealing the law imposing a
duty dip, imported suit.
O ’ Ilian of Mr. White ofFlorida it wa
Resolved. That the Cnmmitteo on tho
Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the
-txp.idiency of repealing of tho Logis
lative Council of the Territory of Floridn on
the subject of wrecks. aud further to inqtiire
tun the expediency of passing somb addi
tiunal nr smenditorv law to the act of th
last Congresa, bolter to secure the rights nt
■ he ownersnf wrecked properly ou the Flof
iday coast -
Also an motion ofMr. White, it was
Resolved, That the Committee no Puli
'ic Lands be instructed to enquire into the
xpcdiency of granting to actual settleTs in
t he territory of Florida, donations and pre-
■ ; -* r 1?
NpttoMUotmkl, aafi wil l
to .do awn Mt'katoai toquiN*. ’
In tbe Nhnato. th* Tiriqu* Nbjneta <
'Mees'ag* ufthe Prs*U*nt **re rihrrc
timir appropriate Committoea, *nd foe i
lutton offered by Jir. Jofmao*. efKeotu
to appoint a Committee to itiquitodoh
axpetfieney of abolishing ltftpruennmni
mto lheexpedianoy of ettablishiug *» upj-
fnrm system of bankruptcy throoghout th*
Uuttod States. Boms disepasion 'touk place
on a resolution offered by Mr. Kane, of |i-
I nols, relative Woutexisting Judioiary sys
tem, which will be found under our Ranaio-
trial hekd. A rescfotiun was. offered try Mr
Lloyd, ofMatoathuietu, calling upon the
NsVy, Dppnrtmonffor the documeuts tn the
ease of Com. Potter. Itc- .
' In thn House of Representatives, Mr.
Webster presenfod the petition nt' (lie sur-
vivingofficera ofthe revolutionary army, re
.siding in.lheStiAoofMps.sakhuseifs, which
wa* read and mforred to the select
Committee on the Clajtna of Revolutlopsry
officer*. Mr. Wufi* presented a petition on
’hesiihjeot of a National Vaccine Rsia v >
iishinoht, wlrioh was referred to a select
eOunnittee. A series of revolutions were
introduced by bit. Bailey of Mass, the oh
ieot of which is to atneml the Constitution
by ouufortlng on Cougreat a speoide power
;tn appriate money lor roads, and caualki d
National Universit.v.and thb encouragemenf
ofthe useful and liberal arts. The object
of these resolutions is to place ill powers in
relation to roads, oanils. colonisation, and
cduoation, exclusively With the States; ex
cepting that Congress may appropriate mo
•ney tu bo expended by the several States for
such of these objects as the States shall please,
and may also make surveys, and in argent
cases, construct roads and canals, and exer
cise several minor powers relating to edaca
turn and the art*. Mr. Mjtchell. of Tennes
see. also introduced a resolution to amend the
constitution so far aa to make a Senator or
Representative in Congres ineligible to any
office in thp gift, of foe government while in
possession uf his seat, or within one year af
ter tile expiration uf hi* term of nervine.
\x : ;•■t
“It to report ad toulay that lToftba on*
hMhe tihf#rt*o*tophip.Ogtop*aito wer* t»-
knu off the Boatiug wreck bf * Frefich fish-
tm l ,boa|«toqi:h*pB slntfe arhvod'*t Oalats.”
IA Aco4Hmg (p report* from Deal, eeyetal
faamldq, qa, the Ppqn <ff tbti Ogto «*»fle-
weregpqi, f)ivt f ni;tTy from the boat*- Afto-
SS92JS52ftiTS’. , Si!i4
■view, the foniates were ne lunger, risibla—
all had oepit>Witpt away I
Marks. Cobb, ElUs.
Oo tbe .District: of Colombia.—Messrs
Lloyd, of Md Rattan, Nobto; Eaton. Boti-
v. jignv. ■’ ..
On the Contingent Biptnae* of tbn Rea-
*te.—Mem re Seymour. Kana. Heqdrick*.
Oo Rngroated Bills,—Masavs. Marks, Wjl
lay,Ellis- ,.i\ ■
The |B*nqte thefi prnomwed to foe cons Me
..patkm of the following rrisoliitfon, submitted
V , ffi.Frid.y4W.teMr.:,Htr*n.o >>
■* R*eolred,.T|kt aciforto-laws forqnghout
emptionv, swell as had been granted in other
Yer'riloriea of tbe United States similarly
Also, on motion of Mr. White, it was
Resolved, That the reports of the com
missioners appointed,to ascertain nlaims atul
titles to land in the Territory of Florida, h-
refered lo the Committee on Private Lane
Mr. Wickliffe, of Kentucky, offered the
. Resolved, That a latv ought to pass re
pealing the 25th section of the act, entitled
An act to establish Judicial Courts of the'
United States:” and to prescribe the mud.
b, which the questions refered to in the said
section, when brought into judicial contro
versy in any of the Courts of the United
States, may, upon the application of either
party, be removed from the Statu Tribunal,
holding Original jurisdiction thereof, to ill.
Circuit nr District Court uf tho United
Stales, at any time before a trial upon the
Resolved, That the provisions of the 2'b
section ofthe act of Congress, entitled “ An
set for regulating the process in the Count
ofthe United States, and providing compt-u
vstiun for the officers of the said Court, and
for jumrs and witnonea, do nut c infer itpoi.
the said Courts the power, by ruin ami in-
devy tif Coort, to subject to execution am
sale, of final process, property and estate o
the efendant, which has not been made su
ject to.ex: cution by the laws of the Uniteu
States, or the laws of the State in which
judgement was pronounced ; which low?
of Thn State, to be made applicable to
lie Court* ofthe United Status must tu.,
been adopted by tin; Congress ofthe Uniteti
-Slates; And as that power has been claimed
and exercised by some ofthe Courts of th
United States.
Resolved, That a law ought to pass pro
scribing mure specifically what pVucea ought
to be used in said Courts.
Whech were ordered to lie on the table
and be printed.
Mr., of Pennsylvania, offered the
following which lies one day according to for
Resolved, That the Presideat ofthe United
gStsta. he rsxtoestod.Wi- Communicate to tin-
House (if not incompatible with foe public in-
teresi) the proceedings of the Naval CuOrt
Martial in. (lie care of Lieut. F. G. VVolborl.
together with the documont* relating there
On molinn-of Mr. McLanr, of Del. foe
House tyent into Committee of the Whole,
Mr. Allen, of Mass.- to the Chair, on the
bill - making appropriation for the com pen
ration of Members'and Officers of the House
of Representatives."
The bill was reported without amendment
and ordered to be eogroaaed for its third read
ing to-morrow.
Mr. Webster, of Mast, laid oa the tabli
the following resolution, proposing an amend
men! to the Rules of tbs Haute; which lie*
on the (able-one d*y
Resolved, chat the Rnlea of this House be
so far altered and emended, aa that the Com
mittee now called “ fou Committee on Pen-
lion* aild Revolutionary Claims” be hereef-
ter. called (A* CammiUtt mi RnaluUannry
Claim/ and that foe v Committee on Reyo
tutnoary Peasiont” be hereafter caffod Ike
CommilUt m Military Pmiiont; end that if
’hell be tbe duty of the last mentioned com
mittee to tike into qoaslderatidn ell such
matters respecting 'pensoqs for military ser-
vioe, and, also, all snob matter* respecting
invalid Mnsioos, as sball be referred to them
by tbe Honse.
A'o4 toon tbe House ad jo* reed.
Committee on- thn Territories was ordered,
on motion of Mr. Strong, to be added Ip the
list of Standing Committees, aud a change
was made in the names of the revolutionar
Committees, so as to give them more ex>en- ;
sire cognizances, and to prevent those error*
and difficulties which Imve heretofore arisen
in the reference of petitions of this character.
The National Intelligencer, in the course
uf ite remark! an foe Message of the Presi
dent, says—
“ Piracy, it appears, is, for the present
cffectuelly suppressed. The compliment to
Captain Warrington mum. bo highly Aetter
ing to his pride as an officer, who deserves,
we doubt not, alt lhe praise due to a faithful
aud skilful discharge of the dutiea to which
ie is.called It would be diaengenuous. as
we think it would bn unjust, in us, not to
say, in this place, that to Commodore Por
ter also is duo in our opinion, if not in that
ofthe public, great credit for activity and
efficiency, in the same service, previous to
hi* being superseded by the ufficer named
He suffered every thing but death in luper-
euvering until the destroyer stontf at uMh
t>ido: and, ih the same service, for aitMrtSf
of judgment, acknowledged by his Jii'dgos'
to nave been committed with laudable mo
tives, he is now enduring suspension from
service under the sentence of a Court Mar
rial. The Message, however, coeld, of
course, only include what has occurred du
ring the present administration, and. Coin
Porter having been recalled- before that ad
minin.ration commenced, he has performed
no service* of svhiclf the President could
liavo occasion to speak It is a grateful
>ffice for us to say, for Commodore Porter,
that not only the Court of Inquiry in the
.sue of this officer, but the officers generally
who served under him, award him all the
credit dne to intrepidity, indefatigability and
assiduity, in that hazardous aud disigrcea
hie service.”
W* 6*4 it difficult to, give th* proceed
ings. ofCongreas of the‘13th, «pd liave
therefore mile4 ooraelvss of the lumtotry
In onnseqaenoe of our lately expressing *
wlih to Sim in prmi Mr. Ketui’s late addresi
to’tk* tuill'-non on III; beUolit (light,of whicli
report Iras apokM *o much, a j’l tend who wa*
prevent, hat sent * copy/in the following
note, for wiffoh he Will please to accept our
thanks.—vY. Y. A*e. Port.
Mx. Coleman.—As the subjoined address
of Mr. Kean; ’duel honor to, his head ami
heart, I take the liberty uf presenting you a
copy for pnblioettoa/ Very respcotfully
fours. Ito. A. Ui
Mr. Mtan'AatUrm.on iaking leapt q/'tlu ci~
litem of Mew York
Ladies and gentlemen: In hbedience to
your honored cuinmands, I cheerfully present
myself before you, and to pursuance of my
sincere wi*hua, 1 wogl.l solicit your iudui
gem acceptance of.the huinltls tribute of my
unfeigned gratitude end i*garJ. There are
•eridds iiuwevur, under peculiar oircuinnuo
.'W*..wbeity langnagp Iwws ft* power,' ami
won)* bnl feebly express the emotion! of the
heart; 1 pray, you will therefor* bear witn
me on this occasion.
When I laiided in your hoapitablc city, al
most a bankrupt in fortune and reputation—
writhing under affliolion and calamities, the
particulars of which might be painful if not
improper, for me Imre to enumerate, I wav
visited by meutai stupor,from which I ttiouglit
uoliting on earth could ever arouse me. Not
even the clamor, and bppoaitton on thn night
I first had the boqor to appear before j on.
could move my faculties, or subdue my fixed
insensibility. Ambition seemed dead, and
hope cast but a glimmering ray across the
dcssolation of my soul, whon like iny hotter
angel, tour kinddes* descending upon me,
dispelled that lethargy whicli but a fuw hours
before, I had devoutly prayed might attend
me through *11 the changes of iny mortal ca
It is you ladies and gentlemen, and your
generous sympathies,, that have restored mo
to myself and to society; and although my
poor feelings may be unequal to tile discharge
of the enormous debt of gratitude I owe yon.
yet, trust me, there are dear friends, ainl
kindred spirits across (he waters, who, when
they shall hear uf tho obligation you have so
tenderly imposed, will assist me in blessing
you and your memories for ever I It were
idle for me to assure you, that my heart is too
full, and too deeply sensible of yourgoodne**
and hospitality, to give adequate utteraace to
the sentiment' it now entertains for you, and
which to its latest pulsation, shall be thndl-
cherished with the most fervent aspirations
for your health and happiness!
Ladies and gentlemen; I innst for a time,
bid you an affectionate farewell I And you
will permit me to hope, that on my return
from Boston, 1 may have the happiuoss and
honor of again appearing before you!
400 tQtUO JMf_
fop Fqciflc waan, I* *11 to b* Mqsrhved by
The mo*t corrupt combination*' Would be
formed among th* Btatea to benefit particu
lar seotiito* oi'the Union, and exclude others
—the burthen would be made to fall ou those
State* hostile to foe exercise of the power—
and it cdu|d not fail to l**d to the irrtposer-
ishmenf ol tho old Statu, to the overthrow
of Representative integrity, to the prostra
tion, of Slfte Sovereignty, and to fo*'early
dissolution of 111*.Union itself.' We trnsl
that the aatnii seal and‘ability that have
combatted the constitutionality of tho puwer,
will opitou it# direct grant to th* National
Legislature, and that the Statu may be
left, aa tliey are daily proving themselves
competent, to improve their own territory,
at their own good time, and in their own
Way.—Richmond Whig.
Tho Executive Message transmitted to th*
Seriate yesterday by the President, it is on-
derstood. contained Nominations, for coofir
rnatiua, af a number of Officer* appointed by
the Preside*!, daring the recej* of Congress;
amongst tliem, the nmntoljtion of Mr. Rufus
King ris Minister to Great Britain. There
was not in tha Message any nomination, it R
slid, of Ministers to the Corigress at Punama,
gs Wat cunjecturad out uf doors. Rumor,
li w-var. assigns to' Mr. John Sergeant, of
Philadelphia, tha honor of being one ofthe ci
tizens fixedon by tbe President for that trust.
Mat. lot. Hlh tori.
The anthorioed publication of the Laws of
tbe United States has been transferred from
the National [nleiligeoaer to the Nation'll
Journal Our readers may rest assured the
iniosfer.thall not prevent their having duo iu
formation of the Laws. VVe . have published
the greater portion of them (the private acts)
gratuitously for several years; it will add lit
tle to our sacrifice for the public good here
after to insert the lawa of a' public nature ou
the same terms.—it.
' The Peris Quolidianne makes the following
remark- pri the late failure of Mr. Williams:
“ Singular state uf thiugs! Curious chan
ges in manners The bankruptcy of a mer
chant now nrtsluoes more sensation than the
death of a King; and the English house
which lias just failed, will occupy Europe
more limn the HonsS of Bavaria, which h*>
lost a Prince.”
Lombard and Photkction Ban* The
copnnitiee eppojnted by the Legblature of
New-Jersey, to investigate the affairs ofthe
Lombard aud Protection Bank, have reports
a sad account of its pecuniary concerns—
ns whole capital ba* been sunk, and it to in
debt {39,000 lit
Shipwreck or. the Oaf.e Castle East
Inhuman.—Drums, JYin. 3,’-Extract of a
l.-tter :—" I was roused fipui bod ,at (half
■oat six o’clock in the morning, to; behold
u large and beautiful ship, which had, at
hat moment, in endeavoring to reach the
Downs from tho westward, „struck on the
Goodwin Sands, about the western extremi
ty. At the termination ,of about twenty
minutes from the period of grounding, her
forepart having previously lowered or sunk
nto the Band, she inclined so much on her
unrboard side aa to bringtlie masts within
10 or 12 feet of the water. In this situation
aim continued for five orpix minutes, when
iter masts having come in contact with the
waves, were atl carried ashore. Slut struck
"f half past six in the morning, and before
half putt seven she wa < *. perfect wreck
I cannot accurately describe the scene
which took place on board, having been
dietant about three miles; but I could per-,
reive, with the assistance of a good glass,
that no sooner waa the misfortune perceiv
ed by tho crew and passengers, than tbe ut
most consternation and cmifustop prevailed
on deck. Persons war*’seen, running in
every direction. Sumo took to the cross
trees, others to the rigging, while the bow-
prit and poop were crowded. The cross-
tree*, leemi-d the principal. asylum, where
ihey all flocked around the slump of the
mizen must, to which, some I presume were
lashed. One imib clung to tha broken ex
tremity of the toast, where ho remained for
more than an hour. While in this perilous
situation, from which' Providence alone
could have saved them, a: boat hovered
round in all direction,s,’ evidently with a
view of affording assistance, but, alas, she
wns nimble lo ajiproach riearer than one bun
dred yards. A second boat niadq her ap
i.csrance,*ndin vmn attempted to approach-
Two others made desperate efforts,arid one
more determined than the. rest, hnvered to
windwtrd. passing and repaisihg with eigh
ty or on* hundred yards; ’ but, notwith
standing thn determination which the brake
crew evinced, they were unable te afford
th* nqceseary assistance, to great- wai the
surge, and vtolent the gale. Several float*
on me up now, but to no purpose, they were
unable, to approach on any tide. .Aoorit '1
-'’clock several tremendous waves washed
over her deck atol the crowd M the poop
was considerably diminished; man; so
doubt, having been washed off. The boat
men continued their praiseworthy exertions
with unremitting dexterity and courage
until half past eleven o’clock, .when tha se
verity ofthe gnle obliged them to (bs**ke
the poriuit, and make for tha shore.",! '
A loiter has hoe* received from • naval
officer, dated Deal* *lh Nov.
Rail Roads.—A lata English papor for
nishestha following valuuble-iiiforniation on
the subject of .an improved Jtaii Road Car
tinge, whicli Will be perused with interest
and satisfaction hy every friend to the In
ternal improvement of his oountry:
Improved Rail Road Carriages.—The
great obstacle to rail roads is the enormous
expense of levelling the line along which Ilia
rail way is to be carried, and also of car
rying the path of tbe rail way nearly in a
direct linaq because the carriages hither
to constructed for rail roads, have not been
able to drag a weight, except upon * level,
or nearly level jpath, and Have nut b on
able to deviate in any considerable degree
from the straight tin*. The Birmingham
papers inform qaofa most important inven
tion, by which, if it prove successful, this
great obstacle will be removed. It is an in
vention ofa steam carriage, which dragging
a weight is pble to ascend upon a rail way
an elevation of 440 feet in* mile, with per
fect ease, and also to torn angles deviating
frotq the,straight line I j inch in the yard.—
The inventor is a W. H, Janus, of Bir
mingham. His models have beon exhibit
ed. They are on a considerable scale, the
rail way being 100 feet in length. The as
cent from the level, and the deviation from
the straight line are expressed above. On this
scale the models have performed with perfect
success. Mr Jainya estimates the saving in
the expence of laving down the line between
Birmingham and Liverpool at fully two thirds,
aufi the saving of tim* requisite, for laving
down the road lie considers will be much
greater than that. We are almost irans
criliing from the Birmingham paper, aod can
not, of course, speak of our own knowledge
of that which we have not seen. If, howev
er, there be any truth in the principles of this
invention its importance is very obvioue. E-
Ten oo the present calculation of tbe expense
of const uctmg rail ways between places
where the intercourse is very great, as be
twee* Liverpool an<| Manchester, it isconfi
dently expected that a saving, not of time on
Iv, but even of charge, will accrue to tha pub
lie fifem the mode of conveyance- But if the
great expense nf the construction ef rail ways,
namely, the'levelling the line in which they
ore to pass, can by the . new invention be di
minished two thirds or one half, the saving to
the public io Die aharge of the conveyaneepf
goods-would he certain, and at the same lime
therewonld disappear nearly all the oppnsf
lion which the country gentry have thrown
in the way of the rail A ays; for as a direct
line wosild no longer be necessary, it would
out be difficult by slight devialiods, to accom-
modate the humor, tasts, or pleasure of par
son’ through whose estats the rail way was
made to pass.
On tha righto ef Congress to carry on a
aystetn of Internal Improvement, we have
tiken occasion at various time* to express
our opinion- We can .find no warrant for
its exorcise in the Constitution, and with our
consent, it never would be found there. It
appear* to a*, that the opponents of this aye
tom, have directed their *IE>rt*.aMin*t it
with tha utmost imprudence.—Confining
themselves almost entirely, to the argument
of t|l« Constitutional qusqtion, foe; btve
tacit); given string reason* to believe, that
the; woild not object to.its incorporation in
the Constitution, aud in foct many ofthe ad
vocates ofthe righto of tbs Statos, have »■
vowed so much. The speeches of Barbour,
Randolph,.Smyth, Ac. insist alone on ito
uneonrititulionality, whilst they fail to *xltfe}c!
bit thetremeridoous *ontoqu»nc**i and ovrir
shadowing influence of the power itself,—
To our mind* it seem* • power more formi
p*bl« thu that of making w«r iU*if, for
A Cockney Bull The following notice
wa’ stuck against a house in the city the oth
er day:—“ This house ie removed lower
down till tbe repairs are fiuislied.” A wag
wrote underj—“ Enquire of Mr. Bull, m the
cellar, till the house oomes up again.”
Steam-Boat Accident.—On Thursday
inUming. about IU o’clock aa the steam-boai
Olive Branch, which plies between this city
and Albany, was attempting to land passen.
gen in thn smalt boat, at New Baltimore, a
bunt 16 miles below Albany, the boat captix
cd, and Capt. Romer, (who was in command
in the absence of Capt." Moore) Mr. Banja
min Chamberlin, tanner and currier, and Mr.
Kedenck Rosecrantx, farmer, both of Water
loo, were drownod. The two last named
were very respectible citizens and bare left
families. Capt. Romer, was highly esteemed
by all who knew him. When the steam boat
arrived near New Baltimore,Abe passengers,
got into the small boat, aod on lowering it
down aotne of the tackle became entangled,
which caused the boat tocapsize, and all were
thrown out. The two boatmen succeeded in
swimming to the shore. We are not surpris
ed at the accident. Nay, it is matter of tpe-
trial wonder that a haodred accidents of a simi
lar /Istore have net occurred, during, the
haste incident to competition, and consider
ing the manner ia which small boats are sent
off, and taken iu, from all (lie boats.
M. Y. Cum. Ado.
Stat* Bank of North-Carolina.—Tin-
following Statement or Expose of the con
ditiou nf the State Bank of North-Carolina.
was transmitted to the Legislature, »% the
Public Treasurer, a few Jays ago :—
Specie, 343,560 07
Foreign Notes,
Bills of Ex- ,
change A For
eign Bank ore-
dils, 303 689 58
¥*• g«ffg**» for Ih* eyes,
frornth* fac* soma httf* diRaJd. by Sjfcj
alto a vant-hol*, secured wit? a cotkmi
the note, through which the superfluous to
drawn in may fie allowed occisiuntll,
etoapa, to admit of a fresh draught throve
foe sponge below. It i* evident (hit .51
such an instrument or proboscis, annum,,
walk about and secure property or
live* in rooms fiHod.wifo th* blimlmg .uff,*,
ting smoke or timber, Ac. for some tin. •
and its utility, were its use cncour* eP d
amongst firemen and others, would ha inr.i
culable. 0” Wednesday a* ex^S,
was madp with it by the author himself ,t
the engine bouso ofthe Norwich Union Pi,.
Office, Reel-street, in winch a kZ Zl '
fir* was kindled forth* occasion, and tha
place filled with danse smoke—Kobcti*
want In with the hood on, and threw 41b uf
sulphur upon the firs, which increased tit
heat end tit# suffocating quality ofthe smalts
and He remained ip without inconveuiencs
for some minutes. Shortly after, he went
in again, along with a fireman, and remain,
ed fifteen minutes, the heat rising naidls
during their stay, from 140 to 182 degrees
They came out uninjured, though, it mj!«
supposed, considerably heated, the msul
about them being to wain that tbe naked
hind could scarcely bear tli«loach—Robnti
tbe inventor ofthe kuod, wav employed m
miner iu the neighborhood of Bolton. Tie
importance of this invention, hat been or.
knowledged by the Society of Arts, she
presented him with a silver medal and lik
and his Majesty’s apprubstinu has keen mu.
nificently expressed by a present of £mu.
Licerpwl Advertinr,
Committees or—In the hsste
of. copying the Lists of th.i Committors if
the House of Representatives, for our pulili-
cation, tliere occurred two or three errors,
which are corrected in the following:
Comm-tier on Public Expenditure,.—Mnt,
-Edwards, of N (J. Gist, Unhurt, Kidder,
Markoll, (Vales, aufi Van Horn.
Committee on Private Land Claim«—Mess.
Campbell, Moore, of Alnli. Garrison, Lccliv,
Test, Fospick, and Armstrong.
Committee on the Didriet of Co/umbi I—
Messrs. Kent, Alexander, of Va, illsir,
Tlioiupwm, of Pa. Lathrop, Murlia, and
Iu add lion to the committees already an.
nounced, tim rolluwing committee bu« In oo
appoint: d on the part of lha House of Rep
resentatives :
For ,u/mrinlemling the annual expenditure,
hr the Library of Congreu.—Messrs. Ever
ett, Bradley, and Wood, of N. Y.
Having occasion thus to revert to tlx,
committees of the House of Reprerentativn,
we take tbe opportunity to express our ut-
iafaction with the' liberality which lias dii
on thoie
either of party or gqpgraphicai bits, ns pro
pitiation of friends, or proscription of sdrer-
series. The Spoaker teems to have aimed
at as equal a diatributian at possible of tie
honors and responsibilities which devolve oa
tha Chairmen of the Committee*. Tbe hit
Chairmen of all the principal committed
ft hey being now members) are the stmt u
at the last session, except one—umd that ou
(Mr. Crowninebield) ia underatood to hov*
been transferred, with his own consul,
from thn Naval Committee to the Commit
tee nf Foreign Relatione, on which he i>nuv
placed.—JVbfson«l Intelligencer.
Bonda A Notes Discounted,
including ten thousand and
seventy-five dollars Stock. 2,766,749 50
Due by the Btote for Stock
Internal Bills,
Real Estate, to wit: Banking
Houses and Lots,and Lands
take* to secure Debts,
83.906 II
30,042 25
152,888 18
Dollars, 3,681.395 67
Capital Stock,
Notes iff circulation.
Due to Foreign Banks,
Profits, (snbject to Dividend
and lotaea on Debt* and
Baoking Houaea,
1.600,000 00
1,598,373 00
23,382 02
294,407 49
184,933 16
Dollars, 3.681,385 67
State Bank of N. Carolina,)
Raleigh, 22d Nov. 1825. <
WM. H. HAYWOOD,Cashier.
Ropcrt’s Fire-Pbotectino Sarrir-
Hooo —This ingenious contrlvknca is inlan
ds d to enable persons to enter-building* oil
fire,for the purpose of rescuing lives andpro-J Honse.
perty. and also for working in. dangerous at- 1 Dec 4t
mospheree. inseparable from some minufao-
turing processes*. The hoed ia constructed
so as toaoakl* th* we*r*r to inhale foe low
est, add consequently th* p*r*R air, in an
•partotont-filled with smoke or sulphurous
vapaSR It is a soft leathern ease, well li-
* head; aad drawing
i FEW Tiokat* ordered by
A in the Rhode Island Lottery, First
New Eerie*, for M>« <*r» s ! SfJrS
COorrentiontl Society. .Highest Pn“
toreceiltofh* flo*o %nd mouth, a* elastic Whol* Tjoketo {4—Halves ft—* ^
tab* de*cends tothe graMsd, at end of which 'tf»y draw* on 8*turd*y •* l1 ’ and
is a tin case, i* foe ship* often; invested iahed in a fo* ™b ul ?'. u onOERTSOfi
funeel *r con*,to which a large pine* of DacW WM'
1 from * prelection
Lamar’s Box No. I, from Augusta, will
303 kales Cotton, to G. B. Lamar, P. Hill.
G. Gordon, J. Gumming A Son, aod C. L
At Providence. 7th inat. schr. RamM«,
Sheldoii.-6ih.krig Paolhea, Bradley.
v* run this sort.
At Baltimore, 12th inst. aloop Harriet,
Holies, to sail next (Iny. „■
The ehjpNile, for this port, snehored id
Churleslon Bar on Monday, owing lo head
Chnrletton. Deo. 19.—Arrived, IT. S. Re
venue Cutter Marion,from* cruise on the
codst of Florida, and 6 days from Key We*
Left at Key West, U. 8. revenue cutter Pu
laski. Polk, U. 8. sloop Vagabond,(former
ly captured from the pirates.) On the 121#
inat. Bay nf Florida bearing N- dis
tant 12 miles, and Loo Key bearing W. by
S. distant 6 mile* saw the schr. Adelim-,
Kelly, from this port, putting dywn buoys
oh the Reef. The Br. brig planter, H» ,e -
from Jamaica for St. Johns, N. B. with i
cargo of sugar, rum, and coffee,went ashoti
on the Dry Tortugas oo the ,17th ult.; l ™
whole of Ivor cargo was taken out hy wreck
ers t vessel got off, and the whole arriv'd
it Key West a few days afterwards; IM
vesacf and cargo was sold, and a salvsfcd
60 percent, was decreed to thewreckerr-
The brig was found to bo tight, and «*
purchased by tho Captain on acrount of
all concerned. The vessel was folly ins#”
ed in Boston.- Capt. Donne that it
perfontiy healthy at Key West when M
O N Sunday evening, four ten dollar bilk
of the Untied States Branch Bank "
Savannah, and payable toll. Richards’*
closed in a small red morocco note case, »sj
two or more memoranda—also, one doll"
silver, ene English sixpence of Geo. 3. *™
one half Frano of NnpolW. If offered 1 '
requested the lama may he stoppedand inf
inatioo given at Cel. ShaHmanl M«***
A fibtral-reward will be H' |1(