Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 23, 1825, Image 1
tBl it EDITED AMD PUBLISHED, , <njnM 1 i mTTOriA'TAMVXK, MY 080.VWM. ROBERTSON, AISiqrT oor.uu re* an.-slm, FAtABLC IX IDrWCt. ; FOR THE OObNTRT] IS published 16 meet Die arrangement of the mail, ill rea limes • weak, (Tuesday,Thitra- 4a<t,awl Salurdaj,) at, Uv* Office of the Dai- Jr Georgian, and ooulaias all |he intelligence, Commercial, Politicaland MiscelLncoui. ju- cluiling aJrei ti’enionU, published in the Dai ly Paper. The Country Paper is lent to all parts of tho State and Union, or delivered in the city, at five dollars per annum, payable iu advance: Advertisements are inserted in both papers at 75 centspersquaro, of 14 lines, for the first insertion, and 374 for every succeeding publication. ■ _ Communications by Mail, must be Past- ^Salee of land and negtoes by , Administra tors, Executor* nr Guardians, are' required by biv, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the Hours of ton (n the fore- noun, anil three in the afternoon, at thoConrt House of the County in which' the property is situate. Notice of tlieso sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty days previ cos to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property mpst be given in lilte manner, forfy days previous to llis day of sain. Notice to Hie debtors and creditors of an estate, most be published forforty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell laud, must bn published nine month*. PERFUMERY, tc. Tfor, tho subscribers Emi Hft the .hL -D have received tnirty-five packages of have Genuine Drugs, Medicines j>er* fimety, Fancy Articles, &c. carefully aulected by one of the psrtneri now at Ilia north, which added to their for met Mock on hand, comprises an assortment very extensive, sud particularly nulled (hr thie market, and well worthy the attention oftdeklett. Merchants, Physicians, Plan ters and Families, weulddo well to forward their order*, ss they-will be sold st cur usual low rates. ■LAY fo HENDRICKSON, * Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Jnlv It * ' 9 EfVALUABLE DISCO VliR¥-U! A ivit the 1‘Ufcft. T HE Medicine now offered to the public ia oho which has been fully subjected to tAe iufallible tost of experience i and in every instsnee where it bas boon fairly Iri td, it bse boon attended with tile meal coni pletn success. Ip some of the esses, tile patients had been labouring under the dis ease lor years, and during that period, hail received the best medical advice, and had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage, his hot (like those usually advertised) offered as a certain cure tor a long caialogiie of dis eases,buuhoee afflicted with the cdmplaint, for which alone it is recommended, may re ly with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in its worst forms in a short time; and themselves are the best judges of the im portance ol'sucb a remedy. Price 50 cents pur box, with direction! sinned by the pro prietor- Prepared and sola at r JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, 273 North Third Bl. above caliowliill, Philadelphia. The .proprietor had appointed Lav & Hkm>ricicbo'n, comer of Congress and Whitakcr-strcets,Sliad’s Buildings, solos gouts for the sale of this medicine in Savan nah, Geo. Oct 6 . «3 Notice. T nE subscriber begs leave to inform his frionds and customers, that he has taken JOHN FALLS WALKER into part nerahip, and that in future the FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will be carried ^t'nndor firm of Hubert Alavtia & Co, They will bo thuch obliged to their friends for a share of their custom, and will use their best, exertions to morit the same.— Reasonable advances wilt be made ou all proporty sent to their address. ■ ' ROBERT MARTIN, No. 7, Kiddoli’e Wharf, Charleston. Sept 27 I9]c Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date of this notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the beira and creditors of said deceased. . JOHN W- STACY, Administrator. dor IP . 91 DlumMi RECEIVED. T HE following are the numbers drawn from the wbedls hf the RHODE IS LAND GRAND STATE LOTTERY, NO. Ill, on the 14tli instapt: 45—48—11 —33—17—28—58—1 £ Holde.11 of Prises are requested to call and ■zeeiva the cash, or leave order tor tickets in the Grand State Lottery of Maryland, to draw on the ointhef next month.' 1 Oct 27 W ROBERTSON. DHA WING RECEIVED. G rand state lottery or RHODE ISLAND, third class.—The Allowing were tbs numbers drawn :— - 45-48—It—33—17-S8—£9—16 PRIZES will be cashed or invested in oth er Lotteries *t the Holders may wish,—st LUTHERS • EXCHANGE OFFICE. 31 CAPERS. \ / A supply of Fresh Cspe", jdat' rseeivsd Alt and for sale, by the gallon, by - '* DAY A HENDRICKSON APPROVED latent Family Medicines, L EE’S BILIOUa^Turlington’S Balsam PILLS of Life Anderson's do do Opial for the cleans- Coit’s do do ing of Die teeth dt Anderson’s Cough- gums Drops RelPaAsthmaticPilla American do do Do Botanical Drops Church’s do do Austen’s Remedy for Essence Mustard the Piles Worm Lozenges ■ Hinckley’s do du Black Drop Thompson’s celebru- Uenty’s True Cal- ted Eye Water . cined Magnesia Thompson’s Teeth Andler’sAeiaticLen- Paste itive Squire’s Grand Elix- Roger’a Pulmonic ir Detergent Jesuits Drops Dolby’s Carminative Tooth Ache do. Ac. A constant supply of the above useful Patent. Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Bluffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lsmp, Glasses, Lamp Oil, Ac, Ac. can be obtained at the store of LAY A HENDRICKSON, Msy 28 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Bricks. T HE Subscriber has st present on hand a large stock of Bricks of superiorqua lity, which he offers in such quantities as may he wanted, at the lowest possible price fdr cash only. For the convenience of his Town Custo mers, he intends in future to keep always a considerable supply in town -, those in im- inodiato want of the article will be supplied by application to Mr. Janies Roberts, either at his residence in \Veat Broad Street, or at Myers’ Wharf. HENRY M’ALPIN. Juno 24 79 FRESH Drugs and Medicines J UST received per ship Savannah, an additional supply.of FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES, such as— Calomel, Suphate Quinine Pulverized Ipicaciianeh Pulverized Colombo. White Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Cnlo’d Magnesia Henry's Pulverized Rhubarb Ilair Powder, Ac. SI.SO, IN STORf,, 600 Bottles > Castor Oil, cold pressed, very superior £00 do do do do 2d quality 300 do do low priced for plan tstion nso 30 Barrels Glauber Salts 10 do Green Copperas 20 Half Barrels sud Kegs do 3 Barrels English Refined Epsom Salts,. Ac. All of which will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit. O* North Carolina Bills ta ken at par. and Darien Bills at k smalt dis count. LAY A HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. August 27 HALL & HOYT, OFVkR FOR SALK, 0000 BUSHELS Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 25 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 6 do Cognac Brundy (Scignettes) 10 casks Cheese' 20 bbis mesa Beef 100 boxes smoked Herring (fresh) 10 bbis Cranberries 200 Hams in bags for family use. oct 8 w V \\e SvibscYiber HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR, A A'D OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Du it Pans and Spit-iioxea H'lir Md Wist Brooms Club and Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes, - ALSO, A few dozen Pocketliglits , N. B. WEED. Jnlv 73 eta Notice. N INE months after date; application will be made to the Honorable Hie Court of Ordinary of Camdbn Connty, for leave to sell all the real, estate of the late Randolph M’Gillls, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditorsmf said estate. HANNAH M’GILLIS, Administratis. G. M’DON’ALD, Administrator. SI, Mary*, Jttnt 19th, 1826. June 28 7# IEUJFjRasfctf' •XACMoanr or wii STap^er HEw-voam SPLENDIDLOTtEKY, To be drawn in the add*. of iHew-York, et the 4th of January. 18*6, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES 45 Numbert—8 Ballntaio be drawn. KACH TldkST HAFIRS THREE RDHBER1 U! . COMBIBATIOH. 1t. B, Yale* A A. M'lntire, Managers, SCHEME OF THE New-York State literature Lottery, "Ctiana 3, tor IOT8.. 1 Prise of ditto,out) is <100,100 1. do 60,000 60.000 1 do 20,000 20,000 1 do v 10,500 10,600 ' t do 6.000 10,000 4 do 2.500 10,000 10 do 2,000 20.000 38 do 1,000 39,000 78 do 600 39.000 468 do too 46,000 4446 do 60 222,300 5061 Prises, daavann #139 Blanks. |a87,800 Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizes payable forty dave after the drawing, but tho cash maybe had instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole 1 ! 1 : : <50 I Quartern : : <12 60 Half: :::::: 26 | Eighth : : : 1, 6 25 This is the most Hiagniticent aulieme that has ever been offered tiir the patronage of the fVienda of Lottery adventure in Aincri- ca. The small number of Tickets, and the unexampled demand for them, in a sufficient warrant that there will not be a chalice left, for weeks before the day fixed for the drawing, and .that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to $90. IT Gentlemen are therefore requested to he early in their application, aa all orders actually mailed before the rise, will be en titled to be supplied at the present rates. V Notes of the Bank of the U. States and its Branches, and. generally, the Notes of all Banka that pay specie, received at par. Alan, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on any of the large cities, and Prize Tickets receiv ed freoly in payment. All letters to be post' paid. The mails may be relied on aa being per fectly safe for all remittances. SATES $ MMNTIRE; Sept 20 WiuKingbmCily, 16|t dec NOVEMBER TERM. A T a meeting of the Justices of the In ferior Court of Chatham County, for ordinary purposes, at the Court-House ill Savannah, on Monday the save'hth day'dt November. 1825— From tiifi failure of 4ery many executors, administrators and guardio'na, to settle their respective accounts in this Court, withifi the period designated by law, viz. on the first Monday in January next, after thf slate of their respective letters, to settle 6 first account, aml-anotlier account 011 the. first Monday in every succeeding January, until their respective execatorships, admin istrations or guardianships shall be conduit ed or cease:—It is therefore ordered by the Court, that summonses be issued to and Hefted on all delinquents who shall fail tp appear before the Clerk of this Court, at Ilia Office, and settlo their respective ac counts. on or before the first Monday- in January next, aa it ia the determination of the Court to enforce strictly the iiijuuc lions of tlie law in all such cases. It is further directed, that this order be inserted in all the papers primed in the city of Savannah, twice a month, until the first day of January next, and that a copy be posted at the door of the Court-House, Exlractfrom the Jtfinutci, S. M. BOND, Clerk. Nov 17 48] t THE • AMERICAN FARMER, Is published in weekly numbers if eight Quar to Pagee, BV J 8. KKINENR, POSTMASTER OF THK CITV OF BALTIMORE, At fuse dollars pee annum, to be paid invari ably in advance. T HIS JOURNAL is handsomely print ed, with a great number of engravings to illustrate the subject! treated of, Fifty- two numbers, m title page, and an ample in dex, make a volume. It is written for by the moat intelligent and distinguished prac tical Farmers in every state of the Union, and ia devoted to the aubjects of Agricul ture, Internal improvement! and Rural gud Domestic Economy. Each nnmbor of the Farmer gives the most exaci state of tlie maikct, with respect 10 all the rhif articles thi-t Farmers have to sell or buy, supported by reference to par ticular sales. ' Not more than six seta of the previous volumes are on hand. ' Persons wishing to snbarfihe may inclose a note, directed to the editor, and at his risk, by ti e mail, or pay It at the office o the Georgian Nov I 34 William C. Way, LATE OF THE FIRM OF WAY R BA KER. SAVANNAH. GEO. O FFERS hia services to bis friends and the public, in the General Commission Business, in this place, and solicits their patronage. Reference! to Messrs. A. Low Si Co. Sa vannah, Geo. 1 G. Breittmayer & Co. Au gusta, Georgia. Augusta, Sept. 8, 1825. Oct 8 IR|b Kanaway from the Subscriber, O N Wednesday. 24th ult. a large yellow negro man, named FREDERICK.— Ho ia generally known in the acyoiuiug counties as a fiddler. He was seen in Spar ta on Friday last.. It is believed he will go to Augusta. He may have a forged pass, aa he can read aqd write. A suitable reward will be given for'bis apprehension and confinement in any jaii in the atate. so that I can get him. JAMESCAMAK. MilledgevUle, August 28 Seut 27 18 London Mustard.;. A FRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London A. Mustard, suitable for medicinal and other purposes, just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. Oct 1 Shad's Building*. :% Wanted, &Q&3>afflnr a M R. PHILLIPS , respectfully informs ' tha public, that he has a vacancy lot a fcar more pupiia^f both sex- Heleacbea the following branches of ,an Education ;i- English Grammar, fVriting, Arithmetic, Geography. Projecting f Maps, Astro nomy, History, Composition, Polite Literature aai Rhetoric. Aim, - LATljy AMD FREMCH. ST A separate room ia proivded for the Young Ladies 'Miss Phillips under hissnperintendance. instructs a tvw children in Spoiling, Read ing- Wriling and Arithmetic. From lour to six Yeung Gentlemen may be accommodated with board, foe. in htk family. Every attention wifi be paid to (heir comfort and murala, di n ¥iVfen\r,g ftcUouL for the instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng- liih Grammar, Arithmetic, Book Keeping by Double Entry, Navigation, and tlie E11 nar Observations; also, the method of as certaining and of measuring the distance of toe Heavenly Bodies, is open every evening from seven until nine o’clock ' For terms, which are moderate, ploase to Apply by letter or personally, at his Acade my. in State-Street, opposite Mrs. Maxs 'veil’s Boarding-Houie, corner of Bolton'- Square VALUABLE MEDICINE Anti-bispe pile ViU». FBEPARED BY HEkRV JAMF.I. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Iuiligestion, Habitual Costivencss, and Piles. It U well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable disoasos of our country. Its commencement is in dicated in different patients by various symptoms, qf which the most remarkable ate/— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate cos- Styenesa, headacb, commonly called nervous or sickly headach, vellowness of the eyes and skin, acidity of tlie stomach after eat ing. often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitter taste in tlu mouth in the morning, foetid breath, drew xinesa after dinner, debility, lassitude, ema ciation, depression of spirits, foe. Piles being connected with indigestion and costiveness, arp certaiuly and speedily removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the above valnoble me dicine has just been received, anil for sale by LAY fo HENDRICKSON, bet 8 33 eVIOllT dttHOOL. T HE subscriber will open his Night School for the Instruction of Youth Ut his residence near the Catholic Church on MONDAY, 3d October next, wherein will bo taught Reading. Writing. Vulgtr and Decimal Ariihmeiic, Geography and Book keeping, it. a incthndirnl wav not au PETER HYNES. Sept * ' 17]i.tfos Fresh Teas and Cassia. just iiEcrivnn per ship emperor, 1 ft K CATTY BOXES GunpowdeaTer J.O*J 129 do do Imperial do 100 do do Hyson do 10 Chests llyaon do 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 200 Mats Csssin For sale by J. 0. HERBERT fo CO. July 14 Saratoga Congress Spring fVu ters. TnIFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh I? bottled by Mosars. Lynch fo Clark, of New-York, and direct from the Springs, just received per ship Augusta. Persons going to yea would do well to supply them- selvea, as they are offered at reduced prices LAY fo HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 26 by . Fulfon Marfci t Beet fust received per echr Mary and Margaret ~ HALF- BBLS. Fulton Market Beef : to Barrels Sargent’s Crackers 44 Do No. 1,3 and 3, Mnckarel , “bradLey, CLA&HORNfo WOOD; Oct I Anciaw 1 * Whwt a$4 VBlCiJifE P. R. BRAHB1NNK, O ESPECTFULLY informs hia friends 4* and the public, that he has purcliaaed the establishment in tfio above busineaa, he- fongingto Dr: A. Dblaroohe, oppoaitb' the Exchange, where he offer* for aale at low prices, a large assortment of FreaAx MeAicines, hn&th«ftAealt, AMOKO which'are the followino I— Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Airaw.Root, Borax, Bergamot Biirostone,., Barley, Balsam Capivi, do . Pioru, do Fvla Cainplior, COntharidea, Cinnamon American beat and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Columbo, Fmery, Gum Aesafietida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manqa,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Henna, Nutmegs NuX Voqiiea, Oxyd of Blamutli Oilof Aniseed, do-Peppennint, do Cloyes Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlosh, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salta Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Painta Dry and in OA. White, Red and Black Lead Prusaion Blue, Verdigris , Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Fcrtiimterj. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Maeaasar Oil Beat English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Robos Surgical instruments and Patent Med icinee of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 B E- IT -REMEMBERED; that pfi the twenty-second day .of October, one thousand eight hundred and Menfc.flvd* and in the fiftieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, William Ci Dahiell, of 8avannsb, in said District, bath deposee<l in this office the titl* «f » 01 ok, the right whereof a* author to the words following, to wit: •• Observations umm the Autumnal Fsvert f Satatmah. RymUia C. Dnnitll.M, Df Leprtmitr dtrair do mnllriti. tit, fagir - •urloprinripttle-rsaction—BKRLiiiontnt.W r&m ^ tn confcyi'J # the Aot of t. Cnngrwa of the United States, •**•****»•* enlillrd ’-An’Act .for the eq- couragpment of learning, by aeouring tb* copies „f Mape, Charts, and Books, to tb« authors and pnq/rietors of such copies <ju- » , ndthetimesthereinmeatioHad.’’ Ami,also, /the Act ehtltjod-'- Ah Act suppleniSaiery 1 in Act flntitleif ** An Aot for th«* mooui;* ■gpmrnt of learning by Hecurin*.til conic# of Mapio Charfs, Mid Books, to tbe tuthor* sod propri/’tors of such' copies during tho times therein mentioned,” and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, - engraving, and etching historical and other prints. GEO. GLEN, Clerk District of Georgia, The above work ia now in press, and w|U be published during the ensuing month in one volume 8vo. Orders for it received by „ W.T. WILLIAMS. N°v 22 - Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and Salmon. PIPES fourth proof Cognac Brandy, 1 warranted pure as imported, Grape Brand 10 Kegs Goshen Butter 6 Boxes Smoked Salmon Just received and for sale by Sept 8 J. 3. HERBERT fo CO. 10 Sivaim’s Panacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this Valuable Medii-ino. has just been received di- ei-t from the iuvnutor.'Mr. Swaim, of Phll- delphia. Druggists and others who pur- h»se to soli again, can have if at the ori ginal price established bv the proprietor. LAY* HENDRICKSON, Oct t Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale bv P. E BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposjte the Exchange. Coffee, Pork and Lard. K ft BAG8 COFFEE tJU 15 Bids Mesa Pork, N.Y. city inapec. 50 do Prime do dy do 5 n Kegs Lard For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD fo CO Sept 3 < Haras arid Flour, Oftft SUPERIOR HAMS in bags 20 Barrels Superfine New Flour 10 Pipei Holland Gin 2 do Cognac Brandy For sate bv H \LT. fo. HOYT ft ew i- tour. 1 AA BARREIJt Richmond Superfine -I-Cf” Flour, from new wheat, just re ceived and for sale by Oct 11 C.C. GRISWOLD* CO Fly Market Beef S% | 'HALF Barrels just received by the ml I. sebr. Mary fo Margaret, from New- York, and for salehy J. B. HERBERT & CO. Oct 4 Block Ink and Ink Powder A FRESH SUPPLY of these superior A articles, manufactured by Maynard fo. Noyes, of Boston, has just been received per brig Index, and for sale by • LAY fo HENDRICKSON, Oct 11 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. A Negro Mari, A PRIME Negro Man; about 35 year* ot A age, a good field hand. For sals by Jane 342 CALVIN BAKER. 7# Hardware,Cutlery,Japanned & , Fancy Goods. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORT MENT of the above articles, compris ing a great variety, received by the late ar rivals, and for sate on accommodating terras by NATHANIELS. WEED. Act on - - w D arien bank notes wanted by T. S. LUTHER, dee IS U. Boots and Hoes. Ivor arcmvxn, 1 Per brig Index, 28 psikag- 1 BOOTS and SHOF jy, - consisting of iha following kind, viz : 3 Cases Gentlemen’s fine Calfskin Boom 2 do do do Sealskin de , 4 do do common do do * do do etnut bo’d peg’dSlioaf 1 de do unbound do de 1 do da fine danc. Pumps de 3 do do com. do do de 3 do women’s leather walking. do 2 do do do pumpo do 3 do Boys lined and bound do 2 do do thick 2 do Children’s Leather Bootee* I do do Morocco do For aale low by-the package or dozen by T. S. LUTHER, r oct 8 T- -’ fancy brushes,. T HE subscribe!* hive lately received ftom Ueojamio Taylor’s Factory of Phitadap phia, a supply of the following Brushes: Cloth Brushes, new patteioaod elegantly gilt and plain Hair de do do do Crumb do do do do Hearth do do- do 'do Nail and Comb do Shaving do in great variety Bottle do 9boefo Furniture do Sileer Wired Teeth Brashes, very *op riob with turned, plain and fluted handles Sweeping a*d Desk Brushes, 4c. all of which are ottered very low. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Nov 30 . Drm.irigi--- S.lqid’-s Roildgs. - STEEL AND HIIEET IKON. B LISTER German and Cast Steel and Sheet Iron. Received and for sale by N. B. weed: new 8 CORN AFLOAT, ft ft ft BUSHELS New Flint Com, from OIRJ Beaufort N. C. ’ ' Also, Cow Peas, for sale by Deo 9 P. M’PErMOTT 1 ^ EMERSON’S RAZOR STRAPS.- i SUPPLY of these celebrated STRAPS, * just received per ship Chariot, fnuai Boston, and for sale by LAY it HENDRICKSON, Nor 1 juu Druggists. GREENE fo PULASKI MONUMENTS. Savarrzh, (GkouoiaJ Nor. 8,1825. UT A meeting of the monument committee, was held yesterday :—present, Iha Chairman, Messrs. Wx. It. Buli.ocr, R tt . Hadkr. sham, J. B. Read, J P.Scatvtn, J. tSatiis- max, and A. TxLFAin. The report of the Treasurer having been read, the following resolutions were tbiri ap- uu adopted:— ' J. That the Secretary bdauthorized to ad. vertine, during the space of three musilha. -fiir designs of the monuments, proposed to b« erected in Johnson and Chippewa Squares, ia memory of General GnucMand Count Fit. LAtai:—likewse, that lie should utter pre miums, not exceeeding fi/tjr dollars' each;' fur those two, which would most eiacjjy combine simplicity with neatness and economy with durability. , 2d. That at tha and of snob time, the Se. cretary shall call a meeting <ff the Subscri bers, in order that thi. committee may then and there make a fall exposition of their pro* 3. That, h* shall also request all person* holding papers of subscription in their; hands, throughout the state; to make 'report* oft heir f- success respectively »' v’ .* Sd. lf Tha Committee then adjourned. / , , JNO. STEVENS, Chainpa*.. JoazrH V. Bzvah, Secretary. - In compliance with the firyt resolptiaB, the ubsoriber hereby adveriiaes, that he utn rw- ceive designs or plans for therprupased ant/n- incuts, until the.4U1.d17 of March, uezte, ft is partH/uhirly requested however, that tho drawings msy be ao nmpanipd by explapatu. ry notes t and indeed, such remarks, gen*|. ' ally, as f auld bs eateolated to put jho *om-< mittea completely iq'pofaeteion of the view* 1 of the draoghtamdu. -1. 1 •' Information *s to any further partinler*, t \ will be readily aflanfod, upun applioalkm Ifo letter addressed to ' JOSEPH ft BRYAN;. ' .... filmMminmtC ^' Ravwwab, \ <s ‘as