Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 28, 1825, Image 1

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IS EDITED 4jyd published iML>*V; ..iiiw'" ,A ' ■ orrr ot sayahmas, -:, BY GEO, ft W#. ROBERTSON, ATItOttT'DOLtAU VB» ANNUM, r AYARtt-'KN ADVANCS, ' . FOB THE COUNTRY, 18 published to moot the *rr*0*d*i«ht of the road, throe limes aweeMTuesday.Tlujft. da,, euil SatuAlay,) It the Office of 111# Dai ly Geurgian, and contains 111 the intelligence, Commercial; political and Miscellaneous, in cluding advertisements, published in the Du ly Paper. ', The Country Paper, is sent to all parts of the State and Union, or delivered in tho oilv, ■t five dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements inserted in both papers at 74 cents per square. pf.I4 lines, for the first insertion, and 37* for every succeeding ^ Communications by Mail, must be Part- ^Saies of land and jOegi oes by Administra tors, Executors or Guardians, are required bt law. to be held on tho first Tuesday in the aiotdli; between the hour* of teU in tho fore, nooo. and throe in tho aflernoon. at the Coort House of.llw County in which lire properly is situate. Notice of these sale*, must bo given 1 in a public Gazette iixty daya previ ous to ilia df*v of sale. * is Otic* of lh« sale of pononal property must be giveu 10 litre m*aoer,/orty days previous to the day of safe. ' Notice to Use debtor* and oroditora of an aslata-, mpst he pilbluliadfitr/orty day*. . Notide that appiicauod will be made to the Court of OnliiAfy for leave h»e«U land, must be pubhaiied now rnontiu. FRRFUMERY.fte, V • tfls-jMiiii r i. t:r tho subscriber* ;jr-«n paokages *f $fed*dResjPer- carefully selected Bo oae of tho partners . »**titho north, which added to their fot- , jorowck oti hand, comprises*!! assortment ,*wy extensive, and part*culitrt» upr«ed for this matkot, and well worthy tbb attention of dealer*. Merchants, Physicians, Plan, tors nod Families, would do well to forward -their ordure, u they Will he oold at' out ual low rptes. LAY fo HENDRICKSON, Drbggjata, Shad’s Building*. Jnly lO , • do do hmsticPille Do Botanical Drops Austen’s Remedy for the Pile* Hinckley’s do do ThorripnCn’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson^ Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jeauits Drops Tootli Ache do. foe. A constant supply of th* above useful Patent Family Medicine*, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perlhmery, Fancy Articles,, Dye Stuffs: Cnt Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp 'Oil, foe. foe. can ho obtained at the store of LAY ft HENDRICKSON, May 38 . Druggists, Shad’s Buildiags. gy Valuable DiacovERY.ja A tw t\>e DUta FI1HB Modicum now offered to thejrablic JL it tne whieh has bosn-foUf, eubjected -wr...... .^>.,. -Jj. w . „ i foWptrh ed, it ha« boon attended with the most com plete suceew. Id Come ofth* cases, the patieoubad boon labouring nndor the dis ease for yearoiaod dunag that period, had received the best medical advice, aud had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised) offered as a certaih cur# for a long catalogue ofdis- eases,but tho## afflictedwith the complaint, for whieh' alone it is recommended, may re- jy with ■ confidence upon obtaining relief, even in ite worst forms in aihort time; and therasolve* are the best judges, of the im portance of such a remedy. Price 60 cents per bod, 1 with directions signed by the pro prietor. Prepared and soft at * JAM 68 A. AUSTIN’S Drug and'Chemical Store, 373 North Third St- above callowiiill, Philadelphia. The proprietor has appointed Lav fo HanmucaioM, corner of Congress SmT Whitakor-strects, Shad’s Buildings, sole a- gents for the sale of this medicine in Haven- I n*h, Geo.. Oct 8 ,33 Notice. T HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and customers, that he hss taken JOHN FALLS WALKER intonart- aer»)iip, and that in future the FACTOR AGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS will be carried on under firm of UoAjftrt Martin & Co. They will be much obliged to their friends for * share of their custom, and will use their best, oxertions to morit the same.— Reasonable advances will be made on all property sent to their address. 1 ROBERT MARTIN, No. 7, Riddell’s Wlierf, Charleston. 8ept 37 I9(c Notice. igiNE MONTHS after the date of this XV notice, application will be made fo the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber to County, for permission fo Bell a part of foe real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. dec Jn Hi a» acTnoai-rr or tux statu tfo**. SPLENDUHTotIEHY, Tt> be fihiwii in the eft* df New-York, oc \ '.** the dlhof J|nSatj,l8*«, -f :. andfinismbdin mi minutes. 46 Numbors 6 Ballot* fo b*' drawn.. ■ ACB TtCSXT . WAVINp Tmntz trews a a* fo . , oemnrndriair. ■ /. R TaUt tr A. ^Tfafive, Managert. ’ Netb- Turk State literature Lottery, Class 3, ron 1830. APPROVED Patent family Medicines. Turlington’s Balsam ef Life 0] H for the cleans-, ingofthe teeth ft do de do do Cough Lipul Anderson's Colt’* Anderson’s American Church’s Essence Mustard Worm Loashges Black Drop lonry’a True Cal cined Magnesia Andler’sAaiatic Len itive Roger’* Pulmonic mt Meb Daiby’s Caandnative Bricks. T HE ffibacribef has at present on hand ^ a large stock of Bricks of snperiorqaa lity', whies he offers in such quantities bit may be wanted, at the towns’ possible price Arwfist/p -V. For the convenience of his Town Custo diers, be intends in fotnreto keep always » considerable supply in town; those in im- medista want of the article will be supplied by application to Mr. James Roberts, either at his residence in West Broad-Street, or at Myere’Wharf. , HENRY M'ALPIN. June 34 79 FRESH Drugs and Medicines J UST received per ship Savannah, on additional supply of FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES, such as— Calomel. Suphate Quinine Pulverized Ipicacuaunli Pulverized Colombo, White Wax Quassia, Isinglass, Calc’d Magnesia Henryks Pulverised Rhubarb Hair Powder, foo. ALSO, IN STORZ, 500 Bottles Castor Oil, cold pressed, very superior 500 do oe do do 3d quality 300 do do low priced for plan tation nse 30 Barrels Glauber Belts jo do Green Copperas SO Half Barrels and Kegs do 3 Barrdle English Refined Epsom Sails, &c. Ail of which will be sold low for cash or ap proved credit. IT North Caroliua Bills ta ken at par, and Darien Bills at a small dis count. LAY & HENDRICKSON,. Druggists, Shad's Buildings. August 37 MlAtTMO RECEIVED. T HE following are the numbers .drawn from the wheels of the RHODE IS- LAND GRAND STATE LOTTERY, NO III, OB the 14th instant; 45-46-f |_33_17—38—59—1$, Holdejs of Prizes are Requested to ct|r end gneiss the cash, or lesve order for tickets In, ®* Grand Stale Lottery Maryland, to -■ DRAWVfO RECEIVEi /N RAND. ESTATE LOTTERY OF Rj*RHODE Island, imm -«wtHVhk pw*»fog were the ootnben drawn :— „ fi*r*«- , * : ^S3-kt7-3g—Sb-ilfi • PRICES will be eaihied or.tevetted U.bllk « Lotteries ss the Holders may wi»h.—at Oct. 37 EXCHANGE OFFICE. T- ' •<' Cwif PERS . ‘ i E eopriy er Frssh CApWs. j‘«& reeehrkd HALL & HOYT, orrzn row balk, 3000 BUSHt-LS Baltimore prime 10,000 wt. Baltimore Bacon, assorted 35 hhds St Croix Sugars 10 pipes Holland Gin 5 do , Cognac Brandy (Seignettes) 10 casks Cheese * 30 bids mess Reef 100 boxes smoked Herring (fresh) 10 bids Cranberries 300 Hams in bogs for ftmdy use. oct 8 M0RNIN©,bECKMBER4»,18i5. m t Priie of do do do do do do do do do do 1 1 t 4 - to 39 78 488 llOfoOOO i* {100.000 50,000 30,000 10^00 5,000 3,500 3,000 1,000 500 too 50 *0,000 30,000 10,600 10,000 10,000 30,000 39,000 39,000 48,000 333,300 {567,600 5051 Prizes, 9139 Blanks, Less than two blanks to a prize. Prizes payable forty days alter the drawing, but the cash may be ’ bad instantly, subject to the usual deduction of fifteen per cent. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole t : i : I {50 I Quarters : i {IS 60 Half; : : : i i : 36 | Eighth : r : : 6 36 Thii is the most magnificent scheme that has ever been offered for the patronage of the friends of Lottery adventure in Ameri ca. The small number of Tickets, and the unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant that there will not be a chance left, for weeks before 1 the day fixed for the drawing, and that the price ofTickets will shortly, rise to {60.. ST Gentlemen are therefore requested to > early in their application, as til orders hctually mailed before tho riae, will be en titled to be supplied It th* present rates. *** Note* of foe Bank of the U. States and ita Branches, and, generally, the Notes of all. Banka that-pdy specie, received at par. Also, Mercantile-Drafts at sight, nn-any of the large cities, and Prise Ticket* receiv- od ffoejy In payment. ' ' ,. '' ". All letter* to. bo poet paid. The mails may be relied on ai being per- fectly safe for all remittances. YATES £$ M’IJSTIRE, Weuhintftnn Cily. Sept 20 I6||tdec TATR. PHILLIPS rewwctfulty 1 XVA the public, that WhaaA vecai A, raw more pupils of both sex. Het Ukfarms mey for teaches loealiotu-^ . IVriHug, Arithmetic, ■ *: * r i** , S <f JIaprtAdW: y.Hutbry, Ceworitun, Potlt* Literature ami Rhetoric. Sli Alto, Tv 7 LATJtJr A/fO PREJfCH. •eatvnets a foot children iii' SpelUng, Read ing. Writing and Arithmetic: , ,i\ From foor to six Young Gentlemen may bn accommodated with board, &c, in hi* family. Every attention, will be paid to .fhnir comfort and moral*. f' ' An Evening Achonly fo* the instruction of Gentlemen in the Eng lish Grammar, .Arithmetic, Book -Keeping by Double Entry, Navigation, and the Lu nar Observations; also, the method of as certaining and of measuring the distance of the Heavenly Bodies, is open every evening foom seven until nine o’clock For terms, which ate moderate, please to apply by letter or personally, at His Acade my, in State-Street, opposite Mra. Maxs 'Veil’s Boarding-House, corner of Bokon’- Square Tint AMERICAN FARMER, It pvhluhed in meekly number* of right Quar to Pogte, , BY J. 8. SKINENR, rotTHASTER Or TUC1TT OF BALTIMORE, At Jive dollnrs pee annum, to 6s paid invari ably in advance. T HIS JOURNAL is handsomely print ed, v ith a great nemberof engrayinga to illustrate the subjects treated off Fifty- two numbers, r title page, add an ample in dex, make a volume. It is writton for by the most intelligent and distinguished prac tical Farmers in every state of the Union, qnd is devoted to the subject! of Agricul ture, Internal improvements and Rural and Domestic Economy. Each number of thb Farmer gives the moat exact st ate of the market, with respect to ail the chief articles that Farmery Jmve to ^ nfafnMiqfigr-, 1 Not more than six sets of the previous volumes are on hand. Penon* wishing to stlbecribe may inclose a { r > note, directed to the editor, and at hia risk, by the mail, or pay it 3t the office o foe Georgian Nov 1 84 iSsWNNE, r „ wvr ^ ...kis friends and the public, that hie bad pdrchaeed the wubliahmenlinthoabove business, be longing to Dr. A. Del*roche, «ppoeite the Exchange, where he ojfora fof aale at low pnees, a large aaaortment of FnA ^hgii, MffiMetnefty mlcalfi, 1 -- -. - ASMwownicit ARETR* roi.Lowme s— . Attow Root, Borax, Bergamot , Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do , Peru, dp Fola' . / Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon . American best and common Castor Oil Cream Of-Tartar, Calomel, Copperu Columbp, Fmery, Gum AssafaBtida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum .Copal Gum Guiaoom, Gum Opium IstnglaaSt Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Mbgfleeia; Manna.Chatdomile Flowers Bdlpfaur, Senna, Nutmegs Nnx Vomica, Oxvd of Bismuth Oilof Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cipaamon, Sweet Oil Peari*ib,Ipecacuanha,Jalap T Rhubarb,Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts TartaT. Emetio.Bpirit« of Turpentine Paints Dr? and \n Oil. W£ite,Red*ud Black Lead Pruaaion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan qni Gepal Varnish. Ynlumm. Pumatom, Antique Oil, Macnssiar Oil Beat English Shaving Soap Eau do Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 30 47 district '-ogKGdeGUGiw 1 B E IT RBMEMEEEED, thki on Hi* tWent/tCcond day at October, one 't|thousand jetght huhd»a dnd hWkbvjfoe, •nd m4h* «rtistli y*at of the Indejperfflence ofth* United State* of Atnetka, *ig0 C. DAjtrstr., of Ssunnab, in said Diitrict, Hath deposited in this office tlie title qt'.> Bw*, the right whnraof.he claipia** author tnthe kordsfollnwing.towitt ' Savannah. Gy Wiliihm C. DanicikJS. DT "Le premier devoir du medirin. at, ftjgir *ur le prmripe de rrpsltoe,—fttst. IKoniERi.’’ In conformiiy, to 'foe Act.of itonress-eftha Unitsd #kte»i ftitfsd ‘- Ar Act fietbrr tn. cooragement of learniag,' 6y erUrinir the copie* of Maps, Chans, and Bonks,aolhe authors and proprietors of such , copier dn- ■—the times theteintneationad.’? And, alto, o Act entitled ‘- Ati Act supplementary loan Act entftled “ Ap Act for th» anconr- agemont of learning, by securing tlie copies of Maps, Charts, end Book*, toibe authors and proprietor* of such copies during Hi* times therein menlionsdi*’ and extending thp benefits thereof to the arts of designing; engraving, and etching historical and other prioto. GEO. GLEN, Clerk Diatrictof Georgia. ' The above work is now in press; and wm be pubhahed during foe ensuing month, iii one volume 8vo. Orders for k received by - t W.T. WILLIAMS. Nov93 : svtc ... NOVEMBER TERM. A T a meeting of the Justices of the In ferior Court nf Chatham County, for ordinary purposes, at tho Cotm-House in Savannah, on Monday the seventh day of November, 1825— From the failure of very many executors, administrators and guardians, to settle their respective accounts in this Court; within the period designated by law, via. on the first Monday in January next, after the, date of their respective letters, to settle a first account, and another account on the- first Monday in every succeeding January,! until their respective executorship*, admin* istrationa or guardianships shall be conclud ed or cease s—It is therefore ordered by the Court, thnt summonses be issued to and served on all delinquents -who shall fail to appear before the Clerk of this Court, at hia Office, and settle their respective ac counts. on or before the first Monday in January next, as it is the determination of the Court to enforce strictly the injunc lions of the law in nil such cases. It is further directed, that this order be inserted in all the papers printed in the city of Savannah, twice a month, until the first day of January next, and that a copy be peeled at the door of the Court-House. Extract from theJUinutei, , 8. M. BOND, Clerk. Nov 17 48JI 0 ? T\v> ttGfoscrlbet HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR,AMD OTHER LATE oti. ARRIVALS. - - ; ■ W AFFLE AMD WAFER IRONS Dual Fans and Spit-Boxes Hair and Wist Broosps , Club and Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushes, also, ' Afow dozen Focketlights , , H.B. WEED, lifts 38 ft*- nA ' ; 7v - . Notice/*; TftTlNE months after data, appljoation will XV be made fo the Hooerable the Court of Ordinary of Camden Goonty, for leave to sell all the real aatat* of tlie . late Randolph ftFGillis, deceased, forthe bsnefitof foe ty»in add 1 oredftors of said estate. r II ANN AH M’GILUH, Administratis. G. H'OONALD, Administrator. St, Maryi,Jun» 13U, lit*. - JiUWfik , - - ,7k William C. Way, LATE QF THE FIRM OF WAY dt BA KER, SAVANNAH, GEO. ,FFERS his service* to his friend* and the public, in this General Commission Business, in this place, and solicit! their patronage. References to Messrsl A. Low & Co. Sa vannah. Geo.; G. Breittmayer fo Co. Au- gusta, Georgia. Augusts,Sept.8, 1835. Oct« -1 IBfb Hanaway from the Subscriber, G IN Wodnfevday. 34th olt. a large yeUow ' negro man, named FREDERICK,— lie is generally known in the adjoining counties as a fiddler- H* was seen in Spar- ta on Friday last- It is believed be to Augusta. He may have a for; as he can. read and writfo A suitable reward will be given' for hie aipprohanfion and Confinement in any.jafi in>sUte.retha»I« jW8 hi^A K -• Mille^eville,August *8 London Mustard* 'AFRESH SUPPLY of Genuine London A Mustard, auitable for mgdicinG.and other I g sale by ON, luildings. Wanted, VALUABLE MEDICINE. AnU-nUp«vtic TU\». PREPARED ar HETHIT JAMES. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indignation, Habitual Costiveness, snd Piles. , It is well knbwn thst Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent snd formidable diseases of onr country. Its commencement is in dicated in different patients by various symptoms, of which tha moat remarkable are— Irregularity nf the bowels, obstinate cos- tivenpss. hesdsch, commonly called nervous or sickly headach, yellowness of the eyes and skin, acidity of the stomach after eat* ing, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitter taste in the mouth jn the morning, fetid breath, drow siness tiler dinner, debility, lassitude, ema ci&tion, depression of spirits, dec. .Piles being connected with indigestion and convenes*, are certainly and speedily removed by the Pills. A fresh supply of the shove valuable me dicine kas just boen received, and for 'sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, oct 6 23 Cognac Brandy, Goshen But ter and SaQmn. T A PIPES fourtb proof Cognac Brandy J.VT warranted pare as imported, Grape "Brand .... ' Iff Kegs Goshen Inner ■ 6 Boxes Smoked Salmon Just received and for sale by Sept a J. B. HERBERT ft CO. Swaim’s Panacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this Valuable Medicine, has just been received di ed from the inventor, Mr. Swaim. of Phil- delphia. Druggists and others who pur- hase to sell again, can have it at the ori gins! pries established by the proprietor. LAY fo HENDRICKSON, Oct 1 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold presaed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by P. E: BRASSINNE, March 39 , Opposite the Exchange. Coffee, Pork and Lard. CA BAGS COFFEE Lgvr 15 Bbls Mess Pork, N.Y. city inspec. 60 do Prime do do do 50 Kegs Lard For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD fo CO. Sept 3 Hams and Hour, &c. A SUPERIOR HAMS in ba 6vU 30 Barrels Superfine New .XIDYLT SCHOOL. T HE subscriber will open hit Night School for the Instruction of Youth, at his residence nesr the Catholic Church, on MONDAY, 34 October next, Wherein will be taught Reading, Writing, Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic, Geography and 1 Book keeping, in n methodical way not so PETER HYNES. Sept 8 toji.tfos lOPil 3 do For sale by 'lour Holland Gin Cognac Brandy HALL fo HOYT. Fresh Teas and Cassia. JUST BBCEIVED PE* SHIP XMPEBOR, 1 a. RUATTY BOXES GunpowdeaTer iwJ 139 do do Imperial do 100 do ' do Hyson do 10 Chests Hyson do 3 Half Chests Pouchong do' 300 Mats Cassia For sale by J. B. HERBERT fo CO. July -14 Saratoga Congress Spring !Vd- • ters. tJHFTY DOZEN of these Waters, ftsahf JT bettlerifoy Messrs. Lynctf* Clark, Of New-York, and direct from the Spriiigi, just received per ship Augusta. -Persons gtringWato^rooM fo^wdll to^ropplj theme 1 Druggist*, Shad’s Buildings. May 35 1 ’ ; - Fulton Market Beet; ^c. Jurt recriradper uhr. Mary and Mai Jurt received per tchr. Mary and A S ' HALF BBL8. Pultoe Market I ' 10 Btrrela Sargent’s Crackers 44 Do No. l.Sandk, Jlackaral For sal* hr . ' f BRADLEY. CLAGUORN fo WOOD, ,• Oetl, .. Ancienx’ij Whatt; New Flour. ? A A BARRELS Richmond 8nperfine -1." VP Flour, from new wheat, just re ceived and for sale by Oct 11 C. C. GRISWOLDfoCO Fly Market Beef. S% | HALF Barrels tost received b; id 1/aebr. Mary fo Margaret,-ftom ' York, and for tale by J. B. HERBERT fo CQ. I Boots and £hoes. ACST UECEIVED, • Per brig Index, 39 packag es BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of the following kind, viz: 3 Chsos Gentlemen’ll fine Calfskin Boole * -tk- do do do > do do do do do de do do Sealskin do common do de stent bo’d peg'd Shoes unbound do do fine done. Pumps do cnm. do, do do ! 3 do women’s leather walking do- 3 do do do pomps do - 3 do Boys lined and hound do • 3 do do thick • do 3 do Children's Leather Bootees • I do do Morocco' do For isle low by the pseks^ cw dromfi oetB- 1 do. do do do do do do do <lo do do do FAJfer - PI3HR 1*11101111*131104* lately received from f Onjemin TUytortoFeefon iff-ffiMmur- phie, t supply of the followtog Broshes: Cloth Bruahet, otw psusrn tod elegantly gih 1 and plain - Hair Crumb Hearth Nail and Comb do Shaving do in grnt varialy Bottle do Shoefo Furniture do Silver Wired Teeth Brashes, very superior, - with toraed, plain and fluted Imndlea Sweeping and Desk Brushes, Ito. *11 of Which are offered very low. • LAY fo HENDRICKSON, Nov 30 Druggists. Shad’s Bnildge. STEEL AN D SHEET IRON. B LISTER German and Cast Steel and Sh**t Iron, Received and for sale by N. B. WEED. niiv B , 40 i COR# AFLOAT. AAA BUSHELS N*W Flint Core, ftem TWV Beaufort N. C, Also, Cow Pels, for said b» Pee 9 p. M’DERMOTT, ■ — ‘• - - - ■ - ' the [estr. Oct 4 Black Ink and tnk Powder. A FRESH SUPPLY of these snperidr articles, manufactured by Maynard fo Noyes, of Boston, bis just Jie*n received per brig Index, nod for sale by " ' •- ‘.HENDRU Oct 11 LAY t HENDRICKSON, V Druggists, Shad? Buildings. A Nt?gi o Map. 4 PRIME Negro Mak.shout 35 yean ot aosz dge, a gooff field hand. For sale by j ‘ CALVIN BAKER, . In Jnn*34» - "*»' • hM-I Hardware,Cotlerr^aptnned ft Fancy Goods. A FULL^ND COMPLETE ASSORT MENT of the above article*, cempris- EMERSON’S RAZOR STRAPS. 4 SUPPLY of these celebrated STRAPS, jest received per ship Chariot, from Bostoa, and for sale by 1 i LAY t HENDftlCRSON, Nov 1 Druggilts. GREENE fo PULASKI MONUMENTS. Savanna*, {Grotto u) Nov. 8,1825. ICT A meeting oflhe inonnment committee', was held yesterday .—present, (be Chairman, Mesin. Wa. B. Bui.t.ocw, R. W. Haszn- ' raSM, J. B. Rxad.J. P.Scntvsn, J.Snxuv- wan, snd A, Tzi.vain. Tlie report of the Trearorar having been" read, the following reaolutioas were tbereep- on adopted:— I. That the Secretary be aethorized to ad vertise, during the space of three months, for designs of lbe monoments, proposed to be erected in Jolinsttn and Chippewa Squares,, sn memory of General Gurrnr and Count Po-, naan -likewse. the! he should offer pro. .mioma, not -exeeeeding fifty dnllafs aaolt. for ‘ these two, whieh would most exartty combine •implietty-Wsth eeatoess sod economy with durability. 3d- That at th* undid soch time, foe Se- eretary shall call a meeting, of the Sobscri- . heft, hi order foat this committee may then end therar niekea fail exposition of their, pro- greasv. ’ t"-, ' . 3. That, be shall.also eeqnest, all pessona holding paper* nf subscription inthejrjisi throogboet th* state, (a make rspeets tr' ssecessreepectivrly. T.- '■ > . The Cssmnitte# then.sdjoerrsd. JNO. STEVENS,-Cluirtnae, - JaeamV. Baron,Secretary* >v ' "■ IvA- • , £ i'-i'y. am, t compliance wfthtlyfihd tfowlefopi, jfog ■, sebseribes hereby advertises, tbel be will sw celt® diiitii nr nlii> BfdBwiiMlihL - ' enfotbe' ry noth* iafoed, anph t«oarki>-Mw>':, stiy,*e weeld be pettbp eap- ■ mitlee cempMslf inposebssicnef fo* views sf-, : HSIS