Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 28, 1825, Image 3

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3§ps§ » Tom gw«^- 1 HUj&iSSa+n t Hhd* Grace Copper** 100 taMH-WrcptolWP" «0 do . Writing, jo ■ 10 do Lbtter '•■ do 110 Piece* *£ BOW'BRA^ >-« •• •"'•• ' " att rMi O'AS juit iCwived elbgaut Christmas owl SI I M *m»wriv.nVPIotoreaque Poaket Diary enwi WM AIimuwo, ond • variety of art loin Of ttrefkl ieformatlon, In various ooVer*.—Prim from <180 toft* SO, .. • .’ The AUanLc Sevtfntr, containing man; original artlolai la Mutt and poatry, *mf nr^ [ oniuob LVMBtlE rw*HE undetsignad haaon hand amJpl T fur nlo. for c«h or approved paper, ftMMWO Fait Board*, an inch aad a mi^quarter thick./ 40,090 Foot nuartorod harrow •’* Board* *5 000 Feet Jolet and Scantling 140,000 Feet Ranging Timber IS,000 Foot WfiitoPiaal 300,000PrimeShingles , In addition to tho above, bo ia dailjf>|«» ceiving Lumber of ovary diworlplibn, which enable! him to furuiah asuqrtod cargoes with despatch. O' Lumber of any diminuioua eat to, or der it abort ooticoi • ... * v . > ... ALEXANDER A. ShlETS., Dec84 . - ... . .Wtu > Lumbar SCHOOL. T HE Subscriber, informs his friends and the pubiio, that bib School ia now open (bribe reception of pupil*, at the house oi Captain Hayden, Ydrfc-.street, near Wert Broad street. He reapaetfolly’ solicit* a share of pobhc patronage, hope* by hi* aseiduuin stterrtion to give general satisfaction, ' ' Small children will be admitted at per mouth. . y . . > . •• Soellmtr, Reading and Whiting. <4 per qr Ditto with Arithmetic, go V The above with geography,- Hap* and Amoriciiu. Atltn anil Grammar. die" ‘ ' j8 ' 'Evening School from -ft till 0 o’clock. p. HYNES. P»cW *3* StnEpA^T PRESENTS. “'SwT FOR BALE. ■ A SMAI.L pele.Boat, whfeb' wiU answer ask for a‘wood >of plantation boat, will bo •oM low if applied for immediately'. ,i * O. D. LAMAR. Dee57 , ,, ' .' ■, *7p I qf FriendAiZ.—iQ oontr. , ’ J^ i *^rl-'r'0 ’'•? , aoatam I STORAGE - 1 fllHE auhkeribep < .^j^HRAItHELtilutk proof' Philadelpliil 7 Grak^LtnjijaedOil S00 Barrel. No. 3 Mackerel - Landtag and for »ale by • tV . 8. B. PARKMAN. Pep 57 ~ |7#, .L(X,1FAND LUMPSUOAR, ; ; France*. Sixty-Five a** Loaf aad Lump, at the lownt mar- M. HOPKINS. .-4- ■ -W«l Sugar which Will ho i kteprtoaby Den VI . Tttfc Mumbai T HE aubacribarraapactfully informs hia ftianda and the public, that 1 th*, above establishments are in toll operation. .Plank* and Sdintling, Suitable for ship- piag. oan bo furnished of the beet quality, aad of any ri*e,lo Immediate order. He aim Me pn band, a few 'Aim CYPRESS LOOiLuppard* of 30 finite hogth,which he will raw ibtQ sock stede sa msy be required. At Um Coat Frw> Fbundry, work cf^averr daccriptioD, ic ihat Unc, will' be taecqted iu a atylc equal to that* Of any other factory io the Dotted Stataa, aad ootha lowaat pcuible dcoMMJ&siojt by. LtUm <m jfymuttnMby tba South Can- T***® auhaoriber (.ffera hta nryiM. to hia la'Souietv. , '> 7 ' R- frwml* and the public, in the FAC- eih^SVrgrfy—dn. ' TORAQE dc COMMISSION BUSINESS. ftni^^ "*Sa enX'DuSwet of ChHdroo,i4-1 telS«M^[, Wiitar’a AnMomy, ^ DoraayS 8nrgfty,| ^ WILLIAM COWELL^ alto eoaHnae* tba iwaaefaotare of BRfCK, which bo will supply io any suadU. if, toaordar. Tha qustttityef Bn. artlcie U already well kaown. HBNRYM’ALPIN. CT All ordara left at tha atono of Low k Wallace, will be ponotasliy sttsoded to. Dec. 19. r . |ltf iflitea’i SUrgrfy—<*. Oawee* on Ike Diieae filter’s Anntomy. |7. , 47." Smith * Idttleb M«tic, Praiyor B Paalm Book*, Me. Aco. together with s varie-1 t ? of LAW BOOKS and othar WOllKS. F VE Bale* of Cotton are in the Steam- Boat Yard, unclaimed. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. Deo 23 „ 25t ..I i .'is:,'■ , ti.j SUIT YEA MS Of'FERIJYO FoR tM*. TJl MBELLISHED with a on nbyr of basu- M-J tiftil Engraviogh. Some of the deaigtu afe- frhift the pencil* of tbete Americana whoae productioni have ranked first in the Academies of EwwtWi—Prioa d* SO. rrmtU Diary, arranged, pruned, and ril ed, for' ricviviiig Mf nceoutit of every dayb employment for the (pace of one year—pi <Lul L. C.CA1 COFFKE AMD BRAJiDY. ’ A K BAGS Prime. Green Coffee dS *3 10 Pipe* Brandy, ’'-DupUyV Landing and for inle by / B. W. DELAMATER. Deo 53 , S5l *** THE SUBSCRIBER "" ^^FFERS hia aervicea to hi* 1 friende and fhud, a Drama. by Goetlie, with tranala lion* from |hr German, by Lord Franeia Leveaoo Gower, for aale bv , 8. C. ft i. SCHENK. Dee ti *7e ANTELOU. Nov IS. let ” Wanted F ROM SO to too tba firat qaaHty Georgia Anew Root ' * ' GRAND STATE LOTTERY, D , »OU«TB CLSII—EXTRA, , RBW inTrovidence on ISth'teit. and will be received here on 18th.—Fifty number* combination—Six • numbers to be drawn. uchrmb. 1 Prise of 10,01)0 Dollar*. I do S.000< DoUsra 6 do 1,000 Dollar*. 1 do S48 Dollal*. 4 do tOO Dollars. 8 ) do 100 Dollars.. 44 do 50 Dollars, 88 do 10 Dollats, Ac. Ac. be. ' Tresent Price of Tickets: Whole*, t i i » i : : ^3 SO Halves,, ret: : i i ( 75' Quarters, : : : : 0 87 ' IT Those who have ordered tickets, io the above Lottery, are requested to call im mediately and. recive them at . LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Dec 20 FOR SALE OR TO RENT, > O N accommothiting terms, tbit very val uable Riae Plantation, osiled Mulber ry Hill, lit'ustedi in Biryati County,, on the river Ogeeehee, and * joining tlie Great Southern Road, esft of the causeway— The plsca is remarkably heitthy, having a beautiful site for a dwelling-house, witly two hundred acres of high land attached, well adapted either for the culture of cotton or Corn. The Rice Lands are inferior to none on the rivet, and af * good pitch o tide, several year* having elapsed aihee they ware planted—with Very little trouble they might be made to produce abundant crop#, as the banks arc perfootly sound. Apply to. ARTHUR «- MILLER. - ' Factor, Hunter's Wharf. -Nov n >• ; : ■ ■- f|g rt^Mbo^^^iarehared^Mewr*. JL Andrew Low A Cob. satire itook of WHITE LEAD, whiob i* put up in 1II Iba. 56lb*, and 58 Iba. kega.aod i*,io She order. He hai receised alao by iltq ahip Emperor tod other late arrival!, a large and general «*ortment ofGood*in »be - ' ■ t ‘ PAINT, OIL. COLOR, GLASS, VaR- NISH. and BRUSH TRADE, Among which-are the following ailioles: . Paper Hanging, with amiable Border* Window Bashes, Window Glare American Whita'Lead , Venligria, dry and ground in oil Linteed or Piint Oil ^ . Spirit! Turpentine, Copal Vurniah Hair Peocila, - , Winter Strained Sperm Oil, Summer do Whale Oil, Liver Shore do- Ac. Ac. all of wbtoh will be sold low for epah or ap proved paper. • I£T Hdtve, Sigo and Ship Painting, Gild ing and Giasiog, executed at reditoed^riCes Dec 27 27 orrics kauine akd riax insuhasck co.‘ ) Smoimah, 27TA Dec. 102S. J REFILL be pffbred at public «*lu, bn Tue»- TT day. 3l*t January, T828, between the hour* of mine and. two o’clock, at its office, tire Stock of the Company, owned by the in- sffliition. Terms made- known on tho day of I aalo. J. P. HENRY, Preift. Person* wiihlng to purchaie the above stock, can’receive any information they may require, by applyiagal the Office, • dept App ^o. RVERSON. 7 WANTED TO HIRE, ■J7VOR 'one year, Ten No-, roea. Enquire X. nt the Steam-Boat Office. Dec IS - 18n ~ “ BEERS’ AXES« - 4 SUPPLY of the abovb artirle. received \ andfor tale b) N. B. WEED. Dec 15 , orncx MAKINB AND TIRE INSURANCB CO. | . vSocannak.WtS Dae. ISIS. $ A N election will beheld at Ihi* office on MONDAY, the Stk day of February ooxt, for seven Diroetora to manage the af fair* of tbs iwlilutloo for one year. Poll* to be opened at nine o’clock, A. M. and cloiad at two; P. M. A. M. KER,8ec’ry. Dae 27 k • 27 ANDIRONS, SHOVELS A TONGS, B RASS and Wire Fender,, Fancy Ja panned Bellow* and Hearth Brushes, received per ahip Statira, and for sale by Nov 29 ' N. B- WEED. ABSCON-DED, F ROM the •Ubicriber’a plantation no Hil ton Head, mm* weeks ago, a negro man named PETER—Pater is near about aix feet high, a imotxh akin, plausible and I I wo Dozen Kilmarnnck (Japs well ipokcn; and hb general m.anoen afiova I For pale by C. W. ROCKWELL A Cjft that nf ordinary alarm, Five Dollar* Reward |. Npv 9 41 1 will be given to any perann who will appra hi " " “ “ BLANKETS, PLAINS, fo. A A BALES London Duffle Blankets IU 10 -do i 1-5 to 4 Point do 10-4 to 14-4 Roau do Saddle do While Platna Mixed do Blue do 3-4 A 4-4 Linaey Woolaeyi Fearnoughts Red apd White Flannels 5 ' do 5 do 10 do 50. do lo- do s do I do 6 do 100 Dozen Kilmarnock Cap bend and dclirer him to Joiiab Well*, E*q. on the plantation,’ or «ecu re him in either the Savaunah or Coosawhatchie jail.. P, MATHEW& Dec 27 27 LANDING a'nD FOR SALE, ft C A BOXES Jackaoni* fresh made Can- X JU diet 4**, 5’», 6’* and 8’» 25 do Spermaceti; do. 4's, Sts and 6’a 500 dp Savannah Candles, Georgia lal- low. 4 1 *, S’*, O’* and S'* 200 do Soap, No. I. 2, and 3 4 Hogshead* Whiskey : 3 Half Chests Young Hyson Tea Plaids, Shirting, Plaving Cards,&c. , L. BALDWIN A CO. Dec 27 97u IMPROVED COTTON l‘RES8, A PATENT having bden obtained fur an' improved Cotton Praia, for packing cot ton into square bales, the *nbsoriber, who has been appotated by the proprietors agent, of- feri the privilege of tnakiug and using tba aameio compauies or individuals. For dis- criptioo and terms, apply at this office, or to ROBERT HABERSHAM, Savannah, Agent for the Propneton. Nov 21 50{—2m (CFTlie Augusta Constitution aKatJUillndge- ville Journal, and Macon Messenger, are re quested to insert the above, for two. months, and forward bills to the office of the Georgian. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Notice to all Lottery Adventurers, THROUGHOUT TttC UNITED STATE*. T HE next brilliant Lottery to be drawn in this country, after the New- Yerk Litera ture Lottery, must be (he splendid UNIVERSITi LOTTERY. EIGHTH class—new series Consequently the first Lottery lo b* drawn in the State Of Maryland. P. CANFIELD. MANAGER. • orricr* 180 M AaxET-STREET, BALTIMORE, 129 CHKSNUT-STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 139 BROADWAY, NEW-TORK.' The magnificicnf Scheme of this. Lottery ia altogether Unparalleled in lliii'country having a amall numher of tickete, (oely 19,- 600) containing prize* amounting ip tlip stu pendpuaaum of-784740 dollara. The whole to bo. completed in oou drawing only, upon tha muOt iinproved mode. All in ir/ew minute*. Added to this is tiie unprecedented number and eplendor of its capitals which aiftnuntro more than jflSOO.tKM), a circumstance alone eiiffloient at once to caovince'ali adventurer* of its vast superiority over all others, and that the risk to' be encountered is touch less; and the advantages of gain much gregter.tbao are offered to any other Lottery in America, and should be a sufioient incentive to all who would make wise and judicious inve*|ments, to cento forward- without delay and secure chances, while they have ab oportuoity for the GroM Capitol Pritee,' • 100,000 dollars 60,000 dollar* 40,000 .dollar! *6,000' dollar*, - *0,006 dollara - 5 of10,000 dollars Utct BfiOO dqUaift. tlsiides a great tromber *f|UM0,500, 240, . Ac.—Lowest prizeof jj SO. CTTha wbole payable ia eashasaooa a* drawn. - O’ Whale ticbeta <60, aharea auw ckrtift- eataaat tha aatne paid, being proportiottahlj . cheaper than, aojr olhir in the market. Capiat Priteefir toU ue Mtual at Fartm'e P. CANFIELD’S H AVYLAKD STATE LOTTaBT OPPtCI No-180'Market, near Charles,street, Balti. LIME AND MACKAREL. Landing from trimmer Factor, 100^ 8IU Thomanton Lime W ELLS, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF THfc CITY-HOTEL, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that he has^just return ed from the North, tod hss brought with Cards For sale by COHEN ft MILLER. Doc 27 i 27p JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, A gb.BAGS Prims Green Coffee, by. 4*U Dec 27 J B. HERBERT k CO. L.iNDLNO, QAIMLF and quarter barrels Pbiladel- O" phia Buckwheat 30 Barrels Fresh Flour 25 HalfBarreii do For sale by LEM. MEWCOMB. Dec 27 at 27p 5 Orders (post paid) enclosing the cash, or tee tteksts, ibsohfttQy reoetvod aad prompt- •ft*“*ad to, if addrawed td. . _ . , F. CANFIELD, Balltmere. 0»«7 , - .27 Dec 27 *ln H* r tr*H ft * a ® k * re ! I him an eleganl selection from the latest itn Cal B “ Whittimore’." C^Uon | « U ° d * *" d fwhi °-- amon « Super Blue, Black; Olive, Green. Ox ford Mixt, and London Smoke Vel- . vet Cloths Do. Blue, Black and a variety of Fancy Colored Cassimeres * An elegant assortment of figured and striped Velveteen Vestings Do. Black Silk, and a variety of Fancy Colours All of which will be made to measure a short notice, aud iu the neatest and most fashionable atyle. Also, a large - and- extensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, comprising every article in his line for Gen tlemen’s Dress, and made expressly for this market, under his own superintendence. Alsp, a complete assortment of FANCY ARTICLES in his line, consisting'in pstt- ts follows: Patent Leather Stocks, do Bolivar Patent Roller Suspenders Beat Woodstock Gloves Do, Black Horse Skin do.. Colored Elastic Tops do. Do. Fashionable Bolivar Cravata Russian Belts, Fhqf Handkerchiefs Nov 17 . 4fl| " ” ' "HOWARD : INSURANCE COMPANY, NRW-TORk, I ncorporated by the Legislature of the State of New-York, for the purpose of insuring ffoorer and other Buildingt, Vet. tele ill Ptjrt and th4r Cargoet, Merchandite .and other Pertonnl Property, AGAINST LOSS or DAMAGE by FIRE anid else lo insure Veuete‘u»d Merthandiie l the Baearde of Inland Mitigation portaUon. .Capital Stoqk . 308,000 D 0X4*8. which has ail been paid'ln CASH, and the public may rtlfwiHt- eonfidamm upon the f'+nrm tAA BARRELS Fresh Flour JBW tOO Half Barrels do Landing from brig Frances, anil for sale by L. PETTY. Dec 27 27p ON CONSIGNMENT, 6 CASES Gentlemen’s Sewed Seal. 8kio Boot*, ffir sale low by T. S, LATHER, Dec 27 , No. 3, Bolton’s Range. BANK STOCKS. * CJTOCKS ol tl^Bsok of tlie Stats of Geor- Jj gia and Plantar*’ Bank, for sale by J. P. HENRY. *7rc • LARD. S EVENTY-FIVE Kafs first quality Laid, landing abd foriala by Dee 27 HALL & HOYT. FIXltjR, . fp WO Hundred Burrqls Howard Street <JL Suporfine Floor, landing and for sale by Dae 27. HALL & HOYT. 1 , A# ELECTION r. . 1 whole sum botogalwaysavjtlaWsrotoort ,I TS ordered to beheld at thonfficeof Justice it*engagement* R. HAVENS, 1 Russell, oo FRIDAY, the aixth day oft The aobacriber having bf>*n appointed Jaqnary, 1828, fog an Ensign nf tho Third [ Ageat fbr the above Company, wiH tnjnre Beat Company, 0*71. HAYDEN, 'lagainat Imaaby-Fire.ahd Haaartlof Intend CaptainTbtrtlCdmpattr;G. M. ' INsvtoatioh, aa-act forthtn thp precaedtng Dec 27 27 rpropo*al% on ** -fi*vorahle tcrtuS aacan JS l aWwfflarifttog jLu. dZifftfo’fHy.'^■A C. DUNNING, NEWARK qijEB AND BtriTBR.* | „ Agent/* Bom,d RmremdCemiMy.. ne Newark Cider N. BA—Peradh*'llvhig in t^e conntty Can «f4», iOfirkinsandlbarraJapTinia Goshen have.'ioaoraace effbeted by addrewuglhc BUSHED The remler ■Having moat of her cargo fa- some iMommodatltona apply to Caps Bi on hoard at Jon**’ upper ’ ' -■ HALL ft HOYT. Dec’21 ‘•'tehT*V-o r ’• ' THIR DAY. tftlb iast: '^ni- Will ba-enUMhek nufterorant Xletrdh. aganaral eererumar of GSOC’SKIEtt.^ FOR UVRRPOOL, , v . The first vale, coppered New- York hedt ship AJAX, iw ,. - , MehiiU, Muter, ... oommenood loediagaadwillbeltnredi aMy- despatched, For freight 100- square halo* ootton, apply toCapt. N. on board, at Jonas’ Upper,Wharf, or to Dao 14 HALL ft HOYT. ADMINISTRATRIX fhLt.; ^ ; BrOALVINBAKERif *, f On the peel TUawtsp to Fkdntory neaL^'O At XI oktlooks'will bt sold ie ftroet ofih* Co«rt-Houm ia this elty, tharfradt af hnd, Nm 7*i - ** 4hV® Wr d .^iatriefc Oabrnlrem Coanty. SoM by permwieB of the Cqort of Ordinary, and by order of the edmWIttfilrl*. Term* el time hr sale. " . - Nevaft ’ CHEESE, RAISINS, die. J UST received per ahip Emperor, and other arrival!, 20 CaekaGoeben Cheese SO Boxes Bunch Muscatol Raisin* 2 Bales Alnwnda 10 Kags Goshen Butter 8 Kegs Cayenne Popper 5 HaTfbblsP. M. Beef 6 BbtaHnms 20 Bbls Bents 5 Do Sargemts Cracker* 15 Quarter bblaBnck 'Wheat Flottr >5 Boxes Sperm Candle* 10 Bull White Beane 10 Do WilmmgionTar For isle by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN ft WOOD, Dec 24 jdncjaux't Wharf. FOR PHILADELPHIA, . The packet brig FRANCES, ,. v ... ■; Capkdti Cnfl, ■Will be knmedistely despatched.— glit, ipply to 8. B. PaHKMAN Dec 27. 87p FOR CHARLESTON, -A Will sell (wTuesilayitMt, and has part other cargo engagod. For /might or taaaage, apply to Captain W. oo board, at IliceV Wharf, or to Dee 24 J. B. HERBERT k CO. araw jjuuurozmsiare fob PBCTATOWL /, • f • UKH'dr’Ctt-;-.: ,.f;’ "• m w'" i ,i tBBmmmmmm JAMVJERT SZ^IOTZOar. NOTICE- A N election wHl be jkaftl «t the ConrL ' House inAnd Inr. tbe Connty of Chat*' ham on MONDAY, t(ie td.ilay sif January.', ensuing, for County Officer*, to wit—Clerk ufth* Superior and Inferior Courte, Sheriff, lloceivor of Return* of Taxable Property, Tax Collector, Coroner, end Surveyor* at whiob the electors of the said Citonty Will take- notice. The Sheriff will attend th* same to keep and jiteaerve order. JOHN CUM MING, J.JC. CC- a. porter; j.ic:c.c. eli's fort; j.iccc. „, j. l c. c. c. Dec 8 . -■> io ■I LANDING FROM SHIP OLIVE Branch, QAA BBLS Potatoes ftUU In Stobb, 15 Pipea Rutenburg Gin 10 Hilda do do , It do N, E. Rum . SO Bbla do do 200 Bills. Pilot and Navy Bread No 10 Cards, Domestic Colton Goods, ftc. For salt on favorable terms to close coo- fnment by PARIS HILL. ‘ Dec 24 26u 50 1 LANDING FROM SHIP EMPEROR, BARRELS •‘C*nal» Flour 4 Pipea ■’ London ‘Dock” Brandy 26 Barrels Cider *0 Bags “ Jeva" Coffbe IN STORE, 18 Pipe* Cognac Brandy 10 do “ Holland" Gio SO Boxes‘' Brown’s" No. I Soap 20 Bags Pepper 10 do Pimento For sale by J. W. LONG. Dec 24 26p, NOTICE. A SITUATION wanted on a cotton plan tation by one who can come well re commended aa a good planter of rice or cottoo, though a cotton plantation will bo preferred. Apply to Petit De VUIere, Sa vannah. Dec 20- *2n PuiNTERs> Bank. A N election will be held *( the Banking House on MONDAY,2d January next, fbr thirteen Director^ on .the part of the Stockholders. The poll will be ppeiled at nine o'clock, A. M. J. MARSHALL. Cashier. "Dec 22 > 24 , FLOUR AND RAISINS.^ ^ 0 BARRELS superfine HowarJ-Stteet 25 Boxes Muscatel Raisins Just received and lor sale by Dec os J: B. HERBERT ft CO. FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS. ^ T HE undersigned offers hi* services to his friends and the .public, in the FAC TORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSI NESS. He will be found at the counting- room of Merer*. Johnston, Hilla ft Co. John ston's Buildings. ALEXANDER J. PRATT. •Dec 1 8 AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH MAIL STAGE, THaoUOIt IN TWENTY-SOUN HOUM. r|iHE public, and particularly the Mer JL chants of Savannah and Augusta, have seen with no fault degree of eBtisfiaction the effort made lately by the snbecriber* for lb* transportation of passeogera aad new* between, the two cities, in a much shorter time than has been usually taken for that conveyance- It would be ungrateful not to acknowledge the almost universal support we hive , received since our commencement—hut have keen so much trammelled by the exclusive right of Ste- pben Pearce that we have beeu compelled to abandon the Georgia aide of,the river and operate In South : Carolina. We have pro cured thegise at the steim-buat Carotin*, and a person qualified in alheapccts to man age her-—we can therefore, with confidence guarantee the public that her trip* to and from Puryaburg will be regular. In con junction with the Boat, our line of JStngca "will operate three times io each week, lanc ing passengers in tbb short space Of 24 hour- in each city. Our operations are (com mencing on Friday next) to depart upwards from the Citv-Hotcii, Savannah, on FRI DAYS, SUNDAYS end WEDNESDAYS; at 7 o’clock, A. M. and arrive in Augusta at 7 o’clock the next mottling.' Returning downwards, depart from the GlobcTavbbn in Aoguetathe same days, ea> WEDNES DAYS. FRIDAYS and SUNDAYS, at 3 o’clock, P. M- tod arrive in Savannah tlx- following day,at 3 o'clock. P.M. To insure against the caeualiierof foilnrcs, in the due operations nf the iteam’-bost Caroline, an arrangement ia matured, whereby the lain boat will have euch co-operation as in cast of failures, tho intercourse between Sevan nah aqd the Line of Stages, either at Pury- burg, or the Uniou Creek will be ibaured n he kept open. GILBERT LONOSTBEET, WM. SHANNON, Augusta. GEORGE MILLE*, Savannah. P. Si—The proprietors are making ar rangements to ran a daily atage between the two ciliea. Dec8 12 TO THE ELECTORS OFC&dTBAN I OFFER mfself as a candidate for Sheriff; at the ensuing election in January unit, ; iud respectfully solicit your suffitage*. ABRAHAM D’LYON. Dec 14 ’ y ■ ’ 17 TO THE ELECTORS Of* CHATHAM COUNTY. - V■ ■'OFFER a* a candidate for Shcfiffet thn ft election in January next, ami Solicit yonr ‘ Hfftagca. , DAVID BELL. Dec t3 • . . Iff ., TO THE ELECTORS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. I OFFER as a candidate /or your tu(Freer* at tlie election in January next, for in# office of Coroner, ' WM. GILBAKT. Dee 13 18 TO THE ELECTORS OF CHATHAM ■ COUNTY: i-'.l F ELIJJW-CITIZENS—I am a canilidat# for Coroner, at tlie election |nJanuary next, and respectfully solicit your lyiffra^es- Nov 99 , 6*i THE SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA M Deep 70 RENT, The houeo recently occupied by Mr*.- Ann Watt, pleasantly situated ia Anapa Ward- ALEX. A. SMETS. Ufp. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. For sale or to rent, with or without furniture, the bouse be ing to the subscriber, , coi ner of Heberahem-Slraet end CoKithfiikSquara. For terms,- apply lo Robert Habersham, Em. or to JAMES. BROWN. Decks- , , *eji* TO HIRE, : F OR on* reel from (h» firat day of Jan- nary Next, 8* Prime KkM Hand*, via:—three men, two ttomen, end op# led, about sixteen yeam of agj. Alcoa small The lauds and premiaea in the county of Effingbtbl, known by the name of Tocktsieeking, about 37 niHtea from this place, r ate road, helongiog to tho eatata of AW. Roe’e orphans. For term* and particular* apply to. ■ WILLIAM MOREL, GRtifilUbA. 8. Bba>qrpban^ -V- mail STAGE ARRANGEMENT. T HE public, and more particularly the Georgians, are respectfully informed, that the proprietor of tho Line of Stages on the Georgia ride, has beeu at much troubh and expense in getting his Line in open lion for their accommodation. He now he* tpe aatiefbcliiin to inform the mercantile pari of the bomntunity, both of Augusta and Sa vannah. that lie will run through in TWENTY FOUR HOURS. His Stages, Horses and Drivers, are sup - rior to his competitors on the other side of the river. There will be no danger of delay* in cross ing of rivers, the bdreting of boilers, nor any other casualty that steam-boats are subject to. Georgians particularly, aa well u otli ere, no doubt recollect the 1 inconvenienci they labored under on the removal of the old former line of stages, to tbe'Oarolina side, in 1823 and 24, The proprietor pledgee himself, if he meet* with enconVigement, in run winter and rammer. The-stage will leave Savannah on Fridays, Sundays and Wedntaoaya, at seven o’clock, A. M. end .arrive in Augusta tha following mofning, at the same hour, and wiH leave Aagtnta at the seme hour oo the same days, ana arrive in,Savannah accordingly. For abate, apply in Savannah' kt tha City-Hotel. Passen gers will be called fothf atg^prtof the oily HecR Tlie tobacribar’ Will disposb of his Brick DwcUtog-Hoose’ bo lots RiiiB N °' 14 ,ad 16, Jackson Ward, ale mUmrd the most desirable lituationt id thik-birir. The price will be moderate R. HABERSHAM, Dae 17 *0j VALUABLE REAL^PROPEKTY The two tenement BriokHobae*, whit# front, sitcated in Johptonk Sqeare, at pnfteat occupied by Mni. Battle. . Also, the lota sitq' _ boraerof Wbitakar aad Rryao-.k_. ia the oocapatkm of Mr. Jiaisih Pebfirld. abd qffipi:.’ ,;\rd : 'c ; ‘- ^ . The abova eroparty id; iiriaa> Hi# rang h# OWallfcd tm edraategew — *£•'») TO THE ELECTORS QF CHATHAM COUNTY. I OFFER as a ca ndidate for your auflVejre* at tlib election in January next,'for ui* office of Coroner. " HENRY J. VALLEAU. Nov 24 MUSICAL TUITION, . ' 7HE*ub«cribflr offers hja raoripe* tq the - mlmbitants of Savannah and its vicin ity, as Teacher of Music. He will give lessons on the Violin, Clarionet and Ftolo, according to the most approved systems. A* soon s« * sufficient number of pupils -iffora. he will commence at his residence, tlie Washington Hall, where terms mny be 1 known, by applying to the aubecriber, or *l> Mr- Macdoonell’s ^Inssicnl and Hualirb Seminary. P. RAMSBOTTOsl. Doc 6 ||j • THE SLilsClUBEIt O FFERS hie services in the COMMIS SION. BUSINESS,-particularly for 1 he aale of produce, - and for the receiving ‘I’d forwarding goods, cotton, ftc. betweom tlie interior ana the northern cities, Ha iia* been appointed agent for (lie steam boats Edgefield and Pendleton, and will af ford every facility id despatching freight by those boat*. Their owners having spared no expense ib providing safe and expedi tious lighterage during,! low river, shipper* may confide in hi ving (heir goods foywafd- ed to Augusta and Hamburgh, without de tention. The aubecriber’* office ia kept at th* Counting-House of Mr- G. B. Lamar. JAMES GOUEDY. Nov. 25 - ■ 53- IPIL&aHSa 8UANKBT8 and BAGGING. \v. and il Close* H AVE received by the ship Emily,'from Liverpool, 300 Pieces Beat Quality 42 jaeb Dnoda# . Cotton Bagging . • Grundy’s White. Bine end MixtPlaiai Point and Loudon Duffle Blanket* "hick with those already on hand, of last year’* importation, will enable then) to supply i heir customer* bn vary moderate letm*.__ Their a^tmant of STAPLE AND FAN CY GOODS, will b* vary ootapMa in fow day*. >*&}■# *■'; Oct 13 Buaioea*. offer tbair aeryicM h in that lia*. JAMBS r „ M JAMESI ... ^ n£ Wm._ he* become v*c|ted ;chy. trill be field etth Sofftinri. TheMbm: Deo to v