Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 28, 1825, Image 4

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Pr UsTT OF LETTERS •fywmtomggy ** flPrf, IMidldklMriM M «M unort tf MO fw v» ®8SU» tea, .ffisaarA—. „ A. I. D’LYON, C. & '..v./:. ","t miMU mU before foe court Horn '.the-CRy-if fiavanoab, between . tomnof lOaad 4<fotook, * ‘I tbtol<Mff*M>ad'tod impfwvemtnU.uo ^ *jlhing. Derby Ward.koaWn pleatt/be will (hare a part of the pqhltotMnSarabArmitrOBf ESSSSaM 8 !^:: ! with good com ino provender, together with afalthful and experienced oatler. The Mention Houseto aUoated on the east lido of the publtexquate, in the tow* of Olintou, directly op the rood lending from Mil|*dse- ritle to Maooe, end neerly opposite the CHntop Hotel- H. BLATTER; i to the* withe Cfty Hdtei ! levied oe to satisfy an ex- rxt.T^' s ' 80,,^M * f, **““ l All tbatwluuflot no, 8j Cad Uoprorementt, f lot no, 8; tad itoptoveme: fa the Cite of Savanoah, eommanly kiiowoet IttooY wharf;' levied oo to satisfy two' execti- tioafegaiMt the aJmiafotrttor* of JUektdimiewd, one in feror of Geo. ruffi the other of Thomas Thomas ruffi the other of.'Thouiaa Wright—property pointed the plaratiffi attorney,' Two btfoa of stained Bee lileod Cotton; leried oou» the property of John M'Nish, to satisfy eo execution io feror of G. W. Coe, ( John M’Nisb, Alexander Hunter end iWede. A. D’LYON, o, i. *. e. .dee,* 1 • 8 rfjjniifii fwiee N ■■■ si On Mr. IKIUFF’SSALE. fin Jtml next, Cllrttoth/Adgttot *3. : ' 07jr* N. B Fetmliee pah ho eooommodated with privet# romee, which are comfortable. IT The) editor# of the Aagurte Chroni cle end Sevenneh Georgian, are requested topiiblieh the above advertideniRDt once x Creek for three months and forward their hccountatothio office fop Settlement; ..ill' .i. r. - M i i u i Vi ’.I i North American Review. -NO; xux. CONTENTA I Yaffil'll he add before the Court Houae v v in the City of Savannah botwcen the hear* ef18 end 4 o’clock, I that.tract . boom ef 19 and 4 o’clock, AU that tract or parcel of lend contain. S W7'ecreci mare or Ini, together with eeapinf raOrab lend called Oakland, si- tasted, lying end being in Little Ogeechie District to the County of Chatham; bound ed oa the north by tende of Flemming Akin, end , end little' vpr- together with ell end sin gular, edifice* end infmoveipeeM ; levied on r under r fi fe or foteclooure from George L. i. to John lyrNieh, Peter Mitchel a . Mitchel. i D’LYON, ». e. e. -■ rwv 7 38 etw' tad EXECUTOR’S SALE. YffiFlLL he; to|d by leere obtained from IT the Honorable the Inferior Court.of Chethem County, on the firm Tuesday in February next, before the Conrt-Houee in the cjtyof Sevenneh, between the usual hours, the Lot wi;h the improvement*, attu- ete fn the city ofSevennah, in the said coun- ty, and known in the plea of laid city by the number 53, Browu Ward, for the benefit of the heir* and legatees of the estate of the he# Hugh H’Cel), decetieed. * THOMAS M*CALL, Surviving Executor. Nov 3*. If ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. nsoxl hourl of able.« tract of Lepd, known aa No. 8, Eighth District, Pike (formerly ) County, far the benefit Of the heirs om ot the estate of N- J. Bayard, sfmiscion of the Honorable tlte ! the Inferior Court of Chatham Sty. N. J. BAYARD, . Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. .Nov 35 If notice. O N the first Monday of January next, I •hall expose to ssie at the Market of St. Marys, between the usual hours, seven SLAVES, the property of the estate of Aa ron Tyson, by virtue of en cirdcr of the Court of Ordinary for Camden County— Oolidifidne cash. MARTHA TiaON, Adm’rx. •35ft* SHERIFF'S SALlt. 0 |N (he first Saturday after the first Tueodey in January next, will behold at the MarheLbduse io'the town of St. Ma rys, between ten and four o’clock—Six belee and one pocket of cottod, levied on the property .of Francis Richard, to sttiafy an execution iff favor of Thoroas H. Miller for the use of-A, Low A. Co. M. H. HEBBARD, S. C. C. St. Marys, Doe. 1,1875 DeetS 15, NOTICE. FTUJE undersigned, having been appoin X 1 -ted by-Messrs ANDREW LOW & CO OF SAVANNAH AND ISAAC, LOW A CO OF L1VKRE00L, t for the Mffi | | Assignee* for the equal benefit of ell their credihmi.- Asrs^ notify and request all per- ao'ns'bevihg'eni claim or demand whetao- if of the said, firms, or the ng the wine, to render awjgnees/urMtriM; end 4 out of Savannah . at the time they render Its t* qppoint an attorney in pethpriti to repreeent their ;tJAM GASTON, -ROW ITjSHS, of the New-Vo'rflcom- the Boston Qazetts. the. the Milledgeville Jour- de.ahd Darien Gaxette te'.'railall 'th* above notice end forward mw\ Spanish se- GARX S* ' !abanaa’>4 Wtoos Logwoo mm? Claims of tho United States en Naplee 4nd Holland. ' I. Moaseagq of the President of the United States to the Huuss.of Representatives, relative to ' the claim on Naples. t Message of the President of the United 8tatee, transmittiog the cor respondence relating to the claims of the citizens of the United States up- entile Government of the. Nether- II. Lord Byron’s Cbaraeter and Wri ting*. t. Recollection* of the life of By ron. By tlrh late R. C. Dallas, Esq. Correspondence of Lord Byron with a Friend t including liis Letters to his Mother ; in 1808, 1810, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation of Lord Byron. By Thomas Medwitu III. IV. V. vra, Waylandb Disoourtcs on the Duties of an American Cifixen. The Duties of an American Citi zen; two'Discourses delivered in the First Baptiet Meeting House in Bos ton. By Francis Wayland, jr- Pinknoy’s Poems. Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney. English Common Law Rouhrts- Reporta of Cases argued and de termined in the English Courts of Common Law. Edited by Thomas Sergeant and John C-'Lowoer, Esqrs Orphic Poetry. Orpheus Poetarum Gnecorum An- tiquissiinus.—Auctore Georgio Hen rico. Bode. - VII. Columbus. Codrce dtplomstico Colombo-Ame- ricano, ossia Racdblta di Document! original! e inediti, spettanti a Cristo- foro Colombo, Ac. Genova, 1833. Gold and Silver in Mexico. A report on the Expediency of Augmenting the Duties on the Ex portation or Gold and Silver, presen ted to the General Constituent Con gress nf Mexico, by the Commilloc of Finance Cod Mine*, August 1834. Critics! Notices. 1. Palfrey’s Historical Dis course. 444 3. Perkins’s -History of the Late, Wsr- 443 3. ’Wrifibrd’s Mercantile Pen manship. . 451 4. Summary View of America 453 i. Addresses befurc the New- York Academy of Fine Art* 458 6. Bacou’a Pies for Africa. . 483 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Gram mar. 474 8. Crafts* Address before the Palmetto Society. 464 8. Blanco ' White’s 1 Spanish Varieties. 467 Quarterly Lilt of New Publi cations. , 469 Index. 483 Just received by W. T. WILLIAMS. Oct SO 39 IX. James Barnard' Amo* Baker, * £1 :si», &?$£ L la Bugs DanlBrown Wm Brook* . JobT Bnltca Thus S Bond James fi Bnilough Mrs MC Boyd EBourquio Mrs A'uu Box Mrs M B Bullock i C. Josish H Clstk 8am) Carney Ann J Craig Mrs Corfiitner* Miss Amt Crittt John Cox 't Mrs Margaret Con don' John J Colenton Mossrs R Cook A Co Wm Cooper Janies Curry D- R. Davison Win Davis Stephen Davih AleX Drew 3 Miss Duffy Mrs Ann Duke Mr Dumphy E.AF., Mary Evans Jacob Fabm Mrs M A Fletcher 3 Wm A Flemming Charles Fitchatt Rev B Flournoy 3 James P Fuller 0- Dr James A Gray, Hilton Head Mrs L W Gardner Ariane Urundiuunt CaptW G«1e Lewis Geradon *' Jtohii Grimes, Bullock County Dr ThosGeldersieave John Gill John Gilbert Janies Govau, 3 Mrs Estba Goldsmith Thou M Goddard Mr Goldey Peter Guertrd H. John Hatcbnr, 3 Pearson Hardee ' Betty Habersham Cept C P Leseett j, EGUytaStTf ?sas^ ’' Mrs Mery Leahy PrLoath , Simeon Leoiiard Charles Lockhart Mist Ann B Boyd Capt John Low \ M. C A Magsreod .. Doosld Mstk«y, 3 Mite H B Mabcw . 'Cept Rickard Mar- celliu Cspi N W Merrill George Minffiedorff Mrs Eds* Melee Samuel Mill* , Mrs Henrietta Miller ,Jobn Morell - Mr* St rah W Mont- Hetery niorningsttrr Mr. G 0 H Mootgo- mery , Mr and ptr* Mount R D Mougin May River, SC Edward Munroa EJitorgfthe Museum MsrgaretB M’Conky Joseph McCoy Mr* 8 AG McIntosh Mauus McHeaey Gen JohnMcCallsr Capt Staphen Nye P.AQ. Calob Pratt , ' Mrs Patterson Rub S Patten, 3 N J Patterson Jos Periam James Perry Mrs Ann Pitt LeudstrC Printer, 4 James r Provost Henry J Pool* W A Pollard Wm Puck Monet B Qunley R. Wm Ratekin Mrs Naucey Read A \V ReddingS - Msj W C Redding JsmsaC Richardson James Ross Miss B Robertson Geo T Rodgers James T Ross Mrs Elis* Ross 8. Solomon S Shad WmTStathahi L D Slat ter Hosier A Sherman * John 8treet f W Smith Petsr Sliick ’ Mrs Marris’ Smith Mrs Elian Smith Amory Seblay James Smith Miss Mary E Haitrd.| Miss Margaret A John Hartford Cliarles Harper Wm B Hatcher Mr Hatchett John Healy Rev Geo Hill 3 Peter G Hyrn Sami Hiue f Stoney | Thomas 8 Sullivan i John GEcrngs I Tho keeper of the | Female Asylum ( T. f Msj Jas Taylor > Capt Tho* T Tefit Miss Mary W How- J A Tippins ard - 1 j Ezekiel Tyson ' Tho. W Howell Johit Hover Francis F Hodgenn Patrick Hughs* J- John Jackson Susan Jackson 3 Miss Jaoksun 3 5 Thlenghsst Tonkins ' Dr James Troup t M rs Eliza Thomas { Miss Sarah Todd s Nichol Turnbull ! Capt John Turuer | C w Turner V W. Mrs Rose Jalinean. 3 [ James H Watson Thn Secretary of the f Hugh Watt/ . Ladies Jewish So- i Mrs Sarah VVsIburg ciety | Mrs Mary Wallace Miss M Irwin- j Dr Wm Waring Mrs Jane W Joyner J R G Wallace Joseph W Jones [ Geo M Waters Jane W Joyner A £ARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice in ... . - -- • the several Courts of Law and Equity n this State, offers to the public hie pro fessional aervice* in the Courts of Bibb, - I Henry, I Jonet, I Crauford, Monro*. | Jasper, i Tviggt, Pike. WASHINGTON POE. Mtcon, Bibb County, (Ga.) July 7 84 FRESH SWEET Oil, r»F very auperior quality, suitable for t»- VF ble use, just received and for sale by LAV A HENDRICKSON, Druggist*. Shsdts Buildings. ■Nov 3 r ana Way, F ROM the Office of the Georgian, on Sst- urdky lost, THOMAS W- HOWELL, 'so indented apprentice to the Printing Bnsi ness, about eighteen years of age, tall and of thin visage. A* this boy has absented him self in conseqUcace uf * very moderate cor- reetioa foriln uopfevoked mbdbrutal assault upon s fellow-apprentice, it is hoped that no persod Of character will harbor 'nr trust him- Oct 37 O. St W, ROBERTSON. v ; RAN A W AV, F IOM the subaeribsy, about a month ago, JOHN HO-WELU an indentad ap- prentice to the Drug Business, about fifteen years of age, smell and stindur—shews all , front teeth vh*ff He laughs.' All per tons are’ cautioned against harboring .etid bay, ap the I** will fi* putji force *j them. r 1 J. B. BERTHEL) Oat 38 , / 1 SSp . ■, , : ...t. jtissum. /Tk'NB boxhaU, ourked A. G.Sejq met,from Alto, OBi *&Bh, mnd to. Hall a hovt iyn Henry W Jordon [ Tliha White } Thomas A Williams! S Miss Ann H Willi- ■, smson 5 Mrs Mtrtht Wylly R. JaUtes Kennedy Wm Keys . Mrs Sarah W Kirk J Sarah Williams R R Killer j Master J I White J Keen RCapt Isaac Wooster GEO. SCHLEY, P. M. Dec 3 1 WARE-HOUSE a ommdmuox avnarfiss. MACON- T HE undersigned has rented of Ftrish Carter, Esq. his Ware-Houses at this place, and tenders his services to hi* friends and tha public, jn the above line of business, with assurances that any business confided to his care, shall receive bis personal and undivided attention, and that hi* best exer tions will be used to give e 'isfaction t* kis customers. The Ware-Ho >* ore ness, extensive,' safe, and very coi iniently /ar ranged end oituated. for' the‘tr* action of buotae**. He intends running two good d^ub- stantial boat* during the boating scasop, which will be expedited in their passages up aqd'down, by the aid of one of the Steim Boat Compmy'e Steam-Boat*. Insurance oo merchandise and produc* shipped by his beatoi can be effected in a responsibly office on isfavorabl* tartna as by Soy other boats that will run the river '; and reaaonabla adj vances will be. mads by him oo prodace •hipped by.thenMp the consignment of-hi* friettda inSavasnah. - By thefirst Mata' he will receive a good eupply of GROCERIES, wbiahgbe will eall on moderate tartna- ,.// ; . He new often Jbr SaU, . \ : 300 Piecesfirrtquamy CottonBaggit i 10QP Bushels Liverpool Salt;' ■■■•■ /K JOHNT. HorXdJVD. Macon, October it, 1836. ? ... ..Oet*0 k *»♦«».' Dec6 44'Ksgt Menufaptured do s\vr S5fi?s»3sttssiWi RDWAR ED a stone WHIOB Ai Cooks’ Iyory and Balance Handle Knivei ted . iForka - \ V , Buck and Bone Handle do do . Rasara in casas Snd dox. in greet va- vioty. , , Fen, Pocket; two blade and Spnrtaen’s } >■ .Reives . ' ,s*- * j ■ ’ Rodger’sKniveas 1 Shoe,. Breed, ~ ■ .jK^NAs, Chitxela, Plan* Iron*, end Gouge* of *U kinds Drawing Knives, broad snd narrow Axes Plated, Brittania, and Iron, tee end to- ble Spoon* . Brittannia to* snd coffee Pots, Compo- ehine, copper sad iron Tee-kettles Composition Saucepan* knd Digesters Brest, iron apd Japanned Candlesticks and Lamp* ■ JVaffle and Wafer Irons Gilt, plated, pearl, bone and japanned Button* Coat, veet and atapender Mould* Padlocks, chest, trunk, till tad cup board brass and iron Bos Locks Knob and Mortice Locks Stock lock* File* and Rasps of all kinds Morocco pocket-books and wallets Not* case* and work boxei _ J&’Z'”" 1 ' dressing cases liras* curtain, cloak and curtain Pins Brass and iron butt Hing*s Wood knd bed screws Hook and'Plate Hinges Sledges t’nd Hand Hammier* Anvil* and Vices Iron wedges, Shoe and nail Hammer* Bras* commode Knob* Bras*, iron and wood Castors Coal-scoops and coal-hcoda Coal-tifters snd Dukt pant, 8pit-boi*t Whittemore’s cotton slid wool Cards. Block Tin, ^Fawcett, Ivory snd Horn Combs Fine tooth, eramho and dressing Combs Tuck and aids Combs Spectacles and cksea Plated stirrup irons, bridle hitts A spurs Brass Andirons, shovel *nd tongs Brass and wire Fenders ~~ Iron and Steel knitting pins r Needles, Fish-hooks and Hilling tackle Cast iron Pots; ovens, dogs, Spiders A . skillets , Sad-irons, Trsce-cbtins A screw plates German, English, Blister and Oust alee! Hand, panned, mill; pit, cross cut, back and keyhole Bawa Brace and Bitta Round and'flat Bolts Smith’s and small Bullowa on and Cart boxes Writing Paper, slates sad slate pencils Shovels, spades and hoes Together with almost every other article in the line, which are offered for tale ou ac- Oot 39 NATH. b. weed, No. 6, Gibbous’ Range. GENERAL DRUG/ CHEMICAL and FAMILY MEDICINE wilt Meuse. LAY A HENDRICKSON, Congnuand WbUtaker-SlneU, SHAD’S BUILDING I, SAVANNAH, H AVE received by the late arrival! fro Boston, New-York and Philtdelphi the remainder of their Fall and Winter supply of GOODS, consisting of a very tensive ind well selected assortment of Article», Brushu, Dya-Stuffe, i(C. sicisn’s Glitt Ware Ointment and Pit' Pots Composition snd Glass Mortars Glass Lamps and Lamp Glaasei > Elegant Cut Glass Smelling Bottles Glass Funnels, Graduated Measures White and Green Vials, assorted, tie, SURGEON’S INSTRUMENTS. Povket Sets Turnkeys Trusses Spring and Thumb Lancets Forceps. Spatulas, Bougies, Catheters Apothecaries Scales and Weights, Ac. PATENT MEDICINES, OF FVERT DESCRIPTION, VIZ : Henfy’s Calcined Magnesia nuin Pills Rwsim’s celebrated Panacea James’ Anti-Dyspeptic Pills Balsam Honey. Church's Cough Dropa Itch: Ointment, Ac- All of which'are offered for sale on the most liberal term*, for cash or credit. L. A H. having incipal with the principal Drug-Houses in the Uni- eelyee that no establishment of the kind in . . pi the phys cian, can here be supplied with al most every article in the drag line, and may with' neatness, accuracy and despatch. No* 5 SULPHATE QUININE. A FRESH SUPPLY of this Valuable Medicinel warranted genuine, just re ceived per Louisa Matilda, end for asle'bv -Nov 30 . LAY A HENDRICKSON. 1HF. ‘C- NOTICE, /offii and Saw bin*" is requested to callat tbe oflice of : HALL A HOYT. 47 mtt t . DUPFLE BLANKETS, 4 BALES Heavy London Duffle Blanket*, large >iat, just N»» bo - > 'ER STRAINED LAMP OIL. FKE8H SUPPLY of verr light colored Pert JFMtr Strained Lamp Oil, iuat received aad.fof sale to _ ' ; Oct 37 GEO. RYEB80N, Draggrit. - - jenad dn Monday*, Wednesdays, end Fridays, from 3 until 5 o’clock^ 4 pci4,v- & PWl*^mtML,inMKVClVM. TH£Suto*rib*iw having aeter- efi let* ewpbrtqeribip to the be aukljo'thet yltof edetinn* to keep ep th*l wall kaowo-utabtohmant, on tho east •Id* of 4h*,pkblto aqeeM to' Wenwbtoa, and Mata tbeiraiueete thanks to thwe who have favored them with their custom, and wi 4 etottouaitoa of ffiet oqppdrt froih the toiMto wbfoh their atlsetiM to buitoew will merit. Their table will be supplied with every thing the country end season afiord. -Their Bar wiU bejuppltod with the cfaotoest kind ofli- - MARTHA EVANS. October 18. IT The Editor* of the Auguata Chroetol* and Savaenofi Gaergi**, arc requested t* pub- Itib the ebove one* a week for 8 Weeks, sad forward their aeooautalo the tubtoriben to Warrington. A. C. A M. A. ' Oct. 37 3g. W iltratot an Notice. 1 —• ■ . ■ 1 1 '•■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■ ■■ ■ II POLICE OFFICE, d Savannah, Oct. 36,1836. t T71 MB ARRAS8MF,NTS having occurred 1 JCd in relation‘to tickets, ootioe is hereby >j given, that agreeably to the ordinance pan el) drat September, 1835, no general ticket will pat* Its bearer after ton o'clock at night, nnd that no epecinl ticket will avail after the aame hoar “ unlett the place lehert hr or eke iegamg ard the pur/HueJbr tebich eaid ticket it green, be tpeeified therein." Such epedal 1 ticket will be effectual for one night only. a JOSEPH W. JACKSON, - f Oct 39 Chairman nf Council. i WANTED 'l mwo largo ticed Franklin Stovea. Ap- . X ply to GEO. RYER80N. , dee 3 7 r ENGLISH POTATOES. i ^ A A BUSHELS English Potetoea, jnat re- < ceived and for sale by • t BRADLEY, CLAGHORN U WOOD. Nov 41 FRESH SPICES. A FRESH supply of Spices such aa, Mace,. *• Clovet, Nut mega, Cinnamon, Alapice and Pepper. Also, superior Znndt Currants, iiavejust been received snd for sale low By LAY Si HENDRICKSON, . Druggittt. Dec 18 , LANDING, ? From thip Louien Mutilda, from New. York, . RA BOXES FRESH RAISINS , *JU 1000 Pounds New Burlington Hams, i and for stle by PHILBRICK ft SCRANTON; Market-Square. IN STORE, 10 Half bbls. freali Buckwheat Meal 10 Quarter do do Nov 39 9 1 BILLS ON NEW. YORK AND PHIL- ADELPHIA TN sums end nt sights, to suit purchasers, X for sale by S. It. M. ALLEN A CO. Nov 7 39 WANTED. TM-ORTH CAROLINA BANK NOTES, XV by T. 8. LUTHER. Nov 4 COFFEE. TUST received, 60 Bags, 15 Barrels Co ir ba Coffee. Apply to L Dec 10 J. B. HERBERT A CO. - BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. A NVILS, Vices, Screw Plates, Ham- 0 A men, Files, Bellows and Bellows Pipes, , for aale by N. B. WEED. : Nov 9 ( PIANO FORTES j TUNED AND REPAIRED ON THE MOST APPROVED PLAN. AND AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. A LL orders left at Mr. Morrell’r Cabinet Ware-Houae. will he punctually attend ed! o SAM’L. L. SPEISSEGGER. N. B—PI ANO FORTES to hire by the month or year. Ort th *8 Notice. ^ VTINE MONTHS after date, application will LV be made to the Honorable Inferior Court I •if -Jhitham county, for leave to tell the real 8 and personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham- * ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the hears o md ereditoraof said estate, t WORTHINGTON GALE, Eiecutor. f March 10 a - * a Notice. CVNNK months after dale, application will he 43 -nade to the Honorable Ih-Vtnferiot Court 1 of Camden County! when aitt-ng for ordinary purpo-m3, for'letre to sell 250 acres of land -■etongi.ig to the estate of John Bruwn. Be- .-.eued, fot the benefit of the heutaud ’crlui- ' •or* of tail eatate. ' 8AR AH BROWN, Admiatratrix. Jefferson, 18th June, T’25. l«-“ 3" 78 Notice. VTIN^ MONTHS after tliedftte hereof, up* ll plication will be made to the tfonon^le the Court of Ordinary fuir the County of Chat- 1 ham, for ltahe to aelltbe whole or a p»it, or 1 part* of a tract of land, lying, and Mug in the co taly of Effneham. containing by re cent Surrey, aio* hundred aafi eightv-6*e acres, sod known by the name of tbe Tqck- aaaeeking Tract, formerly the 'property of King and Hotchkiss, now belonging to the estate of Alazander 8. RooN orphans, fbr the benefit af said orptuna. • ' WILLIAM MOBEt, Guardiae A- 8. Roe'a Oifuioe. Jnlv 14 87 i .. *»*»lhartfote, u>mi? , l *5 »" -1 • tbi* 35|h Aim, 18JI. "• • . , , - JOBM B45E June SO. 81 .Chatham County, ritttaj for efffinsiy purpu- (Jcorgia—Uamden Oountv To ALL traOM IT MAY CONcruv Louw Dufour, seJS'stttrsjijfiScir. efor* die fin? HoV r==-l Witnets the Hon. Will™ CIS*.. Julie 3(1 Willi™ Gibion one of the Juitieu of Mid Coun- this 35th June, f8 J. un JOUR Baily, e. c. o. c- ei - - „ «3 Georgia— Chatham County, In the Court of Ordinary, Mav Term. l»2i m kMlhena.lliAii.f 11 ..a , pruyn.g bn coir— lor the kenrdi of VOUUi, May 14 S. H. BONT), e e. d, 4)? Georgia—Chatham County. b i U i* ordered^ tbtt » notice he Md- W.BONO.c c. o. Georgia—Camden Coun.u. TO AiX WHOM M MAY CONCERN. IKTlIEHEAS J. Uichlntt fun. administrator on the eatatei of DavidTuckct and O.vid ud (Juunty, fur Lettera dia<niaaary un the L'stntea of aaid deceased personal These are, of laid deceased persona, to fils LSI Witnesa the Hon. William Gibaoa, one of tbe Justioet of said Court, this 35th June, 18.’J. JOHN 8AILBY.e.e e.o.a. Jnee .Vt sv Georgia—Camden County. IT THE COURT OP ORDINARY F0« SUD COUNTY. These are, therefore, to , all and singular, the kin- a »l the and d-ceaaed per. Wi mesa tbe Honorable Jamea Scott, one of the Justices of aaid-Cuuri, this an- teei.tli day of April, eighteen hundred and tweniy-five. XL. 8.1 JOHN HAILEY, C. C O. C. C. Apr.l 31 34 N od MONTHS after date, application will be. madetoNte Inferior' Utoirt of sea, for leave *o sell off the real eateteef the the ptantattoe of Joseph Haberaham end 3te P**" tm» keqdted end fifty toeto'toleeAkf ;0h er, Jwe keedted end fifty of Pme Land, fppertaln- a Tract of Land called !F«*!M?. , Wirey .»■MASTRAVAO. Adtofk.' tatll . r'-v- n Georgia—Camden County. Y THE COURT OP ORDINARY TO SAID COUNTY. Witnem the Hnnorahle Samuel Giarke. •ne of the Juoticea of aaid Court, this Sixteenth day of April eighteen hun dred and twentyAve. [L. 8.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C April 3’ 34 Georgia—Camden county. f‘IBRBAS John Hardee, A,I niiua.i.tor af the Estate of Divid G. Janet, late ni aotyoo aaid Eatatei Theap are therefore to cite and admonish ilar. the heira and creditor* of aaid tod singular, the heira and creditor! ot aaid eued. iu file their objeetions (if any they t; in my office, un or before the first Mon* Witness the Hon. William Gibton, one of (l,.S.]iheJuaticesof said Coart, tbit 37th August, '1815. JOHN BAILEY, COe. C. 0 C. C. Rent. 3; < “ 309 Georgia, Chatham C< ritr, Court of OhatjiMB Ooan^f, aittby f****>\ dukirr porttfiN 0 ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. ff»HEB*A8 Jonathan Melga, ndminiatre- detmtotolhtof**^**' tfoe** NOW the** or* ritomCwfo » , admonish *H parsons intertwed i*tl • to i.i— —fol aklnil at AM I tottokrffaDffise of the eaidC**A «, or next, other, 'the omeaa ptea Htmv"* m ”, tefifothaiv oblecrio*A V eto fort 1 .JEaK.KWAW, petitiooer- .... ' peril Wileuta thn of the said Ji September, tfdrt Septie jrn■. CMk Churl Cnfoisji