Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 29, 1825, Image 2
pufauttmiii# ' tkifafwr 'Vita union ^1 ,4,1 •AtaVFAJMS OMttroforV* »ri n’l i it ei.xtDotLAaa. row, 1 i t i i t trims smctABs. Sg AY MORNING, DEC. 39. s*. rw^i jUin adjournment off our Legi*- lattr. M appropriation of |A000 woo wade ' to employ a steam hoot to ‘ Jfcas it tha Alatamab* aad Ocmulge* riven, •Odor th* dwoetioo of Motor*. 8. C. Duo- •i*. of St mask» J. T. Umu, of Maooo wad f. Wilcox, of Telfair County. Wt hart oopied from Ik* National, Intdli- geooer, tbe journal efth*P*<*®*ding« of " Sent* id fehmeij hot, in rtUlioa to Crook Treaty, th* iojuootioa Of tocrrtiy liar tog kotoramoradby on order of that body Tiny art accompanied by document* in r* tattoo to tbo Booty whiob bar* already boon pobtiabod by to. Minima to Gun. Bamrw.—The natoof tbo United State*, on the 40th inot. oaoftrmod, without a diriaioa; tbo appoint moot of Mt. Rohe Kin*, at Enroy Extraor dinary tod Minuter Plenipotentiary to Great Britain, and of Mr. Jno. A. Kin*, ae Sacra (ary of Lagaiteo. Tho Knearillt Register, of the 9 th instant, informs ps that Colooei William* ha* accept' od tbe eppoiotmeot of Char*e d’Affaires to Onatootola, or ntbar to Central America.— Cot. WilUanu is oohi* way to tho Mat of OororntoeM, and it boorly ospoetod. We percairo by an adrertieement in the New York paper*, that Mr.-P. Canfield,Bre- ker of that city, intend* appropriate* one half th* adranca abore scheme price, or pro fit* on telee of tickote, made for thirty day frpm the 19th iastin tbo University lottery, Ei*bth Clam, to the common relief of tbo*e who suffered by the calamitous fire, in that city, oath* morning of the 15th imt. Tb* scheme of hi* Lottery will be (bond among ear advertisement*. x . ‘ i ; ' In SiNAT* or tbs United States— Monday, Fob. 28,1895, The following writ ten Metuge wee received from the Presi dent of the United States, by-Mr. Everett, his Secntrry t To the Smote (f the United Stotee. I transmit to tbo Senate, for tho exorciae of ite oooatitutional power, a treaty lately oonelndeif et the Indian' Spring, by Com missioner* of the United Slates, duly nu- tlioriied.with the Chiefe of the Creek na tion Mumbled there in council, with tho doeouanto connected therewith. James monroe WaMngton, 28M Fit. IStS. The message, convention, end accompa . oyin* documents, were reed. •Ordered, That they be referred to the Committedd oa Indian Affairs, to contider and report thereon. Six o’clock u> th* evening. Mr. Benton, foam the Committe on Iodi- on Affairs, to whom we* referred the mes sage df the President of the United States, together with tbe convention with the Creek Inuieoe, reported the convention without amendment. On motion, t Ordered, That tho said Convention and 'accompanying document* be printed in con. fidence far tbe nee of tlm members. Tuesday, MabcxI—The Convention with the Creek Indians wts read and con sidered as in Committee of the whole; and no amendment having been made thereto, it was reported to tbo 8enato. . Ordered, That it pass lo a third rending. Mr. Benton subraiHeed tbe following mo. don for consideration s Reeoteed, two-third* of the Senators pro- rant concurring therein, That the Sentte do advise and consent to tbe ratification of the Convention concluded at the Indian Springs, Co the 12th day of February, 1895, between tbe United 8tates and the Creek Mtioa of Indians, together with the separ ate article thereto. Tbumbaf, Mabcb 3-—The Convention wilhthoCvek Indians I'esread a third time. On tbe question to agree to the resolution for tbo ratification thereof: . Jt wes determined io tbe affirmative—Yea* 38, Nay* 4. Those who voted in the affirmative, ere Meesre. Barbour, Ball, Benton, Bonligny, Brown, Clayton, Cobb, Dickerson, Eaton, Edwards, Elliott, Findlay, Gaillard, Hsyne, Holm«s, of M«. ffolmot, of Min. Johmon, of Kan. Jahuspe, of Loo. Kelly, King, of Aieb. Lnltmeo, Lloyd, of Md. Lloyd,of Mass. Low- 1 fie, Mellvaiee, McLean, Macao, Mills. Par- rott, Rugg fee, Seymour, Smith, Talbot,Tasa- Well, Thomas, Van Boren, Van Dyke, Wil- Itoibn, Those who voted th* negative, are Messrsjtartoo, Branob,Chandler,D’Wolf. Beeohed, two thirds of th* Senators pro mt concurring, therein, That th* Senate do edvie* aad Consent to tb* ratification of th* Canyentioo concluded at the Indian Springe, M thjrltlb dmr of February, 1898, between the United States end tbe Creak nation of Tadiadfe, together with tha separate artiole o’clock in tfuevening. ^Mf. Cobbsnbmitted tbe fallowing resolo- ttoOi Wbion was considered and agreed to: fBeealeed, Titatlh# iojubotion of secrecy lie removed from the preeeediogs of tbe Sen- m-"• *>o«n>*nta relative thereto, vTfpMDAv. DEC. H,—Ordered, That the Mottryofm Senate do forntah to the Se- *' Baton or Btorsasatetlraa. extracts from the _ . v _ . enete ip reistioo to , W^gW^ktoi oflb* Sooato on ton Treaty State* i preened- 5!®*?!'*'“* Srewto on to* 1 aad toe Cmkladienfo inn which pn top* to* tejffitolipg of eocreoy hot km re- I True extnet from the Bxecutiv* Record Attest, WALTER LOWR1E, Sec'y. \ Not*.—Vfe are authorised eed requested to stale, that, pendiag the prooneding* upon dbit Treaty, inSeoate, amotion *n mada m strike out lha fifth article. In th’diaouniun of that: motioa. end of the Treaty, Messrs ssfflSwIfSWs: otbers, spoke., Mr. Branch's argument wt* principally against the Whole Treaty. Mr. toeg.who it of Alabama, (althoogh former ly or*. Carolina,) voted to favor of the Trea ty, hilt objected to the fifth arttekr is loju- wetit to tbe agent, The other gentlemen oemed, spoke either against tbe motioa nr ‘ favor of th* Treaty. Tbit exptsnaiion proper, because, in a late publication in ltd* papier, it wss said, that a motion similar tu that above-named, was mafia by « Senator from N, Carolina... in. senate or tWe united statu, PaaaVAftr, 38, .1895.—Read t Referred to tbe Committee on Indian Affaire} and printed to deofidenoe for the u*t of toe Mem Te the Senate<f Vie United Siatee: I transmit to th* Sannte; fir the exeroiraof its eoostituiionsl power, a Treaty lately con- eluded at to* Indian Sprtog. by Commltiioa. era of the United Stales, duly autboriaed; with tbe Chiofa of the Creek netion, assem bled there to couaail, with to* document* connected therewith. JAMES MONROE. Waehington, Feb. 18,1835. [This is the Treaty, already published in all lha paper*, as Itavtog. been ratified it March last, ted not necessary to be bare re- prfotnd,] -'4 CoNonEsa.—In the Sentte, on 30th tost Mr. Van Bureo introduced, and aoeompao ied with some appropriate remarks, a resolu tion declaring that Congress deeexot posses* the power to aonetruot reeds and canids, and proposing Mi*t tbe power be given, under ■neb restrictions** to secore t* sack Stale th* benefits resulting from appropriation* for that purpose. A resolution wa* offered by Mr. Robbins, for referring that part of tbo Fraaidem’e Mee- X relative to e National University to a I Committee for ooouderatioo j end do tie* was jfiren by Mr. Benton of his inten tion to bring in a bill to graduate the prioa of the public lands. Tbe resolution offered yes terday by Mr. Cobb, relative to the prohibi tion of Member* of Congress from accepting any placeaof honour, trust or profit, under the government, wasrefered, without debate, to tlm Committee on the subject of the amend ments of toe Conatitulion. In toe. House of Representatives, t resolu lion was introduced by Mr. Heury, of Ken tucky, on the subject of a Military Aetdemy on the Western Waters. Another resolution was offered by Mr. Cdok, of Illinois, oo the subject of the sale of the load mines in Illinois. Tbs resoluttoos offered on tbe day preceding, by Mr. Forsyth, requesting information at to tha correspondence between toe United States and Great Britain, to relatioD tivthe Store Trade; by Mr. Trimble, ckllingfor the Metsege of Mr. Jeffereon, racemmeding an expedition Minm the ooqtinent; and by Mr. White, (ofFlorida,) relative to the proposed fortifications in Pensacola Bay, wipe alia- grand to. A resolution wa* adopted, on mo tion of Mr. Holcombe, (of New-Jervey.) re ferring tbe subject of a School for destitute obildren, to be trained for the Navy. The discussion of Mr. Blairh joint resolution on fob subject of a National Armory on the Wes tern waters was resumed, and terminated io tbe reference of tbo resolution with its amend ments, to the Committee on Military Affaire. The engrossed bill entitled " An aot making certain alterations, in the mode of paying the enlisted soldiers of the United States, in or der to prevent the crime of de*ertion. n wa* read a third time, and .afterwards laid on tbs table. We had tbe satisfaction to announce yes terday the intelligence of the fell of the Castle of Sen Juan d’Ulina, the lest hold of Spanish despotism in tbe republic of Mexico Some of tho letter* reopilpt 1 to this city, containing the 'tefonoetioit. eey that such wet the absolute state of starvation of the [arrison occupying the Castle, that for the sat two or three days before ite surrender, even the people of Vera Cruix, who had suffered so much from the reposted firings' of the Castle, had fnrniabed vegetables to the famished soldier* from tlm *aU motives of charity and commisseratien. Woftfanslate from the Mercurio of Alva rado, of tho 18th November, the following Postscript:— * “ The post has this moment arrived from Vera Crux bringing letters which announce to a thousand varions forms, that The Cat tle San Juan D'UUua u henceforth and forever more a .Mexican fortren! We ere still without datsils of this great event, but the capitidntioB is said to consist of fourteen articles, of which tbn fallowing era tbe principal, vi« —*• That on Saturday morning (top IBtb Nov.) a commisaion from this government shall pitas over formally to take an inventory of ill the armament and furniture of the Castle: The Spaniards ■hall then strike their flags with the corns- loading salutes, and our troops shall take mmedwte poesession of th* fortress, hois ting our colors wilh grand salutes, ringing ofbells, and every manifestation of joy that the erent demands. Evdry thing is conclu ded with the utmost harmony. The Span iard* ask not a farthing, but merely that they be aafely conveyed to Havana by our governmant.” We learn that tha garrison in the Castle, which originally consisted of twelve hundred men, wts reduced by disease and desertion to about one hundred audfifty at tbe time the surrender—and the jumcinn* mi ment of th* commander of the ‘ * who placed himself between tbe the Spanish squadron, which («.» , H raliefofthe Oarrisow, htiMkeeflbU of det- troying tha only remaining hop* of the troops, and compelling Ihelr surrender. * The Lafayette, which brought. th* intnlli ••o* tortile port, sailed by npacinl psrmta- non of the government, and tbn Embargo was to continue, it *a supposed, until the ■tfa return of the convoy, which sailed with tbn prisoners for Havana—Bail. Amor. < A Maw Bubied Twentv Wives.—Saint Jerome says he raw * certain man at Rom*, but whom he doe* not name,, who had outli ved twenty wives.—Th* Iwt wife wts her- ralfa widow, and had bran married to nine- *DM husbands. When nfat died, be had . erewo plactd’on bis hand to follow her to tbe grays, ■■ thoqgh it Was a thing to re join* nror triumph oven ffgan.—Tbn Main* Inquirer contains foe particulars of tbn dsstruotiv* fir* at Brans * famane in i fob Cuttun factory which wa* comumod logelli er With *11 tlta mills, and manufacturing es tablishments in th* vieioity, whio* formed the most bonipsol cluster of buildings ip,4pe town. Tbe wind being marly N.,\V- drove TbrfiniMt still forthfr Upoq a range of build ings, including a iqutr* ealeoding.froin the factory lane to mill strest. ‘ said the goods from thq stores were pripplpally spvad—but that tho, wholeTdi* of pl-opbrty is ■•tiqiatsd at ^ 100,000. ft it not yet knowdthst there was any insurance »■ capt {<0,000 insured to Boston' on foe Facto riot. The buildings were sil of wood. Jfeve Fire Engine—A new entice built at Philadelphia, and lately receieed. was tried yesterday to State afreet. It appeared to possess great power. It wii found po man* qrynraitt, that it threw toe principal body of fob', water, ink Urge stream, » distance of a bout a liundred aud seventy-fire or eighlv fret. Some portions were thrown farther.— On trial upon She roof of toe otfitSute Houm it threw a voiame of water to a height of ten or fifteen feet above the tup of the steeple. . ' Boiton Daily Jldv. Latest room the Pacific—Tt» sohoo- ner Argooaut, captain Bossiere, arrived at Ibis port last evening in 18 days from the coast of Sin Bias, Isthmus of Panama. One of the passengers in the A. left Panama on the idth October, and tofermathet the edvi cea received there from Ctliao were to the beginning of the same month. The Roys I- i*te still hold possession of the Csalle of CsUeo. A large body orColombian troops had arrired at Panama, oa tlieir return ’ to Certhegens. ' Bolt. Amer, Tbe*.—Women tioned not long since, that a failure to a large .amount had occurred in Philadelphia, and that a large amount Wne owing from the merchant who had failed for duties. We can see no good raatoo why it should not be stated that trie name of tbe Merchant who has failed i* Edward Taottrson, as that fact i* well end generally known in Philadelphia. Wo also think, that. jestice to the respectable Collector of Philadelphia » Veteran officer of the Revolution, reqdiVtfii that it should be explained, ta wo are infor med it the fact, that he is aot justly charge able with any impropriety of conduct, official or otherwise, in regard to tho removal of any merchandiae before the duties'' payable thereon wore eecured. The Philadelphia; editors we hops wilt not. neglect this act of justice.—Butt. Qaiette. . Eiqbth or Januabt—Preparations are making at Lynchburgh, V*. and other pla ces, to celebrate with becoming festivity, tbe anuivemry of the battle of New-Or leans, the greatest victory ever achieved in America. It'is proper that the anniver" wry of great events, by which signal, ben efit* have been secured ta s nation, should be celebrated. Who can forget the 4th of July, 1778, when independence was declar ed, cud whocan forget the 8th of Jenaary, when it was forever consummated f Tbs' result* of that battle are still talked of in Europe.—Jfbaht’ Me, > to JTAWnsr. . From tho fFootom Recorder. i freff AnTBEats.—The lust Ser nnrnh Geor gian mentions in terms of high commends- lion, the performance of sevnrsl new An tpems, at t late ordinal ion, which Were com posed by a (WHlcmsD ofHavaunah, The. An them* are, " Fifl up your heads,a-‘H«w beau ufol," Mid "Fifr up yoiy.vpijge Ukeairum Pei " Tile subjects, at least. kfe'weH Choi-' on; and on far as a judgement may be form ed fnlm a well wriHen aud intelligent com munication in the Georgian, we should infer foot the milkin' was cqoeilent- We know of nut one disfingislied musician in Savannah; and Ih.iugh wu burs not ts*n the pieoos al hided in i> e presume for-v were frarti the pap of Mr ?. M-.isun, editor of the Boston Handel i..d Haydacs yoriidy, Collodion of <'b'sMfo : Murii iirWiwk VO A SATAffhf AS. The Journal dee Debate has an artiel* Stat ing that foe first act of the new Spanish Min istfy bad bran to require the recall of the French troop*. "It has a right to do so” continue* the journal, “ according to tbs treaties ; but then who shall pay us for what is owing torus ? Shall we retain some fortress by way of security ?—Will Europe, and espe cially England, have nothing to say to their arrangements } What will become of Spain after our troop* are recalled ?• On this the Courier remarks,—* 1 W* shall not now argue what may or what may oot be tho condition of Spain, if left wholly to bar- ■elf; but with regard to the continued occu pation of that country, by France, we have only to advert to two circumstances, the one, Mr. Canning's public declaration' in the House of Commons, of bis entire cunfidene* in the intentions or the French Government to evacuate Spain as soon as they possible can; tbe other, that France, herself, feeling at she must do, the present occupation or Spain to be a heary bin-then upon her finan ces, must be anxious to withdrew her troops." A New Speculation.—A considerable demand for merino sheep recently existed in the southern part of this state, which affor- ded another opportunity to the wooden nut meg gentry to impose on the credulity of some of our citisena. A large number of English sheep ware prepared for the pur pose, by clipping the ends of tbe wool, ap plying a hot iron to that portion remaining on the sheep, in order to crisp it, and finally nppiyiug a composition of grease, tar, and lampblack, in order to give it tke smoky end grassy appearance of merino wool. Thus accoutred, these sheep were prepared for maakat, and have been sold. it ts said, to a considerable extent, ae genuine merinoe. CLEARED; Ship Muss, Fcnnsli, Havre, Wm.' Gaston. arrived,. Ship Martha. Snow, New Yo.rlr, 5 dayr.. reported yesterday,-1» founuid Wright, with "a* assorted cargo, id Bradley, Ciigl/urff & 'Wood, Ar Kassett. A. A J, CUamf-'.a, G. F. Ratines, Cohen k Miller, E. Blist, G. 6. Lamar, Butler fa Scranton, C..G. Gr:»*old fa Co. Gilbert fa Rook, M. Gilbcri.and to order—Prusengere—Mc**rs. J Itoul, W. T Kuiglit, M. Gilbert^W. Leonard, aud twe to the steerage. Ship Jane, Tucker, 15 days from Bristol, Me. in ballast, to Wm. Gaston, Ship Pallai, Pike, 47 day* from Liverpbul, with (alt to Capt. .Wood, owner, and dr; good* lo C. W, Rockwell fa Co. Ship Pioneer, Greenleaf, Alexandria, to fora. Gastoe. Sobpuner Recover, Power, froefi Marble head, 14 days, with maokarael tic. io Join: Candler. Sloop Falcon, Gibb*, 4 day* from Satilla Hirer, wifo cotton to E. Fort, and rice to N. J. Bayard. Steam-Bunt Augusta, Green, Charleston, I dayj to G. B, Lamar, with merchandise to Ji P, Williamson, and J. B. Herbert fa Cu Vdticngtri—Mrs. Woodruff. Miss Woodruff. M>s* Houston, Dr. W, R. Waring, and eight ptheip, . Tha A. alarted for Augiuta yes: terday. Sttam-Boat Edgefield, Sassard, Charles* too,96 hours; to J. Gouedy—Pativngcri— Judge Huger, and Mr. Pettigrew. . SAILED, Ship George .Clinton, Rawson, Liverpool, Riling States, Petrce, Providence. Brig Helen, Tefft, Barbados*. Solir. Odin, Wing, Charleston. QF SOB THIS POHT. At Boston, !6tb iast, hrig Samuel Smith, West; schr. Mark Parker. The ship Samuel Wright, Gage, 99 day* from Lire pool, arrived at Portsmouth, N. H- ou the 8th ioet. The sloops Leopard and Fair American, bound for Charleston, put back on Tuesday and railed (gain yesterday. Charleston, Dec. 97—Arrived.—Frtneh ship Egle, Graooo, Guadaloupe, 35 days, b*l- Brig Romults. Webb, Lirerpwl, 49 days. Brig Miller, Palmer, Bey of Honduras — day*, in distress—bound to New-York. , Brig Centurion, Duncan, Salem, 10 days, ballast, Br. schr. Ranger, Clemente. Nassau, N. P* 10 day«, Nfouuirite tod cedar. Left ■hip Crawford, for New-York, in a few days. Schr. Revenue, Tyler, New-Orlrans, 10 dart, sugar, molasses, whiskey, ko. Schr. Mary Ann, Burr, New-Orleans. At anchor off the Bor.—Ship Majestio, Page, from Liverpool. ar THE BANOEB., Dec. 3—We have received a let ter from Harbor Island: stating that tbe hull *f a vessel, supposed lo hare been a schooner of large sire, was lately dashed to piece* on foe high rocks to the S. E. of tbe harborh mouth of Harbor Island, which wds first dia- curered by pieces of board aud staves drift ing on shore.—It is supposed the vessel had upset at sea some time previous, bat no con jecture can be formed respecting tbe crew, no sign of them having been observed. By the pieces of her found, the veuel appeared to have been new, hut what has been picked up of the cargo is scarcely worth any thing. Dec. 34—Arrived, sloop Bab, Hall, Sa vannah. POST-OmCB SAVANNAH, ) December, 1835. ( T HE following aeotiftn of tbn Law for rognlating the Post-Office Department huviqf been occasionally violated by bareon* presumed to be unacqasbitsd with it* pro vfolon*, ! make this publication to preonide herenfrer any such pie*, aod with adeter- mlii:-ion jo prosecute, as my duty requires, dHirV'lbfiire infraction. “ Section 17th—And be it,farther enact- “ ed, That no ship dr vessel, arriving at any " Pert wjthirt tha United States, where ■ " Poet-OffiM i* Wttblished, shall b* permit- " tod to report, make entry, or break bulk, " until tbe master or commander shall have " delivered to the Postmaster all lettere di- "rectedto any person or person* within " the United tjtatee, or the territorira there- "of,.which under his care, or within hte V power, shall be brought in said ship or " vessel, except such as aro directed to the " owner orerjnvigne* of tbe ship or vessel. " And it shall be tlm duty of the Collector, "nr other officer of thd Port empowered to " receive entries of ships or vessels, to re- "qiiire, from every master or commander “ of such ship or vessel, an oath or affirms- " lion, purporting that he has delivered all “such letters, except a* aforesaid; .sad if " any Commander nr master of any such -ship or vessel'shal! break bulk before he “shell have complied with tbe requirements -‘ of this act, every such offender shall, on “conviotion thereof, forfeit, for every such " offence, a sum not exceeding one hundred " dollars." Alt vessels, from any Port whatever, are included in this reqifisitinn. and not those only which arrive from Foreign Ports, as some persons have erroneously supposed. Letters (hr onjy one person or firm ere to ^•e retained as directed to the consignee, and 1 nut ihnse addressed to each individual who may have a consignment. Consignees sonr.-i imes keep the letter bag for an unreasonable period and retain or de liver lettom to suit their purposes or preju dices. Such a practice gives an undue pref erence, is contrary to law, and if not volun tarily restrained must be repressed by an appeal to the penalty. GEO. SCHLEY, P. M. Dec 20 89 We hope forth* honor of humanity, that when our Rapreseatalivos aredfshiug to the Capital in their equipages, or seatoB'in their splendid mansions; while the cold stprin ra ges and beats in all ifo ftiry without, they will recollect the poor unfortunate debtor, confin ed within the dreary wails of a prison, and whom Urn taws of his/res country allow not even food or fire. We hope tftay will recol lect his still mbre unfortunate family, depriv ed of their protector and •provider, and expoa- ad to all the rigors of this inclement season— and kindly extend the hand of inercy to tho poor nofortunate—Geneva Polled. A singular incident occurred on tbe not- ward panage of th* ship London Packet, Capt. Beiiedicti which arrived at New-York from Batavia. On the 35lh of June; fa*. 36, 16 South, long. 7, SO Eut i Cape Pigeon a- lighted on thevbip, haring on its neck a la bel upon whiob wa* written " Firginin of Salem.* i Lately In France, in tlse neighborhood of B*gien,*youtbofapribcip*l family named Belpel, killed by eooident, in biulitig, a do mestic who attended him.—He was so much moved at the sight of the corps* that he would bey* destroyed himself instantaneously, if bis gun bad not been wrested from him'. He re tained bom* in til best*, end before heeoold be prevented, blew ant bit brain* in bis cham ber. Petereburg, Dee. 90.—Cotton Th* quan- SHERIFF’S SALES. On the JirA I'ur.ntay in Ftbrvary next, B ETWEEN t)m Irpal hours ofael. will he sold at the Court-House in the town of JefferBim, Camden County, 400 Pounds of Stained Colton, more or less, levied on ns the property of John C. Richard, under an execution in favor of Langley and Sylvester Bryant, vs. John C. Richard. Also, a negro boy, named Stephen, levied qn as the property ul William Mickler, Jure, ta satisfy sundry executions, obtained in a Magistrate* Court, in favor of Joseph Hol der, v*. Win. Mickler. Jun. Also,* Tract of Pine Lend, situate in Camden County, near the Biirrti Vert, cno- tainjey four hundred and till y-two am! a half acres, more or less, levisd on as the property of Jesse Crawford, or so mur.h thereof, as will eatisfy a tax execution against him, for the year 1824.—Amount due {3 33 and costs. G. W. THOMAS, D. S. C. C. Dee 39 89 ELEGANT PRESENTS. H ' f- .r.‘~mLuAMs, AS just received elegant Christmas New Year* Offerings, with embellish, niehls aod engraringa, visV’ Mlub - Picturesque Pocket Diary ZjW*' numerous engravings of American Scenery,* portraitoirj. Q. Ad. ams, an Almanac, and a variety of articles of Useful information, in various cavers,—Price from |l 50 to 42 50. The Atlantic Souvenir, eoatainlng m* nT jiritfinsl trdolet lo prose sod poetry, embet* liined with severe) fine engravings, from j e . sign* by Leslie and others.—Prioefrum 4250 to S3 7S. ® TheFade Jtfreum.—Price 4|, The Pleaeuru yf Frlmdeliip.~io cenl| ALSO, Moore’i Life of R.B. Sheridan, Qorgaud>e Jfapoleon in Putno.oranttsm inai ion of Segur’s Work.—{2. m ' LeUtrt on the South C.m. lips 8ociety. Qibeon’e Surgery.—{8. Dewees on the Diseases of, Wiitar** Anatomy, {7. Dorsey’s SurgL 47. Smith k Little’s Music, Prayer BaoS* Pralmi Books, fee. &c. together with a r»ri«.’ ty of LAW BOOKS and other WORKS ncc * 7 27p V EJtGLlSU WHITS LEAD. " T HE subacriber lias purchased Messrs. Andrew Low fa Go's, entire stock nt* WHITE LEAD, which is put up in mVs. 56 lbs. and 20 lbs. kegs, and is in fine order. He has receired clso by lbs ship Emperor and other late arrivals, * large and general assortment of Guoda io the PAIN J-°' L - COLOR, GLASS, VAR NISH, and BRUSH TRADE, Aotong which ere the following articles: Paper Hanging, with suitable Borders Window Sashes, Window Glass American While Lead Verdigris, dry and ground in oil Linseed or Paint Oil , Spirits Turpentine, G'opal Varnish . Hair Pencils. Winter Strained Sperm Oil, Summer da Whale Oil, Liver Shore do &c. &c. all of which will be sold low for casl: or ap proved paper. IU‘ Hon>e, Sign and Ship Painting, Gild ing and Glaaing, executed at reduced prices. P. MARLOW. Dec 27 ,'7 RISE OF TICKETS. T HE Grand Popular New-York Slat* Literature lottery, draws on - WED NESDAY NEXT. This rich scheme con tains the following handsome prizes ; 1 Priie of 109,000 Dollars. ID* THE REF. MR. MEALY, R espectfully informs hi. friends & the pub lie generally^ that he designs o- peniog a SCHOOL, o i the 2d Jen. 1836, ie one of the western apartments of tbe Chat ham Academy, where be will receive under hit caro end pereooallv instruct, young per sons of both sexes. Information as to further particulars, may be obtained on application to him, at his residence, corner of Brough ton and Drayton-Streeta- Dec 29 29re PLANTERS’ BAJfK. A N election will bo held at the Banking House, for thirteen Directors on tne :art of tbe Stockholders, on MONDAY 9EXT, Sd January- The pell will be open ed tt nine o’clock, A- M. end closed at two, P. M. Piper falling due on that day, must be taken upon tbe Saturday previous. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. Dra^, 39 TAR. O NE Hundred Barrels T*r. for rale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN fa WOOD. Dee t» 13 7-8 tbs. GRIDDLES, n ECE1VED per (hip Emp, *Dra 7 t7 - N iror.snd for sale B. WEED. JUST RECEIVED BY SHIP EMPEROR, KYt KEGS LARD of prime quality, and JU a few Barrels Newark Cider, which is Offered for sale low if applied for immedi ately. TIIOB. R. PRICE. Dec *9 * 39p "TORY’S SUPERIOR PATEJfTCORN- MILLS, TU8T rebcived and for rale by J N. B. WEED, Dee 39. - No. 6, Gibbons’ Rang*. PATENT AND CAROLINA HOES, TU8T received aad for rale by tl DeatS N. B. WEED. 59,000 Dollars. 30.000 Dollars. 10,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 3,500 Dollars. 3,000 Dollar*. - 1,000 Dollars, besides a vast number Of smaller denomina tion, the lowest of which is 450. On WED NESDAY NEXT.ticketa advance Ihroogh-, out the Union to 455, until which time they remain at {50. The subscriber has on hand 3 Halves, 4 Quarters, and 8 Sixteenths. Dee 39 WN. ROBERTSON- 1 I 1 3 4 to 39 do do do £ do do TEN THOUSAND DOLLS. O N Saturday .last, tbe Rhode Island State Lottery, Highest Prise Ten Thousand Dollar*, was drawn at Providence, and the result will be received uu Wednesday ifext. Tickets {4, Halves {2. Dec 29 WM. ROBERTSON. NOTICE. A N election for five Port Wardens, six Auctiondhr*, and Lamber Measurers, will be held by Council on MONDAY, the 2d of January- Applicants for any of the above office*, will band in tbe applications to the Clerk, oa or before that period. SOL. COHEN, C. C. pro tom. Dec 39 39 o.l 5$ orricx tsABiNE Ann via* insurance co. Savannah, 31th Dec. 1835. . W ILL be offered at public sale, on Tues day. 31st January, 1826, between tbe hours of bine and two O’clock, at ite office, tbe Stock of the Company, owned by ihs in stitution. Terms made known on the day of rale. J. P. HENRY. Pres’t. Persons wishing to purchase the above stock, ean receive any information they may require, by applying at tb* office. Dec 27 37 OFFICE MARINE AND FIRE IN8UBAXCE CO. > Sncannah, 31th Dec. 1835. ). A N election will be held at this office ou A. MONDAY, tbo Sth day of February next, for seven Directors to manage tb* sf- fatrs of th* institution for one year. Polls to be opened at nine o’clock. A. M. aud dosed al two, P. M. A. M. KER| Sec’ry. Deo 37 27 THA HXH.UITAUk ■ STEAM-SAW-MILL and CAST IRON FOUNDRY. T HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that the above establishment* are in full operation. Planks and Scantling, suitable for ship ping, can be furnished of tlm best quality, and of any size, lo immediate order. Ha also has on hand, a few fine CYPRESS LOGS,upwards of30fectin length,which he will saw into anch sizes as may be required. At the Call Iron Foundry, work of jcvery description, in that line, will b* executed in a at .ic equal td (hat of any other factory in the United States, aud on the leweat possible terim. lie nlio continuer the manufacture of BRICK, which he will supply in any quanti ty, to urder. The quantity of the article is already well known. JILNJJY, iV!MLI J J,\’. ID* All order* left at the store of Low R Wallace, will be punctually attended to. Dec. 19 21 tf GRAND,STATE LOTTERY, FOURTB CL ASS—EXTRA. D RHW in Providence on 15th inst. and will be received here on 28th.—Fifty numbers combination—Six numbers to be. drawn. scheme. 1 Prixe of 10,000 Dollars. 1 do 5,000 Dollars. 5 do ],000 Dollars. 1 do 5-18 Dollars. 4 do 500 Dollars. ’ 8 'do 100 Dollnrs. 44 do 50 Dollars. (8 do 20 Dollars, fee. fee. fco. Treeent Prico of Tickets: Wholea, : : I : : t : : 43 50 Halves, :::::::: 1 75 Quarters, : : r : : : : : 0 01 Hr Those who have ordered tickets in the above Lottery, are requested to call Im mediately and recive them nt LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Dec 20 ' FACTORAGE, kc. T HE subscriber informs his frieodssiid the public, tint be has recommenced Tne Cotton and Lumber Factorage and Com- nuvfton Hwrnew. He is provided with Fire-Proof Stores, for th* reception of cotton nnd other goods, a conve nient dock for lumber, nnd trust* from hik knowledge of business in general, and partic ular experience in tlm above branches, is gire entire satisfaction. Hi* Counting-Room is over th* store of Wiltberger k Cornwell, Jones' Upper Wharf. WILLIAM HENRY GREENE. Nov 23 FAJfCY COSMETIC SOAPS. HE following very superior and highly , perfumed Soap*, of the lateet importa tion, from Low’s Manufactory, London, vit. Bengein Sorb, Musk Soap Ekmelek do Vernacular do Rose fat Cinnamon do Violet . do Venice do Olive do Low’s Oriental Comp. Vegetable do Jewaiatne do Ceylon do Palm do Bandana do Palmyrina do Eg. Windsor do Transplant do Naples Shaving Son in pots French Cosmetio Almond end Vegeta ble Wash Bslle And a supply of genuine Macassar, Rami* and Antique Oil* Aod very superior Cologne Water in btva juaUmiMr recefvad and foreal* low, by LA YA HENDRICKSON, Dee to Druggists. ABSCONDED, F ROM the subscriber’s plantation on Hil ton Head, tome weeks tgo, s negre mao named PETERt—Peter is near abuul six ' feet high, a smooth skin, plausible and well Spoken, and bit general manner* above that of ordinary ilavet. Five Dollars Rewarn will be given to any person who will *pP re ' hand nnd deliver aim to Josiah Wells, Eta-, on the plantation, or aecure him in either the Savannah or Coosawhatobie jail. P. MATHEWS. Dec 27 <7 D* {SO REWARD. W ILL bo phid by John GiEH.ofth* Neck: near Gharleatoa, for the ap prehension of tbe peniona who enteredtlu* dwelling house, and forcibly carried off a free black men, named Boeton, betwcea thirty and forty year* of age, clad in a faded homespun coat, striped vest and straw bat, slim made, a littl# above tho middle height. He is weak sod appear* to have bran recent ly ill, with one leg swollen, R '• presumed they intend railing him as a slave. Dec 25 IMPROVED COTTON'PRESS. 4 PATENT baring bran obtained for a* improved Cotton Pro**, for packing cot ton into square balsa, tha subscriber, who M* been appointed by th* proprietor* »r™*>'£ fere the pririleg* of makiog airi usieg ’be same to companies or iodnridiial*. For d v Sarennab, Agent for the Proprietors. I"Ttm AagustaConstitetiqnalist.MilWfJ' ville Journal, and Macon Memsnger._m. ro- qoestod to insert lbe *b«»> sodlbriraid bills to the qffis. M tb.