Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 30, 1829, Image 1

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s • * > w : % Ofr-*' V At tho Republican Flags, And LITTLE HO PE, SI. Julian SI. Weil of the Market, I S to be uld the admirable Thouars We tor, or Warranted Tooth Ache end Sour* ary Drop,, approved by the Faculty oi Pari,, and Boveral eminent Physicians in the city of New York, where it isalio to be sold by ton repeatable Agonts, and ha, stood the test in this city. Prepared by Louis Falll- gnnt, and none el,e in the United States. Also—A good slook of ,uoh artiole, a, arc . gene,ally wanted, Buob as Drugs and Fami ly Medicines, Tin Ware, Perfumery, Linseed and Sweet Oil, Claret, Malaga.Muscat, Ma deira and Teneriffe Wine, Syrups of all kinds, Cordials, assorted, by the bottle and by the 'dozen just received from New York, patent oemant for mending China and Glassware, Reflector Lamps, Sic. for Arlequio trust, (that is to say) from the hand of the purchas er to the pockot of the vendor. Those who may please to repose confi donee, will indeed be welcome on the pro posed conditions. N D. Should any phial of the above drop, be sold without Falligaot’s signature and seal, the same must be considered as apuri- our. Price IS cents- july I 186-pfw* TO-MORROW. §25,000—$15,000—$10,000. T HE drawing of the Virginia State Lotte. ry, Class No. 10, will bo received TO MORROW MORNING Those who have ordered Tickets in this Lottery, will call This Day for them at LUTHER’S july 1 Lottery 8c Exchange Office* NOTICE. T HE undersigned have connected them selves in business under the firm of Kob ft Merrimaw. CHARLES ROE. CHAS. P. MERR1MAN. july I 186 SPRUNG AmSffMWt G O 0> D S LOW, TAYLOR & CO. H AVE landing from ship Oglothorpe.from Liverpool, an extensive and general assortment of BRITISH MANUFACTURED GOODS. Also, received by recent arrivals from New York, ftc. A i.Anon 6ur..<,* or AMERICAN AND INDIA SBASONABXiB ARTICLES. Which they offer for Dale by tho original package, piece, or dozen, at moderate prices; aod always have for sale OSNABURQS, COTTONBAGGING, CRATES OF EARTHEN WARE, CABKS or LONDON BOTTLED PORTER, AND SCOTCH ALE, april 25 Its NOTICE. T HE undersigned having taken Tnos. J. Chace into Copartnership the buBi- noas in future will be conducted under the firm of Wm. Bowers & Co. WM. BOWERS, jnly 1 13R—p HAY, &c. &c. QQ BUNDLES Prime Hay OO 10 boxes Lemons 10 do Raisins Landing from schr Prances and for salo low from the wharf by julv 1 COHEN ft MILLER. Bagging and Wine. •d K ft PIECES best Inverness Bagging X 5 pipes and 10 qr casks Caoary Wine 24 dozen L. P Madeira Wine 6 do old Malmsey do. Por sale by 8 H. PAY & CO. june 15 72—||lm Letter Paper. 1 to REAMS but pressed Letter Paper A few Reams Printing, Medium and quarto post Ruled Paper. Just received per brig Frances and for sale by June 95 PHILBRICK ft BAKER. For Sale, A SET of Cast Iron Sugar Rollers—so cood banded. Apply to W. W. HARRINGTON, * Johnston’s Square, june 23 .179 Portland Rum and Hay. Oft I1BLS Portland Rum (coloured) dU VF 50 bundles prime Hay Landing from ship Pierian and for sale by HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. june 15 Martinique Molasses. | K HMDS prime retailing Molasses— X Landing and for sale low if taken from the wharf” apply to HALL SHAPTER ft TUPPER. june 16 10 Mustard & Vinegar. BOXES London Mustard 20 bbls 1st quality Cider Vinegar Just received and for. ole by june 16 COHEN & MILLER. Food for SilkWorms. J UST receivfil, a quantity of the seed of the Italian Mulbery tree For sale by T- RYERSON, Jr. june 17 On the Bay, Cow Pease. A FEW bushels just received of the first quality suitable for planting. Apply to PALMES ft LEE, june 17 Exchange Pock. Corn Afloat. OXAA BUSHELS North Carolina JU Corn of a good quality for sale Apply to PALMES 8c LEE. june 16 Exchange Dock. Prime Pork. * \ Jail Received, WA BBLS City Prime Pork 0 U . For Bale by CLAGHORN fit, WOOD, jnne S Anciaux wharf. Lemons. On BOXES juBt received and for Bale by PALMES & LEE, june 25 Exchange Dock. Day & Martin’s Blacking. A SUPPLY just received and for sale by THOS. RYERSON, Jr. june 25 81 Wrapping Paper. I d\ RE AMS W rapping Paper LUlf For .ale by june 24 PHILBRICK & BAKER. For Sale, Q *# SHARES Marine and Fire Insurance v X Bank Stocks. Apply to june 23 J. B. HERBERT. Leaf Tobacco. 1A HHDS prime Leaf Tobacco J. U For laic by june 23 COHEN & MILLER. Chloride of Lime F OR sale by A. G. OEMLER. juno 30 83 —fc Hall, Shapter & Tupper, O FFJjjiljy.FOR SALE,on the most accom modating terms, the following GROCERIES. 26 bbds St Croix Sugar 100 bags very prime green Porto Rico Coffee 10 bbls do do do do 20 do do do do St. Jago do 30 bags do do do 20 tons Swedes Iron, square bars . 50 kegs Baltimore No. 1 Lard 200 Baltimore Hams 30 kegs Nails, 100 lbs Each 300 bags ‘ Youlos’ patent Shot, all sizes 20 bbls mess pork.N Y city inspection 10 do Boston Beef, cargo, No 1 20 half bbls Canal Flour FSB & Co’s brand, for families 100 bbls No 3 Mackarel 25 boxes best Yellow Soap 20 catty boxes fresh Hyson Tea 13 lbs. each 1 hhd- old Irish Whiskey 20 bags old Java Coffee 50 bbls Loaf Sugar 200 coils Bale Rope 6 half bbls Flymnrket Beef 10 bundles Printing paper 10 pipes Cngniac Brandy, Scignetl’s. Weiss’ and Duwij & Co’a brands 5 pipes Holland Gin, Swan brand 10 do 20 qr casks 5 eigth do Cogs well’s old Canary Wino 100 bnrrela Northern Gin, Phelps, Jenches and double anchor brands 250 Grindstones, small sizes may 19 Gallery & DRAPERS & TAILORS ON THE BAY, EAST OF THE CITY HOTEL, H AVE received by recent arrirals from New Yotk, afresh and elegant assort meat of the most Seasonable Goods, in their lino--Consisting of— Bltut black, brown, olive, green and milt BROADCLOTHS. Blue, brown, green and steel mixt QUEENS CLOTH. Blue blaok and fancy colored single milled CASSIMERE. Merino Cloth and Caaalmere, (light and beautifhl materials for summer wear) Bombazine Circasiian Brown, white and drab English and French Drill Striped Florentine, Satin Jean Grnis Cloths, Bouthnn Drill Silk Camblot. Nankeen And n variety of other Stuffs, suitable for summer cut,tens anil pantaloons. V F. S T I N G S i English, Italian and French blaok ate! colored Silk,. V'llenrin and Marseilles of Buff, wtnli and neat fancy Patterns White anti Buff Csssitnere nnd Ctst-lt. -neret All of which they ttrs measure, in tho best manner notice. FANCY ARTICLES i A handsome assortment of Silk aod Linen Cambric Pocket Hand- kerchiefs Cravats, Stocks, Stiffonors Block, white and straw colored Horse skin Gloves Grass Cloth and Linen da Hujpsnders, Watoh Guards and Ribbons Hosiery of all descriptions Foraging, Morocco, Cadot nod Moditor nnean Caps, fire. &o. ALSO, A general aiiorlmmt of READY MADE BPRIKO AND SUMMER Consisting of Coats, Frocks aod Coatteoa, Pantaloons Vests, Jackets, Drawers, Shirts, Collars, $c &c. &c. M & D respectfully ioform their friend* that tho whole of their goods have been care fully selected by Mr. M. and the ready made Clothing, manufactured entirely under bin inspection, and they assure their customers that tho utmost confidence may be placed in the faithfulness ol their work, april 30 133 Pork, Beef, &c. Oft BBLS Prime Pork, City Inspection Ov 20 do Mess do do do 10 half bbls Mess and Pig Pork 30 Mean and Prime Beef 10 half bbls Mess do 6 half bbls Pickled Tongues 20 half bbls No I and 2 Mackerel Keg* Pickled Salmon 1000 lbs Codfish Just received and for sale at low prices by A. BASSETT. jnne II Prime and Mess Beef' ft ft BBLS Prime aod Mesa Beef OH 20 half do Mess do 10 boxes Prunes 5 sacks Almonds 16 bbls Batter Crackers in stork, 125 bbls Pilot nod Navy Bread Just received and for sale by CLAGHORN & WOOD, june 2 Ancinux wharf Goshen Butter, Herring and Corn. 6}ft KEGS first qunlity Butter 50 bbU No. 1 Herring from Balti* more 3000 bushels first quality Corn 20 boxes Codfish For sale by PALMES & LEE, june 13 Exchange Dock. CANAL FLOUR. Just Receivid per Emperor, QK BBLS Canal Flour dlJ 30 do Prime Beef 25 do Prime Pork 10 boxes Prunes 5 bbls Dried Apples 6 doz. Brooms (Corn) For salo by juoe 6 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Starch, Indigo, &c. 1 ft BOXES Colgato’a superior 8tarch Xvr 1 ceroon Spanish Indigo 1 do do do 2d quality cases Fig Blue, in small cakes, 1st quality * Just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Nos. 2 & 15 Gibbon’s Buildings. Seidlitz arid Soda Powders, &c. Xft DOZEN Seidlitz Powders ( of sup’r v 50 do Soda do J quality. ALSO, A supply of genuine Lemon Syrup Just received per schr Oregon ft for sale by LAY ft HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings june 23 For Sale. Qfh HHDS prime Muscovado Cuba Sugar O" 29 bags prime Green Coffee 10 boxes While Sugars 10 P. Money Landing from brig Stronger, Capt. Hull, from Matanzas, and for sale on accommoda ting terms on the wharf, by F. H. WELMAN. juno 22 78 Hay, Molasses and Quinine, ft HHDS prime retailing Martinique XMolasses 40 bundles Hay 20 ounces genuine French Sulphate of Quinine, received from the impor terB in Charleston For sale in lots to suit purchasers—apply to HALL, SHAPTER ft TUPPER. june22 Thermometers. A N assortment of London Tbormometers in Boxwood, Morocco and J&pan’d Tin cases, just received aod for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, may 28 Gib&oola Buildings. The Angelic Syrup ol Salza s H IGHLY recommended by the Medical Socioty of New York, as being far su- perior to Swaim’e Panacea, or any other Sy rup now in uso, for the cure and relief of Scrofula, or Kiog’t EviU 8yphilitic, Mercu rial, and Cutaneoua Diseases of the Skin, Ulcerous Sores, Gonoral Debility, and all Dtseasaa arising from iropqrlly of Blood. Report of the Committee of the Medical Society. That the Byrtip of Safe* is an eflfcetu&l remedy In a croat nunibor of punling cases of chronic diseases, wo have not only tho testimony of tho French physicians, bunko experience of a number of roapcctiblo physicians in this city, who have had an opportunity of testing tho remedy in oases of tho most obstinate chronic character in the ruoi.ic institutions,whero patients labouring, un* dcr incurable discosos in tho samo wards, seeing its remarkable trsects under the most discouraging cir cumstances, would entrant to bo allowed tho remedy, or use otrataofms io obtain it j and even in thoso hope- loss cnies it afforded more or left relief. Ulceroua sore throats, which ara of an indolent and languid char acter, and which are usually complicated with the oth er symptoms of mercurial diseases, such as cutaneous afTeciionstifthe sl>in,diseases of the joints, bones^rc, the Syrup or 8aua, ir prouorrod in Ibr six or eight weeks, will in general perfect a cure. And although this mode of treatment is not so expeditious ns tho mercurial plan, it nossca*es this advantage, that tho patient contcs out of it w ith a constitution uniupauko \ nay, ho is ofioner in higher health than ho enjoyed boforo, Not only sy. philitic. but other ulcers, which nriso from a vitiated state of the habit of body, and havo long resisted all tho various modes of trcalmont, will generally heal under this Remedy with Imlo aid from external means. The mmovul of diseases so opposilo, in as many ns these ul cers are, in truly surprising, and can only be accounted ibr by supposing, that tho use of tho medicine produces ptsparvd In mnkw.Uv. ^ general and material change Ihnmghiout tho ays- nner and at ahor*' **"’• The value of the Syrup or Salsa is host dis. played in thoso complicated forms of disease, occuring in constitutions fairly demolished by tho long continued irritation or tho poison, or ruinod by, tho oxcesrivo use of mercury, ex|>osure to cold, intemperate living, &c. Thickness of the periosteum, attended with excruciating ft deep scaled pains, havebuen treated with this remedy with entire success, any chronic eruptions, usually supposed to proceed from syphilis,ft many that certainly are not so, will yield to this remedy, and no matter what may bo their character or nature, from tho simplo hcr- ptt (itch) to tho loathsome Leprosy, this romody is well worthy of a trial. Tho first indication of amend ment is improvement in general health, with return o appetite, and quiet nights. In aomo cases, whoye thof disease has been of long standing, tho joints will romnin somewhat swelled ; but tho patient will rocovor his health, with fullness and plumpness of habit. Besides those effects, this modicine exhibits tonic powers ; un der its regular uso tho oppetito improves, all the func tions indicato tho existence of a modoruto state of ex citation, especially thoso of nutrition, nnd the pntient acquiros a degree of vigour ho had long been unaccus tomed to. Bcforo closing this report, we shall take tho liberty of subjoining on extract from Mr. Fordico’a (surgeon) excellent paper: “ This medicine, in a very short limo, will relievo syphilitic headnehs and noctur nal pains, nnd if persisted in I hclievo will always cure. In.emaciated or weak constitutions, it is tho greatest rostortivo of appetite, flesh, colour, strength, and vigour, I know of.” Signed, Felix Pascalis, Jlf. D. John Harmesly, M. D. Charles Drake, Jll. D. Ja's R. Manley, M. D. John Wats, Jr. M D. Members of tho Medical Society ofNow-York. FORMED YORK. (mm iibis like) .Jgr^ Tho elegant requhr ^pockot rilip IStoBm 1 D. L. Porter, matter, 21 a&i Will sail on Honda, next, 6th July. Fur freight or pinsge, having idpe- rior accommodations, ripply tn Capt. F. on hoard, at Joaee' upper wharf, or to HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. 87 Tho ship STATIRA, Tromab Wood, master, will eucoeed tho Macon nnd ml no her regular day, Monday I3thJuly. iono2fl BY J.B. HERBEBT. THIS DAY, lit Imt .! At II o'clock, will bo aotd before toy «U*v 60 piece, prime Cotton Begfhift A IriO, 6b bnbdlna print H*y A HO, A general ateortnenl of , GROCERIES. July 1 Terms limn of a. FOR NEW-YORK, The packet Ship QUEENMAB, Bailky, Moetor, Will positively sail on Thursday nozt.xd July. For freight or paisage haviog superior accommodations, apply on board, or to JOHN CUMMINS AEON, juno.« 182 S&KLi next,2d July FOR PHILADELPHIA, The brig KG a bo roe, W. Mitilin, Matter. ■JKKL For freight or passage apply to Capt. M. on board or to JOHN H. REID. june 26 106 NOTICE. T HE subscribe™ beg leave (o Inform llioir customers and friends, that early in tho fall they will have n superior assortment of dry goods, both imported and domestic, of every descrip tion, which they intend selling on their usual liberal terms They also inform that VVil Ham Rose will attend to the Dry Goods busi ness, and Hugh Rose to the Factorago and Commission business at their Counting House on the Bay, and will make liberal ad vances to such ns may feel disposed to cnrtrtnl them with the disposal of tbeir pradide— Both businesses will Ko carried on ns Wore under the firtn of WM. & H. ROSE, june 12 170 NOTICE. T HE co-paitnerehip heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of Jambs Anuburon & Co. expired by liitn tation on tho 3lst of May last. A.ll persons indebted will ronko payment to James Aodereon, who is duly authorized to settle the oflairs of the concern,, and will continue the business for his own account. JAMES ANDERSON, C. M. KING. june 13 171 NOTICE. T HE subscribers have united (heir inter cst in the practice of Medicine aod its collateral branches. One ofthe firm will be always in attendance, at the office formerly occupied by Dr. R. Wayne. L. H. FURTH, R. WAYNE. jnne 27 183 NOTICE. C OUNCIL will receive proposals, for lighting the Lamps aod furnishing Oil for the same until next January—Security for the performance of the contract will tie required. Applications may bo loft at tho Office of Clerk of Council. M. -JYERS, c. c. june 27 183 NOTICE. A LL accounts duo the estate of Wm. C. Cuthbert, not settled previous to 1st of July, will be placed in the hands of Messrs. Millen & Clark for collection. J. L. CUTHBERT, Adm’x. june 13 17l—i Planters’ Bank. T HIS Bank will be shut on Saturday, 4th July.—Paper falling due on that day, and on Sunday, must be taken up on the Fn day previous. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. juno 30 85—p REMOVAL. T S. LUTHER'S EXCHANGE Office • is removed to the Office formerly oc cupied by S. & M. Allen & Co., two doors East of the City Hotel. june 22 Glauber Salts. ,/ Oft BBLS Glauber Salts ud\J Received per Ship Floriao and for Bale py may 18 A BAS8ETT. Letter and Cap Paper. K REAMS Letter and Cap paper. Just aJvT recived and for sale by jone 17 PHILBRICK & BAKER. HAY. ■g ff A BUNDLES prime Hay for sale. 1OU Apply to PALMES &. LEE, juno 16 Exchange Dock. TAR. KA DDLS Thin Tar rJU Just rccoived and fof’s.le by june 5 AVBASSET. India Flag Hhdkfs. Qfh A PIECES India Flags, just rocciv- O vTlf cd nnd for sate by jnoo 16 PHILBRICK ft BAKER. FOR NEW YORK. [ocHoonxn tins.] The fast sailing packetaobr OREGON. Thoo. Dunham, Jr. Master. , Will sail on Monday next, 6tb uly For passage only, having handsome accommodations, apply to Copt. D. oo board, at Taylor’s wharf, or to june 29 COHEN & MILLER. FOR DARIEN, The eloop GEO. WASHINGTON, Lace, mnetcr, —.. — Will sail for tbo above port with despatch. For freight apply on board at Joooa wharf or lo june 30 CLAGHORN fie WOOD. For Sale, A gontlo Gig Horse, siz years old, the properly of Robert Mitchell, Esq. who intends leaving tho city, by water, for the summer. Apply to W.KGUERINEAU. N. B. If not disposed of previously, will be sold before the Court House on the first Tuesday in July next, to the highest bidder, june 20 177—1‘ iy, 7,1827, Riving un accout of -a remnrkublo cure of Klnu’h Evil, by using tho Syrup or Sai.ea, Benjamin West, a youth of about fifteen years of a| in tho employment ol Mr. Manley, sadlp.r, at Alban, r lost tho use of his limbs, ami could only inovo by the uso of crutches. Ho had several running ulcers, communi- tine with each other, from hiu hip down to his kneo, and was so emaciated and reduced that ho was not ex-, pocted to live. He had been long a potient in tho DiaL nensary, and all ho|K» wna given up n( his rocovcry.-T llis parents wern honest ana of good moral character, which procured him guod recommendations. In this situation, tho Svhup or Sauca was recommen ded, and tried on this nubject, and in about ten weeks every Boro was nearly healed. Ho gnined flesh, & was able <V» walk with a stick,/ Ho continued tho Sytup for ubt%|{Six weeks longer, when $li Uio ulcers vreru sound ly healed ; he walked without a stick, and is now ap parently in extreme good health. This being so re markable nnd n8toniKhing a euro of a cRiri'Li;, is a full proof oftho efficacy oj this medicine in scrofulous ulcers. One year has posed by, and ho has had no return of tho complaint, and no remains whatever of the most invlte- lUTttUtOXULA EVER VET KNOWN. William Blackburn. The above just received and for salo by jnne 20 THOS. RYERSON, Jr. Ten Dollars Reward. R ANAWAY from the subscriber, about (be 1st of .February last, a negro wo man named DOLLY, aooul twenty four or five years of age aod about five feet two or three inches high, ye! ow complexion, has a large mouth and broad teeth, free spoken and lisps a little. She ib no doubt lurking about town, or the plantation occupied by Join? Millon, Esq. last year, to whom she was hi red. The above reward will bo given by her delivery to me on Wilmington Island, or lodg cd in Savannah jail, so that I get her again - ELIZABETH WHITING may 26 55 H ' lOTim™mflfflA 1L1BWL ■ w vMniv waMwmw > POSITIVE BALK. : BY PHILBRICK fii BASfEb THIS DAY, let loti. , At 11 o'clook, will be sold ta (VoMdf riMp Auction ,tor«. to oloio s consignment 50 bbltf Superfine Flodrl jnly t X BY J. B. HERBERT, ■ On tkorfirslTUESDAY io lot, anQ,«!)( be sold before the Court Haute a (Bill fittt at 11 O'clock, *' ANcgro®ttn, about <3 ptem Old, a good fiE4 tafiSYi AUO, 4 Negro B§£, accuktomed cotha field, juoe 24 Terra crib.. jnne 11 Torma cash. Just Received. 10 dozen Fanoj Chair, 15 bags Feathers 15 casks White Le&H For sale kg ^ J II HERBERlV N Administator’a Sale* Pe mny 20 Landreth’s Garden Aau] dXfWK -hid 4VW Baga do. Onion do For sale by JL T RYERSON, Ir. april 24 lm. mpply just received, among icb are Floiror Seeds Rata One Hundred. Dollars. T HE above reward of Ono Hundred Dol lars will be paid by the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for ap prehending and delivering lo the Jailor of said conoty, SAMPSON, a slave the proper- ty of Dr. Wm. R. Waring, charged ivith (be crime of murder, committed op Sbidawoy Island. By ordor, ROBERT W. POOLER, ' Clerk In. Ct. C. C; jnne I . ..160—rn $ 10 Reward. R ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 27th Feb. last, his mulatto girl Cretin, of fair complexion for a mulatto-,-110 she is well known in this city and county, a descrip (ion is unceceseary. The above rewurd will be paid on delivering her to me or lo the Jailor of Chatham County. DANlfeL FOX. mny29 150—||l m Irving’s Columbus-(Abridged.) T HE Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus by Washington Irving (ab ridged by tbe same) price gl 25 Sermons Preached in England by the Right Rev Reginald Heber D. D. price gl 50. Letters from tbo Aegean, by Jas. Emerson price 25. Just received by june 25 T M DRISCOLL. Atkinson’s Vegetable Dye. A SUPPLY of‘Alkiuson’e Vegetable Dye,' for changiog red or grey hairs on tho head, whiskers, &c to a beautiful and per inanent brown or black,just received and for sale by THOS. RYERSON, Jr. jone 25 81 Iririh Potatoes. A NY quantity from ono to 300 buihcb, freeh from the ground, can bo furnished at ehort nolice and at a moderate rate. It ii presumed the article will keep round (luring a vo) ago to Europe, and at this season, it may be nf some conaequenco lo masters of vessele leaving our port. Apply to PALMES da LEE, june 23 Exchange Dock. / Horse and Gig. F OR sale a first rate Gig <t Saddle Ilorao, a good trotter, with a gig and harness new in February lilt. Apply at the office of tile Georgian. jbnelG.. Fruit, Teas and Wiue. K fh WHOLE, half aod quarter boxes JU Bunoh Muscatel Raisins 6 onsos Wardale’s London Picklea 10 bbls soft shellod Almonds 6 boxes Marsoilloa Capon 40 doz Madeira and Sherry Wines 26 boxes old PortaodiparkliogCham- paigne 75 doz Claret and London Porter 50 doz Philadelphia Palo Ala and' Portor 6 boxes Sicily Lemons, (prime or der) Imperial and BlaoTt TEAS, of very superior Davor end quality, received and for solo by C. A. may 27 168—tm P. M’lNTYRE- r>_a Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho is now rex Ijijjl $)dy to entertain them in that beau- riaUBllful situation) No. 5 Broadway, opposite the Bowling Groen, near tbe Battery, where he is enabled to lako in families, in private or at tho public table, on reasonable terms. Tho house is extensive and commo dious, nnd being near the Battery, renders It very pleasant for families. O' The Savannah Georgian, Charleston Courier, and Baltimore Chronicle, are re quested to pebiish tbe above for one month, and eond theirs bill to P. M’Intyre, No. 6 Broadway, Now York, for payment. jnne2 181 Saratoga Water in Ice. T HE Subscribers propose to keep Sar atoga Water cooled in Ice, and if tbe increased demand will warrant tbo expense, it will be continued throughout the season, it will therefore bo ready for customers every morning at 6 o’clock. LAY 8f HENDRICKSON, DruggietB, Nos. 2 ft 15, Gibbon’s Buildings, june 27 Final Notice to Free Persons of Colour, F REE Persons of Colour who have not ns yet registered their names in tbe Office of the Clerk of the Inferior Court ofthe County of Chatham, aro hereby informed that unless they do so on or before tho first Monday in July next, they will bo proceeded against as the Law directs. R. W. POOLER, Cl’k. jnne 12 170—en|| LOST, S SMEWHERE between South-Broad-it. and Hall da Hoy t’a wharf, an old loog red Pocket Book, with a anm of money, and the name, J. C. Habersham, written on the in- side. Tho finder will be liberally rewarded by loaviog the above at this office, jooo 29 84—p Lost or Mislaid, A N Umbrella, brown border, cane stick, Ivory head, with Lyon, Castle street, marked on the handle, the finder will be reasonably rewarded by delivering tho same to jure 24 A BASSETT. FLOUR. 100 BBI,S d S T fiB b Fl0U,iuet r<c,iT * ' m»y 27 * ° fHlI.BRfck (J DTUiKRv ( By J. B. HERBERT, On the first Tueeday in Jnly otiH At U o'clock will be sold before tbe Conti House In thin dty. A negro man about SB y(h& of age, a good stavidom juno 30 Tlema taOf. BY J.B. HERBERT. On the firvt Toteday in Jnly next, At 11 o'clook will bo aold before ttio.Uktrrh Houie in tbie city. A negro man about 30 jresrp of age. jnuu so Term, mb By J- B. HERBERT. On tbe firat Tuesday in July noxl, Will bo sold before tbe Coort Home In tbtb oity, at 11 o’clock. All that part oftho northern half fat no. fit Trustees’ Gardena, in the oily of Savaonaft. with tbo tooemonto end improvements ibefq* BY PHILBRICK A BAKER. On the fint Tuetday ib Jaty rat*J. W ILL bo sold before the Court Harm iA tbo City of Savanoab, between tbb UBual hours of ttlo-rijra ffiltbWltig mfgreS, viz < •Jill© £ Jutffa B&laa&ng to the estate ofLaucEfiKl Rfrit deceased end raid by pBfminSandl IW«1 (firior Court of ChaUram. CapnlJ, In otdy ol the Admlnhttrator. Tajjnl crsCxht- Purohaixn paying fir ftjlffl,. BYJ. B. HERBERT, On the frit Taenlay <t> Jaty ntSl, 'LL be .old before tbe Coort Honreiit the City Of Savannah, at ItoUadk, Three Lots of Land In tbe vtllageof Voroonburgb, in tbe Efr. trict of White Bluff and Couotyof Cbithmn, known by thoNcs. 17,18 end 10. june 5 Termz Gofih. SHERIFF'S SALES—CONTINUED. On the frit Tuetday in Juts next, W ILL be sold at the Court House, io Um City of Savannah, between the usual hour, of sale, tho following properly r— One half of Lot No. (21) twenty-one aria (22) twenty two, Freoklin Ward, with tbo improvements thereon, known ee tho Geer- jkgia, Hotel and Stables, boonded Eeat by WOODRUFF^P Franltlin Squero, South by Congren Street, Bay 8trooT Weat by wo.t Broad Street, and North by St. Julian Street—levied on ez tbo property of John P. Williamson, toeatify cxccutiorfa in favor ofthe Derien Bank, and others—to be sold at the risk of the former puvoberer, ho not haviog caaiplied with the Urmi afealik juoe 13 GEO. MILLEN, e. c. c. CITY SHERIFF'S SALES. On the fint Tuetday in July next,' W ILL bo aold at the Court House in tiff city of Savannah, between the hnute of 10and 4 o'clock: Lots Noe. 19 and 2D, Washington wnrff, with tbo improvemente thereon ; houndcij coat by East Broad street, eouth by at- Julian street, west by Warhlogton equorer and north by Bryan street—Levied on toss, liefy an execution io favor of George IV. Owens, against John Everingham, Jon. Also, a negro women named Malisu, (p ealiel'y an execution in favor of David Gogl4 against Jaoe Stilwoll, adm'x. of John Stilwell doc’d. and G. Butter, aecnrity. Also, sundry articles of furniture—consist^ ing of bedatoads, matresios, chaira, w&ib stands, and one large carpot—Levied on to satiafy an execution in favor cf Inane W Morrell, sgaiost Ana Taylor. A. D’LYON, c. juno9 167 25,000 DOLLARS. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY- clasb NO. 20. W ILL bn drawn in Richmond an 281b— the drawing will hB received on 2d July. 9 drawn ballots. scheme; I prize Of r f : JIB.flJO 1 do f r a' 16,000 1 do i d •• n 10,(KB 1 do r : < 'i 5,000 1 tfo i r / : 4,93(J to do J i i i 1,000 10 do : : : 600 10 do : : : : • 500 10 do : ! : : 400 10 do : 3QD 29 do: , r 2QO 51 do : ,« S i 160 51 do : : : : 100 &C. &(S, &C. Tickets $10—Halves J5—Quarter* $t 60 r^jOnlm uitendefi to it_ V • • jlum-Sl