Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 01, 1829, Image 1

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Irish Potato®. A NY quantity from ooo to 300. bushels, fresh from the ground, can be furnished at short nolice and at a moderate rate. Il is presumed the article will keep sound during a re; age to Europe, and at thin season, it . may be of some consequence to masters of .Vessels leaving our pert. Applv to PALM EH & LEE, june 43 Exchange Dock. !S>vl w is; I K I 4 - — -4* ' —~~ Pork and Beef. A A BBLS Prime Pork tLU 70 do do Mesa Beef 6 aaoki Almonds 10 kega Butter Juat received and for sale by CLAGHORN ft WOOD, may 26 Anciaux’ wharf. Just Repeived. Landing from schooner Excel o A ftttLS Whiskey JSxJ 6 bbls Linseed Oil 1 case Marseillo* Vests 1 pipe Holland Gin For sale by J B HERBERT, may 26 Letter Paper. | flQ REAMS hot pre-sod Letter Paper A few Reams Printing, Medium arid quarto post Ruled Paper. Just rocoivod por brig Frances and for -ale by juno 45 PHILBRICK ft BAKER. Corn Afloat. A AAA BUSHELS Maryland Corn.' *Jt Uvf ' " on board the fcchr Sarah & Priscilla, at Anderson’ wharf. For sn'e hy SORREL $ ANDERSON, june 26 82—p For Sale, A SET or Cast Iron Huger Rollers—se A oood bended. Apply to w. W. HARRINGTON. Johnsloa’B Square. june 23 179 Portland IV-(n and Hay. ()A HRI,a Portland Rnm (coloured) 60 bundles prime Hay Landing from ship Florian and for aalo by HALL, BHAPTER & TUPPER. juno 15 Martinique Molasses. ■w pr HHDS prime retailing Mnlas«es— JL O Landing and for salo low if taken from the wharf, apply to HALL RHAPTER & TUPPER. juno 16 WHISKEY. ► rw BBLS. Philadelphia Ryo Whiskey OU Landing from brig George nnd for sale by JOHN H. REID, jifne 26 182 Mustard & Vinegar. 1 WDCBS London Mustard JL 20 bbls 1st'quality Cidor Vinegar Ju?t deceived and for sle by june 16 COHEN & MILLER. Combs. A FINEaesorlmoni of very superior Dro«- J* sing- fine teeth and Pocket Combs and Comb Brushes— just received and for salo by LAY Si HENDRICKSON. Druggist*, june 3 Gibbons Building*, Hair Powder, &c. A FRESH supply of superfine Scented xjL Hair Powder with elegant Boxes and Puff*, just received and for snle bv LAY & HENDRICKSON,Druggists, june 2 Gibbon* Buildings Food for Silk Worms. TUbT received, a quantity of the eced*ol tl tbe Italian Mulbery tree For sale by T- RYERSON, Jr. june 17 On the Bay. Cow Pease. A FEW bushels juat received of the firs' A quality suitable for planting. Apply to PALMES & LEE, june 17 Exchange Dock. Corn Afloat. OCAA BUSHELS North Carolina & vf Corn of a good quality for sale Apply to PALMES Sr LEE. june 16 Exchange Dock. Cognac Braudy. V (fb PIPES Superior Loudon Market Rose l.vf Brandy entitled to debenture, now landing, for sale by june 5 COHEN ft MILLER. Lemons. AA BOXES just, received and for -alo by ZU PALMES & LEE, june 25 Exchange Dock Day & Martin’s Blacking. A SUPPLY just received and for sale by A THOS. RYERSON, Jr. juno 25 81 Wrapping Paper. ■f jOtiTk REAM.S Wrapping Paper For «ale by june 24 PHILBRICK & BAKER. For Sale, Q-f SHARES Murine and Fire Insurance «7 JL Bank Stocks. Apply to june23 J- B- HERBERT* Leaf Tobacco. A HHDS prime Leaf Tobacco XU For-ale by june 23 COHEN & MILLER. Glauber Salts. OA BBLS Glauber Salto jU\J Received per Ship Florian and for sals py may 18 A BASSETT. Letter and Cap Paper. KA REAMS Letter and Cap paper. Just l/Vf recived and for sale by june 17 PHILBRICK & BAKER. HAY. ■g w A BUNDLES prime Hay for sale. lOU Apply to PALMES & LEE, june 16 Exchange Dock TAR. CA BBLS Thin Tar ” Just received and for sale by june 5 A. BASSET. Q/fhfh PIECES India Flogs, jUBt rcceir OvrLP edand for tale by inoo 16 raLBIUCK <i BAKER SPRING AND SUMMim GOOD S LOW, TAYLOR & CO. H AVE landing from atrip Oglethorpe,from Liverpool, an exteusive and goneral assortment of BRITISH MANUFACTURED GOODS. Also, received by recant arrivals from' New York, Ac. A r.AUOK BUPPLT OF AMERICAS* AMD INDIA SEASONABLE ARTICLES. Which they offer for Bale by the original packagq. piece, or dozen, at mnderate pricea; and always have for sale OSNARURGS, COTTON BIGGING, CRATES OP EARTHEN WARE, CA8KB Or LONDON BOTTLED PORTER, AND SCOTCH ALE, spril 45 149 Hall, Shaptcr & Tupper, , m FOH SALE,on the most Becom ing terms, the following GROCERIES. 25 hhds St Croix Sugar 100 bogs very prime green Porto Rico Coffee 10 bbls do do do do 20 do do do do St. Jago do 30 bag* 'do do do 20 tons Swedes Iron, square bars 50 kegs Baltimore No. 1 Lard 200 Baltimore Hams 30 kegs Nails, 100 lbs Each 300 bags Yoitlos’ patent Shot, nil sizes 20 bbls mess pork.N Y city inspection 10 do Boston Beef, cargo, No 1 20 half bbls Canal Flour F S B & Co 1 * brand, for families 100 bbls No3 Mackarel 25 boxes beet Yellow Soap 20 catty boxes fresh Hyson Taa 13 lbs. each 1 hhd old Irish Whiskey 20 bags old Java Coffee 50 bbls Loaf Sugar 200 coils Bale Rope 6 half bbls Flymarkel Beef 10 bundles Printing pnper 10 pipes Cogniac Brandy, Seignett’s, Weiss’ and Dnnuj & Co’s brands 5 pipes Holland Gin, Swan brand 10 do 20 qr casks 5 eigth do Cogs well’s old Canary Wine 100 barrels Northern Gin, Phelps, Jenckesanddoublo anchor brands 250 Grindstones, small sizes may 12 Pork, Beef, &c. fin BBLS Prime Pork, City Inspection OU 20 do Mess do do do 10 half bbls Mess and Pig Pork 30 Mobs and Prime Beef 10 half bbls Mesa do 6 half bbls Pickled Tongues 20 half bbls No I and 2 Mackerel Kegs Pickled Salmon 1000 Iba Codfish Just receivedand for sale at low prices by m A. BASSETT. june 11 Prime and Mess Beef- BBLS Prune and Mesa Beef OtK 20 half do Mess do 10 boxes Prunes 5 sacks Almonds 15 bbls Butter Crackers IN STORK, 125 bbls Pilot and Navy Bread Just received and for sale by CLAGHORN & WOOD, june 2 Anr.iaux wharf Goshen Butter, Herring and Corn. Ofb KEGS first quality Butter Jml\J 50 bbl* No. 1 Herring from Balti* more 3000 bushels first quality Corn 20 boxes Codfish For sale by PALMES & LEE, june 13 Exchange Dock. CANAL FLOUR. Just Received per Emperor, BBLS Canal Flour 30 do Prime Beef 25 do Prime Pork 10 boxes Prunes 6 bbls Dried Apples 6 dozi' Brooms (Corn) For sale by june 6 CLAGHORN Si WOOD. Starch, Indigo, &c. % O Colgate’s superior Starch JLvr 1 ceroon Spanish Indigo 1 do do do 2d quality cases Fig Blue, in small cakes, 1st quality Just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Nob. 2 & >5 Gibbon’* Buildings. Seidlitz and Soda Powders, &,c. KA DOZEN Seidlitz Powders > of sup’r vJvF 50 do Soda ^ do $ quality. ALSO, * A supply of genuine Lemon Syrup Just received per schr Oregon h for pale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings june 23 SELLING OFF A BNER BASSETT intends closing his business for the season in a few days, and offers for sale'—Coffee, Sugar, Tea, RaisinB, Almonds, Cassia. Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, Sperm Candles, Tallow do. Soap, choice Liquors of all kinds—Together With a grdat varioty of Groceries and Provisions, at reduced prices, june 18 MALLERY & DUFFY, DRAPERS & TAILORS ON THE BAY, EAST OF TIIE CITE HOTEL, H AVE received by reoont otrivals from New York, a ftoib end elegant esaort meet of (be malt Seasonable Goods, in their line—Consisting of— • Blue black, brown, olive,green and miit BROADCLOTHS. Blue, brown, green and .tool mixt. QUEENS CLOTH. - Blue blaok and fancy colored single milled CASSIMBRE. Merino Cloth and Caioimeroi (light and beautiful materials for summer wear) Bombazine Circneiian Brown, white and drab English and Frseoh Drill Striped Florentine, Satin Jeai& Grass Cloths, Bourbon Drill Silk Cambist, Nankeen And a variety of other StuRk, suitable for summer coatee, and pantaloons. VESTINGS! Engliih, Italian and Frenoh blaok and colored Silk, Valencia and Maneilles of Buff, White and neat fancy Patterns White nod Buff Cssiimere and Caeb- mcrct. All of which they are prepared to make to measure, in the beat manner and at short notice. FANCY ARTICLES ; A handsome aesorlment of Silk ood Linen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchief. Cravats. Stocks. Stiffeners Black, white nod straw colored Horse akin Gloves Grass Cloth and Linen do Suspenders, Watch Guards and Ribbons Hosiery of all daaeriptions Foraging, Morocco, Cadet and Medlter ranean Cape, jrc. dto. ALSO, A general assortment tjf REACT StADF. SPRIKO AND SUMMER Confuting of Coats, Frocks and Coattces, PaotaloonB Vests, Jackets, Drawers, Shirts, Collars, $o. &c. &c. M & D respectfully inform their friends that the whole of their goods have boon care fully selected by Mr. M. and tberoady made Clothing, manufactured entirely under bis inspection, and they assure their customers that the utmost conGdeoce may be placed in the faithfulness of their work. ap>il 30 133 ■ The Angelic Syrup of Salza, H IGHLY recommended by the Medical Society of New York, as being far su perior to 8weim’d Panacea, or any othor Sy rup now in use, for the cure and relief of Scrofula, or KmgV Evil, Syphilitic, Morco rial, and Cutaneous Dilutees of the Skin, Utaroui Soto. General Debility* and all Oieauaa anting from imparity of Blood. Report of the Committee of the Medical Society, - That tho Syrup of Salta !• on effectual remody hi a great number of punllftg cases of chronic diseases, we nave not only the testimony of the French physician*, Wit tho experience of & number of rcsp^ctibla physician* in this city, whohave had an opportunity of testing the remedy in cases of the most obstinate chronic character in tho ruBLic institutions,where pationta labouring un der incur able diseosoa in the name wards, scotng its remarkable KfEECTS under tho most discouraging cir cumstances, would ontreat to bo allowed tho remedy, or use stratagems to obtain it; and ovon in theso hope- leas coses it afforded more or less roliof. Ulcerous Atkinson’s Vegetable Dye. A SUPPLY of‘Atkinson’s Vegetable Dye,’ for changing red or grey hairs on the bead, whiskers, &c to a beautiful and prr manent brown or black,just received and for sale by THOS. RYERSON, Jr. june 25 { - 81 Notice. T HE subscriber intetids closing his busi ness foT the Reason on the 27th inet.. those who have demands against him will please present them for poyment, and those who aro indebted on book account will please settle (be same before that day. june 24 ABNER BASSETT. The Last of tho Plantagenets. T il OH. M. DRISCOLL lias just receiv ed pur Florian, an assortment of Books, among which are the following new publica 1 (ions:— Thk last of tjie Plantagenets; an Historical Romance—illustrating some of the public events, und Domestic and Ecclosiasti cal manners, of the I5lh and t6th centuries “This work contains many historic scenes, sketched with great vividness and power.— Tho incident of the story nre numerous, well contrived end well told. The stylo i* at qoc.r elegant without ostentatious ort.hmfot, him. rapicuous without tedious diffuscnesH ” Critic, Specimens of Amf.iucan Pof.thv, C'riii cal and Biographical Nulcea, in 3 volumes*' june 16 Books ! Books! ! Books! !! rjllIOS. M- X>RI SCOLD lure received lht» JL folio wng uv.'x publications per the laic arrivals. Twelve Years Militahy Adnentuiies in the three quarturs'of. t he Globe, bet wen* the years 18t»? and 18 1 4, in which are tained the Campaigns ofthoDuke of Wei lington in India and his last in Spain and South of France. The Collegians, a Novel in 2 vole. Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy and Switzerland, in the years 1825-26 and 1827—By N. H. Car ter. A Discourse on the character and public service of Do Witt Clinton, delivered before tho Association of the Alumni of Columbia College, by James Renwick, M. D. june 0 afflictions of tho skin,disomies oftlio joints,bones,&c, tho Syrup or Saua, if preserved in for six or eight waeks, will m General perfect a curl. And although this mode of treatment is not so oxpedilioas as tho mercurial plan, it possesses this advantage,' that the patient comes out of it with a constitution unimpaired ; nay, ho is oftencr in hisher health than tin unjnyrd before. Not only sy- » but othor Victim, which jiriso from a vitiated the habit of body, ami have long resisted all the various modes of treatment, will generally heal under this REMrov with little md from oxtomal moans. Tho removal ofdiscnscs no opposite, in as many as theso ul cere are, is truly surprising, and can only bo accounted lor by supposing, that the usa of tho medkink producos a general and material change thrnughtnut tho sys tem. Tito value of tho Syrup os Saua is heat dio- played in thoso complicated forms of disease, occuriug in constitutions fairly demolished by tho long continued irritation of the poison, or ruinod by tho excessive uso of mercury, exposure to cold, intemporato living, &c. Thicknoss oftlio periosteum, attended with excruciating & deep seated pains, have been treated with Ibis remedy with entire success, any chronic eruptions, usually Supposed to proceed from syphilis.* many that certainly aro not so, will yield to this remedy, and no matter what may bo their character or nature, from the simple her- 1>ps (itclij to tho loathsome Leprosy. this remedy is well worthy of a trial. Tho fust indication of amend ment is improvement in general health, with return o appetite, and quiet nights. In somo cases, whore thef disease has been of long standing, tho joints will remain somewhat swelled ; but tho patient, will recover his health, with fullness and plumpnens of linbit. Besides those effects, this medicino exhibits tonic powers ; un der its regular ubo tho appotito improves, oil tho func tions indicate tlio existence of a moderate stnto of dx- citation, especially thoso of nutrition, and tho patient acquires a degreo of vigour ho had long been unaccus tomed to. Before closing this report, wo shall take the liberty of subjoining an extract from Mr. Fordico’s (surgeon) excellent paper: “ This medicine, in a vory ahort time, will relieve syphilitic beadachs nnd noctur- rtil pains, und if persisted in 1 believe will always cure. In emaciated or weak constitutions, it is tlio greatest restortivoof appetite, flesh, colour, strength, and vigour, I know of.” Signed, Felix pasculis, M. D. Jnltn IJarmenbj, M. D. Charles Drake } M. D% Jo's R. Manley, M. D. John Wats, Jr, M. D, Members of the Medical Society ofNew-York. From the Rev. Mr. Blackburn, dated Albany, August 7.1827, giving an accout of a rcmarkablo curof *“ Kino’s Evil, by using tho Syrup of S.w za. Honjamin West, a youth of about fifteen years of ago in tho employment ot Mr. Manley, sadler, at Albany, lost tho use of his limbs, and could only movoby the uso of crutches. Ho had several running ulcers, communi- ling with cadi other, from his hip down to his kneo, and was so emaciated and reduced that ho was not ex pected to live. Ile hud been long a patient in the Dio pensury, nnd all hopes wan given up d his recovery,— Kin parents were honest ana of good moral character, which procured him good recommendations, In this situation, the Syrup or Saua waa renommen- on this subject, olid in about tun weeks *• very wrfs was nearly healed. lie gained flesh, * was uhle to walk with a stick. He Continued the Syrup (bp about six weeks longer, when all the ulcers wore sound ly healed ; ho walked without a stick, nnd is now ap parently in extreme good health. This being so re- msrkublG and astonishing a cure of a cripple, is a full proof of the efficacy o* this medicine in scrofulous ulcers. One year has pused by, nnd he bus had no .return oftlio coin|ilniiit, mid no retnuins whatever oftlio most invite- HATEKRorULA EVER YET KNOWN. William Waikburn, Tho above just received nnd for sale by •juMiSf) TIIOS KYKlthON, Jr. NOTICE. T HE subscribers beg leave to inform their customers and friends, that early in the foil they will have a superior assortment of DRY GOODS, both imported and domestic, of ovory doscrip* tion, which they intend selling on their usual liberal terms. They also inform that Wil liam Rose will attend to the Dry Goods busi ness. nnd Hugh Rose to the Factorage and Commission business at their Counting House on the Bay, aod tVill make liberal ail vances to rucI) ns may feel disposed to entrust them wiib the disposal of their produce— Both businesses will bo carried on on. before under the firm of WM. & H. ROSE, june 12 170 DISSOLUTION. T HE partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under tho firm of NORTON & FULLER, was dissolved on the urat. instant by mutual concent. All persons indebted to salt} firm will make payment to Isaac Norton who iaauthrized to settle the affairs oftlio firm. ISAAC NORTON, WILSON FULLER, BY I. NORTON. The business will be continued and friends accommodated qb heretofore by june 3 ISAAC NORTON. NOTICE. T HE co partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of James Anderson & Co. expired by limi tation on the 31 at of May last. All persona indebted will make payment to James Anderson, who is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the concern, and will continue the business for his own account. JAMES ANDERSON, C. M. KING. june13 171 FOR NEW VD&K. (r.BTABLISHK D LIMB) The elegant regalir packet ship M A O O N, D. L. Purler, master, Will sail on Mondey nest, fllb Jui; Fur freight or psnage, having supe rior accommodations, apply to Dipt. P. on baud, et Janes’ appet wh.rf, or to HALL, 8HAPTEH dlTUPFBft. ID* Tlio ship 8TA TIRA, TnuMis Wood. mailer, will suooeed the Macon end Ull on hor tegular day, Monday 13lb July, june 49 FOR NEtT-YORK, Tba paoliat Ship QUEEN MAR, Bailey, Master, Will positively sail e.i Tbunday next, til July. For freight or pasisgo having superior eocommodiitton,, npplv on board, or to JOHN CUMMING A SON. june 40 md FOR PHILADELPHIA, The brig C/BOROE, W. Midlih, Master. For freight or pieesge apply to Capt. M. od board or ta JOHN H. REID. june 46 f liifl BY PHILBklGK & BABBS . TOMORROW, let in*. , I o’clock, eatd m ftont eTthfir Auotlon store, toxloee e ooniignmest, 50 bbls Sunerfiho-Floor. raj - ByJ. B. HERBERT,' - On the fiqt Tueedey in July f' At 11 o’clock will bo told before I f Houee in this city. A negro man of age, a good stevidore. june'30 Tteaa i FOR NEW YORK. Is C II O O K K n LINK.] Tlio fist snilin|r,pncliotschr OREGON. Tuos. Dumiau, Jr. Muter. Wilt sail on Monday noxt,Otb uly. For pas,ago only, having handiome accommodations, apply to Capt. D. ou board, at Taylor’a wharf, or to > june 49 COHEN & MILLER. Juat Received. 10 dozen Fancy Chair, 15 bag. Feathers 15 casks White Leal] For aelo by JBHERBEHfN, may 40 Landreth’s Garden Seeds. eyDftD. A supply juat loceivsd, among which are Flower Seeds Ruta HrWf" Baga do. Onion do For solo by T RYERSON, Jr. a pi'll *4 1 in Fruit, Teas and Wine. K|fh WHOLE, half and quarter boxes tlv Conch Muscatel Raiaios 5 casoa Wnrdale’s London Fioklss 10 bblssofl shellod Almonds 6 boxca Marseilles Caper, 40 dox Mndeira and Sherry Wines J5 boxoaold Port ond iparbliog Cham ► paigne / j 76 dox t.’lnrol nnd London PorleJh^ 60 doe Philadelphia Pale Ale sod Porter S boxes Sicily Lemons, (prime or 1 dor) i Imperial and Blade THAO, of rcry snpdrior flavor end XTStAS.ll qu-Gtjr, received nnd for able 6. A WOODRUFF. Bay 8troct. may 27 156—Ira Ten Dollars Reward. n ANAVVAY from (ho subscriber, about uA/ tho 1st of F hr'inry Inst, n negro wo* mau named DOLLY, ahnul twenty four or five years of ogc, and about fivp font two or three inches high, yel'ow complexion, has n large mouth and broad teeth, free bpoken and lisps a little. She is no doubt lurking about town, or the plantation occupied by John Millen, Esq. lost year, to whom she was hi red. The above reward will be giveo by her delivery to mo on Wilmington Island, or lodg ed ia Savannah jaol, so that I get her again. ELISABETH WHITING, mav 26 56 P. MTNTYRE- A_JL Respectfully informs Ilia friends *]■■■• and the public, (hat ho is now roa- JjJiib-ly to entertain them in that boau- JBBHSBIiful situntion, No. 6 Broadway, oppo.ito the Bnwliog Groon, near the Battery, where he is enabled to lake in families, in private or ai the public table, on reaieneblc lorina. The house 1, extensive and commo- •linuB, ami holng near the Battery, renders it vory plcaianl for families. O’ The Savannah Georgisn, Charleston Courier, and Baltimore Chronicle, aro re luestod la pnbli.h the above for one. month, nod eond q|boirs bill to P. M’Intyre, No. 6 Broadway, No* York, for payment, jiioo 2 161 One Hundred Dollars. T HE above reword of One Hundred Dol lars will be paid by the Juiticee of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for ap prehending and delivering to the Jailor of said county, SAMPSON, a slave the proper ty of Dr. Wm. R. WBring, charged with the crime of murder, committed ou Skidaway Island. By ordor, ROBERT W. POOLER, Clerk In. Cl. C. Ci june 1 160—rn NOTICE. T HE subscribers have united their inter est in the practice of Medicine and its collateral branches. One oftho firm will be always in attendance, at the office formerly occupied by Dr. R. Wayno. L. H. FtJRTH, R WAYNE. june 27,183 Irving’s Colunibus-(Abriclgcd.) filHE Life and Voyages of Christopher JL Columbus by Washington Irving (ab ridged by the same) price $1 25 Sermons Preached in England by the Right Rev. Reginald Hebor D. D. price $1 50. Letters from tbs Aegean, by Jas. Emerson price 25. Just received by june 25 T M DRISCOLL. Dentistry. D R. OWENS, within ten days expects to leave Savannah His rooms are in Mrs. White’s brick building on Broughton street, tho next tenement to Mrs Osborne’s—where ho may be consulted professionally at all hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. juneB;6( NOTICE. A LL accounts duo the estate of Wm. C. Cuthbert, not settled previous to 1st of July, will he placed iD tho hands of Messrs. Milieu & Clark for collection. J.L CUTHBERT, Adm’x. June 13 m—r NOTICE. C OUNCIL will receive proposals, for lighting tho Lamps and furnishing Oil for the same until next January—Security for the performance of the contract will be required. Applications may be left at the Office of Clerk of Council. M. MYERS, c. c. june 27 183 Thermometers. A N araortmcnl of London Thermometers in Boxwood, Morocco and Japau’d Tin caeca, juat received and for eale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggiats, may© (SiWmnTa Buildings. Saratoga Water in Ice. T HE Subscribers propose to keep Sar atoga Water cooled in>Ice, aod if the increase!!demand will warrant tho exponie, it will bo continued throughout the season,il will therefore bo ready for customers every morning at 6 o’clock. LAY St HENDRICKSON, Druggiila, Noe. 2 & 16, Gibbon’s Buildings. )uno 27 J M: HHRBM mam BYJ.R. BERBER* TO-MORROW, tat In*. At 11 o’clock, wM be sold ta' *0 piafeee prim* Cotton B0 bi ndlet prime Hep G 4 ifoSfP5& jnn* 30 Terms time of ■>!(. POSITIVE SALE, BY J. B. HERBERT. V' On the first Toeoday in Jnly next. At 11 o’clock will be eold before the Citort House in tbit city, A negro man about 30 Jreata of rige. jane 36 Tffrma ciBb. BY J. B. a EBB BBT, On the first TUESDAY in Jalpnext, be told befote (bs Court Home in (Me at 11 o’clock, A Negro Man> about 23 yaara old, a good fold InfJffl* AI46, A Negro Btf&. accuammod to the field, june 24 Term. clCft Bp j- b. Herbert. On the lint Tuesday in July nertt Will bo sold before the Court Hout* in uik city, at 11 O’clock. , All Ihalbart ofthe northern half let no. Sj Trustees’, Gardena, in the city of Baranpplr, with the tobomoiUB end improvement! Ihgib* on. jtmo 11 Terms cnh. Administator’s Safer BitPHILBRICK s BAKER. On the first Tuetdaytn July next, W ILL bo acid before tbs Court BoiMi to' tho City of Bavanneb, between tho usual haute of able—Abe fttlowipn eqgnCV vtk t . . 1 dum> Si. Jmy, Bclnogioa to the ofito.of UoatBibj Bttn decaeaed ted arid bf pdrtiniplonol thews ferior Court of Ch»fp»m Ceeeip, by nt4D oflbo Administrator., Tvmfi egl>0 Purcbuara payirip. foy title's. o W ILL be aold before the Coort Booxeib the City of Savannah, at It o’bMefe, Three Lots of Land In the village of Vernonbnrgb, in the Dis trict of While Bluff end Countyof Ctatbsoy knowu by the Nob. 17,18 and 19. june 6 Terms OtsJt SHERIFF’S HALES—CONTlNOED. On the fir,l Tuesday in July next. • W ILL be Bold at tho Conrt Hoeie, in the City of Havauuah, betweeo the aviil hour, of ealo, tbe following property r- Ona half of Lot No. (21) twenty-one eifd (42) twonly two, Franklin Word, with tba improveiboots thorcon, known ea tbe Genr. gia, Hotel end Stables, bounded But by Franklin Square, South by Congress Street. West by weit Bread Street, end North by St. Julian Streol—levied on n the property of Jobo P. Williamson, to sntlfy executions in favor of tho Darieo Book, end others—to be sold at the risk of tbe former purchaser., he not having complied with the temu of eale. june 13 GEO, MILLEN, *. c. c. .. . —... ■» Final Notice to Free Persons of Colour, F REE Persons of Colour who have noi as yet registered their names in the Office of the Clerk of tho Inforior Court of the County of Chatham, nre hereby informed that unless they do so on or before the first Monday in July next, they will be proceeded against as the Law directs. R. W. POOLER, Cl’k. june 12/ 170—on || LOST, S SMEWHERB between South-Broad-st. and Hall & Hoyt’s wharf, an old long red Pocket Book, with a sum of money, aod tho name, J. C. Habersham, written on the in side. The finder will be libci t-ly rewarded by leaving the above at this office, june 29 84—p CITY SHERIFF'S BALER On the first Tuesday in July next* W ILL be sold at tha Court House to Clift city of Savannah, between (be bourp of 10 and 4 o’clock : Lots Nos. 19 and 20, Washington wartf* with the improvements thereon; bounded cast by East Broad street, south by Bt. Julian street, west by Washington square* and north by Bryan street—Levied on to sa tisfy an execution in favnr of George W- Owens, against John Everingham, Jun. Also, a negro woman napied Malta*, fo satisfy an execution in favor of David Gugjo against Jana Stilwell, ndm’x. of Joha Stflwelt dec’d. and G. Butler, security. Also, sundry articles of furniture—conaisr- ing of bedsteads, metresses, chairs, walk stands, and one large carpet—Levied on to satisfy an execution in favor of Isaac W, Morrell, ogaioat-Aon Taylor. A. D’LYON, c. june9 167 Lost or Mislaid, A N Umbrella, brown Silk, no bordor, cane stick, Ivory head, with Lyon, Cottle street, marked on the handle, tlio finder will be reasonably rewarded by delivering tbe snmo to* jor.o 24 A BA88ETT. Strayed, F ROM ship Florian a sheep,whoover will reiurp him shall be suitably rewarded, june 20 RECEIVED By the ship Statira,from New York, B OY’S Leghorn Hats—Infants and Mis ses’ Gimp Cottage Hats—Worsted aod 8i!k Braids-with a variety of fancy articies, *c. O. CONGAR, june 25 81—p REMOVAL. T S LUTHER'S EXCHANGE Office . ia removed to the Office formerly oc cupied by S. da M. Allen di CO., two doora Ea.t of the City Hold.juno 22 25,000 DOLLARS. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY- cr^ASs NO. 20. W ILL bo drawn in Richmond on 46lb-, tho drawing will bo received an £ July. S drawn ballots. Horse and Gig. F OR -ale a first rate Gig ft Saddle Hone. a good trotter, with a gig and harness new in February last. Apply el the office of the Georgian. ibtielO $ s c n e ; l 1 prize af s > : 446,00.0 1 do : r , ? 15,ODD 1 do J t : .- 10,060 T do r . *> i 6,(KID , l do : r 3 t. 4,930 10 do y ' / : 1,000 10 do : j : . 600 10 do : •: : 500 10 do : 400 10 do : : ;. i 360 29 do : 5 t 260 51 do : : ISO 61 do t : : : 160 &c. &.C. &C. Tickete $10—Halve. g5—<luartBra ft &) Orders attended to at jane 14 * T.allery irExeKtagt