Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 03, 1829, Image 1

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mum mmstM** PORT OF SAVANNAH. High water at Tyboc, Do. ** Savannah, I arrived, Sloop Mill Maid, Willett, 3 ds fra Darien. Ballast to the master.. Pilot boat Virginia, While, Charleston, 10 hours. Stoara boat Samudl Howard, 8wymer, I day from Darien, with boat No. 3 in tow, to Steam boat Co. £32 bales Cotton to Stiles & Fannin. SAILED, Br. brig Idrui, Wright, for Liverpool. Ship Georgia, Varnum, for Liverpool— Passengers, Wm. 8carbrough. Esq and la dy, Miss Scarbrough, aud 2 Masters Scar brough. DEPARTED, Steam boat Carolina, Wray, wiC v mer chandize for Augusta. Passengers, Mr. S. 11. Parkman and family. Mr. Finney and la dy, Masers. 8. Sibley, A: M’lver, J Bentley, J. V. Buvan, J. H. Hogg, A. R Gordon, aod A Kerr. Ship Emperor, Bennett, hence at New 23d ult. Steam packet J. D. Mongin, Dubois, hence at Charleston. Sehr. Othello, Bulkley, hence at N York, 22J ult. 6 days. Schr. Governor Brooks, Litchfield, Clear ed at Boston for this port 2Qth ult. . Steam boats Edgefield, Hamburg and Au. gusto, hence at Charleston. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS, Offices of Ike Courier Mercury, and Ornette Charleston, June 29 —7 p m . Arrived—Lino ship Saluda, Jennings. N. York ; U L. schr. Ohio, Brown, N^.r York : ficbr Gertrude, Kerrison, Burracoa. Office of the Mercantile Advertiser,) Now York, June 23. ( Arrived—Ship Minerva. Hussey, London, derry ; ehip Lafayette, Allen, 5 days from Charleston SPUING 1 Am SUMMER GOOD S LOW, TAYLOR & CO. H AVE landing from ship Oglethorpe,from Liverpool, an extensive and general assortment of t, BRITISH MANUFACTURED GOODS. Also, received by recent arrivals from Now York, Ac. A LARGE SUPPLY OF AMERICAN AND INDIA SEASONABLE ARTICLES. Which they offer for' sale by the original packago. piece, or dozen, at mouerato prices; and always have for sale OSNABURGS, COTTONB >200INO, CRATES OF EARTHEN WARE, * CASKS OF LONDON BOTTLED PORTER, AND SCOTCH ALE. april 25 129 INFANT SCHOOL. OT A joint meeting of the visiting and ex ecutive Committees of this Institution, will be held on Friday next, July 3d, at 10 o’ clock, A. M. at their School Room, -Corner of Broughton and Bull Streets. Before these Committees an address will be made by a member of th*? executive committee, on the subject of Infantile instruction* The public are respectfully invited to be present. Orf Monday, the 6th July the School will be opeo for the reception of children under the rharge of Mrs. Brower, and a competent assistant. A Committee of Ladies will at tend at the School Room, for the first week of opening the School, from 9 to 10 o’clock in the morning, to receive chil dren, after which children can only be re ceived on Mondays, between the same hours. Terms—Teh-Dollars per annum, to be paid semi-annually ic advance. D BAKER, /Chairman F.x. Com Hall, Shaptcr &. Tuppor, O FFER FOR SALE,on the most accom modating terms, the following GROCERIES. 25 hhds 8t CroixSugqr . 100 bogs very primo group Porto Rico Cuffoo 10 bbls do do do do 20 * do do do do St. Jngo do 30 hog9 do do do 20 tons Swedes Iron, square bars 50 kogs Baltimore No. I Lard 200 Baltimore Hams 30 kegs Nails. 100 lbs Each 300 hags ‘You lea’ patent Shot, all sizes 20 bbls mesa pork.N Y city inspection 10 do Boston Boef, cargo, No 1 SO half bbls Canal Flour F S B &. Co’s brand, for families ”100 bbls No 3 Mnqkarej 25 boxes best Yellow Soap 20 catty boxes fresh Hyson Toa 13 lha. each 1 hhd- old Irish Whiskey < 20 bags old Java Coffee 50 bbls Loaf Sugar 200 coils Bale Rope 5 half bbls Flymarket Boef 10 bundles Printing pnper 10 pipes Cogniac Brandy, Seignett’s, Weiss’ Bnd Dupnj & Co’s brands 5 pipes Holland Gin, Swan brand 10 do 20 qr casks 5 eigth do Cogs well’s old Canary Wine 100 barrels Northern Gin, Phelps, .Tenckes and double anchor brands 250 Grindstones, small sizes may 1? FOR PROVIDENCE, The packet ship EU'/A SrABBV ► Will sail about the 10th inst.— i For freight or pascagt* having goo.i accommodations, apply to Cart. Green on hoard, or to J STONL jijne 2 FOR charleston;• The ploop JOHN CHEVALIER, N. B. Fis80N, Master .Will sail This Morning, nt 9 o’ clock, wind & weather suiting. For freight or passage, having handsome accommoda tions, apply on board, or to july 2 JOHN W. LONG St. Andrew’s Society. A special meeting of the St Andrew’s Society, will bo held at the City Hotel. . at 8 o’clock,TOMORROW 'EVENING, Friday, July3. Members aro requested to be punctual. WM. ROBERTSON, july 2 Sec’ry. OFFICE BANK UNITED STATES,). Savannah, lat July. 1829. f T HIS Office will be shut on Saturday the 4tb—peper falling due on that day must be a!tended toon Friday the 3d. J. HUNTER, Cashier. july 2 87—e NOTICE. J B. HERBERT, E,q will act as my • agent during my absence from Ibis City. A. BASSETT, jupe 2 . Treasurers Office, July 1, 1029. T HE average price of Flour during the ( last month being $7 25 per barrel of 196 lbs , Bread for the present month must weigh as follows, viz : 124 cents Loaf 2 lbs lOoz. 6i do do 1 do 5 do. Of which all Bakers and sellers of Bread will take due Notice. M. W. STEWART, c. u. july 2 * 07 Justices Court. J USTICES PETTY & CHADBOURN will hold their Courts od the same cay aod at the samo place, so soon as the Suits now commenced will admit. -Finding both of the days on which their Courts now sit, in convenient from the Superior Court and Court of Oyer 4r Terminer sitting on those days, they have determined to change to the first Saturday of the month, commencing with September. Their offices will he kept as uau al Savannah, 2d July. 37 Justice Cbadbourn’s Court sits 13tb inet.—Return day, Friday the 3d (to-mor row.) - * Justice Petty’s Court sits on the 27th inst.—Return day, 17tb inst. jone 2 86—pf Seidlitz and Soda Powders, &c. KA DOZEN Seidlitz Powders ) of sup’r 50 do Soda do \ qi quality ALSO, A supply of genuinefjemon Syrup Just received per schr Oregon A for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, - Druggists, Gibbons’ Buildings. june £3 MALLERY & DUFFY,. DRAPERS & TAILORS ON TIIE RAY, east of the city hotel, H ave recoived by recent arrival, ft»m Now York, afresh anil elegant assort monl of tho most Seasonable Goods, \ in tbeir line— Consisting Blue black, brown, olive, green and mist BROADCLOTHS. Blue, brown, green nnd'stcol mixt • QUEENS CLOTH. Blue black and fancy colored single milled CASSIMERE. Merino Cloth and CoiBimeTo, (light and beautiful materials for summer wear) Bombazine Circassian Brown, white and drab English and French Drill Striped Florentine, Satin Jean Gross Cloths, Bourbon Diill Silk Camblct, Nankeen Ann's variety of other Stufft, suitable for summer coatees nnd pantaloons. VESTINGSt English. Italian and French black and colored Silk, Valencia and Marseilles of Buff, White and neat fancy Patterns White and Buff Cossimere and Cash, niqret. J, All of which they are prepared to fndke tb measure, in tho best manner and at short notice. FANCY ARTICLES: A handsome assortment of Silk and Linen Cambric Pocket Hand kerchiefs Cravnts. Stocks, Stiffeners Black, white and straw colored Horse skio Glovoa Grins Cloth and Linen do Suspenijor#, Watch Guards and Ribbons Hosiery of all descriptions Foraging, Morocco, Cadet and Mediter ranean Caps. $rc. &c. ALSO, A general assortment qf RKADY MADE PPRKG AND SUMMER Consisting of Coats, Frocks and Cnattees, Pantaloons Vests, Jackets, Drawers, Shirts, Collars, ftc. &c. &c. M. Si D respectfully inform their friends thnt the whole of their goods have been care fully selected by Mr. M. and the ready made Clothing, manufactured entirely under hie inspection, and they assure their customers that (he utmost confidence may bo placed in tho faithfulness of their work, april 30 133 Goshen Butter, Herring and Corn. KEGS first quality Butter Jml\J 50 bbU No. 1 Herring from Balti more 3000 bushels‘first quality Corn 2rt boxes Codfish For sale By * PALMES & LEW, june 13 ExeUang.* Dftr-k Starch, Indigo, See. 4 fb BOXES Colgate’s superior Starch' ILHJ' 1 ccroon Spanish Indigo 1 do do do 2d quality cases Fig Blue, iu small cakes, ls.t quality Just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Nos. 2& *6 Gibbon’s Buildings. For Sale. IIIIDS prime Muscovnda Cuba Sugar Ovf 29 bags prime Green Coffee 10 boxes White Sugars 10 P. Honey Landing from brig Stranger, Copt. Hull, from Matanzas, and for salo on accommoda. ting terms on the wharf, by F. H. WELMAN. June 22 78 Hay, Molasses and Quinine, *| A HMDS prime retailing Martinique JLU Molasses 40 bundles Hoy 20 ounces genuine French Sulphate of Quinine, received from the impor tors in Charleston For salo in lots to suit purchasers—apply to HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. june22 " CANAL FLOUR. • Just Received per Emperor, Q K BBLS Canal Flour fjej 30 do Prime Beef 25 do Prime Pork 10 boxes Prunes 5 bbls Dried Apples 6 doz. Brooms (Corn) For sale by june 6 CLAGHORN &. WOOD. — — i. ■ NOTICE. T HE subscribers beg leave to inform their customers and friendd, that early iu the fall they will have n superior assortment of DRY GOODS, both imported and domestic, of every descrip tion, Which they intend selling on their ueunl liberal termR. They also inform that Wil liam Rose, will‘attend to the Dry Goods busi ness, and Hugh Rose to the Factorage and Commission business at their Counting Houso on tho Bay, nnd will make liberal ad vonc.cs to such as may feci disposed to entrust them with the disposal of their produce— Both businesses will bo carried on ns before under the firm of " WM. & II. ROSE, june12 170 The Angelic Syrup olSnlza, JLIIGHLY recommended by tho Medical RX Society of Now York, as being far su perior to Swaim’s Panacea, or any othor Sy nip now in use, fortheoure nnd roliefof ‘Scrofula, or King’" Evil, Syphilitic, Mercu r>ah and Cutaneous Diseases of tho Skin, Ulcerous 8ure«, General Debility, and all I'ifrapi s arising from Impurity of Blood. Report of the Committee ofthe Medical Society ■ That the Syrup of S dsa la an effectual .remedy in a great number of puzzling of chronic diseases, wo have not only the testimony of the French physWnns, but tho experience of a number ofrcspoeiibln physiciami in this city, who have had on opportunity of testing tho remedy in coses ofthe most obatinato chronic character in tho Humic iiNTiTimoNs,whcro pationts labouring un- dcr incurable diseases in tho samo wards, ‘ seeing its tii m ark able nwict# under tho most discouraging Cir cumstances, would entreat to bo aliowod tho romody, or use stratagems (0 obtain it; and even in these hopo- loss cases it afforded more or less relief. Ulcerous sore throats, which ere of an indolont nnd languid char acter, and which aro usually complicated with tho oth er symptoms of mercurial diseases, such as cutaneous affections of the BVin,disoascs of the joints,bones,&c, the Starr of Saua, if preserved in Tor six or fight weeks, will in general perfect a cure. And although this tnodo of treatment is not so expeditions ns tlio mcrcuriui plan, it possesses tins udvantogo, that the patient * comes out of it with a constitution unimpaired ; nay, ho is oficner in higher hoaldi than ho enjoyed before. Not only sy. phililic. but oilier ufceiik, which nriso from a vitiated stato of tho iiabit ofbody, and have long resisted nil tho various modus of treatment, will generally heal under ■lliis Remkov with littlo aid from external means. Tho removal of diseases so opposite, in as many as these pi. «ers arc, w truly surpmmg, aud can only bo accounted Ibrby supposing, that tho use of tho medicine produces a general and material uhango throughtout tho sys tem. Tho value of tho Sykupof Sama is best dis played in those complicated fdrms of disease, ocnirino in constitutions fairly demolished by tho long continued irritation of tho poisen, or ruined by tho cxcctwivo use of mercury, exposure to cold, intemperate living, &c. Thickness ofthe periosteum, attended with excruciating & deep seated pains, have been treated with this remedy with entire success, any chronic eruptions, usually supposed to proceed from Kyphills.&muny that certainly aru not so, will yield to this remedy, and no matter what may bo their character or nature, from tho simplo her pes (itch) to tho loathsome Leprosy, this remedy is well worthy of a trial. Tho first indication of amend ment is improvement in general health, with return o appetite, and’ quiet nights. In some cases, whore thef disease has boon of long standing, the joints will remain somewhat swelled; but the patient will rocovor his health, with hullnesj and plumpness of iiabit. Besides these effects, this medicine exhibits tonic powers ; un- dcr its regular use tho appetite improves, all the func tionsiihdicnte tho existence of a modcVuto state of ex citation, especially those of nutrition, and tho pntient acquires a degree of vigour he had long been unaccus tomed to. Before dosing this report, we shall take tho liberty of subjoining an extract from Mr. Fordico’s (surgeon) excellent paper : “ This medicine, in a very slum time, will relieve syphilitic head&clw and noctur nal pains, nnd if persisted jn I bcliovo will always cunr. br emaciated or wenk constitutions, it is the greatest restortivo of appetite, flesh) colour, strength, uud vicoun, I know of.” Signed, Felix Pascalis, M. D. John Ilarmcxly, M- I). 1 Charles Drake, J)J D. Ja 1 s R. Manley, M D. John Wats, Jr. M D. Members ofilie‘Medical Society ofNow-York. From tho Rev. Mr. Blackburn, dated Albany, bio FOR ffEW-YORK, Tho pochot ship BRANDT. Steinbaukh, moitcr, Hon tho principal part of her In igi.i ungni;od, nnd will nail on or befora tho 4>h inst. For freight of tho remainder, or pannage, haring eiteoiire noeommedetions, apply to the maetar oo board, at Anetaux’ wharf, or to TAFT St PADELFORD. july I 88—n FORJYEtY YORK. (» i T A B L I 8 n E D t I H E) Sx Tho elegant regular packet ihip Sk MACON, D. L. Porter, mailer, Will call on Mondey next, 6th July. For freight or peeiage, having nupe- rior accommodations, apply to Capt. P. on board, nt Janes’Upper wharf, or to HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. D- Tiio chip STATIRA, Thomas Wood, master, will suocred tho Macon and eatl on hor regular day, Monday 13th July, innod!) FOR JYEW-YORK. Tho packot Ship QVEF.A ;JYMAB, Bait.kt, Master, •SBAwlCiB Will positively sail on Thunday auxt. iid July. For freightor.peenogo haviog euporior eccommndatinns, apply on board, or to JOHN CUMMING & SON. jnne S8 mg FOR PHILADELPHIA, Tho brig O E O R a E, W. Mmr.iN, Master. For freigl.t or peonage apply to Capt. M. oa board or to JOHN H. REID, juno 26 ; |gfl FOR JfEW YORK. [schooner r. ine.] The fast sailing packet schr, O R E a O Jf. h- Titos. Dunham, Jr. Itlaator. ^Will sail on Monday next. Cth July. Fur passage only, having handsome accommodations, apply to Copt. D. on hoard, at Taylor’s wbhrf, or to i"no 29 COHEN & MILLER. FOR DARIEN, The Blnop GEO. WASHINGTON, Luce, mailer, Will veil for tho obovo port w th donpnloh. For freight apply oo board at Jones wharf or to june 30 CLAGHORN & WOOD, Books ! Books! ! Books! !! T UOS. M. DRISCOLL hnn received the following uew publications per the late arrivals. Twelve Years Military Adnenturf.s in the three quarters of the Globe, betwen tbn years 1802 and 1814, in which are col- tnined the Campaigns ofthe Duke of Wei. lington in India and his last in Spain and South of Franco. The Collegians, a Novel in 2 voIb. Letters from Europe, comprising the Journal of a Tour through Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Italy and Switzerland, in tho years 1825-26 and 1827—By N. H. Car ter. A Discourse on the character and public service of De Witt Clinton, delivered before the Association of the Alumni of Columbia College, by James Ren wick, M. D. juno 9 * , August 7, lb-27, giving nn accout of a romarkublo euro of Klng’h Evil, by using tho Syrup of Salsa. Ittiiijumin West, a youth of about fifteen years of ago in the employment ot Mr. IVlanloy, sadler, at Albany, lost thousis ofhis limbs, nnd could only move by tho use of crutches. Ho had several running ulcers, communi- ting with cuch other, from his hip down tojjis knee, and was so emaciated and reduced tlmt ho whs not ex pected to live. Hu had been long a patient in t|io Dis pensary, and all hojies was given up of his recovery.— IIih parents were honest and of good moral character, which procured him good recommendations. In this situation, tho Sykup of Saua wan recommon, ded, and tried on this subject, and in nbout ton weeks every sore was nonrly healed. IIo gaiuod flosh, & was able to walk with a stick. IIo continued tho Syrup for about mx weeks longer, when all tho ulcers were sound ly healed ; he walked without a stick, and is now ap parently in extreme go^d health. This being so re markable and aHfonudiirig a cure of^i cripple, is a full proof ofthe etiicacy o" tins niedicino in scrofulous ulcers. Ono year linn pasod by, and lib has hnd no return of tho complaint, nlid no remains whatever of tho most invite* RATLtCHOFUI.A EVER YI7T KNOWN. William Blackburn. Tlio above just received nnd for aalu by junn 20 THOS. RYBUSON, Jr. For Sa le, A gentle Gig Ilorso, eix years old, the property of Robert Mitobpll, Esq. who intends leaving tho city, by water, for tho summer. Apply to W. K. GUERINEAU. N. B. If not disposed of previously, «wi!l be sold before the Court House on the first Tuesday in July next, to the highest bidder, june 20 177— fl Ten Dollars Reward. R ANAWAY from tho subscriber, about the 1st of Fnbrunry laat, a negro wo* man named DOLLY, about twenty four o’r five years of ago. and about five foot two or three inches high, yel ow complexion, has^a JWge mouth and broad teeth, free spoken ands^ lisps a little. Sho is no doubt lurkiog about ~ town, or tbe plantation occupied by John Millen, Esq. lost year, to whom she was hi red. The above reward will be given by hor delivery to mo on Wilmington Island, or lodg ed iu Savannah inil, so that I got her again ELIZABETH WHITING, may 26 t 55 HAY, &c. &,c. OD BUNDLES Prime Hay . OO 10 boxes .Lemoos 10 do Raisins ■ . [ ; . Landing from schr Frances and for salo low from tbo wharf by july 1 COHEN & MILLER Thermometers. A N assortment of London Thermometers in Boxwood, Morocco and Japsn’4 Tin cases, just received nnd for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, may 28 Gibbon’s Buildings. Wrapping Paper. ■4 AA REAMS Wrapping Paper lvU )For *ale by june 24 PHILBRICK&BAKER. For Sale, Q t| .SHARKS Marine nnd Fire Insurance *7 A Bank Stocks. Apply to june 33 J. B. HERBERT. - Leaf Tobacco. \ A HHDS,prime Leaf Tobacco A ” For sale by june 23 COHEN & MILLER. FLOUR. t /Tbrk BBLS Soperfine Flour just receiv 1.1/1/ ed aod for sale by may 27 PHILBRICK Se BAKER. Irving’s Columbus-(Abridged.) T HE Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus by Washington Irving (ab ridged by the Bame)prico $1 26 Sermons Preached in England by the Right Rev Reginald Heber D. D. price 41 50. Letters from the jEgean, by Jas. Emerson price 4t 25. Just received by june 25 T M DRISCOLL NOTICE. T HE undesigned have connected them selves in business under tbe firm dfRoE & Merriman. CHARLES ROE, CHAS. P. MERRIMAN. july 1 186 NOTICE. T HE undersigned having taken Trios. J Chack into Copartnership the busi ness in future will be conducted under the firm of Wm. Bowrr8 Si Co. WM. BOWERS, july 1 ’ 180—p NOTICE. T HE subscribers have united their inter est in the practice of Medicine and its collateral branches. One ofthe firm will bo always in attendance, at the office formerly occupied by Dr. R. Wayne. L. H. FORTH, R. WAYNE. june 27 183 NOTICE. C ouncil wui receive proposals, for ligtiling tho Lamps nnd furniihing Oil for tho lama unlit next January—Secority for tho performance of tbe contract will be required. Applications may be loft at the Office of Clerk o( Council. M. MYERS, c. o. june 27 183 WHISKEY. K BBLS. Philadelphia Rye Whiskey J” Landing from brig George and for salo by JOHN H. REID, t june 26 133 Notice. T HE Court of Ordinary of CliatbamCoon. ty will moot at the Court Houao in Sa vannah on Monday noxl, the audit day of Ju ly, at 10 A.M. SAMUEL M. BOND, Clerk. july I no T — Chloride of Lime F OR sale by A, G. OEMLER. judo 30 83- One Hundred. Dollars. T HE above reward of Ono Hundred Dol lars will be pt'H by tbo Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for ap prahendiog and delivering to the Jqilor of said county, SAMPSON, a slave the proper ty of Dr. Wm- R. Waring, charged with the crime of murder, committed on Skidaway Island. By order, ROBERT W. POOLER, Clerk Iu. Ct. C. C; junel ' 1G0—rn Bank State of Georgia. Savannah, June 30, 1029. O N Saturday next, the 4th of July, this Bank will be shut. Notes &c. due on that day must be taken up on Friday tliQ 3d. A. PORTER, Cashier, july 1 186 L. . ■ ■■ | I..... Planters’ Bank. T HIS Bank will be shut on Saturday, 4th July.—Paper falling due on that day, and on Sunday, must bo taken up on the Fn day previous. J. MARSHALL, v Cashier. juno 30 86—p Atkinson’s Vegetable Dye. A SUPPLY of‘Atkiuton’s Vegetable Dye,' fop changing red or grey hairs on the head, whiskers, &c. to a beautiful and per manent brown or black.just received and for sale by THOS. RYERSON, Jr. june 25 81 NY L fresl Irish Potatoes. Quantity from one to 300 bushels, sfi from tho ground, can bo furnished JJXU, 1 , ■ Ill'll' ,W. I fl.'l!!ULi.m JfBl- moo siw BjJ. B. HERBERT, On tbo firxt Tuotdny in July nrat, - At II o’clock will bo .old befotn tbn CoWI House In this dty. I A negro man .about 28 years of ago, a goat} stevidore. V jane 30 T«nnt oUb. , ■> BYJ.B HERBERT “ I On tho Srit Tucxdty in Jnly next, ck. - - At It o’niock will bo sold before tbn Court Houie in tbit city. A negro man about 30 years of age. jutm 30 Tertni ctsb. BY J. B. HERBERT, On tbo fintTUEHDAV >>> July next. Will be told before the Court Houbo (a thin city, at 11 o’clock, A Negro Man. about 23 yearn old, ngood field b'ao3. AMO, A Negro Boy} oednatomedta the nqld. juno 24' Tynla oath. By J B. HERBERT.' On the lint Tneidny in July next. Will bo sold before tbo Court Houie In tbil city.util o'ulock. All tbn) part ofthe norUiorn half lot no. 6, Trustees’ Gordons, in the city of Bevnnnnb, with tbe tenements aod impronmenta there* on. june If Tnrttfk caibV Administator’s Sale. BY PHILBRICK & BAKER. On the firtl TueicUiyin July next, W ILL bo Bold beford tbe Court Houes in tbe City ef Savannah, between tbs usual hours of aalb—tbe following negroeo. vie :. Juno Sc, Judy, Belonging to the estate of Laundolot H Fin) deceased and sold by permission of the In ferior Court of Chatham County, by ordne oftbo Admiiiiatrntc,,. Terms oub. Purchasers paying fo, titles. BYJ. B. HERBERT, On Ihtfttrtl Tuesday in July next, W ILL be sold befuro tho Court Ilausnln tho City of Savannah, at 11 o'cluok, Three Lots of Land In tho villngo of Vernonburgb, in tho Dis trict of While Bluff nnd Countyof Cbathamy. known by theNoa. 17,18 einl 19. juno 5 TcrtUB Cask* Just Received. 10 dozen Fanoy Chain 15 bag. Feath'ara * 15 oaake White Lead For solo by J B HERBERT. may 20 Landroth’s Garden Seeds. A supply just received, among which are Flowor Seeds Buta Baga do. Onion do For sale by T RYERSON, Jr. april 24 lm XJUI1U1 m shehiff’u Sales-continued. On the Jirit Tuaddy in July next, ' E5TILL be Bold at' the Court House, In 4» v V City of Savannah, between tbn usual hours of stile, tbe following property J— Ono half of Lot No. (21) twenty-no* tni 22) twenty two, Franklin Ward, with tho mprovemente thereon, known at the G«or- gia, Hotel and Stables, bounded East by Franklin Squaro, Sontb by Congrats Street, West by West Brand Street, and North by St. Julian Btroot—leiriod on aa the property of John P. WilliamBon, toeatify executions in favor of the Darien Bank, and others—to bo sold at the risk of the former purohainr, be not having complied with the terms of sale. GEO. Fruit, Teas and Wine. EA WHOLE, half and quarter boxes »JU Bunch Muscatel Raisins ' 6 cases Wardale's London Pickles 10 bbls soft sholled Almnnds 5 boxes Marseilles C<ipsrs 40 doz Madeira and Sherry Wines 25 boxosoldPortandsparklingCbam- paigne 75 doz Claret and London Porter 60 doz Philadelphia Pale Ale and Porter 6 boxes Sicily Lemons, (prime or- dor) Imperial and Block TEAS, of very superior flavor ond quality, received and for salo k * C. A. WOODRUFF, Bay Stroot may 27 156—Ira P. M’lNTYllE- Respectfully informs his friends nnd tbo public, that ho ia now rea dy to entertain them in that boau .tiful situation, No. 5 Broadway, opposite tbe Bowling Green, uear tbe Battery, tvbcre ho is enabled to tako in families, m private or at the public table, on reasonable terms. Tbe houno Is extensive and commo dious, and being near the Battery, renders it very pleasant for families. G3 3 The Savannah Georgian, Charleston Courier, and Baltimore Chronicle, are re quested to publish tbe above fur one month and send thoirs bill to P. M’Inlyre, No, Broadway, Now York, for payment. jupo2 161 Saratoga Water in Ice. T IIE Subscribers propose to keep Sar atoga Water cooled in Ice, nnd if the increased demand will warrant tbo expense, it will be continued throughout the season, it will therefore be ready for cuslomera every morniog at G o’clock. LAY Sf HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Noe. 2 b 15, Gibbon's BuildingB. june 27 at short notice and at a moderate rate. It is presumed the article will keep eound during a vo) ago to Europe, nnd at this meson, it may be of some coosoquenco to maeters of vessels leaving our port. Anplv to PALMEK St LEE. june 23 « Exchange Dork. junn13 MILLEN, (.me. CITY SHERIFF’S SALES. On lha fint Tueiday in July next, W ILL bo aold at tbe Court Houso in the city of Savannah, bctweou the hour, of 10 and 4 o’clock: Lota Nos. Idaqd 20, Washington, ward, with the improvements thereon; bounded east by East Broad street, south by St. Julian street, weit by Washington square, and north by Bryan etreet—Levied no to sa tisfy an execution in favor of George W. Owens, ugsinsl John Everingham, .Tun. Also, a negro woman named Malisss, to satisfy an execution in favor of David Gugla against Jane Stilwoll, sdm’k. of Jobn Stilwolf ' dec’d. and Q. Butler, security. Also, sundry articles of furniture—consist ing of bedsteads, matrasses, chairs, wash stands, ond one large carpet—Lovind on to satisfy an exocution in favor of. loans W Morrell, against Ann Taylor. , A. D’LYON,, L c. , jnuo9 it?! SELLING OFF. A BNER- BASSETT intends closing bib rl husinoss for tho season inn few days* nudoflera for sole—Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Raiaine, Almonds, Cussin. Nutmegs, Cloven, Maco, Hperro Candles, Tallow do. Soap* cboico Liquors of all kindB—Together with a great variety of Groceries and Provisions, oh reduced prices, june 18 Letter Paper. 100 pveenod Letter Poper A few Reams Printing, Modium and quarto pnnt Ruled Paper. Just received per brig Frances end for sale by june 25 PHILBRICK b BAKER. ■ Savannah Exports.-'’/ T HE Exports of Cotton and Rkin for Juno, are ready fur delivery.»t thw Bookstore of tbe suhecribev. T M DRISCOLL* jolyl ' V HAY. -f KA BUNDLES prime Hsy for eabj, 1 t/lV Apply to PALME3 * LEE, june 16 Exchango, Dock. Horse and Gig. F OR «ale a first rate Gig «t baddle Horan. n good trotter, with a gig and harnnss now in Fehruary last. Apply at the office of ».hfi Ororplap. jnnp 16'. REMOVAL. T S LUTHER’S EXCHANGE Office • ii removed to tho Office furmerly oe- gyned by S. & M. Alien & Co>» two door# Brol ol tbe City Hotel* juno 22 Final Notice to Free Persons of Colour} F REE persons of Colour who have not as yet registered their Domes in the Office <f the Clerk of tho Inferior Court ofthe County of Chatham, are hereby informed that unlees they do so on or before the first Monday in July next, they will be proceeded against aa the Law directs. R. W. POOLER, Cl’k. june 1t 170—enj| Lost or Mislaid, A N Umbrella, brown Silk, no border, cane stick. Ivory head, with Lyon, Cattle •treet, marked on tbe handle, the finder will be reasonably rewarded by delivering the iljjfmc to : ~ Jr jur.c 24 A BASSETT. India Flag Hhdkfs. PIECES India Flog*, just rsnnix* cd and for sale by uno 15 PHILBRICK A BAKER. . ~ For Sale, A SETofCaat bou Sugar Rollers—eh* cond handed. Apply to june 23 tanded. Apply to W. W. HARRINGTON, Johnston’k Squerfi. 179 Lemons. , OA BOXES just received and for .sale by fiU PALMES St LEE, jun« 25 -..Exchange Dock. iy & martin's HiaeKing. SUPPLY just redeived and for ej>1{ by ' WnnikcfAttf W f A June ‘25 THOS. KYERSUN, li st